Cdub's Injury Diary

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Hi i had a potential microtraume (fraction) too. But you do it very  well so far, i was careless and wasted time.
What is ur main concern? Pain, errection quality or deformity?
Mine is clearly the flaccid pain that is bothering me a lot for couple of hours daily.
What was your longest break with sex and masturbation so far?
I did 4 weeks but errections at night were strong then and ruined any rest i would have like given my P.
27y, injured at 21 y!

Reinjured late 2019 when having sex with weak errection.
No curvature, but rotation of the base to the left about 30degrees
Main problem: chronic flaccid pain.

Trying different stuff now


Had a long weekend with my girlfriend on a vacation.  We f'~c<+d like bunnies!   ;D
I'm glad to report that everything held up really well.  In the course of 3 days, we had sex 7 times.  7 times where I was able to fully orgasm.  Everything seems to be holding up well with minimum pain.  Also, we were trying quite a few different positions.  I've been very careful with positions and intensity thru all of this.  The different positions have been great and I think part of that is that I was slow in easing back into them and even now I'm keeping the intensity down so that's really helping with everything.  
Age: 44
Large Indentation 3/16/20, lead to Penile Microfracture on 6/26/21.  Still suffering from large indentation, some wasting on other side of penis and large nodule when erect in center of penis (dorsal). Penis is straight & erections are good.


Haven't posted in awhile with all of this.  

No traction since late June as I was having some issues with my hernia.  Ready to start traction again finally.  I did order the Jes Extender but that thing applies too much pressure to my groin area to release the springs, this is mainly an issue because of the hernia recovery.  So I'm scrapping that one.  I'm considering the Restorex again but using it VERY light.  I see Dr. Christine out of Alabama next week, going to inquire with him if he thinks Restorex might be of help?  Also I want to see what Dr. Christine thinks, is this a positive case of Peyronies, which I've self-diagnosed myself as Dr. Levine never fully gave a 100% diagnosis.  Also I really want to know if ETG is an option for me, if it may help with not only how my penis looks, but will it provide added support?  And cost of course.

Last, I've been having regular sex with my girlfriend, about once or twice a week we get together and I'm able to orgasm 1-2 times each session.  I almost always get sore after a session, especially if she's on top or even doggie style.  It's hard to have sex in missionary and doggie style even without having some pain during the process.  This all just sucks.  

I'm hoping that regular long-term traction will help stretch my massive scar that sits on the dorsal side of my penis.  The scar is about 1 inch in diameter.  Also, abstaining from porn and masturbation does help as well.  The more I masturbate during the week, the more inflammation and pain I get during the week too.  And finally I'm hoping the long term stretching will help my penis fill out more during erection.  The scar has blocked off some of the area after the scar from fully filling out with blood during an erection so I get some wasting on the dorsal side to the left after the scar.

Bless  you all.

Age: 44
Large Indentation 3/16/20, lead to Penile Microfracture on 6/26/21.  Still suffering from large indentation, some wasting on other side of penis and large nodule when erect in center of penis (dorsal). Penis is straight & erections are good.



I am glad you are able to have sex at least although you have soreness afterwards, sadly that is normal when your penis is scarred. From what I have read your dick is still straight and erections are still fine? You still have a rather larger dent just like me though. My two cents is that you should be happy you at least got no curve and ED. A straight dick is better than a curved one caused by peyronies and also the fact that you seem to have no ED is imo great. Also I read that when Dr.Levine did an US they detected nothing, is that correct? If so also that's another positive.

As far as the extender goes I can't give any input here all I can say is listen to your body, if you have done it for a longer time with no results then just scrap it alltogether.

Have you tried a SomaCorrect pump? I've heard mixed stories on that one when it comes to dents like ours.

Abstaining from masturbation and in PARTICULAR porn as you said, is very important so keep on strictly doing that!
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Hi Sonic,

Thank you for the kind words.

Yes erections are still straight, and not really having any issues getting erections.  Yes, true Dr. Levine was not able to detect any plaques in ultrasound.  There is definitely a large palpable scar on the top of my penis, larger than the circumference of a US Quarter coin when erect.  And definitely palpable flaccid too.  I'm just really concerned that eventually this is going to get worse, the dent is very large, it's deep and runs about half the girth of my penis from the top to the bottom on the right side about halfway up my penis.  

I do have a penis pump from years ago that I have not ventured into using since these injuries as I was afraid it may do more damage.  I will look into the SomaCorrect pump that you mentioned.  

Yes the porn and masturbation especially not edging is a huge thing to not be doing anymore.  I'm still working on that.  

I will see Dr. Christine next week.  I'm wondering what his protocol is.  I will not be happy if I fly down there and he just palpates my flaccid penis and that's it.  I had asked ahead of time to see if they will be inducing an erection and doing US.  I never got a definitive answer.  If I don't get much of an answer from him I will be going do either Dr. Lue or Dr. Trost.  I feel 50/50 with the care I got from Levine, too many times he seemed to be in too much of a damned hurry.  

I hope you are doing better with your situation.
Age: 44
Large Indentation 3/16/20, lead to Penile Microfracture on 6/26/21.  Still suffering from large indentation, some wasting on other side of penis and large nodule when erect in center of penis (dorsal). Penis is straight & erections are good.


Quote from: cdub on September 07, 2022, 08:39:41 PM
I'm just really concerned that eventually this is going to get worse,

There is no point in worrying about what might happen try to relax and do your thing because from all I can read in your posts you seem to be doing really fine apart from the dent.

Look at it this way. If it does indeed get worse then you will be in the right hands looking at the name of the doctors you are in touch with, they are top quality unlike the garbage over here so if it one day does get worse you can be assured one of them will find a good solution surgery wise perhaps. Until then just ride the wave and stay strong, ask your doctors if they think a SomaCorrect could maybe be helpful in your situation.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Thanks Sonic again.

An update here.

I saw Dr. Brian Christine yesterday.  I wanted a 2nd opinion on my condition from a Urologist who is knowledgble on Peyronies.  I saw him on Tuesday afternoon.  Unfortunately, I was not able to get an Ultrasound done in any condition (flaccid or hard).  He said he only does those on Fridays.  I wasn't sure, I tried to check ahead of time but I should have inquired more, so that sucked,  :( .

He did palpate my flaccid penis and said he found no indication of Peyronies and my penis appeared in much better shape than most patients he sees with Peyroines.  That was nice to hear but he still was not able to do ultrasound on the penis in either condition and he was not able to see the penis in the erect state.  In the erect state the large dent is very noticeable, and also the large scar in the middle of the penis (dorsal) can be felt and observed as well as some wasting on the left side of the penis as a result of that scarring.  I really want him to be able to see my penis in the erect state as well as do an ultrasound in both states in order for him to make the best diagnosis of my situation.  

I will be coming back to see him in December as I will be in the area anyway.  We have the ultrasounds scheduled for then and he gave me his secretary's direct line in case I have further questions between then and now.  He spoke highly of Dr. Levine.

Some good feedback I got from him on this visit were the following.  He was in agreement with Dr. Levine that Extra Tunical Grafting (ETG) does not give structural support to the erect penis, it is for aesthetic purposes.  

Also, I did mention that I was worried about having to eventually have an implant.  To which he asked about my erections, which I responded I have no problems getting erections and they are straight.  He said that is very good.  Straight erections are very good for basically most likely not having Peyronies.  But also, he said we do Transplants for guys that have ED.  Not that I might not have to worry about those in the future, but at the moment it appears that I'm not really in either camp (Peyronies or ED), which is a good thing of course.  Doesn't mean I don't have scar tissue and weird deviations going on in my penis that are causing issues with sex (post sex pain/soreness) though.

I will be seeing him again in early December, so I'm looking forward to really getting a full assessment from him at that time.  My main reasons for seeing him were to get a 2nd opinion from a Dr. that knows about Peyronies, address the ETG debate question about stability/aesthetics, and also see if my condition isn't Peyronies then what exactly is it and what is the best course of action going forward?
Age: 44
Large Indentation 3/16/20, lead to Penile Microfracture on 6/26/21.  Still suffering from large indentation, some wasting on other side of penis and large nodule when erect in center of penis (dorsal). Penis is straight & erections are good.


Just an update as it's been a bit since I did.

Saw Dr. Brian Christine last Friday.  His assistant did flaccid and erect ultrasounds.  Dr. Christine didn't see any peyronie's like plaques/scaring.  He was able to notice the large indentation on the right side when I was erect and the bump(scarring) on the dorsal side of my penis when I was erect too.  He really pushed around to see if I had any erection instability.  He pushed down on my erection, it was uncomfortable but not painful.  Based on his findings he said he didn't notice instability in the erection.  

He offered me a few options.  

1. Don't do anything at all.  Continue living as I'm living.  I am having sex and for the most part things are fine.  Erections are straight and I get them regularly.  I do avoid some positions or at least I'm a lot more careful partaking in them and not being as intense or going as long in duration with them (her on top & doggystyle).  

2. Consider Extra Tunical Grafting.  He talked about this before to me in September. He said it really does not provide structural support, it's more of an aesthetic procedure and for looks.  If the look of the indent bothers me so much I might want to consider this.  The risk is, and these are his words, that most guys have about a 20% chance of erectile dysfunction after an ETG procedure, meaning they need cialis or viagra for sex.  With my current situation (straight and regular erections) I don't think that risk is worth it.  

3.  He did bring up Hyaluronic Acid injections.  He mentioned a Doctor out of Miami that he thinks is doing good work with these and it specifically helps address girth issues.  I'd have to look into this one more but not sure I like the idea of this either.  In theory the injections could fill in my indent.  I'm not sure about long term effects, sounds like over time they dissolve/go away, it's costly (you usually need multiple sessions), and some guys have side effects that require operation (infections).

4. I did bring up using a combination of light force Traction and/or Vacuum. He said of the two for my situation the Vacuum may be the better option to consider, but to be careful and not over do it with the pumping.  He said it would probably take a long time and a commitment to see any benefit.  

Lastly I brought up the Penuma that Dr. Levine told me of too. He wasn't real thrilled with me going that route.  He said he had a patient who had one but got an infection and it had to come out.  I wasn't really considering the Penuma but I did want to bring it up.

So here is where I've arrived.  My plan going forward is to start Vac Pumping.  And being extra careful because my penis is hurt of course.  I'm going to read a lot on this forum for protocols and safety before I attempt anything.  I've got 2 cylinders (a large and small from my PE days, the pump has a pressure gauge too).  I'm thinking about this and adding a cylinder that is in the middle, or just going with the Somacorrect that I've heard a little of here.  

I'm still thinking about picking up a Restorex again but using much less force.  I like the idea of stretching and not manually as I like to have my hands free.  The PMP and Jes wouldn't work for me but I think I can make the Restorex work I just need to use way less force then they recommend.  I think in general light traction will help my penis, mainly to help the large bump/scar on the top stretch out and hopefully (fingers crossed) influence to remodel some and be more pliable helping to open up more blood flow to my penis and help fill out the indents and slight wasting.  

I will update again in the next few weeks about my appointment from Dr. Christine too.  I want to get his full write up on my visit as I'm sure I forgot some things.  

Bless you all, cdub
Age: 44
Large Indentation 3/16/20, lead to Penile Microfracture on 6/26/21.  Still suffering from large indentation, some wasting on other side of penis and large nodule when erect in center of penis (dorsal). Penis is straight & erections are good.


That's some very encouraging news. No plaque found on the US and also no erectile instability shown. That is indeed very good news cdub. As for the pumping, definitely follow the forums protocols and never do longer holds than the ones recommended to avoid further trauma. If I was in your shoes with the same problems as you I would skip the traction completely simply due to the fact that you are straight.

The evidence of traction filling in dents is very low in studies.

Have a good week bro!
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Thanks for responding Sonic.  I have a plan going forward.

1. Vacuum Pump using the forum protocols
Main goal here is to address dent and wasting hoping over a long period of time this will help fill those out.

2. Low Tension stretching with Restorex.  
Main goal here is to help influence my large scar to soften and be more pliable and stretch.  The theory is to prevent the scar from shortening and curving my penis.  I think with gentle low tension strecthing daily this will help accomplish this.   I gotta cough up more bucks for a Restorex again...they are not cheap!
Age: 44
Large Indentation 3/16/20, lead to Penile Microfracture on 6/26/21.  Still suffering from large indentation, some wasting on other side of penis and large nodule when erect in center of penis (dorsal). Penis is straight & erections are good.


Just thought I'd check in as it's been a bit.

I haven't been doing the Vacuum Pumping like I said I would.  Just been busy with life and this hasn't been a priority.  I'm still on the fence about it.  Might be too much for me.  I'm finally accepting that doing a lot might not be the best way to go with this beast.  Also I know that Neo talks about in managing Peyronies you don't want to keep your penis in a stimulated erections.  Based on my memory to properly vacuum pump you need to be erect or at least semi-erect and doing this daily.  Seems that you will be constantly inflamed.

I have started stretching again though with low tension using the Jes Extender.  So far I'm very much preferring the Jex Extender over the Penimaster Pro and Restorex.  Penimaster Pro is way too fiddly, I had so much trouble with constantly having to readjust myself in it, it was bulky, issues with blisters, deforming the glans of the penis, slippage, getting the sluice/diaphragm combos right etc.  Did not work for me.  I think it really works best for a man with a large glans.  That's not me.  Restorex was too powerful and I have a remaining scar on my shaft to prove it.  Perhaps if I would have done at least half of the tension from the recommendations for the getgo I may have thought different, but I don't trust that it won't hurt me again, so I'm staying away.

Jes Extender was a little quirky at first, I did not like how I have to push on the springs to 'set' my shaft to fit the device, but after about 3-5 goes with it I got use to this.  I can really set this thing and pretty much forget it and go about my day and get other chores and things done, which is a huge plus for me.  Right now I'm only using it for 1 hour a day and LOW TENSION, I think this is key.  Low tension is really working well for me and my goals.  I mainly want to get a daily stretch.  I will up the tension eventually but this is a long process, I'm not in a hurry.

As far as my sex life.  Still seeing the same sweet girl thru all of this.  She's been with me before all this madness set in and still with me, I know I'm lucky to have her in my life.  I see her about 1-2 times a week and we almost always have sex.  Sometimes I can go 2 rounds and rarely I go 3.  But I'm happy with 1 solid go around and it seems she is okay with that.  It's hard to have her on top, which frustrates me because I know that is her favorite position but sometimes I just get too sore, so I'm always careful with that if we do and we use lots of lube.  Doggie Style gets me a little sore too, I'm not super long but it seems like I kind of bottom out sometimes.  The best position for me is missionary as this seems to not get me sore, thank god for that.   Every now and then I amp up the intensity but I'm always very careful when I do.  All for now.

Bless you all.  
Age: 44
Large Indentation 3/16/20, lead to Penile Microfracture on 6/26/21.  Still suffering from large indentation, some wasting on other side of penis and large nodule when erect in center of penis (dorsal). Penis is straight & erections are good.


Hey Cdub, thanks for the update and good to see you back. Regarding the JES extender, do you use it with the strap or the noose? I was kinda interested once buying one since it is so much cheaper than a PMP but I've heard it's a real hassle for uncut guys. I've even read about uncut PMP users running into issues. I know that you are circumcised so it is interesting to hear that you prefer JES over PMP.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Hi Sonic.  I've been using the strap but I might try using the noose soon.  I need to find a better wrap, right now my wrap is too thin and my glans does start to get swallowed up a little.  Probably would work better too if I was partially erect like 25% or something, that would just give the extender a little more to hold onto and also when I'm slightly erect like that it makes my glans bigger preventing it from starting to get swallowed up or slipping out.  All and all things are going very well though with the Jes Extender.

Yeah I don't know at all about how it is for uncut, so I'm not much help there.  

Are there lots of guys who are uncut who have issues with the Jes vs the PMP?  I wasn't aware.  

How is your situation?  Any improvement?
Age: 44
Large Indentation 3/16/20, lead to Penile Microfracture on 6/26/21.  Still suffering from large indentation, some wasting on other side of penis and large nodule when erect in center of penis (dorsal). Penis is straight & erections are good.


Just a general update.

Learned to live with this crap.  Still have sex pretty regularly.  About a year ago my ejaculations started being very muted, meaning sometimes barely anything comes out.  I know this is a result of the large hematoma scar blocking the path of the urethera when I'm erect and cumming. Also I still get sore after sex but learned to live with that too, usually it's nothing too major but usually noticeable.  I'd say my ejaculations are probably about 75-80% as far pleasure before all of this which would be 100%.  

About 2-3 weeks ago I noticed a new small indentation on the left side at the base of my penis when erect.  Not happy about that.

I have not been good about consistent stretching or VED.  Need to get back on that wagon.

All for now.  God bless you all.

Age: 44
Large Indentation 3/16/20, lead to Penile Microfracture on 6/26/21.  Still suffering from large indentation, some wasting on other side of penis and large nodule when erect in center of penis (dorsal). Penis is straight & erections are good.


Just an update.  Nothing new.  No changes since last change that I posted as far as the state of my penis.

For the last 2 weeks I've started traction again, about 1 hour a day only.  I need to increase this to at least 3 hours a day.  I will work up to this.  Probably will start doing two 1 hour sessions this weekend.  Also need to get some more padding for the wrapping I use, starting to wear out.  My goal is to keep my penis stretched but not a strong stretch.  Light stretch to maintain flexibility and stretch in my penis.

Plan is to do pumping again too, hoping to pop out some dents over years of work.
I subscribed to Neo's portal, found lots of good information thru that.  Started taking Propolis, and CoQ10.  I need to buy a decent multi-vitamin too.

On the girlfriend front we broke up about 10 days ago.  It was mutual, we were fading apart and she's probably too old for me anyway.  Sometimes my bad thoughts get the best of me and I start to think my injury had something to do with us breaking apart.  But then I remember she was with me thru all of this when it first started in March of 2020 and when I had the microfracture in June of 2021, if she was going to leave because of my unit she had plenty of time since then.  We could still have sex and my erections were straight but I had to tone down my frequency, intensity, and duration.  Also, it was tough to have her ride on top so we didn't do that much anymore.  It's weird my erections as far as intensity got better then before the injuries.  One thing is in the past 2 years my large scar made it so when I have an erection it pushes on the urethra affecting my ejaculations.  I don't ejaculate with near as much force because it's a smaller hole for everything to get thru and sometimes ejaculations that come later (like round 2) nearly nothing would come out.  It's like a delayed retro ejaculation that drips out.  

God bless you all.
Age: 44
Large Indentation 3/16/20, lead to Penile Microfracture on 6/26/21.  Still suffering from large indentation, some wasting on other side of penis and large nodule when erect in center of penis (dorsal). Penis is straight & erections are good.


Thank you for Sharing this update with us. Did I understood correctly that you are having urethral issues? If it starts affecting urination get that checked out and addressed. Over time it will lead to issues with your bladder and possibly kidneys. It's no joke.


Hi Pfract.  \

Thanks for your response.  You did read that correctly, in the past 2 years as this has evolved the large hematoma that has 'healed' inside of my penis giving a large scar inside has posed issues with ejaculation.  My hypotesis is that when I'm aroused the scar becomes bigger too and pushes on the urethra partially blocking the pathway so now my cum does shot out very well anymore.  This causes no pain, it's just unsightly and not as satisfying.  

When I'm not aroused the scar does not seem to block the pathway and I notice no issues with voiding nor do I notice any pain.  If I start to notice any issues with voiding and/or pain I will go back to the Urologist, but so far things are good on that front.  Thanks and God Bless.
Age: 44
Large Indentation 3/16/20, lead to Penile Microfracture on 6/26/21.  Still suffering from large indentation, some wasting on other side of penis and large nodule when erect in center of penis (dorsal). Penis is straight & erections are good.