MASTURBATION as cause of Peyronie’s development

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5 months ago I found inform about the the Jelqing technique, which was described as a means for penis enlargment as well as straightening. I have always had a slight bent penis, so I naivly figured "what the hell" and didn't really think the consequences could or would be this tragic.

I'm not sure I even followed the described procedures for this technique. Generally I'm uncertain how this thing happened, but I must have tried to straighten it while being too erect. This was one of the first times I even tried the technique.

Since then my penis has been curved while flaccid (which was never the case earlier) and my erections aren't as "powerfull" as earlier. They do require a lot of manual stimulation as well. I don't wake up with morning erections either.

I have suffered from penile numbness as well, but this seems to have 3/4 vanished. I have furthermore had minor pains just beneath the glans ever since. This seems to get worse along with the numbness vanishing.

I seem to have suffered/suffer from what others describe as "hard flaccid", but I'm not really sure if it is Peyronie's plaque, inability to become erect while still being able to fill with blood or physical stress/anxiety.

I am able to "click" my penis during masturbation, which scares me a bit. Technically this is apppearantly called "ligament pops".

I have visited 2 urologists. The first one wasn't really of much help, as he claimed that I didn't have any physiological issues.
The next one, for which I payed for myself, was certain I had fractured my penis and that the fracture was too small to require surgical treatment.
He performed a urine flow control, to ensure I hadn't damaged my urethra, which was luckily not the case. Such fractures would according to him, heal itself after half a year.

As mentioned earlier, I have had these issues for 5 months and I honestly think the progress is limited.

During my first consultation with the urologist, he said that it wasn't Peyronies, as the mentioned stiffness was papable.

I have read that Peyronie's disease can result in penile numbness, ligament pops, curvature, ED and the flaccid stiffness may be some plaque anyway, so generally my symptoms seem to match the description of the disease, but apperantly my uroligst still think this will heal by itself. I obviously hope he is right about this, but frankly I doubt.

I am going to see a psychotherapist/sexologist tomorrow and I certainly hope he can boost my mood in one way or another, as this thing has caused me to get a minor depression.

What do you think of this? Can the ones who are actually diagnosed with Peyronie's disease relate to my issues? Do you think my problems will eventually vanish?

Even though this thing is tuff, I don't mind waiting, if I know things eventually will get better. On the other hand I don't fancy false hope.


It's hard to say whether or not you have full blown peyronies disease or not.  In terms of peyronies disease, most men notice palpable plaques or "nodules" of hard tissue, and some progression of curvature, indentations and loss of size. Changes in sensations such as numbness and also erecticle disfunction can be a result of peyronies disease, but in no way are they exclusive to it. A firm flaccid may be indicative of trauma and peyronies scarring, but as I was told by one of the best doctors in this field, it's hard to tell if it's peyronies disease or a slow healing wound.  

Being that you are 5 months in, and most cases of peyronies disease don't go into the "chronic" stage until around 1 year to 18 months, the jury is still out on your case.  Did any of the urologists have a penile ultrasound performed? Your penile blood flow should also be checked.  This is important because it allows to see for sure if you have typical peyronies scarring.  I would suggest seeing a urologist in your area that specializes in male sexual disfunction, or a Peyronies Disease specialist.  There are a list that can be found here:

Also, you may or may not have Peyronies Disease, but it wouldn't hurt to start on some supplements that most of us are taking until you know for sure what's wrong.  L-arginine, ubiquinol, acetyl-l carnitine, and pentoxifylline(prescription) can all be used to to improve erection quality, reduce pain, and stop progression of tissue damage and perhaps even reverse it.



Thanks for the quick reply. At least it's good to hear, that Peyronie's disease (if that is my diagnosis), in my case, isn't considered permanent yet. The first time I visited my second urologist, he claimed that it was unnecessary in my case to perform a penile ultrasound. He said that it wouldn't show anything usefull.

As I said, he thought that I hadn't developed Peyronie's, with the argument of the suspected plaque being palpable. That's what the journal he wrote literrally said.

You say that most men with this disease's plaque or "nodules" of hard tissues in fact are palpable.
As you might imagine, I'm getting quite confused here. Are his arguments of it not being Peyronie's disease in reality totally invalid?

Regarding the claimed fracture, I was told that an MRI scanning could confirm whether or not he was right. Again, he claimed that these tests wouldn't show anything usefull. I've also read that cavernoscopgraphy tests could exclude the risks of nerve damage, but he was certain these tests were used for something completely different.

Generally this guy was just really conservative, whereas I would have prefered some kind of scanning to confirm his diagnosis.

Rearding the male sexual dysfunction experts you mention, the list seem to only list American experts. I live in Europe. I have tried to search for something similar over here, but haven't really been able to find anything. Is what you describe equal to an andrologist? Or is it something different from that?

I haven't been taking any supplements apart from Omega 3 fish oil, which was recommended to me somewhere else. I am going to see my family physican next week, so I will talk to him about the ones you mentioned. Do you know if there are any possible side effects/risks by taking these? I have heard of terrible diseases like Priapism and I'm really not up to get worse, than I am at this point.

Thanks again for your reply. I certainly hope I will get better. Still being in the twenties, this is quite difficult for me.



I too am in my 20's, and single, so I know how difficult this can be.  You have come to the right place though.  Without this forum I would have listened to the doctor I originally saw who told me to wait and see for 6 months, and lord knows where I would be now.  

I too did not have any palpable plaque upon examination as did many men on this forum.  I went for two separate penile ultrasounds.  Both of them clearly show the part of the penis that Peyronies Disease affects, which is the tunica albuginea, which is the protective sheath that surrounds the two erectile bodies.  The ultrasound has the ability to show deviations in texture of the tunica, which can show even minimal scarring like I have, and also can show more advanced symptoms of calcified plaque.  That is why the FIRST thing that most Peyronies Disease specialists do is send you for a duplex penile ultrasound.  So your urologist is clearly wrong that it won't show anything.  There are some really good urologists in certain fields, but you really need one who specializes in this area, as most urologists are not experts.  There are several members on here who have found some good urologists in the UK, so maybe check the doctors section on this forum.

As far as the fracture, I have heard that the best way to detect that is through an MRI.  I would want to confirm that at least, since it may not be good to start any mechanical treatment if there is a tear or puncture to one of the penile structures.  The reason I recommend oral therapy right away is that any side effects of the ones I mentioned are minimal, and as far as this condition, they can only help.  Fish oil is good for fighting general inflammation, but it is not considered a treatment for Peyronies Disease in any study that I've seen.  There is a lot of stuff being touted as cures or treatments for Peyronies Disease on the internet as well, the vast majority of it being nonsense.  Stick with this forum for information, as many on here have experimented with many supplements and meds.  The oral therapies I listed are the ONLY oral treatments that have been PROVEN in medical studies to offer some beneficial treatment for Peyronies Disease.

As for ED, there are plenty of options too, viagra, cialis, levitra, etc.  That is another reason for the duplex ultrasound.  It will show for certain whether or not your ED is psychological or physiological.  Many men on here thought they had ED, only to find out that their bloodflow was normal after the test, and that it was completely psychological.


Centillion - Dr Suks Minhas is a good guy - Harley Street in London ... about 300 quid to see him privately ...

I'm in my later 20's too and you may find that like me that you are entitled to the Ultrasound Tests on the NHS ... getting some sort of firm diagnosis is important with these types of problems as you can spend time worrying about all sorts of stuff ... get an appointment with a specialist - take a list of your concerns and questions so you are prepared - once you have a diagnosis you can look into your treatment options -

take things one step at a time and you will start to see that you can make headway with these types of problems ...  



If the second urologist didn't think an ultra sound scanning would show anything usefull in my case, I will certainly find someone else to do the scannings for me.

I will try to convince my family physican, who I'm going to see next week, to reference me to an actual expert. Assumably though he will tell me, that urologists are as close as you will get to sexual dysfunction experts in my area. Judged by your post, it might be best for me to get referenced to someone who can perform an MRI, before getting a penile ultra sound scanning. Am I right?

I'm usually against any form of chemical medications, but as I mentioned in my last post, I will talk to my doc. about the ones you mentioned. After all this is not a usual situation either.
Appearently acetyl-l is not sold in my country at all, so I most likely won't take that.


Thanks for your recommendation. I'm not in UK however, but I might take a flight to London as a last resort.

I think I have noted all my symptoms as a means to provide the urologists I have visited with as much information as possible, but I still think I have yet to get a proper diagnosis.

For privacy reasons I prefer not to mention my location.



For the general case, a duplex penile ultrasound should be sufficient for diagnosing symptoms of peyronies disease.  However if penile fracture is suspected as well, as I understand it there may actually be a puncture or "hole" type wound into the tunica or erectile bodies as well as a torn ligament.  In those cases I hear that an MRI is best for diagnosing the problem.


Thanks - I will discuss with my doctor which one of the tests will be best to begin with..

By the way. I just figured if it is possible, that me developing Peyronie's (if that's what this is) is not actually a result of trauma (by Jelqing), but rather a "natural" developed disease. Keep in mind that my penis has always been curved during erections.

Not that it makes the situation different really, but it would still be nice to know the exact root cause of this problem.


Hi again.

It has been a while, since my last message here.
In the mean time, I have visited a urologist, who basically told me, that this injury is irreversible.

Scar tissue has developed as a result of this damage, which is what has caused the flaccid curve. Ergo the symptoms are similar to that of Peyronie's disease, even though I don't actually have the disease. He concluded this by monitoring the pulse of the arteries of my penis with a Doppler.

Any idea of how I may dissolve this scar tissue? I would rather want to find a permament solution or improvement, than buying "drugs" ,that I have to take everyday, to give my self better erections - because, as I mentioned the scar tissue is blocking proper blood flow and deformed my penis.

So my theory is, that if I somehow can dissolve this scar tissue, my situation will improve in generel.

I have talked to someone with similar issues as my self, who has been helped by letting his penis rest for half a year. I'm definetely going to try this.

What are your thoughts on magnetic field therapy and low level laser therapy - Is this something, that can possibly help me? Howabout organic massage?

I'm going to try these 3 things. I have had 5 session of chinese acupuncture, but it hasn't really helped me - At least yet..  


You may start Pentoxifiline and use traction. If you have ED issue traction can really improve your condition.
It will not dissolve completly the scar but remodel it and make it softer. Within a few months the scar tissue won't impair the bloodflow as today.
I recommand traction also because it can avoid penile shrinkage. Keep in mind that too soft erections lead to tissue anoxia (lack of oxygen-----> dead tissue) so sooner is better in your case.

L-argigine is a good supplement for ED.
Try to relax you really can do something to improve your health.


I've been jerking off since around the age of 10. The frequency varies with the amount of sex I get. I first noticed the upward curvature of my dick within the past year. At 62 I get sex once or twice a week and jerk off another 3-4 times, sometimes twice a day. I generally use my right hand but sometimes use my left hand for variety and in "interesting" feel. Since the development of Peyronie's, when I cum my load is unlikely to quirt like it used to (halfway up my chest) but rather dribbles.
Anyway, my erections are hard and I have no pain. With all the talk about Peyronie's relation to trauma, though, I have to wonder if masturbation is a likely cause. I don't jerk particularly hard. I only occasionally use lube. I often use poppers during sex and jerking off. Is there anything in this history that might cause or exacerbate Peyronie's?


You should be happy if:
QuoteAt 62 I get sex once or twice a week and jerk off another 3-4 times, sometimes twice a day
You also stated that your erections are hard and have no pain.
QuoteSince the development of Peyronie's, when I cum my load is unlikely to quirt like it used to (halfway up my chest) but rather dribbles.
it may be connect to Peyronie's but also to age.
My private opinion, I don't think that masturbation can make Peyronie's if you are doing it without forcing the penis or bending it.
Your Peyronie's is not stabilized yet, you have written
QuoteI first noticed the upward curvature of my dick within the past year
My suggestion is begin to make some treatment that your curvature will not get worst. Maybe Pentox?
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I am absolutely confident that masturbation does NOT cause Peyronie's.  Lots of men masturbate all of their lives and NEVER contract Peyronie's.  Lots of men have injuries to their Penises and do NOT contract Peyronie's as a result.  Peyronie's occurs for the same reason that other chronic diseases develop.  It is the result of a metabolic problem which inhibits the body's ability to heal from injury.

Once you have Peyronie's, any additional trauma inflicted on the penis can make things worse, including masturbation induced trauma.

- George


I am in total agreement with George999 on this one. Everyone masterbates. So the incidence of Peyronies would be much higher is masterbation was a cause.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I half agree - In my experience I believe that if you have an underlying metabolic issue, as George states, a small injury in sex or masturbation can trigger Peyronies Disease. This of course is true for those who have an autoimmune issue to begin with (those that don't never get it). I wouldn't completely rule out an injury as the starting point of the disease.  


It is unlikely that typical masturbation would cause Peyronie's, unless you are doing things that are painful or would otherwise injure the penis.


P.S. Regarding Peyronie's as a "metabolic syndrome," I'm not 100% sure about that one. It seems strange that so many healthy men would get Peyronie's as the sole symptom of some mysterious metabolic disease. Wouldn't there be more symptoms if this were part of a metabolic condition (excluding diabetes, of course)? Constant sinus infections? Allergies? Inflammation? To have it localized in just the penis makes me think it's genetic more than anything else, much the more so when you consider co-morbidity with Depuytren's and Lederhose disease.


Very few people are BORN with genetic diseases.  They are, rather, born with a PREDISPOSITION to various genetic issues.  Most ACQUIRE them as they age.  Most genetic diseases are actually caused by DNA damage.  For a period of their early life they are healthy and then the weaker gene goes haywire.  So you have to look at the sorts of environmental things that cause genetic damage.  Chronic inflammation is one of them.  And elevated blood sugar causes inflammation.  You also have to look at the sorts of things that repair DNA.  Vitamin D is one of them.  And low levels of vitamin D are now being associated with a huge range of diseases.  The web is very complex.  It involves genetics in that under stress it is the weakest link that fails.  That link is different for every individual.  But the root of the problem is metabolic since that is what breaks the DNA via epigenetic pathways.  It is the effect of diet and lifestyle on the underlying genetic code that results in the emergence of the disease state.  Everything in the process is interconnected.  Autoimmunity, for example, is just the immune system's response to subtly abnormal tissue.  The problem is NOT the immune system, it is actually an issue with the tissue under attack.  Everything is fine until triggered by trauma and then the whole string of dominoes proceeds to fall.  - George


My father had Dupuytren's contractures on his palm at age of 50. A few scars on his palm and the disease progression stopped.
I had the same at the same age.
My begin developing Peyronie's after a prostate surgery at the age of 61.
I had the same at the same age.
Regarding Dupuytren's contractures from PubMed Health:
QuoteThe cause is unknown. Family history of Dupuytren's contracture makes you more likely to develop this condition. It does not seem to be caused by occupation or from trauma.
The condition becomes more common after the age of 40. Men are affected more often than women. Risk factors are alcoholism, diabetes, and smoking.
My father didn't smoke, had no diabetes and was drinking very rarely, very littler bit. I was a heavy smoker (quit 11 years ago), have no diabetes, drinking but not alcoholic.
It is genetic or just a coincidence? Who knows.
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


The threshold for a diagnoses of diabetes is just an arbitrary number.  If your blood sugar reading is 126 mg/dL or higher, you have diabetes and will get all sorts of nasty diseases as a result.  If your blood sugar reading is 125 mg/dL, you are just fine and will not be at risk for any problems.  Does that really make sense?  Where did these numbers come from?  Why is it that if your blood sugar level is 126 and you get Peyronie's, the doc will tell you that diabetes caused the problem, but if your blood sugar level is, say, 119 mg/dL, they will tell you that no one knows why you have Peyronie's?  Personally, I find all this ludicrous.  I strongly believe that some people are more susceptible to problems from blood sugar than others and thus the real threshold is not black and white.  I also have a major issue with the type of test usually used which is fasting blood sugar level.  Why is fasting blood sugar level magic?  One person has a fasting blood sugar level of 110 mg/dL, but after they eat there blood sugar levels go up to 210 mg/dL.  The other has fasting levels of 128 mg/dL, after they eat their levels only go to 145 mg/dL, since their pancreas is able to put out much more insulin.  Which one of these has diabetes?  Or do both have diabetes?  What of the one who has both low fasting levels and low postprandial levels, but their insulin shoots sky high?  Conventional medicine is simply unwilling to look at the whole picture.  Even the researchers are arguing over these things and paying no attention to the fact that they are not even using the same diagnostic tests.  There are at least four completely different diagnostic tests for diabetes (insulin resistance).  No wonder they are confused.  The medical establishment is still in the stone age when it comes to diagnosing and treating diabetes.  And there are a lot of people who are suffering from blood sugar based diseases who have no clue that they have a blood sugar problem because they have never been subjected to the kind of exhaustive testing that can uncover these problems.  As a result they will live the rest of their life in a nether world of "idiopathic", who knows where it came from, diseases AND will have no clue how to find real relief from these diseases.  But they will make the chronic disease industry a little bit riches with their generous contributions for endless treatments and drugs.  - George


Thanks George
My last blood sugar test was 139 when in the hospital paper is written the maximum is 140. The doctor find it OK and I had a small surgery Monday to remove a fat cyst from my chest that I had for long time and I was afraid it will develop to be cancerous. Thanks God it is not.
My blood sugar is very much affected by the direct sugar intake. I had a few birthday parties in the last month and I like sweet things very much. My previous blood test one month ago was 120 after one month that I kept far from sweet things but continue other foods as usual.
I have asked three doctors in the last six months regarding the fast changes on the sugar level, all have answered me that it is normal because my metabolism working fast.
You think they answer is satisfactory? I should do something in your opinion except to keep far from sweets?
I will appreciate your answer.
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


James,  All I can tell you is that I am spot checking my glucose levels with my own glucose meter and several weeks ago I encountered a postprandial (after eating) reading of 135 and a fasting reading of 105.  I think that is too high and I am doing everything I can to try to get it down (in addition to my previous efforts).  When at parties, I am very selective about the foods I eat.  I NEVER eat anything containing sugars or refined carbs, especially at home, EXCEPT on rare special occasions (no more than one instance in every three months) and then I try to be very careful.  I am also taking multiple supplements capable of lowering blood sugar levels.  I am determined to get my fasting levels down in to the mid 80's which I consider to be a safe level for a person my age.  - George



Sorry if you feel I have hijacked your thread.
It was not my intention, I did not think before my question to George that it is not connected to the thread, as blood sugar levels has effect on all the health aspects.
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


1. i think the hijacking on this board is not as bad as in other boards, because all Q & A are usually related to Peyronies Disease.

2. Let me get this thread back to topic:
I also think it has no relation with masturbation, and  I have hardly ever done it excessively (at least never in the 5 years previous to diagnosis)

I do observe that the hourglass effect and the dent are exactly where I have my fingers when doing it.
It could be a coincidence... I think I will never know.



I feel that I developed it partly due to masturbation. Being a teenager, I would watch porn and masturbate sometimes 4 times in a row! and my masturbation techniques are.. questionable  ::) (you can call it abuse) I rarely use lube and I also do jelqing and other Penis enlargement exercises irresponsibly (without warming up, overdoing, etc)  


I wish there was a way we could warn young men as yourself against the dangers of jelqing and some of the wild penis enlargement techniques I've read on the internet. Maybe we all need to register on a jelqing forum and post the dangers and stories of those that have caused damage to themselves.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History



Sad but true you are not the first and will not be the last .Many do questionable things and damage themselves.If they are lucky they find themselves here were they are not alone.Things can get better and it is worth the time and effort to try what is available from this forum and its resources.



Masturbation itself does not causes Peyronie's disease.

The connection of masturbation to Peyronie's development is physical damage that can be done by causing injury or even fracture.
Many young people experimenting different rough things during masturbation that can result in injury and fracture of the penis

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Masterbating prone can cause peyronies disease and certain masterbating techniques. Too bad they wouldnt explain this that you could hurt yourself masterbating the wrong way.


Re Jelquing. Of course you can cause yourself injury. You can injure any part of your body if you over stretch it. Done correctly, and not with undue and unnecessary force, I have found it helps blood flow. It's no more dangerous than overdoing it with any manual technique.



That's your theory and your experience but that does not mean it is or is not true.  You are assuming that the dozens of men that have come here as a result of jelqing "over did it".  Even if you assumption is true, what is the definition of "over doing it"?  If that definition is: when you get Peyronies Disease, then that hardly helps or makes it safe.  If you apply some standard such as: before discomfort, without warming up, then you are just giving your experience.  You have one man's anecdotal account but no real evidence.  In fact, your self-assessment that you have not and will not damage yourself is in itself just an assumption.

In view of the fact that you have not corrected your deformity, I consider jelqing a risk not worth taking because others here maintain the subjective opinion that they did not over do it and were not overly aggressive, but that it resulted in Peyronies Disease.  I do not pretend to now for sure but I will not be using my penis for a study on one.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I really don't see who else's experience I can talk from. No, it has not rectified the curvature. Having said that, it hasn't gotten any worse either. Blood supply to the penis, however, seems to have increased significantly. I can now achieve an erection far more easily.
Of course I assert that I have not damaged myself. I'm sure I would know if I had. As to the future, maybe you have a point. However, I want rid of this pernicious disease, and all it's associated sexual problems. I will continue to try most credible remedies, and will continue with what works for me.


I strongly feel that masturbation has been a major causing factor in my development of peyronies. Meaning, I already had the genetic disposition, that allowed it to happen. For years my penis would be bent nearly in half after masturbation. After I finally stopped masturbating while sitting down, and stopped clenching my pelvic muscles to achieve ejaculation I diminished the effect considerably. I consider myself functionally cured today from post ejaculatory inflammation that I had for so many years. Slowly over time, that inflammation is what changed my penis, give or take one or two mild cases of bending my penis during sex.

For many years I would squeeze my pelvic floor muscles so hard in order to ejaculate It felt as if I was tearing something apart. Afterwards I would have a terribly bent penis. I finally discovered that it seems to happen due to trapping blood in my penis at a non-full erection when I do that. It also exhausts my pelvic muscles, so when I finally do ejaculate the penis cannot seem to stay completely hard as it would if I hadn't been clenching so hard.

I have been told it's normal by my doctor to clench ones pc muscles but the correlation is simply too strong to ignore.

I notice the longer I don't masturbate, my erections are fuller and my curve is less. Other than that I don't know what to say. For me at least, to get out of the cycle of inflammation I need to masturbate less frequent and I cannot masturbate sitting down nor should I clench my pc muscles.

On another note, not masturbating or having sex for a week has been the only way for me to have nocturnal erections. I think I have been masturbating so long I have forgotten what it's like to simply take a break, or be too busy to. I find this study interesting, regarding heightened testosterone levels after 7 days of abstinence, but interestingly, no benefit after.

A research on the relationship b... [J Zhejiang Univ Sci. 2003 Mar-Apr] - PubMed - NCBI


Neo thanks for the info. I tried as you said not clenching during masturbation twice now, and both times I did not get the terrible post ejaculation soreness that can last for days.  However I want to try it a few more times to make sure I am in the clear.  Thanks for highlighting this.  I have never heard it mentioned anywhere before, and it may help other guys.  I also can not masturbate sitting without bad inflammation, but not sure what that is all about ?

I should also note the inflammation I am describing is not related to my peyronies but rather pelvic inflammation I have suffered from for years (yes I have Peyronies Disease too, but do not think it is the same issue in my case).

And I will also point out if I do not ejaculate for weeks, that causes inflammation as well (prostate congestion most likely).  So it will be great if I can continue to have good results by simply not clenching.  In fact it is more relaxing and enjoyable.
When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.


I'm really glad it's helping you FF,

I have the same problem as you do, prostate/pelvic pain, but mine is usually accompanied by a pent penis.

Like I said it's been a month or I think two since I really started doing this and it's saved me. I will admit that the other day I had a very slight discomfort after masturbating, but looking back I did rush it and clenched too much out of excitement. However, since I did not sit during ejaculation there was hardly any pain really. Just a sensation.

If this method does fail you eventually, please give it a shot again. I'm really relieved to hear it's helping you so far. I also think it's a prostate congestion issue.

I'm really unsure why my peyronies has been connected to this, but it really has! Sitting seems to really make it worse, especially after sex or masturbation if I was not careful.  



I read in your original post this morning (from January, 2011), that you could "click" your penis during masturbation, and you referred to it as "ligament pops".  I was SO shocked when I read this, I couldn't believe it.  I never knew there was actually a name for this, and I thought I was the ONLY person in the world that this happened to.  

As far back as I can remember, I always HAD to "crack" or "pop" my penis, as soon as I got an erection.  In fact, I couldn't even do anything with the erection unless I "cracked" or "popped" it first.  There were even times when I would go to use my penis for sex, and almost immediately when I penetrated, it would "crack" or "pop" all on it's own.  I always thought this only happened to me, and no one else.  I certainly never talked to anyone about it, and have always been too embarrassed to even mention it to my doctor!  I would be interested to hear more detail from you on this, and also if anyone else has ever experienced this clicking/cracking/popping (or ligament pop)?

I'm 61 years old now, had my prostate removed at age 44, (that sucked), and have had Peyronies for about the last 3 years (that also sucks).  Throughout all of this, I've been able to maintain erections, and haven't really had a problem with ED, so I'm thankful for that.  Thinking back though, I can honestly say that I have NOT been able to "click", "crack", or "pop" my penis since I was in my mid to late 30's.  All of a sudden it just stopped.  I wonder if it stopped when I didn't even realize that maybe I was getting the Peyronies, even though nothing really surfaced with the Peyronies until about 3 years ago?

I'm now wondering if this might have something to do with my getting the Peyronies (along with a lot of other factors that I've determined might have contributed to it), and wondering if anyone else has experienced this?



If this hasn't happened in 30 years, then I don't see how it could be related to your Peyronies.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History



I exactly have all the symptoms that you have. I have also been to see two urologists. same as your situation the first one did not diagnose any problem and said it's all psychological whereas the second one agreed with me on having a problem. But he could not find out what it is or what has caused it. I also have the flaccid hard penis. no morning erection and curvature in a semi erect situation and If I manually stimulate my penis using porn I can get a straight erection which can not last long. I have had this condition for more than a year and have used so many different herbal remedies for it. nothing has worked completely. How are you doing now? Have you had any improvement. Please inform me of any useful discoveries..