Letter To Dr. Atala (Tissue Engineering)

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rellisacct, you have registered Yesterday at 10:10:46 AM.
In your first post at Yesterday at 10:59:42 AM you are proposing to collect $40,000-$50,000 from the forum members to support Dr. Atala's research.
Your second post Yesterday at 03:19:35 PM was a deep explanation regarding Dr. Atala research importance.
Your third post Today at 01:24:59 AM was an explanation regarding what is wrong about how this site is managed and then come up with a personal attack on me. Just to clarify the point in my post, I expressed my private opinion as a member of this forum.
You have spent 29 minutes on the forum, enough for the three posts and to read the answers. You are not the regular newbie, isn't it?

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum



You are welcome on this forum and you are welcome to express your opinions including suggesting what well established non-profit organizations people should support, but do not attack members or show up here attacking the very forum you are using to voice your opinion.  James never attacked you or treated you badly.  He expressed some healthy skepticism.  That is welcome conduct.

And about your comment concerning the lack of activity here.  Do you know of any Peyronies Disease forum in the world that has 400 members much less 4000 members?  Do you know any Peyronies Disease forum in the world that has 1000 posts much less tens of thousand posts?  99.9% of those posts were made without anyone attacking anyone else and without an warning being issued because this is a mature society of people that care about people.  As long as you keep it like that I think you will find the information and support you need and you will be able to lend your support to others.

PDS Administrator
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I'm not quite sure that I understand...

What I do understand is that there are various researchers working on various projects. And no, there are no other forums where there are 4000+ members, which is why I do have so much respect for this forum. What I was simply stating is that the conduct towards new members should reflect the fact that we want to encourage membership and participation, not discourage it. I was simply stating a few facts that I thought were very relevant to the conversation, and I feel that James1947 did nothing but try to find fault right off the bat with everything that I said.

I agree that not all of our funds should go to any one doctor, nor should we deny funds to a single doctor if they are working in our best interest. For the most part I was just giving an opinion on what I felt about the state of research from what I gathered. Trust me, I have literally combed the internet in search of any and all items that might be of use to all of our conditions.

There would be literally no purpose for me to try to attack anyone on here as we are all in this together. But when someone comes out and makes the comments that James made, I feel like that doesn't help to create new members or help morale. I was actually a member about 5 years ago, and I haven't done as much as I should have for the forum, but that doesn't mean it's too late for me to start. But I atleast would like some basic respect with my posts. I went to Dr. Atala's office about 5 years ago and I know the kind of guy he is. That's why I feel that I have something to add to the conversation.  
"Opportunities multiply as they are seized."
― Sun Tzu



Welcome to the forum.

I hope you will stay with us for long time and contribute to the forum by helping with your knowledge acquired during the 10 years you have this disease.
Can you give us some more details regarding your Peyronie's and how you are copping with it? It may help me and other new Peyronie's sufferers to see the end of the light in this dark tunnel.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Thanks James,

I would be more than happy to share my experience.

I first acquired this disease when I just turned 20. My girlfriend at the time was on top, came down on it wrong, and I think we all can figure out the rest...

The progression of the disease has continued to deteriorate over 10 years. Immediately after the accident, I didn't know what had happened, but all of the blood flow basically just disappeared. I was a healthy normal 20 year old with no diseases, cardiovascular issues, etc. For about a year after the accident, I didn't really notice anything significantly different than before, which led me to believe that there really wasn't anything wrong. Then, after about a year, a somewhat significant indention began to form around the base of the left cavernosum. From there, scarring began to form and continued to worsen over the next 2-3 years. I could definitely tell a difference when the scarring came about, as my erections began to get less strong and the erectile pressure continued decreasing from 100% to 90% to 80% and finally ended up at around 70% -75% of what I originally had.

Needless to say, I became extremely depressed and basically began drinking...alot. Most people's college years are filled with fun and experimentation...however, mine were filled with anger, frustration, and spending a large percentage of my time alone as I didn't have the confidence to date anymore. Luckily I had a good group of friends, but my dating life basically died at 22.

When I turned 25, I found out about Dr. Levine in Chicago who introduced me to the Penile Extender device, which made a huge difference for a while, however, after a few months the scarring became worse and worse as my erections were not strong anymore, which allowed for even more trauma anytime something happened during sex (when I was actually able to have sex).

I am now 29 and anytime I actually can obtain erection, it is probably at around 20%-25% of my original self. I have fought this disease for around 10 years of my life and I'll be 100% honest with everyone...I have yet to figure out a good way to cope with this disease. It strikes at the very core of who I am as a man. When someone loses an arm, an eye, it is a piece of their anatomy. This disease strikes at the very heart of what makes us male and destroys hopes, aspirations, ambitions. Even after 10 years of having the disease, I continue to have days where I'm angry, depressed, demoralized, hopeless. I have had my faith in God shaken, relationships have become harder, etc. The only thing that keeps my head up is knowing that there are people working on this condition. Hope is my fuel now. Hope of things to come, the prospect of a future with a wife that I can be intimate with, hope for feeling like a complete man again. I wish that there was a rosier picture that I could paint to help anyone who comes across this post.  
"Opportunities multiply as they are seized."
― Sun Tzu



Did you try any of the treatments that many on the forum are using? Like the PAV cocktail, VED, Verapamil etc'?
If you will read the forum boards you will find a lot of information on the subject.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum



I have not really done a whole lot outside of the stretching device, which seemed to work pretty well off and on for a few years. I am looking at going back to Wake Forest soon and get a feel for how research is progressing and to start Pentox treatment which seems to help based on what I've read. I live in North Carolina, around an hour and a half away from the school, so I am lucky to have that benefit. I'm actually applying to their MBA school too, so maybe if I get in there I will be able to get some inside information, who knows?
"Opportunities multiply as they are seized."
― Sun Tzu


Please contact JackP on the forum. If achieving a firm erection is a problem, have you investigated the possibility of an implant?
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I believe that getting an implant would be counter productive in regard to having any type of work done with tissue engineering in the future.


I believe also that ones you have an implant the tissue engineering will not help, same as you are losing natural erection forever.
I may be wrong, this is my private opinion but I am not a doctor.

The only question is how long one is ready to wait to have a functional penis if nothing else except an implant can't help.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


James - According to the WFIRM website all that is necessary to regenerate a functional corposa cavernosum is a small sample of smooth muscle and endothelial cells. These type cells are not destroyed by having a prosthesis implanted. The actual erectile tissue inside the corpora cavernsa is destroyed due to dilation  but smooth muscle and endothelial cells are available elsewhere in the penis. I copied a small segment of the WFIRM article and posted it below.

The scientists first harvested smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells, the same type of cells that line blood vessels, from the animals erectile tissue. These cells were multiplied in the laboratory. Using a two-step process, the cells were injected into a three-dimensional scaffold that provided support while the cells developed. As early as one month after implanting the scaffold in the animal's penis, organized tissue with vessel structures began to form. The cells were injected into scaffolds on two separate days, enabling them to hold almost six times as many smooth muscle cells as in the previous studies – which the scientists believe was a key to success. During an erection, it is the relaxation of smooth muscle tissue that allows an influx of blood into the penis. The relaxation is triggered by the release of nitric oxide from endothelial cells.

"Increasing the density of smooth muscle cells led to normal erectile pressures within the tissue," said Atala, who is also a professor and chair of The Urology Department at Wake Forest Baptist.

Functional testing of the implanted tissue showed that vessel pressure within the erectile tissue was normal, that blood flowed smoothly through it, that the response to nitric oxide-induced relaxation was normal as early as one month after implantation, and that veins drained normally after erection.



I really appreciate all of your responses and insights. I have considered an implant, however, watching a few of the videos out there, it scares the hell out of me. I have a very high threshold for pain, but wow...I can't imagine a worse procedure to go through. Maybe I am being a little over-dramatic...

After reading some of the other stories on here, I guess I am a bit lucky and a bit cursed. Lucky in the sense that I can still obtain an erection although nowhere in the ballpark of being a stud.   ;)   I still do have perfect nerve functioning which is a plus, but the downside is that penetration involves tons of lubrication, tons of stimulation, and pushing rope until finally insertion happens, which then I can get back to around 40%-50% of my former self on a good day. Masturbation is almost dead to me now as I can get nowhere beyond about 20%-30% of my former self.

As for the tissue engineering, I think I'll ask a uro who works in TE before I do anything drastic, but I tend to agree with kendotx...In theory all they would need is a few cells from the lining of the penis and they could grow the rest.

Again, I appreciate everyone's comments/concerns and I'm here for anybody who needs help.

One last thing...Can someone give me some information on how this site is funded and who keeps it going? I would like to try to contribute some $$$ to help keep things going. I can't contribute a ton, but I'm sure anything would help.

- rellisacct
"Opportunities multiply as they are seized."
― Sun Tzu



Thank you for the information. As I am planning for an implant, is good to know that will help also people that had an implant.
As an implat life span is 12 to 15 years, I will be close to 80 by that time. Maybe until then this procedure will be available.


I am proposing you to read Jackp blog. I was also dad scared by pictures and videos I see by the Internet, but today have minimum invasive surgeries to make an implant.
I can also get even better erection than 70% but the lost of size and the 70% is not satisfying me. I will make the implant with the same doctor that Jackp made, even that for me as not having insurance is a huge effort.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Hey All,

I just started a new job so I haven't had the time to be as active as I would like, however, I think I might have some interesting news. (At least it might stir up some discussion)

I have read in two places that our friends at Wake Forest have filed for FDA approval to go ahead with experimental procedures in replacing penile tissue in men. As far as I'm aware, the paperwork is still in the hands of the FDA, but there looks to be progress being made toward starting to look at procedures designed around humans. Of course, as we are all aware, this is really just the beginning as FDA approval can take a long time, but progress is progress.

The below is from the Huffington Post (In no way am I affiliated with the views expressed by that publication, but I just found the article from there). Silva is a marine that unfortunately lost most of his penis in Afghanistan by an IUD.

"Can he grow a penis for Silva? We are always cautiously optimistic. This still requires a lot of work to make sure it works well, Atala said in an interview. As much as it works in the lab, it may not work in a human. BUT, he added, we have a good history. Hopefully this holds some promise for the future. ATALA IS SEEKING REGULATORY APPROVAL to begin experimental penile regeneration in humans. He has met with Silva to discuss the procedure and said he wants to move forward as expeditiously as possible, though he declined to provide a more specific time frame."

I can't imagine better news short of this being ready for prime time. This article was written in March, 2012. Any thoughts?

"Opportunities multiply as they are seized."
― Sun Tzu


Good news indeed. If the doctor believes in that enough I hope it will work as well as it is working in the lab.
Hope the FDA will move faster.   I tried a Google on the article from March but didn't find a newer article.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I want to help.

I just posted this: https://www.peyroniesforum.net/index.php/topic,3488.0.html

have a read, and let me know what I can do.

I'm familiar with Dr Atala's work, have written to him, and also note that the allied technology (foregen) are a lobby group seeking clinical trials to grow foreskin replacements.  Not trivial or unrelated.  That's technology for growing neurons--at the least, if you can't regrow your phallus, you can replace it with phalloplasty (u get to choose a size) and supplement the technology with neuron replacement for erotic sensate.  I also suspect that there are phalloplasty options for retaining your own skin, and replacing the filling, but where you'd need a prosthetic implant.

There are various options, not available, that should be.  The transgendered community has successfully lobbied for and developed Female to Male surgery--it's free in many countries.  Why have we no surgical innovation options within the plastic surgery sphere.


So, what is the REAL address to reach Dr. Atala? I don't care if I get the same response back... it's worth a shot  



You can actually regrow your foreskin by stretching it, it takes about two years though, just google foreskin restoration, it would be less risky than a surgery, basically it works by applying constant pressure with a device, homemade or ones you can buy, you have to wear it often especially in the beginning though like a retainer on the teeth.  The benefit to doing it manually is that you can regrow your skin to the length you want, which could be just a little , medium or a lot.


Regarding doctor Atala, much discusses on the forum:
3D printing aims to deliver organs on demand | Fox News
From the above:
Quote"Bioprinting organs for human uses won't happen anytime soon," said Tony Atala, director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine in Winston-Salem, N.C. "But for tissues we've already implanted in patients structures we've made by hand we're now going back to those tissues and saying 'We know we can do better with 3D printing.'" [7 Cool Uses of 3D Printing in Medicine]

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


This isn't happening any time soon. They have been able to regrow blood vessels since 2000 but are just now starting clinical trials. It's not something that we should hold our breathe on IMO.  
"Opportunities multiply as they are seized."
― Sun Tzu


rellisacct, I am with you on that.
This is the reason I was not excited from the beginning to help his research.
If have a sure future, he may get big funding's from big farma and government.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Seriously, this is really frustrating. They make us think it's going to happen soon but the government won't let it happen  >:(. At least  not before 10 years. :(  



If the government "experts" were thinking that it will be successful, they were funding it.
This is my opinion.
You may open a topic regarding your Peyronies at:
Introduce Yourself - PDS - Peyronies Society Forums
It may let us know you better.

Welcome to the forum
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


<Duplicate full post deleted by admin>

Hey there fellas,

I've found there's a competition for getting 3D organ printing up and running by competitive privatised medical facilities (money talks and organ replacement will be big bucks when it's running).

- Has anyone any new information about how the mass letter drop went to Dr Atala?
- Does anyone know anyone we can write to, to rush things along, or have any ideas?

I should add, we've just opened a brand new organ printing facility part of our best hospital in Melbourne, here, in Oz, St Vincents.

Should we try to open up lines with the facility?  If anyone wants to help me  put a lobby-concept together, I'll open a way to get it to the Professor head-honcho in charge.....



To James

They're obviously being cautious about everything but they've done it with animals AND many other organs with humans. There's obviously a hidden reason. This is a major accomplishment. Weird that they don't pay more attention to it with the number of people in desperate need of organs, don't you think?

I'm just saying. To everyone out there don't get your hopes up because then you'll end up being frustrated.


Just some news I came across regarding Wake Forest's tissue regeneration program, they are getting more funding.

"The Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine has been chosen to lead the second phase of a high-profile profile research contract with the U.S. Defense Department."

"The second phase will focus on five regenerative areas: restoring function to severely traumatized arms and legs; head, neck, face, jaws and the hard and soft tissues of the mouth, jaw and face ; skin for burn injuries; tissue transplantation for the face and hands; and genitourinary/lower abdomen reconstruction."

Wake Forest chosen for $75 million regenerative medicine project - News-Record.com: News



I don't know where you come up with "the government wont let it happen," none of the articles posted or any information supports that, this stuff is complicated and takes time to make it work properly, government subsidizes and facilitates a lot of research and has helped develop everything from the internet , to fracking, to space studies that advance science and help develop other advancements.  The USA has funded thousands of these projects.



Quote from: ComeBacKid on October 20, 2013, 10:19:38 PM

I don't know where you come up with "the government wont let it happen," none of the articles posted or any information supports that, this stuff is complicated and takes time to make it work properly, government subsidizes and facilitates a lot of research and has helped develop everything from the internet , to fracking, to space studies that advance science and help develop other advancements.  The USA has funded thousands of these projects.


They won't even let them test it with human cells, if they don't want it to be tested on human subjects it's understandable but at least making the prototype would be useful you know? And I'm sure you are aware that the government isn't pure-minded. I really want them to make it happen, trust me, but all I'm saying is to be hopeful while expecting the worst because disappointment SUCKS.

Take care,



Part of the reason the govt. dissuades this type of therapy is because if it is discovered that it can benefit millions of Americans, the insurance companies are going to get deluged with requests for tissue engineering, stem cell, PRP, etc. and that's not good for the govt. revenue, insurance companies, and doctors.

Doctors would ultimately lose money. With this new therapy, instead of dealing with the symptoms, this therapy would be eliminating the problem.
Got Testosterone?


Well, they are funding it for the soldiers, they've dropped millions.  I think people would pay $$$$ to be fixed completely, I know I would.  I'd probably live in a damn cardboard box and start over if I had to, whatever.  They''l still find a way to make money on these procedures .  It's obviously difficult to be patient with a condition like this,  it' eaten away at me for almost a decade now.  It's so damn easy to be negative..but I'd rather be optimistic than to throw it completely under the bus. Of course there will be opponents of it, but once it can be done, it will be proven to be possible.  These things take time. The fact that we've even come as far as this speaks volumes. This was all science fiction not too long ago. I feel like it would be foolish, for me at least, to overlook this and not observe what happens over the next few years especially when this science is gaining widespread attention and funding.  It's damn exciting anyway.


stopthismadness, I meant for the general public. What happens in the military is a whole different story.

There's no profit in submitting medical evidence using stem cells and PRP for Peyronie's so we have to pay for it out-of-pocket.
Got Testosterone?


For those who are interested, Japanese researchers say they could grow human organs in animal (pig) wombs within the next year. They are negotiating for human trial. Maybe Japan will have it before the US/Canada (wouldn't be surprising, both are extremely strict concerning human experiments). In China they did a penis transplant a few years ago but the patient and his wife asked for it to be removed due to psychological trauma. Just figured I'd let you guys know.


@Zack: Strange case and they never found out what the actual long term risks are with a transplant etc.. Because it sounds like a rather nice and easy solution to our problem. I can say I would have zero psychological problems with a dick "borrowed" from some dead guy. As long as it is healthy and functional (and very very large :-D). But that's me.. others might think differently. I wonder if "natural" erections are still possible etc.. Otherwise it's not really better than an implant.

"Without health life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering - an image of death."


Quote from: emasculated on December 25, 2013, 01:05:16 PM
Zack, your quote was modified by moderator. Please read the forum rules, don't give unnecessary work to moderators.

Same here my friend I wouldn't mind either lol. I just hope they figure something out soon because I don't think any of us would want to wait 10+ years  :(


Very interested.  Do you have a url?

I also regularly check wake forest's website (Dr Atala's stuff, not the Japanese stuff) for updates, and have already written once to them in My of 2013.  I'm going to write again soon.  Has there been any progress at Wake Forest, does anyone know?



Everyone is writing to Dr.Atala but the US are really strict with Human trials (excepted CIA and etc). I sent them a letter (Wake Forest not CIA :P) and they just ask for your information for ''further notice'' but Dr. Atala himself said it would take at LEAST a decade :/ . As for Harvard Apparatus they're not working with male genitals nor are they answering the emails. I think our best bet is on foreign countries.



Thanks for shearing the articles.
Fist article:
They are still far away also from organs like hearth and kidney as they are stating, not talking about penis. So they are not closer that Dr. Atala to the target regarding penises.
The second article:
Quotethe Guangzhou operation is the first in which a donor penis has successfully been attached to another man.
It was done already before, sorry I didn't kept the article.
Third article:
Quoteprocedures that can cost up to half a million dollars
Do you see any insurance company to pay this amount to have a normal penis again?

Sorry I am pessimistic in the subject, expressing my own view.
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


You're welcome, and don't worry I'm pessimistic too, creating organs (notably the penis) is a major achievement and to be honest I'm pretty sure nothing will work until at LEAST 5-10 years [as in they  won't make it available until then]. It's sad but that's life I guess.


I have just started researching the Wake Forest Research on Penis reconstruction.  Have there been any published updates recently.  I called the University and all they did was take my info.  That was in October 2014.  I haven't heard anything from them.



Things are going very slowly at Wake Forest, I am not surprised by the "No answer" from October.
If things were going fast, I am sure you had an answer at leats.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


So if finally Dr. Atala will grow penises in the lab, we have already a team to implant them:
Doctors claim first successful penis transplant - CNN.com

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Med student checking in

We should still contact Dr. Atala & his team for consideration to grow skin tissues and vein cells for the Radial Forearm Flap that wraps around the phalloplasty penile pump implant.

This way, we wouldn't have massive scarring on our arms (like before where we would have to cut then transplant the piece of graft skin from our arms). Think about it, we'd still have a realistic looking penis (that can also be erectile, with pumps that are getting better and better). Less healing to do, in addition to top surgery, or any other health-related surgeries/complications down the road.

We can at least conserve forearm debilitations and aesthetics. Other "free flaps" include cutting from the back and thigh, neither is better.

I'm still in school at the moment, but any one who's ready for surgery should contact ASAP.

Science today is possible. GOOD LUCK!  :)


hello cer,i suffer severe penis injury and i think to phalloplasty and i see you are the only cismale case think to phallo like me! how old are you? and how your penis get injured? and what more information do you have about penis reconstruction? thanks friend.


When I first read about this I was very excited. I think this could be the only real way to get rid of peyronie's once and for all. The only thing I'm worried about is that maybe for those of us who got peyronies without injury or other clear cause, it might be genetic and therefore may come back even after recieving a "new" penis so to speak. Anybody know more about this? Anyway, I hope dr.Atala will be able to cure us soon. I think I'm even going to donate some money to wake forest, because I really put my hopes into this. Anybody feel the same?
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


I remember that tissue engineering means not only a penis transplant, but also tunica replacement, built from your own.
For example, I'm not interested at all in getting a penis transplant.


soo the current situation of this treatment what is?


The technology may be already here..FDA is the obstacle to climb over as it has slowing down all the process. Atala cured 4/5 female patients affected by a rare condition that left them without a vagina since birth. They are good, they can get pregnant, have intercourse and son on so why it's not approved yet? We don't know..

Btw they are supposed to commence to graft the missing parts this summer but only on veterans..
31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works


Woow its hopeful, i hope this work, and show up soon, I would not want to go back in five years and see someone asking my same question again


Guys, how about new letter from Peyronies Disease forum to Dr. Atala with all our questions? For example: questions about engineered penile tissue, human trials timelines and FDA approvals timelines, approximate prices etc.


Will Atala ever do something? It is said that he already managed to make penises but he does not seem to have the intention to move beyond that, he seems to focus on other organs mainly, he does not give me good feeling