Aberrant Fight-or-Flight and Influence of Hypercontractile Smooth Muscle Tissue

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Could some Peyronie's symptoms in young men, like hard flaccid and incomplete erections, be not at all due to plaques? A recent conversation with Dr. Trost of the Male Fertility and Peyronie's Clinic in Orem, Utah suggested significant interactions between an aberrant fight-or-flight response and the influence it has on smooth muscle tissue, upending many of my pre-existing notions of Peyronies Disease.

Smooth muscle tissue is a type of muscle that is found in organs, like those of the respiratory, circulatory, and reproductive systems. This tissue is not under conscious control - the somatic nervous system - but rather functions due to things like nerve impulses, chemicals, and hormones - the autonomous nervous system. It's because of this automatic control that we can live our lives without ever worrying about forgetting to breathe or beat our hearts. However, useful as this is, in terms of sexual function it can lead to problems.

Peyronie's Disease sufferers can end up giving a lot of anxious thought to their penis, which is wrapped in a sheath of smooth muscle tissue. Normally, this tissue is relaxed, but if in a stressful situation, like running from a lion, the tissue can contract due to the messages the autonomous nervous system releases as part of the fight-or-flight response. This makes sense - no one would want anything to get in the way while running for one's life. Dr. Trost likened it falling with a parachute. If you pull the cord and free the lines running to the canvas, the rushing air will fill the parachute and pull the lines taut. If the cord isn't pulled and the lines are bunched together within a backpack, no amount of air rushing by can fill the parachute. Contracted smooth muscle tissue in the penis means that the rushing air cannot fill the parachute.

Continuous focus on and anxiety about sexual function releases stress hormones and other signals within the body that can also lead to the same fight-or-flight response from the autonomous nervous system. Ironically, the more well-intentioned concern one directs towards one's reproductive parts, the less properly they will function. Dr. Trost noted that this phenomenon was much more common in younger men and virtually non-existent in older or obese men. Is it due to age-related degradation of nerve hypersensitivity or perhaps even a lessening of anxiety thanks to the self-acceptance provided by the wisdom of years? No one can say for sure.

Dr. Trost suggested AASECT certified sexual psychotherapy with someone who has relevant experience in order to treat hypercontractile smooth muscle tissue. Taken from this angle, although it is possible that other symptoms of Peyronie's can concurrently exist, issues like hard flaccid and incomplete erections have been noted to be improved within a few years in at least 50% of cases with a psychological approach.

Do you, like me, deal with intense anxiety? What fruits can a shift in perspective yield?
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that perspective could also make you  believe that you are healthy and its all in your mind not treat it like you should and then let valuable early phase  untreated or reinjuring yourself  
  psychotherapy is extremle important in such a painful  disease .I  agree that there is a psychosomatic nexus  in Peyronies Disease but do not let that fool you that is the only one
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


Stress is extremely harmful to your health in any possible way, it can ruin your digestion which can cause autoimmune reactions it can ruin your endocrine system, make you insomniac etc etc
All which could hurt your testosterone/libido/erections, and peyronies

The brain and the body are connected
Age:23. Onset of symptoms: september 2020.
Curve mostly semi erect about 60 degrees, slight pain
Tried short & prolonged fasts, keto,carnivore, traction and most of the supplements.
Severe digestive issues, probably an autoimmune disorder