DMSO+X Revisited 2019

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Yeah I don't know what's going on. There's a dull ache in the left part of the scrotum... and it's based off nothing, really. I hate being afraid all the time. I can't focus on what I want because of all these goddamn issues. Jan, I'm trying to soften the plaque of my penis causing the curve.
The skin rash and discomfort I had is gone but what's left is a dull ache, like I said.
Yeah, Luis but didn't you get the rash on the penis? Mine was on my precious ballsack.
There's only one more important body part than the penis, and that's the ballsack and the jewels.
It also seems like I completely forgot to clean the water through filters before mixing with everything too; because y'all did that, didn't you? Well, i didn't.
So I might have some metals and toxins in my ballsack as well. I'm actually laughing right now.
This whole thing is a massive joke.
Don't know if I should laugh or cry.
Anyway, if I'm infertile then jokes on me i guess. The whole life is just a massive joke anyway, and the Earth will keep rotating even if Godisreal can't have kids ahahaha
Appreciate the help tho fellas  
30 degree dorsal curve, immobility and heavy loss of girth.
My body seems to get very inflamed when I masturbate too often or eat unhealthy.
Using antioxidants, Pentox and hirudoid cream, as well as manual traction, heat and Cialis.


You mentioned, "And DMSO is considered dangerous to cells in amounts more than 0,5% purity." - please provide your source of proof for this.  That is quite a claim.

Also, just try to relax my friend.  I know this all sucks, but trust me, getting too excited and upset can lead to mistakes and oversights and lack of focus.  
Try to approach this in a more methodical, careful, calm, step by step approach.  I know its not easy, but doing it more this calm way can lead to more success.  Stress can cause problems with your health so just keep that in mind and try to relax and do this step by step and see now things go.  
Youre in a good place.  this forum.  

As for your balls, separate them from the liquid in various ways.  be creative.  I believe glass or porcelain cups or bowls dont react to DMSO.  Use those for your balls in some way to keep them away from the dmso mix.  

Good luck man.  I have been all through this and I feel ya brother.  Try various other things that worked for others to, other than dmso.  Also get  healthy, so your body can be stronger to fix itself and also have a healthy chemistry inside your body and penis to avoid making plaque material.  

Good luck.
Nov 2019-60% Dorsal Curve-Some calcification
6 Verapamil injections -not much change
Traction & VED & DMSO+Mix -some change
4 XIAFLEX shots plus Traction -good change
Curve now 38% +2\3 inch added
1 year process so far
Thanks guys and this website!


I started to notice burning on the beginning of my scrotum so it seems you arent the only one, however i wiped it off and the pain was gone, i dilute the dmso with voltaren, i wondered why you use water instead voltaren?
Anyway voltaren alone never gave me scrotum pain, maybe if you will stop with dmso then consider that

Id probably put aloe vera on my scrotum if this was happening to me
Age:23. Onset of symptoms: september 2020.
Curve mostly semi erect about 60 degrees, slight pain
Tried short & prolonged fasts, keto,carnivore, traction and most of the supplements.
Severe digestive issues, probably an autoimmune disorder


voltaren was taken off the market in some areas for some reasons.  Something to do with the heart.  Perhaps google it just be sure guys.
Nov 2019-60% Dorsal Curve-Some calcification
6 Verapamil injections -not much change
Traction & VED & DMSO+Mix -some change
4 XIAFLEX shots plus Traction -good change
Curve now 38% +2\3 inch added
1 year process so far
Thanks guys and this website!


In Canada? Or what? It's very much on the market in many countries (whole EU)
Is Diklofenac bad? Seems like it would be good.
Asphyxia, why do you not use water?
Does DMSO get the heat reaction with Voltaren, u mean?
That's good then. How much Voltaren do you use  in your mix?  
30 degree dorsal curve, immobility and heavy loss of girth.
My body seems to get very inflamed when I masturbate too often or eat unhealthy.
Using antioxidants, Pentox and hirudoid cream, as well as manual traction, heat and Cialis.


I dont use water because i see it as a wasted potential of mixing dmso with something anti inflmmatory,
I put some black seed oil too and im eyeballing everything, but id say the dmso is around 40% and voltaren 30%
I use the 4% concentration voltaren

Im starting to think the scrotum burning/pain is from traction because i can get it after few hours too.

When i first used voltaren alone it was a cooling sensation,
Which i feel less after mixing
Age:23. Onset of symptoms: september 2020.
Curve mostly semi erect about 60 degrees, slight pain
Tried short & prolonged fasts, keto,carnivore, traction and most of the supplements.
Severe digestive issues, probably an autoimmune disorder


I think something is really wrong with my scrotum and my testicles.
Still have discomfort and weird bubbling sensations in my scrotum weeks after accidentally putting DMSO on my balls.
Then I remembered months back when I thought it would be okay to put a dmso-mix on and then go on with my day lol, that ended up in stinging pain. Clearly black-dyed underwear got transferred into my before-this Godsend dick.
This is a mess, honestly. These threads made me believe I could beat my Peyronie's and I ended up f*cking with my fertility instead. This is really f*cking with my mental right now  
30 degree dorsal curve, immobility and heavy loss of girth.
My body seems to get very inflamed when I masturbate too often or eat unhealthy.
Using antioxidants, Pentox and hirudoid cream, as well as manual traction, heat and Cialis.


Honestly I have never heard of anyone having a problem with it in that way and trust me, if it ever did affect someones ability to have babies, you would have heard about it from many sources no doubt by now.  That would be HUGE news.
dmso can affect different people in different ways.  some can nearly pickle their dick in the stuff, some paint it all over and some use a tiny bit and get a bad reaction.
I find you dont need a high concentration of it and I only put it on the scar tissue area and only for 15 to 20 min then I tap it dry and leave it on for the night and shower in the morning but it is nearly dry after I pat it dry.  If I use higher concentrations and leave on longer, I cant poop for 5 days LOL.  Thats no fun on the 6th day I tell ya! LOL  trust me, a little goes a long way and it can soak in deeeeeeep.  

I dont think you need to worry.  you probably just burned your skin in a medium way and that sometimes takes a long time to heal.   Your boys down there are probably ok.  You can go for a test to see if you swimmers are ok.

Just chill and use less dmso and only put on the affected area.  be creative with how you can separate your meatballs from your noodle :)
cheers my friend

Nov 2019-60% Dorsal Curve-Some calcification
6 Verapamil injections -not much change
Traction & VED & DMSO+Mix -some change
4 XIAFLEX shots plus Traction -good change
Curve now 38% +2\3 inch added
1 year process so far
Thanks guys and this website!

Tortão Pra Direita

Quote from: Godisreal on February 09, 2021, 08:48:57 PM
Then I remembered months back when I thought it would be okay to put a dmso-mix on and then go on with my day lol,

I don't know if you can put DMSO on your penis and go on with your day...
I could stand a maximum of 10 minutes with DMSO on my penis. It burns really bad (I used, for some days, a cream containing 70% DMSO and 30% aloe vera and it still very strong). I gave up DMSO.

I'm gonna make a cream using Pentravan + Pentoxyfilline (and Curowhite). Maybe I've missed it, but I have not seen people trying to mix pentox + DMSO or another formulation. This seems an interesting idea.

Pentravan is not popular in USA I think cause I haven't seen people here talking about it, but in Brazil urologists recommend pentravan + verapamil.

"Pentravan® is an oil-in-water emulsion base that uses liposomal technology to ensure effective and proven transdermal drug delivery*. Pentravan® is a fragrance-free vanishing cream, providing an elegant skin feel.",Ready%2Dto%2Duse
1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.


I appreciate the words there, Tom.
I visited the doc today; but unfortunately, in Sweden, a big chunk of doctors here are from foreign countries because of Sweden's insane migration-politics.
My doc barley understood me and he ended up prescribing me some anti-inflammatory pills (like ibuprofen but stronger). I'm not surprised, however, that he wasn't to any help.
I'll try to remain calm and get through this. Hopefully my ballsack will go back to "normal" sooner rather than later.
God bless you, man.  
30 degree dorsal curve, immobility and heavy loss of girth.
My body seems to get very inflamed when I masturbate too often or eat unhealthy.
Using antioxidants, Pentox and hirudoid cream, as well as manual traction, heat and Cialis.


I agree, i highly doubt you did any sort of permanent damage. After burning my skin a bit i just rested for about a week and applied a lot of lotion, aloe vera, and castor oil.

I'm now back to applying DMSO every day.
Injury in April 2020. Onset of ED.
Started RestoreX and VED 2 months after injury.
Taking 10mg daily cialis, pentox, coq10, vit-e.
Traction (+1 inch)/VED/PGE-1/DMSO+X


Thanks Luis. I did urine and blood test and they didn't see inflammation, but there's no way a poke in the finger can see the inflammation in my penis, is there? Lol, I doubt it.
I'm gonna do a testosterone test in a few weeks as well, to see if the production down there is all right.
It's incredibly energy draining worrying about this as well as Peyronie's.
30 degree dorsal curve, immobility and heavy loss of girth.
My body seems to get very inflamed when I masturbate too often or eat unhealthy.
Using antioxidants, Pentox and hirudoid cream, as well as manual traction, heat and Cialis.


Quote from: Godisreal on December 16, 2020, 09:59:26 AM

The current solution I'm using was originally made the great melting.
It's very sad to see that he hasn't been online for so long because he got banned for some nonsense.
Horrible decision by the admins. He is, without a doubt, one of the most important people in the history of this forum.

Agree, Meltings posts were on point. i Follow his solution as well with Vit C. As for storage, When everything is mixed, I dont think there is an issue with temps. I would avoid Hot rooms. but DMSO alone should not be stored in the fridge or below 65 deg F as it will solidify.

How is your progress? It is cumbersome for me and work. But ive started back up. Stay strong
32 yo. Unknown cause. 1st plaque proximal left base near pelvis 9/19. Expanded and shrunk after 8 mo by 50% (still working on it). Minor bend but malleable. 2nd small plaque 5/20 superficial distal right just under tip. Currently growing. No bend.


Quote from: Godisreal on December 30, 2020, 08:58:12 PM
Does DMSO react with cotton? 100% cotton-underwear? (white)

That is fine. I personally use Q tips. but any cotton swab applicator will do. for a while I was using paintbrushes with a special brush but got sketched with the metal part that binds the brush to the wooden part.

The book I read that Melting suggested really describes a ton of gold knowledge about DMSO. Its called DMSO: NAtures healer or something like that. I did make a post about DMSO and mentioned the book. Great book and helped me guide my usage.
32 yo. Unknown cause. 1st plaque proximal left base near pelvis 9/19. Expanded and shrunk after 8 mo by 50% (still working on it). Minor bend but malleable. 2nd small plaque 5/20 superficial distal right just under tip. Currently growing. No bend.


Quote from: Godisreal on January 28, 2021, 07:21:20 AM

I've had scrotum-discomfort since yesterday because I accidentally got some DMSO on my balls while treating my penis. Really fkn annoying, to be honest.  
Would a thick white cloth be okay to place on my balls? To avoid DMSO coming onto my balls?
Or would this react with dmso? I can't find sh*t about this online even after reading 5 full articles about "DMSO, Risks & Uses" etc etc.
What should I do? Please give me some insight, lads, so I can stop having this ridiculous problem.

Hard to say where the testicular discomfort is coming from. You could discontinue for a week or so and see what happens with the pain. When I apply my solution it is strictly DMSO, VitC, and castor oil. and it runs all over my balls. I sit on a plain white towel and cover my shaft in the solution. it gets on my balls and the blanket, but I havent had any pain. Ill sit and apply for an hour if i have the time. then wash off after. xanthan shouldnt cause any pain as it is a neutral substance
32 yo. Unknown cause. 1st plaque proximal left base near pelvis 9/19. Expanded and shrunk after 8 mo by 50% (still working on it). Minor bend but malleable. 2nd small plaque 5/20 superficial distal right just under tip. Currently growing. No bend.


I'm glad that you decided to add that last message, Holistic.
Because, extraordinarily, I'm sitting here a month later with testicular discomfort and weird sensations that goes on every day. Checked with the doc and they've noticed nothing weird (surprise surprise), but hopefully I'll get an appointment for ultra sound as well.
As I might've stated earlier, it started off with a nasty rash which subsided fairly quickly. But I've now noticed a shrinkage of my right testicle; fortunately, I do not care about these things anymore, but it sure is weird.
Not sure if the testicle will remain shrunken or if it will return, but time will tell.
Interesting how you said "it got all over your balls", and you had no adverse effects.
I'm thinking my bad reaction might've been caused by the warm shower water I stepped into after application to wash everything off. My ignorance at its essence, I guess.
30 degree dorsal curve, immobility and heavy loss of girth.
My body seems to get very inflamed when I masturbate too often or eat unhealthy.
Using antioxidants, Pentox and hirudoid cream, as well as manual traction, heat and Cialis.


My balls are now the size of peanuts and I can see my skin is still damaged.
This is just a "wow" moment.
How did this sh*t even happened? Not only is my dick crippled, now my sperm-factory is in jeopardy. And why? Because I put faith into DMSO + X?
And I didn't do anything different from anyone else.
F*ck me honestly lol. This is devastating.  
30 degree dorsal curve, immobility and heavy loss of girth.
My body seems to get very inflamed when I masturbate too often or eat unhealthy.
Using antioxidants, Pentox and hirudoid cream, as well as manual traction, heat and Cialis.


Godisreal, testicles can change shape and size for various reasons, but I dont think your balls should shrink like that so do look into it.
Maybe youre more sensitive to certain substances. Also, it could be unrelated to dmso.
Did you do a bunch of Testosterone shots in the past?  that can shrink the boys for awhile.  
If never used Testosterone, then ask doctor to check your hormones, not just T but other things to.  See if the numbers come back normal.
If you have high Cortisol, that can affect Testosterone and other things.  Cortisol s released when people get stressed or for other reasons.  fight or flight kinds of things to.
check into that.  Maybe anaylze your diet more or examine any changes in sleep patterns or if you get too warm sometimes when sleeping late at night...etc.
Let us know how it goes.
Nov 2019-60% Dorsal Curve-Some calcification
6 Verapamil injections -not much change
Traction & VED & DMSO+Mix -some change
4 XIAFLEX shots plus Traction -good change
Curve now 38% +2\3 inch added
1 year process so far
Thanks guys and this website!


Thanks for the message, Tom.
I genuinely do not understand how I'm still in pain and discomfort after almost 2 months.
I just tried to better my condition following basic instructions, and I'm left with more problems.
It's so depressing it's out of this world.
After the application I showered and that triggered another skin reaction with the DMSO, causing a rash that subsided after 2 days.
And yet I'm left with shrinkage and discomfort and I don't even f*cking know why.
It's not like I can tell the docs "Yeah, I put an organic solvent on my balls while trying to better a condition old men get called Peyronie's... that I'm not even diagnosed with" LOL
That last part is not a surprise tho. The docs suck.
But damn, I'm in a deep hole here.  
30 degree dorsal curve, immobility and heavy loss of girth.
My body seems to get very inflamed when I masturbate too often or eat unhealthy.
Using antioxidants, Pentox and hirudoid cream, as well as manual traction, heat and Cialis.


Update regarding DMSO and reproductive toxicity:

My semen is now watery and that is often a sign of low sperm count.
I still have chronic pain in my scrotum 3 months after I got DMSO on my ballsack and then washed it off. For those of you that haven't seen my previous posts in this thread, a major skin-reaction came after washing it off in the shower. This resulted in a nasty rash, and now, 3 months later chronic pain and watery semen.

Absent user @melting used to claim a lot of things about DMSO, for example that DMSO only has one reaction with water (this is false). I would never ever advise anyone to use this on their penis, and near their testicles. My DMSO-solution was very runny so that's why it sipped down a little on my balls back then.
But I still believe it's the skin reaction caused by the warm shower water and the DMSO that has ultimately caused me chronic pain and now watery sperm. There's some kind of chronic damage to my scrotum. It clearly has effected my testicles as well.
There's a possibility that both my testosterone and semen quality have been damaged.
Did an ultrasound on my testicles a few weeks ago, and nothing was wrong, said the doc.
I'm gonna have both my testo-levels and my sperm count checked within the next week to see what's going on. I'm not gonna race to conclusions until then.

There are countless threads of scientists discussing the toxicity of DMSO, as well as how misunderstood it is. Now when I've read about it more, I do not understand how anyone in their right mind would preach and tell people to use an organic solvent on their penis. It's bizarre.
Me as a young man, however, often listens to older people because I believe they have more wisdom; and that's often true, but not always.

I'm typing this so people don't make the same mistake I did.
It is of course my fault that I trusted the well made threads and explanations on the forum, and chose not to make extensive research regarding DMSO's toxicity.
I guess I did what everybody else did, but yet I'm the only one with this issue.
There's clear evidence that organic solvents has a very negative impact on male fertility, and there's literally evidence that DMSO causes clear cell toxicity at a certain point.
And yet, the man who preached about this didn't include one single warning regarding these things.
He did say "be careful", but everyone is. Especially me.

Sorry if this all comes off as ranting, but I'm just warning all the young people out there to:

stick with the proven treatments and DO NOT experiment with the most important organs on your body.

This entire post is nonsense as are Gir's prior posts in this and many other topics. -  Administrator
30 degree dorsal curve, immobility and heavy loss of girth.
My body seems to get very inflamed when I masturbate too often or eat unhealthy.
Using antioxidants, Pentox and hirudoid cream, as well as manual traction, heat and Cialis.


Gir,  Your last post is full of bizarre non-sense based on nothing but the speculation of an inexperienced young man with no training or professional background and a refusal to document anything you say.  I am becoming concerned your issues are more body dysmorphia or other psychological issues.

You repeatedly make absurd statements on this forum on every topic, and you do so as though you have some clue what you are talking about.  You never state your outlandish speculation as a question or even as an opinion but as established fact.  

I have warned you before that we are not providing a forum for such nonsense.  You are so out of touch on your posts, that out of twenty thousand members, you are only about the 4th member in sixteen years that is on the verge of being sanctioned for such behavior.

I am NOT a proponent for DMSO for Peyronies Disease, but I have years of experience with it since it is a substance approved by the very restrictive FDA in the U.S.   It is also approved in most other countries for both human use and veterinary care.  I have used it to deliver antibiotics into the infected foot of birds of prey. It is well established for such use by many leading animal science centers of excellence.  It is a component of many prescriptions and even some OTC preparations for humans to deliver NSAIDs and other substances.

DMSO dissolves many other substances (definition of a solvent), and it can transport other substances with a low molecular weight .  It will, for instance, transport penicillin, but it will NOT transport insulin.  There is nothing scary about the word solvent.  Water is classified as an excellent solvent.

It is a naturally occurring compound and is produced in nature in the atmosphere.  It occurs in small quantities in tomato paste, sauerkraut, and other foods.  It can be applied on the skin, taken orally, or by IV with very low toxicity rates.  You would need to take pounds of it to be toxic, and there is no way to absorb that through the skin.

It is important to apply it to clean skin since it can transport some substances on the skin if they have a low molecular weight that can pass the skin barrier.

A one-time dribble of DMSO on your scrotum can't have any effect on your semen, much less a lasting effect.  If you are soaking your scrotum in a bowl of DMSO  for hours a day, please discontinue (even though evidence suggests it would be safe).

I have stated this as fact.  Therefore I have an obligation to document my facts.  Unless you learn to do the same, you will soon be placed in a forum group that publicly labels you as an unreliable source of information in your signature line on all posts and PM.  It will also restrict you from altering your profile, posting on the introduction board for new members, and other restrictions. Any attempt to bypass those restrictions will result in a permanent ban and the potential deletion of your posts.

Consider this your LAST informal warning
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Does anyone actually know the specific measurements you put in the X parts...

Like how much Vit C to use, how much Vit E? How many drops of iodine? etc...

40 years old
2017 slight pain
Jan 2020 Bend 50 degrees
May 2021 Full Peyronies kicked in, extreme pain full time 70 degrees bend

In acute stage, pump, traction even shockwave makes things worse!


I'm compounding a cream currently of 15% verapamil 10% pentoxy 10% DMSO in a liposomal base.

I'm wondering if DMSO can actually penetrate through the skin and fascia into the albuginea.

I'm also wondering what the right concetrations of the above drugs should be, as well as if I should add any other ones.

Other I am considering is tranilast which has been used in scar creams. Wondering if anyone has experience in this or has done something similar.
Onset of pain in March 2021
Progressed to loss of girth to dent under the glans left side

Been doing daily heat,traction,pentox,ved,cialis since initial onset of pain

Currently still experiencing pain and dent unchanged


Anbil, have you had any success with your DMSO mixtures?

Has anyone here tried DMSO + ascorbic acid? That seemed like melting's bread and butter and the highest probability of working, in theory. I wonder where melting is. I hope he's as close to a cure for his own peyronie's and moved on
MIA - nothing works after 5 months
supplements and pharmaceuticals I've tried:
cialis, pentox, magnesium chloride, dim, turmeric, hyaluronic acid, vitamin k2, paba, l-arginine, l-citrulline. either get surgery (and possible ed), get implant, or pray


If you simply mix the drugs into an existing liposomal base, they won't be encapsulated, that being said, maybe in some cases it doesn't matter, see
To make your own liposomes you can try using a sonic cleaner bath (very cheap from China) or probe. (Again there is a Chinese one , they have a higher frequency than the baths so might be better) fir example There are recipes on the web for vitamin c liposomes, which basically involves sonicating a solution with lecithin, and maybe some additional agents. As the link suggests though, it may or may not be advantageous! Liposomes are not in typical creams/gels/emulsions, they are much smaller particles of about 200 nm or less.
Age 57, Onset 2010, 2" shortening, shrinking and angulation of glans, weaker erections, 30 degree bend. Mild pain few months, but far from worst symptom. Tried many ideas, not just from here, but not consistently. Moderate improvement, maybe 40%

Fix This

Hi all

I haven't posted on this thread for a while

I was just reading a couple of other thread reagrding possibe oral medications and combinations that seemed to have had some results

One is Tamoxifen taken with a PDE5 inhibitor ( I use cialis 5mg ). Studies have suggested it's efficiacy and this user appears to have had a complete straightening of his penis using these ( along with traction ),13988.msg146443.html#msg146443

There is also a user who appears to have had complete strightening using a Biocell product which is a combination of Type 2 Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid and Chondroitin,16392.msg144307.html#msg144307

Has anyone tried using DMSO with Tamoxifen ? Or indeed with a Biocell product ( there are many under different labels it seems )

DIM (Diindolylmethane) is another product which this user has observed has similar effects to Tamoxifen, and is available without prescription,16533.msg146444.html#msg146444

So basically, these are 3 options that I am considering as oral treatment at the moment.But further research is required, and availability of Tamoxifen could be a challenge for me in the UK without prescription

There are know side effects with Tamoxifen, which would make me a bit cautious about taking. But if it was to be used topically using DMSO then I would think that the effect on the entire body would be considerable less, plus it would hve the usual DMSO advantage of targeting the plaques and peyronies directly

Thoughts anyone ?

47 , penis trauma July 2018 leading to Peyronies. 30-40 degree dorsal curvature, narrowing after plaque. 

I'm attacking it though, and I will fix this!

VED, traction, DMSO, Ultrasound, Acupuncture, meds, herbs


If I have this stuff, do I have to dilute in water or is it fine to rub onto my plaque?
Symptoms: Left curve in flaccid and semi, slight indent near left base, loss of hardness, HF, slight loss of girth and length.
Diagnosed in November of 2022.
Currently taking supplements, cialis and traction.


90 % is very high.  It might be irritating . Are you targeting any particular substance for transdermal delivery? Studies suggest different concentrations are more effective for different substances, it has various modes of action at different concentrations.
Age 57, Onset 2010, 2" shortening, shrinking and angulation of glans, weaker erections, 30 degree bend. Mild pain few months, but far from worst symptom. Tried many ideas, not just from here, but not consistently. Moderate improvement, maybe 40%


i am on week 3 of DMSO+ Vit C so far nice improvement in pain(no pain at all ).I also GAINED 0.5 CM IN LENGTH

i also experimented with generic DMSO+ALOE VERA for 3 days .DO NOT USE THIS its not good for deformities(makes them worse) but still good for pain.

I use DMSO+Vit C constantly all day ,more than 10 times a day
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee

pey ron

15% verapamil 10% pentoxy 10% DMSO in a liposomal base???

from a quick look, pentox is only soluble at 1% in DMSO or DMF, 5.5%-7.7% in water, 0.2% in ethanol
Please go to PROFILE then FORUM PROFILE to replace this signature line text with your profile info such as
age, date of onset, symptoms, treatments tried,
relationship status, etc
** You will waste less time and get better answers **


Just made and used dmso + vit c on my didnt go very well, got a very serious swelling with a small redish circle, it seems cold pack helped get it down but not entirely yet.

I used 100ml dmso, 10ml boiled water, vit c, lecithin,xantan, castor oil.

I used two ceramy cup but, both used for drinking purposes, so it was quite foolish, i am in bad state and quickly getting worse so i tried to haste things.
Also didnt notice that the wooden chopstick that i used to mix have "gel" on it instead of simple wood. Despite these flaws the outcome was pretty gel like so i still proud of that.

I looking for advice from anybody who got some success with dmso.
Self induced peyron 2022.04.?
Fibrous ring on the base.
Gluten free diet helped to sit down and enjoy sex again.
Still working on to get my original dick back.
Lost 0.5 inch in girth.
Narrowing, Right side does not fill properly.


I would like to advise some cauction for every member who want to go on an experiment. It seems my cream gave me thrombosis, not sure yet but there is a chance.
The pain intensity is vary but didnt subside, instead, started moving up on my arm. Just a warning for everyone.  
Self induced peyron 2022.04.?
Fibrous ring on the base.
Gluten free diet helped to sit down and enjoy sex again.
Still working on to get my original dick back.
Lost 0.5 inch in girth.
Narrowing, Right side does not fill properly.


Eventually it subsided. Does anyone experienced similar?
After applying a few drop on my hand i feel my arm a bit tense especially around the inner part of my elbow.  
Self induced peyron 2022.04.?
Fibrous ring on the base.
Gluten free diet helped to sit down and enjoy sex again.
Still working on to get my original dick back.
Lost 0.5 inch in girth.
Narrowing, Right side does not fill properly.


***STOP whatever you're doing and read this***


Improvements in 7 days of use ( Imagine in a year !!!)

- Nocturnal erections are back and stronger than ever (from day one of use)
- Ejaculation/sperm load increased (triple in my case)
- Harder erections, hard glans
- Tissue softening, I can put my penis 100% straight at a 90% erection, felt within 24 hours of use
- Less contracted, more blood circulation, warm feeling instead of cold
- Looking a lot nicer while flaccid
- Girth increase
- Narrowing reversing
- Curve improving
- Length increased flaccid and erect
- No more hard flaccid symptoms
- Not the everyday feeling of symptoms getting worse
- Distress feeling relief, light at the end of tunnel feeling, depression symptoms lowering, confidence exploding


Cause of Peyronies Disease/fibrosis suspected:

- Unhealthy masturbartion habit
- Jelquing
- Bathmate pump abuse (?!)
- Prone to immune diseases


- 35-40 degree leftward and upward curve for about 3 years (no hard plaque, just fibrosis)
Some twisting
- Fibrosis all along the shaft, left side seems obstructed or not as full as of the right side, even flaccid can be felt, keep worsening
- Narrowing at the base and under the glans, Hourglassing, keep worsening
- Penis always very contracted, light weight, bloodless
- Extreme loss of girth (which is the most concerning for me)
- Flat shaft sensation
- Cord on top of the entire shaft, penis not flexible at all
- No more or very few and weak nocturnal erections for about a year
- I don't feel my penis when it is flaccid
- glans remain soft when erect
- I have most of the HF symptoms (pubic, groin and perianal pain, penile and testicule pain, pain after
  ejactulation, etc)
- I almost don't have sperm anymore, dry orgasm

Why starting DMSO:

- I discovered its existence on the forum and read about it for hours. I read the available medical literature and a book about it. It seems that's it is not studied enough and could possibly be something working.
- I tried just about everything and no success, my last resort before surgery
- Im desperate

What treatment I did or was currently already doing before DMSO :

- Colchicine : too toxic, no effect I stopped
- Oral Vitamine E :everyones knows it doesn't do crap
- PRP : Snake oil, worked for a week
- Traction with PMP : Initially, the first 6 months It was incredible, my girth doubled, the size increased and the curve was not bothering me anymore because my penis was so big and hanging. When I met someone, I started to use it less and the effect subsided and I started to see my symptoms worsening, thinning started and curve became worse. I stopped its use for a couple months and then started again and I could never attain the same results as used to have. (Im not using it right now)
- Traction with restorex: Bought it after PMP, definitely worsened my condition and created narrowing all around the glans. (Stopped it)
- Cialis 5mg daily for a year (still doing it)
- Bath mate pump: Its only temporary results but make me less ashamed with my extremely
narrowed dick. I had it for many years, probably one of the cause of my fibrosis (still do it but more carefully) Im thinking about a VED to replace it.
Gluten free diet for 2 years, no real changes on my dick, but I like the general effect on my body and mind. (Still doing it)
- Some physiotherapy for pelvic floor which is helpful for HF symptoms. (Ill go back as soon as I have money)
Meditation, mental wellness, personal growth reading (these were the remedies that helped the most so far, not for the curve but to avoid going crazy).

DMSO Recipes (If you have Peyronies Disease with calcified plaques you should consider other ''+X'' that have effect on calcium deposits)

Recipe A : DMSO (9:1) (about a tea spoon) +  H2o (1:10) (half tea spoon) + xanthan + castor oil (2-3 drops)
Recipe B : DMSO + H2o + turmeric (oil soluble) + castor oil or black seed oil

***Recipe C : DMSO + h2o + absorbic acid + Castor oil + xanthan

Recipe D : DMSO + Nigella Sativa (black seed oil)
Recipe E:  DMSO + CBD tincture

***Recipe F:

 [DMSO + H2o (3:1)] + Black seed oil (few drops) + hyaluronic acid and vitamine B                                              complex + fish oil (1 capsule) + xanthan gum (a pinch).

Day 1:

- I applied recipe A on my forearm to test my reaction to this concentration of DMSO. No burning, nothing.
- I applied the solution on my penis, same reaction
- I Applied recipe B right after sexual intercourse: Normally I am in pain, groin pain, penile pain. This time I felt relief, no pain at all. Is it placebo? Can't say right now. Is it the turmeric added or is it the anti inflammatory properties of the DMSO itself?  I re applied the recipe before going to bed.

Day 2:

- I woke up with a boner for the first time in about a year. I had to wait to pee, and that did not happen in a long time.
- applied recipe B at wake up
- applied recipe C after bath
- I went to the gym and after my penis is usually very contracted, I felt today it was more hanging. Fuller in blood. I started oral supplement of L-arginine so it could be that also.
- 3rd time recipe C at noon. Still no burning, I always apply castor oil after I washed the solution.
- 4th time: Recipe C 3 pm
- 5th time:  Recipe B 10 pm, still no burn/redness

Day 3

- Waking up to hard rock boner. When it goes down, as soon as I manipulate my penis to apply my solution, it becomes hard again. Encouraging, I thought it was dead.
- Recipe C : first thing waking up
- Recipe C : before Lunch
- Recipe C : After Lunch
- Recipe C : night
- Recipe C Before bed
- Observation of the day : my dick is a lot softer, it's squishy, hanging. Flaccid looks nicer, smoother skin, I feel my penis in my pants. Since I noticed the results from day 1, I am assuming that it is the effect of the DMSO itself not the ''+ X''. Another thing I observed is that usually because of my curve, when I pee my stream tends to go left, be uncontrollable or weak and today I noticed that I have a strong stream that goes right where I want. I can't obviously see changes yet in my curvature, but I really feel a change is happening and I hope it is permanent.

Day 4

- Boner. All. night. long. Im now nervous in the morning to see if I wake up with a boner, every day he's getting harder. Feels more squishy. This is subjective, but girth seems to be increasing
- I can't believe what I see in the mirror. My flaccid penis looks straight or I can put it straight because it is so flexible. Something that bothers me a lot is that my penis is so stiff that in my underwear it does not have a round shape, it's like a hard cord, I don't know how to explain, but it is ugly. But today, my penis is roundish, and the effect in my underwear is already visible. Placebo or not, subjective or not, Ive never felt, in the last 2 years, something so effective, something you can see results after 4 days. I should have discovered this before. I think Peyronies Disease can't happen if you applied this right after a trauma!
- Recipe B at wake up : Note that I used to let the product for 5 mins, I now leave it for 20 min.
- FROM SUBJECTIVE TO OBJECTIVE: As I was getting an erection and felt my dick bigger in my hands, I decided to take pictures of my progress, so I could see the evolution in the long term. I can't stop looking at the pictures. My penis is actually bigger, narrowing is reversing and curve is less stiff. It's unbelievable, just for the progress Ive got so far, I call this thing a miracle! Even it it's stop there, It's the best thing that happened to me.
- I just masturbated, I had A CUM LOAD !!!!!! It has been years since I did not have more than a drop!!!! It went on my shirt and this is spectacular! This can't be placebo...
Penis size has definitely increased. Since its back to a great size, I don't think Ill do traction anymore since im pretty sure it injured my penis. I will do some soft manual traction from now on.
- My penis is very warm, it feels good, not inflamed.
- I spent the entire day in front of the mirror....My penis looks normal, it does not hurt....
- I applied recipe B 2 times and Recipe C 5 times
- I burnt myself. I applied Biacitin ointment and castor oil and in minutes it improved.

Day 5

- Did not wake up with a boner, I guess it doesn't happen everyday, but my dick was still full of blood and squishy. I am no doctor, but I think what happens to our dick is oxydation stress: our dick becomes deprived from nutrients, oxygen and hydration and it makes our penis age very quickly. What DMSO seems to do is to fill all vessels with blood and delivers nutrients/drugs.
- Now every time I apply the solution, I burn myself. My skin is already saturated with the recipe so Ill make a new one today with more dilution
- Meanwhile I put the recipe on my perianal region and pubic area, Im hoping the vasodilatation effect will be felt in the shaft or will help relief the tense areas around it
Top of my shaft gets more blood when erect and my glans become fully hard now when I have erection.

Day 6

- Boner waking up. I used to wake up to a contracted, small and flat, bloodless and lightweight dick with a desperate feeling everyday. Now for a week I wake up to the big and juicy penis and it is very encouraging, starts the day a lot better.
- I was thinking about circumcision and a STAGE surgery for next year, now I don't want no surgery to my member. I see progress naturally and there is now hope like I never had before
- The skin is getting irritated and wrinkly. Im not worried because I read about it and Im a bit agressive with the treatment. I put Baciticin ointment, castor oil and hylaluronic acid to re hydrate and prevent burning. I feel no pain at all after I apply these.
- I started a more diluted solution and a new recipe (F) which is so far the one that absorbs the quickest.
- I have no more pain at all, no more hard flaccid symptoms, it's like Im already used to it.
The narrowed spots on my dick seem to fill up in blood more than usually
- I put the recipe F 5-6 times.

Day 7

- waking up with a boner is now the normal.
- I stopped using the recipe with turmeric because staining is too annoying
- My routine will now be alternate between Recipe C one day and Recipe F the other day, 1 week of every 2 months, I will do it for 1 year
- At this point the biggest changes have happened and the next weeks will probably be more subtil, but I if see any major changes I will come post them.

Please don't expect me to come reply everyday.
- Peyronie diagnosed july 2021
- 30 degree curvature to the left and 10-15 degree upward, keep getting worse.
- Vitamine E and colchicine
- Penimaster pro for 3 months everyday, now once a week
- 31 y/o in a relationship
- Depressed/distressed


Quote from: overthecurve on March 27, 2023, 09:40:59 AM***STOP whatever you're doing and read this***

Is there a possibility you could upload any pics of your current state? I have seen pics from you in another thread of your Peyronies so it would be nice to compare.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


I used to know how, seems I can't find it anymore. Do you know how ?
- Peyronie diagnosed july 2021
- 30 degree curvature to the left and 10-15 degree upward, keep getting worse.
- Vitamine E and colchicine
- Penimaster pro for 3 months everyday, now once a week
- 31 y/o in a relationship
- Depressed/distressed


I think you can upload to sites like imgur for example and then just post the links to the pics on here. Or there is some other easier way that some other member knows.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


I don't think for now I am ready to upload them to the internet unless there is a direct way to put it on here. Keep in mind that it is a 1 week progress so the changes are more felt than visible. Still though, on the pics you can see a healthier penis, more girth at the narrowed places, glans fuller in blood (and more pink), a we can notice it is a bit straighter (probably because more blood fills in) and smoother. I will keep taking pictures so we might see better in a couple weeks. Hopefully it will keep improving.

Today's observation: When i used to masturbate, it would hurt or be very hard feeling on the penis. Im not use if it is the addition of hyaluronic acid or the continuous use of DMSO for a week, but now my penis is squishy even when erect. I really feel it is a penis, not a bone!!

My biggest wish it is that it will become permanent and that it will keep progressing and that this is not the end result.
- Peyronie diagnosed july 2021
- 30 degree curvature to the left and 10-15 degree upward, keep getting worse.
- Vitamine E and colchicine
- Penimaster pro for 3 months everyday, now once a week
- 31 y/o in a relationship
- Depressed/distressed


Wow. Just finished reading this entire thread. Melting paved the way with some very interesting prospect for this DMSO solution. Godisreal how are you doing? Did your scrotum stop hurting? It sounds like your solution might have too much DMSO in it maybe it needed more water? Also Melting said it needs to react with water first or it will react with the water in your body.

Sounds like DMSO is definitely messy but even the FDA says its safe. Has anyone just tried applying the DMSO alone to their penis on a regular basis?

Then slowly adding other chemicals / nutrients to it one by one?

I think I might try this first.  
Diagnosed after two uro visits march 2023. physical exam no ultrasound
Noticed upward bend october 22.
currently on 5mg cialis and using hot rice sock. trying to find right traction device
Pain started 12 2022.


Quote from: olowshinenine on June 22, 2023, 01:20:01 PMGodisreal how are you doing? Did your scrotum stop hurting? It sounds like your solution might have too much DMSO in it maybe it needed more water? Also Melting said it needs to react with water first or it will react with the water in your body.

Don't expect a response, he hasn't been on since August of 2021.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Thanks for pointing that out. I am considering DMSO with serrapeptase but have not made the leap yet. It would be great to hear if anyone else has had success
Diagnosed after two uro visits march 2023. physical exam no ultrasound
Noticed upward bend october 22.
currently on 5mg cialis and using hot rice sock. trying to find right traction device
Pain started 12 2022.

Mr man

Quote from: melting on October 23, 2019, 11:52:43 AMAlright, I experimented a bit..

Mixing Castor oil with some Xanthan and Lecithin.

I used organic liquid castile soap. As a emulsifier. Adding about 5g to a 55g DMSO mixture. Into a sealed jar and shakes vigorously. There was a lot of foam. Worked fine though.

It absorbed into the skin in about 20 min.

Am checking for adverse reactions. It's been about 35 mins. Nothing bad so far.  
Latest routine. Started l-lysine 3mg daily, l-proline 5mg daily. Increased vit c intake. Accompanied with almost daily vacuum therapy. Pumping to 100% Exercise caution! Made good progress. L arginine supplements and prescribed potaba are helping.


Not sure if this is the proper thread for my question, but it looks as closely related as any. I'll probably start a new thread as well.  First of all, what is DMSO?  SOrry, i see it mentioned a thousand times on this forum but it's never explained what that even stands for!
My real question is does anybody know if the plaque and/or scar tissue from Peyronies is linked to similar plaque or calcifcation in other parts of the body? Other than possible trauma to the penis, which I'm pretty sure I did not suffer from, I'm not seeing any other known reason for why Peyronies occurs.  The reason I ask is because I have noticed a handful of what I would call calcium deposits in other parts of my body, mainly my appendages.  Similar hard spots in my fingers, the palm of my hands, and I can feel one on the ball of my foot.  And they all have appeared roughly the same point in my life.  I can't pinpoint exact times when I noticed them, the one in my hand was definitely there before my Peyronies, but all of them showed up after I turned 40.  Also, I am experiencing new unexplained joint pain, and have developed fluid build up on my knees for no apparent reason.  Meaning I haven't had any specific injuries to cause it.  I can't afford a dr. right now  (F**ck You American healthcare system!) so I'm trying to do some research on my own to see if there is an underlying cause for all of this.  Has anybody else noticed other types of calcium deposits (that's what I call them, not sure what the proper term is) in other parts of your body?  I saw a video where a guy had a large calcium deposit on the back of his hand and they just smashed it with a large book, maybe that's what I should try with my Peyronies! lol I've been so frustrated with it that sometimes it doesn't sound like a bad idea!
non smoker for life
much smaller & painful erections.
no curvature but deflated  one side, painful erections, scar tissue on both sides, was diagnosed  by urologist in 2022. 
No procedures or injections yet, use 50 mg sildenafil for sex

Mr man

Just to add. Have been using the thacket formula. Plus vit c and Magnesium. Mixed as instructed by melting. I slap it on generously. At bedtime before sleep. Leave penis exposed for about 20 minutes. Then repeat. I finish off wearing a non toxic food bag. (made from plant material). Over penis. Go to sleep. Let it sink in overnight.

By the second application. There is a mild pain on the plaques. It's more of a feeling then pain. Something is happening.

Penis gets washed in the morning.

Before application. I have a 20 minutes vacuam therapy session. For penis modalling. Using electric pump.

It's too early to post any results yet. I intend to do this for 3 month. Before measuring results.

Am on day 12.  
Latest routine. Started l-lysine 3mg daily, l-proline 5mg daily. Increased vit c intake. Accompanied with almost daily vacuum therapy. Pumping to 100% Exercise caution! Made good progress. L arginine supplements and prescribed potaba are helping.

Mr man

Quote from: McLovin on September 29, 2023, 10:21:24 AM, what is DMSO?  I would call calcium deposits in other parts of my body, mainly my appendages.  Similar hard spots in my fingers, the palm of my hands, and I can feel one on the ball of my foot.  And they all have appeared roughly the same point in my life.  I can't pinpoint exact times when I noticed them, the one in my hand was definitely there before my Peyronies, but all of them showed up after I turned 40.  Also, I am experiencing new unexplained joint pain, and have developed fluid build up on my knees for no apparent reason.  Meaning I haven't had any specific injuries to cause it.  I can't afford a dr. right now  (F**ck You American healthcare system!) so I'm trying to do some research on my own to see if there is an underlying cause for all of this.  Has anybody else noticed other types of calcium deposits (that's what I call them, not sure what the proper term is) in other parts of your body?

DMSO is dimethyl sulfoxide. It's a non toxic solvent. That absorbs into the body. It transports medication mixed with it deep into tissue.

Dude, can't you use emergency room? Having deposits all over your body. Your condition could be serious.

Latest routine. Started l-lysine 3mg daily, l-proline 5mg daily. Increased vit c intake. Accompanied with almost daily vacuum therapy. Pumping to 100% Exercise caution! Made good progress. L arginine supplements and prescribed potaba are helping.


lol do you have any idea what an ER visit costs without health insurance in America?  Me either, but I know it's a lot and I don't plan on going unless I'm pretty sure I'm dying.  Thank you for the DMSO clarification, that's something I probably should have already known lol  
non smoker for life
much smaller & painful erections.
no curvature but deflated  one side, painful erections, scar tissue on both sides, was diagnosed  by urologist in 2022. 
No procedures or injections yet, use 50 mg sildenafil for sex

Mr man

Mclovin, am just concerned about your symptoms. 'calcium deposits' on your digits sounds bizarre. Hopefully they will clear up on there own?

The US has a commercial health system. It's a shame for the general population. I digresse.

All the best.

Latest routine. Started l-lysine 3mg daily, l-proline 5mg daily. Increased vit c intake. Accompanied with almost daily vacuum therapy. Pumping to 100% Exercise caution! Made good progress. L arginine supplements and prescribed potaba are helping.


I use only DMSO + castor oil together, why the need to mix it in advance when you can just put both together on your dick and mix it?  I see here so many mixs that makes no sense in my opinion
50 yo
Committed relationship
1.5 year ago
50 degrees upward
verapamil injections; all type of creams an antioxidants, plus taladefil and also tamoxifen, traction devices, vacum etc;


Quote from: Mr man on October 17, 2023, 02:27:06 AMJust to add. Have been using the thacket formula. Plus vit c and Magnesium. Mixed as instructed by melting. I slap it on generously. At bedtime before sleep. Leave penis exposed for about 20 minutes. Then repeat. I finish off wearing a non toxic food bag. (made from plant material). Over penis. Go to sleep. Let it sink in overnight.

By the second application. There is a mild pain on the plaques. It's more of a feeling then pain. Something is happening.

Penis gets washed in the morning.

Before application. I have a 20 minutes vacuam therapy session. For penis modalling. Using electric pump.

It's too early to post any results yet. I intend to do this for 3 month. Before measuring results.

Am on day 12.
Quote from: Mr man on November 01, 2023, 10:07:55 AMMclovin, am just concerned about your symptoms. 'calcium deposits' on your digits sounds bizarre. Hopefully they will clear up on there own?

The US has a commercial health system. It's a shame for the general population. I digresse.

All the best.

Have you gotten any positive result from dsmo . I'm still waiting for your update
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Quote from: Mr man on November 01, 2023, 10:07:55 AMMclovin, am just concerned about your symptoms. 'calcium deposits' on your digits sounds bizarre. Hopefully they will clear up on there own?

The US has a commercial health system. It's a shame for the general population. I digresse.

All the best.
Appreciate the concern.
Just to update.  I am attempting to get into a men's health clinic but the process is slow.  Doesn't help that I live in the absolute middle of nowhere.  I am still curious about the other deposits in my body. Since I first posted about this, I now have another mass on the right side of penis, a small painful lump on my neck, and today a terribly painful, similarly sized lump on my head, just behind my right ear.  It might all be coincidence and non related to my Peyronies in any way, but the timing, along with all of the similarities in size, the way they feel, and pain in them seems like it's at least worth looking into.  Or maybe I'm about to drop over dead and I won't have to worry about this crap anymore.

non smoker for life
much smaller & painful erections.
no curvature but deflated  one side, painful erections, scar tissue on both sides, was diagnosed  by urologist in 2022. 
No procedures or injections yet, use 50 mg sildenafil for sex