Hello People - Peyronies Disease or not Peyronies Disease?

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Hello People. Peyronies Disease or not Peyronies Disease?

First of all I'd like to send my regards to all community of this forum which I've been reading for the last few days.
You guys are beaultifully sopportive to each other. Well, what can I say, weird times lately, anyway, I hope all of you are doing great.

So, actually I'm not sure if I have Peyronies Disease yet. Let me tell you what's going on as resumed as I can.

I'm 29y, kinda healthy, used to practice exercises (stop a while during pandemics), good diet, drink moderatedly and quit tobacco for more than year now (one recent relapse I'll tell)
I always had a good sexual performance, and I guess I still have. I've made a sucessfull partial-circuncision when I was 8 (don't know if that matters but anyway), and my penis was always healthy and a little left bent since my salad days, also I'm average sized.

I mentioned I have a little natural LEFT bend since I'm young. My possible injury, was on the RIGHT SIDE,
and my penis is bending more than usual to the LEFT side. I cant feel any plaque at all on both sides.
Peyronies Disease's usually bend to the same side of the injury/plaque, right? could it be different?
I've had read a post of guy in which he just had a inflamation swelling for some months, like me in the other side of the bend, same symptoms, and was cured after some weeks of Ibuprofen and cold therapy.
Is it possible I just have a chronic inflamation which isnt Peyronies Disease?






UROLOGIST APOINTMENT 09/21 > Will uptade this post after it.


- No pain
- Little natural curve (can't really tell if got worse, sometime I guess so, sometimes i'm think I'm freaking out)
- Rigid feeling/ less felxible when standing, gets softer almost imediately if I sit, lay or massage it. (can't tell if it was like this before)
- Usually hangs low as always (after sex or masturbation may feels different, idk, more rigid, uncomfotable, but not pain)
- Possibly there's still a very little sweeling on the right side. Can't be really sure, it's more visible when flaccid I guess, but it's at the exacty point where my penis naturally used to be curved and also more girthy. It's also where it looks to bend more then usual. That's really confusing.
- No size changes

Semi Erect:
- Unusual curvature starts to be really noticeble, its worse if I'm laying, but I can tell this is not just about gravity.
- Usually feel some disconfort while getting erect, mainly if I'm yet on pants, but even all naked.
- Feel some pain, mainly if I recently mastubated or had intercouse, but even if I hadn't it may happen.
- As it is kind of uncomfortable or even painful, it may take more time and need a more careful stimulation until I'm full erect, but lately I can always manage to get there, masturbating or in intercourse.

Full Erect:
- Had some quick Erectile Dysfunction episode, probably due to psycological issues as described, cant discard it could be something else.
- Can manage to have very good erections while mastubating or in intercourse.
- Sex intercourse with her on top makes difficult to keep erection, can feel pontually discomfortable or painful.
- May feel some pain if I've recently masturbated or had earlier intercourse.
- No unusual curvature or swelling can be noticed, maybe, very very little diference from usual, I can't really tell.
- No size changes

What I'm doing about it:
- Scheduled and Uro 09/21
- Got back to my usual exercises (which I stoped for some months due to relationship breakdown.) 07/21
- Quit smoking again (which I was out for more than a year, but was up to it for some weeks when it all starded, also due to relationship breakdown.) 07/21
- Reduced drinking alcohol 07/21
- Improved a lot my diet, which was already fine. Add mainly anti-oxidants, anti-inflamatories, "aphrodisiac" stuff, such as daily lemon juice, ginger in slices and as tea, nuts, strawberries, propolis, and so on. 07/21
- Started doing some heat therapy, followed to very, very gently and quick  manual stretching sessions, following NeoVman tips. (believe me or not, even they're quick, they made me feel already little better) 09/21
- Going to try taking 800mg Ibuprofen, and also cold therapy, to see if it helps with possible inflamation.
- Completelly quit mastrubation, taking at least 15 days rest between sex intercourse, don't know for how long.

Kind regards.
Not sure about Peyronies Disease


Welcome Leftleft to the forum. It looks like you did fill out some info on your signature line. After you find out more info from your Dr appointment you should add some more to it.  Also read the survival guide -->https://www.peyroniesforum.net/index.php/topic,3180.msg44057.html#msg44057 . This will give you a better understanding about peyronies and it's treatments.

I would say that you should have a list of questions for the Dr.  Abstaining from masturbation and intercourse will help you heal up. Smoking and drinking are not conducive to your general health either.  Alcohol is a depressant and I'm sure that smoking isn't good for your body.

I would not suggest cold therapy or manual traction either.  You don't know how much force you are applying to your penis. Heat therapy is good as long as it is controlled.   The Restorex and PMP have a long history of success for being used in traction. Exercise is very beneficial in everyway. It helps circulation , muscles, endorphins, etc..... You still don't have a formal diagnosis so worrying about things is not good. Breaking up from a long relationship does take time to heal - just don't rebound quickly into another relationship and end up worse off.  You are among the best bunch of men on the planet and we all share your thoughts and feelings.  There is nothing we have not experienced in regards to this awful thing called peyronies.  :)  Mikel7

Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Thanks @Mikel7

I have already read the Survival Guide, and I must say it was kind of comforting.

Yeah, once I've finished this post I've already felt a little better, just putting my stuff together,
you know, recent story, latest symptons listing, helped me get this desperate thinking loop out of my mind for a while.
I'm really having some difficult to focus os my tasks lately due to anxiety about this.
But I believe this step will help me in my appointment, maybe doing a question list like you said.
Thanks for that.

I'm trying to avoid overthinking, or at least, thinking about things like getting to the point of  needing surgery, or even 6hour traction protocol, since I'm not yet diagnosed and only present mild symptons I guess, for a short period yet (considering acute phase could take more than a year. So as I said, for now, what I can do is without medical recomndation, I'm carefully doing, like heat therapy, very gentle hand tracion, (I mean very easy and gentle, no bending at all, for a few minutes after heat, its more like a massage for better blood flow), regular exercises, aimed diet, and staring Ibuprofen routine for some days. Anyway I thanks for your advices.

I don't really want to engage a new relationship so soon, but spending some time with this girl, kind of a friend and lover, have mande me so good lately, I believe also for her, since everything is just so grey nowadays. It looks like its good as it is for now. Also, I believe being sexual active lately made me more aware of my symtoms, I could have not noticed as well alone, and maybe wasting more time before taking a atitude. Now i'm little scared of intercourse injuries or symptom regretion, so as I said I'll get some rest between them, and be very careful when it happens. I prefer to try sex once in a while to see how I'm going, and avoid masturbation at all, than stopping all of it for a while, at least for now.

I believe in you when you say I'm sorrounded by the best men in the world, beeing aware of our sexual health, fighting this issues, being supportive to each other, its a really beautilful signal of strength, perseverance and even spirituality, and that says much more of us than anything else.

What frightens me is that I'm kinda of young, which looks like its not usual, even that there some guys here in their 10s, 20s, 30s.
This is tough for everyone for sure, but I can tell you is very scary to think it could be this way for maybe biggest part of my life, and how it could difficult for me to have sex, and mainly, to have a partner which would like to build a family with me.
Thats the moment I remeber I'm just having nice intercoruses and dating someone who really enjoy my body and company, and start to think I'm really freaking way too out.

I'm really interested in the question I made about my curve being on the other side of my swelling. Could this eliminate Peyronies Disease possibilities?
Any thoughts on that?

I really apreciate you're welcome.
Not sure about Peyronies Disease


Welcome to the forums man. I'm not quite sure you actually have Peyronie's disease based off what you wrote. It could just be some swelling or inflammation from sex. And most guys here advise against having a girl on top during sex, as that's the most risky for someone with Peyronie's. It does seem you have a lot of anxiety related to you noticing changes in your penis.

It sounds like you may have hard flaccid, since you mentioned your flaccid penis becomes more rigid when standing, and almost immediately gets softer when you lay down or sit.

If you're really worried about it being Peyronie's, try to see a specialist that would do an ultrasound with caverject to see if you have any scarring.

I agree with Mikel7, lay off the sex and masturbation to let things heal and go from there.
Good luck.
MIA - nothing works after 5 months
supplements and pharmaceuticals I've tried:
cialis, pentox, magnesium chloride, dim, turmeric, hyaluronic acid, vitamin k2, paba, l-arginine, l-citrulline. either get surgery (and possible ed), get implant, or pray


Fala irmão, beleza?

Well, you shouldn't diagnose yourself. Instead, find out a good doctor that really knows Peyronies and make him give you a USG with doppler prescription Do it with a competent professional. Even then it wouldn't be enough to rule out the disease, but definitely would points out more towards a conclusion.

Like yourself, I also always had a congenital curvature, but Peyronies is usually far worse than a light bend. I recommend you not to stress over it until you have a full diagnose for a definitive evaluation. (I would recommend Doctor Marco Tulio. Check him out on youtube). Otherwise you mind will crush any sexual drive and confidence you have without reason.

Peyronies comes in drastically different from each person to another. It is difficult to find a pattern. But, to me, your case appears to be a slow healing wound, perhaps a biased misperception of your congenital curvature, mixed with a damaged psychological state. But, in any case, until you have a final diagnosis, you should take some precautions: stop smoking ASAP(!!!); Avoid alcohol; Reduce carbs and sugar consumption (this is not an unanimity, but I strongly recommend); take it easy on masturbation (I'd recommend to stop at all for now); and avoid having sex with the girl on top. Be careful and somewhat conservative, for now. But look out for a good doctor, in order to full evaluate your case, to, either finally drop out those precaution and live an easier life, or to take drastic actions to fight this disease (which I sincerely and hope and pray, it is not your case). Time is essence on the treatment if that is the case.

Deus te cuide!
41 yo, married. Onset on 07/20. Flare up on 07/21. Brand new flare up 01/23. Indentations and hourglass. It still hurts sometimes; No erectile dysfunction. Taking Pentox, Cialis, Supplements, trying diets, fasting, VED and manual traction.
God bless


Hey @Lostandsad and @winter!
Thanks for answering guys.


Dude, I really hope so its just a "minor" inflamation.
Yeah, I've noticed some people reporting that about girls on top. I'm avoiding it for a while, other positions work fine.
Yeah, idk, I've been more anxious about that the last two weeks, trying to deal with that better.
I'm out of masturbation and sex for 2 weeks next weekend, I will keep it that way for a a while yet.
Anyway I still have some morning wood, so I can always tell if I'm in a better day or not.
Yeah its possible it could be hard flaccid, I've read it also can cause bends, is that really true?
A problem about that is, as you know, hardflaccid has very little cientific content, and even in internet,
this term dosen't even apply to something in my lenguage/country as long as I know.
I'm going to some doctros soon, and will update the post.
Thank you very much, sir!


Salve mano!

Yeah I shoudnt diagnose not even treat myself before going to the doctors. Anyway, i'm taking some anti-inflamatories I'm used to,
which have been indicated here in several posts, even with good result reports in some cases, also I'm recently doing daily massages/ gentle traction, and it feels really good actually, like its helping some way to relax all tissues and improve blood flow, even possible hard flaccid looks better. Besides that I'm eating even better like I described, and making daily exercises as always, such as running, yoga and so on. I'm also out of smoking for a while already, and significantly reduced alcohol.

I've seen Dr. Marco Tulios videos already, it didn't crossed my mind to do and appiontment with him, but it looks like such a good idea,
I'll check if he is up to my healthcare plan, anyway I have already an appointment for tomorrow, and as I said, gonna update here after that. I hope you're right and thats a "minor" inflamattion, and I'm kind os psychologically demaged and biased.

Obrigado demais mano, vou ficar atento as dicas. Abraço!
Not sure about Peyronies Disease


Mine symptoms are exactly like that of yours.I hope things will get good soon.
Immediate 40 degree right curve due to injury on 3rd June 2021
Uro diagnosed me with penile injury on 2nd September 2021
Curve came down to about 20-25degree with-massage and cialis daily,after that didnt change


Quote from: Mikel7 on September 21, 2021, 02:00:57 PM
Welcome Leftleft to the forum. It looks like you did fill out some info on your signature line. After you find out more info from your Dr appointment you should add some more to it.  Also read the survival guide -->https://www.peyroniesforum.net/index.php/topic,3180.msg44057.html#msg44057 . This will give you a better understanding about peyronies and it's treatments.

I would say that you should have a list of questions for the Dr.  Abstaining from masturbation and intercourse will help you heal up. Smoking and drinking are not conducive to your general health either.  Alcohol is a depressant and I'm sure that smoking isn't good for your body.

I would not suggest cold therapy or manual traction either.  You don't know how much force you are applying to your penis. Heat therapy is good as long as it is controlled.   The Restorex and PMP have a long history of success for being used in traction. Exercise is very beneficial in everyway. It helps circulation , muscles, endorphins, etc..... You still don't have a formal diagnosis so worrying about things is not good. Breaking up from a long relationship does take time to heal - just don't rebound quickly into another relationship and end up worse off.  You are among the best bunch of men on the planet and we all share your thoughts and feelings.  There is nothing we have not experienced in regards to this awful thing called peyronies.  :)  Mikel7

Hey, just in case you didn't saw my answer cause I didn't quoted it. Thanks!
Not sure about Peyronies Disease


leftleft who are you this is a second post where you describe totally different problems i smell bs


Quote from: Winter on September 22, 2021, 01:01:01 AM
Fala irmão, beleza?

Well, you shouldn't diagnose yourself. Instead, find out a good doctor that really knows Peyronies and make him give you a USG with doppler prescription Do it with a competent professional. Even then it wouldn't be enough to rule out the disease, but definitely would points out more towards a conclusion.

Like yourself, I also always had a congenital curvature, but Peyronies is usually far worse than a light bend. I recommend you not to stress over it until you have a full diagnose for a definitive evaluation. (I would recommend Doctor Marco Tulio. Check him out on youtube). Otherwise you mind will crush any sexual drive and confidence you have without reason.

Peyronies comes in drastically different from each person to another. It is difficult to find a pattern. But, to me, your case appears to be a slow healing wound, perhaps a biased misperception of your congenital curvature, mixed with a damaged psychological state. But, in any case, until you have a final diagnosis, you should take some precautions: stop smoking ASAP(!!!); Avoid alcohol; Reduce carbs and sugar consumption (this is not an unanimity, but I strongly recommend); take it easy on masturbation (I'd recommend to stop at all for now); and avoid having sex with the girl on top. Be careful and somewhat conservative, for now. But look out for a good doctor, in order to full evaluate your case, to, either finally drop out those precaution and live an easier life, or to take drastic actions to fight this disease (which I sincerely and hope and pray, it is not your case). Time is essence on the treatment if that is the case.

Deus te cuide!

Heyhey, just in case you didn't saw my answer cause I didn't quoted you. Thanks!
Not sure about Peyronies Disease


Not sure about Peyronies Disease


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Best Wishes!
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums