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I am a 68 year old male, living in the UK, and when I was a teenager the thought of anybody over 50 being interested in, or being able to have, or actually having sex, was just so wrong. What did I know? Here I am at 68, and while I have a healthy libido and a good "mental" response to stimulation - a movie, something on TV, or, yes, porn, it doesn't always translate into physical stimulation. My wife has various health issues which have more or less removed the possibility of intercourse - (twice in the last 6 years or so). She will, at my request, help me out with self administered relief, and it was during one of these sessions about a year ago that I noticed a curve on my penis that I hadn't noticed before. I just passed comment and kind of made a mental note of it. Because these solo or assisted relief sessions are sometimes days or weeks apart, imagine my surprise when, fairly recently, I noticed that the curve I had previously noticed was much more marked - my penis didn't look right and it didn't feel right either. My wife agreed that it "felt" wrong. I did some web research as you do, then called G.P. for a telephone consultation. This happened a day later, and shortly after that I was stretched out on an examination table with my (male) doctor checking me out. Peyronie's disease, he said - though my research had told me this. He referred me to a urologist, and shared some links for information, which were quite informative and nowhere near as scary as the stuff I had been watching on YouTube!

so last week I was seeing a urologist. he too examined me, confirmed the diagnosis, then shared a link from the British Urology Society which has a lot of info _ I'll find the link. BUT, he said, first of all the drugs mentioned aren't available on the NHS. Secondly, surgery will be a last resort. His conclusion? Wait 6 months and see what happens. As you can imagine, this was not what I wanted to hear. So, I came here after a search on Reddit, and have already started a Ubiquotone and L-Carnitine and L-arginine routine along with my other supplements. I intend to get some empirical data - measurements - and plan to check that data every month. Physically, I just don't feel "right", and psychologically, I feel deflated and depressed, Even though my wife and I rarely have intercourse - the though of never having intercourse again is depressing. and now I don't feel as if I can, or should, take myself in hand.

Sorry for the ramble but I thought I'd tell the whole story - or at least as much of it as might be of interest
68, curve initially then diagnosis Aug 2021, partner, starting Nitrates & ubiquitol


Welcome to the forum Vintage.  You are not alone in this and it is good that you found this forum.  Here you can read and converse with guys who have been on this roller coaster ride called peyronies.  The first thing I would like you to do is to please fill out your signature line ---> You can find instructions here! -,10819.0.html . This info gives other members a quick glance at your situation without having to search the forum about you and it motivates others to amswer your questions.  
 Secondly if you haven't done it already you should read the survival guide -->,3180.msg44057.html#msg44057 . This will give you a lot of info regarding peyronies treatments and supplements used.

It sounds like you have had a formal diagnosis but did the doctor do an ultrasound to look inside of your penis? If it were me I would ask the Dr that diagnosed you to perform one or better yet seek out a peyronies specialist if at all possible.

 Involving your wife is good as it can ease things mentally for the both of you. She can have a better understanding of your mental state and just be some comfort.  Not having intercourse can be a bummer but sex is a lot more involved than that.  The supplements you are taking can help you out.  You need to look into VED therapy and penile traction.  The forum has info regarding both - just remember to start out gentle with the traction.  The Restorex and the Penimaster are the two most used ones here.
 You must get a hold onto your emotions and don't let this turn into constant worrying and obsessing as this can be more destructive in the long run. Form your plan and work it.  Also masturbation can make things worse for some so it is best to leave things alone if you are in pain.  You can ramble here because that is how we express our feelings and unload mentally.  Goof luck  :) Mikel7
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Welcome to the forum Vintage!
I agree with Mikel7.  Waiting will do nothing positive for your situation.


Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks for the welcome folks, here and in messages. I have had no ultrasound or anything  - just "Wait and See" I'm now taking the various supplements recommended here and will be investigating Castor oil as lube and maybe some Viagra too. Will do the suggested measurements soon too.
68, curve initially then diagnosis Aug 2021, partner, starting Nitrates & ubiquitol