What is the point of causing more damage to yourself?

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Honestly, I don't understand some people.
I am pretty sure what has caused me this dreadful disease, besides awful genetics. It was masturbation.I used to do it a lot! Almost everyday, without any care towards my penis, as if it was made of steel.
Always watching porn and doing it roughly... I feel so stupid right now. How could I be so dumb to fall to this stupid trap of getting used to see that garbage and to reduce myself to this defectiveness.
Since this disease began, I stopped masturbating completely. I don't want to watch any silly porn anymore. Such a pointless teenage garbage.
Why would I keep hurting myself, aggravating my condition for such a dumb addiction?
What is the logic of trying to repair a tool by willingly misusing it frequently?
After stopping masturbation completely for 8 months I realized how I don't miss it at all!
Now every time I stumble to any porn, I find it childish and silly. I feel so much better as a man without it.

On the other hand, I miss the idea of having sex without worrying. I have been avoiding it for the past two months. I think about my dick as a fragile stick. Any stroke is a risk of breaking up completely. I know I will have to eventually overcome this fear. Specially because I wanna be a father. After all, I am talking about a tool for a meaning!
If The sword can perform some more cuts before shattering, I should focus on the killing ones while I can. But to waste any shot with masturbation? Seriously? I simply don't get it.

Now I see the dick as hammer that can take a certain number of blows. Everyone has its own number and it is unknown until it reaches the end. Therefore any use should be sacred. It is not an everlasting tool. I really blame myself for not having seeing this in time. For my lack of self control and respect towards my body and mind. This nasty disease exposed everything stupid I carried with me for all these years. All my weakness and disregard for what is meaningful.

Nowadays I struggle to perceive myself as worthy. But I have responsibility to remain sane and strong to honor my wife and family. Maybe, I could even be blessed with a son or a daughter. Even though I am undeserving.
I cannot wash away the shame of my weakness, but I can learn and try to overcome it.
I am weak and tainted, but maybe, I can still honor what was given to me.
God bless and wish all the best for you all.
41 yo, married. Onset on 07/20. Flare up on 07/21. Brand new flare up 01/23. Indentations and hourglass. It still hurts sometimes; No erectile dysfunction. Taking Pentox, Cialis, Supplements, trying diets, fasting, VED and manual traction.
God bless


I think most young people are in the same boat as you and blame themselves. My mistake, taking finasteride for a week. You should be thankful to god you have a wife. Trust me it sucks being a 26 year old without dating prospects and the pressure of finding a partner and the ability to not have sex at all. You are one of the lucky ones, almost 40 yrs old this is age where the erectile function declines anyways, in my opinion perfect age to get an implant if need be. As for me, I'm a 26 year old guy who was never able to penetrate ( congenital curve worsened by peyronies onset ). I have never been in a relationship, never dated. Everything else going for me, women hit on me at nightclubs want me to take them home and I have to refuse to take them home with some excuse. So, I have had Zero female interaction.. while my friends date, have sex and marry. My friends now suspect I'm either gay or impotent. The only thing that keeps me going is the love I receive from my parents. I
Everyday I am consumed by this, I have started Xiaflex last week, if this fails I might F~@< it all and go for an implant. You know what I call people on this forum 40 and above needing implants ( lucky ! ). Count your blessings.
26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.


I am sorry to hear about situation, my friend.
It is such a very unfair burden for such a young man to carry. Be brave brother.
I will really pray for you with your Xiaflex experience. I truly hope it works.
If I was in your case, I probably would take the same approach as you, seriously considering an implant. But you shouldn't blame yourself. Finasteride is a well known drug considered to be safe. You thought you were doing the right thing.

But me? Masturbating that much as I did, for so long, watching crappy degrading porn...
I knew that I was doing it something stupid, meaningless and somewhat wrong. I just dind't know how much harmful!
All I can do now is to try to alert people that are not as much damaged to prevent them to cause further damage. Disengage from that addiction if you can. Save your dick for what matters truly! The good things you have are sacred. We should not take them for granted. Honor your family, your body and your shots.
Fight for what is truly important.
God bless
41 yo, married. Onset on 07/20. Flare up on 07/21. Brand new flare up 01/23. Indentations and hourglass. It still hurts sometimes; No erectile dysfunction. Taking Pentox, Cialis, Supplements, trying diets, fasting, VED and manual traction.
God bless


We all can look into our past and remember our failures and regrets. I just turned 60 and I have had my share.  The problem is to not let your mind dwell on it.  Learn from it yes, but don't live there.  

Winter I also had my days, multiple times a day with masturbating for years.  I don't even know if this is what caused my peyronies or not.  A lot of guys do it and it is normal and for some it caused their peyronies and others it did not.  I think you have amazing willpower to abstain from it!!  A ++

I believe you and your wife will have children one day - it will happen when you least expect it.  I never thought I would end up with 4; it would of been 5 but we lost one.  

So life for me has not turned out exactly as I have planned.  There have been a few,  (a lot) of bumps in the road - just keep going forward.  Life is like a box of chocolates - you never know just what you're going to get.
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Winter: i know we all have moments that we are feeling down. We question things, and feel bitter against everything. But, what does porn have to do with peyronies? and why do you feel that it is childish and silly? There are all kinds of porn out there. Whether we are talking about kinks, or sub genres. Even amateur, where the goal is for amateur couples or individuals to film or take pictures of themselves.... what's wrong with that?


Quote from: mikel7 on May 10, 2021, 06:46:59 AM

I believe you and your wife will have children one day - it will happen when you least expect it.  I never thought I would end up with 4; it would of been 5 but we lost one.  

So life for me has not turned out exactly as I have planned.  There have been a few,  (a lot) of bumps in the road - just keep going forward.  Life is like a box of chocolates - you never know just what you're going to get.

Thanks Mike. We already lost one too. During the first months of pregnancy. It was kinda of sad.
I don't think I have that strong willpower.
I just have reached to a logical conclusion that can't be denied. It is as if I realize that casinos are not a reasonable way to pay off debts after getting into debt by playing in them. Why keep playing? It is logical.
But I really appreciate your kind words. I hope you are right. Thank you very much.
Congratulations for your big beautiful family also.
Wish you all the best.

Quote from: pfract on May 10, 2021, 08:41:27 AM
Winter: i know we all have moments that we are feeling down. We question things, and feel bitter against everything. But, what does porn have to do with peyronies? and why do you feel that it is childish and silly? There are all kinds of porn out there. Whether we are talking about kinks, or sub genres. Even amateur, where the goal is for amateur couples or individuals to film or take pictures of themselves.... what's wrong with that?

Hi pfract. How are you?
Indeed, I am not very joyful these days, but life has to go on, right?

Porn has nothing to do with peyronies directly. But I think that masturbation is risky for us. Since we cannot pinpoint the ones that are likely to have this disease, the amount of masturbation one does, the riskier it is. I am not advocating NOFAP as an ideology. I am suggesting to always DOSEX instead, as a better lifestyle! Specially with people you find special.
Masturbation is "theoretically" harmless for people that doesn't have peyronies (unless you have a tendency to it, but then again who knows who has it?). However, once you already have it, every chance is special. Make it count!

Now, about porn.
My main point is; it stimulates masturbation. That is why you shouldn't keep watching. Instead go out and live real life. This is my practical advice.

Now, I don't see the point in watching porn without masturbating. I'd rather perform the real thing myself.
I am not here to judge anyone who likes it, nor the people who does it. But as a personal position I find it to be overall negative.
I was an avid collector and watcher for several years. I think it drove me to masturbate a lot more than I should. It also think it detaches you from the reality of things.
It promotes numbness for the soul. It wastes sexual energy with empty and pointless experiences. Distorts our perception of the reality of things. It  can take you to really dark corners of the human soul if you venture into the depths. And this is easy to happen due to the human nature of boredom and an unrelenting search for more. Once you realize, you don't understand yourself anymore. It requires a huge load of willpower to just use it lightly. Now that I am far from it, it all looks either silly, poisoning or unreal. But hey, that is just me.

Everyone's experience is different. Besides, I am not here to stir up everything, preach morality or to disrespect anyone. I just wanted to share my point of; be aware and protect yourself. I'm just saying what I wish someone had said to me before. And deep down, I think I knew it. Except that I was stubborn, giving in to small pleasures, without control, deceiving me daily that it was just the one last time. Too late.
Therefore avoid pointless uses for you damaged tool. Instead, have an amazing and meaningful sex life! Use it wisely.
God Bless  
41 yo, married. Onset on 07/20. Flare up on 07/21. Brand new flare up 01/23. Indentations and hourglass. It still hurts sometimes; No erectile dysfunction. Taking Pentox, Cialis, Supplements, trying diets, fasting, VED and manual traction.
God bless


A reasonable conclusion with a thread of Logic

1. Your penis has so much wear and tear on it in a lifetime (varies by genetics)
2. Use its mileage up enhancing a relationship that benefits both you and another person vs. using it up on an inferior counterfeit (pretend and fantasies)

We have certainly had many men here because they injured their penis during masturbation.  That is, they injured their penis, pretending to have a sexual encounter instead of actually having an encounter.

If you injure your penis in an encounter, at least you can say, "oh well, at least I was using it."  If you injure it in masturbation, it does seem like a waste.

Apart from the physical, there are certainly other relationship, psychological, and moral arguments to be made against pornography.  Everyone does not have to agree, but that does not mean his opinion is not valid.

It can also be argued that men emersed in masturbation with pornography get rougher and rougher with masturbation. (more intense, more often, and longer actual penile manipulation.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Masturbation is not the cause of peyronies. I know it may feel like it, but let's be rational here. You can have your spiritual or scientific reasons to say pornography is bad, fine. But to say it causes peyronies or that your penis is a hammer that only has a certain amount of uses is just not logical and I don't think you will find a urologist who will agree with you. If you DO have peyronies or a penile issue, then yes masturbation can be harmful, but the consensus on even that is unclear. Many urologists will say that abstaining from sexual activity will not help or exacerbate peyronies or a penile issue. Speaking anecdotally, I personally have a condition (whatever it is, a thrombosed vein or some sort of scar tissue. It was never CLEARLY diagnosed) where masturbation or sex does not make it worse or better. Many men on this forum continued to have sex with their spouses during the active phase of peyronies and they didn't seem to make anything more worse than it would've been otherwise. Theres also a whole other group of men that have decided Based on many factors that their penis now so fragile that even masturbating once will ruin everything. I used to be one of them. Until I started having sex again and nothing changed. No Good or bad changes. It doesn't even makes sense to not use your penis, everything in the body is meant to e used or else it deteriorates. That's why we get nocturnal erections. In fact, no erections at all is terrible for the penis and causes atrophy, scar formation, and ED. Just watch the implant surgeries and see how much scarring they have in their corpora from years or no erections. Also note that many surgeons presto be cialis after penis surgery , to promote erections and good blood flow. And the whole sex vs masturbation thing is bs. Gentle masturbation with lube is (if anything) less traumatic on the penis than sex Bc you have control, and there's less pressure than a vagina squeezing your penis. Anecdotally this was also true for me back when my pain was pretty much intolerable . I could tolerate gentle masturbation but not vaginal penetration. I usually don't like pushing back on medical theories on here (and theories are what they are, even my argument here). But choose wisely which theories you will adhere to, because it's your health and your body. I'll choose to stick to my logic which most urologists and studies as well as just my observations from this forum and other men I've met agree with. The penis is meant to be used. Over and over. My theory here. even evolutionally, it is best for the species that the penis can ejaculate over and over to impregnate many women.  
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.


From an evolutionary standpoint, humans are one of the only mammals where an erection depends solely on blood flow. Most of the other mammals have an erection because they either have a bone in their penis. Even chimpanzees and gorillas have a bone in their penis called baccilum that allows for an erection. It is natural that with age, the blood supply and lining of the artieres produces weaker and weaker blood flow. Given this knowledge and the fact that out in the wild the average lifespan of humans was about 30 to 40 years, they would have been able to have sex most of their lives. You will be shocked to know that the average life expectancy  of a human being in just 1800s was close 35 years. Don't take my word for it, google it up ! The problem arises with modern humans because of medical science we have doubled life expectancy to 70. Human penises are not built to withstand such long usage due to blood flow issues and loss of stem cells and elasticity as we age.  Human penises rely on blood and are very delicate with no bone to back it up and any masturbation imposes stress and pressure unless you'd do it gently.  Hence use your penis carefully and where it matters because you are supposed to outlive your ancestors in modern day thanks to vaccines and medical advances and your penises simply aren't built for that.  
26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.


Quote from: Hawk on May 10, 2021, 11:54:49 AM
A reasonable conclusion with a thread of Logic

1. Your penis has so much wear and tear on it in a lifetime (varies by genetics)
2. Use its mileage up enhancing a relationship that benefits both you and another person vs. using it up on an inferior counterfeit (pretend and fantasies)
It can also be argued that men emersed in masturbation with pornography get rougher and rougher with masturbation. (more intense, more often, and longer actual penile manipulation.
Wow! Awesome power of synthesis. Yes those were my points. But you wrote everything in a much better summarized and clear way.
Thank you very much for your insights Hawk.

To Diehardpatriot
Sorry, but I disagree with you. No problem with that, by the way. Each one should stick to their convictions.
Yes, I disapprove of the act itself as childish.Today you can practice masturbation in a very delicate and careful way, but don't tell me this is the standard for the millions of young people watching raw pornography every day. Specially when roughly 8% of them are prone to develop peyronies at some point in their lives. This is just my opinion. But I'd rather focus on my warning.
Of course, masturbation itself does not cause peyronies, but damage to the penis does. Obviously I am not doing academic work analyzing mathematically the population percentages that behave in each way. I am just sharing my views (and that of a few that I have met and that I consider to have been similar), and how these habits were apparently harmful. What I can offer is my personal experience and opinions as contributions to the topic. I believe that sex in general is much safer, more satisfying and meaningful. It involves all the dynamism of human contact and, normally, it does not so desperately need stimulus variation as solitary activities.

I don't buy this "use it or lose it" theory. I have never seen any reasonable scientific evidence for this. This sounds like Lamarckism. Obviously I don't want to change the way you see things. Any healthy disagreement is beneficial to everyone. I only intend to offer my point of view and instigate some reflection on the subject, since no one is being vocal about this stance. I wish I could have hear my point of view alternately early on. I only listened to urologists repeatedly telling me how positive and healthy masturbation was. The same urologists who told me to take vitamin E and wait for the best to quietly watch my disease to deteriorate.

As Gaussrifle wrote, I also think we are outstretching the validity period or our dicks with our long lives, therefore we should use them with much more care and attention. I do not believe that we should trivialize the use with erotic illusions.

Your leg was also meant to be used. But you would not have to force yourself to run with it if your knee was injured and risked destroying it for good. You would be careful and avoid unnecessary risks. Seniors who do this stay better for longer. Unfortunately our condition is equal to theirs in this regard. I choose to be more careful with my "steps", valuing each one of them saving to the most special journeys instead of wasting them going to the bakery.
God bless
41 yo, married. Onset on 07/20. Flare up on 07/21. Brand new flare up 01/23. Indentations and hourglass. It still hurts sometimes; No erectile dysfunction. Taking Pentox, Cialis, Supplements, trying diets, fasting, VED and manual traction.
God bless


The "scientific evidence" of the use it or lose it theory with penis is very clear in the evidence I just presented of men who have had Ed for years and have significant scarring in the corpora of their penis. The use it or lose it theory is valid when we see people's muscles atrophy due to being sedentary for too long. I ageee with you guys about being injured and resting. OF COURSE, you want to rest an injured penis or any body part for that matter. However, to say that masturbation is damaging the penis or that every time you use a penis you are damaging it is just not true. yes, humans have blood flow in their penis, in my opinion this is an incentive for us to have good cardiovascular health so we can have good erections. Yes, if there are any major cardiovascular injuries to the penis the consequences to erectile health are devastating and one is likely to not recover and get their function back. Even then , if someone did have a cardiovascular injury to the penis , the longer a person goes without any erections and use of the penis , the more it'll shrink and the more fibrosis will start to form all over and inside the penis. This is also why GOOD urologists (not the ones who say wait and take vitamin E) prescribe the PAV cocktail, to promote blood flow and etections even if the active phase of peyronies. They also prescribe traction and the studies show it reduces penile pain and scarring in the long run. I know, it's counterintuitive, that stretching an inflammed Dick would reduce inflammation but that's just the way the body works. The medical studies prove it. Ask any of the implant guys as well, the uro does not tell them to wait until the pain is comppletry gone to start pumping their units. It's a few weeks in, and they still have pain but drs orders are to pump to start stretching the tissue. Personally, My sprained ankles started to heal faster than ever when I started putting as much activity in as soon as I can tolerate it, instead of babying it like in the past. This doesn't mean going and running a marathon but just whatever I can tolerate. Ankle Ligaments , like the penis are not very vascularized which makes physical activity that much more important to bring bloodlfow.  Even our member NEOv (sorry for namedropping bud) who is a big advocate for no fap and conscious use of the penis admits that use it or lose it is true and prolonged instances of no fap (Especially if one doesn't have good night time erections) is harmful. If you do not ejaculate, your body will eventually force you to in a dream. I can go two weeks TOPS on no fap before I have a wet dream, and it doesn't matter how bad my penis is. In the beginning, I still had wet dreams even when my pain was horrible.  Its been studied that men with good NTEs (night time erections) have about 3-5 lasting from 10-25 minutes each. I just cant see how you doing another 5-15 minutes with sex or masturbation (unless extremely rough or prolonged 1 hour or more) would make things worse than they already would be regardless. When I used to read lots of studies,I found the main reason doctors tell patients to avoid sex after penile surgery if because of the pressure the vagina puts of the penis, & risk of accidents, not due to blood flow, which is why now most doctors now do not prescribe anti erection MEDs after surgery because blood flow is found to be beneficial to the healing penis , even if it may be painful . Just my take here, I'm mostly going at the idea here that dicks have some sort of timer on them and every time you have sex you deduct time. I'm not disagreeing with the vascular injuries type of deal, the studies show the penis does not really recover well from major vascular injuries. In that case, perhaps sex is lessening the chance of someone recovering their sexual function, but even then the overal consensus is not out on that. But considering treatment for that would be cialis (to PROMOTE erections) I'd say the science is on the side of use it or lose it still. Hope you guys enjoy this. It's years of me studying the penis, having a penis issue myself, and reading anectdotal cases here on this forum for years  
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.


Quote from: diehardpatriot on May 10, 2021, 02:26:37 PM
Masturbation is not the cause of Peyronies. I know it may feel like it, but let's be rational here.

Yes, let's actually be rational and factual.  Many men here have had masturbation injuries and repeated masturbation micro-trauma that triggered Peyronies Disease.  That is an undeniable fact.  To even suggest otherwise is like suggesting no one ever got Peyronies Disease from sex with a partner.  It is difficult to take such a statement seriously from an established member of the forum.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hello again.
Well, perhaps I am not expressing myself very well. I will try to write it down differently this time.

I am not advocating sexual abstinence by no means. When I say I don't buy the use it or lose it theory, I am not saying that if don't have any sort of erections for decades you won't have any problems. I do take daily cialis to increase blood flow. I simply don't believe you have to masturbate to promote this as some sort of healing therapy.
Why not sex then, like Marvin Gaye's music?
I know, I know, you think it is more dangerous. I just disagree on this one.

To summarize everything, my point is; when you are injured, every single use has its own risks. Doesn't matter which one.
As I said before, it is not about NOFAP, it is all about DOSEX! If you think masturbating is completely harmless, please go ahead. I never had any problems having sex either.
In my personal experience, I think regular sex is pretty much harmless.
I am not arguing that dicks have some sort of timer clock, I think some of them have some sort of weak points that may suffer damage from use, either regular sex or masturbation.
I am just voicing my opinion about when is more rewarding to risk it. I also have plenty of examples to pinpoint about cases from guys developing peyronies because of excessive masturbation. Any case is different. It doesn't matter then origin.

As I said before, I am not some sort of an anti-masturbation guru. But we disagree on the point that the more you use it, the more you risk it. One thing is to pursuit a healthy vascularized penis as mean to promote tissue healing by practicing (with method) traction or VED. It is not the same as to saying you should masturbate to heal. But everyone is entitled to choose when and how to use it. I don't think that our dicks are like a skill, that you have to work it out to make it better, to me is much more like an old car from the 40s; it is fragile, treat with affection. Keep it well maintained and use it when it really matters. If you are careful enough, it may last a long time.

I do have my own opinions about porn and fap addiction, but they are irrelevant to the discussion. I just would like to raise awareness about the risks of further injuring a damaged organ by overly using it in a way I see as less significant. Obviously on this matter we have different views, but this is the good about that conversation. Both sides are being openly exposed.
Healthy discussions are always good.
41 yo, married. Onset on 07/20. Flare up on 07/21. Brand new flare up 01/23. Indentations and hourglass. It still hurts sometimes; No erectile dysfunction. Taking Pentox, Cialis, Supplements, trying diets, fasting, VED and manual traction.
God bless


Quote from: Hawk on May 10, 2021, 06:32:29 PM
Yes, let's actually be rational and factual.  Many men here have had masturbation injuries and repeated masturbation micro-trauma that triggered Peyronies Disease.  That is an undeniable fact.  To even suggest otherwise is like suggesting no one ever got Peyronies Disease from sex with a partner.  It is difficult to take such a statement seriously from an established member of the forum.

Masturbating micro trauma and masturbation injuries are not the same as masturbation. Both are caused by rough handling. To say masturbstion causes peyronies is like saying sex causes peyronies. It doesn't, otherwise all of my friends and yours would have peyronies by now. Sex and masturbation by themself are not proven to cause peyronies. Some of my friends used to masturbate 3-4x a day in their teens and never got peyronies (I've talked to them). There are many more factors than just how much someone uses their penis. Truth is, peyronies is an idiopathic process for many people. Even the micro trauma thing is just a theory urologists say because yes, most likely the peyronies male is having micro trauma on their penis .  If micro trauma is the cause, how come when someone gets a surgery like Member Lwillisjr, they do not get peyronies again in the same spot? Or where the stitches from the surgery were? Our muscles experience micro trauma daily , literally daily , traction therapy is inflicting micro trauma on the a scar to stretch it out, yet it reduces scarring . A more accurate assessment of this whole thing would be "Micro trauma, sex, and masturbation are THOUGHT to cause peyronies in men who are susceptible for various reasons to Peyronie's disease." I still have not found 1 urologist, even among the world renowned in the peyronies space who advocate for abstinence for men with peyronies. And if micro trauma is the cause, why does xiaflex work for some people? Xiaflex is not just micro trauma, it's trauma. I am just asking questions here. I do not want to be rude, disrespectful, or insensitive. I am wondering what your thoughts on this will be  
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.


And I do see here that masturbstion often can make already existing peyronies worse. I am speaking on the cause of peyronies . We cannot blame sex or masturbation entirely  
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.



Don't you understand the difference between a cause and a trigger?  

This is a psychology board, so not the place to be arguing biology or psychology, but two things are needed to develop Peyronies Disease
1. A genetic predisposition
2. A triggering event(s)

The greater either one is, the less of the other has to be to result in Peyronies Disease.  Men with a low predisposition require greater triggering events.  Men with a very high predisposition need a low triggering event.

A percentage of men have a significant predisposition.  The percentage of men with predisposing factors rises with age.  So a girl performing rough oral sex, or a man engaged in two hours of firm intermittent masturbation for a couple of consecutive days CAN, DOES,, and HAS triggered Peyronies Disease for MANY men on this forum.

If you have a comeback to the physical aspects of this well-established and widely accepted fact, Post it on the "Causes of Peyronies Disease" board.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk, I can't argue with your response here. It's sound and logical and correct. Thanks for your work here in this forum . You are a logical voice on here . Good discussion .  
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.