Total erectile dysfunction and numbness

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Hi everyone, I've been lurking this forum for a while and finally decided to
Create an account. I am extremely worried about my condition. I am 27 years and
Have Peyronie. I developed it probably when I was 20 and it's most likely due to masturbating
Prone all my life. I have lumps on my penis and have a more than 30 degree curvature.
I also have severe erectile dysfunction and penile numbness. I am unable to get hard even with porn and have no libido. I also feel 0 sensation in my penis. I live in Dubai and haven't seen
A doctor yet either. How bad is my situation and will my condition ever improve?
Approx Date of symptoms: since my 20s
type of Symptoms:severe erectile dysfunction and curve above 30 degrees
Diagnosed: doctor made me to blood and urine tests but the results came negative.


Hey! Welcome to the board. Good that you joined up. Are you on any treatments for ED? have you ever taken any ED medication? do you have any heart condition or take any medication for your heart?

do you have money that you can use to travel to see a doctor?

do you want to diagnose your condition and see what is going on?


Hi pfract thank you for your reply. No I'm not on any treatment and haven't gone to
A doctor over here. I am perfect healthy otherwise if it wasn't for this
Issue. I'm 27 years old and I have also noticed shortening of the penis.
I don't trust any of the doctors here which is why u haven't gone. This is really depressing
And is there any way u can go back to my normal self or is my penis damaged for good ?
Approx Date of symptoms: since my 20s
type of Symptoms:severe erectile dysfunction and curve above 30 degrees
Diagnosed: doctor made me to blood and urine tests but the results came negative.


Diagnosed June 2019

Oral Treatment: Colcihine, pentox, Arginine, Ginger Root, planned to start 5mg Cialis

Symptoms: Pain and %25degree curvature, intercourse possible without problem, sometimes ED


No I have complete erectile dysfunction. Even with heavy stimulation I can only get
50 percent erect. My penis feels totally numb and I have no sensation. Would heat therapy help
Stimulate blood flow?
Approx Date of symptoms: since my 20s
type of Symptoms:severe erectile dysfunction and curve above 30 degrees
Diagnosed: doctor made me to blood and urine tests but the results came negative.


Hi pfract thank you for your reply. No I'm not on any treatment and haven't gone to
A doctor over here. I am perfect healthy otherwise if it wasn't for this

If you have Erectile Dysfunction without having a trauma event... either a fall or a penile fracture, then you might have some health condition that you are not aware. You have to do tests to start trying to understand why do you have Erectile Dysfunction. Ignoring the problem won't help you at all.

I'm 27 years old and I have also noticed shortening of the penis.
If you are not having proper erections, then you are going to loose size. You need to get a treatment plan.... viagra, daily cialis, injections, vacuum pump... something. But you have to do something, otherwise it is only going to get worse...

QuoteI don't trust any of the doctors here which is why u haven't gone. This is really depressing
And is there any way u can go back to my normal self or is my penis damaged for good ?

This is another problem right here. You need medical help. Wether it is in your country, or in another country. Erectile Dysfunction, unless it is psychological never fixes itself. IT only gets worse as time goes by.

Start trying to find a doctor that you are happy with. Is there any specialist in your area?


PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Thanks again for your reply pfract. Well, I haven't fallen or fractured it, but I think
I somehow damaged it due to prone masturbating over the years. Prone masturbation
puts a lot of pressure on the penis. For the time being will heat treatment help increase
the bloodflow ?. Viagra is banned in Dubai and I will need a prescription for Cialis. I only have
myself to blame for this, had I got over my addiction  to prone masturbation, I would never have been in this situation.
Approx Date of symptoms: since my 20s
type of Symptoms:severe erectile dysfunction and curve above 30 degrees
Diagnosed: doctor made me to blood and urine tests but the results came negative.


Why is Viagra banned but Cialis is allowed???
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Yeah hawk.... saying the same thing. Makes no sense to me. How can he know if he hasn't even been to a doctor? curious here


Apologies for the misinformation. A friend of mine had told me it was banned however after checking in the pharmacy yesterday I have found out that it is in fact available without a prescription (both cialus and viagra) Do you recommend I start using it and how often ?
Approx Date of symptoms: since my 20s
type of Symptoms:severe erectile dysfunction and curve above 30 degrees
Diagnosed: doctor made me to blood and urine tests but the results came negative.


I say yes. Get Cialis daily 2.5mg to start with. Read the paper that comes with fully. Also, if you have heart problems or are taking nitrates or other medications it may be dangerous for you. Take that into account.

Buy it, try it out for a week awe get back to us with results. By the way, can you get your hands on a ved as well?


Thanks hawk will definitely try the cialus when I get back (on holiday at the moment)
I'm very sure I have no heart problems so shouldn't be an issue. Will have to check if I can get the VED but it's embarrassing as I live with my parents. At least with the cialus I can do it discreetly.
I got a 80 percent natural erection yesterday after watching porn so that's an improvement at least. This is the word time I'm getting an detection after nearly a month even though i didn't get fully hard.
Approx Date of symptoms: since my 20s
type of Symptoms:severe erectile dysfunction and curve above 30 degrees
Diagnosed: doctor made me to blood and urine tests but the results came negative.


So there's a pretty good chance pills will help. The ved your parents don't need to know about. Keep it in the box that comes with it.


Erectile Dysfunction and penile numbness is absolutely a pre-diabetic induced problem unless you have some other SPECIFIC injury or spinal problem. You may not be able to tolerate carbs. No test that I know of can even show this to be true, which is unfortunate, but we do know that numbness in hands/feet/penis is related to microvascular and nerve damage from glucose intolerance.


Thanks again for your reply pfract, really appreciate you trying to help me out.
I will try ordering the VED like u suggested. @veo I'm very sure
I don't have diabetes or any other heart issue. The numbness is because I probably
Damaged my nerves due to my prone masturbation or because of the big plaques
that I have
Approx Date of symptoms: since my 20s
type of Symptoms:severe erectile dysfunction and curve above 30 degrees
Diagnosed: doctor made me to blood and urine tests but the results came negative.


You can never bed 100% of anything. Find a doctor that you are comfortable with, and set up a treatment plan for you. You have to start eliminating causes and trying things, to see what's best or not for you.


Another thing I've noticed is that I have no libido and 0 desire and my penis is completely
numb. Could this be related to my peyronies or is it due to some other factor like low
Testosterone? Yes I've just come back from holiday I've started a bit of heat treatment
Today by using a warm compressor and wrapping it around my penis. I will start the viagra soon as well.
Approx Date of symptoms: since my 20s
type of Symptoms:severe erectile dysfunction and curve above 30 degrees
Diagnosed: doctor made me to blood and urine tests but the results came negative.


Dave... The best is for you to get a prescription for daily Cialis.... It's best in your case. Try 5mg and if it's too strong,  cut the pills in half and take a little bit.

Remember to come back and tell how it was


I would bet quite a lot that you have glucose intolerance which is causing the and nerve damage and Peyronie's. Only a complete fast and hard core keto for months will remove penile numbness. My dad has it too despite not "having diabetes" and running and lifting weights daily with a so called perfect diet. I do not believe that plaque block the nerves and induces numbness commonly. The fact is that men with this disease tend to both have nerve damage in their extremities (penis included), and problems with glucose in the mitochondria. This can be clearly concluded from the research. This has little to do with a "diabetes" diagnosis. Damage from hyperinsulinemia comes DECADES before any kind of pre-diabetes diagnosis. I have laid this all out in my google document.

I understand that an injury from prone masturbation could in theory cause damage and numbness, but at this point I just can't turn a blind eye to Peyronie's and penile numbness. The root cause is staring you in the eyes in my opinion. The whole issue is that the only way to stop this is EXTREME dietary changes. And nobody is willing to do it. Furthermore, it takes time, and any slip up, like a beer at night or on the weekend, can stop progress. It's literally that extreme when you have glucose damage. My face, hands, feet, penis, and abdomen were all numb, and now completely sensitive. My father with Peyronie's has recently started trying low carb here and there at 70 years of age, and he is surprised that it indeed brings back his sensitivity.

Well, that's my rant.


Does daily Cialis work better than just taking cialis before intercourse?


@NeoV I hope you are right and that my numbness is indeed due to a glucose intolerance
As you say. Changing my diet would be a lot easier then all the other options mentioned.
Will check up more on Keto diets , no harm trying it I guess!

@pfract will provide an update as soon I start on the cialus. I really hope it will bring my erections back!
Approx Date of symptoms: since my 20s
type of Symptoms:severe erectile dysfunction and curve above 30 degrees
Diagnosed: doctor made me to blood and urine tests but the results came negative.


vandelay: it's more convinient, and "you are always under the effect" because it lasts up to 36h.

dave1211: it has to be the cialis daily 2.5mg or 5mg. Don't just bring the normal cialis to take two hours before sex. You got that?


Approx Date of symptoms: since my 20s
type of Symptoms:severe erectile dysfunction and curve above 30 degrees
Diagnosed: doctor made me to blood and urine tests but the results came negative.


Hi guys I know I'm posting here again after a long time. 4 years have passed and I'm still facing the same issues maybe worse even. I have tried cialis 10mg and 20mg but it's hardly having any effect I am getting about 70 percent erections with it but it's hardly lasting.

I also tried 100mg viagra and I had an erection for maybe around 2 mins and it died off. Besides this I'm also having a very soft glans and no sensitivity. I'm frustrated now I'm nearly 32 and can't have sex. Anyone have any ideas how to go about this ?
Approx Date of symptoms: since my 20s
type of Symptoms:severe erectile dysfunction and curve above 30 degrees
Diagnosed: doctor made me to blood and urine tests but the results came negative.


Quote from: dave1211 on December 03, 2023, 10:34:43 AMHi guys I know I'm posting here again after a long time. 4 years have passed and I'm still facing the same issues maybe worse even. I have tried cialis 10mg and 20mg but it's hardly having any effect I am getting about 70 percent erections with it but it's hardly lasting.

I also tried 100mg viagra and I had an erection for maybe around 2 mins and it died off. Besides this I'm also having a very soft glans and no sensitivity. I'm frustrated now I'm nearly 32 and can't have sex. Anyone have any ideas how to go about this ?
Have you gone to a doctor for ED?

If yes then what did he said?
27 year old.

Had multiple penile fractures.

Tried Verapamil injections, Pentoxifylline, Tadalafil, Vitamin E, heat therapy, Castor oil, L-Citrulline, Shilajit, Shatavari, Gotu Kola, Velvet beans.

Lost more than 6 inches.


Quote from: Arthur on December 03, 2023, 10:49:50 AMHave you gone to a doctor for Erectile Dysfunction?

If yes then what did he said?
Quote from: Arthur on December 03, 2023, 10:49:50 AMHave you gone to a doctor for Erectile Dysfunction?

If yes then what did he said?
Quote from: Arthur on December 03, 2023, 10:49:50 AMHave you gone to a doctor for Erectile Dysfunction?

If yes then what did he said?

Nope still haven't gone to one yet. Just tried the cialis and viagra that was suggested by pfract. Literally have 0 sensation, I'm worried I'll never be able to have sex now 😞
Approx Date of symptoms: since my 20s
type of Symptoms:severe erectile dysfunction and curve above 30 degrees
Diagnosed: doctor made me to blood and urine tests but the results came negative.


Quote from: dave1211 on December 03, 2023, 11:57:17 PMNope still haven't gone to one yet. Just tried the cialis and viagra that was suggested by pfract. Literally have 0 sensation, I'm worried I'll never be able to have sex now 😞

You should definitely see a doctor... BTW, when did you noticed that your penis had lost sensation?

Did you took any psychiatric medicines or ayurvedic medicines?
27 year old.

Had multiple penile fractures.

Tried Verapamil injections, Pentoxifylline, Tadalafil, Vitamin E, heat therapy, Castor oil, L-Citrulline, Shilajit, Shatavari, Gotu Kola, Velvet beans.

Lost more than 6 inches.


Are your meds prescribed by a doctor? My pharmacist daughter says you could be getting anything from online orders. She warned against doing it that way.
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi


Quote from: dave1211 on December 03, 2023, 10:34:43 AMHi guys I know I'm posting here again after a long time. 4 years have passed and I'm still facing the same issues maybe worse even. I have tried cialis 10mg and 20mg but it's hardly having any effect I am getting about 70 percent erections with it but it's hardly lasting.

I also tried 100mg viagra and I had an erection for maybe around 2 mins and it died off. Besides this I'm also having a very soft glans and no sensitivity. I'm frustrated now I'm nearly 32 and can't have sex. Anyone have any ideas how to go about this ?

Dave! You are more than welcome to post even though it has been 4 years since your last one. You are amongst others that understand your struggle. But It's sad to know that you have not been to a doctor during all this time. Is it due to fear of how the consultation is going to go or something else?
If you can get access to a good sexual medicine specialist in your area or even abroad, you absolutely should as you can get support in trying different medications and treatments whether it is injections, VED, combinations of pills. Maybe there is something a doctor can do for you regarding the lack of sensitivity as well!

Another thing worth considering that is often neglected is seeing a sex therapist to deal with the mental aspect of this condition. You may not be able to have penetrative sex, but there is a lot of things that you can still do. Is it really worth it to deprive yourself of intimacy?

Please reach back to us.


Quote from: RexRG on December 04, 2023, 01:29:41 PMAre your meds prescribed by a doctor? My pharmacist daughter says you could be getting anything from online orders. She warned against doing it that way.

Nope. As per the recommendations in this thread I decided to tried viagra and cialis and I got them from a pharmacy without a prescription. I got some side effects though such as pain in my legs for a couple of days when taking the cialus
Approx Date of symptoms: since my 20s
type of Symptoms:severe erectile dysfunction and curve above 30 degrees
Diagnosed: doctor made me to blood and urine tests but the results came negative.


Quote from: Pfract on December 04, 2023, 11:22:39 PMDave! You are more than welcome to post even though it has been 4 years since your last one. You are amongst others that understand your struggle. But It's sad to know that you have not been to a doctor during all this time. Is it due to fear of how the consultation is going to go or something else?
If you can get access to a good sexual medicine specialist in your area or even abroad, you absolutely should as you can get support in trying different medications and treatments whether it is injections, VED, combinations of pills. Maybe there is something a doctor can do for you regarding the lack of sensitivity as well!

Another thing worth considering that is often neglected is seeing a sex therapist to deal with the mental aspect of this condition. You may not be able to have penetrative sex, but there is a lot of things that you can still do. Is it really worth it to deprive yourself of intimacy?

Please reach back to us.

Thank you for your supportive post pfract 😊. Yes, I know this is my fault I should have seen a doctor by now but I've been too embarrassed too and four years more have gone by and my condition is still the same or probably worsened. I finally decided to order the cialus and unfortunately even with the highest dose I'm hardly getting any erections. I'm realizing now that I'm
Really screwed and maybe my only option now is an implant.

Also another reason is after reading the posts in these forums it seems that most of the docs are really of any use and there doesn't seem to be a cure for this damn disease. There also doesn't seem to be any good doctors in Dubai. What are the other options I can do to improve my condition going forward? Is the lack of sensitivity due to my plaque and is there anything I can do to improve it ?
Approx Date of symptoms: since my 20s
type of Symptoms:severe erectile dysfunction and curve above 30 degrees
Diagnosed: doctor made me to blood and urine tests but the results came negative.


Quote from: Arthur on December 04, 2023, 01:10:35 PMYou should definitely see a doctor... BTW, when did you noticed that your penis had lost sensation?

Did you took any psychiatric medicines or ayurvedic medicines?

Nope only meds I've taken were cialis and Viagra. Viagra seemed to be more effective but gave me rash, I had taken the highest dose of 100mg but my erection only lasted like 2 mins. I've been having this disease ever since I was a teen, I'm 32 now.
Approx Date of symptoms: since my 20s
type of Symptoms:severe erectile dysfunction and curve above 30 degrees
Diagnosed: doctor made me to blood and urine tests but the results came negative.


Check thyroid function, hormone levels, how are your nocturnal erections. Nocturnal erections tell you a lot about your health.
Diagnosed after two uro visits march 2023. physical exam no ultrasound
Noticed upward bend october 22.
currently on 5mg cialis and using hot rice sock. trying to find right traction device
Pain started 12 2022.


Quote from: olowshinenine on January 09, 2024, 10:43:43 AMCheck thyroid function, hormone levels, how are your nocturnal erections. Nocturnal erections tell you a lot about your health.

I have 0 nocturnal erections or any erections for that matter
Approx Date of symptoms: since my 20s
type of Symptoms:severe erectile dysfunction and curve above 30 degrees
Diagnosed: doctor made me to blood and urine tests but the results came negative.


Quote from: dave1211 on December 05, 2023, 10:07:20 AMNope only meds I've taken were cialis and Viagra. Viagra seemed to be more effective but gave me rash, I had taken the highest dose of 100mg but my erection only lasted like 2 mins. I've been having this disease ever since I was a teen, I'm 32 now.
I strongly advise you to consult with a doctor.
27 year old.

Had multiple penile fractures.

Tried Verapamil injections, Pentoxifylline, Tadalafil, Vitamin E, heat therapy, Castor oil, L-Citrulline, Shilajit, Shatavari, Gotu Kola, Velvet beans.

Lost more than 6 inches.


Just an update, I finally mustered the courage to go and see a doctor. He asked me a couple of questions and examined my penis. He didn't saying anything about peyronies and even when I told him about it he dismissed it.

Anyway he made me do a urine and blood test, both have come out normal. I am going for the next consultation following my results next week. But in my initial consultation he was suggesting I do a circumcision because he said my skin isn't pulling back like other penises and he is saying this could be the reason for my ED.
I highly doubt this is the reason for my ED as my penis used to be perfectly fine in my teens, I told him this too.

Looks like as expected the visit to the doctor was a waste of time. Your thoughts on this guys ? What can I do next ? My penis is totally dead and lifeless atm
Approx Date of symptoms: since my 20s
type of Symptoms:severe erectile dysfunction and curve above 30 degrees
Diagnosed: doctor made me to blood and urine tests but the results came negative.


I do not believe phimosis (tight foreskin) and ED are related.
30 yo - Single
Dent and relatively mild ED 2012
Worsening in 2021 with a slight curvature and increased indentation
1000mg l-arginine/500mg l-carnitine/133mg Vit E


I'm really sorry to hear about what you're going through. It's important to understand that Peyronie's disease can be distressing, but there are treatments available that can help manage its symptoms and potentially improve your condition. However, it's crucial to seek medical advice from a healthcare professional as soon as possible. They can provide a proper diagnosis, discuss treatment options tailored to your specific situation, and offer support and guidance throughout your journey towards recovery. Don't hesitate to reach out for help and support, and take the first step towards getting the care you need.
Viagra, Cialis, etc. at the best price you can find