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Hello, everyone. I'm TRowe, New to this forum and I'm really hoping I'll learn the things I need to regain my life. I'm a 56-year-old man with the health and looks of someone in their 40's but my penis doesn't want to cooperate. Genetically I've suffered from high blood pressure since I was about 17 years old and I'm currently on 3 different blood pressure meds. Well needless to say keeping an erection has been difficult. On top of that, I have always suffered from premature ejaculation. But when I was younger I could manage it better because I would bounce back quickly, but not the case at 56. I've tried pills, vacuum pump with the ring, injections all inconvenient and terrible for spontaneity. Now I have just lost my wife to some young stud who I've had the displeasure of being ridiculed by for not being able to hold on to my wife for performance issues and I'm really losing my confidence minute by minute but I don't want to give up. I feel I'm way to good of a man to just throw in the towel, so I'm here to learn about male implants.  First, I love when I get morning erections, how is the mental aspect of getting an implant on most men here? Does that mess with your psyche? When fully inflated does the penis look and feel natural? Does the penis head engorge? Does normal blood still flow down there when you get aroused to make your veins stand out? How fast can the penis be fully inflated and can it be done without your partner noticing you pumping it up? Lastly, I read you lose inches when you get an implant, so I was thinking a year out before my surgery I would use medical devices to stretch the penis to get the most length I can before the implant surgery, has anyone done this? I'd appreciate as much input as possible. Oh all most forgot maybe the women in here can answer this one, do you notice any difference, and is it as good or even better than natural?

Trowe - 56 yo still natural. Looking into an implant to better my sex life and regain my manhood. New to all this!
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Welcome to the forum Trowe,

In reality, an implant sounds like your best bet, especially if you are taking meds known for causing Erectile Dysfunction.  If there were a realistic way to get off of the meds, then you might resolve some of your Erectile Dysfunction issues.  

If you get an implant by a great surgeon, no woman will ever find a man who can outlast you unless it is another man with an implant.

A penis with an implant is indistinguishable to a partner from any other erect penis through either appearance or feel.  The reason is that it is still the same penis skin, tunica, nerves as before. The difference is what engorges the cavernosa.  While I might wonder, I am sure I could never know for sure by inspecting a penis whether a man had an implant if he was erect.
If a partner does a deep fondling of your scrotum (not a touch), they will feel the deflate valve on the pump.  They might wonder what they felt.  By then, they are hooked, so you can tell them as much or as little as you choose.  I know one man who was married for 18 months, and his wife never knew.

If an implant is deflated the penis has a larger hang to it (a shower rather than a grower).  Most consider that a plus over their pre-implant state.  Depending on the model, if you 100% deflate the implant the penis can have an unnatural look somewhat like a crushed water bottle but not that drastic.  That is more true of a Titan for the first year after it is installed.  It is easy to remedy with a few pumps.

An implant essentially lines the cavernous and allows them to be engorged with saline.  It has no positive or negative effect on the spongiosium and glans.  If they get half-erect now, if they get erect, then deflate after a momentary break in stimulation, if they remain totally unresponsive, they will do the same after an implant.  Whatever arouses and erection now will arouse an erection of the spongiosum and glans and maybe to a slight degree the rest of the penis.  You can still use a VED or pills or MUSE if you want to be bothered to engorge the spongiosium and glans but you will not do so once you have a rock-hard shaft.

Once skilled and totally healed, it takes 20 seconds to inflate an implant from totally deflated.  It is easy to half-inflate for many hours if on a date or anticipating sex.  It then takes less than 10 seconds to be ready for intercourse and 15 to be rock hard.  This does not have to be 15 seconds straight. It can be a few seconds here or there during foreplay and is easy to accomplish discreetly.

Mentally an implant makes a more dramatic impact on men than even the physical impact.  In a room full of women, you know that you could service every woman there, and you are the only man in the room who could.  Your arousal is, if anything, increased.  If you walk around with an inflated implant, the feeling in your penis is like you have a hard-on.  In the beginning, there will not be a single 2 minute period that you don't feel the positive psychological impact.

I encourage you to go to the implant board and read the highlighted permanent topics at the top of the board.  Read the journals of the men who had them.  EVERY LAST ONE wishes they had done it sooner. Here is a link to a post that indexed a lot of the important stuff.  I invite you to read some journals and take the journey with the men as they record their experience.

PS: When you say you "tried pills", I assume that included daily Cialis which offers some spontaneity IF IT WORKS.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thank you SO MUCH FOR THE FEEDBACK!!! Yes, I have tried daily Cialis. But most of my issues have been from years I mean YEARS! of premature ejaculation! I have always been a minute man, not by choice but I fear by design. My mother told me my father was a minute man too. And the older I get the harder all my tricks and techniques I've used over the years don't work. When I'm doing everything I can to NOT CUM I begin to lose my erection now. So, I'm really messed up! I've already lost my wife to a younger man that is able to deliver what she needs in bed and I've lost all my confidence. I feel I'm too young to be in this situation, to begin with, and I need to figure out something fast. I was told Medicare might cover my surgery. Is this correct? Even at 56? What can I do?
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TROWE, I was thinking about you today and wondered what happened to you.

I do not know of any way Medicare will cover your surgery unless you are on Medicare because you are retirement age OR because you have a disability.

I do not think an implant will do much by itself to rid you of premature ejaculation, although some men comment that it makes them last longer.  It will maintain your erection when you are trying to prevent ejaculation and give you the physical ability to maintain an erection after ejaculation.  The question is whether you would have the desire and drive to psychologically use that erection after you had an orgasm.  If you had an orgasm, say an hour before sex, it might delay your orgasm with a partner while still giving you a completely reliable erection.

It will also be a support as you learn ways to overcome premature ejaculation directly.  

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums