DEFORMITIES caused by Peyronie’s

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I was just thinking about the way my Peyronies Disease manifests itself, and I was wondering if any of anyone notices something different.

My flaccid state changes almost constantly.  Sometimes I have a hard, bent, dented, inflexible flaccid penis, and other times I have a nice floppy, full flaccid penis.  I notice for the most part the "bad" appearance hppens in the morning when I'm just getting up, and the "good appearance happens later at night.  Has anyone else noticed this?

Sometimes I get concerned that the "bad" appearance I get while i'm flaccid will someday transfer over into my erect state, but when i get a nice full erection, most of the deformities fill out.  So All I have erect is a few dents, an almost unoticeable curve to the left of about 5-10 degrees, and a slight counterclockwise twist, with sometimes some mild pain.  

I'm interested to hear anyone elses experiences that are similar


These are all the kinds of things that we would never even notice if it were not for Peyronie's.  They are all very normal and *most* of the time, they have nothing at all to do with Peyronie's or any other sort of problem.  The penis is constantly changing its shape and "feel" in the flaccid state and this is all perfectly normal and not a cause for alarm.  What is a cause for concern is the presence of hard nodules or "threads" in the wrong places.  These are things that most urologists know what to feel for and feel out.  Other than that, the thing of importance is the erect state.  That is where Peyronie's is going to manifest itself, not so much in the flaccid state with exception of that which is noted above.  - George


No doubt a great many changes take place which we pay no attention to us all. With peyronie's I think there is part of us that wants answers, and also dreads possible changes. As such anything related to the penis is examined and picked apart, when it may not always be of importance. Still I suppose that's to be expected with a condiiton such as this. One thing I will say though, is that before embarking on peyronie's treatments and for the while on them too, my penis certainly didn't hang as well as it does now. It used to "turtle" as people call it. I don't have great circulation so part of it may be due to that. Part may have been peyronie's processes as work though, who knows. I tend to manually stretch my penis a bit from time to time, maybe this helps keep it from turtling too. As long as you're embarking on peyronie's treatments (pav cocktail, coq10, a-l-c etc - mechanical approach like traction, ved too) then I wouldn't worry too much about these ebbs and flows.  


I know a lot of us have seen increases in prominent veins since the onset of peyronies disease.

I want to distinguish these from thrombosed veins as these I understand are painful and have a weird discoloration.  I also want to distinguish them from the spider veins that a lot of us notice now, even though they are unsightly, they don't hurt  and are usually only visible when erect.

I want to to talk about seemingly normal healthy veins that just stick out more.  I have noticed a steady progression of these as they seem to keep coming "closer" to the surface of the skin.  It makes my flaccid penis feel like a 3-d roadmap sometimes.  I suspect that it is the plaque that is contracting, which causes the veins which  are above the surface of the tunica to rise and become closer to the skin.  I just felt like posting to see if everyone else has noticed this.

I hate seeing progression in my flaccid deformities like this.  I notice that usually once I notice a new flaccid deformity, it usually "carries over" into my erect state a month later.  When will this madness end?!!!


Hang in there chefcasey!

You're speculating quite a bit, but that's understandable!

Quote from: chefcasey26 on January 27, 2011, 10:09:07 PM
I know a lot of us have seen increases in prominent veins since the onset of peyronies disease.

...emphasis supplied

Consider this: you have probably been spending more time in the last six months or so examining your penis,more so than at any other time in your life, which is also completely understandable.  From what I've gathered in my own experience and the observations posted by others on this forum, our penis' go through many changes in appearances while in a "non-erect" state, for a variety of reasons (stress, weather, diet, time of day, etc...)  

It could be that you're noticing some normal changes.

Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


Chef -

Cowboy may be right, the changes may not be related, but I must agree with your hypothesis. My superficial dorsal vein (the big one on top) is now twice the size it once was shortly before Peyronies Disease. I mean twice the visible diameter and much more bulging vertically on the surface, raised if you will. Some of this can be simple aging and body changes, but seeing my scarring constrict the middle of the vein during bloodflow changes leads me to believe the Peyronies Disease has a large impact. Also, the vein is bigger just where the scarring ends on both sides. In my case, this cannot be mere coincidence. No doubt pathology in the penis will effect the whole penis, including veins.    



It's nice to think we're speculating and we just notice things more now that we have been concentrating on our penis because of Peyronies Disease, but I KNOW for a fact I never had these protruding veins on my shaft before.  In fact I could never feel a vein on my flaccid shaft, only see them.  Now it's hard to feel anywhere without feeling a vein or dents in my shaft.  I even have pictures of my flaccid penis 5 months ago when I first noticed this, and it's MUCH worse, so I'm not imagining it, I'm just trying to figure out why.


It may or may not be related, but I seriously doubt a huge change like this if it weren't for Peyronies Disease. They are ALL on areas of plaque too.  I have absolutely no abnormal veins on the dorsal part, which also happens to have no scar tissue.  Seriously though, my flaccid penis is such a hardened, twisted, kinked, dented, veiny mess, I'll never let a woman see it that's for sure lol. I just can't believe how fast this thing is progressing despite pentox and all the supplements, and ved.  I think my dick is toast



I just had a nice 20 minute masturbation session and I noticed something very different, although encouraging:

As most men notice, when we go from flaccid to hard, curvature and bend, indentations, etc become much more apparent. I was able to get the hardest most rigid erection ever, just laying on my back and gently stroking it, it felt strange and but good. I felt a distictly warm and tingly "pulling" sensation(for lack of a better term) running from the base on up, but oddly enough it wasn't painful.  I never felt one that hard before, so I had to stand up and take a look, and what do you know?  No curve and at least half the indentations were filled out! So that was very encouraging to see.  I don't have much of a curve to begin with, maybe 15 degrees, but more problem with indentations and girth loss.

I think perhaps my scar tissue is still maleable enough that a hard erection like this can push it out?  I don't know what accounted for this, maybe it's the pentox , ubiquinol, and ved starting to soften things up, but then again I haven't had this type of erection before so I don't know.  Has anyone else had anything like this happen?

I think I'll try for one like this every night and add it to my gameplan.


Great news for you!  I would definitely copy this to success stories forum.  I'm hoping for the same.  



sounds encouraging to me!  

I noticed better erections after I had been on pentox and daily VED usages for a while (several weeks).

Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


This is EXACTLY what happened in my case after I was on the Pentox/Ubiquinol combination for a while.  I have had no further progress since, but not regression either.  When it happened, it was pretty amazing.  If your curious, you can read my account in the "Improvements" section.  - George


Thanks guys,

I was thinking about posting to the success accounts, but I don't want to jump the gun.  I can't be sure if there's any real improvement since I've never had an erection like the one I had last night to compare it to. I never had problems with erections before, just that this one seemed like a "one of a kind" boner.  I do however think it's a really good sign that just a strong natural erection can push out my half of my scars, even the dents, which I thought was quite amazing.  I'll just keep doing what I've been doing and keep you guys posted.
Use it or lose it fellas!!!


I read your account and it seems quite similar to mine.  It feels incredibly therapeutic to feel things inflating that haven't been in such a long time.  I suspect that nice warm sensation was blood reaching parts of the penis that haven't expanded in quite sometime.  I did notice a slight ache in the area of plaque that stretched afterwards, but I would expect that, since it's not used to being stretched


Quote from: chefcasey on February 10, 2011, 12:34:55 PM
Use it or lose it fellas!!!

Yeah that's pretty true... I required a little more pharmaceutical intervention but had a similar experience.  The dents weren't gone or anything - but aesthetically it looked better when I was on the insane peyronie's cocktail of

- l-arginine
- Cialis 10 mg every other day
- Ubiquinol
- Pentox
- Vit D
- Fish Oil
- Bromelain
- Calcium / Magnesium
- Iron
- Zinc / Copper

This was during a heavy / crazy experimental phase I went through before the xiaflex trial... had to stop it all though - technically.  I cannot get erections like that - even with cialis... i need the whole crazy cocktail...which isn't entirely easy on the stomach.



I totally hear you on the crazy experimental phase, I was willing to do whatever it took to see improvement, but after about 6 months and over $150 dollars a month with no results, and bad digestion I might add, I had to scrap about half of them.  Once I finally got on pentox, i stopped with the alc, vitamin e, etc.  Now I basically stick to pentox, ubiquinol, and L-arginine, I call it the PAU cocktail  :D.  I take fish oil and d3 still but it's not peyronies specific I guess.

I was able to achieve the same type of erection using the same method I stumbled upon last night, and I'm happy to say it looks just as good.  I have about 6 dents total on my shaft.  While inspecting, only 2 of the dents can still be seen, although I can still feel about 4 of them.  Once I go back down to a more typical erection, the dents start to come back and the small curve returns somewhat, although it feels more girthy, sort of like a chinese fingertrap effect.


There are so many posts of late mentioning coq10 and improvements in the same breath. Let's hope this trend continues!


Hey guys.  Few weeks ago, i noticed my penis looked a bit weird from masturbating.  I then noticed i could not get a full erection and that even when it was full erection, my penis was shortened 40 percent.

My penis definitely has shrunk when flaccid as well too like turtled.  But the thing is its always turtled now and am pretty sure i injured my penis.

I do notice however, that i had this dent on the right side of my penis.  I got very worried when i hear people talk about this indent.  Can someone please give me a detailed description of it?

I have this dent on the right side.  Its in the neck area of my penis like if i look at my penis, you look at it from the head...then move your finger down right at that spot where its like a new area.  I don't know the exact name of that area but its like the neck.  Is that the area you guys are talking about with the indent?  

Old Man


OK, the best way to describe what an indent or indentation looks like to relate it to this analogy: Take an unflated balloon and place a piece of scotch tape on it, then blow it up. The area where the tape is will not expand and therefore cause an ''indentation'' in the balloon surface.

This happens in ones penis shaft when there is an obstruction such as a nodule/plaque that is calcified occurs in the tunica/corporal area and the blood cannot flow through normally. This prevents that area from expanding like the rest of the shaft area thereby causing the "dent'' to appear and possible also causing a curve/bend in the shaft.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I asked another member who this....

Hey by hourglass effect, do you mean like this?

I'm looking at my penis when i'm standing up.  You have the head of the penis, then you have the neck of it but that neck is very THIN if you talk about it WIDTHWISE... then the rest of the shaft and it is pretty much the same width as the head of the penis and the neck of the penis just got narrower?

Is this the hourglass effect?  Because this is the best i can describe it.

He told me yes :(


okay i spoke to another member here and based on what i described, i have peyronie's.

The other thing that makes me very sad right now is i masturbated to get an erection and as usual, i saw the hourglass effect, but as i eventually got a full erection, i saw a bend when i looked at my penis from the side.  Im very dissappointed right now :(

Worried Guy

I would agree with oldman about the description, however, the scar does not have to be calcified to cause a dent.


I googled images peyronie's disease and saw pictures of how it looks but the thing is most of those pictures of penis where there is a VERY NOTICEABLE BENT OR CURVE so that is obvious it is peyronie's disease.

Does anyone know of a site where people post pictures of hourglass shape or indention of the penis?  I really would like to see this to see if this is the exact same thing i have.  I spoke with many of the members here by PM and from what i describe, almost all of them say what i described is exactly hourglass shape and indention.  But i'm not sure if hourglassing always has to be with a bend at the same time.

Does anyone know where i can find pictures of hourglass shape or indention?  I googled hourglass shape penis and indentation penis peyronies and could not even find one picture.  But i'm pretty sure there are sites where members post a picture of their penis and ask others if that is hourglass shape or if they have indentation right?

If so, can someone tell me what site might have these pictures?  



I did find a site that shows a picture of the constriction band and hourglass shape of the penis.  Am i allowed to post the link here for others to look at it?  It does have pictures of penises though and its a site that shows pictures of it and allows you to see if you have certain penis conditions.  It only shows 2 pictures of the constriction band and hourglass shape but it looks very similar like my penis with the hourglass and constriction band.


This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


okay then this is the site with the pictures.

The 2 pictures are shown when you scroll all the way down to

C: Difficulties with penis size, shape and erection

C1 Your penis is constricted by a tight band when erect (or soft), with an hourglass shape


When there is a "tight band" that causes an abnormal erection, that band will be clearly visible on an ultrasound of the flaccid penis.  Dr Lue and other Peyronie's doctors perform this  test as standard procedure to verify Peyronie's.  Its not mystical, its very straight forward.  It involves scar tissue that is visible on standard ultrasound diagnostics.  - George

Bennett Nash

There are a number of photos and some drawings of penises affected by Peyronie's Disease at the link below.  The info there is fairly good, but they're also hawking some kind of "treatment plan" that's big bucks.  Except for the marketing angle, it's not a bad site.

Folks, this isn't SPAM.   I recommend the site for info and nothing else.  When you see some of those prices, you'll know what I mean.

The forum won't let me post URLs, so here it is in pigeon form:

peyronies-disease-help dot com slash peyronies-pictures-curved-penis

Hope this helps.  On that first page, my case looks just like the "left lateral" condition.  In fact, I was amazed by the resemblance.

"Formerly Big Ben" Nash



Try place will show pictures of the different conditions of Peyronie's.



does anybody have scar tissue inside the corpus Cavernosum, have any problems with numbness?


If you will make a search regarding numbness you will find more than 40 topics in the subject. Some you may find interesting.
Regarding tissue inside the corpus Cavernosum, you men it is surrounded by healthy tissues of corpus cavernosum?
How it was detected being inside? with ultrasound?
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


yeah, i did the Doppler ultrasound but the test came back fine, but the uro and i can both feel the hard guitar like string of scar tissue. im just really hoping that maybe xiaflex can help me. this numbness is really too much even when im flaccid it bothers me a lot. i just really want answers to know if xiaflex will give me back my sensitivity and feeling to my penis, but i guess nobody really knows since the drug isn't out just really impatient since iv been waiting 5 years for this drug to come out. im 25 and i want to live a normal life.


If your numbness is because the scar tissue is making pressure on some nerve, I suppose that if the scar tissue will be gone (and this what Xiaflex suppose to do) the numbness will go also.
You have posted Dr. Levine answer:
Quoteyour situation may be because the deformity interferes with stimulation of the area on your penis which is important for sexual arousal. If indeed the curvature is responsible for the diminished arousability then correction of deformity may help. On the other hand if this is a sensory loss due to injury, then there is really no recognized treatment to recover nerve sensation in the penis.
You have to hope that in your case the
Quotedeformity interferes with stimulation of the area
You have written in July 2011:
Quoteso now the only thing i have going for me is pentoxiflyin and im not even sure if that will cure this numbness problem. maybe, the scar tissue is compressing on the nerve and maybe the pentox will soften it allowing the nerves to communicate again
What about it? Pentox is a long marathon treatment. You have stated in August 2011 that you are half the way with the 90 tablets you bought and no change. You should not expect changes after so short time even some forum members had some immediate improvements including me.
I understand you being impatient, I was also 25 (long time ago) but with this disease you need to.
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I just come over an article regarding diabetes. It may be interesting for you and you may check your blood sugar level.
QuoteThe researchers explained that ALA improved blood flow to the nerves by up to 44% - and that this increased flow helped to relieve pain and numbness by repairing nerve tissue (something painkillers can't achieve).
ALA is Alpha-lipoic acid.
The article is at
It is not talking about Peyronie's but numbness in general.
It may be interesting also for people having problems with penis sensitivity and ED.
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


ALA is also a powerfull chelator.  It is used to chelat out heavy metals from the body.  If you suspect you may have some Mercury  or other heavy metal exposure you may want to take a look at some the  writings of Dr. Andrew Cutter.  He has done a lot of work on using ALA to safely remove heavy metals
If you take too much ALA it may disrupt the metals in a way that redistributes them in your brain.  Not good.  If youre suspicous google on Dr. Andrew Cutler and read some of his stuff.  And read about oral Chelation in general.

Good luck


Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


The best oral heavy metal Chelator I have found is Modified Citrus Pectin.  It is very gentle (has been used successfully on small children), does NOT have the risk of redistributing toxics to the brain, and is very effective.  - George


is it possible for cancer to present itself in the same way as peyronies

i have a pea sized lump that sits under the skin of my penis and my penis bends to that side, but no matter what i do i cant get cancer out of my head, is it possible for cancer to present itself in this manner IE no lesion , just a hard lump that sits under the skin of my foreskin


While NOTHING is impossible, this sort of cancer in the penis is VERY, VERY rare.  Your chances of winning the lottery are far greater than the possibility that this might be cancer.  None the less, you NEED TO SEE A UROLOGIST and get a diagnosis, since it seems like you haven't done that yet.  - George


I would like support George post.
You have not stated in any of your post that you see already a uro and he have diagnosed you.
Without being diagnosed, just based on the lump you have is just impossible to advise you because you don't know what it is.

Prepare yourself for the appointment with the uro. Read about Pentox, VED and other treatments to have good knowledge in the subject. Some doctors don't have.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote from: George999 on April 08, 2012, 12:07:25 PM
While NOTHING is impossible, this sort of cancer in the penis is VERY, VERY rare.  Your chances of winning the lottery are far greater than the possibility that this might be cancer.  None the less, you NEED TO SEE A UROLOGIST and get a diagnosis, since it seems like you haven't done that yet.  - George
i really dont have the money to go see a doctor

ive had this lump for 2 or so years... maybe even more , i honestly cant even remember when it formed , i just remember about 2 years ago noticing it while masturbating and thinking nothing of it , i think if its peyronies im in the clear now , it doesnt cause me any pain when im errect  


from what ive read on this site

it seems clear that penis cancer does not present it self in the mass of plaque that i am describing , i think im in the clear

so basically most penile cancer will be an open sore thats visible to the naked eye


I think it is safe to say that you are in more danger of being struck by lighting walking out the door than having this turn out to be cancer.  - George


Quote from: George999 on April 08, 2012, 10:50:19 PM
I think it is safe to say that you are in more danger of being struck by lighting walking out the door than having this turn out to be cancer.  - George
i worked it out that 88 of the 22 million people in australia that will get diagnosed with penis cancer

less then 1 (0.88) of them will have the cancer im fearing... still my brain is still scared OCD



This sounds interesting.  Do you have a recomended source and dosing recommendations?


Good Luck


You will find all the information here:

There are a number of brands under which modified citrus pectin is marketed, but like CoQ10 and Ubiquinol, it is a proprietary patented product, and no matter what the brand, the contents are the same.  I have used the NOW brand because it is less expensive, but all contain Dr Eliaz's patented product.  - George


So are you saying that as long as there is a high likelihood it is NOT cancer then you are not concerned?  Man take charge of your health and see a doctor.  I have to assume your penis means something to you.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



Go get it checked out. Please get yourself looked at by a doctor.
