Sweden - Restorex

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I have been struggling with Peyronies for about two years. My andrologist suggests I try Restorex before I jump to the decision of surgery. I can't figure out how to get it to Sweden though.

Please help!



I definitely wouldn't jump into surgery.  I did and regret it.

My surgeon recommended Restorex to me as well, but it's not available in Europe.  If you ditch the forum there is a post about how to get it.  I'm just a little uncomfortable as it's so expensive.
49 yrs old, Married
Peyronie's started 2016
Upward curve of 100 degrees  
Incision/grafting surgery in 6/2019.  Resulted in loss of length of around 1.5 inches, residual curve of over 40 degrees, some ED
12/2019 had failed skin anchoring procedure


Sorry to hear that the surgery was not successful! I have hourglassing and plaque in various areas so I really hope that I Will get hold of a restorex to try and at least do something.



This is the service some have used

49 yrs old, Married
Peyronie's started 2016
Upward curve of 100 degrees  
Incision/grafting surgery in 6/2019.  Resulted in loss of length of around 1.5 inches, residual curve of over 40 degrees, some ED
12/2019 had failed skin anchoring procedure


Hello Andreas

I too am ordering Restorex to Sweden, via Parcl, which hopefully works but we'll see when it arrives. :)
Wishing you good luck and don't hesitate to message me if you wanna swap strategies or feedback.

Do you mind me also asking what urologist it was who recommended this device?
25 y old. Injury during sex 2014 and since then, an upwards bend, 20-35 degrees. Haven't tried more than occasional manual traction. Losing my mind.


We might as well start this restorex mega thread/club by now!



Not sure if you managed to get it sorted out but I just wanted to relay that I was in the exact same situation as you (and around the same time actually!). I managed to order it via Parcl.com and it worked out fairly smoothly actually. I tried going through various freight forwarders in the beginning but Restorex found it out and refused to ship it, gave me a refund as well. Overall it did cost a bit extra but I too consider this a better option than going for surgery straight away.

Let me know if you want me to go through the various steps with you.

Early 30s, diagnosed with Peyronies in 2017 after trauma during sex. ca 15 degrees upward curvature. Restorex, VED, 5mg Cialis, Pentox, L-arginine, Coq10, Propolis, Vitamin E. Underwent 12 rounds of Verapamil injections 2021-22


I am also hoping to ship a RestoreX to Sweden, but the problem remains that the manufacturer won't ship to Europe. Since this thread was started Parcl has been shut down. From a forum member I got a web address to a service run by a former Parcl member. However, the Parcl guy has not responded to my request. Therefore, I have two questions:

1) Is there any other reliable forwarding company based on personal experience?

2) Is there any forum member living in Europe interested in selling their RestoreX?
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There are people selling their Restorex on the forum from time to time. I have seen some recently so be on the lookout for that.

You can also post a separate request to buy one (if you have not already).

When I ordered mine I went via Parcl, when I initially tried to order via a freight forwarder they cancelled my order and told me they do not deliver to freight forwarders so that did not work.

One idea would be to order it to someone that you know in the US and ask them to forward it to you (or a 'friend') directly without opening the box. Sounds suspicious but it's an option that I considered to the very end. Just a suggestion!
Early 30s, diagnosed with Peyronies in 2017 after trauma during sex. ca 15 degrees upward curvature. Restorex, VED, 5mg Cialis, Pentox, L-arginine, Coq10, Propolis, Vitamin E. Underwent 12 rounds of Verapamil injections 2021-22


Dang, I was just in Sweden for two months over the summer! I could have sold you mine when I was there. I just posted another thread in this subforum for selling my device (it's very new). If you are interested, shoot me an email me at [email protected]. International shipping doesn't seem too bad based on a quick glance.
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Seems that Restorex is available in Sweden (and also Denmark, Finland and Norway) by Uronordic AB at www.uronordic.com

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