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Hi guys,

Here is my story. Diagnosed with Peyronie's about a month ago. I am 44 and in great shape. My whole life, I had been lucky with respect to my penis. Above average length and pornstar girth. A few years back, I injured my penis having sex with a tiny yoga instructor. Apparently, getting pounded from behind by a big cock wasn't enough for her so she too was going back and forth at the same time. She moved too far forward and my cock came out and then she back into it. Blood started coming out of the tip.  Cut to about 8 months ago, I noticed some pain on the top of my penis, but it would go away a minute or two into sex. Then with my new girlfriend I started noticing that my go to cum positions weren't working for me and other positions more intense. Then I got a side angle glimpse in the mirror and my penis had a sight curvature up at the head. Had I always been like that and never realized? Anyway, me and my girl start having sex and there is blood and we didn't know where it came from and it looked like it could of been from my tip, so I went to the Urologist who found a tiny ring and a few bumps towards the end of my penis and told me I had Peyronies. He said there really isn't really much he can do and if you can still have sex, then just wait and see.

What really bothers me about this Urologist is he should of warned me to never try and manipulate your penis while erect. It is only natural to try and straighten it once you notice it in your erections and as most of us now know, it is a big no no. Anyway, I did it and made it way, way worse. There is now a left tilt and my penis shrunk 1.5-2 inches. I was/am devastated.

Like many of you, I became a Peyronie expert. I told my urologist to prescribe Tadanafil 5mg per day, started taking COQ10, Kanchanar Guggulu, and started doing light modeling as I await my Restorex's arrival which should be tomorrow. The Kanchanar Guggulu is a herbal supplement that they prescribe in India for Peyronie's. It helps regulate the Thyroid which makes sense as there is certainly an auto immune component to this and my family has a history of autoimmune issues. I am switching Urologist to one that specializes in Peyronies and will most likely do injections either verapamil or Xiaflex with traction and see how that goes.

I can still have sex and gf still climaxes, however I typically don't now through penetration, but can still orally. There are a couple benefits to my situation. I have cut out porn and masturbating and realizing how difficult that was made me realize I had a problem. Now I only crave F^@$!ng my lady and not porn. I am lucky in that my 29 year old gf wants to have sex more than I do and to have sex with her 2-3 times a week while master bating 10 times a week was stupid and not fair to her. So beating my addiction and exploring a more well round sexuality are some positives. Now only if I can fix my penis, i will be set....

Can't tell you how instrumental this forum has been helping me deal this situation. I go on here 3-4 times a day for reassurance, info and hope. I am going to fight this thing to the end.
44 Years old - Diagnosed with Peyronie's in 7/20. First signs 7 months prior. 35 degree upward curve, slight ED and length lost. Taking cialis, co-Q-10, Kanchanar guggulu and using restorex for three weeks. Seeing some slight positive results already


Welcome.  Be sure to take objective measurements as described in the survival guide so you can track progress or changes.,3180.msg44057.html#msg44057
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.