Thoughts on the improvements thread

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The improvements thread rarely has contributions made to it. I have a feeling that many new to the forum make a beeline to this thread and are disappointed with what they find. The irony it is, that of late I have seen so many improvement reports littered all over the forum. One man in a botox study noted significant changes (maybe a controversial/ very new treatment is it is an improvement), a couple of very significant improvements are in the traction thread, a whole host of positive COQ10 reports have been noted in relation to reduce pain.

I have a feeling that people are very hesitant to post in the improvements threads unless they consider themselves completely cured. An improvement typically falls short of a 'cure' though, and so I am wondering if there is a way to encourage more frequent use of the improvements thread.


I think that improvements regarding pain do not qualify for reporting in under the improvement topic in the minds of many of us.  The topic was originally intended to be dedicated to obvious and quantifiable improvement in deformity only.  To a degree that is unfortunate, because I am convinced that improvement in pain is predictive of AVOIDANCE of future deformity which has ALWAYS gotten the short shrift in the Peyronie's community.  Doctors don't seem to care a wit about it because it is not quantifiable or tangible.  And guys with Peyronie's don't consider the value of preventing further deformity.  If something doesn't get rid of their CURRENT deformity, they dump it out as being useless.  I really believe that CoQ10 is a sleeper.  I believe that OVER TIME we WILL see many obvious and quantifiable results from CoQ10 products.  But it is going to take time.  CoQ10 and Pentox make a dynamic combination and their is some evidence that CoQ10 also is somewhat synergistic with ALC as well.  I think we are going to see some pretty dramatic improvements as a result in the fairly near future.  And this not to mention all the other EFFECTIVE treatments emerging.  To my way of thinking, we live in an exciting time in this regard.  A few short years ago there was nothing ... ZIT ... ZERO.  The ONLY tool out there was the VED and precious few Peyronie's patients even knew what that was and their doctor certainly wouldn't suggest it.  They were all put on Vitamin E and were lucky if they got so much as a mild placebo effect out of it.  Other than that their doctor would simply drone on about how hopeless it all was and that they would just have to accept life as a sexual invalid.  Fortunately that is no longer the case.  There are now MULTIPLE effective treatment approaches with more emerging all the time (Xiaflex, Botox, etc).  Now is NOT a time to be depressed and introverted about this disease.  Now is a time for celebration and action!  - George



Quote from: restore on February 15, 2011, 11:47:41 AM
Thanks George well said.  

I agree! The current situation is far from perfect, but the body of knowledge and of useful treatments is growing year on year. For those determined to do their utmost to combat peyronies'd isease, there are options that really do make a real difference.


I am one of the people who HAS posted in the improvements thread, but it did seem a bit lonely in there. I also post regular updates on my original story thread, because my story was sooooo grim that I feel people need to know the ending is positive.


Thanks for posting there BrightDog. The history section certainly gives a more complete view of peoples journey with peyronie's disease. I'm as guilty as others because I have made improvements but haven't yet posted there.  Perhaps there's also a degree of peyronie's being such a struggle that people want an announcement to be dramatic or approaching a cure. Maybe there's also an element of fear there, the feeling that a "i'm okay now" could be a jinx.

A more casual thread that link directly to posts where people note improvements of any kind, might be useful (in addition to the existing thread). I'm sure there are many in relation to pain and curvature reduction. I don't want people to get disheartened and think that those with peyronie's don't make improvements, when there really do. Maybe it's worth seeing how coq10 works out for people this year, and of course the xiaflex studies. These are effectively new approaches that may offer improvement to a great many more men.


I don't understand the reason for us not being able to respond to threads in Improvement.

Often times people wonder why nobody comes back to post after they have recovered, well why do you think? Where would they post? The current rules would make me very very unlikely to post here again once my disease was gone.

I personally think it would be the most helpful thing for us to be able to respond to those posts. I want to know details about each persons improvement.

And you mean the improvement boards, not thread.


I agree with the general thrust of these comments. In addition, I have reservations about how some things are organized.

For example, new people announce themselves, and issues they have. Sometimes they raise important problems. But the forum rules apparently say we aren't supposed to respond, even though there is a REPLY button. If there is a REPLY button, people are likely to reply. I actually don't bring my lawyer along when I log on. But we get questioned on why the heck we responded, 'in violation of the forum rules,' and the thread gets closed without any opportunity for us to respond to the question.

Another case in point: A graduating MD with Peyronie's recently joined us, and offered to engage on any subject we'd like. There were a few enthusiastic responses, and then the door was slammed shut. Now, apart from PM'ing him, how are we supposed to continue this dialogue?

But the Improvements thread is probably the most difficult of the problems--partly because it really isn't a 'thread.' It is a series of disconnected posts that drop to the bottom of the pile, and when people search on an item, they come up in order of activity. I'm not surprised that some new members have concluded that there is no hope because they can't find any evidence that anyone has experienced improvement. It's all here, but it's either buried in the middle of long threads, or reported in one-off posts that are at the bottom of the cyberlake.

It seems to me that people are being choked off at both ends--when they introduce themselves, and when they are improved enough that they leave.

I know that some degree of structure is required, but I also think it might be good to re-examine it.



My duty as a moderator is to keep the forum within the rules, as much as I can.
If you think that some of the forum rules are not in place and should be changes, your right as a forum member to open a debate in the subject. I will be happy to participate in it and to express my private opinion as a member, not as moderator.
Your statement:
QuoteThe current rules would make me very very unlikely to post here again once my disease was gone.
is a negative approach, not a positive one, but of course is your decision how to proceed.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum



1. Read the first part of my answer to NeoV

2. You are invited to volunteer your time to improve the readability and understand-ability of the forum. I am sure your proposal to help will be accepted.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Hey James, I wanted to open a thread for this but I thought this one would be good. This is after all my thoughts on the improvement "thread".

The point of my reply was to do exactly what you suggest : )

Should I open a new one? Or can I continue to discuss this issue here?


Yes, we can continue and discuss the subject here.
Proposing you to write down your opinion regarding changes, one by one and see other members reactions.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I was under the impression that this thread was launched as a debate on that subject.

And I don't view Neo as being negative, just realistic. A number of people seem to have vanished from the forum after reporting improvement. Perhaps they are just happy now. Perhaps they were lying (though I can't see why they would.) But perhaps they just didn't get feedback, and so they moved on. I could name names; many who seemed to have resolved their problems have vanished.

Similarly, at the other end of the scale, the introductory thread with JohnnyG, the proto-MD, seemed to stimulate a lot of interest. In fact, the last post was yours, before the thread was closed. I think many people would have liked to pursue this dialogue, but he made the mistake of posting as an introductory post, probably never realizing that it would be clipped off by the forum rules. What's he supposed to do now, start a new thread? Where?

So, I think all that is being said here is that some well-intentioned rules might need to be reconsidered.

In addition, I do think that there is a problem when someone can hit "reply" to a post, but is treated as if morally depraved for having done so. It's a little like having traffic signals that show a green light...but also having rules written down somewhere else, which people read months ago, that under certain circumstances Green doesn't mean Go.


Yep I have to admit I have always thought those specific rules aren't a positive thing. Discussion on peoples intro threads and improvement threads seems like something that should be allowed, encouraged even. Does anyone know why the rule was put in place in the first place? Had discussion on those threads caused negative issues and therefore the rule was put in place?

Intro threads for instance. When a person is new to this and they make an intro thread, people posting in that thread will be (hopefully) giving advice and support, the two big things people new to this disease need a lot of. And yes it was a shame that the thread by that MD in training got shut down simply due to the forum it was started in. Maybe it could have just been moved to a forum where the discussion could continue?

Improvement threads, the discussion that would happen in those would be people congratulating them and also asking for more details on what treatments helped the most. Both of which seem like very positive and valuable things to me.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


I agree that you should not close a person's intro and allow responses to the person's questions from that post.  


For the record,

I strongly think we should be able to respond to posts on the intro board.
I also strongly think we should be able to respond to posts on the Improvement board.


I agree. Specially with the improvement board.  Once in a blue moon we hear that someone improved and everyone wants to know how.  
Care enough to throw everything you got at this disease but do not care enough to ruin your Life!


QuoteA number of people seem to have vanished from the forum after reporting improvement.
Wrong. Most of the people vanished after finding solution for they Peyronies. The forum become not useful for them and they don't want to spend time helping others. Some just disappear, some writing a note like: "I had my Nesbit a week ago, buy and never see you again.
Quote..but also having rules written down somewhere else, which people read months ago
Misleading at least. The statement "NOT A DISCUSSION BOARD" is right bellow the link to the board "Improvement - Accounts of improvements in deformity or erection". Also the first post on the board by Hawk is sticky to remain always there with the title:
Special Rules for Posting in this Board - Read Before Posting.
Quote...the introductory thread with JohnnyG, the proto-MD...was closed...What's he supposed to do now, start a new thread? Where?
Yes. Exactly as you and all the other forum members are doing. Do you think he don't have the intelligence that all the other members have? I was opening a new topic at:,37.0.html
By the way, he was not online after his second post two days ago. Maybe he is not so much interested as he has stated.

To all:
The "Introduce Yourself" board is a relatively new board. It was made that new members will get attention and not being lost on the forum. The reason of the 10 posts limitation is to discuss specific issues on the relevant boards so the information can be accumulated. Somebody think that anybody will read back the 29 pages of this board (as for today, but growing) to find something?

Regarding the statement "NOT A DISCUSSION BOARD" of the improvement boards.
The reason is to give easy access to the original post, not to lose it between the replays.
My private opinion is that can just scroll down and see the original post so the board can be a discussion board like all the others, but until the rule will be (if) changed, as a moderator I will continue to enforce the rule in 100%.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


That's why forums usually don't have the posts in reverse. It's so people never lose sight if the original post.

EDIT: I am aware you can change that.

It's also the only forum I've ever come across like that, and personally, I think it's out of touch with modern times. Since I can change it I don't mind, but I did mind before that and honestly it turned me off for a long time.


Profile -> Modify Profile -> Look and Layout -> Uncheck "Show most recent posts at the top."

This is the first (and only) forum I have come across that has most recent posts first as default, but it is no big deal change it in your own settings.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


From a heated debate, this topic became temporarily dad? Not important anymore?
* Nobody have an opinion if the improvements board should not be limited as "NOT A DISCUSSION BOARD"?
* Nobody have an opinion regarding the 10 posts limit per topic in the "Introduce Yourself" board
* Nobody have any idea how to improve the forum?

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Personally, I am surprised that it is possible to post on a NOT A DISCUSSION BOARD thread in the first place, but--as I have also mentioned elsewhere, I don't think any of the regular members of this forum deliberately do so. It is quite easy to read something, and hit reply.

Please consider that I--and perhaps most of us--arrive at a thread by clicking on 'Show unread posts since last visit.' If you arrive at the thread by clicking through rapidly on that, you will not see the NOT A DISCUSSION BOARD note. All you will see is

Peyronies Society Forums > Other Peyronies Disease Discussion Boards >
Improvement - Accounts of improvements in deformity or erection. (Moderators: james1947, Norm)

I might add that there is nothing about "Other Peyronies Disease Discussion Boards" that suggests to my mind that I am on something other than a discussion board.

If you don't believe me, go look:,5308.0.html

And, I think it would be easy enough for a Mod to respond with, hey, guys--this actually isn't a discussion board.

What I and Melting both received was

Ursus, Melting.

Below the title of this board is stated:
We are all happy of RD results, but:
Why continuing to violate the forum rules?


When I PM'ed back and said that I didn't think that anyone was deliberately violating the forum rules, but that it was easy to do given that the reply button was right there and there was nothing to show that the thread was closed, I received three sequential PM's telling me that my attitude wasn't appreciated, and that the rules were always enforced 100%, and, well, several other things.

My previous 'violation' of the forum rules was an abbreviated quote, in reply to a post down that page rather than previous, which the Mod decided was a violation of forum rules, although several other people questioned whether there was any problem with what I had written.

I will note that enforcing the rules, and the tone with which they are enforced, are two entirely different things. Bolded red, ALL CAPS, and other such tools are, in internet etiquette terms, generally considered to be the equivalent of screaming in someone's face.

As you can see below, I have also been placed on the "WATCHED" list--without any notice or explanation. I wouldn't be aware of it if not for some PM's asking what was going on.  


I was thinking that this part of the debate is over.
Can we discuss (if someone is interested and think that changes are necessary) changes in the forum rules?

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quite a few people have put forward their opinions on exactly those things in what is a poorly titled thread in that regard.

Unanimously that discussion should be allowed on both counts.  
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Can members that want changes in the forum rules put down in simple clear sentences what should be the changes for the forum rules in his opinion?

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote from: james1947 on August 05, 2014, 06:52:57 PM
From a heated debate, this topic became temporarily dad? Not important anymore?
* Nobody have an opinion if the improvements board should not be limited as "NOT A DISCUSSION BOARD"?
* Nobody have an opinion regarding the 10 posts limit per topic in the "Introduce Yourself" board
* Nobody have any idea how to improve the forum?


I guess that the rules about themes in the subforums are that strict to keep the right themes in the right forums so its easy to find and read. Otherwise we could just use one main forum with all topics in it which would be of course bad.
I understand that keeping discussions on topic and in the subforum is good for a structured forum but for peyronies it sometimes cant be avoided to go a bit off (sub) topic.(as long as the initial OP is in the right subforum)
My experience is that information found, gathered and discussed in the wrong subforum, within a thread, will still trickle down into the right forum through the knowledge of the members.

I think the improvements board should not be limited as "NOT A DISCUSSION BOARD within the threads.
Reason is that I think it is quiet important to allow question to clarify on how the improvements happened. Otherwise these dicussions go into PM's , which in in my opinion is never good for a message board. It also will help to keep people who had improvements to check back instead of going away for ever.

The 10 posts limit should also be gone. I think it also cuts off vital discussions. Often its very important to comfort newbies. Many questions might be repated there but it also helps to answer things repeatedly for learning/knowledge. Its also very hard to follow the person if he opens another thread about his topic.
Most of our time is limited so some of these rules might make sense theoriticly but pracicly they limit the conversations and the knowledge of the members.

Other then that it is a good forum that allows a wide range of topics in the context of Peyronies Disease.

I also think the punishment for not following rules(like quoting wrongly) is quiet a bit harsh(like a red warning) in relation to all other forums I visited. In that we deal with this disease we have enough stress and this forum might be more like a "safe haven" ?.. Of course the line has to be set somewhere...

I think the most important thing in a forum is that the knowledge of the members grows..and this happens mostly through discussion even if its just repetition.

Interest in improving the forum is not that big I think cause it sits in the nature of the context. Its not a happy thing to discuss and improvements are very slow for many.
Its not like its a recipe forum ;) Still Im gratefull for the possitbility to have this forum available.
Daily Transdermals and Traction/VED solved my Peyronies Disease,12587.0.html (DMSO+X)


Definitely agree that Melting's ideas will only improve the forum  :D

Mending the Bend

I'm going to "third" Melting's suggestions.

We are all greatly appreciative of this forum, and of the time and effort that moderators put into it. There are certain rules which should be strictly followed - like no negative personal attacks, no spamming, etc. But inadvertently not following the quoting rules or replying in "no discussion" boards should warrant only gentle reminders (no all-caps, no bold red scolding). Let's save the sternness for deliberate or severe transgressions.

Personally, I think the "Introduce Yourself" board should permit unlimited messages. It's a good place to have public conversations with specific members, and to engage them when they join our group. Truncating the thread after 10 messages can leave many things unfinished, with no clear indication of where to pick it up.

Just my two cents.

Mending the Bend


Yes Mending-the-Bend, I agree that:
QuoteBut inadvertently not following the quoting rules or replying in "no discussion" boards should warrant only gentle reminders
The problem is that nobody is perfect, including or maybe first of all myself and when I am correcting some 10 posts per day, sometimes I am losing my temper. :(

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Which is totally understandable.  I did run my own a while back and it was quiet a masochistic experience  ;D
Daily Transdermals and Traction/VED solved my Peyronies Disease,12587.0.html (DMSO+X)


I appreciate the input but in this case, the structure of all of these boards are the result of specific needs that were followed by careful thought and discussion.  I strongly oppose changing the "Accounts of Improvement" and "Our Histories" boards to be discussion boards.

If we do that then the members actual accounts of improvement will ultimately get buried in rambling discussion and debate and it will be as difficult for members to find the actual accounts as in the rest of the forum.  That was the entire reason we created it. It was created with the intent to have one spot where a member (especially a new member) can quickly find credible posts of significant improvement since many thought there were no such accounts on the forum.  Even though there were many such accounts scattered through discussion topics, new members could never dig deep enough to read them when they were buried in conversation.

The same applies to "Our History".  Members that wish to do so, can keep a detailed, uninterrupted, history log there.  Members clamored for this. This keeps them from having to repeat their history in post after post on every topic of every board.  This was a common complaint.  This board also enables members to put a link to their history in their profile as a signature line (Like mine at the very bottom of this post).  That link appears in every post I make.  A curious reader can just click on the link and read my detailed history and not read a bunch of off-topic posts or rambling.  It is my history, not other peoples opinion of my history, or an off topic discussion about someone elses history, or treatment ideas.  I would delete my link if it was a discussion topic.  I want members to see my history and nothing else, especially if I refer them there in a discussion.  We have 40 boards for discussion, venting, incessant rambling, and rehashing the same information over and over.

On the topic of a 10 post limit on the introduction thread, the topic of the thread is "Introduction".  If we are going to discuss VED, crappy urologists, traction, and speculation about absurdities like bee-sting therapy, then once again, the entire forum structure is sabotaged by one thread.  The idea is to give new members an obvious place to make a first post while they acquaint themselves with the forum.  It is not designed to keep members from ever having to leave that topic and read other boards.  We end up trying to explain the same in-depth information that is one mouse click away in boards.  This is a place to say hi, get some calming advice so they know they are not alone, and get referred to the boards that contain the information they are looking for.  

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thats why I said within the thread. It makes sense to allow only significant improvement threads(Original Posts) but IMO it makes no sense to allow no discussion or questions within the threads following the initial account of improvement.
People who saw improvements carry on with life and have in many cases no interest/time to search for related themes to chime in over and over in other parts of the forum.

NeoV had some good improvements but all we can do to ask him how, why, when etc. is to use the PM function.

Daily Transdermals and Traction/VED solved my Peyronies Disease,12587.0.html (DMSO+X)


I have to apologize in advance. but I understand and accept that this may make no sense to you.  I first started a forum ten years ago with another format, another software, and ten members that were fed up with the other 2 forums.  We soon migrated to SMF Forum software and changed our name to the PDS.  In the beginning we had no boards, all topics were under one board. Through member request, and discussion we setup boards and started allowing members to make new topics within boards.  We had one big annoyance however, We had to repeat our histories every time a new member asked, it was tedious.  We set up the "Our Histories" board exclusively to solve that one particular problem.  It has done that very well.  

We then saw the misconception that new members thought there were no accounts of real improvement even though there were many scattered through the boards.  When a member posted an account of improvement under an appropriate board we asked him to re-post it in the new NON_DISCUSSION "Accounts of Improvement" board.  It was an addition and an addendum to the discussion forum.

Next we saw new members had to figure where to post their first post so we made a board where they could quickly introduce themselves to get an initial answer and be directed to the boards. We never intended it to revert back to the first months of the forum where every manner of topic was continued ad-nauseum on one board.  

After a few years of watching and shaping the evolution of this forum it became such a success that the other forums either virtually or literally ceased to exist.  After another half dozen years We became the largest most successful forum X 50 of any Peyronies Disease forum ever on the internet.  I can clearly see how after just 3 months on the forum as a new member that the layout, its purpose, history, and evolution, may make no sense to you.  It does however make a lot of sense to those that have tried almost every combination of layout over many years and seen the impact of various layouts on the members and those that have to moderate and administer the forum.  Many of these changes have been voted on long ago by the membership.  If there is anything I have shown a knack for knowing, it is the mindset of the majority of the members.  Knowing this, I can guarantee you that a new vote would not even come close to supporting your proposed changes.

I close by kindly thanking you and by assuring no disrespect, but one thing is certain.  With near ten thousand members and as many guests there will always be some that want oldest post at the top as default, that want full porn photos allowed, that want open heated attacks, that want 15 boards we don't have, that want us to return to one board.  This is where the Administrator has to take responsibility, make a call, and pilot the forum to be as successful as possible.  When in doubt I ask for a forum vote.  All of that has been done on these issues so we might just have to see these few issues differently.

Best Regards
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Old Man



Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Thanks Hawk.

I do not see any correlation to the popularization if this forum and the above rules that say we cannot reply to introductions or accounts of improvement. I do understand that this forum is good because it adheres to common sense, it has an introduction page and an improvements page, and that is a must by any standard if you ask me. Beyond that I would need further explanations personally to justify the no reply rule. I do not ask for anything radical. I don't think anyone wants one board, that would be plain awful. I agree with almost everything on this board, and just would like to see it get even more efficient if possible.

Thank you anyway though Hawk and Old Man. Personally my opinion does not change, but I respect yours.


In my opinion, Hawk post bellow explains very clear the reason those boards should remain as they are, even I was starting to think different after other members posts.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


The improvements forum section, simply by existing to house those stories, means that the original situation which had success stories being buried no longer exists. It is 100% obvious that there are people who have success, as their threads are right there. So the original reason for improvement threads being non discussion is no longer valid.

There is no chance of the posters story being buried, it is the original post in the thread.

In those threads though, it is important to be able to discuss the whats, whys and hows of their success at treating this condition. And also to congratulate them!

As to the intro threads, fair enough. But if one is possibly misplaced such as Junior Doctor [Almost] Happy To Answer Questions - Peyronies Society Forums , maybe moving it to another forum rather than locking it would be a better solution?
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]



The topic is not locked, and he was last online at August 02, 2014, 11:36:43 AM.
Maybe he got tired from answering so many people  :(
Or maybe he is too busy with the exams

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Yes it has been unlocked, but it was locked was it not?
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Yes, It was locked but I unlocked it to make you and others happy :)
In any case, he is busy and not on the forum from August 02, 2014, 11:36:43 AM.
So he is also not aware about our debate in the subject.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum