Severe Penis Curve my entire life. Advice? Photos included

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My penis has always been severely curved. I never noticed as a teenage boy but became all too aware of my problem when I started trying to have sex.

I'm 24 now, penetration in the  past has been just about possible, only in missionary. But I have had plenty of times where I haven't been able to get my penis inside of a girl and it's safe to say it's left me pretty depressed.

I've included photos, my penis bends to the left and upwards, I'm unsure on the angle interested on your thoughts?

I would like to apologise if this isn't an appropriate forum to post in. I do not suffer from Peyronies I believe as my penis doesn't experience discomfort, just a severe curve since birth. I feel incredibly hopeless in my situation. I don't have much hope of meeting a woman like this, my confidence is absolutely shot and I feel so emasculated by my penis.

Interested to hear any thoughts/advice, would surgery be worth consideration? I've never spoke about this to anyone and just really needed to get it off my chest. Any feedback or opinions would be much appreciated.

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Hello 09matfin,
Thanks for your inquiry.  As you say, if your penis has been curved your entire life, you do not have Peyronies, which is a sudden onset disease that starts for reasons we don't entirely understand, and can in some cases get worse and worse over time.  Many of us in this Forum today have a penis that looks somewhat like yours, but was straight until one morning when we woke up and it wasn't...
Since you asked, I can give you some advice, but first I need to ask you a question:  when your penis is erect, does it get hard and stiff?  You say there are plenty of times you couldn't achieve vaginal penetration.  Was that because the penis wasn't erect, or the erection was too soft?  

From the photos you sent, your curve is quite pronounced, but I wouldn't say it was "severe".  The curve is in the right direction to fit nicely in a vagina, and in fact it might even hit a girl's G-spot better than a straight penis.  So please let us know if the reason you couldn't penetrate was that the erection wasn't firm enough - because that can happen no matter how straight a dick is.  

I have more ideas but I won't speculate until you respond.  
All the best,
Age 64, Peyronie's history 4 years, left side hourglass, 20-degree bend to left, no ED


Hi PeyroniKirai, thanks a lot for getting back to me it's much appreciated.

When erect my penis is actually really hard. The initial inability to achieve vaginal penetration, perhaps attributing to the curve, lack of flexibility and lack of lubrication, starts to play on my mind and I lose the erection.

I think a lot of my problem is psychological. I haven't had massive amounts of sexual intercourse in my life but am incredibly self conscious about my curve and potential inability to satisfy a woman.

I do appreciate I'm fortunate to have a working penis and am incredibly sympathetic to those that have experienced sudden curvature later in life. Thanks for your feedback.  
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Does it hurt to bend it down alittle? Like if you are trying to have sex from behind "doggy style" does it hurt? It's seems more so the lack of sexual experience that you are having trouble with sex then the actual curve. To be perfectly honest I don't see your curve to be severe at all and since you always had it it's congenital, you shouldn't worry too much.
34 yrs Old, Healthy very active
Possibly injured penis or took too much Cialis
Symptoms starting January-February 2021
First dent seen April 4, 2021, painful erections


Hi again 09matfin,
OK, so if as you say the erections are really hard, that means you have a perfectly functioning penis.  
It sounds like it's exactly as you say, you are just terribly self-conscious about it and you fear you won't satisfy the woman.  You said it yourself, the problem is mostly psychological, and as Kobegianna added, also due to lack of experience:  you are so worried that you lose the erection.  But these things happen just as often to guys with totally straight penises!
 I won't try to tell you how to make love to a woman, but if you can just relax in bed with her and get her hot slowly, she will want you inside her and she'll help you get there.  Most women don't need to be impressed with how big or strong your cock is.  They're more impressed with how considerate you are, how well you listen to them talk, the loving looks and attention you give them, the way you make them feel special.  If you get those things right, most women won't care too much if your cock is big or small, or straight or bent.
 As I said before, the way yours is curved, you might hit a girl's G-spot a lot better than some guys with totally straight dicks.
All this said, I don't think you need a Peyronie's support group.  You need to work on your intimacy with women, and feeling comfortable with yourself.  The confidence will come after that.  
Best of luck!
Age 64, Peyronie's history 4 years, left side hourglass, 20-degree bend to left, no ED


Quote from: Kobegianna on October 02, 2021, 01:53:09 PM
Does it hurt to bend it down a little? Like if you are trying to have sex from behind "doggy style" does it hurt? It's seems more so the lack of sexual experience that you are having trouble with sex then the actual curve. To be perfectly honest I don't see your curve to be severe at all and since you always had it it's congenital, you shouldn't worry too much.

Hi!  I am new to this forum but am also a young man and quite literally am unable to have sex from behind or pretty much any position except missionary/cowgirl due to a really similar curve(almost exactly the same) and was wondering if you think that is worth getting surgery/evaluated.  Really frustrating because when my penis bends down it kind of hurts and slips out very frequently- and positions from behind are impossible.  The curve has existed for as long as I can remember.
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Definitely is a severe curve. I can tell you from personal experience that you will even have a difficult time "staying in". Even in missionary position, once you pull out partway, you will slip out due to the angle of the bend. If you have had this your entire life I would guess to say that this is a congenital curve. And for this surgery is about your only option.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Re: Curve your entire life
Apart from the curve, the critical part is the base, which appears normal. Therefore, there wouldn't be an issue, girl on top. (I'm a woman.)
My partner is curved upward from the base. He is shaped like a can opener and causes me injury.
I posted some DIY remedies I haven't seen posted under the heading of tight underwear. Definitely worth checking out the methods in 1-3 months. Imho Yours is not too hard to fix. Don't worry. Best wishes, and thank you for sharing 🙂
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Thanks for sharing. I have been feeling exactly the same way you do for almost 2 decades. Do not wait like me and have your self confidence and relationships take a hit.

Do seek advice of your doctor. From my personal experience, surgery is the only way to fix a severe congenital curvature.

Age : 36

Congenital Penile Curvature. Ventral. 80-90 degrees.

Plication Surgery - Aug 2022