VED Lubricants

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There are various posts here about lubricants buried in longer threads. I thought a separate post might be helpful.

As the "wise ones" (Old Man and others) have often said - "use plenty of lube." So true. As suction is created in the cylinder, the penis must be able to slide without resistance in order to get a good stretch. Without proper lubrication, the resistance on the skin may prevent the desired stretch along the entire length of the penis.

Generally, there are 3 types of personal lubricants and sometimes you have to read the label of ingredients to determine the type.

Water-based:  usually glycerin as the main ingredient; inexpensive, cleans up easily with water; tendency to dry out and become sticky during use; the biggest disadvantage is that the sugar in glycerin promotes yeast infection and contamination. There is at least 1 report posted on the forum of a urinary tract infection that may have been caused be the lubricant and failure to thoroughly clean the cylinder after use. Some formulations such as "Surgilube" is sterile and bacteriostatic and contains additives to prevent bacterial infection.

Oil-based:  while not appropriate for condom use, oil based lubricants can be used in VED therapy. They are long lasting and inexpensive. Cleanup can be more difficult and staining of clothing can result. Oils are usually absorbed into the skin over time providing a "moisturizing" effect. Plant-based oils can spoil over time.

Silicone-based:  more expensive than the other types of lubricants; does not encourage bacteria growth; long lasting; can stain clothing but washes out in the laundry; very little is required per use; and the product stores indefinitely.

I have not contacted the manufacturers of the major VEDs as to their recommendations for lubricant and specifically if a particular type of lubricant will damage their product (cylinders or seals). I have tried both water-based and silicone-based lubes with the Vitality system with no apparent damage. I prefer the silicone-based lubricant.

Hope info is helpful.


I have referred to your post regarding Lubricants several times. Thanks.
I today purchased replacement lubricant , water based gel , called Astroglide. Water based with Glycerin . Regarding the possibility of yeast infection , would you say it was possible for your female partner to contract it if this gel is used as a lubricant during intercourse?



Thanks - happy to help.

Here's the link to Astroglide's support page:
They have several different formulas. We avoid glycerin if yeast infection is a concern - while glycerin does not "cause" a yeast infection, it certainly provides nutrients should the bacteria be a bit hungry.

We have been happy with Pjur silicone-based products, especially the original bodyglide formulations. Online prices are usually lower than local. We tried several products in small quantities before we found something we liked best.

Good Luck!


Thanks for your reply. It was very helpful.


Old Man

The Mikes:

Hey guys, there is a much less pricey option for lubricants to use with the VED therapy than the "name brands". Walmart has their Equate Personal Lubricant in a 4 oz. flip top container priced around $1.60 to $1.80 based on what part of the world you are located. It is glycerin based and water soluble and does an excellent job. Unless one needs the "extras" of the name brand, this lubricant is a much better deal overall.

I have used it for many years now with no problems. It does not stain anything it comes in contact with and washes up easily with only warm water or warm water and any soap solution - bar or liquid.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man
Thanks for the suggestion. You have kindly mentioned the Equate on earlier posts to me . I checked at our Walmart here and unfortunately they several months ago discontinued that brand from their assortment in Canada. I didn't ask the price but it would have been higher than your quote but still , I'm sure . less than the other brands. I'll take a closer look at their other Lubes.
Next time we cross the line I will be sure to load up on Equate at a U.S. store.


I think choice of lubricants is an area where experimentation is worthwhile. For some men cost will be an issue as well as availability. Easy cleanup is also good.  The same lubricant for VED does not necessarily have to be used for sex - so that opens a lot of options. I do caution not to use something that might damage skin or the VED. I also suggest a product that does not encourage bacteria growth.


When I use Equate as a lubricant for vaginal sex, my wife says it initially burns, but that feeling goes away.  I stopped using it for that purpose and went back to plain ol' spit.  I suspect there is a considerable pH difference between Equate and natural body mucus.

Quote from: Mike_O on August 31, 2010, 11:18:00 PM
I think choice of lubricants is an area where experimentation is worthwhile. For some men cost will be an issue as well as availability. Easy cleanup is also good.  The same lubricant for VED does not necessarily have to be used for sex - so that opens a lot of options. I do caution not to use something that might damage skin or the VED. I also suggest a product that does not encourage bacteria growth.


I have just tried as I ran out of lube some ultrasound gel I had at home..
seems to work fine

And its cheap.
on amazon its $12 for 5 Liters.

Wondering if there are any setbacks.



   It's water based and super slick... shouldn't be any drawbacks. That's a good find... 5 liters is a LOT of gel.


Luc and all,

After reading your post on using ultrasound gel, I ordered some on  It IS a lot cheaper than buying gel at the drug store and works great.  Thanks for sharing the info.  I'll save some money and not have to wonder what the guy at the drugstore is thinking about all the gel I buy.



Quote from: Angus on December 05, 2011, 05:57:20 PM
  It's water based and super slick... shouldn't be any drawbacks.

i ordered an 8 oz bottle to try and then i read the ingredients of the gel. i was concerned though about Phenoxyethanol

According to
Phenoxyethanol is a glycol ether. It is often used in skin and other dermatological products. It is water-soluble and breaks down into phenol and acetaldehyde. In 2008, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned that phenoxyethanol is potentially toxic and can damage the nervous system.

anyone know a chemist or someone who has an opinion on the long term topical applications of this stuff?


Actually the link I gave was just an example.
I had some at home i had bought in a pharmacy and thought it was ok and real cheap ...
To illustrate what I meant, i did a search on amazon for ultrasound gel and came up with the 5 liters for 12 bucks.. (mine in pharmacy was lie $3 for 250ml... )
I am sure that there are different qualities.
I did NOT mean someone should buy this brand...
I just meant that ultrasoundgel was cheap and I assumed that if they let pregnant women put it on their tummies, it should be safe for our forskin. (I did not know there was a warning)
I am quite sure there are other brands that publish the ingredients at order time.

Mine is called: Dr.Help - Ultraschallgel (Its used in a hospital, I got it from the hospital pharmacy)
as ingredients it says on the bottle:
Sodium Hydroxide,
Propylene Glycol,
Benzyl Alcohol,

PH neutral and tested dermatologically (dermatologisch getestet <- in german)


PS: I actually did a search, lube vs ultrasound-gel and in some forums people say that it dries out quicker as it is water based than silicon based lubes (when used for sex)
But as we use it in a closed environment, and use more that you would for normal sex, this should not be a problem.


Quote from: Luciano on December 05, 2011, 05:35:32 PM
I have just tried as I ran out of lube some ultrasound gel I had at home..
seems to work fine

i tried the stuff. i noticed it cleaned up a lot easier and it was actually convenient to have a mustard bottle sort of applicator.

negatives were it didn't seem to seal as well as the other stuff i was using and i was worried it might mess up the gaskets (they felt different after i rinsed them).

I'll try it for a while. For the price i paid i can throw it away if i don't like it.


Quote from: hunchback on December 19, 2011, 09:37:42 PM

I'll try it for a while. For the price i paid i can throw it away if i don't like it.

It seemed to be drying out the gaskets, so i stopped using it. I think i might refill the bottle though. The bottle seems more efficient using less and it's not as messy.

Did anyone else try it?


I have used one 8 oz. bottle so far and so far, so good.

Since it's so cheap, I've been using more lube than I used to and that's probably a good thing.