What do you guys do to cope

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I don't even have a good father figure and had this at a young age, with many psychological problems that i even had before this. I had therapy, tried everything to cope... But to no avail. How can one deal with this at a young age? Even if its mild the stress of causing further damage f*** up my sexual relationships. I can't just jam it in, its not as easy, impossible to talk to even professionals. Don't know wtf to do. I don't even believe in love, i just want to have casual sex.


If you can't solve the issue itself its imperative to find something that you enjoy and can spend time in without thinking about anything else. Else you run the risk of being depressed no matter what.
Helps of course also while doing treatment... Best something healthy where you move..
Daily Transdermals and Traction/VED solved my Peyronies Disease https://www.peyroniesforum.net/index.php/topic,12587.0.html (DMSO+X)


I've been fighting my fight for 10 months.

Every day.

In my opinion it is very important to accept that the situation is as it is.
We have to keep going with what we have NOW.

Changes can occur unexpectedly at any time.

Keep hope.

age: 43
relationship: married
symptoms: ~45 degree bend / curve up
Started October 2019 with bent erection (dent/notch)
Daily Tadalafil
Traction with PMP
VED with one cylinder


Only the cinema and art distracts me from a bad thoughts. But, I don't know how long it will continue. I dream to meet with Dr Joel Gelman or famous serbian doctors. But, borders are closed due to stupid Covid.
Young and regularly thinking about this issue
Peyronie's without curvature since April 2012 due to injury
Almost constant discomfort and Loss of penile sensation
Still fighting - trying to find a top famous specialist


Quote from: Wilson on July 07, 2020, 05:01:47 AM
Only the cinema and art distracts me from a bad thoughts

GOOD, get your daily dosage of that. Easy to get crazy but not necessary. May your dreams come true.
Daily Transdermals and Traction/VED solved my Peyronies Disease https://www.peyroniesforum.net/index.php/topic,12587.0.html (DMSO+X)


As said earlier, it is a daily fight, but all you can really see is where you are at today.  It is very possible that in years down the road, you will be looking back at this time in the rear view mirror with things mostly back to normal. There have been users on here that have posted success stories that came from conservative treatment all the way to full out surgery.   I know how you feel, I'm smack dab in the middle of dread and despair with how bad my Peyronies Disease has gotten and the fact that I have been dealing with adjacent urological issues that came with the Peyronies Disease.   I know surgery is more than likely what will be needed, but once again, one day at a time, and don't rush into anything.  We will all get to where we were meant to be someday.  We will get through this, and we are definitely not alone.  
45 Yrs old, Peyronies Disease Onset 11/2019, Stabilized 6/2020.

Dent/Hourglassing distal and dorsal side, lost length and girth.

Underwent Plication with Dr. Brian Christine in Birmingham, AL on 6/17/2021. Fully recovered with no complications.


studies show that 18 months after being paralyzed or 18 months after winning a lottery that most people are back to their original level of happiness that life events are not as significant at determining happiness as we think.

There are however very specific things that do change our happiness if we work on them.  One is meditation.  Not something I by nature gravitates to but it works for a multitude of reasons.  One reason is it teaches you to stop ruminating on negative thoughts and how to let them pass.  It takes a little time to learn but if you are regular within a week you are getting it.  Here is about the best free site around.  It also has a 7-day learning course for beginners. www.insighttimer.com

For a whole understanding on how to truly impact your level of happiness first learn how.
Here is a free Yale course.  Trying is better than complaining that it won't work. https://www.coursera.org/learn/the-science-of-well-being?fbclid=IwAR2eJ4IUorZSpVc5mh4ThQwygogR9kVFo4MUWZuByo3yoMfM7rfu0AwaElQ

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


If one is so depressed that they are suicidal and have tried therapy (hopefully w at least 3 different therapists) why not try anti-depressants?  It's worth considering if one hasn't.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


You might not have noticed but the name of this board is the psychological Component of coping with Peyronies Disease.  So on this board, we actually discuss ways to help your mental outlook, happiness, peace of mind, and confidence IN SPITE OF Peyronies Disease or Erectile Dysfunction.

To suggest counselors or antidepressants are not relevant because your penis hurts is bizarre.  If you are not interested in discussing dealing with the psychological aspects then go to the appropriate board and discuss penile pain.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Po, picking up a hobby is another great strategy for coping w anxiety, depression and even pain.  Another is a self-help program/website that Hawk mentioned for fostering happiness.  Any strategy that works for someone is great.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Quote from: popopo on July 11, 2020, 08:31:38 PM
If pills and theraphy can help you, sure why not? But the last part doesn't make much sense to me. The pills and theraphy won't make that pain go away at all. It may makes you better able to handle pain, but I honestly do not believe it is any kind of solution for the problem at all. It's as usefull as picking up a new hobby. Will it help you? Sure. But it will not fix the underlying issue and lack of intimacy as a result

popopo MUTED? What does that mean?
Daily Transdermals and Traction/VED solved my Peyronies Disease https://www.peyroniesforum.net/index.php/topic,12587.0.html (DMSO+X)


That means that he violated rules and warnings one too many times and has had 6 official warnings (way too many) and will likely be permanently and totally banned.  It should have happened before this but sometimes we are tolerant to a fault giving people a chance to contribute and get something from the forum.  He needs to find a forum with the rules he wants or start his own.  He is done posting here.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: bustedchubb on July 07, 2020, 08:02:14 AM
It is very possible that in years down the road, you will be looking back at this time in the rear view mirror with things mostly back to normal.

THIS.  I've had this condition for over half of my life (in my 30's now), and I look and see how so many of my days in the past were wasted on depression, obsession, rejection, hopelessness, smoking weed all day, and the list goes on.  These do nothing to help, but only add fuel to the fire.

How to get out of this mindset?

What do I do to cope with this?  I've turned to God, and surprisingly things have gotten a lot better to where I can move on with my life.

Life takes time, brick by brick you have to move toward a better way of life.  Trust me, I've been lonely, angry, questioning why something like this would happen to me (like all of us may do), and there is a better solution to this.  You have to want change and do what is given to you.
Age 37


Quote from: peter123 on July 16, 2020, 02:15:54 AM
I can't 3xpress how discouraging of a comment that is. The only way to escape this is to delude yourself. In believing a God exists? Nor everyone can do that. It's literally why humanity INVEnTED God, to cope with such situations. But if you don't believe in it, what do you do. You are so out of touch sure you have your 30 year experience but come on, tell a 20 year old college student with peyronie's disease th at hee just needs to believe in God, that won't help crap all

And that's why it took me so long to heal because I TOO thought like you.  I was that college student you speak of.  I tried everything to cope and nothing worked, except for my last resort which is what healed me, crazy how that works right?

It's not delusional if one is healed.  How did that happen?  Believe what you want but I know my life and what I've been through.  I used to smoke weed all day too, and it never did anything for me to move forward, toward healing.  If anything it was creating a delusion, and it had me angry at life.

If you've tried just about everything and you've hit rock bottom, what do you have to lose but to give God a chance?  May sound cheesy but my life is better now than it was before and all I did was just that.  Peace
Age 37


I mean to me you sound like you don't know women more than anything else, even though i agree about the college thing. Other than that you might be overestimating your problems, i used to do that too. It's not all in the looks my guy. You do know Brad Pitt has a tiny ass dick? You do know that some celebrities live with problems that might make them literally unattractive to every women out there? Most of them have been with at least hundreds of women. If crap worked like that nobody would have a kid lol.


You don't socialize enough to call me delusional, it shows in how you talk, man. Chill out, go out and and you can see that i am right.


Quote from: peter123 on July 18, 2020, 10:52:36 AM

What is pretentious is to imply that deluding yourself into believing God exists and there is greater purpose in life is something everyone can and wants to do. It's so ridiculous to me why anyone would take this advice. You are literally believing in a lie to make yourself feel better about how f'~c<+d up life is and how you've been treated. And how does that even work? Should I start reading the Bible? I'm glad it helped him, sure. But it's not for me

Maybe you think it's not for you, but if there was help available, wouldn't you want to at least try it?  

There are people throughout history who have had worse lives than many of us.  People who are bedridden today, who need assistance just to breathe.  Once you stop putting all of your mental / physical energy into how bad your condition is, that's when you can move forward.  You've had this condition since you were 23, mine was at 13!

My life was a nightmare and only going around in circles because I could not get past this.  When all I could see was darkness, how could I trust in God while this condition consumed me?  It's called a leap of Faith -- and little by little I started to learn the ways of my Faith and this ultimately healed me, a true transformation.

A curse can be a curse if you let it be,


a curse can be a blessing if you allow it to be.
Age 37



You sound too hostile and angry to accept any help that is offered.  We all get like that to some degree over issues in our lives.  You have your heart set on one outcome that you are convinced cannot happen therefore any other offering is jumped on, ridiculed, smashed, and you stomp out of the room threatening to kill yourself.  You call people that believe in God delusional because you apparently proved that he does not exist ???  You call a fellow atheist delusional because he has another view about moving forward.  Everything that works for everyone else toward making life a little better is just crap to you because it is not what you want and you will be damned if you will accept any other gift under the Christmas tree other than the one your heart is set on.

So exactly why are you on this forum?  Why are you of all places on the "Coping with the Psychological Aspects" topic?  Have you found the solution?  It sounds like the answer is  N O !  Are you here with an open mind to see if something you have not tried might help if you work it for a month or two?  It sounds like the answer is  N O !   Are you here to stomp and pitch a tantrum of pent up anger at everyone who offers things you have not tried that helped them?  It seems like the answer is  "Y E S "   You can't even say, "gee thanks for the ideas guys.  It is amazing to me that worked for you but I don't think that is for me.  I do appreciate you caring enough to listen and make suggestions, however."

Since that is the only decent response there is only one reason you have not said that.  You are pissed and throwing a pissing fit and striking out not only at every idea but at every person with an idea.  An analogy is a child laying in the aisle of a grocery store kicking and screaming because they can't have something they see and want.  The more adults walk up to you and try to appeal to your more mature nature the more it just pushes you to a higher level of a tantrum.  There even is that same inferrence when speaking of counselors as though it is their responsibility to take charge, assume your responsibility and fix you.

None of this it an attack.  I hope once you bang your head enough to knock yourself out when you come to you will start by realizing what you are doing.  when you get to that step then maybe someone can suggest something you are willing to embrace even if it currently makes no sense to you.  I suggest you make your own topics and not hijack other member's topics with your rejection of every positive comment.  It is not fair to them or others.

I wish you some incremental progress on the one area of your life where the responsibility is totally on you, your state of mind.  

Best Wishes
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums