Starting Friday

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Wish me luck everyone, after 3 years of serious curvature I am starting the Xiaflex injections friday, I certainly hope it actually works. Is there alot of pain afterwards? I am riding my motorcycle out there, about 100 miles.
This section is for your history with Peyronie's please fill it in accordingly so member can assist you better Admin.


You will be in our thoughts, man!  
45 Yrs old, Peyronies Disease Onset 11/2019, Stabilized 6/2020.

Dent/Hourglassing distal and dorsal side, lost length and girth.

Underwent Plication with Dr. Brian Christine in Birmingham, AL on 6/17/2021. Fully recovered with no complications.


You're not going to be able to ride that motorcycle back right after the injection. That would be a huge mistake.
45 y.o. Single. Onset of symptoms (pain-stinging like a wasp) @ 6/2018. No sudden injury. Curve developed slowly. 40 deg. dorsal. Hourglassing. Torsion to left flaccid. 4 rounds xiaflex. Restorex, DMSO+, heat, arginine, cialis, lipoic acid, vit. K2


I guess we will see, it's my only transportation, and I would rather be in the physical pain than the pain I have had for over 3 years now, I am a firm believer in the old tattoo adage "The amount of pain involved is directly proportional to how badly you want something", guess I will find out if its true in this case, thanks for the heads up
This section is for your history with Peyronie's please fill it in accordingly so member can assist you better Admin.


No, I mean it would be a very, very bad idea to ride 100 miles on a motorcycle after getting a xiaflex injection. You will cause more damage than you already have. You need to stay off your feet for 24 hours at least after the injection. Ask around here from people that have had it. No way would anyone say this is a good idea.
45 y.o. Single. Onset of symptoms (pain-stinging like a wasp) @ 6/2018. No sudden injury. Curve developed slowly. 40 deg. dorsal. Hourglassing. Torsion to left flaccid. 4 rounds xiaflex. Restorex, DMSO+, heat, arginine, cialis, lipoic acid, vit. K2


I agree with Samsung, you could do more damage.  Another thing to consider is swelling and physically being able to ride the bike.  I had severe swelling from my last shot.  Literally my penis and testicles were the size of a softball shortly after the shot.  The swelling isn't the bad part, the pain that comes with it is.

If you insist on riding the crotch rocket then make sure your doctor wraps your penis well which will help with swelling.  For me, I have found the second shot of each round I have significantly worse side effects than the first shot.
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How did your first cycle of Xiaflex go?  Did you have side effects?  Did you ride the motorcycle and if so, what was that experience like?
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I hope this guys is alright
37 Years Old
April 2019; pop sound from BJ
Diagnosed Sept 2019. Possible 2nd injury
Have 2 very large plaques and loss of size and girth
Pain for 2 years
Tried VED, Traction, Xiaflex
Pentox 3 times 2.5 mg Cialis daily started Colchicine 2/17/20