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Hey guys I'm new here and I recently went to a urologist, I've this since I was a teenager. 14 years old I noticed a cord that ran throughout my penis, now the cord extends to the whole penis, up, down & the sides. Regardless of that I didn't think of the size loss much but due to the age I was when I got this disease I don't really know, my urologist had asked about it so I replied I didn't really care, so I had asked if I most likely lost size and he said, it was very apparent in girth, and I might've lost length but my question is basically do most men lose girth with calcified plaque? I do understand it varies, how much size was lost so I'd just like a somewhat complete answer, I do have more questions but this is for my introduction and not the place to post, anyways for any answers, I appreciate it and thank you!
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Welcome Piantoi to the forum. The first thing youneed to do is to fill out your signature line --> It's hard to remember your case details out of 20,000 members. You can find instructions
here! - https://www.peyroniesforum.net/index.php/topic,10819.0.html.  Then you need to read the survival guide as it answers a lot of your questions. --> https://www.peyroniesforum.net/index.php/topic,3180.msg44057.html#msg44057.

I do know that with peyronies the size reduction can vary with each individual. Either in girth or
length or both it is non specific. So you have seen a urologist? So it sounds like your Dr did diagnose you with peyronies?  You may look into the survival guide about the different treatments that can be of some benefit.  Gentle traction can help restore some if not all of your lost size. VED therapy is also a helpful tool.  If your erections are not good you may try some low dose Cialis. It must all be taken with the mindset that this is a marathon and not a sprint.  You can re-injure yourself by being to zealous and not being gentle and careful.

Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Hello Piantoi,
Thought I would add a little to this string in the form of more questions.  I know you said you are looking for answers, but we need to find out a little more about your case to get there.
The first question would be what Mikel7 already asked you, which is,
  1.  Have you been diagnosed with Peyronie's?
You mention a "cord" and you say the uro says you lost girth.  This makes sense if one stripe along the side of your penis isn't expanding when you get an erection.  Also, if the cord is very stiff and it keeps your penis from expanding lengthwise when erect, then probably you have "lost length" due to the cord.  But the most common symptom with Peyronie's is not a "cord", but actually that a certain spot in the penis doesn't fill completely with blood during erection, thus causing the penis to bend around that spot.  One way people describe it is to imagine a sausage-shaped balloon with a piece of tape in the middle.  The part with the tape won't expand, and the balloon will bend when inflated. So...
  2.  Do you have a curvature or a bend, and if so, how many degrees?
Next question is a strange one perhaps, because it's getting right into why you even care about this, but here goes:
  3.  Do you feel that your penis HAS lost length?  And if, how would you know?  If this started when you were 14, then it sounds as though this happened after puberty when your penis had already grown to man-size.  So, for example, if your erect penis is currently 5 to 6 inches long erect, then it's an average size penis and it doesn't really matter if you "lost length" -- unless you had a huge one before and you miss it.  But from what you say, it doesn't sound like that's the case.

If you can answer these three questions I think the Forum members may be able to give you a lot more information and support.
All the best,
Age 64, Peyronie's history 4 years, left side hourglass, 20-degree bend to left, no ED