Dannys1s1 Implant Journal

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Dannys1s1 - My TEP Implant Journal

About myself.
I'm 63 live in New York was married for 30 years and divorced for about 14 years now. During those divorced years, I had many relationships. Throughout my life, at various periods I've encountered performance anxiety that manifested itself at times sexually with me not getting hard. I surmise this issue as a result of early negative childhood conditioning, ironically this was a vast contradiction to my outward physical appearance of being a tall handsome muscular man (if I say so myself lol). A good lesson here is you never know what someone is struggling with inside their head regardless of what you see. When I was very young (12 to15) my first attempts at intercourse failed as I got nervous and couldn't get it up, this left me in a panic. I questioned what was wrong with me as I was able to masturbate to orgasm without any issue, yet when I tried to have intercourse, it was a no-go. What I realized much later was when I was dominant in any encounter and I felt in control, there was no hint of any erection problem. At 17, I met my GF who would later become my wife and she fit the required submissive profile I must have needed. Sex was great and I was always very comfortable. Throughout the next 10 years or so before we were married in my twenties, I seemed to have gotten past the Anxiety Performance Erectile Dysfunction issue and had loads of great sex with many different women when we were not together during that time before getting married years later. Even though the Erectile Dysfunction improved the memory of the sting of Erectile Dysfunction from my earlier years was enough of a reason why I may have chosen to stay married to my ex-wife (aside from it also being an unhealthy co-dependent relationship) no matter what happened between us, as I set the bar lower than I could have as a result.

Throughout my married years, I had many encounters mostly blow jobs with prostitutes (never intercourse though). At about 48 my marriage fell apart entirely, so I shed my family-man identity for that of a middle-aged single man on the prowl. Although the divorce had messed me up mentally for quite a while the anxiety performance causing me Erectile Dysfunction concerns were also in my head. I was able to feel much safer when I used penile injections (Tri-mix) as opposed to Viagra, as in this way, the mental process of getting an erection was out of my head almost entirely, as the shots would make me erect pretty much no matter what nervousness I might be encountering otherwise, which allowed me to get comfortable with a woman and later switch over to Cialis and discontinue the shots. This continued until I was about 50 or so (2 years being single at that point). At around that same time, I had just met my current girlfriend who I have been with on and off for the next 12 years or so. More recently we broke up yet again and I dated and had a great time (albeit a bit lonely at times) and could always rely upon the great stress-free sex provided from the injections of Quad-mix. In general, I could maintain an adequate erection for sex without the shots, although using Cialis or Viagra did improve my erections. With the shots though, I was harder and could last a lot longer with no stress regardless of the situation as in a familiar or unfamiliar partner. Without the Quad-mix shots, the length of time of the session (my staying power) and the level of anxiety before and during the session (performance anxiety) was the difference in a depreciated sense.

On one occasion about 2½ years ago after injecting before sex, I looked at my erect penis and it seemed smaller and was bent to the right. I let it go at the time but stored the mental note to myself for later research. I ultimately Googled the symptoms and found out about Peyronies Disease which put me on the road to where I am now with the implant.
Thereafter this, these were the multiple Urologists I went to, in the following order, along with the main takeaways:
1.   Dr. Valenzuela - May 2020 (Doppler and multiple visits) I was scared away from an Implant after he showed me the surgical images, he would perform on me. He said you were not ready, and he was right. He also mentioned that I had a.

2.   Dr. Yanke -August 2020 (Doppler, 4 X2 rounds Xiaflex and Urolift) Xiaflex did not help and I'm convinced it made my Peyronies worse. Also confirmed venous leak

3.   Dr. Colon - (Doppler and multiple visits) Warned me against procedures Dr. Valenzuela performed like MOST and MUST and warned me I could end up with either "Dead Dick" or having my Glands needing to be cut off as a possible risk.

4.   Dr. Eid - (Doppler and multiple visits) told me I had a condition of only one artery in my penis along with a venous leak.  Stated he could provide me with a 5 ½ inch implant. I wasn't happy with this as the possible result and kept looking.

5.   Dr. Valenzuela - October 2021 Penile Implant with Grafting and T.E.P. When I went back to him (this was a year later at this point) I didn't know he was doing TEP as I had recently read about it in someone else's Journal on this forum and decided this would be a better solution.

The following are excerpts of my pre-implant forum comments and posts starting from the oldest to the newest from the various threads they were originally part of. All leading up to my Implant surgery and to where I was afterward also listed chronologically. I have attached the name of the thread for search purposes on the site.
Implant Surgery - Operation date 10/19/2021

Xiaflex Injections / Re: Is this normal (Side effects+Reations) for a Xiaflex injection? Erection pain.
« on: December 18, 2020, 03:34:40 AM »
This does go away. I (have taken 4 rounds now (8 shots)). Each time was different as far as swelling and bruising and pain. Do I think it was a big success, it's really hard to say as the bend to the right still exists although I guess I have gained back some girth. I may seek more rounds through my Dr. & insurance. Ultimately, I think I will have an implant for Erectile Dysfunction (Venis Leak), which honestly isn't that bad but I like the on-demand and long-session capabilities it would provide. For now, I will continue with the Restorex to try and gain back some length first though.

Re: Why does the right side corpora cavernosa feel hard narrow and left side normal?
« on: January 28, 2021, 02:37:44 AM »
Yes, many Quad-mix shots at the right side base of my penis (I'm a righty) for over a year or two did the same to me. One day I looked at my penis and saw a bend and thought it looked smaller than usual, was the beginning of the realization of my new reality. I still have a ropey plaque on my right side after 4 rounds of Xiafide, I think it may have partially helped. I also do PTT nightly with Restorex and believe it is helping with elasticity but I am seriously considering an implant in time.

Re: New Plaque/Cord After Xiaflex?
« on: January 30, 2021, 05:04:02 AM »
I had 4 rounds of Xiaflex and yes the plaque feels different than before the shots. I believe the Xiaflex while breaking the plaque down also relocated and reshaped it, and not necessarily to my liking in some instances as it in part dislodged from the pubic base moreover to the lower side of my penis.

For me, my Peyronies started by injecting Quad-mix at the base of my penis for around 2

Re: Possible upward bend due to intracavernosal injections?
« on: February 07, 2021, 01:03:47 AM »
Shots caused my Peyronies Disease as well. I used Quad-mix for around 2 to 3 years like 1 to 2 X a week at the base of the penis although because I am a righty,  the right side was mostly where I injected. I was so oblivious back then for all that time, that just as I was about to have sex on one occasion, I noticed a bend to the right and it looked smaller (my wake-up call).  Since that time I did 4 rounds of Xiaflex with questionable results if at all any. My issue, to begin with, was mostly psychological as I was fresh out of a break-up and full of anxiety, so the idea of a new woman made me nervous (which there were many for the next two years) but with the shots, I was a stud. The meds worked amazingly as the sex was best for me, so why argue with success, although I became reliant on them and since I made the connection they are now a thing of the past for me. Dealing with Peyronies now with the size loss together with no longer having my go-to shots,  I am in nowhere land. I can get erect naturally (sorta with Cialis) with no problem except between flaccid size shrinkage as well as the mental component is still an issue. Not to mention I was told I have a venous leak. Roll these up together and I am seriously considering an implant (I'm 63)
years about a couple of times a week, and I had no clue until I saw a bend to the right and my penis seemed smaller about any issues. I do PTT with my Restorex each day and I am seriously considering an implant. My Erectile Dysfunction is to some extent in part psychological as the head game of anxiety performance I would go through at times with a new woman and possible Erectile Dysfunction were removed, not to mention the sex was the best I ever had with the shots. I was also told that I have a Venus leak so there is a physical aspect as well then pear that all together with the Peyronies issues..implant then makes sense.  Although its a very extreme solution, as I can get and maintain an erection now, it knocks out much of my other issues
Xiaflex Injections / Re: Four Rounds Complete - Little to No Results - Dr wants to do more
« on: May 20, 2021, 01:19:48 AM »
I also went 4 rounds with no positive results, and if you ask me it is worse afterward than it was before. My plaque was at the base from injecting quad mix and this was where the Dr. reasonably focused the injections. So now that area is vacant as if the Xiaflex decimated the plaque as well as any tissue so that the girth at the base is less in diameter than say an inch above the base on the shaft. I am seriously considering an implant. I can get erect although I have lost length and confidence and sex drive. I was a stud with the shots and it relieved my anxiety performance which I tend to suffer with, in addition to great long sex sessions. So an implant for someone who can have normal sex is that as a sledgehammer for a thumbtack?

Penile Implants / Seriously Considering Implant
« on: June 01, 2021, 03:44:07 AM »
Hi everyone and thank you for your support, my Peyronies started with my injecting Quad-mix at the base of my penis for around 2 years or so on a couple of times a week basis, because I am a righty, the right side at the base was mostly where I injected. I was so oblivious back then to such a degree that just as I was about to have sex on one occasion was when I first noticed a bend to the right along with my penis looking smaller than I had remembered in the past, that was my wake-up call. I had no clue about what Peyronies was at that time and about a year ago, I began getting informed.

I went to one surgeon for an implant consultation and even went as far as scheduling a date, I ultimately ran for the hills (I wasn't ready) and chose to attempt a lesser invasive step instead which was Xiaflex, after 4 rounds though, with no meaningful results I am rather disappointed as the plaque still inhibits a normal-looking erection with 1" to 2" inch loss in length leaving me about 5 inches or so now. It's not that I can't have sex in this situation, it's just I am disturbed at where I am at, to a significant loss of desire to some degree. I believe the Xiaflex while breaking the plaque down in some spots it also decimated the tissue of the area where the Dr. did his injections into the plaque and so that area does not fill up with blood as a result during an erection leaving me with an hourglass effect at the base. I was doing PTT religiously each day for about 6-8 months while with my Restorex while going for the Xiaflex shots and the size has improved somewhat together with vacuum therapy as well. Although I am a bit disillusioned now, having lost some motivation, I will strive to renew my outlook, and prep for my decision to follow through on an implant.

Originally before the Quad-mix shots, my Erectile Dysfunction was to a large extent psychological before Peyronies. The head game of anxiety performance that I would go through at times while I was single and with a new woman, with the possibility of Erectile Dysfunction looming, was removed with the inconvenient but very effective Quad-mix shots, not to mention the sex was the best I ever had with the shots as I could stay hard for an hour.  That was before Peyronies and now my dependency due to size and shape changes has left me in nowhere land as I can't even consider a return to the Quad-mix shots.  in fact, In addition to all of this, I was later told while dealing with the Peyronies, that I have a Venis leak so there was always a physical aspect as well. In addition, lost size and the potential for further shrinkage are what I am now also contending with. Although it's a very extreme solution having the implant, as I can reliably maintain an erection now, it does knock out much of my other issues as mentioned. I also have been seeing ads for dUROFILL (Dr. Paul Perito) not sure about how if at all this plays together with an implant though? I am working on setting up an appointment with Dr. Eid to see what my best options are and would love any input from the forum. Thank you all.
Yes, many Quad-mix shots at the right side base of my penis (I'm a righty) for over a year or two did the same to me. One day I looked at my penis and saw a bend and thought it looked smaller than usual, was the beginning of the realization of my new reality. I still have a ropey plaque on my right side after 4 rounds of Xiafide, I think it may have partially helped. I also do PTT nightly with Restorex and believe it is helping with elasticity but I am seriously considering an implant in time

The 2 looming concerns about an implant that I am struggling with though, are:
1) There is no road back or in other words the permanency of this decision. Will I be happy or curse the day I made this decision. Points of concern for instance are will I enjoy sex the same way as my natural penis as I did pre-Peyronies with the implant. I am surmising that sex will be similar in quality to the great experiences of when I took the shots.
2) Size loss, will I lose more length and girth or possibly gain back closer to the pre-Peyronies size? I have resumed doing daily VED and PTT as well as taking Cialis daily which I have been doing for about a year now. In addition, I have been doing intermittent fasting for 2 months, raw vegetables, and shed about 12 lbs. which is good all around for health and Erectile Dysfunction concerns.
Ironically, I just finished 2 visits and testing with Dr. Eid about the implant, and I am booked for Sept. with  Dr. Valenzuela for a consultation. I first saw him last year (before my 4 go-rounds of Xiaflex which amounted to very little if at all). The reason is the penile size (not to mention the out of network cost) where Dr. Eid has let me know that I can only expect 5 1/2 inches after implant (loss of at least 1 to  1/12 inches post Peyronies) and with Dr. Valenzuela potentially I would be better off in size. How much remains to be seen. My only concerns were what another implant specialist (Dr. Colon) said about his associate that that procedure is dangerous and you could end up in his words with "dead dick". Not sure how much of that is sour grapes to a competitor or it is that risky? Last year I was scheduled with Dr. Valenzuela for the procedure but was very unsure and wanted to see if a lesser path could be taken. He said to me you're not ready and I will see you in another year, lol now it's a year and I am back.

Penile Implants / Re: Seriously Considering Implant
« on: June 02, 2021, 12:57:36 AM »
Hi Hawk and thank you for your interest.

Throughout my life, I have encountered performance anxiety it has at times been a problem with a situation like a new sexual encounter, so being married as I was for almost 30 years it was not an issue or a concern. Although when I later was single I reached out to the shots for a short while for confidence then switched to Cialis once I became involved with someone at that time. A couple of years ago (when I resumed with the shots) I went single again after a long-term relationship ended as well. In general, I can maintain an erection for adequate sex without the shots using Cialis or Viagra, although with the shots I was way harder and could last a lot longer with no stress regardless of the situation as in a familiar or unfamiliar partner. Without the Quad-mix shots, the length of time of the session (my staying power) and the level of anxiety during the session (performance anxiety) was the difference in a depreciated sense.  

Penile Implants / Re: Seriously Considering Implant
« on: June 03, 2021, 08:46:34 PM »
Yes, I agree with all of your insights, and thank you for your help.

The 2 looming concerns about an implant that I am struggling with though, are:
1) There is no road back or in other words the permanency of this decision. Will I be happy or curse the day I made this decision. Points of concern for instance are will I enjoy sex the same way as my natural penis as I did pre-Peyronies with the implant. I am surmising that sex will be similar in quality to the great experiences of when I took the shots.
2) Size loss, will I lose more length and girth or possibly gain back closer to the pre-Peyronies size? I have resumed doing daily VED and PTT as well as taking Cialis daily which I have been doing for about a year now. In addition, I have been doing intermittent fasting for 2 months, raw vegetables, and shed about 12 lbs. which is good all around for health and Erectile Dysfunction concerns.

Penile Implants / Re: Resource for implant surgeons performing TEP in the US
« on: August 11, 2021, 02:12:19 AM »
Ironically, I just finished 2 visits and testing with Dr. Eid about the implant, and I am booked for Sept. with Dr. Valenzuela for a consultation. I first saw him last year (before my 4 go-rounds of Xiaflex which amounted to very little if at all). The reason is the penile size (not to mention the out of network cost) where Dr. Eid has let me know that I can only expect 5 1/2 inches after implant (loss of at least 1 to  1/12 inches post Peyronies) and with Dr. Valenzuela potentially I would be better off in size. How much remains to be seen. My only concerns were what another implant specialist (Dr. Colon) said about his associate that that procedure is dangerous and you could end up in his words with "dead dick". Not sure how much of that is sour grapes to a competitor or it is that risky? Last year I was scheduled with Dr. Valenzuela for the procedure but was very unsure and wanted to see if a lesser path could be taken. He said to me you're not ready and I will see you in another year, lol now it's a year and I am back.

Traction and Traction Devices for correcting Peyronies Disease / Re: New Plague from Restorex? Should I stop?
« on: August 11, 2021, 08:04:05 PM »
I was using Restorex for about 6 months consistently but after speaking with Dr. Eid recently, he said there was no value in Restorex and PTT as the stretching of the penis it provides is not benefiting length size gains since the plaque is not being stretched only the soft tissue so the restricting of the size growth is not changed.

Penile Implants / Re: Resource for implant surgeons performing TEP in the US
« on: August 22, 2021, 03:26:12 AM »
From the TEP literature.

The patient's expectation must be managed ab initio. The patient must understand that his estimation of size is subjective per se, and maximum enlargement is always limited to the length of the urethra and the dissected neurovascular bundle. Because the full potential length can only be determined intraoperatively when the bundle is dissected, the size of the implant cannot be determined until the maximum penile length has been achieved.
Tissue expansion can occur anywhere on the circumference of the penis to the maximum length of the urethra and neurovascular bundle. As the urethra is made of spongy tissue and is more elastic, in practice the limit of the penile enlargement depends on the length of the dissected neurovascular bundle. Since the urethra does not determine penile length restriction.....When the limiting factor is the urethra, the paraurethral tissue maybe
relaxed by incisions to permit additional lengthening of the penis

It sounds to me a bit ambiguous, but I'm not a doctor.

Penile Implants / Re: Resource for implant surgeons performing TEP in the US
« on: September 09, 2021, 10:28:52 PM »
So I had my consultation with Dr. Robert Valenzuela today. It was a follow-up from my last year's appointment with him about implant surgery options, but I backed away then, wanting to see if there was a less invasive solution out there before surgery was considered. At that time he discussed a very scary procedure including degloving at the circumcision location. Today he informed me that he went to Brazil and was trained on TEP and showed me the same incisions that were illustrated in the TEP documentation I previously downloaded. I know he is a highly recognized surgeon for Mt. Sinai so my confidence is high as a result. He also stated he performs the surgery from a scrotal incision to avoid any issues with necrosis of the penile gland which he explained was very rare but did happen in the earlier method to a small number of patients in the area of .05 of 1% of those procedures. My out-of-pocket cost would be $4500 over and above his in-network insurance payment for the implant itself, as opposed to what is being charged in Brazil (40K) as he also mentioned. As part of the surgery, he explained he would also be removing some of the plaque. According to him, TEP is not penile lengthening, it is penile restoration to the pre-Peyronies size length with a potential gain of 3.3 cm (1.29 inches). He also explained there is a process I will need to follow afterward for 6 months to restore my full length. I regrettably did not ask him about girth and this procedure, and as well his thoughts about dermal-filler for penile implant patients which I am also interested to hear about. I need to have some tests done pre-surgery by my primary and then schedule the surgery date.

he is a highly recognized surgeon for Mt. Sinai so my confidence is high as a result. He also stated he performs the surgery from a scrotal incision to avoid any issues with necrosis of the penile gland which he explained was very rare but did happen in the earlier method to a small number of patients in the area of .05 of 1% of those procedures. My out-of-pocket cost would be $4500 over and above his in-network insurance payment for the implant itself, as opposed to what is being charged in Brazil (40K) as he also mentioned. As part of the surgery, he explained he would also be removing some of the plaque. According to him, TEP is not penile lengthening, it is penile restoration to the pre-Peyronies size length with a potential gain of 3.3 cm (1.29 inches). He also explained there is a process I will need to follow afterward for 6 months to restore my full length. I regrettably did not ask him about girth and this procedure, and as well his thoughts about dermal-filler for penile implant patients which I am also interested to hear about. I need to have some tests done pre-surgery by my primary and then schedule the surgery date.
He did say pretty much what Hawk wrote which is the constraint isn't there and with the incisions of the TEP procedure and the removal of the plaque, the constraints of the tissue stretching would be restored allowing the extending of the penis to its former length. This was my understanding at least...his patience at the bedside isn't his forte hopefully his skill as a surgeon is though.

Penile Implants / Re: Resource for implant surgeons performing TEP in the US
« on: September 13, 2021, 11:14:26 PM »
Hawk, I'm a bit of a fish out of the water with the medical implication of the point that you mentioned. He did say, that he would not be doing a circumcision cut (he also noted this avoids the concerns raised about necrosis of the Gland) he instead would be cutting at the base by the scrotum which is closer to what I remembered hearing and may be different than what I stated earlier though.

I have an upcoming pre-surgery visit on 10/14/21 with Dr. Valenzuela and surgery to occur on the 19th. I will ask him the questions in the previous post at that visit.

Penile Implants / Re: Resource for implant surgeons performing TEP in the US
So I spoke with Dr. Robert Valenzuela and these were the questions (and his answers)
I asked him:
1. How many of these implants do you do per year?
2. Will he is doing a scrotal incision, (no circumcision incision)?
3. Do you use a vertical scrotal incision?
4. Does he need to dissect the urethra to expand the underside of the penis?
5. Is this his specialty or does he perform other urological surgeries and
No, the Urethra is not mobilized
6. What is HIS infection rate (not national statistics)?
less than 0.2 percent
7. Is he committed to one brand of the implant or does he have a choice for the best
match to your situation?
Yes Coloplast Titan as with this procedure Girth will expand noticeably
8. How many TEP has he performed
9. Does he often use rear tip extenders and has he ever sized up and trimmed the
rear tip of an implant down?
10. Will he takes measurements before surgery and promise you what your minimum
size will be after surgery and initial cycling?
11. Does Glan necrosis happen exclusively in diabetic men, or it can happen to
anyone undergoing the sliding technique?
yes it can
When he does TEP, does he do multiple small incisions all around each Corpus
Cavernous (i.e. 360 degrees) (Rt. and Lt.)? If Yes, .....
No, it is not 36
What narcotics will I get he said that 95% do not require narcotic pain relievers?
I'm on for Tuesday's surgery and will keep you all up to date.

10/19/21 Surgery Day

So I had the Implant surgery today    (The TEP Procedure) with Dr. Valenzuela. I will be writing a detailed report in the upcoming days as well as follow-ups to show my gratitude to this forum.  Not sure if this is premature and I will be eating these words later, but this was a walk in the park for me today.  The pain is modest at most and according to the Dr. after the surgery, he told me I gained at least 3 cm with TEP. Currently, at this minute though, it looks short and swollen (a lot shorter than presurgery) this may be as expected though. I have an appointment on Thursday to remove the drain and will know more at that time. If anyone knows about what to expect here please let me know.

As far as where I am at right now, well I knew going into this the personality of Dr. V was going to be less than a perfect situation for me as he is not very patient and available. The fact that he did TEP and the fact of how he did TEP Vertical Scrotal was very appealing to me so at this point I believe it was the right move for me.

10/25/21 Day 6 - Post-op

At my initial office visit the day after my Surgery I was deflated by an MA as part of the cleanup which included bandage removal along with removing the blood drain. The Dr. had an emergency and needed to leave. I am not sure if I am entirely deflated now as my penis still feels hard  The pubic area is swollen and is extended and the length in this state is like 4 inches while the girth is about 6' wide. A lot of the swelling has gone down which includes my ball sac.  I tried to see what would happen if I stimulated my self and no matter what I did I could feel any sensation at the bottom or underside of my penis. This is alarming although very possibly to be expected again the Dr. is an easy-going kind of guy just hard to get a response from which doesn't help to help me to feel more at ease as a result. This is an example of an email exchange from the other day.
Hi Dr.,
A couple of questions that I would appreciate having answered.
1. Should I be in a deflated mode right now? (after my visit yesterday that was how the implant was left).
2. I have been reading that cycling the pump early on (within the first weeks) is beneficial to regain length and yet my first upcoming appointment isn't until 11/18.?
Other than these concerns everything seems to be great.
Thank you
The prosthesis needs to be in deflated mode as it was left.
this minimizes your discomfort and allows for the formation of an adequate pseudo capsule for the reservoir

So only one question was answered and I don't know if cycling one month after surgery is following best practice? In any case, the pain seems to be better although it's deflated it looks like a short hard dick, and anywhere I will be going is going to take work to hide it. He told me
I will be seeing him tomorrow for what seems to be a UTI. He responded in an email yesterday to come in after I had let him know that when I urinate it is painful and that I see some blood droplets. He mentioned having my urine and bladder checked.
It is now 8 days post-surgery.  I have pain by just standing or walking in the scrotum and penis and so to get relief instead I have been keeping myself in a horizontal position with my legs elevated when doing this magically I am pain-free for a time. Unfortunately, this also means I am immobilized so I am hoping to get some clarity tomorrow with this and all of the other concerns.
Penile Implants / Re: Resource for implant surgeons performing TEP in the US

« on: October 29, 2021, 10:32:58 PM »
I had my follow-up with Dr. V. yesterday as a result of his recommendation to come in after I let him know that I have been seeing what appears to be blood droplets during very painful urination. During the examination, he showed me that there was a cut on the inner side of the tip of the urethra on the glans of my penis which would in theory explain the blood. He also stated that I was still partially inflated hence the hard and short appearance as I mentioned earlier and to relieve some of the discomforts, he would deflate me. In the next few minutes, I experienced the most pain I have felt in so many years as he manipulated the pump valve with his hand, and maybe this was because then it was only 9 days after surgery, and I was still very raw and swollen but WOW that was so bad. I told, "If this is what I will be feeling to have sex I will never have sex again". He said to me, "Do you think that I would be doing this (meaning implants) if that was the case". After I cooled down he went on to say that everything looks good and he also prescribed phenazopyridine to help numb the Urethra as he explained that to get the length he has to stretch the urethra which makes it sensitive and as well I should avoid coffee and other irritants. After the office visit and the deflate, I felt much better. My penis still looks like a small hard dick but more flexible and far less noticeable in clothes than before. After the visit, last night I  have been able to be much more physically active with far less pain and not needing to lay around to avoid pain as before. I guess when I have my next appointment on 11/18 the cycling will begin. The rational side of me knows that working the pump at that later time frame will be a far different experience as Dr. Valenzuela has said, but when I do a mock inflate now it is so sensitive that I am concerned for future usage. Faith and patience that it will all be ok is my guiding light.

Post-op week 4

Hi all,

I had my 1st monthly follow-up visit today. It didn't go quite as I expected in this regard as I had some prepared questions that I mentioned to the doctor that I had for him expecting we would have a sit-down conversation afterward, instead as I'm laying there he said shoot so I started to ramble off whatever came to mine compared to the detailed list on my phone. Anyway, and most importantly, he said I looked good and everything is as he would expect to see. I asked him about sensitivity loss on the underside of my penis and he said it's is to be expected based on where all the cutting was done and it would improve in time. I mentioned to him as well that I cannot orgasm (I tried a few times in the past weeks to no avail) he said he would also expect that at this stage. I asked him about my length which when erect is currently short like 4" when measured from the pubic area directly above my penis and he said 2 X a day cycling for 45 minutes each for 6 months will be required to restore maximum length. He also mentioned that I am still swelled up in the pubic area which will come down in time as well as adding another inch or so. So I need to be patient and have faith that he is right on all counts. I am home now doing the first cycling session. It's uncomfortable and painful so I am using a  Hothands in a sock and wrapping that around my penis which seems to help blood flow or whatever it's doing but the feeling is much better. Just don't like those chemicals in that product so near to that area. Anyone's thoughts about any of this would be very welcome. thanks.

Penile Implants / Re: Resource for implant surgeons performing TEP in the US
« on: November 19, 2021, 12:44:29 PM »

Post-op week 4

Hi Shrunken_dick, I agree about the size, although I may have undersized my length in the last post as I redid the measurement today while fully erect. One issue I see is that the pelvic area above the penis is protruding significantly (which is all new to my body and is part of the post-surgery) and he did say that the swelling will come down and will change the appearance and give me more length.  I remeasured myself bone pressed on the top at the body (where it is extended outward as I mentioned) it's like 5" and yet if I measure on the side of the penis where it begins at the body it measures 7' so it's very hard to say which is an accurate measurement. I have attached a picture to show what I am trying to say. In any case, I have begun cycling about 2 hours 2 to 3 times a day at maximum pumping (the pump is extremely hard to press down) so let's see what many months of this stretching will do.

Post-op week 8
Well, it's been over a month since I last posted any update. Creating this Journal and porting over all the individual comments and prior posts to my journal has held me back somewhat.
The good news is that I am growing. Where I am now,  bone pressed 6" length while girth is 6" at the base and 6" mid-point to about 5 ¾" width. This is compared to pre-implant post-Peyronies of 5 to 5 ½" length. I have been pushing the needle to get this right. Perhaps too much, walking the line between pain and too much pain at some points when fully inflated. I have been cycling about 3 to 4 hours twice daily. I work from home so I have that availability. I have been able to orgasm but it is quite an undertaking to get to that point. I surmise this is due to my sensitivity loss specifically on the underside of my penis which I had mentioned to Dr. Valenzuela at my 4th-week visit. He stated that is where he cut me for TEP and that healing will take time. My other concern within my inner dialogue is that my desire for sex is put off at this time in light of the pain and discomfort that I feel from either to be expected pain from the extensive surgery (TEP and Grafting in addition to the IPP) or from me ripping or stretching from the desire to restore (surpass) my previous penis dimensions.  I have an appointment this Thursday which will help me get a gauge of where I am and what to expect in the future.

Age 63
Had Peyronies disease w/45-degree bend from using Quadmix for 2 years for better sex
4 rounds of Xiaflex.  1-2" length loss (surgery may correct)
Titan Implant 10/21. Surgery by Dr. Valenzuela
Included TEP and Grafting.


Danny, thanks for the detailed post. I enjoyed reading all the details.
It sounds like your girth is a solid 6", which is what I have now. My girth now is now bigger than before the implant, so I am wondering, I don't recall reading yours, has it increased to 6" or was it that or less before?
I also lost some sensitivity on the underside of my penis, but it has not been a deal breaker.
Let me be clear to say, as time goes on, as months go by, things do get better.
The stretching of your penis will subside and when you pump, it will be only about pleasure.
YOU have to give it time. I am going on 3 years and it just gets better and better.
Stay in touch and thanks for the great reporting.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


2-Month Post-Surgery

Hi Stepone,

Thank you for your words of encouragement.  My girth now exceeds my pre-Peyronies dimensions which at that time was about 5 1/2".

Thank you also smartman for sending this link
TEP (The technique of Dr.Paulo Egydio - Brazil ). His latest speech (this year) in a congress - Tokyo, check his post-op. instructions (in this you-tube video) to have good results post-op.


I learned a few things from the above session and then forwarded the link to my dr. who I happened to have had my 8 weeks post-op visit with.

The TEP specific takeaways I gained from listening to the session above were:

1. Stay semi inflated  for 1st month (as I was)
2. Fully inflate to a point where the penis is straight-up then press and squeeze at the base using your hand wrapped around the base then as well under the shaft in the same way, the idea being to open or expand the incisions.
3. A total of 3 months for restoration of length and Girth
4. As many hours as available perform maximum inflation expansion as possible during that time (months 2 and 3)

So at my visit yesterday, the questions I asked were the following along with the Doctors responses:

1. Sensitivity loss will the feeling fully return and be restored to pre-surgery amounts, mostly concerned with the underside of my penis. His response - Going to take a long time especially because of the location of where he made the cuts.

2. Pain is this from stretching or from TEP healing or from both and is there a point where Cycling is damaging.  His response - Pain is going to continue from stretching tissue and from healing.

3. Having A lot of trouble orgasming I can't climax during sex as there is not enough stimulation apparently and if I masturbate it can take up to one hour. It feels good it's just I am not able to orgasm for a very very long time. His response -  no comment?

4. Type of implant titan one touch? Yes
How many centimeters is the implant? 24cm w RTE

1. After I deflate completely it partially re-inflates by itself. - I never got around to this one.

Overall I feel good and have patience with a positive outlook. I'm 6" bone-pressed after basically 1 month of cycling (2 months total post-op) so conceivably I could gain much more length and girth in the months and year to come.
Age 63
Had Peyronies disease w/45-degree bend from using Quadmix for 2 years for better sex
4 rounds of Xiaflex.  1-2" length loss (surgery may correct)
Titan Implant 10/21. Surgery by Dr. Valenzuela
Included TEP and Grafting.


Great documentation.
1. Sensitivity, mine continues to improve even at almost 3 years. I try to massage my penis from time to time, to stimulate nerve regeneration.
2. Orgasms - mine were slow to happen at first, sometimes it took me so long, I was wearing out my spouse. It was difficult for me to
Masturbate for a good while, as my penis did not feel like mine. It was thicker and it just did not feel like my penis. I bought a toy vagina online and used that, which also helped me masturbate and it fantasize.
It took me a while to get my psyche back, it's a bit of a mind game, but it does work out.
I was not having good sex prior to the surgery, so it took some brain retraining to get it all back.
But as I said, it gets better, with some of us older guys, it takes longer.
1. Inflates on its own. This is a pump button issue. See the excellent note that Hawk sent to me. He explains the procedure far better than myself.
If you want to private message me and call, so we can chat, I'll give you my number.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Thanks Stepone,

I just re-read Hawk's response to you about auto-inflate and will keep those points in mind. Yes, I do agree our brains clearly need time to adapt to major change.

I'm chugging along with cycling as many hours a day right now and only did one session yesterday of about 4 to 5 hours late in the evening as my penis internally was not feeling good which I interpret as beneficial growth pain, although today is much more comfortable having allowed a refresh time out, even if it was just 20 hours or so.

My reasoning is (obviously I suppose), is that the TEP surgery allowing for expansion with the incisions takes the penis (with the implant installed) and pushes out to where it wasn't able to stretch previously with the end result of a greater length and girth so the more rehab as Dr. Valenzuela put it, the better.
Age 63
Had Peyronies disease w/45-degree bend from using Quadmix for 2 years for better sex
4 rounds of Xiaflex.  1-2" length loss (surgery may correct)
Titan Implant 10/21. Surgery by Dr. Valenzuela
Included TEP and Grafting.


26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.


10 Weeks 5 days Post Surgery
Hope everyone had a Happy New Year and Hi GaussRifle,

As an update, I have further formulated opinions and advanced some knowledge to help me understand where I am currently at.

One thing for sure is that TEP clearly factors in relation to the healing process, this is an important distinction (under-publicized) as far as I have read of the experience described in other non-TEP forum implant journals. With TEP there are incisions made for expansion that allows for stretching and thus penile growth, what that also means though, is that raw and sensitive skin will daily and continually be under stress causing pain beyond that of a straightforward implant. The line between slight discomfort and real pain can't always be so clearly defined while actually going through inflation cycling and may instead be felt later on afterward. Or in other words, what is good positive and what isn't,  maybe as part of the residual aftereffect. I do think at some point I will max out my full pumping capability extent, but to date 1 1/2 weeks away from 3 months, I still have much further to go as far as I can tell. Typically I will pump up about 20-25 (sometimes a bit more) times and still be able to incrementally increase even further if I wanted to which I don't cause it would be too painful. I stop somewhere around that point as I also do not want to overdo it, as I was warned about by Dr. Valenzuela, but I also remember hearing in  Dr. Egydio YouTube video, that the 2nd and 3rd months are most important for restoration with TEP and Peyronies. Dr. Valenzuela has said that 45 minutes 2 X a day for 1 year is the correct rehab, so not really sure who is right here.
I  do see an increase in my ability to go furthermost recently in the last week or so. I read this as my penis is now able to extend further with less discomfort verifying possible growth in both length and girth. Overall this whole cycling process is not an easy or pleasurable experience. Currently, I am measuring still about 6" in length with girth at the base around 6 1/2 " with mid-point around 5 1/2.
There are also random weird and unexpected pain at times, that can last a second or so, at an unexpected time that made no sense at the moment in spots that do not seem to be the usual suspects. Sensitivity on the underside of the penis is also not nearly what it was pre-surgery and when considering the daily cycling and recurring irritating on the incision area and the near proximity of the neurovascular bundle it may be that at some later time when cycling as therapy has ended sensation may return to a higher degree. I was ab;e to orgasm after a 1/2 which was a milestone compared to the 1 hour or more in a previous attempt. Sex is pleasurable but orgasm just isn't happening, as in inadequate stimulation while masturbation has done it for me.
My penis from Peyronies was and still is bent to the right due to the Trimix I would inject pre-surgery at the right side base causing the plaques at the location. This results in the longer cylinder length on the left side and when flaccid that cylinder folds to the right and causes a major bend to the right of the penis as a result as well as an uncomfortable feeling in the bend on the left side as well. I am surmising the intent is as I remember the Dr. mentioning that in time the right side will straighten out with the cycling and perhaps the flaccid state will then also change as well. I can also not sleep on my stomach any longer as the pressure would not feel good while flaccid.

Overall this is a long-term plan that has yet fully manifested. Patience and faith are my mantras.

Age 63
Had Peyronies disease w/45-degree bend from using Quadmix for 2 years for better sex
4 rounds of Xiaflex.  1-2" length loss (surgery may correct)
Titan Implant 10/21. Surgery by Dr. Valenzuela
Included TEP and Grafting.


Good report Danny.  Thanks!  Please keep us posted because your report is crucial to a lot of people.  Several thousand will read this through the years.

Random momentary pains seem typical of every surgery I have had in my life.

Remember, an implant is a marathon, not a sprint, and judging from what I read, TEP is more like one of those Swim, Bike, Run endurance events.

Good luck.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I am in full agreement with Hawk.
Random pains continue, but over time will become fewer and fewer.
Here's a thought.
I noticed when I would masturbate I could have an orgasm, but with my new penis, sex with the spouse was odd and I was thinking about it too much.
I decided to stop masturbating period, and because I had deprived myself, the actual sex with the spouse became more erotic. The touch, the feel, the taste, the smell all brought me have the best sex ever. I talked with a sex therapist that just happens to be a friend. Perhaps it's worth a trial.
Best wishes and have some fun.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


          Can you update us on your current length?  
29 year old. I was taking 400 Mg spironolactone to treat hair loss. Xanax withdrawal in combination with spironolactone shrunk my penis from 6" to 4".
I am seeking information about the sliding technique.


11 Weeks Post=Surgury

Hi everyone, So the most significant aspect I can report is that I am fully inflating at this time. By this, I mean that I am virtually unable to pump anymore as the pump is extremely hard at that point and thus I have reached the full capacity (or at least very close to it) of inflation. I am remembering Dr. Valenzuela's words that it will take a full year of 2 X a day for at least 45 minutes each interval to reach my full-size potential. At this time I am just 6" length bone pressed and girth is the same as last reported at 5 1/2" center girth and 6" girth at the base. So this is where I am at this time. The good news is the pain to reach this level of inflation is minor to negligible. So it's onward and upward lol from here.  
Age 63
Had Peyronies disease w/45-degree bend from using Quadmix for 2 years for better sex
4 rounds of Xiaflex.  1-2" length loss (surgery may correct)
Titan Implant 10/21. Surgery by Dr. Valenzuela
Included TEP and Grafting.


Thanks for sharing. Good photos.
I am glad things are progressing.
Here's a question about the "stretch" feeling all newbies go through.
It's a slight pain after you pump, it's the feeling of stretch, it's the feeling that your penis is expanding because of the implant.
As we have all said, after 6 months to a year, the "stretch" stops, which means you are at your maximum strength.
So my question is are you feeling the stretch?
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Hi Stepone,

I definitely am feeling the stretch, it does vary by day and interval but at some points in time, it is still in fact painful, although I said the opposite in my last post as the next cycling session afterward was difficult. The trend is clearly that I am close to the full inflation capability amount and the pain metric is also far decreased, but I still spoke to soon last post. I feel stretching and also sharp pains (like needles) which to me are the skin/tissue under pressure forced to extend or reshape to adapt to the cylinders filling out.  
Age 63
Had Peyronies disease w/45-degree bend from using Quadmix for 2 years for better sex
4 rounds of Xiaflex.  1-2" length loss (surgery may correct)
Titan Implant 10/21. Surgery by Dr. Valenzuela
Included TEP and Grafting.


You are on the right path.
Random shots of pain are normal, as time goes on their frequency will diminish. I still get one every now and then.
You will be surprised about your length gains. I was still growing at 9 months.
Best wishes, no pain, no gain.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


15 weeks Post Surgery (10/19/21 Surgery date)

As far as the surgery went I believe it went well, at a very high level I make that statement though. The reason I put it out that way, is that this is a work in progress with certain provisos. The location of the incision region has impacted negatively sensitivity specifically on the underside of my penis which is where the neurovascular bundle is located. The cylinders were oversized based on the length of my penis at the time of the surgery with the expectation of growth as a result of the TEP incisions. What this all means when put together is, that the stretching from 2X cycling sessions daily has consistently irritated that location since I began cycling after the first 30-day mark. The sensitivity of that area is in my opinion (and what the Dr. also said) has been affected by the TEP incisions. Healing will improve in theory since I am now maxing out my full inflating capability which I was not doing until very recently. This should have a positive impact on the stress of that tissue where some of the incisions were made near the neurovascular bundle resides and be reflective to the return of lost sensitivity. Beyond that, I still have a curvature to the right as I did prior to surgery which I was told would eventually improve with cycling it seems to have improved although not significantly. The Lenght is still around 6" when bone pressed, The girth is the best aspect of the results as it is about 6" wide which I'm happy with. Overall I am not encountering the random pain in the way I did in earlier times although occasionally I still do degree and quantity are far. less   I like having a bigger flaccid penis albeit folded as a result of the left cylinder being longer and bending to the right as a result of the Peyronies.  Sex with my new penis is satisfactory and I like the idea I could leave it in hard for 8 hours if I liked lol. So that's where I'm at currently.
Age 63
Had Peyronies disease w/45-degree bend from using Quadmix for 2 years for better sex
4 rounds of Xiaflex.  1-2" length loss (surgery may correct)
Titan Implant 10/21. Surgery by Dr. Valenzuela
Included TEP and Grafting.


Hi Danny, how is the recovery coming along? Is the pain getting better? Do you see any more gains in length?  
49 years old. Diagnosed with Peyronies in September 2018. Prior to Xiaflex and traction: 45 degree curvature. Today after Xiaflex: 31 degree curve. Continuing traction to regain lost length.


 5 months post-surgery today (10/19-3/10)

A recent development to report is that I was able to orgasm during sex recently (finally). This is a big deal for me and implies sensitivity improvement is occurring. I made a decision to not cycle for about about a week or more prior to that success as I considered that the TEP incisions may be getting aggravated as a result of that expansion to the degree that the cycling was being done. Or in other words, I pumped to a point where the pump could not be pumped anymore and after about a half-hour or so typically I would feel discomfort. This I believe was possibly affecting the sensitivity as the incisions are in some areas near the neurovascular bundle. Obviously, any additional further growth will not be facilitated without the cycling so I'm between a rock and hard place as to how to proceed. I will have my 6-month evaluation coming up and let the doctor decide.  The truth is there is no great length or girth jump that I see to date. My statistics are the same as the months prior. Perhaps this is all she wrote and TEP in my case didn't yield the expected growth as discussed pre-surgery. Dr. Valenzuela said one year of cycling to reach the maximum potential, so I'm not 1/2 way there yet even. I just have to figure out if I am correct in my perspective relative to the aggravating and sensitivity issue with cycling.
Age 63
Had Peyronies disease w/45-degree bend from using Quadmix for 2 years for better sex
4 rounds of Xiaflex.  1-2" length loss (surgery may correct)
Titan Implant 10/21. Surgery by Dr. Valenzuela
Included TEP and Grafting.


Thanks for the update! Super fantastic news that you orgasmed! Amazing, wish you plenty plenty more  8)

Give yourself the full year. Its weird how this stuff works. Its possible that whatever entanglements you have that need to be stretched out may have a jump function to them where one day you'll see improvement! Keep us posted regardless!
Injury Nov 2019, bend 15deg, loss of erections, dent and hard-flaccid
VED, cialis 5mg on/off
EQ medium (with pills), no NTE.  Lost 1+ inches length, lots in girth. Some loss of sensation. Considering implant to restore full sexual function


I always had doubts about the TEP. Given that TEP doesn't entail urethra dissection, it is impossible to gain length. At the moment, only sliding technique or circular grafting can increase the true penile length.  
29 year old. I was taking 400 Mg spironolactone to treat hair loss. Xanax withdrawal in combination with spironolactone shrunk my penis from 6" to 4".
I am seeking information about the sliding technique.


Hi Danny, thanks for the update. Good to hear that you can orgasm. As for length gain, it might be that the half inch you got is the max. However, it will be interesting to see how the one year protocol that your surgeon has recommended turns out. Still, a half inch is progress :)

49 years old. Diagnosed with Peyronies in September 2018. Prior to Xiaflex and traction: 45 degree curvature. Today after Xiaflex: 31 degree curve. Continuing traction to regain lost length.


I appreciate your detailed posts Danny.  I am happy about your progress with sensation.

I think any properly performed implant increases for a year if cycled on a regular basis IF you never reach the point that you transfer all of the fluid from the reservoir to the cylinders.  Also, any great surgeon should restore the gains you have received with an implant.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


29 year old. I was taking 400 Mg spironolactone to treat hair loss. Xanax withdrawal in combination with spironolactone shrunk my penis from 6" to 4".
I am seeking information about the sliding technique.


Hi, Shrunken_dick I have my 6-month appointment tomorrow and will update accordingly soon thereafter.  
Age 63
Had Peyronies disease w/45-degree bend from using Quadmix for 2 years for better sex
4 rounds of Xiaflex.  1-2" length loss (surgery may correct)
Titan Implant 10/21. Surgery by Dr. Valenzuela
Included TEP and Grafting.


Dannys1s1 ; I am waiting for an update. I would want to know why TEP didn't work in your case?
Perhaps the TEP is a sham invented by Dr. Paulo Egydio. Since they are not mobilizing the urethra, the portion of tunica that lies below the urethra does not get any relaxing incision. So, it is quite impossible to elongate the penis.  
29 year old. I was taking 400 Mg spironolactone to treat hair loss. Xanax withdrawal in combination with spironolactone shrunk my penis from 6" to 4".
I am seeking information about the sliding technique.


Quote from: shrunken_dick on April 27, 2022, 11:31:31 AM
Dannys1s1 ; I am waiting for an update. I would want to know why TEP didn't work in your case?
Perhaps the TEP is a sham invented by Dr. Paulo Egydio. Since they are not mobilizing the urethra, the portion of tunica that lies below the urethra does not get any relaxing incision. So, it is quite impossible to elongate the penis.

I'm curious if it is entirely a sham or not. Based on what I've read of Danny's journal I believe he has gained a 1/2 inch in length. I'm not sure if any girth was gained. I'm also interested in the results as I lost at least a 1/2 inch of length, and some girth too.  
49 years old. Diagnosed with Peyronies in September 2018. Prior to Xiaflex and traction: 45 degree curvature. Today after Xiaflex: 31 degree curve. Continuing traction to regain lost length.


Quote from: jfest on April 27, 2022, 01:18:11 PM
I'm curious if it is entirely a sham or not. Based on what I've read of Danny's journal I believe he has gained a 1/2 inch in length. I'm not sure if any girth was gained. I'm also interested in the results as I lost at least a 1/2 inch of length, and some girth too.

Danny1s1 also had a plaque excision which can alone increase the length up to some extent. Half an inch in many cases can be recovered with a penile implant alone.  
29 year old. I was taking 400 Mg spironolactone to treat hair loss. Xanax withdrawal in combination with spironolactone shrunk my penis from 6" to 4".
I am seeking information about the sliding technique.


4/19/22 was my 6-month point post-op

Hi All,

I had my appointment with Dr. Valenzuela on 4/24/22. The visit was relatively routine as there was no grand reveal that was uncovered, although he wanted me to start modeling, which in my case equates to a pull or bend to the left from midpoint and hold for a very brief time. The girth and length are improved. He said that because of the shape of the penis, where it goes upward at the midpoint (as well as to the left), measurement is not from the base to the end of the glands but from the center point where it starts to bend up. I am not sure I understand the value of such measurement because from my vantage point, no matter where I may have a curve, it is the length of the entire shaft non the less. I measure 6" circumference at the base, and it varies between 5 to 5 3/4 upward. The size is 6" basically the same as pre-Peyronies, not all I am hoping for as he says there may be more to come.  In a nutshell overall, I am very, very happy with the implant. I  have been able to orgasm reliably during sex although sensitivity on the underside doesn't seem as sensitive as it once was, although the other day, I had a session nonstop for an hour it was awesome. For me, it was a great move a calculated risk that so far has yielded its rewards. I do think TEP at least Dr. V's version is valuable albeit with the over-stated promised results. I am bigger than I was for at least a couple of years since Peyronies was interfering in what was my prior full erection size. I will always remember having just injected Tri-mix going to have sex with my girlfriend at the time and looking at my penis and thinking wow it looks smaller and bent to the right not knowing what I would later find out about Peyronies and the damage I had been doing to myself with the shots.
Age 63
Had Peyronies disease w/45-degree bend from using Quadmix for 2 years for better sex
4 rounds of Xiaflex.  1-2" length loss (surgery may correct)
Titan Implant 10/21. Surgery by Dr. Valenzuela
Included TEP and Grafting.


It seems to me that TEP is not as effective as the other lengthening procedure like the Sliding Technique and Circular Grafting.  
29 year old. I was taking 400 Mg spironolactone to treat hair loss. Xanax withdrawal in combination with spironolactone shrunk my penis from 6" to 4".
I am seeking information about the sliding technique.


Congratulations on your accomplishments.
I have found that partners always appreciate a good girth, so I am sure your girlfriend is happy with you.
I am so glad you are progressing, it will only get better and better.
Best wishes and thanks for sharing.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Thanks for the update Danny. Based on what I'm hearing, your procedure has been fairly effective. As I think about getting my girth, and 1/2 inch length back, I think TEP might be for me. I'm terrified of the sliding technique and the risk necrosis (albeit small). I just wonder if having plaque on both sides, giving me basically a plication, can be addressed through this kind of surgery.
49 years old. Diagnosed with Peyronies in September 2018. Prior to Xiaflex and traction: 45 degree curvature. Today after Xiaflex: 31 degree curve. Continuing traction to regain lost length.


Jfest, If you only have to get 1/2" back, I can assure you any high-volume implant surgeon will get you that AND girth with a Titan implant with far less recovery and risk of infection.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


 7 months 1-week post-surgery

As prescribed by my Dr., I am still cycling, and despite what I may have said previously when I inflate to a maximum I do feel a tightening and after say 45 minutes or so it is painful enough that I need to deflate which says to me that I am still growing. The amount of pressure I am applying initially when squeezing the pump is significant but yet I also noticed that at say 1/2 hour in, if I try and inflate some more I am suddenly able to where I couldn't earlier in that same session. So expansion is happening. As far as my stats I look bigger than I did previously but will hold off on specifics for a while. All is good with the pump and sex is better than ever, happy me  ;)
Age 63
Had Peyronies disease w/45-degree bend from using Quadmix for 2 years for better sex
4 rounds of Xiaflex.  1-2" length loss (surgery may correct)
Titan Implant 10/21. Surgery by Dr. Valenzuela
Included TEP and Grafting.


Congratulations Danny, it sounds like you are still progressing. I am in my third year now since implant and my sex has never been better, maybe going back to my early 50's. We love my increased girth and I will still look down at it sometimes thinking it doesn't look like my dick, it's so thick.
I will pump mine maybe 24 times, thinking I have maxed it, but after some minutes of intercourse, it seems I can always squeeze a couple more times.
I wish you continued improvements, they will happen.
Time just keeps making sex better and better.

Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Thank you to both Stepone and also Smartman who PM me a link


which I had not seen previously about exercising for growth after an implant. I later forwarded the video to Dr. Valenzuela who agreed with the exercises as a good routine but warned me to not be too aggressive. So now I have a new tool in my toolshed TY.
Age 63
Had Peyronies disease w/45-degree bend from using Quadmix for 2 years for better sex
4 rounds of Xiaflex.  1-2" length loss (surgery may correct)
Titan Implant 10/21. Surgery by Dr. Valenzuela
Included TEP and Grafting.


Wow, very interesting.
I guess that's why I can pump to maximum, and after 10-15 minutes of sex, I can still manage to pump 1-3 more times.
I casually count my pumps, I should be more aware of the actual number, but sex always overtakes my counting and I lose track. I have to pay closer attention.
So I guess all along I have been doing the right thing.
Thanks for sharing.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Hi Stepone, yes that video has had a profound effect on me and my daily regimen. Now when cycling twice a day I follow the advice of a bend to the right-left and up and down then pump and repeat. It seems to be a substantial gain. Glad Smartman forwarded it to me should have been offered out by my doctor lol, but happy the timing is perfect just the same.
Age 63
Had Peyronies disease w/45-degree bend from using Quadmix for 2 years for better sex
4 rounds of Xiaflex.  1-2" length loss (surgery may correct)
Titan Implant 10/21. Surgery by Dr. Valenzuela
Included TEP and Grafting.