Sex change surgery?

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I'm not trans, but I'm not straight or necessarily masculine either so I think I could be happy with it. This idea just crossed my mind. I'd never have to worry about pain or relapse again, and I'd still get to be sexually active. Seems like an option with about as much chance of satisfaction as implant, in my mind.  
Age 23, symptoms started almost a year, only treating with topical H-100 for obvious yet hard-to-quantify benefits, as well as WoundVite. Extremely sensitive to further injury/irritation, but progression of hourglassing is extremely slow.


No no no no no. Please no.

You can't change your sex. You can't be born in the wrong sex. I understand you do not feel comfortable in your own sex/gender but you can't change it or remove it. The whole "transgender" movement is a politically motivated collective madness.

Just stop thinking in terms of satisfaction and stop thinking about sex for a while.
31 yo, Hourglass Peyronies likely because of masturbation

Treatment: Vit E and fish oil (vitD+E), no more masturbation; good improvement so far, less hourglass both in flaccid and erect state, little to no pain during erection now


Not sure what you're talking about. I'm not trans. I'm not into politics. I don't want to change my gender or have people use different pronouns. Just want to be able to function sexually is all, and not go through the lifelong struggle that a lot of other people here have been through. Satisfaction comes when the pain stops, and it seems like it could be an easy solution to that. A lot of people are satisfied with the outcome of their operation. Could be an interesting mid-life switchup. It's just an idea, after all.

Not that my beliefs or identity would be any of your business to criticize here anyways.  
Age 23, symptoms started almost a year, only treating with topical H-100 for obvious yet hard-to-quantify benefits, as well as WoundVite. Extremely sensitive to further injury/irritation, but progression of hourglassing is extremely slow.


I am saying that even entertaining the thought of chopping off your penis shows you something is off, as amputation is never an answer.

To even consider getting a vagina is even more problematic because a man will never have a vagina, just a flesh pocket.
31 yo, Hourglass Peyronies likely because of masturbation

Treatment: Vit E and fish oil (vitD+E), no more masturbation; good improvement so far, less hourglass both in flaccid and erect state, little to no pain during erection now


Ignore peyroniesurprise cause the proof is in the pudding. There are people who change sex and it makes them happier than staying the sex they do NOT want to be. Who are you to tell them no? Luckily many doctors disagree with you as well and offer sex change surgery for those that genuinly want to transition. We can discuss endlessly about what a woman and a man is to you, but what's the point? Don't like transgenders? You don't HAVE to F~@< them so let them live their lifestyle if it makes them happy imho.

In the case of Taller however, I really doubt a sex change is even a possibility because like you said you aren't transgender. In what way would sex be satifying to you? I mean.. do you really have the desire to get penetrated by a man and his penis, only because your penis doesn't function anymore? I for one like women and the fact my dick is broken doesn't change that. I get the feeling you only think this way in a cynical kind of way like "well my dick is damaged, might as well be a woman now." But I doubt trying to change sex will bring you any happiness. If it's really about having satifying sex you'd have a better shot trying to enjoy oral sex, using fingers, kissing etc etc. No matter what happens to your penis,it will NOT change your sexual orientation so I don't understand why you seriously think being a male to female trans would make you any happier.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


I'm already bi. Besides, how do you think lesbians get along? It could work. A lot better than a useless, aching nub, anyways.

But I didn't come to discuss my own sexuality or how happy I might be with the option for all its psychological factors. I can determine that on my own. Just came to discuss things like viability, and operational outcomes. That's seeming less and less possible.  
Age 23, symptoms started almost a year, only treating with topical H-100 for obvious yet hard-to-quantify benefits, as well as WoundVite. Extremely sensitive to further injury/irritation, but progression of hourglassing is extremely slow.


I honestly think it's easier to make a penis into a vagina then the other way around it seems. So in theory it would probably be easier for you to get a vagina then get the full size or functionality of your penis back. I just don't understand why anyone who isn't a transgender would want to have a vagina instead of a penis on his otherwise male body. You're not seriously considering this are you? I won't judge if you are, but it seems a little silly to actually want this while you just said you're not trans. Keep your hopes up for better treatment options in the future. For all we know in 5 years you actually could get rid of the pain and get back the full size and functionality of your penis back. Isn't that why we're all here on this forum? To actually heal our penis instead of getting rid of it?
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


The "doctors" making this procedure are not doctors, they are criminals amputating mentally unstable individuals. This is a bigger transgression than the lobotomies "doctors" did in the 60s to "treat" mental problems.

No, you can't turn a penis into a vagina nor the other way around.

I won't sit around and watch others amputate their bodies and i will most definitely not advertise it as a viable option, ever. Like you do.
31 yo, Hourglass Peyronies likely because of masturbation

Treatment: Vit E and fish oil (vitD+E), no more masturbation; good improvement so far, less hourglass both in flaccid and erect state, little to no pain during erection now


Yeah, yeah. I get it. I know perfectly well. It's not a vagina, it just looks like one. I'm a man who is considering getting his dick chopped up to look like a fake vagina. Fair enough.

I don't care.

Now stop badgering me about it.  
Age 23, symptoms started almost a year, only treating with topical H-100 for obvious yet hard-to-quantify benefits, as well as WoundVite. Extremely sensitive to further injury/irritation, but progression of hourglassing is extremely slow.


Quote from: popopo on October 04, 2019, 02:56:40 PM
I just don't understand why anyone who isn't a transgender would want to have a vagina instead of a penis on his otherwise male body.
Eh. I was never really bound to being masculine or feminine. One or the other for me. Sex surgery isn't something I would have considered without peyronies, but as I considered it I began to realize just how neutral I was to what equipment I'm packing. Of course I do lean more towards heterosexuality, but it's nothing a strapon can't fix. Sex is more of a mental experience for me, about bonding.

Isn't that why we're all here on this forum? To actually heal our penis instead of getting rid of it?
I guess for some people, it could just be about resolution of peyronies. One way or another. I think I'll give this another 6 months or so to show signs of real improvement before I start seriously considering... this whole fiasco has taken a massive chunk out of my life. I was actually about to move out for the first time before my pain massively flared back up.  
Age 23, symptoms started almost a year, only treating with topical H-100 for obvious yet hard-to-quantify benefits, as well as WoundVite. Extremely sensitive to further injury/irritation, but progression of hourglassing is extremely slow.


I understand you don't care, to even consider such a thing you must be in a pretty bad place to care about much.

I'm bothered by people supporting such things or even entartaining the thought it is ok to do a thing like this.

Doctors should be in jail for such procedures.
31 yo, Hourglass Peyronies likely because of masturbation

Treatment: Vit E and fish oil (vitD+E), no more masturbation; good improvement so far, less hourglass both in flaccid and erect state, little to no pain during erection now


Right... I don't care. I'm not your kid, I'm a grown ass adult. Did nobody teach you boundaries? It's not good practice to go out pretending to know random strangers, or what's best for them. Nobody here asked you for your opinion on on the doctors, or the people who request the procedures.
Age 23, symptoms started almost a year, only treating with topical H-100 for obvious yet hard-to-quantify benefits, as well as WoundVite. Extremely sensitive to further injury/irritation, but progression of hourglassing is extremely slow.


Just keep in mind you'll be stuck like that for the rest of your life, and there's a high suicide rate amongst people who get this operation for that very reason: regret. It's an extreme measure to take, and I do not suggest it when you could just get an implant, or even better, try some of the alternative treatments such as fasting, which are proven to reduce inflammation. I would personally exhaust all other options before even considering it. You can always get an implant, then get the sex change surgery afterwards if you absolutely must. You're very young, relax and try some other treatments first. That is my advice.
Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)


Couldn't help but weigh in here on some of the comments,

Peyroniessurprise, the transgender movement is not a political collective madness.  Please consider educating yourself, and if you can't understand what a trans individual is going through, at least be accepting, or at the very least don't spew hate rhetoric.

JS, you are correct in general about the suicide rate being higher among transgender individuals as it is for any highly stigmatized group.  However, the good news is that after surgery when ones body is aligned with their gender, suicide rates then drop dramatically!

Sorry, both comments are off topic, but such comments are best addressed.

Thanks,  Tony

PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Medicaid doesn't cover implants, unless under extreme circumstances (such as where the innards are damaged beyond being able to even inflate) from what I understand. They'll have you trying every workaround in the book, and I see how a lot guys here have struggled with sex lives like that, among other complications such as chronic pain and reinjury. I'm on disability pay. It'll never be within my budget. Medicaid covers sex change though. About 90% are still able to orgasm, and most experience more sensitivity and stronger orgasms as a result of the estrogen. That honestly might be its biggest selling point for me.

I think learning to cope with peyronie's has absolved me of the 'wrongful attachment' I keep hearing about, though maybe a bit more or in different ways than other people... I've given a lot of thought and imagination to life without a functioning penis, and discovered the same enjoyment I'd always had before. Intimacy is still intimacy, with or without penetration. But 99% of my genital's combat action is in personal use, so I guess it doesn't really make that much of a difference in that sense of things.

It couldn't look worse than what I've already got anyways. I had it nicknamed 'Frankendick' long before peyronie's struck. Went under the knife 3 times as an infant to fix hypospadias. It turned out sorta cone shaped, twisted to the left, and with two piss holes. Needless to say, I sit down to piss just as much as any woman does. Not that sexual function was ever a major issue until now.

As for regret... I imagine a lot of that comes from the complete identity overhaul that trans people go through. Name change, breast implants, etc. I mean, their attachment to their genitals as well, especially as a complement to their masculine gender identity when they want that identity back. But as previously stated, I've been somewhere in between masculine and feminine since I was like 14. I've got working boots and lingerie for whatever mood I happen to be in. Just never gave a heck. Either or for me. I'd still be the same old Jeff, and nobody would even have to know about it.  
Age 23, symptoms started almost a year, only treating with topical H-100 for obvious yet hard-to-quantify benefits, as well as WoundVite. Extremely sensitive to further injury/irritation, but progression of hourglassing is extremely slow.


I've known a few transgender's over the years and they seen like new people after the transition.
Much more at peace and happy than before the change.

In the Uk it's a long and thought out process before they can go under the procedure.
Think its about two years living as a transgender and speaking to professionals before they can be operated on.
This is because its such a psychological issue and they want to be sure the person going though this are 100% certain of there choice.

Not sure if in America if you have to wait or just book the surgery and go ahead.
But I would suggest you don't make a rash decision on this.

I guess you could have the vaginal surgery and not do the hormone therapy or get breasts  and still live your life and be recognised as a man.

One transgender, male to female told me he was straight but identified as a woman.
When he under went the hormone therapy side of it, it made him fancy guys and stopped him, now Her fancying girls.

Not sure how true this is, but if you go though with this and decide to go full transgender.
The hormone side of the treatment may stop you being bi.  
So make sure you talk all aspects though with your doctor and what you are willing to give up if you do have this surgery.

In your case at only 23 I would try other treatments first and maybe try living as trans if you want to go the whole way for about 6 months to a year before you comment to the operation.

You could try an implant first, would guess you could still have the surgery for trans afterwards if it doesn't work for you.

Maybe save up for a couple of years, as you can't get it on your insurance.
Then you could explore your sexuality fully and be sure before you have an operation which can't be undone.

Nor can an implant in farness and that has a lot of psychological issue to work though as well.

Its not an easy answer whatever you decide to do, hopefully you have a good support group around you.
As I think being heathy in mind, is just as important as your penis health.


Quote deleted by moderator.
Please read the forum rules.

The transgender movement is a collective madness. I am fairly educated on this because i am a clinical psychologist.

The suicide rate remains absurdly high even after surgery. It does not drop dramatically after surgery, that is a lie.  Overall mortality is high also due to cancer and cardiovascular disease, which is to be expected since their endocrine system is destroyed by hormone replacements and suppressors.

31 yo, Hourglass Peyronies likely because of masturbation

Treatment: Vit E and fish oil (vitD+E), no more masturbation; good improvement so far, less hourglass both in flaccid and erect state, little to no pain during erection now


Each to there own peyroniesurprise, it doesn't effect your life so don't judge others for their choices.

Men have committed suicide because Peyronies or ED issues, if this helps him in HIS life support him, give him the facts in a helpful manner.

If you have evidence of the suicide rate being higher post it, as that helps him make an informed decision.

But stop with the hate, it's vile and unhelpful on this board.


I think its more so that peyroniessurprise is rightly frustrated by the lack of treatments we get, think about it, you can't get an implant to have a healthy sex life with Medicaid but you can get your dick chopped off for free. I honestly think you are an absolute madman to even think about this no matter what your sexual orientation is.


Peyroniessurprise, please don't hijack this thread w misinformation and the hate speech that the transgender "movement" is madness.  Big deal you are a clinical psychologist, so am I and you are misrepresenting the profession.  If you are an actual licensed clinical psychologist please read our professional association (APA) report on gender identity.
All professional associations are in agreement, read the American psychiatric association position:
As a psychologist, you know we all have areas to grow in, I hope you'll start reading up in this area, and then begin to talk w folks who don't fall strictly on the binary (make vs female) as assigned at birth.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


I understand TonySa arguments, but I understand also peyroniesurprise arguments.

Without saying what I am thinking personally, not all the world agree with with what is going on in the subject in the USA or some western European countries.
Opposite, most of the world does not agree with the US and western Europe.

Thinking differently doesn't make those people retarded. They just have an other opinion in the subject.
Too many times, the most proponents of the First Amendment of the US constitution (Free speech?) trying to silence everyone that think different than them.

The best is redbullmaster point: doesn't effect your life so don't judge others for their choices.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)


Taller, please don't do this.

Being a man is more than having a penis. It's an experience. The willingness to fight and serve. The male body is merely a sign of this essence. Just as the female body is merely a sign of her essence as a nurisher. You were born a man and changing what you look like cannot change that. Don't dont do this. Embrace who God made you to be. Please.

Im sorry if I have offended you by this religious view. But I don't want you to hurt yourself. Stand tall, taller.  
2 Corinthians 12 : 7-10

I cannot change the past, but I can change the future, and in doing so, change the ultimate meaning of the past.


I just don't share your feelings on the matter, and I've never had the capacity to. We have different friends, different views, different lives... our worlds may be more different than you could ever dream. It seems some of you are having a hard time understanding how different two people can be, and how someone could be genuinely happy with such a decision.

This is unfortunate.

I don't need to be trans, or a man, or a woman, or wear any dumb gender labels. I just need to be Jeff, and it'd be nice to have equipment that works. Somehow. I'm really not that picky. At best, I could keep repeating myself here and never get across that how you'd feel about it isn't how I'd feel for an ocean of reasons. Not by a long shot. That said, I probably won't be going through with this anyway. It's just an idea I wanted to toss. So relax.

You seem sure that I would regret it, as sure as I am that I might benefit from it. But who knows me better?
Age 23, symptoms started almost a year, only treating with topical H-100 for obvious yet hard-to-quantify benefits, as well as WoundVite. Extremely sensitive to further injury/irritation, but progression of hourglassing is extremely slow.


Just do what you feel is right for YOU.  F everyone else.  They don't walk in your shoes
47 yrs old, 3 yrs diagnosed
Xiaflex w/original uro resulted in a fracture
Excision/grafting by Dr Faysal Yafi 3/26/19
Implanted by Dr Yafi 8/11/20, Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE


A lot of homophobes on this site preaching gods words, its sickening.
Do what's best for you, like TDix said F everyone else.  


I don't wish to harm anyone, let alone a gay or trans person . I'm just giving my opinion in response to the topic. He has chosen not to take my advice. I don't see what's so 'sickining' about that. This is a global forum so you will find global views.

Anyway I see this thread is at risk of becoming toxic so again I apologise if my words have been offensive to anyone. It was not my intention. Sorry. I'll avoid making such comments in the future.  
2 Corinthians 12 : 7-10

I cannot change the past, but I can change the future, and in doing so, change the ultimate meaning of the past.


I think you all have good intentions, but I'm just frustrated by it. Probably should have listened to my gut and not posted this to begin with. Too divisive a topic. Take care, and maybe we can let this thread die.  
Age 23, symptoms started almost a year, only treating with topical H-100 for obvious yet hard-to-quantify benefits, as well as WoundVite. Extremely sensitive to further injury/irritation, but progression of hourglassing is extremely slow.


Everyone can post what views they like, but a by product of that is for other people to post theres views in response to your views.

You entitled to believe what you like, but because this isn't the off topic discussion board. I feel that talk of god should be kept out of this thread.

I think for this decision we should stick to science and psychological issues of this procedure.

Then taller can make an informed opinion based on facts and not a magical fairy tail that has no bearing on this issue.

If you dont like me calling god a fairy tail or the Harry Potter of his day. Then tough, as I'm entitled to say that about religion as you are to quote it at people about lifestyle choices.

Scotyboi, I know you trying to help and your views are your views.

If god gives you fath to live your life in a positive way, good for you. I envy you in a way and my life may be easier if I had fath that when I died there was something there to look forward too.

My comment wasn't aimed at you pre say, because of the age group on this board. Theres a lot of men in there 70's who unfortunately are bigoted and refuse to see theres anything wrong in being homophobic. They quote freedom of speech or gods word. But when freedom of speech is used against them,they dont like it. Nor do they see the irony of it,

but I dont believe one case of this disease has ever been cured by kneeling down and praying to any god.

Taller I think you have every right to post about this subject.
I just wish people could stick to facts and not judge you on a board which is here to help men. Who are dealing with something so horrible to begin with.

Sorry for the rant,


Scotiboy, I appreciate that you can see now your words could be taken offensive-we all live and hopefully learn!  
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


I am offended by the lack of treatments we have, I feel oppressed. Oh boy, it doesn't work the other way around does it...  


PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


What do you mean say it directly?


What doesn't work the other way around?
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


In itself not necessarily a bad idea whatever others think about it BUT
You said:
QuoteI'm not trans
And in that light it makes no sense to be trans and is a recipe for problems. Do other stuff before going that route.(there's more to try, easier than going sex change)
Daily Transdermals and Traction/VED solved my Peyronies Disease,12587.0.html (DMSO+X)


Wow what an interesting thread going on here...

I'm a trans woman who has been doing PE off and on to treat peyronie's for years. That said, if one were to consider ultimately getting gender reassignment surgery to improve the quality of their sex life, the most important thing to do is preserve the health of the nerve endings in the penis. If the nerves are damaged due to injuries trying to treat peyronie's, that would negatively impact the sensations of the neo vagina post op.

Aside from that, do what makes you happy.  8)
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Irish—STOP attacking people and name calling!
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


This topic is locked.  It is not the intent of this forum to debate so-called gender reassignment or the political or moral aspects of transgender identification or the psychological aspects of transgender identification.

If you want to discuss the likelihood of sexual functionality or sexual satisfaction with surgery to remove a penis and construct an artificial vagina that is beyond the scope of this forum because it certainly is not a Peyronies Disease treatment.  I am sure there is a range of other forums that are happy to cover such topics from the moral, physical, and psychological angles.

NOTE: Those that accuse others of hate because they disagree based on their scientific or moral understanding are as much at fault and ignorant as those they accuse.  

All such future topics will be deleted and warnings will be issued to those involved.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums