Failed Implant Surgery after two attempts

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This topic was the journal of a member who had two attempts at implant by a surgeon in Glasgow who did a commendable surgery on a previous member.

The first disaster resulted when the reservoir was clearly visible under the skin and a fluid leak.  The result was that when the patient attempted to pump, the bulb on his pump went flat and would not expand.  That is almost conclusive proof that there is no more fluid available to the pump.  Unfortunately, the patient could not get this thru his head and kept saying he dented the bulb (impossible) by squeezing too hard.  His surgeon put him off for an appointment a month removed from his complaint.  Finally, the patient called the company. The company rep immediately knew what was wrong and called the doctor.  The doctor then found time to immediately call the patient and scheduled him for an earlier appointment.

The surgeon performed a new surgery but replaced only the reservoir rather than giving the patient an entirely new implant as many leading surgeons would do (Dr. Eid, Dr. Kramer, many more).  After putting the patient through another surgery, the pump was still out of fluid.  At this point, the patient had not had a chance to cycle his implant once.  He was scheduled for a 3rd surgery.  Not only was this a great risk to the patient, but the time-lapse alone meant more months for the penis to scar down because he could not cycle.

Through all of this, the patient defended his surgeon, rejected the advice of other men with implants on the forum, and refused to demand any accounting or correction. Finally, when his surgeon's name was removed from our surgeon's list for performing two consecutive unsuccessful surgeries, and improperly inserting a reservoir, and failure to respond to a patients plea in a timely manner, the patient, was displeased with the forum and deleted his posts that served as a classic textbook case on how a patient should never respond.

This topic is the remnants of these botched surgeries with the patient's posts removed and only the member's responses remaining.
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Welcome sir!   Your in the right place!

I am relatively new as well.  Implant on 4/14/2022

I too struggle journaling; I prefer reading others... but there is an importance to sharing.
I think HAWK (the moderator) has shown me the light to that!  He is "the Grand puuba" of sorts.

You will get great advice here!  I am one who jumps looking for answers; 99% of the time those answers are in others journals...  what a FANTASTIC RESOURCE I have not seen in other "support" groups... because in actuality this is what it has become to me; this is so much more than a message board.

Welcome!  Please enjoy your process... as I have learned It will be a challenge.   It is definitely a marathon not a sprint!

50 yrs Old, Type 2 Diabetic since my youth
Peyronies Disease since mid 2020
worsened from 50+ to 60+ degree bend in spite of
VED, Traction, Pentox, injections
3 Piece inflatable implant 4/14/21 - subcoronal - Dr. L. Levine



You mentioned on another board "I am getting a new type of implant."  We are VERY interested in understanding what that is.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


You're in the very best of hands, Ian. Mike Fraser performed miracles on me as you know I've shared before. I look forward to your journal. Please feel free to ask for any info/advice at all.

Good luck!

Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Good luck Ian, looking forward to reading your journal.
55 years old 5 months post op LUE procedure with Prof Ralph in London to fix 90 degree bend to left. Currently doing Traction and VED to gain back 2 inches lost in length, which is going well. Taking daily Cialis and having great erections and sex.


Congratulations !!!

Man, you look awesome!
No bandaging, catheter or anything. - Great photos!

It appears you have a 22cm  Ridgocon Infla 10 implant that expands in length and girth, much like the AMS/Boston Scientific  LGX.

This means when deflated that you should have a more natural flaccid in the early months.  That will hopefully make recovery a little less annoying.   The length-expansion implants are typically not used where there is a significant deformity.  At this point, it is hardly apparent that you had surgery.  Do NOT disregard recommendations because you feel great.  Swelling and bruising typically set in after a delay.  Bruising is usually minimal, but you want to minimize that.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Ian, I am amazed too.
Not only do you have the package ID of what they put in you, but you have a great little looking finished product. My penis was black and blue.
So congratulations on a great installation job by Dr Fraser.
Can you also share the instruction booklet? I am curious as to why the other companies don't have something similar.
Thanks for sharing and best wishes.  
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Lol, I feel so stupid.
I did not mean little looking, I meant great looking.
I apologize, your penis no way is little!
Thanks for sharing so freely.
Best regards to your great big beautiful new penis.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Well Stepone, at least you gave me a good laugh.  It is seldom I laugh out loud but that did it.  My wife asked me from the other room what was so funny.  

The only reason it is funny is that he certainly is not little.  It would be a lot less funny if he really was.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Ian, happy to hear that your surgery went well. Hoping that your recovery goes well and thanks for the info on the Rigicon implant. I hadn't heard of that one...
71 Yrs old
Radical prostatectomy in 2017.
That surgery left me incontinent
2018  implanted AUS 800 artificial Urinary Sphincter
ED & Peyronies
AMS CX Penile Implant Surgery 12/16/2020
Revision- CX replaced with a Titan 20cm + 1 rte 10/26/21 Dr Eid


Quote from: Ian C on May 12, 2021, 05:38:47 AM
I'm so glad that you can edit posts that you've written.
i re-read my post above. I was talking about my semi-inflated duck.

Ian, if you have an inflatable duck, it is nothing to be ashamed of :)   Fortunately, most of us have a sense of humor.  It helps tremendously getting through life.  Especially my life. :)

PS: The forum is set up, so you only have about a 30-minute window to edit a post.  Then you cannot get back it.  Spammers often put short posts on the forum like "Thanks for the info," then go back days later and put spam links in the posts.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


The adventure begins.  It is part, physical endurance, brain teaser, and character-building for your patience.   However, the reward evens out the score the first month you use it.

I remember sitting on the toilet issue, and I was only swollen, not partially inflated.  First, I would totally empty every drop I could from my bladder.  Then I would sit and lay my penis on the toilet seat with either a folded piece of toilet paper under it to catch any drop or hold a paper cup under it with a piece of toilet paper in the cup.  The first few days, when it was too sore to bend down to pee, I just turned on the shower and aimed at the bathtub drain.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Great to hear your operation has been successful, Ian. Looks like Mike Fraser likes to keep his implantees inflated after surgery. Makes perfect sense to me as your tissue adapts to a new shape over time.

I remember the toilet issue well. The best advice I can give you is that you'll work it all out yourself, in your own personal way. 🤣

Good luck and keep the posts coming. Number one piece of advice from me is to stay ahead of the pain. Absolutely stay ahead of the pain - painkillers every 4 hours and you'll have no pain. Yeah, you may have a short term cold turkey issue coming off them (Tramadol for me) but once I realised they kept all pain away, I took them for about 4 weeks in total on the advice of my doctors. I managed to come off tramadol no problem with only slight fidgets and sweats 😳
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Congrats Ian!  Things seems to be going well!

Dr Levine is keeping me 1/2 inflated until my 5 week appointment; that appointment is this Monday.  
I had/have issues urinating... never seem to completely finish.  I have prostate issues where I am taking Rapaflo or flomax to help me go; being partially inflated is making it even tougher.

Congrats again.  Thank you for sharing your journey with us!

50 yrs Old, Type 2 Diabetic since my youth
Peyronies Disease since mid 2020
worsened from 50+ to 60+ degree bend in spite of
VED, Traction, Pentox, injections
3 Piece inflatable implant 4/14/21 - subcoronal - Dr. L. Levine


Ian, I think there is no issue too personal to discuss on here, so thanks for your detailed uncensored reporting.
So here is my toilet advice. I have done it from the beginning and still do this most days. When I sit on the toilet I most always have a t-shirt on, so I just grab my cock and stick it under my t-shirt. It keeps it up and out of the way.
Find what works best for you.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Ian, I am so sorry for your pain, but I am surprised you have not received any yet.
I was on 2 Gabapentin daily and Tramadol as needed.
I would take a tramadol and Gabapentin at night.
I think I took both for about 30 days and then tapered off both the next 30 days.
I would sometimes take a tramadol 30 minutes before I would pump.
I also took Tylenol and ibuprofen as needed too.
Hope this helps
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


As I recall I was on narcotic pain killers for the first several days.  In spite of stool softeners and other preventatives, the constipated me and I went to Tylenol and ibuprofen at the same time and only occasionally took a prescription pain pill.  I think most guys find it is not all straight-line improvement.  You can go a few days not needing pain meds then have a bad day.  Every week is better than the week before BUT every day is not necessarily better than the day before.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Gabapentin?  Really?   I guess it makes sense because it helps with chronic nerve pain... tramadol I know wouldn't touch my pain.   I was given the big stuff due to my chronic pain and current pain management regiment.  

Pain sucks; character building and suffering thru... been there, done that... highly overrated!
50 yrs Old, Type 2 Diabetic since my youth
Peyronies Disease since mid 2020
worsened from 50+ to 60+ degree bend in spite of
VED, Traction, Pentox, injections
3 Piece inflatable implant 4/14/21 - subcoronal - Dr. L. Levine


Hi Ian,

You've had a great result! It really doesn't get much better than that. Hang on in there and stay strong!

I'm going in to see Mike next month for implantation. It's great to here another success story. Everyone says the same thing about the man. I'm nervous about it, excited too. I will  be in Stobhill, is that were you were?

Was there a reason for his use of the new model of implant?
It's interesting to hear about. The wonders of modern technology!

Could you detail the process that you go through, from being taken from the waiting room to surgery? What are the steps involved?
I don't want to be demanding, but this is something going through my head.

Hi roddy, hope you are well too!
33 years old, UK.
Erectile dysfunction,
Awaiting implantation


Hi Ian

Delighted to read that you're doing well. It was 12 days post op that I had an appointment with Mike Fraser. At this appointment I really didn't know what was going to happen. I was all psyched up not knowing why I was seeing him other than an all over check up to make sure everything was ok but had many questions all ready nonetheless. I had been 80% inflated since my surgery and was delighted to be finally meeting him again. I made my way from my home to the hospital in my XXL joggers even tho I'm the complete opposite of that sizing. This was to try and hide the erection I'd had for 12 days. Walking through the hospital and sitting in the waiting room was not easy.

When I saw him, Mike taught me how to inflate and deflate. It was far from easy but he was experienced enough to know that as he sent me on my way, I'd work it all out.

I went home and then started the whole daily cycling process. That was where my real pain issues started, I recall. Sitting on the edge of my bed, I inflated for the first time (Mike had deflated me in his surgery and was sending me away to learn to do it myself). I moved my fingers of my right hand around my testicles feeling for the pump, found it, then pumped up to the max. This is when I was hit with excruciating pain for the first time. Effectively, my implant was stretching out the bent tissue of my penis. It had been bent for 30 odd years (congenital and then onset of peyronies) and now a foreign implant was forcing it to expand itself in a perfect straight shape. My dick was screaming in agony. It was excruciating I remember. It's all in my journal, all documented.

All in, Ian, I had to practise for another week before going back to see him again. To cut a very long story short I was booked to go to Portugal on holiday and, as it turned out, the mix of sun, sea, gentle (very gentle) walks and twice-daily cycling was exactly what was needed to completely recover. I couldn't have sex while abroad but this only added to the anticipation of what lay ahead on my return. I have never looked back, as you know.

Good luck, my friend. I will empty out my message folder and will welcome, as always, any and every question I ever receive.

Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Hey Roddy, thanks for sharing.
I remember your posts from "way back then" when you expressed your nervousness about going on vacation with your new penis, lol.
I think you had concerns about how you would inflate in smaller area.
You and all of us have progressed so much.
Best wishes
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Your implant is not going down.  The fluid and blood clots in your penis surrounding the cylinders are going down.  A percentage of your "erection" was swelling.

Don't worry.  All is well.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hi all,
I just sent you a message Ian, I'm not sure if it went through, it doesn't seem to show up as a sent message, my inbox isn't full either. I'm sure it's merely my ineptness with the system!

I know what you mean about the wait time for surgery, it's a form of torture in itself! The last time I had to watch Jeremy bloody Kyle for hours!  :P
I hope I'm taken in early, get it over with. It must be hard for the surgeons though, one patient after the other. They do hellish well when you think about it, what a job. They must be exhausted at the end of the day.

I intend to take my phone in with me, where do you/they put your stuff when they come through to get you?

What did they give you before the anaesthetic? I assume a sedative in pill form?

I am pretty sure i will be kept in over night too.

What was the evening like after the surgery, what was the ward like? The last time I was in hospital (Mororcycle accident) they woke us up every hour.

For the return journey home, I understand Mike inflates his patient's partially. How can you be discrete about what you have had done?
The person picking me up doesn't know what I am having done. I don't want them to know. Maybe it's not possible to hide things.
What did you wear on the day?

I read my questions back and consider that they may all be a bit silly, but these are my concerns today!
I'm 34, so I'm having close family drop me off and collect me, it's something I don't really want to discuss with them.  
33 years old, UK.
Erectile dysfunction,
Awaiting implantation


Quote from: LeRoastBeef on May 26, 2021, 12:51:14 PM

For the return journey home, I understand Mike inflates his patient's partially. How can you be discrete about what you have had done?
The person picking me up doesn't know what I am having done. I don't want them to know. Maybe it's not possible to hide things.

I'm 34, so I'm having close family drop me off and collect me, it's something I don't really want to discuss with them.

Tell them you have inguinal hernia surgery. (research it for 15 minutes so you can discuss it intelligently.)
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Ian, seriously, my surgeon told me, do not try anything until 30 days for healing. And as I have said, I waited until day 31. Lol
Stay in touch, keep us informed on your progress.
Did you take before surgery measurements?
It will be interesting to see what gains you have made?
Did you take before pics too?
It's helpful for people not yet sure about having an implant to see the changes.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Ian, I would read Roddy's journal and use his as a guide, since you both had same doctor.
Roddy I am sure would be happy to chat with you too about it. He has seemed like a pretty good sharing type of guy.
Some guys hold back, like it's too personal to discuss, but there are some pretty open guys on this site that are very helpful.
Best wishes and stay in touch for sure.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Ugh, sorry for my last post. Wow
I am on meds for severe leg pain from ruptured disk in back. The drugs make me loopy.
Of course you know who Roddy is.
Have a good weekend.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Quote from: Ian C on May 31, 2021, 08:20:00 AM
The reservoir.

I've never had a six-pack, so no idea what that poor thing is attached to, however, should I see a lump on the outside?

Only when I'm stood up and can feel the rough outline of it.

Could it be more swelling that still has to go down?

I am 5'8 170lb which is high for me.  When I had my surgery almost 3 years ago, I was 150, which is a little low for me.  I have never been able to detect where my reservoir is.  I have had a few little twinges of pain when exercising in the early months, so I assume it is on the left.  No other indication where he shoved it,
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Ian, did you PM Roddy to see if this is similar waits, etc?
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


I think I would call and say why so long, since other men that had procedure, it was less than 2 week?
I don't recall, but do you have a different model than Roddy?
Did you have a different installation procedure?
Regardless of, I would still ask why? Maybe the note your physician received was concerning you, but the physician thought it was for an Ian that had a hernia surgery? Lol
Maybe it's not such a far fetched mistake, but physicians do make mistakes.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


It could be because they are so busy. It's hectic in the NHS just now. A lot of firefighting going on. Record waiting lists. I don't know.
I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to slot you in.

Interesting you can feel the reservoir, perhaps hat will change over time. Can't help but think there must be a lot of tissue to form around it yet.
I bet it sorts itself out in the end. You'll forget it's there soon enough.

I ruptured disc is a hellish thing, steptoe. I don't speak from experience, but I've seen people unable to move from the pain. You have my sympathy. Use the drugs, the hell if they make you say silly things! It will give us a laugh after all.

33 years old, UK.
Erectile dysfunction,
Awaiting implantation


LeRoastBeef, thanks you gave me a laugh

Ian, I am concerned about you feeling the reservoir, no way can I feel mine.
I think I would place a call telling them that. It doesn't sound right to me at ALL.

Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Good to hear, Ian. Good luck.  
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Let us know what he says Tuesday, and that was good what the doctor's secretary said.
It's so true  you are the most important person in the world when it comes to your health.
Prayers for a good outcome are coming your way.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Well that's good news. I hope it's there's nothing wrong after all, better safe than sorry though!
Good on you for doing something about your concerns. Keep your chin up!
33 years old, UK.
Erectile dysfunction,
Awaiting implantation


Funny you mentioning your reservoir.  I can feel mine from the outside too.  I spoke with the Coloplast rep from my surgery and according to him it's pretty normal for skinnier men.  Said it may have migrated a bit, but as long as its not causing pain I shouldn't worry too much.  

This is the point where the patient first posted photos of a clearly visible reservoir with the outline clearly visible through his skin Administrator
47 yrs old, 3 yrs diagnosed
Xiaflex w/original uro resulted in a fracture
Excision/grafting by Dr Faysal Yafi 3/26/19
Implanted by Dr Yafi 8/11/20, Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE


Ok that is definitely different than me.  Higher position as well.  I have a larger than normal bladder, thanks to genetics, so I believe in my case it pretty much pushed my reservoir to its current location.  It's not visible, but I know where it is, and can push it from the outside like a "button" if that makes sense.  I was worried it penetrated my abdominal wall, almost like a hernia, but seeing your pics definitely changed my opinion.  Yours looks almost directly under the skin
47 yrs old, 3 yrs diagnosed
Xiaflex w/original uro resulted in a fracture
Excision/grafting by Dr Faysal Yafi 3/26/19
Implanted by Dr Yafi 8/11/20, Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE


I am glad you are visiting the doctor.
I have never been able to feel my reservoir.
That seems sort of a high placement too.
I don't understand it all.
Please let us know.
Prayers for you buddy.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


same here,  I probe both sides of my abdominal wall.  They feel the same and I feel nothing.

Hopefully, this will turn out fine or be a very minimal fix.    
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Ian C on June 08, 2021, 07:09:20 AM
I can guarantee one thing on this planet.

Everyone with a penis implant has very, very, very short fingernails.

Having been off for 2 weeks, Mr. Fraser had let his grow a little. With those fingers in my ball sack area, it felt like I was being mauled by a Bengal Tiger.

Great report Ian.  This will give you some idea of how much you will improve and how your perception is off at this point.  I play guitar, and all but my little finger on my right hand has long fingernails.  My left-hand nails are trimmed as short as possible.  I pump up with my right hand. It never even occurred to me it could be an issue.  I remember seeing (I think in Merrix journal) a photo of someone with an implant literally bending their penis double and squeezing it.  I could not imagine I could ever do that, but I can with no discomfort.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I was thinking about you today, Ian, I wasn't sure what the verdict would be.
Good news on multiple fronts!

How did you do with your first inflation in the end?

It's only going to get better from here.
I bet a bath will help ease everything up, a bit of heat can work wonders.

33 years old, UK.
Erectile dysfunction,
Awaiting implantation


Just catching up now, Ian. Great progress for you. I actually had a sharp intake of breath when I read about Mike digging his nails into your scrotum as he searched for and then squeezed the release trigger. I remember the agony well. Having never, ever, had an earth shattering hard squeeze of my ball sack before I remember thinking WTF as he squeezed hard! I think your post maybe confirms that deftness of touch is not one of Mike's strengths 🤣

Great progress with the cycling. Also great that you managed to keep fully erect for 2 hours. If you inflate to the absolute max every day for as long as you can, I'd bet that 5 inches is nearer 6 in 6-9 months from now.

I'd take LRB's advice about Zoom calls etc very seriously tho ... we all know that you sitting at the kitchen table with a full blown erection while working is for post-surgical medical reasons but I'm not so sure that would go down well with the dozens in a meeting with you!! 🤣👏🏻
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Ian, I think it is critical that you TOTALLY deflate and that you know you are totally deflating.  You were sent home partially inflated, which means your reservoir has NEVER been full.  If it scars in too small, you will NEVER be able to stay deflated.  Not only is this an annoyance, but it also increases the risk of erosion.

A new Titan, or in your case, a Titan-like implant, has cylinders that are stiff and very easy to feel.

They should feel flat with the sides of the cylinder touching.  They should have dog ears.

If you walk the deflated cylinders with your fingers, you will feel the folds.  They have pointed corners on them and are called "dog ears."  Look at the photo of the pink drinking straw on this topic.  It illustrated dog ears.,12308.msg113865/topicseen.html#msg113865

It was becoming clear at this point that the patient was either not inflating or not deflating as the change was minimal
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk is definitely the expert on this.
It is what it is, but at times I can press on the deflate button and it will almost click, but most times I never feel a click. But regardless of, if I squeeze my penis gently it deflates and I can feel that both cylinders will go flat completely, revealing a somewhat flattened penis, but it doesn't bother me. If I leave it like this, it will gradually let some fluid back into the cylinders, giving me a slight chub.
If I press the bulb real hard to reset the deflate button, I still will get some back flow. For whatever reason, I have always had this problem.
But to be clear, it has never impacted my ability to have amazing sex after pumping my penis to its max.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Ian, one last comment, and I am going to drop it.  

At least in Dr. Eid's view whether you are totally deflating is critical.  In a month whatever you have in the way of a reservoir capsule will be scared in and will only be altered surgically.  I can only hope you are totally deflating now for reasons stated in my last post.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I'm in no position to give you any advice, Ian!

It's grand to hear from you.

You know, this morning, while reading your posts I considered that I would need to take some nail clippers with me...only now did I read your last post!
If we all start turning up to every appointment with clippers he's going to be wondering what the hell is going on!  🤣
33 years old, UK.
Erectile dysfunction,
Awaiting implantation


Ian, I would listen to Hawk.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Ian, I think you have a different model than the Titan. But with the Titan I don't recall it changing shape. However I would think the pump could be shaped without the dent by gently squeezing the various sides of the pump and the dent would disappear to the touch.
I guess you could try contacting the manufacturer for information.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Ian, understood.
So it was just a temporary mishap with pump bulb.
As far as the noise, yeah my pump makes noises sometimes.
Curious about how many pumps it takes to maximize your penis?
Hawk has referred to complete squeeze as pump wall squeeze, where you squeeze the pump so much, it actually touches the other inside wall when you are pumping it just a regular squeeze.
I haven't concentrated on the numbers of pumps I make, as other things are usually on my mind, but I know it's more than 20+ pumps.
Are you experiencing the good burn pain?
I no longer feel it, but when I was still in the stretching/growing mode, it was that slight little pain I would feel when I squeezed that last one or two pumps.
It was like a muscle workout pain.
Also how are your pain levels?
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Ian, you are the only one on the forum with your brand of implant.  I do not believe, however, there is such a thing as squeezing a pump too hard.  You should be able to squeeze it until the sides touch each other.  Sometimes it takes a few weeks to get over a sore scrotum before you can squeeze that hard.

What can happen is if you pump to the point that all the fluid is out of your reservoir (you pump the reservoir empty), then the pump will flatten and stay that way until you press the deflate button.  It would be rare that you could inflate that much this early into the process.  If you can duplicate this, and the pump fills out when you hit the deflate button, that is what is happening.

If you are running out of fluid and your penis is not rock-hard, you might have a problem.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums