Sex aids - penis sleeves / extenders / strap on - have you tried?

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I am new to the forum. I have been looking through various posts for about 2 weeks.

I was chatting with a close female friend about my situation. My sex drive has dropped. I do become aroused, but it feels like someone 'tuned the dial down'. My penis is firm at the base and slowly becomes less firm towards the tip. I can feel hard nodules just before the tip of the penis on both the top and bottom of the shaft.

Around halfway up the shaft I seem to have a 'hinge' the penis is ok when horizontal but if I hold it up vertically, it flops over. This area on the underside feels softer and bulges slightly. I am worried that if I try to have intercourse and the penis bends during sex, I will cause further damage.

Whilst chatting my friend said, half jokingly,  "well if all else fails, you could use a strap on" . Initially, I was crest fallen and resistant. But I actually started to consider the merits of this.

I wondered if one of these sex aids may help to keep the penis more rigid and straight. Plus offer some protection against further injury?

I have browsed the internet and there are a few options.

Penis sleeeves seem to be thinner material - likened to wearing a thick condom.
Penis extenders thicker.
Hollow Strap ons - thicker again.

I am single after breaking up from my previous partner 18 months ago, but would like to start dating again. Any thoughts, comments, sharing of experiences welcomed.

Thank you.
Symptoms noticed Aug 2021.
Diagnosed Peyronies Disease April 2022 - 35 degree up curve - Private Urologist recommended Vitamine E, SOMAcorrect
Single (but would like to start dating again)
Likely injury during sex early 2021.

Vit E, Co Q10, tadalafil


Quote from: PDYorkshire on March 10, 2022, 09:23:52 AM

My sex drive has dropped. I do become aroused, but it feels like someone 'tuned the dial down'.
When I hear someone say this the first thing I recommend is they have their hormone levels checked out. Especially your free Testosterone and your Estradiol levels. I have no knowledge of using the sex aids you describe. I would look into getting in with a qualified Dr and getting a proper diagnosis.
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Hi Mikel7

Thanks for your response.

Things are moving very slowly with regard to finding the right consultants. I was supposed to have a private appointment on 8th March, but the consultant contacted me the day before to say it was outside of his specialism. So I was referred back to my GP.
They made another referral for a private consultation on 23rd March. I have today spoken with the secretary for this consultant and again the referral was not to the right consultant. So, I have now a found a peyronies specialist and I am seeing him on 4th April.

With regard to hormones, I did have these checked out at the back end of last year. A few levels were 'slightly raised' but within tolerances and so I was told nothing warranted further investigation or treatment.

Symptoms noticed Aug 2021.
Diagnosed Peyronies Disease April 2022 - 35 degree up curve - Private Urologist recommended Vitamine E, SOMAcorrect
Single (but would like to start dating again)
Likely injury during sex early 2021.

Vit E, Co Q10, tadalafil