22 years old - feeling like I ruined my life.

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Months ago I noticed my penis was no longer completely straight, there was the tiniest curve to the left. Honestly, this could have been over a year ago at this point, my life has been so busy and moving so fast I can't remember when it started. My body is still changing, so when something aches I usually think nothing of it, because it always goes away on its own. In this case, there was actually no pain for a very long time, I think the pain started maybe only a month or two ago.

My penis started to change shape a lot quicker recently, starting with a small dent on the left side, (which is now a big dent), and then a small dent on the right appeared as well. It looks like there is an invisible ring around my penis, and I assume this is what guys mean when they talk about "hourglassing." There is pain only when erect.

I finally decided that this was not getting better, but instead much worse, so I called the doctor. The COVID-19 situation got a little nuts where I live, and since I live with someone who already has health conditions, I don't think I can go into a doctor's office right now. I called, and they will not do a video appointment for my symptoms, which is understandable. They said over the phone that "what I was describing was Peyronie's disease."

I feel like my procrastination might actually cost me my penis, and I am crushed. I'm trying to stay optimistic, but everything I read online about this condition is so bleak. I am here out of desperation, hoping that someone has had similar symptoms and came out the other side okay. I guess I don't know for certain it is Peyronies Disease, but it sure sounds like it. I can provide pictures if anyone wants to see that.

Thank you to anyone reading this. I honestly already feel a little bit better just knowing that there are other guys out there going through the same, and I'm not completely alone.
23, plaque on all sides of penis leading to narrowing and lots of pain. Manual traction daily has not led to any improvement. Uro says I have enough plaque to get Xiaflex shots, but not enough of a curve to qualify.


Welcome, you're in the right place for support.  You actually can start some treatments yourself.  Be sure to read the survival guide and bring your questions here.  https://www.peyroniesforum.net/index.php/topic,3180.msg44057.html#msg44057
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


You are definitely not alone.  My case started exactly the same way, and other than than the dent on the right side, progressed the same way.  It definitely sounds like Peyronie's.  Don't beat yourself up about not getting to the doctors soon enough.  I got there within 3 weeks of developing my case, and it was a waste of time.  I did have a follow up a few weeks after that with another (and my current) urologist, and he diagnosed me.  As most general Uros and even some specialists, they default to the "wait and see" approach.  I am almost at 6 months now and my wasting / hourglassing has gotten worse, but it is only a little worse than say 4 months ago.   I think looking at traction (*manual first, and maybe device later) and VED, diet are things to focus on that actually can and have worked for many.  I am 42, and totally feel for you developing this at 22.  I've had a tough time accepting it as it is.
45 Yrs old, Peyronies Disease Onset 11/2019, Stabilized 6/2020.

Dent/Hourglassing distal and dorsal side, lost length and girth.

Underwent Plication with Dr. Brian Christine in Birmingham, AL on 6/17/2021. Fully recovered with no complications.


Quote from: TonySa on April 30, 2020, 08:33:21 PM
Welcome, you're in the right place for support.  You actually can start some treatments yourself.  Be sure to read the survival guide and bring your questions here.  https://www.peyroniesforum.net/index.php/topic,3180.msg44057.html#msg44057

Thank you, I will read through that.
23, plaque on all sides of penis leading to narrowing and lots of pain. Manual traction daily has not led to any improvement. Uro says I have enough plaque to get Xiaflex shots, but not enough of a curve to qualify.


Quote from: bustedchubb on May 01, 2020, 08:06:13 AM
You are definitely not alone.  My case started exactly the same way, and other than than the dent on the right side, progressed the same way.  It definitely sounds like Peyronie's.  Don't beat yourself up about not getting to the doctors soon enough.  I got there within 3 weeks of developing my case, and it was a waste of time.  I did have a follow up a few weeks after that with another (and my current) urologist, and he diagnosed me.  As most general Uros and even some specialists, they default to the "wait and see" approach.  I am almost at 6 months now and my wasting / hourglassing has gotten worse, but it is only a little worse than say 4 months ago.   I think looking at traction (*manual first, and maybe device later) and VED, diet are things to focus on that actually can and have worked for many.  I am 42, and totally feel for you developing this at 22.  I've had a tough time accepting it as it is.

Thank you for the reply. Out of curiosity, do you think traction helps with the hourglass? I am doing it by hand, but I don't think I have seen anyone on here say they have had success with traction for dents yet. (I am still searching, though.) Also, I noticed you are eating low carb, can I ask why? I definitely eat a lot of carbs, but it's mostly whole foods (brown rice, sweet potatoes, etc.).  
23, plaque on all sides of penis leading to narrowing and lots of pain. Manual traction daily has not led to any improvement. Uro says I have enough plaque to get Xiaflex shots, but not enough of a curve to qualify.


RestoreX traction actually worsened a dent across the top of the shaft in my case.  I took it slow and only did it for several days and had to stop. Can't afford any more losses at the moment.  I was doing the manual traction that NeoV video'd about on youtube before that with no issues or worsening.  If anything it will help keep the blood moving and the tunica stretched out as much as it can be.

As far as the low carbs, it helps reduce inflammation in the body and if you have pre-diabetes or insulin resistance it can help stabilize the runaway inflammation process in the penis that is causing the tunical damage.  NeoV has a ton of videos on the subject and is where I was tipped off on it.  I was also eating a large amount of them, too, before this all happened.  
45 Yrs old, Peyronies Disease Onset 11/2019, Stabilized 6/2020.

Dent/Hourglassing distal and dorsal side, lost length and girth.

Underwent Plication with Dr. Brian Christine in Birmingham, AL on 6/17/2021. Fully recovered with no complications.


Read all about it you can find. Into different directions. Then make an educated choice on where to go with this.  

Getting rid or mitigating a hard tissue that doesn't expand is not easy and takes time and often continuous smart work.  
Worst case(imo)you might've to go the operation route. Good news is that you're American and have some great doctors and possibilities.

So you sure didn't ruin your life. What counts is how you react to it now.
Giving up and thus making things worse,.. yes it could ruin your life.
Taking educated action and setting your mind forward, re-adjusting if you fall astray, you will come stronger out of this than you were before.
Daily Transdermals and Traction/VED solved my Peyronies Disease https://www.peyroniesforum.net/index.php/topic,12587.0.html (DMSO+X)