Tortão's journal - TEP technique + Titan 3 piece implant

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If your inflated penis did not have any crinkles in the cylinders right after surgery, then there will never be crinkles in your fully inflated penis.  If you have crinkles, then you are not fully inflated.  Otherwise, your reservoir would have to have lost fluid which is next to impossible.  The only other possible explanation is that you did have crinkles right after surgery but were not aware of them.  Your surgeon would have known that while you were still in the O. R. however, so that is also extremely unlikely.  

I think it has to be fully inflated to have any chance of molding, and considering the TEP, it might be a little early to be man-handling your penis.  Your greatest molding at this point is tissue expansion from the max inflation you can accomplish for as long as you can accomplish it.  It is also essential since you have been inflated to  DEFLATE to the MAXIMUM to stretch the reservoir scar capsule to prevent auto inflation that can only be corrected with surgery.

You should not have one single concern with the shape of your deflated penis, no matter what the shape is.  At this stage, it means absolutely nothing.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Tortão Pra Direita

Thanks for your reply, Hawk.
I've noted the deflated mode is easily molded by continuous pressure. For example, after coming home I noticed my penis was in an oval shape because it got pressed for a long time against myself. There was this crinkle too.

Before going to sleep, I inflated to something like 90% (I guess. It was really hard and started to make the tips of my glans a little discomfort). The crinkle was there and the oval shape too. However, I woke up today and my penis was in a good shape (more round) and no more crinkle.

Now I deflated but I don't know if I'm 100% deflated. It's pointing to 4 o'clock, though. I'd love to not squeeze my penis now, but unfortunately this "one-touch release" is BS, as the doctor said.

I'm wearing it up but it's really uncomfortable. At least for now.  
1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.


If you are totally deflated, you should be able to feel the cylinders and they should be like flattened plastic straws down the length of our penis.  One side of the collapsed cylinder will touch the other side.

In places, they will have bends often referred to as "dog ears".
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Tortão Pra Direita

Hi, folks! How are you?
2 weeks since surgery today. Regarding size and straightness, I'm not worried. It's straight as an arrow. Even though girth is visibly better, it will improve more. At the base, it is 15 cm. Yea, incredible thicky. But there's a lot of swelling, so probably this is not the real girth. Length is 13 cm at this moment and will improve as months passes by.

As a newbie, I'm facing some issues with the implant. I'm gonna list them in order to check in the future if things get better or not.
Things that NEED to get better regarding the implant:

1. Pump squeeze: I press 2 or 3 times and then the pump gets really hard, then I need to wait for a while to pump again... And then wait again... And no, my penis is not hard rock at this time. I don't know if there is something wrong or I am just a newbie. Maybe is the way I pump. I use both hands because it's simply incredibly difficult to pump using one. And I'm a strong guy, believe me. Also, using one hand is difficult to stabilize the pump, so you press it and then... it scapes in the direction of your dick and it hurts a lot!

2. Deflate mode: it's really difficult to deflate. Yesterday I took 20 minutes to do that and I think I didn't deflate fully. Today I woke up and deflated it, and it was difficult too. The skin of my ballsack is literally forming calluses, and it gets more difficult to perceive where to press. "One-touch-release" is BS, as my doctor said and I'm noticing. One touch is not enough, you need to press the small button hard and hold it every time you squeeze your shaft.

3. Implant malleability: while erected, I simply cannot point my dick anywhere. It doesn't go. It' rigid as F~@<. This is a problem because in the future if this bad malleability persists, I won't be able to make any excuse to pump in the bathroom and come with my penis hidden under my pants. Before sex, I'll need to tell the girl I have an implant. It won't happen. I intend to tell just to my future girlfriend, but not to every girl I'll sleep with.

4. Flaccid state: there is no flaccid (yet). It's just a semi (almost total) erection pointing to 4 o'clock. Of course, this has to improve cause it will totally limit the things I used to do before (play football/soccer, ride bike, swim, etc). Sex is just a small part of life, so limiting everything for the sake of sex is ridiculous. To get a better flaccid state in the future, I need to make sure I'm deflating totally in the present.  Just feeling the cylinders is not enough to know the implant is 100% deflated. Yesterday I felt the cylinders but I was not totally deflated (I thought I was). Today I could deflate even more.

5. Cylinder at the left side: I'm not so worried about this, but I hope it improves as well. Even pumped 90%+ it's possible to feel there's material inside my penis if I touch the base of my shaft at the left side. It's not obvious, but it can be felt. I don't know if this is an error of the surgeon or something normal of the Titan.

Well, I may sound pessimistic but I think it's important to list the struggles during recovery. In the future, some men may relate it.
I hope everything improves.
Have a nice day everyone!
1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.


Tortão, If you read my journal at week 7 Post-Op, you will see I had about 9 items on my wish list.  I reported on those 9 items until they all improved.

1. I do not understand this.  A new pump is firm to squeeze but is normally not 'hard."

2. I think you need a long soak in a hot tub to get very well acquainted with your pump layout.  Turn loose of it 20 times and see how quickly you can re-grab the deflate button.  Train muscle memory into your hand until it is automatic.  The day will come when you can press the button, and it will lock open.  Some get it in a week.  It took me over 3 months.

3.Do NOT try to bend or point your inflated penis.  Let it go where it goes naturally during the first 3 months.  You will stretch your crus scar capsule and compromise your erect angle.

4. In the beginning, deflated Titan cylinders feel like a crinkly plastic water bottle.  Over time they feel like rubber tubes.  It takes patience.

5. I suspect you are not feeling the cylinders but rather the tubing from the reservoir.  A few things make this more noticeable A if you are very thin /lean, B. If you had a retropubic approach rather than a scrotal approach, C. If you have RTE's because they move the cylinder connection forward.

It will take months, but you will have no trouble inflating discreetly with a woman.  Full inflation will be about 20 pumps.  You can do 15 and easily hide it.  15 will be enough to barely have intercourse, but the other 5 will be very easy to hide.  Do NOT, however, practice this during healing.  Again, do NOT bend your penis against the crus scar capsule.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Tortão Pra Direita

I've checked your journal again, Hawk! I'll keep reporting these items I listed till all are improved.

About the pump... firm or hard, I don't know the proper word, but it's difficult to squeeze. Two hands are needed since the beginning. I pump a few times using both hands and then need to wait for 40 seconds ~ 1 minute to pump each time again. Yesterday, before going to sleep, it took a total of 15 minutes to inflate 90%+. I hope the day I can pump/deflate as this man come fast:

Today, deflating was very difficult too. Calluses are being formed inside my scrotum, and it's really difficult to distinguish the components of the implant. My scrotum is bigger than it was 7 days after surgery (when I wasn't cycling) and there's a thick layer of skin inside it, around the deflate valve. The small deflate button is nearly impossible to be felt now, but I know where it is so I can press it (with difficulty).

I also suspect I have auto-filling (I read in your journal you had the same suspect too). My penis points below 4:00 after deflating, but after staying in my chair with my penis towards my belly, I stand up and my penis is pointing above 4:00. Maybe it's because I stay too much time in this position, who knows.

I'm thinking of taking some days fully deflated without touching my scrotum. The swelling down here is just getting worse.

While inflated, I don't point my dick anywhere. I just let it go with gravity (towards my belly when I'm sleeping). Even if I try, I can't point it to the sides because it's really rigid. However, while deflated, I point it up-right or up-left when I need to see other people. I try to avoid this, but I can't totally. Yesterday I stayed some time with my penis pointed up-left and then, after pumping 90%, my dick was pointing more to the left. Seems the direction of the deflated penis also influences the angle of the inflated.
1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.


Hi Tortao

I had to sleep on my back as I was inflated for 12 days prior to seeing my surgeon. I kind of built a tent-like structure with cushions so the duvet wasn't sitting on my erection. I also bought 2 pairs of the largest jogging bottoms I could find which let me lie back on the sofa watching TV with my legs up and bent at the knees. This allowed me to have an erection without anyone else in the room
knowing. I also made the point of cycling before bed, when my children were also in bed, and could lie on my bed, fully inflated, for an hour.

You're doing great. Well done so far.
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.



I do not speak as an expert.  I have no experience with this, so I do not want to concern you by even bringing this topic up.  I do think, however, that you should speak to your surgeon.  I want you to get immediate confirmation you do not have an infection.

I do not at all understand you not being able to squeeze your pump at least ten pumps in 30 seconds.
It is not typical to have swelling in your scrotum. (tenderness yes, swelling NO)
Dr. Eid told me one of the signs to watch for is a change where I could not feel the pump's details.  I always checked to be sure I could feel the ridges on the pump bulb.  To be certain, if you can soak, do this in a tub of hot water, so your scrotum is relaxed.  Ask your surgeon about these issues and what warning signs you should know about.  

I understand that with a TEP, your procedure was somewhat different.  My hope is that you can address this so you can quickly put this possibility out of the picture.

Best wishes for a great recovery, my friend.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hey dude, I hope the swelling has gone down, when did the doctor clear you to use it again? Excited to hear what you/the lady thinks of it  
28 y/o
sex injury - gradually got worse
Hard flaccid, Indentation bottom left close to my body,  mild twist left
28° up 28° Left
official diagnosed @26 peyronies w/pain
Pentox, cialis, NSAID, tramadol(as needed)
Sciatic  pain radiates penis to foo

Tortão Pra Direita

18 days after surgery

Hi, Hawk. I had this suspect too, but I'm more alleviate now. I'm with my eyes wide open to this possibility, though.
I've talked to my doctor, but he was not concerned. He asked me to not use so much force. Well, but so far I haven't used the force he used to deflate me in our last appointment  >:(. Still, I've used force.
According to Dr. Eid (that is not my doctor, unfortunately), these are the early signs of infection:
- Lack of progress regarding pain;
- Fluid starts to accumulate around the pump;
- Skin starts to attach to the pump and it becomes difficult to feel its details;
- Redness on the scrotum;
- Fever is one of the last symptoms.

So far, the pump and deflate valve aren't attached to the skin and I can feel its details. The problem is a thick layer of skin formed inside my scrotum and it's located in front of the deflate button. This happened probably after I used too much force to deflate. This was concerning because I thought maybe it was the beginning of an infection. If my scrotum isn't so contracted though, I can push it aside and feel the details better.
Unfortunately, I don't have a bathtub to get my balls soaked in hot water.
My scrotum almost never relaxes now. The only time it's relaxed is after waking up, but then I get up from bed and it slowly starts to contract again. And it keeps contracted all day long. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but never relaxed like it was on day 06, as you all can see in the pictures I posted on April 01. This makes deflating very difficult. Even a hot shower doesn't relax it. The assistant doctor said this contraction is normal... Well, do you guys had this problem too in the beginning?  

I'm pretty sure this is happening because my scrotum hates being pressed haha. This started after I started cycling.
Yesterday night before going to sleep, my scrotum was a little bit less contracted, then I pumped 10 times, made another bandage, and then when I got to pump again... my scrotum was more contracted and it was more difficult to pump. See:

No concerns regarding pump location and visibility, though. It seems a very good job! The problem is deflating/pumping when the scrotum is not relaxed.
Today in this morning, after taking pics to send to the doctor, it was contracted and got even more after I tried to deflate it. So much contracted to the point the skin located on the sides started to be "recruited" to the scrotum, as you can see:

My scrotum is black, my skin is white. The white skin started to "help" the scrotum.
Weird, huh? My scrotum hates being pressed. I don't know if it gets better with time... So far, this is a pain in the ass and very frustrating. Very.

The good news is I can pump with much more ease now. Not the way I desire, but it's an evolution. Now I use my left hand, grab the pump and pull it to the left... and I kind of incline the pump, trying to bring it to the horizontal. Then I start to pump using my thumb. I don't remember exactly how many pumps I could do yesterday, but I think it was 12 before the pump getting hard (it took 40 seconds or less). Then I used both hands. Less than 20 pumps definitely is enough to have sex.
Here's the dick pic of today. The glans are all orange because I'm using a spray that contains anti-biotic. I had the subcoronal approach.

1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.

Tortão Pra Direita

Quote from: Curvekiller94 on April 14, 2021, 09:34:54 AM
Hey dude, I hope the swelling has gone down, when did the doctor clear you to use it again? Excited to hear what you/the lady thinks of it
He said at least 60 days. I think it will take more time than that. 4 months at least. Subcoronal approach is tough for the patient. You friction your penis during sex, and the incision is below the glans...  

thanks for the tips!
1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.


I am so glad you have some improvement. I have been concerned about not seeing you for a couple of days, and I was very hesitant to type about the "I" word.  I looked at my post for a long time and edited it a couple of times before I clicked on "post."

I would like to understand more about your exact procedure.  I assume you were "degloved" to make the expansion incisions on the Tunica.  Were the implant, pump, and reservoir inserted through an incision in the scrotum or the fat pad above the penis (Retro-pubic) or by some other means?

Could you describe where all of your incisions are?
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Tortão Pra Direita

Don't hesitate. Better safe than sorry. I understand there are still risks of infection so it's better to keep my eyes open.
I quite don't understand this approach. As far as I know, everything (cylinders, reservoir, pump) was inserted through this incision below the glans :o
The doctor said he did everything through this incision. Difficult to grasp how ???

After the surgery, a drain to suck blood from my scrotum was placed through the incision on the fat pad. This drain was kept for some days and then removed. This bandage on the fat pad above my penis is to heal this small incision. It's closed now, but I kept doing bandages just for safety.
1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.


I do not think he would make an incision in your fat pad just for a drain.  I think the implant, reservoir, and pump had to be installed through that retropubic incision.  Hopefully, you will get a chance to ask.

I had to soak to deflate my implant the first two times I used it for sex because that was the only way I had learned (laying down with a very relaxed scrotum.  Once totally healed, your scrotum and penis are not bothered in the least by the implant.  Deflated, I can easily bend my penis in half or even in thirds with no discomfort.  After almost 3 years of pumping, I feel no thickening of my scrotum skin, none.  It is far less sensitive to pumping and deflating, however.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Tortão Pra Direita

Quote from: Hawk on April 14, 2021, 12:39:55 PM
Deflated, I can easily bend my penis in half or even in thirds with no discomfort.

Thanks for all your help, Hawk.
Well, this is something that concerns me a bit. While deflated, I can touch the cylinders and they easily follow the pressure of my finger. But I can't bend my penis like that. The first time I got deflated was by the doctor. He squeezed my penis and it looked like a smashed water bottle. Of course, he was a bit brutal and caused a lot of pain in my shaft... but do I need to squeeze like that in order to deflate totally?
I may sound repetitive about deflating but this is something I really care about since I don't want scar tissue being formed around a half-empty reservoir.

I'll ask my doctor again about the incisions the next time I talk to him.
1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.


I am sorry.  I was not clear.  I would never expect you to be able to do that at this point.  The first time I saw a photo of a man bending his dick in half with an implant, I could not imagine ever getting there.  That is months down the road.

What I did when I became aware I was auto-inflating slightly after deflating was something I came up with on my own.  Like you, I wanted to make sure my reservoir was not scaring in without being full.

I got a piece of Coban wrap that adheres to itself

I deflated my penis TOTALLY.  Since I had to hold the pump valve with one hand at that stage, I laid my penis on a flat surface and rocked the heel of my hand from the glans down the shaft.  I drained all I could by squeezing the fluid from even behind my scrotum.  Then I immediately wrapped Coban snug around my penis so it could not inflate.  I think I only did that on about 3 consecutive days, and it seemed to stop the tendency to partially inflate.  Keep in mind, that was not a medical recommendation or even anything I ever read.  It just seemed logical so I tried it.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Tortão Pra Direita

Thanks for the tip, Hawk!

Well, today is the 3rd week after surgery.

I have good news and maybe bad news.

The good news is since Wednesday I learned a new way to inflate. It's easy, albeit I think I can get better. I hold the back of the bulb with the index and middle finger (not the point of them) and press the front of the bulb with the prominence of my thumb. Like this:

I recommend everyone with difficulty pumping and deflating watch the entire video!  ;)

20~22 pumps get my dick F^@$!ng hard. No need to pump more.
I'm also deflating more now! This is good! This Wednesday I tried to get the "one-touch" to work. I pressed the deflate button, released and then squeezed my penis. And it worked! I felt some fluid going to the reservoir. I was kind of happy but after hours I looked in the mirror and my flaccid was hanging just a little below 3 o'clock. Then I thought: "F~@<, I didn't deflate enough. I need to hold this button. One-touch is my ass!". Well, this time I sit down, breathed deeper, pressed the deflate button and held it for 20 seconds while squeezing my shaft. This was the first time I think I really deflated! My flaccid hanged even lower than it used to, 4:30 I think.

Now, time to vent: how in the hell Coloplast makes a crappy  deflate button like this? I mean, I'm not a stupid guy but I find it not easy to deflate. I think probably there are men with a crappy  flaccid now because they didn't deflate enough in the early days after surgery. Not their fault, but Coloplast fault.

Ok, now the bad news is my ballsack hates all this pressing. The thick layer of skin surrounding the deflate button is still there and maybe a little bigger.
I'm deflating while sitting down in a chair, so my ballsack relaxes a little bit. But I don't know how I'm gonna deflate after sex if my ballsack is all retracted. Maybe things get better.
Also, I don't know if is the new way I pump, but after pumping (not while) the skin below the bottom of the pump gets sore. This started to happen this Wednesday.

I'm still fearing infection and yesterday I spent all my day reading and researching guys that had one.
Dr. Eid says an infection generally manifests itself by the 3rd or 4th week.
I think now there's not much I can do, just watch the symptoms. infection signals. Time-stamped.

Ah, last thing: after deflating, I pump 1 time. Doctors and even a Coloplast engineer recommend this. I don't know if this prevents auto-filling or what, but I'm doing it!

1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.



I did a similar rant about the deflate button and the absurdity of the name One "Touch"  ;D :) ;D

However, some men get it to work on the first try, and men who never get it to work.  Most are like us and struggle for a few weeks to a few months then get it.  It is partly learning (with no instructor) and breaking in the pump/valve.  It is a contrast to AMS/Boston Scientific pump that men often accidentally deflate as they are trying to pump and panic, thinkingt their pump is broken.

In my opinion, a two-hand deflate for a few months is not too much to pay to have a smaller round pump without the corners of other brand.  One day it will just work.

When you pump, can you rotate your scrotum skin, so you are pressing on another section of skin?

BTW, those are outstanding links.  I think I will find a permanent place for them so others can quickly find them.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hi Tortao

To you and anyone else wondering about the difficulty associated with deflating, yes the deflate button could be better designed as you have to first of all find it and then press pretty hard on it to deflate. It just gets easier is all I'd say. It also gets easier just to accept it for what it is as part of the overall process. Nearly 2 years later I still just locate the button in my ball sack, press it hard to start the deflation process and then when my erection has fallen, I squeeze my dick with my left hand whilst pressing the deflate button with my right hand. I stop squeezing when I'm comfortable with how much it has deflated. This works for me. Not entirely sure how much everyone else deflates.  
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Once again, I have the same experience with my pump.
BUT, when I consider what a great time, my new penis brings me and my spouse it's all worth it.
But I still struggle sometimes when deflating.
I have found that sometimes when I have squeezed the button, and it doesn't seem to be going down, I will pump it again and then squeeze the button again and it seems to free things up and it deflates. I still may have to squeeze the penis again to get most of the fluid out and then a firm press on the bulb again to prevent my penis from filling.
Inflating is easy, but I normally have to squeeze up to 30 times to get it maxed out.
Let's hope they improve the pump in future models, but I am still good with the performance of the actual implant!
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


I now squeeze my deflate valve for 5 seconds and I am done.  It is almost automatic without thought.  If I want more deflation I squeeze my penis with one hand without touching the pump.  I usually do NOT reset the valve by pressing the pump 2 times.  That way IF my penis ever seems a little full, I just give it a quick squeeze without a need to touch the pump.

I never have to use one hand on the pump and one to squeeze my penis.

I just checked my journal and please indulge me reminiscing:

3 Months Post-Op
Wednesday 11-7-2018

I finally hit the magical 3-month mark when Dr. Eid says many men are not aware they have an implant in their body.  As I covered before, there is no caution or discomfort during sex. Sexually, I can do anything I could do at 20 years old...

I obtained another thing on my wishlist of unnecessary things but things that would make this the ultimate implant.  The "Titan One-Touch" pump has worked as advertised 3 of the last 4 times I deflated.  This was more a case of just being the "principle of the matter" for me rather than a functional issue.  It is still a bit of an effort but now one very hard squeeze locks the deflate valve open so you can turn loose of the valve and still deflate.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Tortão Pra Direita

Today completes 4 weeks after surgery.

So, yesterday I had a web video call with Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, and he solved all my questions. I hadn't to pay anything since it was part of my post-op follow-up.

I know penis size increases after months of doing implant cycling, but I'm happy with the results so far.
After 28 pumps (the maximum, or very close to it):
- My penis length is the same as pre-op length, but not the same as the pre-Peyronie length.
- My penis circumference below the glans is now 12 cm (bigger than pre-op), and at the base is 13.5 cm (same as pre-op).

So far, the penis looks nice when pumped. The pump is well hidden behind my balls. The angle is very good. I can't say the same about the deflated angle, but it takes more time to get better.

I've masturbated twice in the last 10 days, but I'll wait more time to do it again. I was just touching the base of my shaft, but I cummed both times. It was a weird sensation the first time but less weird in the second. My neurovascular bundle got mobilized during the surgery, so it is expected my sensation to not be 100% at this point. Dr. told me he never had a patient that lost sensation permanently, and I'm not worried about this because I can orgasm and I've felt sensation is getting better.

Dr. Marco told me to let the implant inflated for 2 hours a day from now, so I can get a better flaccid. I care a lot about a good flaccid, so I'm gonna do that. I understand it won't be the same as pre-op flaccid, but I just don't want it pointing to 4 o'clock as it is now.

Well, I'm able now to do walks and light exercises, so I think my mood will go up. I was very stressed these days.

I have the doctor's personal number so I can call him on Whatsapp if I have a problem or questions, but I think now I just have to wait. He checked my penis after I sent him a video and photos, and everything is great and under control.

We also chatted about some techniques for Peyronie. He doesn't like the "scratch" technique for some reasons and said it's not so effective for severe cases. Also, he doesn't like the hand modeling some doctors do on the penis during the surgery because, in some cases, it can damage the urethra. He thinks TEP is the best option for penis straightening and size recovery.

Here's a pic. Good angle. The incision site will take more months to heal properly.

Have a nice weekend, fellas!
1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.


Great post with all the good news I wanted to hear.  I can't believe it is 4 weeks already.  It is pretty easy when you are just reading about it. ;)

Also, a great photo with the clock overlay.  Your posts are always informative.

Do not rush the flaccid hang angel unless you have reservations in the near future for a nudest camp.  Just forget about it, and rest assured it will definitely happen.

To rush it is to interfere with your erect angle.  They often drop together especially if you apply downward pressure on the cylinder base in the crus.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Man!! Great news. Congratulations for your progress. It was a brave move, but one you definitely won't regret. All the way around!!!
Wish you an even quicker recover and all the best.
God bless.  
41 yo, married. Onset on 07/20. Flare up on 07/21. Brand new flare up 01/23. Indentations and hourglass. It still hurts sometimes; No erectile dysfunction. Taking Pentox, Cialis, Supplements, trying diets, fasting, VED and manual traction.
God bless


Great post, Tortao. And a great photo for reference. Well done and continued good luck in your recovery.  
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Congrats man sounds like you're recovering well glad yo hear it! You're really brave for getting that procedure done at a young age, but it seems like it really paid off. Looking forward to more posts once you are further healed.

28 y/o
sex injury - gradually got worse
Hard flaccid, Indentation bottom left close to my body,  mild twist left
28° up 28° Left
official diagnosed @26 peyronies w/pain
Pentox, cialis, NSAID, tramadol(as needed)
Sciatic  pain radiates penis to foo


Brave of you to have masturbated with that scar under your penile glans!  :D


Couple of questions :
With TEP, should the penis length be greater than preop right after surgery or does this also only increase with cycling and time

Does your glans engorge the same size as before when you masturbated ?  
26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.

Tortão Pra Direita

Thank you guys for your words!

1 month and 1 day post-op.
I know I need to wait more time, but I'm starting to get frustrated because this flaccid angle is not improving. The lack of evolution regarding malleability is whats gets me pissed of. Weeks have passed and the angle didn't drop.
Next week I need to return to my office job, so things will get complicated. I tried some underwear and pants but none is comfortable. Also, the bulge is a big problem. I'm deflating to the max I can 3 times a day just to guarantee but seems the problem is the material is too rigid. I'm starting to wonder if this will be a problem while running and practicing sports, things that I deeply love.

Quote from: gaussrifle on April 26, 2021, 09:01:51 PM
Couple of questions :
With TEP, should the penis length be greater than preop right after surgery or does this also only increase with cycling and time

Does your glans engorge the same size as before when you masturbated ?

If you read the paper, the increase in size (it's not detailed if it's length or girth) is obtained intraoperatively. So yes, the size should be obtained during the surgery. However, I left the hospital with -0.5cm in length. Regarding girth, I gained where I had lost a lot to Peyronie (below my glans).
My length now is the same as pre-op and I think I can gain more with cycling.

About the glans... I haven't seen it engorging without the bandages on it, so I just looked at the tips of my glans when I got excited. I'm with bandages for almost 24/7. I see there's engorgement, but I can say it's different from before. The shape seems different. Maybe because of the incision, I don't know. I think it's too early to draw a conclusion.  
1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.



All I can say to you is the angle of the flaccid improves for months.   Since you had a TEP you might be too sore to do this but You could wear it down like an upside-down "L".  Your penis comes straight out from the body (or even upward) then bend it down an inch from the base.  This does not put any downward pressure on the crus but points the penis down.

Your deflated cylinders will soften for well over a year until they are like rubber. I empathize with your impatience.  I am sure you will work this out with the right combination of clothing and positioning.  In two months I don't think you will even think about your penis except when using it.

You cannot hurry this process.

Best Wishes
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Tortão Pra Direita

Hawk, thanks for the tip! I was wondering if I could do something like that but thought it could stretch the crus.

30 minutes ago I did something for science. I took the bandages off and masturbated. Well, definitely the size is bigger than the not aroused size. I can see the sprung veins, and the glans engorgement is good too! The glans seem more "fat" at the tip. When I'm cumming, I feel it's kind of clogged but then after 2 secs the jizz comes off. It is a different feeling.

I think I'm a bit reckless masturbating at this point. I pretend to wait for 1 month or more to do it again.  

Regarding size and shape, I can say the doctor did a very good job. Seeing my "aroused penis" reminded me of my pre-Peyronie penis.  
1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.


Thanks for answering my questions. Sending you all the positive vibes and energy.
26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.


I can only speak for self, but I can feel my tubing, but I don't care as I have a rock hard dick.
I sometimes can feel the tubing more than other times, but Hawk is right. It's been 2 years for me now and the tubing has become much softer. It just takes lots of time. But I don't care because I have a rock hard dick that never gets soft until I want it to.
Lol, I think you "choked the chicken" for your own personal pleasure, rather than for science, lol.
It gets better with every month.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Stepone, are you using the term "tubing" for the word "cylinders?"  If we are not strict about the distinction between those two terms it causess total confusion.  It especially confuses new members since they are two very different things.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Sorry for the confusion
I can feel some of the narrow tubing that connects the various pieces of equipment, but I don't care.
The two big cylinders in my penis that actually enlarge have softened a lot. When I am able to super deflate, they feel like deflated balloons, but I don't care.  
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC

Tortão Pra Direita

5 weeks and 1 day post-op

The inflated state is good. Size is good, straightness is good. The doctor did a good job I guess.
I make sure I always deflate to the maximum I can. I also deflate during the day to guarantee it's 100% deflated. I'm not pumping 1 time after completely deflating anymore. I don't notice auto-filling, and I think pumping once puts more saline to the cylinders than auto-filling.

My main concern is still the Titan's flaccid state. Simply there's no flaccid and I can't see the difference between this "flaccid" and a semirigid implant. Tomorrow I'm gonna return to my office job and I'm quite worried. I've tried a lot of different ways to conceal my penis under my pants, but I found no comfortable position. I put an underwear and jeans and try different penis positions, but none is at least acceptable.
- Pointing up is terrible since the pants waist presses the bottom of the shaft. This restricts blood flow to the glans and it starts to become white;
- Pointing down is uncomfortable too and blood flow to the glans starts to get restricted;
- Pointing to the right is uncomfortable and increases the bend I have on the flaccid state. There's a dog ear at the left side of the shaft and a curve at the right side;
- Pointing to the left is uncomfortable but it does not increase the bend. Still, I need to let my penis "breathe" a little after 15 minutes or so. Going to the bathroom every 15 minutes every day in the office will be very strange and unproductive.
- Sitting on my chair and letting my penis "free" is the best position and is the only way I can do things without thinking about my penis. I can do this just in my house, though.

I need to say that, in my view and feeling, this big discomfort has nothing to do with the plaques or the relaxing incisions. It also is not related to the procedure or to the doctor. He and his team did everything right. This is 100% about the implant being too rigid and difficult to be kept under the pants.

So you all can see I'm going nuts with this situation. I did this procedure to forget about Peyronie and increase the quality of my life, but I can say that my quality of life, at this moment, is lower than before surgery. I'm thinking about my penis more than ever now, simply because the discomfort keeps remembering me of it.
All I can do now is just wait and pray for things to improve. If it doesn't improve in let's say 1 year, I don't know what I'm gonna do.

1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.


Sorry to hear this Tortao. When you say you think more about your penis now than before surgery, I get that. I still think about it a lot. But it's because I know what it does and how incredible the sex is. You'll feel the same when you get to have full sex - I'm certain of that. I wear my flaccid to the left. I remember at the beginning feeling very embarrassed about my big dick bursting through my trousers. This will change in time for you but I had to buy less tight jeans to hide the shape. When are you good to use it?
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


I don't think I am understanding why you cannot point it up at a45 degree angle into the crease of your leg.  Our implant size and penis size are in the same range and I had no such frustration with the same model of implant.  However, the cylinders do get softer for over a year.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Tortão Pra Direita

Quote from: Roddy on May 02, 2021, 03:39:24 PM
You'll feel the same when you get to have full sex - I'm certain of that.
I hope!
Quote from: Roddy on May 02, 2021, 03:39:24 PM
When are you good to use it?
The doctor told me, after 9 days post-op I think, that I should wait around 2 months. I think this is very very optimistic. I think probably more 2 or 3 months from now. I still have pain when inflating, especially if I fully inflate. I think the doctor put the biggest implant he could.

Quote from: Hawk on May 02, 2021, 11:46:23 PM
I don't think I am understanding why you cannot point it up at a45 degree angle into the crease of your leg.  Our implant size and penis size are in the same range and I had no such frustration with the same model of implant.  However, the cylinders do get softer for over a year.
When fully inflated, I have almost zero "hinge". Using my hand I can force my penis to point 10~15º to the right/left. I think I can point it 30º to the upside. (This is why I think it won't be possible to hide the implant from any girl I'm going to get laid. Inflating in the bathroom and hiding it in the pants, as some men do, is impossible at this moment).

Deflated I have much more malleability of course, but my penis can't touch my body if pointed to the sides unless I press it. If I let my penis to the side, the underwear presses it against my body and makes things really uncomfortable after a few minutes. I guarantee I'm 100% deflated. There are a lot of dog ears too.
I can point it upside and it touches my belly with no problem, but the waist of the pants pressing the corpus spongiosum restricts blood flow to the glans. This is the worse position, in my view.

I talked to the doctor yesterday about how frustrated I was and how difficult was to work yesterday, and he said I should deflate 100% and point it down. I did this today and it is the least uncomfortable position but is still uncomfortable. Probably this will lower my angle while erected, but there's nothing I can do.

I'll try to get off the forum for some time because probably the next weeks will be horrible as it's now. Till the implant doesn't soften, things will be complicated and I don't want to turn this thread into a venting journal. There's nothing I can do now and I'll just embrace the pain and pray for things to get better. I think it will, there's no other option.
1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.


Tortao, I am in same understanding as Hawk.
But this is what my doc said.
My doctor told me I could start pumping in about a week, this was my follow up appointment.
Hawk suggested bathtub with warm water when pumping. I had a jacuzzi tub, so this was perfect, it helped with the pain.
Doctor told me I could have sex at 30 days. I started on 31st day.
All the other instructions I obtained from this site  reading journals taught me a lot. But I still had questions and got frightened a few times.
It seems like you are doing well and as Hawk says, it's a marathon, not a sprint, so be patient and you will have some great fun ahead of you.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


@Tortao hope all is well haven't heard from you in a while hope your recovery is going better Ik you were upset a bit. I'm sure things are Getting better and you're getting more used to  
28 y/o
sex injury - gradually got worse
Hard flaccid, Indentation bottom left close to my body,  mild twist left
28° up 28° Left
official diagnosed @26 peyronies w/pain
Pentox, cialis, NSAID, tramadol(as needed)
Sciatic  pain radiates penis to foo


29 year old. I was taking 400 Mg spironolactone to treat hair loss. Xanax withdrawal in combination with spironolactone shrunk my penis from 6" to 4".
I am seeking information about the sliding technique.


Tortão has not logged onto the form in four weeks.  It is kind of destressing when we are left to guess whether that means good news or bad news.

All we can do is wait until he posts to update us.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


single, mid 20
diagnosed early 2020
indentation 20 degree bent to left, recurrence with new indentation below glans
tried vacuum device with no success


Me too I'm sure it takes some adjustment. Hopefully he just figured he shouldn't worry about Peyronies anymore and isn't coming on here
28 y/o
sex injury - gradually got worse
Hard flaccid, Indentation bottom left close to my body,  mild twist left
28° up 28° Left
official diagnosed @26 peyronies w/pain
Pentox, cialis, NSAID, tramadol(as needed)
Sciatic  pain radiates penis to foo


Yo are you alive dude? Whether you're doing good or not please check in. You are a pioneer and I wonder if I should just get implanted. It's hard to know if it's a good idea for a young guy and you were the first to get one please touch base with us here  
28 y/o
sex injury - gradually got worse
Hard flaccid, Indentation bottom left close to my body,  mild twist left
28° up 28° Left
official diagnosed @26 peyronies w/pain
Pentox, cialis, NSAID, tramadol(as needed)
Sciatic  pain radiates penis to foo


It is truly a shame he does not respond to the many who depend on him for his input.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


If he never returns, we will never know if we should consider TEP surgery.  
29 year old. I was taking 400 Mg spironolactone to treat hair loss. Xanax withdrawal in combination with spironolactone shrunk my penis from 6" to 4".
I am seeking information about the sliding technique.

Tortão Pra Direita

Hi, guys. I'm sorry for waiting so long for posting again. Believe me, it was necessary. Life is like a rollecoaster. I had to deal with some troubles, like death of a family member and depression. But I'm here and I'll try to help everyone I can. If I miss some important points in my update, don't hesitate to ask.

Deflated, it points to 5 o'clock approximately.
Inflated, it points to 3 o'clock

I feel pleasure and feel all my shaft.
When inflated and aroused, I have a feeling that the site of the incision is a bit weak and it can tear apart doing rough sex. Maybe this is just insecurity.
When I'm cumming, I feel a bit of pain and a numb sensation in my glans. The first shot is a bit painful and kind of gets clogged in my urethra, and the next shots unclog it. It's very weird!
The numb sensation is just when I'm cumming, and it last two or three seconds. I think it will get better, though. Nerves can get months to heal entirely. Patience, patience.
I've seen in FT some guys that got nerve problems just by an implant. There's a guy that took 8 months to cum. Well, my surgery was much more complex and it can get a long time to heal too. It's frustrating cause there's no certainty whether it will get better or not. If don't, then I'm f'~c<+d because this sensation is not good at all.
Another thing: inflated to the max my glans get cold. Probably the corpus spongiosum gets pressed by the implant.

As I wrote above, I feel some pain when cumming, but I think it will resolve after some months.
I also feel an annoying discomfort in the middle of the shaft, on the right side, when the implant is deflated and pointing down. This is all day long. If I'm standing up, I feel it.

I still feel pain If I eat foods that used to trigger pain in my penis. Peyronie is an auto-immune condition I guess.
I just avoid eating sugar, milk, gluten and all this crap and I feel ok.

Now after a good amount of time has passed and all the swelling went down, I can measure the real size.
I'm not measuring bone-pressed. In my opinion, there's no sense in measuring bone-pressed if we don't have a ruler standard. I have three rulers here with me: two of them start the 0 mark 1 cm post the beginning, and one of them starts the measurement at the beginning. Depending on the ruler I use, I gain 1 cm. What's the point, so?
So my measurement is like I described in my first post: starting the 0 of the ruler from the base of my shaft. The ruler doesn't touch my bone.
-Length pre-peyronie: 15 cm
-with Peyronie: 13.5 cm
-almost 3 months post-surgery: 14.5 cm (aroused and glans engorged. Without engorgement, it's 13 cm).

I think I can gain 0.5 cm with cycling, but I'm not worried about length.
What got me upset and disappointed is girth...
-Circumference pre-peyronie: 13.5 cm
-With peyronie: 13.5 cm at the base / 10.5 cm below the glans
-Post-surgery: 13 cm at the very base / 10.5 cm below the glans
Very disappointed here.
At least my glans, when engorged, is girthier than a good part of my shaft...

I can't understand exactly the incision site. It's very ugly and looks like I got a STD. I doubt women would be OK sucking this dick. I think this crap is a keloid. I think it won't heal and look normal again by itself. I'd like to see more subcoronal incisions, but it's difficult to find men that got it. Damn, circumcision sucks. Keloid after circumcision is rare. Well, Peyronie is uncommon; in my age is rare; severe peyronie in my age is rarer; keloid after circumcision is rare too. If I had the money compared to my unluckiness, I'd be rich as Elon Musk.

I won't post pics of my implant deflated. A totally deflated Titan looks horrible and very unnatural. If you care about a natural-looking flaccid, you should get AMS. If I have the money to buy it, I'll get AMS CX (or LGX) in my next revision.

Well, it got a lot better comparing the last time I posted, but I still thinking about my penis during a good amount of my day. There's a plastic that's inside me. It's almost 3 months post surgery, probably comfort will get better... but for now, I lack that feeling of movement and freedom I had prior to surgery. I feel my penis pressing my underwear when I get up, when I run, when I walk...
Also, circumcision is crap. I don't like it, I need to wrap my glans with gauze every day. I miss my foreskin lol.

Yea it engorges if I'm excited. I also wake up with it engorged.

Oh, man. I don't like it. I try always to hide it, and I can because it's cold in this period of the year in my country and I can use jeans, sweaters... But if I wear shorts and go for a run, it gets clear I have something strange or a big dick.
Some men are more perv and love to show the bulge, but I don't. And the bulge is a lie because I don't have a big penis.

It's easy to inflate or deflate.

The pump is well hidden behind my balls. Aesthetically, nothing can be perceived.
But my ballsack is small and if I'm sitting/lying down, a tubing and the deflate valve can easily be touched.

There are stories of men pumping their implant in the bathroom, pointing it to the side, and going to the foreplay with their women. Lol, there's no way I can fully pump my implant and point it to the sides. It gets very rigid. A guy sent me a video of him pumping his implant and pointing it totally to the left... I just thought: WOWW, how can he do that? It was like rubber. I never was capable of doing that, and if you can't do that today without an implant you probably won't be capable of doing it after the surgery too. If you're like me, it'll be difficult to hide your implant from a girl. I imagine myself always doing oral sex and pumping it while eating the p~$$%, but what if the girl doesn't accept me going down? FUUUU hahaha
A lot of doctors (even Eid!!) talk about some wives not knowing their husbands have an implant... Cmon, if this happens, the woman is stupid. Maybe you can have sex with a girl 2 or 3 times without her knowing, but soon enough she'll perceive things are weird. So if you are a young and single guy and are imagining yourself with an implant banging all girls in your city... I'm sorry, this can happen but probably you'll get "caught". Some of them will perceive you have a third ball, but won't ask you what's that.
An implant is something weird in the eyes of society. It's not something you tell to everyone. Almost no one knows what it is. If a girl (especially these b1tches you find in nightclubs and bars) knows you have one, she can get very mean about it and gossip this subject with their bitchy friends.

My verdict:
Do I recommend TEP? Based only on my experience, the answer is NO. It recovered a bit of length and nothing regarding girth. This is very, very disappointing. It's an unnecessary risk (infection and loss of sensitivity are the worst. But you can get some random pains, weird sensations, etc...).
Maybe without it I'd lose more size, who knows. Some guys lose size after the implant surgery when the surgeon is not skilled enough. And maybe if I didn't get this procedure I'd be here crying and regretting not recovering my size. Life is that. We never know what will happen till it happens.
I'm sorry guys, I'd love to be here talking about the miracle of this procedure and how my penis now is girthy again and blablabla, but I think we need to accept some losses. Maybe I'll recover a bit of girth with daily cycling, but if this happens it has nothing to do with TEP. Read its paper. It says the relaxing incisions can recover size intraoperatively. I'm thinking now... probably scar tissues were formed in the process of healing of the incisions, so my tunica is less stretchy now and this can prevent more gains I'd have with Titan cycling. Or maybe I'm just overthinking.

Do I recommend an implant for Peyronie? Humm it depends on a lot of factors: age, if you tried other treatments before, how bad is your peyronie, your socioeconomic status, your job (are you a karate teacher/civil worker/lifeguard?), etc.
If you chose this option, seek the best surgeon you can afford.
My message for young guys: in my opinion, for young men, an implant should be treated as a last resort because there's no way back and after you put one inside your body you'll have to live with it for decades and decades. It's not the same thing for older men.
My peyronie was severe, I tried all conventional treatments and just got worse. It was very unlikely my tunica would heal from nothing, and my situation was just getting worse. I just wanted to get rid of this disease and resume my sexual life. Things can get better and I imagine 1 year from now they will.
1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.


Thanks a lot Tortao for writing back and sharing your experience in detail with pictures. I am happy that you are doing well although you have a few concerns, which I think will get a lot better with time. We all need to thank god that your operation was successful with no infection, misplaced pump. Moreover, you erect size is already over peyronies baseline, in my opinion that is due to TEP. Without TEP in my opinion you would be shorter 3 months out and regain over next years or two.

Do not worry about girth, you need to stop obsessing with your penis. Any girl doesn't want a designer made penis.  The fact is you have a perfectly working , straight , no hourglass/ indentation penis that is more than good enough to please any girl.

About the numb sensation when ejaculating, I am 100 percent certain you will get normal feeling back. It's only been 3 months out for you after a much more invasive procedure like TEP. I took finasteride for a week before peyronies and I had completely numb ejaculation for more than 1 month and that was only a medicine and not even a surgical procedure. My pleasure returned with time.

As for depression and other stuff, you need to realize we are here for you. You are a fellow brother that can reach out to me or other people. It wasn't like I forgot about you when you dint post, I was genuinely anxious and nervous for you , I was trying to look up your posts on here and FT hoping I would find you happy and satisfied.

Now for the love of god, please go out and F~@< girls if doctor has cleared you, that's what will make it worthwhile and make you look at the positive effects.  
26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.