bone broth and collagen supplements

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i was wondering whether or not bone broth would help peyronies or any other type of penis injury.  i know the plaques are made up of fibrin and collagen, so it would at first glance make sense to avoid bone broth and collagen supplements - as this would be the building block of said plaques and logic would say to avoid this.  However, im fairly sure that when the plaques are broken down via any method they are replaced with healthy collagen tissue.  ive used bone broth to improve my joints and injuries with a lot of success, and my mind is saying that bone broth would be insanely good for peyronies, but i can't find any solid evidence.  bone broth is full of guatathione and other amino acids that i know are beneficial to peyronies, and i would think getting collagen in that form would be amazing at fixing the problem.  any insight would be greatly appreciated

btw i have been told by a doctor i dont have peyronies, but i have pain and inflammation (with no plaques) and think it might be in the acute stage - im trying to do everything i can to get ahead of it just in case - i want to prevent the problem rather than rectify it.  i have pain on the right side of my shaft below the head, and a slight curve to the left that started right when the pain started.  the urologist said there is no plaque and said im fine and told me to wait and see. i feel the pain and can see the curvature when flaccid, although it is slight.  it seems a little shorter and more girth lately.  i can get full erections and my morining erections almost look completely normal but if i get aroused the curve is more prominent.  however this could also be due to the fact that my morning erections are far more full than if i get aroused by something and take a look to check.  it can also be straightened without any force or pain but it will eventually gravitate a bit back to a left curve.  im under the impression that the curve in peyronies always goes towards the plaque, which would be the opposite for me.  i cant tell if i have some inflmammation thats just an injury that will heal or if this is in the acute stage and the plaques just havent formed yet.   ive also been having a weird tingling and itching in the area that feels almost like something is healing. the pain level is where i can drive but each bump bothers me a bit, the pain isnt bad its more of an annoyance but its definietly hindering me from my normal activities.   any insight or advice to my situation would be amazing and thanks to all of you
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The most important thing is to not aggravate what probably is an injury or pre-peyronies.
I had a penile injury that healed after 8 days. I was very careful not to aggravate it since I knew it could cause peyronies BUT I went to a doc who aggressively examined my dick and bam there's peyronies and a 25 degree bend. Went berserk after that man, just remain calm and keep doing research on how to tackle your situation. Stay ahead of things, you've got this.
God bless you man
30 degree dorsal curve, immobility and heavy loss of girth.
My body seems to get very inflamed when I masturbate too often or eat unhealthy.
Using antioxidants, Pentox and hirudoid cream, as well as manual traction, heat and Cialis.


Trying to guess what degree of collagen intake or production in the body will help or exacerbate Peyronies Disease is a crap-shoot.

here are at least 16 types of collagen, but 80 – 90 percent of the collagen in the body consists of types I, II, and III.  Will taking in college affect what type of collagen the body lays down.  Even bone spurs in a joint are collagen just as much so as cartilege is, just another type.  Vitamin C helps the body produce collagen but mega doses of vitamin C are said to exacerbate osteoarthritis.

I think this is a case of a little knowledge being dangerous or at least in being useless.  In fact, I doubt if there is a person on earth that can answer your question about collagen intake.

Here is a link that might interest you

PS: You would have down a ton of beef broth to get the collagen found in a collagen supplement.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


ya thanks for the info, i just figured if it is based on fighting inflammation and getting antioxidants bone broth would help.  ive fixed major joint injuries through 64 oz of bone broth a day... i figured if nothing else it would be beneficial to the entire body and increase overall health, even if it doesn't fix the injury i figured it couldnt hurt.   at the same time, i know the building blocks in bone broth are incredible for joints and inflammation and the specific amino acids like gluatmine have an impact in peyronies from what ive found.  

it says this on google
It promotes tissue rejuvenation– Bone broth is packed full of glutathoine which is proven to both repair existing tissue and regenerate new tissue.

so theoretically there have been no case studies that show if bone broth would be bad or good but common sense would indicate it would have an advantage based on the amino acids, fighting inflammation and tissue repair.  also in my case i dunno if its peyronies or just an injury, but i do know for a fact that bone broth helps dramatically when healing an injury...   i dunno, thanks man this whole thing is overwhelming and making my head spin
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 if the body repairs the tissue with fibrin and collagen in an unnatural way, it could make sense that the body simply doesn't have the right building blocks to address the injury.  we as people used to eat the entire animal and in modern times we just eat the meat we dont really eat joints or boil down the bones.  in that sense as a whole, we as people aren't getting those building block nutrients that we have become accustomed to over thousands of years.  i know for a fact that the vast majority of people are deficient in these amino acids and almost no one gets the right amount of collagen.  in that sense it could come down to not having the proper collagen for the body to address the injury and as far as i know no one has addressed it from this stand point.  if there are multiple types of collagen and the body is fixing an injury with a build up of collagen, maybe the body simply doesnt have the CORRECT form of collaen to fix the injury.  if im not mistaken the entire problem surrounds the bodies inability to repair the damage correctly, leading to an overproduction of fibrin and collagen into healthy tissue.
it makes 100% sense from an investigative standpoint.  i mean ive studied this for years and i know for a fact that almost 100% of people are deficient in the nutrients that bone broth provides, based primarily on the fact that our diet has changed over the years to exclude consuming the joints and bones as a necessity.  in this scenario the body may be drawing from an inefficient source of collagen, but i have no proof of this.  nor are there any case studies that consider this.  it would be awesome to have a case study and inspect collagen and fibrin levels in each patient, as well as nutritional deficiencies
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Interesting thinking buzzin2, you could always try with yourself as guinea pig. I don't suggest you trying anything dangerous but all I know is that transdermal applications with DMSO could be the key for a lot of us. Just maybe.
30 degree dorsal curve, immobility and heavy loss of girth.
My body seems to get very inflamed when I masturbate too often or eat unhealthy.
Using antioxidants, Pentox and hirudoid cream, as well as manual traction, heat and Cialis.


Quote from: Godisreal on November 11, 2019, 06:21:19 PM
The most important thing is to not aggravate what probably is an injury or pre-peyronies.
I had a penile injury that healed after 8 days. I was very careful not to aggravate it since I knew it could cause peyronies BUT I went to a doc who aggressively examined my dick and bam there's peyronies and a 25 degree bend. Went berserk after that man, just remain calm and keep doing research on how to tackle your situation. Stay ahead of things, you've got this.
God bless you man

What do you mean by aggressively examining your dick? Not sure how much damage you can do from feeling around a flaccid penis.
30 yrs old, peyronies diagnosis Aug 2019. Daily pentox, cialis, arginine, traction therapies. Started with dent and pain, top half penis thinned. Upward curve from pre peyronies natural left curve.  2 inch loss of length. 8 in to 6 inches. Nightmare.


What do you think I've been losing my mind over, my friend? I had a newly healed penile injury at the time, and I kid you not, after a sloppy doctor's examination (completely unnecessary to have my dick examined again, but I was so scared to get into this peyronies mess so I kept booking appointments) I got the pain back... and after that I developed a hard scar on the dorsal side causing my dick to bend a lot.
I prayed to God that I was gonna be okay when I first injured myself, and my prayers were answered... until I somehow activated this disease just by an aggressive examination. Crazy I know, but it happened. There is still a solution but it's gonna take A LOT more time.
30 degree dorsal curve, immobility and heavy loss of girth.
My body seems to get very inflamed when I masturbate too often or eat unhealthy.
Using antioxidants, Pentox and hirudoid cream, as well as manual traction, heat and Cialis.


yo i read this case study where they used the injections every two weeks and also oral pills, plus vit e propolis and blueberry pills and they had something like 50% reduction in plaque size and curvature across like 80 subjects after six months.  i dont think they were using traction either, which could make the results way better.  im fairly certain all plaques can be dissolved if approached properly, but what im finding is a real lack of scientific research in this type of injury.  im gonna look into that transdermal dmso application
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45 y.o. Single. Onset of symptoms (pain-stinging like a wasp) @ 6/2018. No sudden injury. Curve developed slowly. 40 deg. dorsal. Hourglassing. Torsion to left flaccid. 4 rounds xiaflex. Restorex, DMSO+, heat, arginine, cialis, lipoic acid, vit. K2


actually it says the first group was 66.4% reduction in plaque size in group 1 and the biggest curve was like 25% reduced in group 2, group 1 and 2 are pretty similar in the treatment so it looks like those things are some key factors, combo of them
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im gonna hunt down every single one of these case studies and break down the results based on actual evidence
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Quote from: Godisreal on November 12, 2019, 05:13:58 PM
What do you think I've been losing my mind over, my friend? I had a newly healed penile injury at the time, and I kid you not, after a sloppy doctor's examination (completely unnecessary to have my dick examined again, but I was so scared to get into this peyronies mess so I kept booking appointments) I got the pain back... and after that I developed a hard scar on the dorsal side causing my dick to bend a lot.
I prayed to God that I was gonna be okay when I first injured myself, and my prayers were answered... until I somehow activated this disease just by an aggressive examination. Crazy I know, but it happened. There is still a solution but it's gonna take A LOT more time.

I'm not trying to doubt you or take away from your experience. I was just geniunely curious what exactly the doctor did during examination to make it worse, since I haven't heard of examining a flaccid penis or feeling for scar tissue and the like, to cause more damage. Now a rough aggravation during erection would make sense. Regardless im sorry that happened for you. I just wanted to ask what exactly the doctor did during examination to make it signicance worse again. I know for example it's rexonmendedbin the acute stage to do traction to help healing and that is definitely something that could seem like it could cause more trauma but had been shown in studies to be nothing but helpful. Granted you don't do it recklessly like strecthing and pulling as far as possible with no regard to tension or truint to do traction on a semi erect penis.
30 yrs old, peyronies diagnosis Aug 2019. Daily pentox, cialis, arginine, traction therapies. Started with dent and pain, top half penis thinned. Upward curve from pre peyronies natural left curve.  2 inch loss of length. 8 in to 6 inches. Nightmare.


stratt how do you know if its acute peyronies? the urologist told me basically nothing is wrong and i dont have plaque but im confused as to how they diagnose the acute stage.  i have some pain on the right side and a slight curve to the left, im unsure whether or not the curve is directly a result of plaque or not.  as in, if there is no plaque and you have a curve, does this mean it is not peyronies?
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Is the curve new?  If so, and pain it's possibly early peyronies.  Was an ultrasound done?  Plaque cannot always be felt by the doc.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


ya like maybe two weeks since it started. the pain and the curve came on basically at the same time.  so an ultrasound will detect if there is plaque?  what about if there isnt plaque yet, is there a way to diagnose in that case? also the pain is on the right and the curve is to the left, but i thought that the curve goes in the same direction as the plaque.  also im confused whether or not a curve happens during the acute stage, i thought that the curve would only happen once the plaque develops and forces a curve during an erection.  i can see the curve when flacid and also when half hard but full erections are almost zero curve at all, especially in the morning.  so does the curve always have to go in the direction where the plaque is at?  i would think if there was a curve to the left the pain would be on the left too, but the pain is on the right
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Quote from: buzzin2 on November 12, 2019, 08:32:55 PM
stratt how do you know if its acute peyronies? the urologist told me basically nothing is wrong and i dont have plaque but im confused as to how they diagnose the acute stage.  i have some pain on the right side and a slight curve to the left, im unsure whether or not the curve is directly a result of plaque or not.  as in, if there is no plaque and you have a curve, does this mean it is not peyronies?

If there are Peyronies type symptoms then you'll be diagnosed as possible Peyronies or early stages. I had painful erections and an immediate indentation that's how I was diagnosed. Still might just be penile trauma that can heal with time. It was the result of a sexual injury after all. That being said you should just treat it as if Peyronies read the survival guide on this forum and implement the first line treatments there. To prevent any long term damage and help your overall penile health. Also saw your other post below too . Having a curve from Peyronies is only in the fully erect state. What it looks otherwise has little to do with Peyronies. The only thing you would feel or notice otherwise is palques, nodules, etc from scar tissue, if present. Peyronies is kind of a spectrum of overall penile healh.
30 yrs old, peyronies diagnosis Aug 2019. Daily pentox, cialis, arginine, traction therapies. Started with dent and pain, top half penis thinned. Upward curve from pre peyronies natural left curve.  2 inch loss of length. 8 in to 6 inches. Nightmare.


If there are Peyronies type symptoms then you'll be diagnosed as possible Peyronies or early stages.

what if i dont have a good urologist tho?  i had to go to the urgent care for something else a week ago and the dr there told me the urologist i saw is one of the best in the country.. i dont know if i can verify that though.. can a ultrasound see peyronies in the acute stage? also have you heard anyone that has plaques on one side and a curve to the other side? cause that doesnt fit with peyronies from what i can find but thats what im experiencing

so im eating 100% clean, juicing and taking every supplement i can verify on this site and i guess the best protocol is just to not masturbate or have sex and just wait it out, would you recommend that dmso stuff or anything transdermally? thx

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Guys what does redness around a small vein mean? There's redness and uncomfortable feeling around a vein... wtf is that supposed to mean lol. Could it be inflammation just flaring up a bit, perhaps? If it's not one thing it's another eh
30 degree dorsal curve, immobility and heavy loss of girth.
My body seems to get very inflamed when I masturbate too often or eat unhealthy.
Using antioxidants, Pentox and hirudoid cream, as well as manual traction, heat and Cialis.


I think good nutrition is a very important factor but I also know that there is a lot of hype and almost superstitious thinking that often becomes an issue of a little bit of knowledge being dangerous.  Even more often it results in a little bit of knowledge being useless.  Taking any form of collagen is no better than taking whey protein or supplements.  Any collagen we take is simply digested and disassembled into basic nutrients in our system.  Our body takes the mixed soup of nutrients on hand and uses them to produce what it is triggered to produce.  The body can lay down scar tissue or elastin or many other forms of tissue production with the same building blocks.

People guessing about what mankind ate a million years ago and trying to extrapolate that we need the same things now is nonsense.  First of all, that splendid diet helped us to live to the ripe old age of 35 - 40 years old back then.  Next, it is a guess what humans in different regions ate and in what quantities.  Finally, all we have to do is look at wild animals eating their naturally available diets to see the scores of health issues they develop in the wild to know that naturally evolved diets totally fail to protect a species from numerous diseases and conditions.  Two people on exactly the same diet, the same quantity, and the same physical activity will have different quantities of muscle and fat and it will be distributed differently.  They will have different health issues.  Their bodies will do different things with the same building blocks.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


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Bone broth and collagen supplements might have potential benefits for Peyronie's or any injury, as collagen is crucial for tissue repair. However, the concern about collagen contributing to plaque formation is valid, especially since plaques are made up of collagen. In the case of Peyronie's, once the plaque breaks down, it is replaced with healthier tissue. Bone broth, rich in amino acids like glycine and proline, can support tissue healing, which could be beneficial in promoting recovery or preventing further damage. However, it's important to proceed with caution and consult your doctor to ensure any approach aligns with your specific condition, especially as you're in the acute stage without clear evidence of plaques.
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