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i am 3 months into peyronies and it has gotten a lot worse from what it was 2 weeks ago. since i'm in the active phase what medication should i take so it doesn't get any worse than it is?
coenzyme q10? pentox? food i should avoid? please help
age:20  Peyronies for 4 months
left curve with scar inch under glans, hourglassing
involuntary clenching Kegeling


Best way to stop worsening is through starting traction with a device like restoreX, it will prevent worsening angle or size loss. Food and coq10 have much smaller role to play in my opinion.
26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.


thanks for the reply, how about manual traction and have you ever tried pentox? and how has q10 been for you
age:20  Peyronies for 4 months
left curve with scar inch under glans, hourglassing
involuntary clenching Kegeling


Have you read the survival guide?,3180.0.html

You can add cialis or PAV

Some traction devices enable you to do traction 8-12 hours a day eventually, or restorex which you can use for 90 minutes a day,
Its really a lot of traction time to bother doing manual traction and, personally manual traction feels more risky to me since i cant guage the tension and the tension i apply is inconsistent and i get an erection too often, seems to work for some people though.

As for foods you should avoid, definitely junk food should be avoided but the rest depends on you and your body's reaction to food, if you feel better with whole foods then stop eating refined carbs and/or refined foods

You can add the general anti inflammatory foods such as ginger, tumeric+black pepper, etc  
Age:23. Onset of symptoms: september 2020.
Curve mostly semi erect about 60 degrees, slight pain
Tried short & prolonged fasts, keto,carnivore, traction and most of the supplements.
Severe digestive issues, probably an autoimmune disorder


thankyou so much, how does pentox+cialis sound because i feel that cialis is safer than viagra is that true?
age:20  Peyronies for 4 months
left curve with scar inch under glans, hourglassing
involuntary clenching Kegeling


I dont know whats safer, but it sounds good to me, cialis stays longer in your system so i guess that means you get more benefit out of it
Usually people in the forum reccomend 5mg a day before sleep
Age:23. Onset of symptoms: september 2020.
Curve mostly semi erect about 60 degrees, slight pain
Tried short & prolonged fasts, keto,carnivore, traction and most of the supplements.
Severe digestive issues, probably an autoimmune disorder


Manual traction is risky because you cannot gauge the tension or maintain constant tension.  Think "Tissue Expansion."  natives cannot stretch their lips, nor doctors increase tissue for a surgical repair by tugging on it daily.  You need steady traction.  

I do not know that one oral ED drug is safer than another.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


thankyou, do you suggest pentox could it stop it from getting worse?
age:20  Peyronies for 4 months
left curve with scar inch under glans, hourglassing
involuntary clenching Kegeling