How's it going with women?

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Hey guys i was wondering if any of you managed to get a girlfriend post peyronie injury and of course how did you handle the situation when you explained to her that your penis is somehow different and you might not be able to have too much, if any at all, penetrative sex. The thing is that this condition and my depression as well are making me isolate from social groups and just make me choose to be lonely..which i hate. Do you guys have any tips for an (almost)18 years old that didnt even have the balls to approach girls in the last year.Do i even have the chance to find someone to love me at this age ( i dont know if a girl my age for example would sacrifice so much fun just for an unfortunate guy that hates his life despite having all he needs to grow up decently). College is coming soon as well so yeah...i want to try and make new friends and stuff.
Thank you.

Important This post is not a rant nor was it written as an insult for anyone. I do not generalize people i just want to know what others have gone trough and what they think about all of this
Age: 18
First symptoms age :16
Curve:aproximately 30 degrees to the left 10 upwards.
Recently hurt myself and i am scared that the curves above and my symptoms will get worse.
Currently on l-arginine , alc l-carnitine and vitamin E.


Since you have not gone into your profile and made a signature line we know nothing about you like age, degree of bend, whether you have ED issues, and more so it is difficult to be specific.

What I will say is even if your penis was huge, straight, and perpetually erect, few girls or guys for that matter want to be with someone that hates their life.  Confidence and positive attitude and factors you can fix even faster than your Peyronies Disease.

What are your thoughts about that point?

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hey Hawk :)
Sorry for uploading this in the wrong place first of all.
Second of all my penis ain't huge since i used to be above average before my injury and now im just average.I Do not have any ED and i do have a 30 degree bend to the left just under the glans . The thing is that i have injured my penis again and im kinda scared that another curvature will appear on the upper side( an upper bend i mean) which would kinda F~@< me up since 2 curvatures aren't good are they. I haven't lost too much girth so far.But the question was whether it would be hard or not to find someone to appreciate you for what you are IN A BAD STAGE of this disease . For example if it'd get so bad that you cannot have sexual intercourse.

And about that thing you are right.....i know that no one likes someone that is in such a miserable place like i am...but the thing is that when so much crap happens to you you just lose faith....Everytime i get to be lasts for a little and then some bad crap happens... i kinda have some other problems too as for example i used to get bullied a few years ago for being a little overweight so i just stopped eating for a few weeks..i would barely even touch food.. i think that i must have triggered an anorexia even tho im happy i stopped at the right moment otherwise i would have been f'~c<+d..i started going to gym and eating more healthy and more but im struggling with adding mass right now...i kinda wish i wouldnt have listened to all those f*ckers and i would have just started going to gym and dang..if i did that...i would probably be more confindent now.

It sucks waking up and breaking down since you have to live miserably one more day.
Age: 18
First symptoms age :16
Curve:aproximately 30 degrees to the left 10 upwards.
Recently hurt myself and i am scared that the curves above and my symptoms will get worse.
Currently on l-arginine , alc l-carnitine and vitamin E.


Yes it's very very possible Daniel. A woman wants a man to lead (generally), and if you are leading the relationship, then you will also be leading what you do in sex (with her consent obviously). If a girl is really attracted, a lot of the time she won't really care and will be happy to go along with what you want to do. At 18 you are basically a child. I've been coaching some guys who were bullied and had a lot of trauma with women and they are 28, and even they are doing well now after setting them in the right direction. At your age you simply should take action and work on your emotions. Definitely hit the gym, meditate, and socialize.  


NeoV just gave you some good advice.  I don't want to delve too deep but I am a pretty strong advocate of common sense and Cognitive Behavior Therapy.  It basically teaches that it is our thoughts that make us happy, depressed, confident, or fearful.  So, more than what happens to us it is how we think about what happens to us that really has much more effect than the actual event.  If you are in a position to find a GOOD therapist (there are more poor ones than good ones) that would help.  If you are motivated you can do a lot of work yourself but it could take more time.  You will have to decide if you are making headway with what you can learn here and elsewhere or whether you need a coach to help you.

Women are certainly not all the same.  Like men, they have different wants.  Some are crazy, some are amazing so I hesitate to generalize.  I am sure there are women out there that insist on a large perfect penis.  There are women that insist on more than one guy at a time but these are crazy departures from the norm.

Most women want intimacy.  They enjoy sex but crave intimacy and confidence.  Master these and you will have your pick.  Also, it is a fact that the majority of women cannot climax just from intercourse as men do.  2/3rds of women need oral sex or some form of stimulation directed at their clitoris to even have an orgasm.  Some women (including some that have been on this forum love sex but could be happy if they never had intercourse.

This means the answer to your question is that your penis will not be a reason that you can never have a great life and a great relationship.  In fact, if you can only acquire either a perfect penis or a confident personality with the ability to share intimacy your penis is the least important of those two.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I have 30 degree upward curvature. I do not have any problem even one night stand
Diagnosed June 2019

Oral Treatment: Colcihine, pentox, Arginine, Ginger Root, planned to start 5mg Cialis

Symptoms: Pain and %25degree curvature, intercourse possible without problem, sometimes ED


i had the best sex of my life after Peyronies Disease many one night stands and two relationships exept from pain i did not had a problem do not feel bad about Peyronies Disease  you can have a very active sexual life if your curve permits just be carefoul to not reinjure yourself  
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


It depends how severe your problem is and if it prevents you from having sex or not.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


Honestly this might sound like bad advice to some, but I think online is your best bet for meeting someone. I'm only just discovering that I might have this disease but I've always met girls online because it's easier to talk to them and be more open.

you can speak to them for a little while and then just be upfront with your situation. it's less embarrassing than in person and you can find out quicker if it's something they are okay with.

Or if you are on a dating site you can just put that in your profile. at least in person you didn't waste your time meeting someone talking to them for a long time and then waiting and waiting and waiting to tell them.

It's always easier to say something like that online just as it's easy for us to tell our stories here as opposed to in person. You might find someone that is okay with it and then you can meet them with more confidence because they already know and it's not in the back of your mind.

I was lucky enough to meet a very beautiful Taiwanese girl on tinder of all places. I'm getting ready to see a doctor about this curvature I have and she hasn't even blinked an eye about it. Knowing what this disease is about.

This may sound kind of tacky, but dating is like sales. The more people you talk to the better chance you have of making a sale.

If you only talked to five women that's only five chances but if you talk to 50 that's 50 chances. I guarantee you 100% there is someone out there for you. They are not going to find you, so you need to start looking on some dating sites or apps and just talking to women and see how it goes.

There is one good thing about women over men. They are more into the partner the connection and being treated nicely as opposed to things on the surface or being superficial.

Good luck
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Quote from: maximus99 on February 23, 2020, 10:50:03 AM
Honestly this might sound like bad advice to some, but I think online is your best bet for meeting someone. ....
If you only talked to five women that's only five chances but if you talk to 50 that's 50 chances. I guarantee you 100% there is someone out there for you. They are not going to find you, so you need to start looking on some dating sites or apps and just talking to women and see how it goes.

There is one good thing about women over men. They are more into the partner the connection and being treated nicely as opposed to things on the surface or being superficial.

Good luck

I would call that some damned good advice.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I know nothing about online dating
Age: 18
First symptoms age :16
Curve:aproximately 30 degrees to the left 10 upwards.
Recently hurt myself and i am scared that the curves above and my symptoms will get worse.
Currently on l-arginine , alc l-carnitine and vitamin E.


I don't either but it couldn't be very difficult to find out.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


NeoV, you have honestly been one of the most supportive and real people in this forum. Definitely right about a lot of things.

From my perspective, setting boundaries is a must. Not everybody is handed a good life, good childhood and a perfect dick when they were born. The most pain i had while growing up was getting over my childhood traumas and building a life with me, a confident guy behind it. Life is about shaping your life around what you have, and sometimes having the balls to just tell someone to shut the hell up, which makes every bit of imperfection on yourself immeasurable. It's all about confidence my man, you will get over it and try to enjoy life in any way you can afterwards.

Discofeet, you remembering this guy as having a micropenis is the part where he is getting his anxiety from. It was probably him that was insecure about it but still, life isn't what we expect and you should never ever be able to talk about an ex having a micropenis like it's nothing. It is everything to me, and probably many guys here. And again, it was probably his fault in terms of setting boundaries with you but either way if it was me, that wouldn't help at all lol. Just hope you guys pull through but an advice from me is that even if a guy has 11 inch dick you shouldn't tell his size to others without taking his permission. This is why us guys are having such bad problems in our lives at the moment, at least from my perspective.

I have honestly had Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for so long now that it would be impossible for my life to get worse at this point, i definitely recommend it to you guys, changes everything. Try that as well.


Sorry if it triggered you hontas, but I promise when a woman gets naked with you she will probably be more anxious about her own body image than judging your cock.  
My ex couldn't F~@< me because his dick was too small, my bf now can't F~@< me bc he has peyronies. It's a crap hand for them to be dealt in life, But we worked around it. My ex was a pro at going down on girls, and believe me I would take that over penetrative sex forever.

And another thing, I absolutely do not remember my ex as the 'guy with the micropenis'. If I think about him I remember lots of positive things and none of them relate to his dick! Cause guess what, to me it didn't matter and it didn't define him as a person. I mentioned him because of his confidence. He was confident because he had lots of hobbies and interests (how we met). He was kind, interesting, loving and made me feel amazing.

Immerse yourself in something positive that you enjoy and takes your mind off it. Gym, walking, rock climbing, learn an instrument, gigs, I don't know, warhammer! whatever floats your boat just go for it! You will meet girls this way.  I promise there is a woman out there who will love, support and respect you for you. Bent or small dick and all.

All the best x

Quote from: Hontas on July 28, 2020, 09:14:48 AM
NeoV, you have honestly been one of the most supportive and real people in this forum. Definitely right about a lot of things.

From my perspective, setting boundaries is a must. Not everybody is handed a good life, good childhood and a perfect dick when they were born. The most pain i had while growing up was getting over my childhood traumas and building a life with me, a confident guy behind it. Life is about shaping your life around what you have, and sometimes having the balls to just tell someone to shut the hell up, which makes every bit of imperfection on yourself immeasurable. It's all about confidence my man, you will get over it and try to enjoy life in any way you can afterwards.

Discofeet, you remembering this guy as having a micropenis is the part where he is getting his anxiety from. It was probably him that was insecure about it but still, life isn't what we expect and you should never ever be able to talk about an ex having a micropenis like it's nothing. It is everything to me, and probably many guys here. And again, it was probably his fault in terms of setting boundaries with you but either way if it was me, that wouldn't help at all lol. Just hope you guys pull through but an advice from me is that even if a guy has 11 inch dick you shouldn't tell his size to others without taking his permission. This is why us guys are having such bad problems in our lives at the moment, at least from my perspective.

I have honestly had Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for so long now that it would be impossible for my life to get worse at this point, i definitely recommend it to you guys, changes everything. Try that as well.
GF of 30 yr old bf with peyronies. Acute phase began March 2020.


Quote from: Discofeet on July 28, 2020, 12:46:50 PM

My ex couldn%u2019t F~@< me because his dick was too small, my bf now can%u2019t F~@< me bc he has peyronies. It%u2019s a crap hand for them to be dealt in life, But we worked around it.  

This is extremely toxic and after you write those things i am pretty sure i was right. I mean its their life, and its your life i guess. You live your own way, but no F^@$!ng way would i allow this type of toxic relationship in my life. I think i might have triggered you and im sorry for that. Yeah damn man i have a curved dick F~@< how am i a man now... jesus christ... How ashamed should i be? Can you tell me in detail please lol. (sarcasm)


Quote from: peter123 on July 28, 2020, 07:15:01 PM
Honestly I just want to die
Brother, i was joking around. It's not all roses and pink candies in life. Stop this "i want to kill myself" thing and get yourself up. I know I do. So don't ever tell this again my man. I have been with enough women to tell BS from miles away... Don't look at what i say against these things, i like sarcasm.



      Are you stupid man ? Yes we have this damned problem. But so what ? I am also sad about this. What should I do ? Think about all day all night about peyronie then watch how my life slip away in front of my eyes. I will not man. Last year this time I was so desperately. Now I have perfect relationship despite I have curvature and sometimes Erectile Dysfunction. I do not have huge dick. She did not realize even that I have peyronie. She does not care how my dick curve. Snap out of it. You are young, do not F~@< your future.
Diagnosed June 2019

Oral Treatment: Colcihine, pentox, Arginine, Ginger Root, planned to start 5mg Cialis

Symptoms: Pain and %25degree curvature, intercourse possible without problem, sometimes ED


Hontas: Maybe I am misreading or I am confused but there is NOTHING in the least toxic about what Discofeet posted.   I so welcome her perspective that I could turn a backflip.  While she certainly cannot speak for every woman, almost every woman who has ever posted here has said the same thing.  If you were joking around, I don't get the joke.  This has the potential for a meaningful exchange, if not for you, then for thousands of others who will view theis topic over the years.

Peter123:  While I feel for your pain I do not see the relavance of your post to the conversation at hand.  Try to find a conversation you relate to and communicate.  Thry to find something you can benefit from and take some small segment of it to heart.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Hontas on July 28, 2020, 07:18:52 PM
Brother, i was joking around. It's not all roses and pink candies in life. Stop this "i want to kill myself" thing and get yourself up. I know I do. So don't ever tell this again my man. I have been with enough women to tell BS from miles away... Don't look at what i say against these things, i like sarcasm.
only if "getting yourself up" would be easy. Damn this peyronie is a F^@$!ng joke whenever I forget about it I end up injuring myself again (think I did after waking up with pain caused by my erect penis rubbing my pants..... Im afraid even of F^@$!ng sleeping cause whatever I do ends up in me F^@$!ng my condition even more. After being away from this forum for a while, here I am once again, back to square one.

*sorry for the language*
Age: 18
First symptoms age :16
Curve:aproximately 30 degrees to the left 10 upwards.
Recently hurt myself and i am scared that the curves above and my symptoms will get worse.
Currently on l-arginine , alc l-carnitine and vitamin E.


Daniel, what are you trying for pain.  You could try OTC oral ibuprofen and Voltaren gel applied to penis.  If you're concerned w a 30 degree bend I'd add traction or VED.  If you can, add 2.5mg generic cialis nightly (you might have to tell your doc you have erection problems).  All these things help remodel plaque to healthy tissue.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Can't get cialis...can't even afford it for a longer period of usage in the first place. Im not in pain. I just said I woke up as my erect penis was rubbing my pants and I woke up cause it hurt. It doesnt hurt anymore but whenever my penis hurts even a little I start getting depressed again knowing that I might have caused more inflammation / damage and plaque might form again and end up destroying me again. My erections are kinda weaker but I can get erections. I'd like to start using VED ( not medical veds..just a normal VED and I'd use it slowly just to help the blood flow through the penis). Thanks for the advice though
Age: 18
First symptoms age :16
Curve:aproximately 30 degrees to the left 10 upwards.
Recently hurt myself and i am scared that the curves above and my symptoms will get worse.
Currently on l-arginine , alc l-carnitine and vitamin E.


PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.

Tortão Pra Direita

Quote from: Discofeet on July 28, 2020, 12:46:50 PM

My ex couldn't F~@< me because his dick was too small, my bf now can't F~@< me bc he has peyronies. It's a crap hand for them to be dealt in life, But we worked around it. My ex was a pro at going down on girls, and believe me I would take that over penetrative sex forever.

This is painful to read. And note: she's being kind. Lots of girls don't give a F~@< and screw you telling your intimate stuffs to all her friends. I have a dick above the average, but years ago when I was taking fluvoxamine for OCD I couldn't work sometimes. My dosage was too high and you know a common SSRI side effect is difficult to get hard. So yeah, I couldn't get hard with some girls I met during this period. Guess what they told to their friends? That I was gay, that maybe I had a small dick and was afraid of pulling it off my pants, etc. They don't give a F~@<. Laughing, they tell these crap with no remorse and empathy. Yeah, I know it's not every girl, but it's a lot of them. A lot.
Sex is an amazing thing, but shouldn't be so crucial for a relationship. But no, people end relationships and cheat cause their partner is not doing so good in bed. Men and women.
People are crap, man.

Peyronie's is a F^@$!ng difficult disease. You need to cope it alone. There's no awareness and people don't understand the pain. This crap is worse than cancer, and I'm not exaggerating. With cancer, you can be cured. You are well supported. You are a hero if you win. Peyronie's? Oh, what a funny thing! Let's create a new nickname for you: captain hook!

Yea, F~@<. I don't know if it's worth to live this game anymore. I never thought I'd think about that, but lately this thought is constant.
1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.


I dunno how far you are right, I expect you are partly right. Girls seem to have no compunctions talking about what you might assume to be private matters to other girls.   Thinking logically, if penis length is important to girls, they should also be concerned if their vagina might be too deep (or too short) but you never seem to hear much about this, except for the common preference for partners of comparable height.  
Age 57, Onset 2010, 2" shortening, shrinking and angulation of glans, weaker erections, 30 degree bend. Mild pain few months, but far from worst symptom. Tried many ideas, not just from here, but not consistently. Moderate improvement, maybe 40%


penis length /girth can matter to a woman but it depends on her sexuality, anatomy, e.g. possibly height, and preconceptions (so can change). e.g. anal sex is easier with a smaller penis.
statistically, girth is more important to women. I know that's not necessarily helping much, but there are specific exercises for girth.
there are some inexpensive silicone widgets you can put inside a condom to increase length by 5cm. see aliexpress.
maybe there are similar materials to increase girth.

Age 57, Onset 2010, 2" shortening, shrinking and angulation of glans, weaker erections, 30 degree bend. Mild pain few months, but far from worst symptom. Tried many ideas, not just from here, but not consistently. Moderate improvement, maybe 40%

Tortão Pra Direita

I have a question: do girls complain of pain with you, guys?
1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.


Girls can feel even your little finger and get pleasure from it.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Peter, how is that so-from your posted picture your dick looks girthy.  Have you taken actual objective measurements per the survival guide?  Most guys estimate their penis changes much more severe than it actually it is.  Also, what treatment are you going to start?,3180.msg44057.html#msg44057
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Hello all, my peyronies has flared/deformity properly appeared just as my divorce is finalising after being separated around 18 months.  I am now a lot more fearful of returning to dating as I'm an unsure if I will be able to perform/fearful of injury.

Going to to hit the gym hard and still give it a go though once my divorce is finalised, will report back here how I get on. I have slept with 4 women since be diagnosed in 2008/9 but all were after my surgery, I told every single one of my condition and fears.

They were all understanding and wanted to be with me for who I was, only negatives I had were two of them discussed with their friend or family which I wasn't thrilled about.  
age 35, diagnosed 2008 kink at base and bad ed.

Trental and Cialis, the nesbitt surgery April 2010. Peyronies has reappeared presenting differently 2019/20 Changes to both flaccid and erect Penis


Sadly I've missed out on many opportunities with women because I was so immersed in my own negative thoughts.  There have always been girls I've known who were interested in dating (even sex), and we've certainly hung out, but I would always tell myself that they would never want me if they knew what I couldn't offer.

This was a lie.

There are plenty of women out there who are not solely focused on sex or good looks.  Plus, who is really that shallow?  If you only meet women like that, you're looking in the wrong places..

We are all unique and if a woman sees that, she is bound to like you no matter the flaws.  No one is perfect..

Age 37


Peter I was college age when I developed severe ED. Peyronies around that time too, I too thought life was over. My coping mechanism at the time was getting so drunk my chances of sexual activity would be slim.

I too felt bitter over a decade ago reading this forum, seeing what I thought were old men upset by their conditions, when my sexual life had barely started.  

I'll have a proper read of your post later but some things that definitely helped me as a young man.

1. No fap for 3 months, after my op made me ED go away and made me much more confident around women.

2. Cialis and pentox (don't worry if you need this) combo great for any pain and keeping blood flow strong.

3. Get in the best physical shape you can (improves every aspect of your life)

4. Avoid recreational drugs they really don't help Penis/mental health IMO

5. Drink as much alcohol as you like as your at college just don't use it as a crutch, good rule of thumb is don't get blackout drunk or ever been the drunkest in your group.

6. See the best specialist you can afford

I am back following all of the above and I at least feel I'm doing everything I can
age 35, diagnosed 2008 kink at base and bad ed.

Trental and Cialis, the nesbitt surgery April 2010. Peyronies has reappeared presenting differently 2019/20 Changes to both flaccid and erect Penis


Girls like sex a lot, but sex isn't about the man's body or penis, it's about her body.
A girl gets wet for your energetic nature (your state of being), and not your penis.

I've approached thousands of women, been out gaming in clubs and bars countless times, and I see muscular tall dudes fail to attract women. My buddy has a botched circumcision and a smaller penis and he has four hot girlfriends begging to be with him, one is a model. They like his penis but not in the way you "like" a girl's body. Men are confused. We have every right to feel bad and sad about this damn disease, it is a nightmare, but it's a massive mistake to think that your penis matters much or at all with women.

The position of being in pain and devastated is level 1, it's a given. Next is to actually question why you're in pain.

Tortão Pra Direita

Quote from: NeoV on September 26, 2020, 01:45:35 AM
Girls like sex a lot, but sex isn't about the man's body or penis, it's about her body.
A girl gets wet for your energetic nature (your state of being), and not your penis.

I've approached thousands of women, been out gaming in clubs and bars countless times, and I see muscular tall dudes fail to attract women. My buddy has a botched circumcision and a smaller penis and he has four hot girlfriends begging to be with him, one is a model. They like his penis but not in the way you "like" a girl's body.

This is so true
I know a guy that is shorter than me, is bald and yet is a p~$$% magnet. This son of a b is F^@$!ng ugly (in my view) yet girls love to talk to him and be around him.
For sure they wouldn't do that if he had a loser mindset. Probably he's not whining on forums saying "uhhh I'm bald and ugly, you can't understand, I'm gonna kill myself uhhhh"

Yes, you can find girls that care solely about penis, but why you would care about them? They are so superficial. You should aim high (morally and spiritually). If you want to be accepted by this kind of people you will just find fake girls, fake smiles, fake relationships and materialism.  
1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.


Quote from: Tortão Pra Direita on September 26, 2020, 05:09:08 PM
This is so true
I know a guy that is shorter than me, is bald and yet is a p~$$% magnet. This son of a b is F^@$!ng ugly (in my view) yet girls love to talk to him and be around him.
For sure they wouldn't do that if he had a loser mindset. Probably he's not whining on forums saying "uhhh I'm bald and ugly, you can't understand, I'm gonna kill myself uhhhh"

Yes, you can find girls that care solely about penis, but why you would care about them? They are so superficial. You should aim high (morally and spiritually). If you want to be accepted by this kind of people you will just find fake girls, fake smiles, fake relationships and materialism.

Tortão Pra Direita, bro, you are out of line.  This is a direct shot at Peter and you know this.

You don't understand where he's coming from, everyone has difficulties and if you're just here kicking ppl when they're down, then what the F~@< man?

This is a careless post and I hope you apologize and think twice before posting some BS like this.
Age 37


This_day, if you've read all of Peters's post...a Response such as T's (although not the most supportive) seems to me to be a pretty normal reaction...tons of guys have offered support to only be rebuked.  
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


This day,

Everyone with Peyronie's knows where peter is coming from. We can't know his exact situation, but we have felt similar feelings. Many of us have thought about suicide many times at least as an idea. The disease is the most brutal thing, it just leaves you speechless and numb, we know. I spent years in pain, derealized, and crying so hard I couldn't breathe or even do anything.

The less obvious is how to get past it, and that's what I'm talking about. When I had pain and my indentations were worse it never stopped me from keeping hot women with me or wanting me, and I used to and still do tell women about it all the time. It is not an ideal situation, but it still proves an interesting point. The hottest girls I meet tend to care the least, because the hotter they are the less they think they like a man's body. A woman cares about her body, since a woman carries the genetic value. A man's body is a sacrifice, if we go into sexual realism. There is nothing wrong with this, it's the way we evolved and the way life is. However, if you view yourself as someone who has no value (within a tribe for example), then you will cling to conditions and want a girl to want your body.

If Peter continues to takes actions, over many months he should be able to get out of pain and improve his indentations. Meanwhile he should be able to work on his ability to succeed with women, which is mostly a practice of letting go of conditions (such as your penis being normal). Of course, this sounds absurd when in pain, and I totally get that.

My penis is not the way it was before Peyronie's exactly, though I am fortunate to consider myself cured after hundreds of hours of traction, heat, supplementing for solid years, and now keto for three years and counting. The last two months I've slept with new amazing girls almost every week, and I told most if not all of them. I have a few girlfriends, and Peyronie's just doesn't affect the relationships. When I go out, I see a lot of guys clinging to conditions, afraid to let go around women. The girls are disgusted by this, not by anyone's penis.

But again, yes I understand it is very very difficult. It can be so damn crushing.

Tortão Pra Direita

Quote from: this_day on September 26, 2020, 05:55:11 PM
Tortão Pra Direita, bro, you are out of line.  This is a direct shot at Peter and you know this.

You don't understand where he's coming from, everyone has difficulties and if you're just here kicking ppl when they're down, then what the F~@< man?

This is a careless post and I hope you apologize and think twice before posting some BS like this.

Well, I'm sure you haven't seen my posts trying to help this guy. Go check it! I am one of the ones who tried most to help him.
The problem is he's not trying to get better. He just wants attention and pity. He seems a parrot repeating he's ugly, bald, has a short penis (even though his penis looks normal) etc etc etc. He repeats it over and over again. He ignores ALL the help and replies again with the same BS.

So I'm not gonna apologize because my words are true and the truth is what he most needs. His worldview is very distorted. Check his posts.

Even If you could magically transplant his soul to a body like George Clooney and give this man a 7 1/2 inch penis, he would repel women. The problem is his mentality, and he refuses to try to change it!
1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.


Have you done XIAFLEX with Restore X. Curve will improve by 50% and you will gain 0.75 inches on average studies show. If  that doesn't work and you doesn't like his dick and have ED, why don't go just get a penile implant with/without the new Dr Egydio's TAP extending procedure (if dick is too small for penetration, can gain more than 1 inch with low morbidity rates) ? You can have a well functioning penis for decades atleast given you might need 2~3 revsions. Even if a point comes in your 60's~70's when you can't have another implant due to some reason, it wouldn't matter. You would have a loving/understanding wife... plus you can continue penetrative sex with sex toys. Moreover sex drive of women falls with age. A woman wouldn't get as much pleasure herself in her 60's.  Do you realize what I just told you ??? I have basically told you that you can have a penis better than males similar to your age have. In other words, you will have an edge with on demand erections for however long ! Basically, you will possess abilities that only a few men possess. TURN YOUR BIGGEST WEAKNESS, INTO YOUR BIGGEST STRENGTH .
26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.



I do not disagree with most of the logic in your post but there is no study or evidence that women do not like sex after their 60's.  My experience being married for over 50 years certainly would contradict that.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Bud luck

Well, my girlfriend is pissed off because I couldn't get hard last night, now my anxiety is over the roof. Now I'm stressing out to be intimate with her, after being together for over 2 years and 5 months. We had sex every week, at least 4 times a week, but now I'm starting to have performing anxiety with my own girlfriend, and she is no help. She is no romantic at all, she wants me to get hard fast, gets pissed if it takes time. Now I don't feel like I want to have sex anymore, I'm starting to get a deep depression  
My first symptoms started early in 2019
I tried Traction device, Pentofixiline, Q10, TRT, L-Argenine, cialis
I have narrowing/dent/hinge on the left side of my shaft
My ED is getting worse
Had a PRP shot Aug 2021
I have a girlfriend
Age 46


Quote from: Bud luck on February 25, 2021, 09:47:29 PM
Well, my girlfriend is pissed off because I couldn't get hard last night, now my anxiety is over the roof. Now I'm stressing out to be intimate with her, after being together for over 2 years and 5 months. We had sex every week, at least 4 times a week, but now I'm starting to have performing anxiety with my own girlfriend, and she is no help. She is no romantic at all, she wants me to get hard fast, gets pissed if it takes time. Now I don't feel like I want to have sex anymore, I'm starting to get a deep depression

  Even if who do not peyronies can face this kind of problems. Men are not machine, sometimes you can not get hard it is normal .  
age 25
first symptoms: Flaccid Pain
official diagnosis 2017 after ultrasound
treatments tried All oral drugs

Tortão Pra Direita

Bud Luck,

I'm sorry to say that, but she's not the kind of girl that you'd want to marry to. If she doesn't even try to understand your struggle, then I'd say to you get off this relationship. Seriously. You've said before she won't accept you implanted, right? Or something like that. Jesus, does she care about you? Because it seems she just cares about her pleasure.

She's not worth your attention. Think about this.
If I were you, I'd take the time to think deeply about this relationship.  
1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.

Bud luck

Tortao, thank you for your support. She is a very sexual woman at 50!!!!. Before peroynes we were having sex two times a day, sometimes three. Sex is a very important part of our relationship, I'm angry and upset constantly, I'm loosing my mind. I think the implant is the solution, but she is totally against. I will have to break up and move on
My first symptoms started early in 2019
I tried Traction device, Pentofixiline, Q10, TRT, L-Argenine, cialis
I have narrowing/dent/hinge on the left side of my shaft
My ED is getting worse
Had a PRP shot Aug 2021
I have a girlfriend
Age 46


Disturbed imposter banned under multiple ID's for the sole intent of disrupting a men's health forum.

All his posts are deleted.
This character is a mentally disturbed imposter banned
from the forum under multiple ID's

Bud luck

Our relationship had been very sexual, but lately for wherever reason my libido and erections are weaker. Maybe is the Peroynes, maybe my hormones, who knows..... I wish my girlfriend didn't care about sex, at this point I just don't want to be alone  
My first symptoms started early in 2019
I tried Traction device, Pentofixiline, Q10, TRT, L-Argenine, cialis
I have narrowing/dent/hinge on the left side of my shaft
My ED is getting worse
Had a PRP shot Aug 2021
I have a girlfriend
Age 46


I never had a pre peyronies life and I have slept with over 40 women now with my condition. Doesn't affect my sex life at all. From my experience with women, they praised me %95 of the time and F~@< that %5, they will never get it.


I'm glad to hear that Hontas, I wish I could say the same but I have developed severe body dysmorphia so basically I am really anxious about getting intimate at all. I know that i'm just a young and dumb kid but I can't get out of my head and stop thinking of crap scenarios. I'm just really starting to become insecure of my penis size which used to be kinda aight but now I struggle to even hit the 5.5" mark which isn't even that F^@$!ng big. My erection quality is pretty much worse too but my dick did shrink as well so I do have some reasons to be afraid of :( But I am glad to hear that  most of you guys are getting support from other people. I just wish I could also find someone who would love me for who I am. I do consider that I have a really nice personality and I do not consider myself ugly even tho I'm not a model. It's just my penis that keeps on F^@$!ng me mentally.
Age: 18
First symptoms age :16
Curve:aproximately 30 degrees to the left 10 upwards.
Recently hurt myself and i am scared that the curves above and my symptoms will get worse.
Currently on l-arginine , alc l-carnitine and vitamin E.


Quote from: Daniel2222 on July 31, 2020, 08:51:50 AMI'd like to start using VED ( not medical veds..just a normal VED and I'd use it slowly just to help the blood flow through the penis). Thanks for the advice though

Don't (whatever you do ) buy a cheap "sex toy" type VED - you will more than likely make things worse - I think that was my cause of Peyronies Disease. Get a SOMAcorrect - you can use Paypal credit and it costs very little that way.
Age - 50
Peyronies since April 2020
Diagnosed professionally: November 2020
Approx 30 degree bend to the left
Shock-wave therapy started Sept 2021 until Nov 2021
Also using Penimaster Pro rod extender and SOMAcorrect VED


See that this post is almost 2 years old I doubt they are monitoring any longer.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Fact is i haven't really came here for a long time but it surprises me to see that 2 years passed since I started dealing with this bs...its so daunting mentally...My biggest insecurity tho is not the curvature, but the fact that my penis shrinked while I also gained some literally gets me so depressed when i remember bout it. But truth is , other than that It hasnt really bothered me a lot lately which kinda got me to forget about the fact that I have peyronies...ED kinda F~@ks me over but as I said my penis shrinkage destroys me more
Age: 18
First symptoms age :16
Curve:aproximately 30 degrees to the left 10 upwards.
Recently hurt myself and i am scared that the curves above and my symptoms will get worse.
Currently on l-arginine , alc l-carnitine and vitamin E.