Breaking up with someone due to peyronies / ED

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Just wondering if anyone has ever broken up with someone due to their condition. I don't mean getting dumped, I mean you, yourself, took the decision to split up. For example, perhaps you felt like life would just be simpler and less stressful if you weren't in a relationship.

If so, how did things work out? Did you find peace following the break up? Or did you regret it?

Relationships can be so complicated and nuanced. I'm not looking for a definitive answer, just interested to hear peoples' experiences and opinions.


Many men end up breaking up relationships because of the deformity they allow Peyronies Disease to inflict on their minds.  I hardly know anyone who actually broke up because of problems with their dick associated with Peyronies Disease.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I definitely avoided dating for a while but then i found a girl i like a lot. We get a long well but at the age of 20 im quite the hornball and so is she. Sometimes i want to break up with her so she can get the PIV sex that she wants, and so i dont constantly have to be sexually frustrated. the truth is, if i break up with her, my penis isnt going to get better regardless, so whats the point? she certainly hasnt said/done anything wrong for me to feel this way. its simply the disease corrupting our minds and making us feel like we dont deserve happiness/love/intimacy/normality.

We do deserve those things. We are not freaks, we are people. Love yourself  
20, late 2020 masturbation injury leads to semi erect hourglass, then try manual stretching leads to pudendal neuralgia like symptoms, corpus spongiosum and glans do not fill, severe ed- floppy unstable erections that feel like water balloon .

Bud luck

I'm actually thinking to break up with my girlfriend of 3 years, I love her so much that I would do anything for her, but she deserves a functional penis, something that I can't give it to her anymore. The only physical affection she enjoys is a penis, and I don't have it anymore so what's the point to be together anymore.
My first symptoms started early in 2019
I tried Traction device, Pentofixiline, Q10, TRT, L-Argenine, cialis
I have narrowing/dent/hinge on the left side of my shaft
My ED is getting worse
Had a PRP shot Aug 2021
I have a girlfriend
Age 46


I gave up on a relationship over Peyroines. It happens all the time. Happened to me in 2017. You have my support and sympathy Bud Luck. PM me if you like my friend.  
63, Peyroines since 2014, no ED, lost relationship over it. Tried Pentox, did nothing. Don't think traction will work. Lost length, bend upward maybe 30 degrees. From Jever, Germany

Bud luck

My first symptoms started early in 2019
I tried Traction device, Pentofixiline, Q10, TRT, L-Argenine, cialis
I have narrowing/dent/hinge on the left side of my shaft
My ED is getting worse
Had a PRP shot Aug 2021
I have a girlfriend
Age 46


63, Peyroines since 2014, no ED, lost relationship over it. Tried Pentox, did nothing. Don't think traction will work. Lost length, bend upward maybe 30 degrees. From Jever, Germany