A young(ish) Diabetics Implant Journal- WARNING EXPLICIT PICS!

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Tshug, how much size did that extra 5cm add?

I assume your end goal and reason for the revision was to eliminate the droopy glans more so than adding extra length?

I see you waited 10 months for your revision - was this due to the business of Dr Eid or did you feel as though you should wait it out as long as possible?

Was your recovery any easier?

37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Jimmi85, I've regained 1" with the Titan. I was 5" holding the droopy head up before they revision and 6" now. I don't expect much more gain, but the droopy head was the reason for having the revision done and I'm happy with the results.

The 10 month wait for the revision was my decision not Dr Eid's. I didn't want to be going through a recovery during the summer.

The recovery from the revision was also much easier there was a lot less pain. I was cycling by day 7 and the swelling and bruising cleared up much quicker this time. I had to use Tylenol for only a couple of days after getting home from the hospital.
71 Yrs old
Radical prostatectomy in 2017.
That surgery left me incontinent
2018  implanted AUS 800 artificial Urinary Sphincter
ED & Peyronies
AMS CX Penile Implant Surgery 12/16/2020
Revision- CX replaced with a Titan 20cm + 1 rte 10/26/21 Dr Eid


I am so glad everyone is speaking up.
I remember another Englander that kept saying he was pumping every day, nothing was happening, and the doctor said it was ok. Then when we all forced the issue, the doctor examined the implant, found it to be defective, but tried to blame it on the patient.
I say, don't listen to him and find another surgeon and identify the problem. It's not the doctor's cock, he doesn't care! It's your cock? Your body, your sex life and your right to insist on perfection, not a "good enough" surgery.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Thanks for all the support everyone.

However, the uk system is very different to the US, we don't have private medical insurance , well we do but it doesn't cover ED. We either pay out of pocket ( privately ) or go through the NHS where the waiting list is 12-18 months and you don't get the privilege of choosing your surgeon.

I am going to wait 3-4 months and see what kind of change I get. If there is no change in size then I can use that along with being able to feel the end of the cylinder tips as proof that I am undersized.  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


You got this Jimmi! Just a suggestion for you jimmi. I know you would like this to be over and done with already, but I think you should start the search for a solution sooner rather than waiting 4 months. In  My experience with  medicine(or anything requiring skilled labor or parts for that matter) it always takes longer than you estimate it too. So if you wait 4 months and you are not satisfied with the result then you will have to wait for the medical community to reply etc.

If you start now it still may take months to get the answer you are looking for and if things work out on their own then you can always cancel appointments. Just a suggestion. Keep us posted your posts have been great so far and it's really nice how informed you are keeping everyone. I'm sure you benefit a bit too from posts, but you are really helping others too
28 y/o
sex injury - gradually got worse
Hard flaccid, Indentation bottom left close to my body,  mild twist left
28° up 28° Left
official diagnosed @26 peyronies w/pain
Pentox, cialis, NSAID, tramadol(as needed)
Sciatic  pain radiates penis to foo


So its almost 8 weeks since I was implanted and right now i am very happy and content as how things a have turned out.

Since I met with the colon last rep two week ago, I have been cycling daily and today I managed a whole hour session, rather than the normal 30-40 minutes twice a day. I am a little concerned still that I'm not actually in a huge amount of pain when I'm cycling and am aware that this may or may not be because i might have been undersized.

To follow up on previous posts about the undersizimg, it is something I have thought about for a while now. I have my diabetes to consider and the increased risk of infection with any surgery,
I also get very good glans and shaft engorgement so I do not suffer with floppy glans. If this changes over the coming years then I might have a different perspective on it but right now I can't justify the risk of another surgery over very small gains.

Size wise, I am happy where I am, and have calculated the risks and inconvenience of further surgery against a size gain of maybe half an inch. It's just not worth it. Ima, still hopeful that with aggressive cycling I can get to my magic 6 inches.

It is also worth noting that I paid for this out of pocket and any subsequent surgery is going to cost me. If I was US based and it was an insurance jobby then I may be swayed more In the opposite direction.

One thing that I don't like is because the tips don't go into the glans, when I am not aroused, they obviously droop and it isn't aesthetically pleasing. Even when I am aroused they are still at a slight angle but they are hard and engorged so I am sure sex won't be an issue.

I can now sit all day in my suit and can pee properly! I can sleep normally on my side, wear tight ish jeans and have even started light weigh training and running again. Life is nearly back to normal.

I am desperate to use my new toy and am hoping it won't be long until I lose my bionic virginity.
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


I think you have thought this through very well, and you certainly came to a reasonable conclusion about your situation.  I might well do the same in your case.  I am concerned for those with total ED who might meet a similar fate because they would have a completely different set of facts to work with.

It is amazing how size seems to matter less than at any time in your life when you regain a working penis.  It is an easy choice between a 10 " penis that does not work and a 4.5" penis that is 100% reliable.

I liked your "bionic virginity" comment ;D
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Good points I agree with that outlook jimmi and hawk good luck my dude thanks for keeping us all up to date etc. glad you're having a good outcome!
28 y/o
sex injury - gradually got worse
Hard flaccid, Indentation bottom left close to my body,  mild twist left
28° up 28° Left
official diagnosed @26 peyronies w/pain
Pentox, cialis, NSAID, tramadol(as needed)
Sciatic  pain radiates penis to foo


Hi guys,

I think I have a toe/nail infection, either where I've cut my nail too short or picked at it.

Pain started last night and it is excruciating right now. Toe is swollen, hot to touch and seems a little p~$$%. Being diabetic I am more prone to infections and will seek medical advice tomorrow but how likely is this to affect the implant? Logically speaking the toe is probably the furthest body part from the implant but I'm not sure if it works that way?

Has anyone had an infection outside of the implant itself ?

I can't post a photo from my phone but there is a clear difference between my toe big toes and I'm in as much if not more pain now than at any point immediately after my surgery.  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery



I think there is ZERO chance it can affect your implant.  Relax, take care of your toenail and be careful with your feet.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks Hawk but on this occasion I don't believe you.

I've been to a and e, they confirmed it was an infection and prescribed antibiotics. I got home about 8 hours ago and my foot is now turning black and is numb to the touch. The pain is like nothing I've ever experienced. I'm taking myself back down to the hospital Soon. My grandfather has his foot amputated due to similar complications so I'm not taking any risks .  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


You are exactly correct. I never suggest your foot was not at risk.   I think there is a real risk to your foot.  

I do NOT however think your foot is a risk to your penis however.  I am pretty sure the only time a foot infection could affect your penis is if you became septic with a systemic blood infection.  Ask your surgeon and let us know if he thinks otherwise.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Curious to see how many pumps you all get from your implant?

I can only get 15-18 out of my titan ( 3 months post op ) and i have never really had any pain when i am fully pumped whilst cycling. I am pretty sure i am undersized but I do get Oak Tree hard.

When i get to my 15-18 pumps, I am rock solid and the noise/sensation of the saline going from the reservoir to the cylinders goes, indicating the reservoir is empty. The pumps gets a little harder but i can still squeeze it. Should i be pumping until I can no longer squeeze the bulb flat or is the lack of fluid being transferred an indication that i am fully pumped?
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Jimmy,  All posts about your implant  should be in your implant journal.  That is the only way people can follow your progress, victories, challenges, and setbacks.
Put how many weeks post-op at the beginning of each post.
I will move these posts to your journal.

Since everyone with a Titan gets the same pump, the number of pumps will vary depending on the size of the cylinders and whether you are collapsing the pump fully (wall to wall) with each pump.

If your pump does not stay flat on your last squeeze, you have not transferred all fluid from your reservoir.

When you say you "can only get 15-18 pumps", what does that mean.  Can you squeeze it again with great effort, with two hands?

PS: I think it has already been established that you were undersized.  You report that the cylinder tips do NOT extend into the glans and that if you are not aroused that the end of your penis droops down (like a Concord aircraft).  That is the classic indication of and undersized implant.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I thought I'd give a quick update on how things are going since my implant 14 weeks ago.

First and foremost, i am very happy with it and have no regrets. My Penis is much more usable now than at any other point during the last three years and although i am some way off sizewise  what I was pre Peyronies Disease i really care all that much.

I have zero pain, and tbh most of the time i forget i have an implant. It hasn't stopped me from going about my normal everyday life and i am not in the least bit embaressed or shy about it -all of my close family know, along with circle of friends and it is actually usually brought up quite early on when matching on tinder etc.

However, i am struggling with being undersized.

Its not that fact that i could be another half an inch bigger, but the fact that when i am pumped up, because the tips don't go into the glans, i am arrow straight until the last 1/4 and the the glans kind of droop / bend. This is only an issue when i am not aroused as i get good engorgement but it is a constant reminder that i should have been sized a little bigger.

I also wonder whether there is any point in me cycling, so much so that i actually have given up and rarely cycle any more - for the first 6-8 weeks after I was cleared for cycling i cycled aggressively, but aside from maybe the first week I have never felt any kind of pain/stretching. I haven't measured myself for a month now but certainly at week 10 I was no bigger than a day post op. Can I still grow even if I am undersized or am I right in thinking that if the cylinders don't go to the end of the tissue then they have nothing to stretch?

37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Jimmy, first I am sorry you have to go through this.
What is your surgeon saying? Has he seen you to discuss the undersizing issue?
One of the biggest gains was girth.
Have you increased in girth?
Have you felt any stretching in girth?
I would not stop cycling completely as shrinkage may occur.
I would continue cycling to maintain and meet with your physician to discuss the problem he created.
Best wishes for you and stay strong.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC



I agree with your thinking.  If you made any girth gains after surgery there might be some point in cycling but likely you made all of those gains.  My girth gains were over by the end of a couple of months.  (long before my length gains).  The titan cylinders are stiff enough that you are not likely to lose length.  Even flaccid, you are probably longer than you were when you were flaccid before surgery.  This means the Titan is always exerting some tension.

Your one advantage is that you likely have no dogear bends when deflated or are very mild.

I do empathize with you.  I know the dilemma you wrestle with.  It is not that you are not happy with what you have.  If that was all that was possible and you were the only guy lucky enough to get an implant you would be ecstatic.  It is a little like the 2nd place syndrome.  studies show that silver medal winners are less happy than either gold or bronze medal winners.  The third-place person thinks " I am a medal winner!  I was close to being shut out like all of those behind me but I made it."  The 2nd place person thinks, "I was so close to being first and winning it all but I fell short."

So you see, it is largely a psychological issue.  If you can learn to think "what if I could not have gotten an implant like so many others?  I am so fortunate."  
as opposed to, "I could have had more."
Then you will be better off.  You either compare it to what you had or you compare it to what you imagine you could have."  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks Hawk, Stepone,

I am not unhappy at all, but it is the frustration of knowing that it could have been better.

In terms of my surgeon, I have had zero contact with him since early April, when i had issues deflating, and that was only because i contacted him. Unfortunately, i am convinced if i had not have made contact with him i would not have heard from him since i left the hospital two days after the operation in Mid Feb. Actually, I tell a lie, i emailed him about my concern re under sizing in early April and this was his response:

Re sizing: it is 100% correct. Cylinder tips sit under the glans, not in it
Ultimately the size loss as a result of your Peyronie's determines size and all I ask is you leave is inflated for an hour once (or maybe twice per day). You will be at your final position at about a year and size changes are, as we discussed, not guaranteed nor are they in any way as important as function. Go out and use and enjoy it

I don't really have dog ears, a very small one on one side but it is barely noticeable.

I didn't even think about the girth gains whilst cycling, i always forget the girth and concentrate on length. Although , I would say i'm a little girthier than pre Peyronies Disease but similar to immediately post op.

Although i see little point in cycling, i think i will start again for two months at least to see where I end up, it can't do any harm.

My recent toe infection has made me realise how susceptible i am to infection as a Diabetic having had Diabetes for 33 years now, I still have a hole in my toe and was very close to losing it so like I said a revision isn't on the agenda until my current Titan fails.

I hear a lot of talk of people using a VED - Mr Fraser has told me absolutely not to use it, what is the general consensus?

37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


I understand where you are now, thanks for the detailed explanation.
I was told my surgeon, no VED devices after implant.
Unlike others I seemed to gain both girth and length well into my second year.
My wife loves my increased girth, she said she actually enjoys my penis more with it being about 1" shorter and more girth. But of course every body is different in what flicks their Bic, lol.
I did not have much contact with my surgeon afterwards, my follow ups were with his assistant and secretary.
Unlike Dr Eid which is an outstanding surgeon and excellent in being available for questions and concerns, my doctor was simply an excellent. But I am very happy with the outcome.
So I guess it's up to you, but with other medical issues, it's just one of those things, ugh!
I am not in your shoes, but I did have to accept that I made an error in listening to the doctor that did the Nesbit surgery that reduced my length. But of course, we can't change the past, but move forward.
My prayers are for your happiness and acceptance for whatever you decide.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


I would see little point in the VED.  It can help regain size after implant assuming the implant fills the penis.  Your penis is actually bigger than the implant so....

Without going into detail about your doctor's name ask Dr. Eid his opinion on "whether the cylinders should be felt partway into the glans."
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


As time goes on, i am getting more and more concerned about my cylinders not going anywhere near my glans - you can see from the pics , how I can move my glans 90 degrees even when fully pumped - Surely this can't be right?

I am not stimulated in the pic, and when i am, my glans do engorge but they are still a little floppy. I am sure A pde5 will help but to be honest I didn't pay £15,000 to still have to take Viagra every time I want to be fully engorged.

I probably will take your advice Hawk and arrange a tele call with Doctor Eid, although its not like i can pop out of the office to meet with him or afford his $30,000 fee for a revision...

Am i over worrying or do i have a cause to be concerned?

Thanks as always  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Hey Jimmi, that does look like a cause for concern. It does seem you are pretty undersized and the implant doesn't reach all the way up. I have seen a few others in a similar situation on FT and they had to get revisions.  
M 21 Los Angeles

Saw Urologist at USC who handles Peyronies alot and he does not believe I have it. Symptoms: soreness in flaccid state, glands do not engorge, 2 very small. indents, slight girth loss( last 2 might be mental),ED for 2.5 years


I will attached the link to another persons story , and as you can see in his first post his pictures you similar to yours and he was undersized. He ended up getting a revision.

M 21 Los Angeles

Saw Urologist at USC who handles Peyronies alot and he does not believe I have it. Symptoms: soreness in flaccid state, glands do not engorge, 2 very small. indents, slight girth loss( last 2 might be mental),ED for 2.5 years


M 21 Los Angeles

Saw Urologist at USC who handles Peyronies alot and he does not believe I have it. Symptoms: soreness in flaccid state, glands do not engorge, 2 very small. indents, slight girth loss( last 2 might be mental),ED for 2.5 years


So, I have reached out to Professor Ralph, who is highly respected here in the UK.

i have emailed him a photo and expressed my concerns and within three minutes of sending the email he replied saying i have been undersized and will need a revision. yay.

I can either see him privately or via the NHS ( UK ) - Although I am not in the London borough i had to be put on their NHS list when i saw the Coloplast rep at the UCLH, so although i might have a bit of a wait, it shouldn't cost me anything.

I messaged on FT, and it was called a 'horror show' , botched' and I was even told to sue the surgeon so this has really made me push forward about exploring a revision.

I appreciate the surgeon will explain all the ins and outs but i am assuming:

* if say i go from 18cm to 21cm, then i will need a bigger reservoir? TBH i have never been told what size i have anyway.
* obviously cylinders will be replaced.
* Pump should be able to remain in situ? Although if its a scrotal approach again I guess it doesn't really matter either way.
* can i expect a similar or easier recovery?

You will note from my journal I have never really been that bothered by the sizing but over the last few weeks it has really gotten to me and if I like Dr Ralph and I can be covered under the NHS then I see no reason why I should put up with an implant that isn't the right size.

if you buy a pair of shoes and they are too small, you take them back and ask for a bigger size right??

Also, given i had this done privately, what are the chances i can get some of my costs back if i / my new surgeon can prove i was undersized?  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Hey Gimmi,

Congrats on coming to a conclusion. I did see your post on FT and saw the horror show and botched comments as well. I hope everything works out In the end. I am not too sure about the costs question at the end especially since it is in the UK and not the US so things may be different. Keep us updated.  
M 21 Los Angeles

Saw Urologist at USC who handles Peyronies alot and he does not believe I have it. Symptoms: soreness in flaccid state, glands do not engorge, 2 very small. indents, slight girth loss( last 2 might be mental),ED for 2.5 years


Jimmi, I am so sorry you have to go through this!
I would assume nothing and get all the facts up front.
You assumed you would get good care and how did that go for you?
We must be our own advocates.
We are the customers.
All I can say is it's a good thing you weren't  getting a heart valve implant and they put in the wrong size. UGH!
I am not familiar with English medicine system, but I would certainly ask more recourse questions....or do you have patient advocates?
Best of wishes are with you my friend,
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Thanks Stepone, and everyone else for your comments.

I thought I could get through this and carry on as I am but the more I look at it, and the more I feel it when I am pumped the more I think this isn't right. And if I think it's not right then what the hell is any girl going to think?!

I am going to have an appointment with Dr Ralph and take his advice. I am
Most concerned obviously about infection with a revision and my diabetes but the more comments I hear both here And on FT the more I am swaying towards a revision.  I was hoping for 21cm minimum and was surprised when I was told I had an 18cm but I trusted me Fraser and trusted he fitted the correct sized cylinders.

The English medical system is not like the US, where you can sue for absolutely anything but there are roads I could go down. On one hand suing my surgeon or the Nuffield is out of the question as I'm just not that sort of person but on the other hand I wouldn't want other people to be incorrectly operated on etc.

I've mentioned in previous posts that my last relationship broke down due to my Peyronies and I am trying to get closer with my ex now I ( thought ) I was fixed so this is just another blow.

I'll keep everyone posted and once again thank you to everyone who has taken the time to reply as always.  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


I have to agree with almost everyone else that you were badly undersized and need a revision. The only good part is that most likely, only the cylinders should need replacing. Maybe you'll only need some RTEs, but that will be up to a real doc.

In the UK, do you get surgical notes that should show the measurements the surgeon takes on the operating table?
I'd guess not in your case, and I can guarantee that with the revision, you'll be a new man.
85 years old.
Implanted 01/22/19 by Dr Avila.
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc reservoir
Diagnosed with Gleason  6 prostate cancer.
Monitoring it for now.


Quote from: Jimmi85 on June 13, 2022, 12:53:00 PM
So, I have reached out to Professor Ralph, who is highly respected here in the UK.

i have emailed him a photo and expressed my concerns and within three minutes of sending the email he replied saying i have been undersized and will need a revision. yay.

I can either see him privately or via the NHS ( UK ) - Although I am not in the London borough i had to be put on their NHS list when i saw the Coloplast rep at the UCLH, so although i might have a bit of a wait, it shouldn't cost me anything.

You are in good hands. Everytime i've emailed ralph with any concerns since surgery, he's replied pronto, even within minutes like you say, he's rung me as well when i was concerned about infection early doors and he always says pop up to see him if you want. I once said to him, thanks for your prompt replies to any questions and he just said "you're my patient,it's normal"

 I was private messaging with a guy on FT who had the opp with proff ralph on the NHS just after me and he didn't have to wait long and was offered early dates with cancellations. He is very pleased with his outcome. Good luck mate.
AGE 59
Acute since  Dec 2017
VED, traction & supplements
Went from 30 degree curve to 80 during acute stage  stabilized since May 2019
Curvature calculated at 80 degrees by Dr Ralph from emailed photo.
Titan  22cm with 1cm RTE's Prof ralph Feb 2022


Thanks Philtered.

I have had 0 contact from Mr Fraser since my op, other than me contacting him a few times about cycling and more recently questioning the size of the implant. I hear guys say they are in regular contact with their surgeon and here i am effectively alone, aside from the forums.

This was his latest response to me questioning the size:

Re sizing: it is 100% correct. Cylinder tips sit under the glans, not in it
Ultimately the size loss as a result of your Peyronie's determines size and all I ask is you leave is inflated for an hour once (or maybe twice per day). You will be at your final position at about a year and size changes are, as we discussed, not guaranteed nor are they in any way as important as function. Go out and use and enjoy it
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Quick update:

I have contacted Professor Ralph who has confirmed I am quite undersized. I am seeing him in a few weeks time and he will do an MRI to see exactly where it ends but he has said a revision with a longer implant is an almost certainty.  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


So sorry you are going through this.
I feel fortunate as I got a bigger penis with my implant. I don't have the feeling I did when I was younger, but who is to say, it was surgery or just a part of aging.
I can say this, I have great mind blowing sex!

I wish you the best in getting a new implant.
Be sure to give me heads up for your surgery and I will get my prayer group to pray for a successful surgery.
Hugs and prayers
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Just thought I'd post a quick update and ask a quick question at the same time.

I have my appointment with prof Ralph a week today - I am both intrigued and excited to hear what he has to say. I have decided if he believes a revision is necessary then that's what I will do.

I have started to cycle again and can finally feel a bit of a stretch. Hopefully I can stretch myself as much as possible before any revision surgery. However, the more I cycle/pump the more noticeable it is that I'm short. Sending dick pics to chicks is out of the question right now!

For those that have had one or more revisions, what was your recovery like compared to the first? I understand a revision is harder for the surgeon but easier on the patient. I was off work for a little over two weeks for my initial surgery and couldn't sit on a chair until week 6 post op. Assuming it will only be the cyclinders that get removed, can I expect things to be much easier this time around?  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Jimmi, I had my revision done 11 months after the first implant. I was shorted on the first one which left glans flopping down since the cylinders did not reach into the glans.  I went from a 15cm+1rte CX to a 20cm+1 rte Titan.

The recovery for the second one was much easier. I didn't have nearly as much swelling or bruising. Most of the discomfort had eased by week. I'm lucky I had Dr Eid not my first surgeon do my second implant. I've regained both size and girth and no longer have a floppy head when inflated.

Good luck with your second implant and hopefully you have great results.
71 Yrs old
Radical prostatectomy in 2017.
That surgery left me incontinent
2018  implanted AUS 800 artificial Urinary Sphincter
ED & Peyronies
AMS CX Penile Implant Surgery 12/16/2020
Revision- CX replaced with a Titan 20cm + 1 rte 10/26/21 Dr Eid


Tshug, wow, 5cm is a lot!

Do you have any pics you can post, or send to me, before your revision so i can compare?

Good to know your revision was easier, i thought it would be. I am tempted to have the revision over xmas time, where i can use the holiday period to recover and between now and then i might start using a VED to maximise size, although size is not my number one priority.

37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Sorry Jimmi, but there are no pictures from my first implant. Being shorted that much it was embarrassing to look at and I certainly didn't want any pictures of it either! Just picture the old Concorde jet and that was me with the head drooping down.
71 Yrs old
Radical prostatectomy in 2017.
That surgery left me incontinent
2018  implanted AUS 800 artificial Urinary Sphincter
ED & Peyronies
AMS CX Penile Implant Surgery 12/16/2020
Revision- CX replaced with a Titan 20cm + 1 rte 10/26/21 Dr Eid


I have just had my initial consultation with professor Ralph. I didn't initially see him as I had heard stories of him not being very personal but I found him to be very attentive and he listened to me. I wish I had gone to him initially.

His conclusion was that, although my penis is functional the implant isn't great. He said the tubing was in the wrong place and this gives the impression of me being smaller and in fact actually making me a little shorter. The tubing is far too high up and is very noticeable to the touch.

He concluded the implant is short and I will have an MRI in a few weeks time to assertion where we go from here. I have decided any future surgery will be with him.

I have two options - one is a full removal and insertion of a longer implant whilst at the same time correcting the tubing.

The second is a glans opcony ( I think?! ) whereby an incision is made just under the glans and the cylinders are effectively stitched to the glans to reinforce them- please correct me if I have the wrong terminology here!

The former carried a much higher risk of infection as the capsule is broken whilst the second although still an infection risk is minimal. The latter is also a much simpler procedure and recovery is short.

The MRI will dictate which is the best route for me but my initial thoughts are : I can live with the tubing and do not want to put myself at risk of infection anymore than I have to. I guess if the cylinders are so short a glans opcony can not be done then I won't really have a choice, apart from not doing anything.

I am 20 degrees dorsal but the glans are a little over 40 degrees so it is far from ideal.

But as they say on love island it is what it is!  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


I would go with option 1 with larger size implant.
There is always a risk of infection.
I think he is trying to do the easiest procedure.
I seriously don't trust him.
I am speaking my thoughts and understand it's your decision.
Please don't settle for a lousy surgery, you are worth much more than that.
I understand doctors are treasured, but you have a doctorate in your body. You deserve the best, don't settle.
Please excuse my frankness, but I have seen too many people harmed by bad surgeons.
And please keep us informed.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Hi All,

It's been a few weeks since i last posted and since i saw my (possible) new surgeon.

Stephone, I realise I did not reply to your previous post, apologies.

To be honest, having seen Professor Ralph earlier this week, it has magnified all my concerns, concerns which previously didn't bother me or i did not notice but now are always on my mind.

I have four main concerns at present.

You will note from the photo my dorsal curvature seems to be returning. My glands are now pointing up at roughly 60 degrees i would say and i have noticed my shaft is beginning to take an upwards turn. Granted it is not as bad as it was pre-surgery but it is definitely not what i was expecting or hoping for. For a reference, the tips finish roughly at the bottom part of the ridge of the foreskin just below the Glans where the dorsal angle increases dramatically.

My Glands are incredibly floppy, almost like they are not actually attached to my dick. They have full mobility and lean to the left when left in their natural position. This, aside with penetration issues, also means my pee come out at a weird angle so I either have to sit on the toilet to pee or manoeuvre my dick to ensure i don't piss everywhere.

My tubing seems to be becoming more prominent. There is no way i could have sex with a girl and for her not to realise i was 'a little different'. It can actually be uncomfortable as it sits so high up and is literally just beneath my skin towards the bottom of the shaft.

My last concern, and the one I am actually most concerned about is where the cylinder tips do not go anywhere near the glans, and because the glans are at an angle to the penile shaft, the tips are poking the underside of my skin at the top of the shaft. I only noticed this after i had seen Prof Ralph and i am concerned that they could actually pierce the skin which would be a catastrophe. I emailed Prof Ralph about this and he came back pretty quickly and said i should be fine until the revision.

I have not yet had the MRI, but both myself and Prof Ralph feel the only way forward is a revision with a larger implant. He will also move the tubing so it is not so palpable to the touch. I don't think this will be until Feb/March next year due to NHS waiting times but I feel this is the only real option, otherwise I will never be happy.

I am still cycling, not daily but perhaps 3-4 days a week for at least an hour. I am unsure as to whether cycling has any benefit due to the amount i am undersized and also if it might be doing more harm as i am stretching the tissues and making the implant even more undersized? I am currently a tad over 5.5' , a far cry from my healthy 8' but i am not really overly concerned about the size, for me, it is all about the functionality.  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


I am sorry you are going through this and have to wait so long. Isn't there some way to bumped up, since essentially your penis cannot be used.
You seem to be taking this pretty well, I don't think I would be as patient.  
Can you still masturbate with it?
Did you gain any girth?
I understand all your concerns and find them valid. It's sad you have to go through this, because of their mistake.
All I can say is that I hope the surgeon knows what he is doing this time!
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Hi Stephone,

It is perfectly usable, i have had sex with it and masturbate daily it just isn't perfect and isn't what i paid for. I am enjoying my new hobby of VR porn with it at the moment! haha. At 100% inflated there is more of a bend than at 80%, and it is much more manoeuvrable slightly less inflated but still hard enough for intercourse.  

That said, it is much better than my pre-implant dick, and that is why i am still upbeat. I do sometime worry that the tips will perforate the skin and skin and cause a nasty infection but i don't know if I am worrying about something that is very unlikely to happy.

i am definitely girthier than pre implant. Possibly a little less than pre-peyronies. I haven't measured my girth but i guess i'm around 5'.

It will take as long as it takes unfortunately. The NHS here in the uk is notoriously slow. We don't have medical insurance like you guys across the pond - Although i have private medical healthcare but they don't cover any form of ED. I could go private again and pay another £15k to have it done next week but I'm happy to wait.

37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Hey guys i thought i'd provide a bit of an update, whilst also after a bit of advice please.

Overall, I am satisfied with the implant. The way i see it is, i am in a far better position now than i was with my Peyronies and it has changed my mental state quite dramatically.

However, the under sizing is beginning to be a real issue, both in terms of the end of the shaft and glans being so unsupported, floppy and the curve returning ( which isn't noticeable in the photo as i am only about 70% inflated but increases as i increase inflation )  and also, and perhaps more worrying, the tips of the cylinders pressing firmly against the skin towards the top of my shaft which concerns me greatly that they could perforate the skin, and lead to an infection. I have asked my new surgeon, Professor Ralph and he has said i will be fine until my revision.  

I have the MRI next Wednesday, so hopefully that will clear things up as to how undersized I am and where i go from here. I will have the revision, i think the benefits of a revision far outweigh the extra risk of infection. He may decide that what i have currently is unusable and i may be fast tracked, who knows.

I have started dating someone, and i have been completely open and honest with her, about everything, but i really don't want to hurt myself and risk an infection until i have the MRI back.

Curious to hear if anyone thinks my fears are well founded or if it is very unlikely that the tips could actually break through the skin?

37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


I love your positive attitude.
Here is my take. What you have is not right. You are way to accepting, but yes I agree you need a revision. I am not a physician, but it looks to me that they undersized you by at least 2-4 cm.
I believe that you are right, over time, the cylinders could cause damage to your penis when having intercourse as they are too short.
Of course masturbation should be ok.
Your penis looks great until you get to the head, which is unfortunate. When they did the original implant, I don't know how they could have thought it was right.
I wish you good thoughts for the revision to make you what you should be, complete!
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Thank you Stepone, for your kind and reassuring comments, as always.

If my new surgeon, after the MRI next week,  feels that intercourse is safe short term until my revision then I will be much happier. If he feels it could cause me damage, then i would hope he could fast track me. if he cant, i may decide to pay out of pocket again, which i really don't want to do, but my health and happiness comes before money ultimately.

FYI, my original surgeon, is still denying all responsibility and says the cylinders are placed correctly, and they should not go into the glans.....
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Quote from: Jimmi85 on August 09, 2022, 09:30:42 AM

FYI, my original surgeon, is still denying all responsibility and says the cylinders are placed correctly, and they should not go into the glans.....

     No surgeon will ever acknowledge that they did anything wrong. My wife was injured due to a surgeons error upon delivering our 3rd child. We tried to get a lawyer involved but the Dr's stick together with their story and the hospital backs them up.  You definitely need a revision but don't worry yourself about the erosion.  I think if you are gentle you will be fine. It's not like you are having sex 6 times a day. LOL
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Thanks Mikel, that's also very reassuring to hear.

When you say erosion, i assume you mean he tips breaking the skin?

If this were to happen, would it mean an almost certain infection or is it not as serious i am making out?  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


It's been a few weeks since I last posted and things have moved on a little bit.

I had the MRI a few weeks ago now, I have emailed my surgeon to get his opinion but I haven't heard back , which is disappointing but I guess if he thought I could hurt myself then he would have been in touch. I have a follow up early November via a video call with him so I'm seeing this as a positive.

I have been dating a gorgeous girl for the last four weeks, we wanted to wait until I had the MRI before we had sex as I was genuinely concerned about the tips breaking through the skin. The sex has been amazing, a world away from pre-implant / post Peyronies. I am not at 'full throttle' yet and we need to experiment what positions are possible and what aren't. She knows all about the implant and she loves it, she says she can't tell any difference except that I am super hard and stay super hard! I feel very blessed to have found someone so supportive and understanding.

Interestingly I am waking up regularly in the mornings, almost on a daily basis with a super hard natural erection. I go to sleep fully deflated but when I wake up I am hard enough for sex. This goes away as soon as I am more awake so I still have to pump but I am getting good engorgement.

My glans only seem to want to engorge with morning glory so I have to kind of force them in when having sex but once I'm in it all feels very natural. I hate the way it looks , worth the guns being at a 60 degree angle to the shaft but it doesn't seem to bother her.

I have also now reached my magic 6 inches! I find this a little strange as it seems rather big given I have only 18cm cylinders. There is no doubt I am undersized but I am now questioning if I should challenge my initial surgeon about the cylinder sizes.

Stepone - On one of g mother posts on another thread yiu asked why I don't challenge my surgeon and get some recourse. The Uk is very different to the Us, you can't just sue for anything here and the surgeons and doctors will all stick together. I understand mistakes happen, I would love my surgeon to own his mistake but what's done is done, at least I am able to have good sex again so for that I am very grateful.  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery


Great news about your sex.
I would caution you in telling the physicians you are having great sex. They may think you are getting the procedure for cosmetic purposes.
By the way, can't you at least have a free consultation with an attorney?
Here in the US, doctors stick together too!
That's why we have attorneys.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Quick update on where I am at for anyone interested:

I had a tele consult with my new surgeon on Monday and following the MRI he has suggested i am 2cm short. I am on the NHS waiting list for a revision and this should be done in March next year. I am able to have good sex so i am not overly concerned about the timings although because my glans are so floppy i need to force the glans in in order to penetrate which isn't ideal.

My biggest worry has been the tips eroding through the skin as they are not in the glans and rub against the side of my shaft under the glans at a slight angle. He has assured me this will not happen and has said I can use the implant as intended, although i am still a little cautious.

I asked him if i am 2cm short now, and have 18cm cylinders, will that mean i have 20cm total for my revision, or, as I have stretched since the original implant, will i be a little bigger i.e. 21/22cm. He said he will decide when he operates. Does anyone else have any input on this?  
37 yr old type 1 diabetic. Implanted with a 18cm Titan by Michael Fraser 14/2/22 using scrotal incision. Has implant due to 70 dorsal curvature, erections were average ore surgery