29 and contemplating the possibility of implant

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I've recently been diagnosed with Peyronies disease and was seeing a couple local urologists regarding it. Since joining this forum I learned about all the different methods of treatment for Peyronies and especially the help from the survival guide.

I got on low dose Cialis, Pentox, arginine , and the other supplements mentioned and purchased a traction device, and still waiting on ordering a VED. Since reading these forums one thing that really struck out to me was the idea of a penile implant and how it stops the whole disease process in it's tracks.

After reading through the forums and hearing various experiences though it seems that an implant even if done early would be far better then playing damage control for years on end. My biggest concern with where I am now is having permenant loss of length and girth due to the continued disease process causing more and more fibrosis.

After reading the forms and hearing experiences I learned that traction and VED can help restore length and girth to varying degrees and for some even completely back to pre Peyronies size. Although for others even after a few years of traction, ved, oral supplenents , and PAV it still seems to be an issue.

Since this disease seems so unique for each case I just want to feel I'm making the best early decisions myself to prevent further damage and have a fully functioning penis. And i wondered why not just jump to a penile implant and bypass any years of added worries of my condition worsening, money spent on various other therapies that don't nexessirely show a long term cure, and time spent altering my sex life until the problem hopefully goes away with the right amount of treatment/best fit of therapy all while risking further length and girth loss. Or a resurgance of the disease at another point in life anyways.

I'm not opposed to going bionic or the mindset of having the surgery and not being able to turn back. In fact everyone I read about who had it had only the regret they didn't do it sooner every time.

So I wanted to put down my own plan of what I can do for myself, so far it's looking like continuing the PAV and supplements and starting traction and VED when it is safe to do so, not risking further injury to the acute injury. And doing all of this in preparation to have a penile implant when I am able to do so. And pushing for it sooner rather then later.

Does this sound like something extreme or a fair assessment of what could be done for myself ? I am just of the mindset it seems the best option to prevent me having years of dealing with symptoms and potential worsening disease process when I can just take care of all of it at once.

Also in terms of regaining size and girth, can you attain that after surgery? Or use traction and VED after implantation to help achieve more size ? Or is is better to do before surgery? I guess one concern is doing VED , traction and the other therapies before surgery and still having shrinkage.  

I've always been extremely satisfied with the size and function of my penis and it's never been something I've ever had a second thought about. And when I first heard about Peyronies I didn't even know it can affect the size of your penis I just thought it was some disease that caused it to curve. Frankly I didn't know there was any condition that could literally cause an adult penis to shrink but the reality of it and the fact I am dealing with the onset of a condition that has that component is a complete mind F~@< to me.

I'm not going to let myself get neurotic or ruin my mental peace because of this issue , but I also want to take action and be decisive in making the best decision for myself and having the best long term solution. So I'm just curious what others hear think about all of this, both from people who implanted or otherwise.

Is it possible to keep my current length and girth with PAV traction VED and supplements? And restore any possible loss, or is that something that is not fully predictable and even with these therapies can you loss more ? If so I would rather just jump to the implant and get it taken care of in one fell swoop .  
30 yrs old, peyronies diagnosis Aug 2019. Daily pentox, cialis, arginine, traction therapies. Started with dent and pain, top half penis thinned. Upward curve from pre peyronies natural left curve.  2 inch loss of length. 8 in to 6 inches. Nightmare.


I hear your concerns and the need to rid yourself of this condition.  Have you seen a specialist?  This forum is awesome but do not make such life changing decisions on what you read here.  I myself was very swayed towards an implant by the forum, however I opted for Xiaflex and eventually surgery which, at this point, seems to be a success in my case.  Not knocking implants, as I may end up with one, but just know it is a definitive decision that you cannot reverse
47 yrs old, 3 yrs diagnosed
Xiaflex w/original uro resulted in a fracture
Excision/grafting by Dr Faysal Yafi 3/26/19
Implanted by Dr Yafi 8/11/20, Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE


Quote from: TDix on October 13, 2019, 04:24:57 AM
I hear your concerns and the need to rid yourself of this condition.  Have you seen a specialist?  This forum is awesome but do not make such life changing decisions on what you read here.  I myself was very swayed towards an implant by the forum, however I opted for Xiaflex and eventually surgery which, at this point, seems to be a success in my case.  Not knocking implants, as I may end up with one, but just know it is a definitive decision that you cannot reverse

For me it's not trying to get rid of the idea of dealing with pain or certain symptoms. A penile implant just sounds like the best way to prevent further deformity and shrinkage of the penis. Because it seems even with the other therapies suggested a lot of people go on to lose more size and develop more deformity.

Also treatment can get pretty expensive over a longer period of time, and my insurance could at least partially cover an implant and halt things all at once. I've seen several urologists but no Peyronies specialist. But urologists who do work with Peyronies patients, and one who does the xiaflex injections in his office as well.

I'm not going to run off tomorrow and implant myself already lol as it would also take finding a high volume surgeon who would also take on my case. But for me spending more time here and researching it seems to be the best solution to resolve everything together.

I could try other therapies for years , and then somehow injure myself again and cause more damage that might not fully reverse. Or just manage a whole bunch of symptoms and dramatically alter my sex life and stress on my condition worsening only to later need an implant anyways and regret  not it sooner.

As it's only been a few months for me dealing with this maybe there is the chance with what I am doing now and time it just naturally resolves itself and I get lucky in that case. Which is also why I'm not going to just jump the gun with an implant, let alone have the ability and resources to even get one done right now anyways. My insurance would not approve it in my current state and I definitely don't have 20k just sitting around for a penile implant.

But if it's the difference between trying a bunch of therapies and hoping for good inorovement for years and trying to avoid and also risking further damage and fibrosis, and never getting to the point where I am completely cured of Peyronies that way. I would rather just bite the bullet and move to an implant sooner rather then later.

I definitely hear you on it being a definitive decision you can't go back from , but on the flip side I don't want to have more damage that could be irreversable either. Which seems to be a risk of not having it done either .
30 yrs old, peyronies diagnosis Aug 2019. Daily pentox, cialis, arginine, traction therapies. Started with dent and pain, top half penis thinned. Upward curve from pre peyronies natural left curve.  2 inch loss of length. 8 in to 6 inches. Nightmare.


Sorry, haven't read all your posts but what is the degree of your deformity, etc.? I ask because mentally/philosophically I understand where you are coming from. I am in sort of a similar position. I too worry that no matter what I do, it will continue to shrink, bend, blah, blah.

I am telling you this because most likely if your deformity is not bad enough to prevent penetration and you are not totally impotent, then a surgeon will most likely refuse to implant you anyway. In my case, I do not have venous leakage. My erectile function is decent. And my curve is about 30-40 degrees with hourglassing.

I too believe it will get worse no matter what I do. But that doesn't mean a doctor will agree to operate on you. An implant is a final step.

Dr. Munarriz in Boston said there was no way he would operate on me and Dr. Eid pretty much said the same thing, that I was not a good candidate. He left the door open in the future but as of right now he would not feel comfortable doing it.

I know you would not rush into something like this, but don't go looking for someone to just agree with you. Even if you might be right. You could potentially have huge regrets.  
45 y.o. Single. Onset of symptoms (pain-stinging like a wasp) @ 6/2018. No sudden injury. Curve developed slowly. 40 deg. dorsal. Hourglassing. Torsion to left flaccid. 4 rounds xiaflex. Restorex, DMSO+, heat, arginine, cialis, lipoic acid, vit. K2


Quote from: samsung on October 13, 2019, 11:19:43 AM
Sorry, haven't read all your posts but what is the degree of your deformity, etc.? I ask because mentally/philosophically I understand where you are coming from. I am in sort of a similar position. I too worry that no matter what I do, it will continue to shrink, bend, blah, blah.

I am telling you this because most likely if your deformity is not bad enough to prevent penetration and you are not totally impotent, then a surgeon will most likely refuse to implant you anyway. In my case, I do not have venous leakage. My erectile function is decent. And my curve is about 30-40 degrees with hourglassing.

I too believe it will get worse no matter what I do. But that doesn't mean a doctor will agree to operate on you. An implant is a final step.

Dr. Munarriz in Boston said there was no way he would operate on me and Dr. Eid pretty much said the same thing, that I was not a good candidate. He left the door open in the future but as of right now he would not feel comfortable doing it.

I know you would not rush into something like this, but don't go looking for someone to just agree with you. Even if you might be right. You could potentially have huge regrets.

I just deeloped all the symptoms of Pyeronies a couple months ago after a sexual injury at first I was confused and tried to figure out the difference between penile trauma healing and Peyronies when the disease process forms other over healthy tissue beyond a site of injury. I had a penile injury that wasn't extensive enough to be a full on fracture but enough to damage the tissue to the extent I have the symptoms I do now.

It seems the lines are very blurred with this disease and that is a spectrum thing and is different for each person. But I currently have an indention on the top of my penis right below the head of the penis, and also a lot of nerve pain or some other pain along the dorsal nerve in the spot of that injury.

It hurts the most the more firm my erections are, but sometimes it doesn't hurt as much with erections or I don't feel anything and other times it feels like a real sharp shooting pain.  The doctors still diagnosed me with Peyronies but said there was no scar tissue that was palpable upon examination.  Still don't feel any noticable scarring myself. But I also don't feel there is much inflammation to explain the pain either.

I'm in incredibly good shape with a very sharp diet that is anti inflammatory and have always taken supplements and anti oxidants to promote good health in my body and cells I'm only 29 years old and sub 10 percent body fat with perfect health otherwise. So the fact people mentioned this disease has a component to metabolic disorders, smoking, drinking, high blood pressure etc. None of that applied to me and I have also never drank or smoked, nor have very high stress.

Since the injury I can't seem to get a full erection to measure my current girth and length because it goes away too quickly. It feels like there is definitely a strong Erectile Dysfunction component going on for me right now. But the fact I have an indentation on my penis I can't really think what else could cause that other then some kind of Peyronies type issue.

Anyways my thought behind everything now is I don't think I have lost much girth or length and I'm still in the very acut stage of this disease because I don't think this is just a normal injury that's going to heal without any residual deformity or symptoms. Though it could and I don't discount that possibility too.

But if I'm going to be dealing with Peyronies from here on out and will always have to do these various therapies to prevent further damage and deformity , as well as impaired sexual functioning. And there isn't a 100 percent garuntee that it could work in that regard. That doing all of these steps will garuntee no more damage, and that I will slowly just climb out of this.

If there is a diagnosis of Peyronies disease and it has a chance of worsening overtime I just feel it would be much easier to just take care of things all at once, and in another thread I read that some doctors will do the surgery in the acute phase with the mindset if its going to be necessary at some point anyways might as well do it now. Where as others like you mentioned are far more conservative about it. I know insurance is tricky for it too unless severe. I just don't like the idea of losing several inches off my penis before my insurance finally approved things. Unless I developed some kind of venous leak already.

I also have some confusion about how Peyronies heals. Like is it possible that the scar tissue can eventually be completely reabsorped and remodeled to healthy penile tissue again and the fibrosis can go away? Or is it just about preventing worsening fibrosis and possibly softening up harderned scar tissue . Because if that was the case and everyone was doing these protocols correctly over a period of a few years. Wouldn't that cure everyone's symptoms in time? Because I keep hearing about people that had a lot of damage and claim to completely go back to their pre Peyronies penis, albiet probably more sensitive to re injury. And then others who lose mutliple inches and don't gain much back even after a few years of VED, traction, PAV, etc. So I don't really understand how this disease really works either.

Also I heard of multiple people on here who all got implants for their Peyronies disease and Erectile Dysfunction but still never got back their pre Peyronies size before or after implant . So I guess I'm confused on that too. Because to my understanding with a lot of time doing traction,Ved , PAV and the other therapies shouldn't you be able to regain your oldsize back? Especially if you get a grafting surgery done pre implant to add back healthy tissue and take out fibrotic tissue, sliding tecnhique surgeries and the various others that help to maximize girth and length to what your penis can handle.

I know most are still satisfied with their results and they are awesome to hear about , along with anyone else's successes and I definitely don't mean to focus on only the negatives, it's just that I want to avoid irreversable  shrinkage by any means I can. Because that's the one major aspect of this disease that psyches me out. Because it seems all the other issues are 100 percent correctable with other meand or if need be implant anyways.  
30 yrs old, peyronies diagnosis Aug 2019. Daily pentox, cialis, arginine, traction therapies. Started with dent and pain, top half penis thinned. Upward curve from pre peyronies natural left curve.  2 inch loss of length. 8 in to 6 inches. Nightmare.


You caught this early and can prevent any loss in length or girth.  I'd immediately start on pentox (if doc will prescribe), low dose nightly PDE5i (not only remodels plaque but can bring back your previous hard erections) and traction or VED.  You prob have done plaque resulting in the indentation which can be remodeled to healthy tissue.  You'll do great, keep us posted!
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Quote from: TonySa on October 13, 2019, 07:21:27 PM
You caught this early and can prevent any loss in length or girth.  I'd immediately start on pentox (if doc will prescribe), low dose nightly PDE5i (not only remodels plaque but can bring back your previous hard erections) and traction or VED.  You prob have done plaque resulting in the indentation which can be remodeled to healthy tissue.  You'll do great, keep us posted!

Thanks man, already on the Pentox , Cialis , Arginine and other recommended supplements from the survival guide. Haven't don't traction or VED yet because I'm worried about aggravating an injury and causing more Trauma. I guess I'm still ignorant on this condition though , and how it can get worse for people . Or just a general lack of firm  understanding of how the disease works and takes place itself, fully. I know the basics and such. But not a total picture. By the way I read about your implant story congrats on that man! Always felt good to hear from the implant people that if all else fails I always have that option in my pocket. And how awesome people feel about the results.  
30 yrs old, peyronies diagnosis Aug 2019. Daily pentox, cialis, arginine, traction therapies. Started with dent and pain, top half penis thinned. Upward curve from pre peyronies natural left curve.  2 inch loss of length. 8 in to 6 inches. Nightmare.


Thxs, you've a solid early treatment plan, please keep us posted,
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Quote from: TonySa on October 13, 2019, 09:15:13 PM
Thxs, you've a solid earlybtreatment plan, please keep us posted,

Thanks will do man, after talking to NeoV I have a better understanding of the condition, and why I don't really need to worry that I'm going to worsen out of nowhere. Taking all the proper steps now and focusing and good penile health and healing, thanks again!  
30 yrs old, peyronies diagnosis Aug 2019. Daily pentox, cialis, arginine, traction therapies. Started with dent and pain, top half penis thinned. Upward curve from pre peyronies natural left curve.  2 inch loss of length. 8 in to 6 inches. Nightmare.


I am a solid satisfied owner of a bionic penis and feel that many men would be far better served to get an implant.  I do not, however, think everyone should have one.  You seem to have several factors line up that makes me suggest that you table the idea of an implant for the foreseeable future.

1. You are young
2. You can get firm usable erections
3. Your Peyronies Disease is newly onset without any clear idea where it is headed.  It could settle down and stabilize with some at least some slight possibility you could actually improve.
4. Your deformity does not seem severe enough to interfere with sex.

If you erased one or two of those points then I would suggest looking into an implant.

I suggest you proceed with PAV cocktail, traction and/or VED, track objective measurements and just keep an implant in the back of your mind in case the day comes that a couple of the above conditions change.

Hopefully, they won't


Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Hawk on October 24, 2019, 10:12:24 PM
I am a solid satisfied owner of a bionic penis and feel that many men would be far better served to get an implant.  I do not, however, think everyone should have one.  You seem to have several factors line up that makes me suggest that you table the idea of an implant for the foreseeable future.

1. You are young
2. You can get firm usable erections
3. Your Peyronies Disease is newly onset without any clear idea where it is headed.  It could settle down and stabilize with some at least some slight possibility you could actually improve.
4. Your deformity does not seem severe enough to interfere with sex.

If you erased one or two of those points then I would suggest looking into an implant.

I suggest you proceed with PAV cocktail, traction and/or VED, track objective measurements and just keep an implant in the back of your mind in case the day comes that a couple of the above conditions change.

Hopefully, they won't


My deformity is not too big of an issue, but my ability to get and maintain an erection right now is very poor and not what it was at all previous to injury. I did also reduce all sexual activity and masturbation since getting the injury to at least once a week or less though. But when I do get an erection the whole process of it is longer and more difficult and requires more constant stimulation to stay erect. My assumption is blood flow being affected from the injury. Getting some tests done in a couple weeks to look if there Is blood flow issues actually.

Of course as of now it is pretty pre mature to do something like a penile implant. Especially as there is a chance I could fully bounce back from this in a year or so and have no remaining symptoms, granted I do the right therapies right now and everything possible to improve my outcome. Mainly when I first made this post it was because I didn't see the point in letting peyronies disease possibly regress, losing more size and then getting an implant eventually anyways. When I could have gotten it sooner and not risked losing more size due to a progressive disease process. I remember reading that you had similar sentiments yourself after not doing a penile implant after Erectile Dysfunction. And then losing some size starting with an injection that triggered your own peyronies process before the implant. Though to my understanding that can also be restored after an implant too? Though I guess the cylinder would have to be changed since that was already locked in place for a specific length and girth pre surgery anyways? Not really sure how all that works.

Anyways most my thoughts on it were just bypassing the risks of losing size and the possibility of needing an implant in the future anyways. I will keep in mind those pointers you wrote though because that is the perfect way to look at it. If other factors started becoming an issue like you had addressed then maybe looking at the possibility then, and having some money saved on the side in case I ever needed the surgery and wanted to not wait around to earn another 20K. Appreciate the suggestions and support by the way Hawk! Already doing the suggestions you mentioned for now as well. And feel good about making a solid recovery, but again if things were to ever worsen I have that plan B in my back pocket too.  
30 yrs old, peyronies diagnosis Aug 2019. Daily pentox, cialis, arginine, traction therapies. Started with dent and pain, top half penis thinned. Upward curve from pre peyronies natural left curve.  2 inch loss of length. 8 in to 6 inches. Nightmare.


I wish you well.  Periodically take OBJECTIVE measurements.  If you ever opt for plan B, pick an outstanding surgeon.  We have pointers on how to do that.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums