Injury from manual traction (NEED HELP!)

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I have about a 35-40 degree curve which has gotten better from roughly 2 months of a regular traction device (kinda like sizegenetics). I was recently started lightly clamping to increase girth which has worked(stopping for good now). I have a also started doing manual traction (so NeoV) and have seen significant improvements over 1 week.

So here's what happened.
I was stretching a few days ago after my most recent clamping session and all was fine but as I was stretching I thought to really try and target my scarring which was on the left as I was only mainly seeing improvements at the base where it attaches to my body. And I kinda heard a little tear or pop and I felt pain right where my scar was. And I have gotten rid of my pain for the last 2 months! Honestly the pain was a bit much considering I barely
Did anything.

I guess I was pulling a bit tight and not really gentle but no more than what I've been doing
The past week even a little less pressure just really wanted to target my scar.

Now my scarring feels a bit tougher(may be in my head) but the bug CHANGE was as I'm filling it my penis is buckling to like 90degrees or hinging which is never did before (maybe before I did traction but not this bad)

The only thing that's good is that when I fill out it goes back to the same 30degree I have now but this scares the crap outta me that it's curving so much while getting erect. My errction arent 100% right now either as this sometimes happens when clamping (like I said I'm stopping
This now)

Does anyone think I caused permanent damage or more scarring? Will the curve increase or is this just temporary and will heal on its own?

It's been a few days the pain was pretty uncomfortable yesterday today it was a lot better so I'm hoping it heals with time. For now I'm just resting and completely abstaining and now checking my EQ for at least a few days if not a week.

Need help!!!!
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This is one of those situations where the thoughts of non-professional who have not examined you are of little value.  If what happened really was a tear of scar tissue, it seems that you would have had some bleeding or bruising in the tissue.  If you created a tear, then obviously, you will create more scar tissue.  Scarring is the only way for any wound to heal.

I cannot advise you, but I know what I would do.  If it were my penis, I would continue light to moderate traction.  Either it did not tear, and it is good to continue traction, or you did tear, and you are forming new scar tissue.  I would rather form that scar tissue in a stretched state than in a contracted one.  My thinking with my penis would be the same as the practice of stretching scar tissue on healing burn patients, so it does not contract and limit their movement.  While not fun, it beats the alternative.

I want to add that I would only use mechanical traction to keep a steady, moderate stretch to do this.  I have never been a big fan of manual traction because you cannot possibly gauge the amount of traction you are applying, and you cannot hod a consistent tension.  Get a decent traction device.  If you want to use some light to moderate manual tension between strapping on the device, that is fine, but your results will come from the prolonged steady mechanical traction.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thank you for the response. I still feel slight pain when waking up and I have only been doing light traction by hand now (very gentle) which seems to help but the main thing that concerns me is that although I can get erect it is not as hard as it was. I'm hoping this is not permanent. I will start doing traction again light with my device which I hope can restore this.

A couple questions in your opinion as I know you are not a doctor or anything but have considerable knowledge on the topic.

1) if scarring is taking place on the inside of my penis would traction still open up these places for blood to travel ultimately making my EQ come back? As I said it feels as thought the valances of me penis have gotten harder since I got Peyronies Disease but it almost seemed to get additionally harder after what just happened recently.

2) if I feel pain during traction (even if lightly applying traction) should I continue? Honestly I'm pretty down right now as things were going very good and I was becoming better especially after discovering manual traction I'm just hoping this is not permanent and I can regain what I had prior.

3) I have sort of hardening under my glans as well, what would you do if you were in my circumstance? I hear a lot of people talk about plaque under glans but I did not see any good advice

Again thanks for all the help!
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Quote from: Hawk on January 11, 2021, 09:50:53 AM

 I would rather form that scar tissue in a stretched state than in a contracted one.

Is that what being "cured" means? Is it possible to decrease scar tissue or is forming new scar tissue in a stretched state the only hope?
Age:23. Onset of symptoms: september 2020.
Curve mostly semi erect about 60 degrees, slight pain
Tried short & prolonged fasts, keto,carnivore, traction and most of the supplements.
Severe digestive issues, probably an autoimmune disorder


Stop being stupid, man. Haven't you learned anything? It's clear that you can both decrease and stretch existing scar tissue.  
30 degree dorsal curve, immobility and heavy loss of girth.
My body seems to get very inflamed when I masturbate too often or eat unhealthy.
Using antioxidants, Pentox and hirudoid cream, as well as manual traction, heat and Cialis.


All i've learned is that the penis can be straightned but never be the same again, i had many assumptions on the way its done and one of them was by decreasing scar tissue and having new scar form during a stretched state, another one was decreasing scar and forming new healthy cells, apparently stretching the scar is also possible, i was also wondering if stretching the scar with traction can break it down.
im still not understanding exactly what is happening and if i come off as stupid i really dont care, id rather ask questions untill i feel like i understand it fully.
Age:23. Onset of symptoms: september 2020.
Curve mostly semi erect about 60 degrees, slight pain
Tried short & prolonged fasts, keto,carnivore, traction and most of the supplements.
Severe digestive issues, probably an autoimmune disorder


Bro get this. There's no answers. You have to experiment and try for yourself.
There's only recommend treatments.
The way you ask your questions resembles worry and anxiety, understandably. I recognize myself in that; but you won't get nowhere asking the same questions and worrying all the time.
There's nothing to understand more than that you can get back your sex-life once you stop being in your head all the time, and start taking action with consistency.
Check all the threads with different treatments and take care of yourself.
- GIR  
30 degree dorsal curve, immobility and heavy loss of girth.
My body seems to get very inflamed when I masturbate too often or eat unhealthy.
Using antioxidants, Pentox and hirudoid cream, as well as manual traction, heat and Cialis.