Hirudoid has helped me immensely

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I tried it (also the forte version) and it helps a bit but not the same amount like it does with friedrich (far away from painless). Mostly the cooling effect of the cream once you apply it feels good. The pain becomes weaker after about 30 min, but not much and also comes back for me.
27y, injured at 21 y!

Reinjured late 2019 when having sex with weak errection.
No curvature, but rotation of the base to the left about 30degrees
Main problem: chronic flaccid pain.

Trying different stuff now


Thought I would just update as I received my Hirudoid and have used it (only over the scar/nodule area) for a couple days now.

I don't feel Hirudoid has done much (or maybe anything) to stop the slight achy/inflamed feeling of the nodule. I suspect the pain we feel in the flaccid state is as much nerve stimulation as inflammation pain, and so I reckon it's hard to turn off those nerve signals when there is any active inflammation.

One thing I have noticed though, is that my penis seemed to hang looser and fuller, as opposed to the hard flaccid we tend to suffer during a Peyronies Disease active phase. Can't say for certain Hirudoid is doing this, but it may be contributing in some way.

I've had no irritation or skin problems whatsoever with the cream. Does not irritate my testicles or anything.

I view this as something that won't hurt me, and if it stands any chance of getting even a few molecules through to reduce inflammation, it's bound to be worth the effort.

Will update if I notice any more developments.

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


Nemo, how are your erections after using?
42, acute, began 2/21
30 degree curve left, 15 up, bottleneck
Carnitine, CoQ10, arginine, 5 mg Cialis, pentox
Moderate ED, getting worse


To be fair, I don't have many these days. I'm limiting sex with my girlfriend to about once a week, and when I get night time erections, they're barely 50% (I haven't had good NTEs for years), so I can't really say.

The times I've had full erections though, since using the cream, I haven't noticed any difference in erection quality.

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


Anyone else notice erection changes after using? Just want to make sure this is ok for other guys. It says not to use on penis so there must be a reason.
42, acute, began 2/21
30 degree curve left, 15 up, bottleneck
Carnitine, CoQ10, arginine, 5 mg Cialis, pentox
Moderate ED, getting worse


I've heard from several guys privately that their erections have not been negatively affected so that gives me comfort.  However, I think using this cream is a not a great idea and I regret trying it as it really did nothing for me. I only tried for 3 days and only small amounts on my plaques. If it says no genitals,  then I think no one should use it unless multiple docs ok it and there are studies behind it.

Where did frederich zuckermann go anyway? He drops in and raves about this cream then disappears? He signed up the very day he started touting this cream. It lls he the one selling on ebay?

If people are going to claim a majorly successful treatment they should stick around longer as guides, not bolt after 2 weeks.

Stick to proven, medically approved methods.  That's all I'm doing in future.

42, acute, began 2/21
30 degree curve left, 15 up, bottleneck
Carnitine, CoQ10, arginine, 5 mg Cialis, pentox
Moderate ED, getting worse


Quote from: Sanabo on August 07, 2021, 01:43:46 PM
I've heard from several guys privately that their erections have not been negatively affected so that gives me comfort.  However, I think using this cream is a not a great idea and I regret trying it as it really did nothing for me. I only tried for 3 days and only small amounts on my plaques. If it says no genitals,  then I think no one should use it unless multiple docs ok it and there are studies behind it.

Where did frederich zuckermann go anyway? He drops in and raves about this cream then disappears? He signed up the very day he started touting this cream. It lls he the one selling on ebay?

If people are going to claim a majorly successful treatment they should stick around longer as guides, not bolt after 2 weeks.

Stick to proven, medically approved methods.  That's all I'm doing in future.

Don't forget that guys like Gabriel reported some MAJOR benefits from Hirudoid.


I didn't notice any improvements on erections (since I don't have any problems with this) nor with curvature.
But the cream often helps me on managing the pain after sex or VED, even if mildly.

It is some sort of an amateur experimental treatment that might work or not. Pretty much like most in Peyronies treatments, even the so called "medically approved ones".
Check out the Xiaflex section to see how crazy, individualized and random this disease can be. To some it means the cure. Others will say they've got worse after using it.
One thing can be miraculous to one, but useless to others. I won't rule out ANY treatments on this disease.

Since I don't have access to Xiaflex in my country (and the only "medically approved method is vitamin E), I will definitely keep using Hirudoid.  
I will also try everything that sounds reasonable or somewhat harmless.
41 yo, married. Onset on 07/20. Flare up on 07/21. Brand new flare up 01/23. Indentations and hourglass. It still hurts sometimes; No erectile dysfunction. Taking Pentox, Cialis, Supplements, trying diets, fasting, VED and manual traction.
God bless


Hirudoid has ruined me. My dick is weak and rubbery after using for a week. It doesn't work anymore. STAY AWAY FROM THIS CREAM!

I hate all of you idiots for suggesting this. Should have known.

35 yo. 35 degree bend left. Major ED now because of hirudoud cream. Take the supps/meds in survival guide.


It doesn't work anymore? Has it worked before then?
A new guy just shows up here, out of nowhere, just after signing up, to bash the cream with nonsensical complains while offending everybody.
41 yo, married. Onset on 07/20. Flare up on 07/21. Brand new flare up 01/23. Indentations and hourglass. It still hurts sometimes; No erectile dysfunction. Taking Pentox, Cialis, Supplements, trying diets, fasting, VED and manual traction.
God bless


Ok, I will assume this is all true. I am sorry for your situation. You are, indeed, in your right to warn everyone.

We must remind everyone that this product, along with several others, are not prescribed my any doctor. This is us, trying things some stuff randomly, while assuming all the risks ourselves, to counteract the fact that most doctors only prescribe vitamin E and vigilance. But we are obviously making ourselves test subjects. To try something unsanctioned it means to, willingly, accept all the risks personally. No one promised some miracle safe cure. Therefore, to call people idiots is very rude and unfair.

What do you mean by your penis becoming "weak and rubbery"? Are you facing erectile dysfunction because of Hirudoid? Is this some skin problem? How was this cream working before "messing up with you penis"? Were you experiencing some improvements? What do you mean by "was working as it should"? How it should work in your perception?
In order to properly advise against this product, you should detail your situation a lot more.

But anyway, I honestly wish you all the best on your recovery. This is a mean disease that can be really nasty. We should be nice to each other.
41 yo, married. Onset on 07/20. Flare up on 07/21. Brand new flare up 01/23. Indentations and hourglass. It still hurts sometimes; No erectile dysfunction. Taking Pentox, Cialis, Supplements, trying diets, fasting, VED and manual traction.
God bless


Working means I got hard erections. I noticed about a week after using this things were overall softer, flaccid and erect.

I applied mostly on shaft, but once or twice a little got on glans. I am taking a break from everything and will see what happens. Maybe it is temporary and the body will heal as it often does with many things.

Preserving hard erections is priority number 1. Correcting curve, no 2.

I advise everyone to stay away from this cream and use a minimalist approach to your condition. Find a good doc and follow his instructions, not the advice of anonymous forum people.

Good luck to all. Peyronies sucks.
35 yo. 35 degree bend left. Major ED now because of hirudoud cream. Take the supps/meds in survival guide.


Quote from: Forgen on August 14, 2021, 09:50:20 AM

I advise everyone to stay away from this cream and use a minimalist approach to your condition. Find a good doc and follow his instructions, not the advice of anonymous forum people.

Good luck to all. Peyronies sucks.

You do realize that this includes you, right?

In fact, your reaction was quite unique! As you said, you actually had harder erections with Hirudoid. Perhaps only the OP reported something closer to that. This is not a small thing. If Hirudoid promoted harder erections, why it would kill your erections afterwards? This is also very strange and unanticipated.
I am focusing on this point because most people reported only mild relief on pain while using it (myself included). From what I can tell, only the OP reported improvements on erections and curvature. Also Gabriel, a very well known, long time member, reported incredible results on pain.

At least for me, based on the reports, I wouldn't expect progress on the erections.

I advise everyone to look up for doctors and gather as much information as possible. But also to take responsibility for any experimental treatment you find fit for your case. Not blaming others.
I've visited at least 6, supposedly specialist doctors. 4 of them told me to take vitamin E and to wait and see. One told me to take Colchicine but later to wait and see. All of them gave the verdict of just praying for the disease to stabilize or to consider surgery (which in my case of no curvature but hourglassing, would be an implant). Because they were all following the well established instructions.

Only one of those doctors told me to, pretty much, follow what it is written on the survival guide from this forum. It is important to point out that he wasn't following the standard recommendation procedures, but being independent and taking some risks!

If anyone wants to follow the minimalist approach, that is fine! Go for it!
But if this person keeps getting worse, even while being minimalist, it is quite understandable that he would try to fight this damn condition by trying alternative methods. But please, be mature and have in mind that there are risks involved.

But there also risks involved in doing nothing as well. Have this in mind as well.
We also have to consider the sum of all the reports and from whom they've came individually.
Also the fact that this disease is quite unpredictable and variable among suffers. Every progress is different, every case is unique.

Good luck and God bless.
41 yo, married. Onset on 07/20. Flare up on 07/21. Brand new flare up 01/23. Indentations and hourglass. It still hurts sometimes; No erectile dysfunction. Taking Pentox, Cialis, Supplements, trying diets, fasting, VED and manual traction.
God bless


Are you the mystery man Frederich Zuckermamn? Are you selling on eBay? Your strong defense of this cream is highly suspicious.

I was getting hard BEFORE the cream. Now I am not after. What is so confusing about this?

I had a doc tell me this cream could have weakened ligaments and tissue. What do you say to that?  
35 yo. 35 degree bend left. Major ED now because of hirudoud cream. Take the supps/meds in survival guide.


Is that you, Jan.Schaller ? Long time no see!!!

But me being suspicious? Right...

I am not defending the cream at all! I've said several times that I only got small benefits from it, if any. But I have been using it regularly for 3 months and have not noticed any side effects. Neither very good nor that bad.
I'm just respectfully inquiring about your bold opening statements. Or do you expect that easy to come here, out of the blue, denigrating everyone and everything, without even introducing yourself posting an intro, or at least filling out your signature? All without raising any doubts?

You claim things that are highly unlikely to happen and call everyone that are trying an experimental treatments as idiots, as if you were the victim of malicious scammers. As if we weren't all equally trying and risking ourselves.

Why would we have to accept anything you say is true if you don't provide any proof? You are the first among dozens of members, with much more credit, to claim such a suspicious result. Again, what did you expect? Instant and unconditional acceptance?
As if this forum has never had weird members whose hobby is badmouthing all possible treatments and those who try them out.

My main objective here is not to question you, but your ideas. I would like to encourage people to be careful, rational and reasonable.
Consider the situation as well as your condition. Assess the risks of starting any alternative treatment or not. Test anything with prudence and attention. Consider testimonials from reputable users, but don't overlook anything, such as the unpredictability of the disease and, even, new members.
Ultimately, unfortunately, we only have ourselves to blame for our decisions, to act or to be conservative and wait. Every choice involves risks.
41 yo, married. Onset on 07/20. Flare up on 07/21. Brand new flare up 01/23. Indentations and hourglass. It still hurts sometimes; No erectile dysfunction. Taking Pentox, Cialis, Supplements, trying diets, fasting, VED and manual traction.
God bless


One thing we probably agree, this original post should be on the alternative treatment tab. But blame the OP for the bad choice of location.

But I also think we should have a space to post our experiences with non-conventional treatments. It is up to each one to try it (at their own risk) or not any of them. But to suppress information because the medical community does not endorse is also silly. Specially when the doctors don't have almost nothing to offer in return. They have to worry about legal issues and academy protocols which may take years! While some of us have to face continuous worsening in our conditions without any support.
I think it is devastating to tell a man to just wait and see... and pray.
This was the "safe science backed treatment" that was recommended to me. Thanks, but no thanks...

Everyone should face their own situation with prudence and pragmatism. And the risks are all yours.
God Bless
41 yo, married. Onset on 07/20. Flare up on 07/21. Brand new flare up 01/23. Indentations and hourglass. It still hurts sometimes; No erectile dysfunction. Taking Pentox, Cialis, Supplements, trying diets, fasting, VED and manual traction.
God bless


Dude, you are truly a negative person!  This is a forum on a disease that is hard to fix, so people try things outside the box.  Also, you can find on this forum that almost every recommendation of treatment their are people who said it worked or it made them worse....outside of the typical vitamin supplements.  Plus some who say a particular treatment has made them worse, seems to me they are overreacting.  

Finally, why do you only have 20/20 hindsight?  It does not take a rocket scientist to know that if someone joins the forum and reports a "cure" and leaves right after it is suspect....

Use every single recommendation at your own risk and stop blaming others.  
56 years old.  Westerner (Expat) living in China, Single, 4/21 start. Various natural topicals & orals, will use home ESWT machine.  05/24 started TCM with TCM herbs acupuncture.  06/02/21- Restorex, also noticed slight dorsal curve late 06/21


Why am I negative?  Gee, I dunno maybe because this cream has wrecked my dick.

I didn't scan the guys history.  I guess I should have. Sorry I wasn't vecpecting a scam artist on a website for a rare penis disease. But when you see Gabriel, Winter and others raving about it and then Neo makes a video saying it feels great one might tend to believe it works and is harmless.

Those that think it is beneficial because your dick feels looser or more elastic, well that's not good actually. That's the cream damaging your tissue.

This site should not be allowing risky suggestions and if so they should be limited to a section clearly labeled EXPERIMENTAL.

The fact any of you can rationalize allowing such behavior and then say "hey free speech man" is sickening.

35 yo. 35 degree bend left. Major ED now because of hirudoud cream. Take the supps/meds in survival guide.


Okay Jan, we get your point, you don't like Hirudoid. Period. Jeez! This question has already been stretched way too far! My Godness!
You don't need to post in every forum thread talking about it. Leave your point of view on the right tab and let people draw their conclusions. Do not, inadvertently, recruit other members to your cause without their consent. Let them speak for themselves.

You're counting on speculation from some users about the cream's uselessness to preach a fiery aversion to any alternative treatment. Spreading negativity, denigrating the site for irresponsibility, and calling as idiots or pranksters everyone who would not adhere, with blind subservience, to strict medical guidelines.
I don't buy your praise to the survival guide. Because you exhaustively expressed your opinion about only having to follow only these "science-proven measures" a few times. It seems like bait to gain sympathy for your strange personal mission of limiting choice and information.

Apparently you feel an irrational anger at any alternative treatment. Okay, we understand this. You have already spoken countless times. I can imagine that you probably followed some urologist's conservative instructions to the letter and your case got worse. Overcamed by anger, indignation and frustration, you began wasting your time terrorizing others into following the same path, as if correcting the injustice you have think you have suffered. Obviously all you defend is about denying free speech and to shut opposers.
Give your opinion based on your experience, but respect others and let readers think!

Most importantly, this reply is not a Hirudoid defense. This is a warning to all newcomers: There are people of all kinds on these forums. Even psychological terrorists. It is obvious that no one is going to criticize anyone whomever wanted to follow formal medical guidelines and the limited instructions of medical bodies of doing practically nothing by the letter. But remember that this is an unrelenting, unpredictable, and understudied disease. Inexplicable worsening is quite common, and wrong correlations of cause and effect are quite frequent.

Virtually nothing in the survival guide is endorsed by medical agencies. But these are actions based on empirical experiences, shown to be, probably, useful and reasonable.
Use any method with the full awareness that the risks are yours. But be aware that it is quite common to see angry people preaching against everything, promoting fear and despair.  
41 yo, married. Onset on 07/20. Flare up on 07/21. Brand new flare up 01/23. Indentations and hourglass. It still hurts sometimes; No erectile dysfunction. Taking Pentox, Cialis, Supplements, trying diets, fasting, VED and manual traction.
God bless


Ok, let's all tone it down a bit. First of all, most of this has taken place in the last 48 hours. It is impossible for the admins and moderators to pre screen every post. And we are not on the forum 24 hours a day. All have a right to their opinions. ANY suggested new treatment needs to be evaluated and backed up before anyone tries it. I think the "jury is still out" on this particular cream. Seems some like, and some not. Personally I would not try anything that I did not research for myself and was able to find some established studies or publications. That doesn't mean this cream is good or bad. And I am sorry Forgen that this seems to have caused you problems.

I will move this to the alternative treatments board.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Quote from: orriw on August 02, 2021, 07:45:39 AM
I tried it (also the forte version) and it helps a bit but not the same amount like it does with friedrich (far away from painless). Mostly the cooling effect of the cream once you apply it feels good. The pain becomes weaker after about 30 min, but not much and also comes back for me.

Guys please dont PM at me for this cream, i can not say much it didnt help me i get more pain when i rub it in thr spot where my pain is, but this is probably due to touching it, not the cream itself. The cream worsened nothing fpr me but i will also not buy it again.
27y, injured at 21 y!

Reinjured late 2019 when having sex with weak errection.
No curvature, but rotation of the base to the left about 30degrees
Main problem: chronic flaccid pain.

Trying different stuff now


It's amazing. Years without finding a product able to reach the tunica and suddenly we find one that get deep inside, but of course with negative effect. Wtf?!
We better keep with vitamin E. Just in case...

I've used tons of hirudoid. Even after became famous in the forum. An uro prescribed it to me after having a posible tromb vein. Any side effect. I Could debate about if it is useful for pain or not.. but that is negative for erectil function???!!!!! Haha is really funny
39 yo. Onset Oct/20. 25º dorsal bend 1cm before glans + high erection angle.
Pentoxifiline 400x3. Tadalafil 2,5. Vit E, D3, K2. Zinc.Omega3. Ubiquinol. ALCAR.
Traction with PMP.


The OP's story is pretty suspect, and he's been gone for a while now. For all we know, this could've been a prank to convince people to put this on our dicks, and he's just laughing behind his computer screen. Who really knows? There's no scientific studies or evidence to back it up either. I'm with Hawk and Willis on this one. Not taking that risk here. I know others have had success... but it's just not for me.  
MIA - nothing works after 5 months
supplements and pharmaceuticals I've tried:
cialis, pentox, magnesium chloride, dim, turmeric, hyaluronic acid, vitamin k2, paba, l-arginine, l-citrulline. either get surgery (and possible ed), get implant, or pray


OuchItHurts, As a newbie that basically just got here, and who knows little about Peyronies Disease and nothing about medicine, rather than randomly spouting fear based on nothing that is the basis of your inflamed rhetoric?

1. If you have ANY evidence or clinical trials, share them
2. If you have ANY special medical or pharmaceutical qualifications, tell us what they are
3. If you have ANY information on studies, share them
4. If you have ANY official printed warning, tell us
5. If you have nothing but a scrap of personal anecdotal evidence, tell us about that.

If you have none of that, then just say," based on absolutely nothing I choose to think believe that Hirudoid is dangerous

As far as calling another member a "sick individual," that is a blatant violation of forum rules.  It is especially disturbing or "sick" when someone does it without a single shred of evidence.

Do not post again until you address a direct answer to each of the five numbered items above.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Since OuchitHurts freezes up anytime he is asked for a shred of evidence or science, I ran analytics that confirms he is one of those trolls (Forgen) who posts nonsense out of ignorance or as childish pranks. He was previously banned for his nonsense and clear rule violations.

Most of his posts are being deleted.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I really don't understand why these guys, or maybe just this one, comes here so often, under different aliases, just to mess with us. As if we were all perfectly fine to begin with...
I remember reading old posts from disturbed individuals like Jan.Schaller, Matty, Peter123 and now Forgen and this Ouchithurts. Maybe they're all the same guy who just has nothing better to do than troll guys who are already being trolled by fate and biology. It's all completely meaningless and unintelligible to me. It's also cruel and mean...

To be able to deal with this wickedness, I have to believe that he is just a sad peyronies sufferer who, at first, probably misguided by the doctors, decided to do nothing, to then worsened to a dreadful point that all he wants now is payback for his wounds. Specially by hurting and confusing others as some sort of perverted compensation.

If this is true, even if you are that evil brother, I will be praying for you because I feel your pain as well. Like you I, also think I did nothing to deserve this. But hate won't heal us. Only faith, diligence and science. God bless you and may he heal us all.

Again, this is not a defense for Hirudoid. Just a warning for new members. Be aware! Although most of us here are very decent people, there are wolves lurking around too. Don't be naive. Listen to Hawk's wisdom and follow the facts if you wanna be sure. Regarding anecdotal evidences, old members are generally more trustworthy, but not definitive, specially because each case is different with this disease. Be specially suspicious towards fanatical fear-mongers and incredibly successful newcomers as well (like Forgen and Zuckerman, respectively). But, ultimately, have in mind that ,if you're checking out the alternative treatments section (or anything very new or unorthodox), the risk is all yours. Be an adult l, face the consequences of your actions and don't come here later bashing everyone and blaming all the forum. We are all pursuing a way out in the dark as well.  
41 yo, married. Onset on 07/20. Flare up on 07/21. Brand new flare up 01/23. Indentations and hourglass. It still hurts sometimes; No erectile dysfunction. Taking Pentox, Cialis, Supplements, trying diets, fasting, VED and manual traction.
God bless


Quote from: NeoV on July 29, 2021, 08:54:32 AM
Hi guys, I have gone through 4 tubes already and it absolutely reduces penile swelling and discomfort.
It seems to make my penis more elastic. I would like to know why we should not put it on the glans (mucous membrane).

It also seems to interact with nattokinase, so please do not take/use them at the same time until I or someone else figures out what this means. Nattokinase is ultimately the best supplement IMO for penile pain and hinging / denting while flaccid, so that would be too bad if we couldn't use them together, but I want to be careful.

As I mentioned in my video on hirudoid, it does have some rationale to be used as an antifibrotic, but the science seems contradictory to me at this point,

The only potential fear I have about hirudoid would be a reaction, "Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia," but I do not know if this can happen with such a low dose of a heparin derivative.

I am an Internist and write for Lovenox (low-molecular-weight heparin) on a daily basis.  This is done subcutaneously.

I have also put patients on heparin drips (much higher doses) to treat life-threatening blood clots.

In other words, I have used a LOT of heparin in my life.

Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia is especially rare. I have actually never seen true HIT. I hope that helps.
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


Hey bros,

Just connected back to the forum for a quick update, before a long and thorough post on my recent progress I will make you when I end my rough period of selective exams in november.

I just scrolled over the recent posts on this topic, and I must say : wow... I'm a little saddened to see that negative/conspirative mentality can interfere that much with everyone relentlessely seeking a cure to this condition, and trying to share it with other folks for whom it might work too.

To this matter, a little update on hirudoid, to make things very clear, in my case at least (which I think is not a very extraordinary one):

- I've been using Hirudoid forte cream or gel almost daily for a few months now, one to two times a day, rubbing it everywhere on my penis, systematically including the whole glans;

- Its effects are still astonishing to me: 1) any flaccid pain and inflammation feeling disappears within a few minutes later ; 2) It prevents me from having pain in erection within at least a 10 hours range later ; 3) It allows me to have more frequent and harder erections at night (maybe because of an intrinsic effect of the cream, or maybe just because it suppresses my pain which allows erections to develop more easily ; 4) It allows me to at last, after 4+ years now, have sex almost without being aware of my pain or being too much aware and cautious about the positions, angles et moves of my penis (and God this is relieving).

- I noticed absolutely zero side effects, apart from a little histaminic raise I already signaled here, and which I take care of with an antihistamine at night (with no noticed side effect; and if a daily antihistamine is the price to pay to finally have a LIFE, trust me I'll pay it for the rest of my days).

- I don't buy the cream from a "pseudo-ebay-crook", but from a German big pharma website (homoempathia) which seems to be the only one to deliver it to France.

--> Just a quick conclusion, answering particularily to Sanabo's considerations about us sticking only to "science-proved treatments": bro, if everyone here had sticked to treatments that have 100 randomized-controlled studies to back them up, first of all nobody would use any treatment whatsoever and we would just weep in silence while waiting for magic healing to happen, and second we would never have discovered life-saving ways and tricks to alleviate or, in some cases, cure our symptoms and get out of this hell. I obviously personally relate to this, with special regards to Hirudoid, but also to the many treatments and means I discovered and tried here on this forum and that have helped me to cling on to life and hope for 4+ years and to progressively improve my condition.

In any case, I'll see you in a few weeks for an exhaustive and more digestible post, and wish you all the best in the meatime folks :) !!

Take care,

- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


Sigh, now that both you, Neo and a bunch of others recommended Hirudoid, it looks like I just bit the bullet and bought a tube myself. I hate this pain, you were right about curcumax so I hope you're right about this too.  
MIA - nothing works after 5 months
supplements and pharmaceuticals I've tried:
cialis, pentox, magnesium chloride, dim, turmeric, hyaluronic acid, vitamin k2, paba, l-arginine, l-citrulline. either get surgery (and possible ed), get implant, or pray


How often do you guys apply it? 1-2 times a day like Gabriel?
MIA - nothing works after 5 months
supplements and pharmaceuticals I've tried:
cialis, pentox, magnesium chloride, dim, turmeric, hyaluronic acid, vitamin k2, paba, l-arginine, l-citrulline. either get surgery (and possible ed), get implant, or pray



I've only used hirudoid when I had flaccid pain. 1 time a day, usually at night so I could put the gel and let it dry. Only in the shaft, never in the glans.

If I have no pain I don't use it.
39 yo. Onset Oct/20. 25º dorsal bend 1cm before glans + high erection angle.
Pentoxifiline 400x3. Tadalafil 2,5. Vit E, D3, K2. Zinc.Omega3. Ubiquinol. ALCAR.
Traction with PMP.


I'm too freaked out to ever contemplate rubbing this over my dick. If some of you have gotten good results from it then I'm glad but be cautious people and use at your own risk. I've never heard of Hirudoid cream being rubbed over the penis until now, especially to fight peyronnies. It just makes no sense for me but perhaps in the future it will some day be considered a treatment who knows...
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


I tried the Hirudoid forte cream. It doesn't do much at all. Maybe it really helps some, maybe it's just placebo, won't ever know for sure. It didn't affect my erections at all though, so that guy Forgen was just fearmongering.  
MIA - nothing works after 5 months
supplements and pharmaceuticals I've tried:
cialis, pentox, magnesium chloride, dim, turmeric, hyaluronic acid, vitamin k2, paba, l-arginine, l-citrulline. either get surgery (and possible ed), get implant, or pray


I read this thread weeks ago and revisited it after I saw a Youtuber mentioned that it did something positive for him.

I did further studies into the application of Heparinoid and its effect on penis. What could have happened to the guys that go ED from it instead of improvement, could have been what the study below addressed. Low flow priapism and fibrosis of the penis.

In these exact words:

"In the last 30 y the appearance of priapism following the application of heparin has been mentioned only
about 20 times.3 – 7 None of the articles were able to clarify the pathophysiological mechanism"


This might explain why doctors all over the place have no idea what's going on, because how rare it is.

"However, fibrosis of the corpora cavernosa was inevitable after
an erection lasting for 36h. This resulted in erectile
dysfunction, which could not be treated neither by
sildenafil nor by PGE1-autoinjection"

It seems that lower blood flow caused by anti-coagulant can cause stagnation of blood. I guess especially when we go to sleep because we aren't moving around to push the blood around.

"Low-flow priapism is caused by an obstruction of the
penile venous system.1,8 Hypoxia develops 2 – 3 h
later as a result of the stasis of intracavernosal blood.

Additionally, reduced oxygen saturation causes
damage to the vascular endothel and cavernosal
smooth muscles and resulting in considerable pain.

If the low blood flow and the hypoxic conditions

continue, fibrosis of the corpora cavernosa develops
after 6 – 36 h, finally leading to permanent erectile
Age: 40's
What: Approx 30 degree left from mid shaft, 45 degree clockwise torsion.
How: PE (June 2021)

⁍ Pentox 400mg (3 x daily)
⁍ Tadalafil 10mg (2 x daily)
⁍ Verdanafil 100mg (1 x 2 days)
⁍ Arginine/NAC/Vit-E/Ginger/Berries/Kelp

Bud luck

I wondered if that cream would work for narrowing/dent/hourglass?
My first symptoms started early in 2019
I tried Traction device, Pentofixiline, Q10, TRT, L-Argenine, cialis
I have narrowing/dent/hinge on the left side of my shaft
My ED is getting worse
Had a PRP shot Aug 2021
I have a girlfriend
Age 46


If you're going to try it, I would recommend applying very, very, very small amount to start with. I noticed that when I did even in tiny amount it definitely changed the sensation for an hour or two. I am still on the fence if I should discontinue it.

Age: 40's
What: Approx 30 degree left from mid shaft, 45 degree clockwise torsion.
How: PE (June 2021)

⁍ Pentox 400mg (3 x daily)
⁍ Tadalafil 10mg (2 x daily)
⁍ Verdanafil 100mg (1 x 2 days)
⁍ Arginine/NAC/Vit-E/Ginger/Berries/Kelp


I have flaccid pain only and flaccid curve only.

An old fibrosis exists pre trauma and is not painful. Pain is above it.

Anyone used this without the plaque and felt better ?

I want to try it for 3 times a week to stop/slow down pain and inflammatory reaction. As am not entirely sure I have peyronies.  
If you want answers, Please help us by filling in your signature block

Click here for Directions


Because of what the article a couple of post above said about low flow priaprism from heparinoid (Hirudoid). Perhaps it's a good idea to apply it during the day (morning, noon, or early afternoon at the latest) and not at night? If you have hours of erection for the whole night, that might be bad.
Age: 40's
What: Approx 30 degree left from mid shaft, 45 degree clockwise torsion.
How: PE (June 2021)

⁍ Pentox 400mg (3 x daily)
⁍ Tadalafil 10mg (2 x daily)
⁍ Verdanafil 100mg (1 x 2 days)
⁍ Arginine/NAC/Vit-E/Ginger/Berries/Kelp


I applied the cream every night for the last month, and it did absolutely nothing for me. Doesn't help with the pain either. Like I said in an earlier post, maybe it will help, maybe it's the placebo effect, who knows? Everyone's different so maybe it could help you. This whole thing is pretty much trial and error anyway.  
MIA - nothing works after 5 months
supplements and pharmaceuticals I've tried:
cialis, pentox, magnesium chloride, dim, turmeric, hyaluronic acid, vitamin k2, paba, l-arginine, l-citrulline. either get surgery (and possible ed), get implant, or pray


I think this cream is a BAD IDEA. if some like it great but it says not to put on genitals for a reason.

Think about it. If it is supposed to break down scar tissue why wouldnt it do the same for erectile tissue?

I asked a doc and he said if you slather it on your glans and it enters the blood stream it could break down collagen connective fibers and that this would weaken the structure of your penis. It would make it looser, thinner and more elastic.
You'd probably end up needing an implant.

I don't know about you but I want a nice firm tight thick erection not a weak, floppy, elastic one.

This cream is playing with fire. Plus, the OP seems like a prankster just like Hawk said. He came and went like ghost.

We only get one penis fellas. One bad choice and you might never bev the same.
40 yrs, 15 degree left,  15 up.
Taking 5mg cialis with occasional 50 mg viagra boost before sex.
Mild ED


Quote from: Moochalaki on April 26, 2022, 03:39:22 PM
I think this cream is a BAD IDEA. if some like it great but it says not to put on genitals for a reason.

Think about it. If it is supposed to break down scar tissue why wouldnt it do the same for erectile tissue?

I asked a doc and he said if you slather it on your glans and it enters the blood stream it could break down collagen connective fibers and that this would weaken the structure of your penis. It would make it looser, thinner and more elastic.
You'd probably end up needing an implant.

I would be careful putting anything on the thin skin at and around the glans, there I agree with you. I would also agree that it is right to follow the instructions that comes with any medical product. I have used it at the base of my penis to treat bruising but that is also my own responsibility, not a recommendation.

That said I would be careful saying that this cream, an over-the-counter substance, which is relatively weak and with anti-inflammatory properties, would break down the erectile tissue of the penis. Remember that it is manufactured to treat bruising in superficial veins in the skin.
Early 30s, diagnosed with Peyronies in 2017 after trauma during sex. ca 15 degrees upward curvature. Restorex, VED, 5mg Cialis, Pentox, L-arginine, Coq10, Propolis, Vitamin E. Underwent 12 rounds of Verapamil injections 2021-22


I didn't say that it could dissolve collagen. A doctor did.  

It says on the box not to put on the genitals and this is most likely because it is harmful. Why else would the manufacturer prohibit this?

40 yrs, 15 degree left,  15 up.
Taking 5mg cialis with occasional 50 mg viagra boost before sex.
Mild ED


I was not saying that you had said it personally, I was responding to the information that you provided in your post.

Like I said previously - yes, it is important to follow the instructions and guidance for any medical products. It is guidance, not prohibition. If you choose to overlook those, that will be on your own risk.

My assumption is that Hirudoid, like many other anti-inflammatory skin creams, should not be applied to the genital area or the area around the eyes as the skin there is a lot thinner and more sensitive than elsewhere. That said, the most likely reaction is skin irritation, not a breakdown of the sub-cutane erectile tissue. It is an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory cream, not acid.

Those are just my thoughts stemming from checking the ingredients and carefully reading the guidance.
Early 30s, diagnosed with Peyronies in 2017 after trauma during sex. ca 15 degrees upward curvature. Restorex, VED, 5mg Cialis, Pentox, L-arginine, Coq10, Propolis, Vitamin E. Underwent 12 rounds of Verapamil injections 2021-22


I've heard from 2 doctors now that say this cream dissolves collagen and will weaken your penis structure if applied to the glans

Where's Neo? He made a video saying this stuff was great 10 months ago and then disappeared. Did he destroy his penis from using this?
40 yrs, 15 degree left,  15 up.
Taking 5mg cialis with occasional 50 mg viagra boost before sex.
Mild ED


But what if it is applied directly to the plaques instead? What did you doctors say about it?  
27 y. o. Peyronies since 2020: S curvature with the top part tilting to the left - 15*. Multiple nodules and scarring on each side, mild hourglassing. Getting worse every few months, losing width. Normal penile function. Enlarged veins.


If on the shaft, they said, it probably won't get through to the tissue. But glans gets it into the bloodstream and it can breakdown the collagen inside then.

Either way,  imo, this is NOT WORTH THE RISK. Way better off taking Dual (tylenol,ibuprofen)  and taking it easy until acute is over.

This whole account by the OP seems highly suspect. I'd stay away.

Where's Neo? Guy used to post almost everyday.  Shortly after using 4 tubes he's MIA.
40 yrs, 15 degree left,  15 up.
Taking 5mg cialis with occasional 50 mg viagra boost before sex.
Mild ED


From a representative of the manufacturer:

"One study found an association between the accumulation of mucopolysaccharide and decreased collagen in the Achilles tendons of rabbits, indicating a collagenolytic (breaking down of collagen) activity.

Given the clinical effect on scars, it is likely that Hirudoid is able to break down collagen as well."

So, there you have it. This cream can weaken your penis. Doctors and the manufacturer agree  

Please, do not use this cream anyone reading this.  

40 yrs, 15 degree left,  15 up.
Taking 5mg cialis with occasional 50 mg viagra boost before sex.
Mild ED


Winter - are you using the forte version?  
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Quote from: Moochalaki on May 31, 2022, 08:48:00 PM
From a representative of the manufacturer:

"One study found an association between the accumulation of mucopolysaccharide and decreased collagen in the Achilles tendons of rabbits, indicating a collagenolytic (breaking down of collagen) activity.

Given the clinical effect on scars, it is likely that Hirudoid is able to break down collagen as well."

So, there you have it. This cream can weaken your penis. Doctors and the manufacturer agree  

Please, do not use this cream anyone reading this.

I do not usually keep responding to messages like these but this is hardly evidence of anything. Expressions like 'association' between effects, 'indicating' and 'this is likely' does not imply that there is any scientific findings supporting the quite strong conclusions that you are drawing. This does not say anything about the intensity of weakening of the collagen or the potential consequences of such effect (if any). It simply means it cannot be ruled out but also not outrightly proven.

By your logic, if hirudoid is applied to the glans, it enters 'the bloodstream' but ONLY breaks down collagen in the penis. If you apply it elsewhere, it enters the skin but NOT the bloodstream through the veins where it is supposed to act anti-inflammatory and instead just 'goes away'.

I think it has been made clear on the thread that everyone is using this at their own risk, no need to further emphasise that, but please be careful about spreading misinformation.
Early 30s, diagnosed with Peyronies in 2017 after trauma during sex. ca 15 degrees upward curvature. Restorex, VED, 5mg Cialis, Pentox, L-arginine, Coq10, Propolis, Vitamin E. Underwent 12 rounds of Verapamil injections 2021-22


How is it misinformation when I quoted the manufacturer and I've been told by two doctors??

I said it CAN break down collagen, not it DEFINTELY WILL - although given those sources i think it is likely it would .Just trying to communicate that this is a bad idea and that other alternatives for pain are much better and safer. Jeeesh.
40 yrs, 15 degree left,  15 up.
Taking 5mg cialis with occasional 50 mg viagra boost before sex.
Mild ED


I am confused, isn't breaking down collagen and therefore scars exactly what we would want from a cream?

This is not news, this is exactly WHY people are trying it.
36 years old, married
Symptoms since trauma in July 21:
First calcified nodule in septum near glans
Multiple calcified plaques developed on top
Pain (flaccid/erect), 75° upwards curvature, hourglassing
Nothing helped, looking for surgery now