29 y/o, I would be happy to hear your comments!

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Hi all,

First of all, I would like to thank Hawk and all of you, for sharing your journeys here. I had been reading since last summer, though now its time to join as well and share my experience. I further have some questions for you :)

Start: June/July 2021. Having sex many times and forcing my penis for more. Continueing to have sex even though I am not fully hard. Reckless moves with a partner.

Pain started in left bottom side around July 2021. I went to GP, she said it can be start of Peyronie's and we need to watch it. I read the forum and already started on supplements (see in my signature) since then.

Current: I visited urologist this time and I received the same response that we need to wait and see. There is fibrosis tissue appearing on left bottom side, though there is no curvature at all yet. Pain is a lot less compared to first times, but still on-going. Hourglass shape also seems stable, though when I strecth my penis with my hand, then it kind of disappears. Also, when I massage the hardening tissue a little bit, then it gets softer.

1) Do you think there is anything else I can do at the moment? I asked for pentox or pde5 therapy though urologist mentioned as I do not have any curvature yet its not necessary and also I do not have erectyle disfunction at the moment.
2) What would you call an erectyle disfunction? I am asking this guys, because for me like its difficult to keep fully erect for more then 2-3 minutes. I wanted to check with you if this is normal and if not then maybe I have some leakage (my father has diabetes so maybe also something to do with it)

Once again, all of you here had been my light in these difficult days for information and courage. Thank you all so much and we will only get better guys, no worries!

Best regards,
30/in a relationship
Started in June/July 2021
Fibrosis forming on left bottom, still acute phase feeling pain
L-arginine, L-acetyl carnitine, Q10, E-vitamine, Circuma daily since July 2021 until end of 2021
Trental, L-Arginine since Jan 2022


I can't address your first question, but as for your second question, if your erection doesn't last more than 2-3 minutes then you do have a problem -- but whether it's physical or psychological is hard to say.  It also depends on the situation.  If you just wake up with a random erection and it goes away, that doesn't mean much.  But if you're in a sexually arousing situation and you feel aroused, but it still goes away then that means something.  
 Do you have a sexual partner with whom you feel totally comfortable?  And does the erection only last 2-3 minutes with that partner as well?  If so, you might ask your doctor to prescribe Tadafilil (Cialis) and see how that works.  Tadafilil can work near-miracles for some people with Peyronie's, as well as for some people who have some psychological discomfort that makes erections soften or go away.  It makes the natural erection function more intense, sending more blood into the penis.  I'm not a doctor, and I'm also not a sales rep for Cialis, but I can tell you from experience that it works.
Age 64, Peyronie's history 4 years, left side hourglass, 20-degree bend to left, no ED


Hi PeyroniKirai,

Thanks for your response and so sorry for my late reply.

Last months had been a bit difficult, being worried too much over this disease...

As you have mentioned, for me its more a psychological problem I think. I have tried cialis and it helped so much; to maintain my erection and it also boosted my confidence. I had a girlfriend but then I kind of pulled myself back after I have learnt that I have peyronie's kick-off, but she does not care really, happy about that.

Further, I have been now taking trental (pentox) for 3 months and I also see that its helping; but I have some questions to you and all;

1) I have seen my urologist yesterday, and she mentioned once the pain is totally gone I can stop using trental (pentox). I would like to hear your comments, especially from those who had been fighting this for years. Do you keep taking trental (pentox) for the rest of your life? I am scared that if I stop with it, then things will get worse
2) My situation is now kind of on and off; one day hardening at left side and other day its soft again; though hourglassing is now there to stay. Do you think this will remain like this or get worse maybe?

Thank you all!
30/in a relationship
Started in June/July 2021
Fibrosis forming on left bottom, still acute phase feeling pain
L-arginine, L-acetyl carnitine, Q10, E-vitamine, Circuma daily since July 2021 until end of 2021
Trental, L-Arginine since Jan 2022


Welcome to the forum Tigers.  I would like to thank you for filling in your signature line.

I have to alert you that the studies showing Pentox benefits have been tossed out because of intentional deception or poor control of test groups.  It might work but there is now no clinical proof that it works.  It probably does not hurt.

Peyronies plaque is NOT known to change day-to-day.  I am not a medical professional, but your symptoms could be associated with pelvic floor issues rather than Peyronies Disease.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks to you Hawk, for this great forum and further your comments!

As you say, it might really be related to pelvic floor problem and further maybe hard flaccid syndrome. When I am erect, I do not have any bend but just hourglassing; though when flaccid, left side from middle to root gets stiff (on/off time to time) and it causes a bit bend towards right. Seeing your remark, I have started with pelvic floor exercises!

Do you think that what I currently have can be start/acute phase of peyronie's still? As I have read all stories and all questions asked to Dr.Trost; really difficult to have this identified via urologists here (in NL) as they have limited knowledge on topic.
30/in a relationship
Started in June/July 2021
Fibrosis forming on left bottom, still acute phase feeling pain
L-arginine, L-acetyl carnitine, Q10, E-vitamine, Circuma daily since July 2021 until end of 2021
Trental, L-Arginine since Jan 2022