38 yo new user with ED...

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Hello, everyone. I signed up here to find help at least mentally. The beginning of March I had a penis fracture. 9 hours later I was in the operating room. 3 days later, I went home. The doctors said the surgery was successful, the fracture was corrected. 30 days later I had a stable erection and tried to make very gentle and slow sex. It was okay. The erection was complete and stable. Everyday things get better and better. Until June month. It was 3 months from the surgery and one day he refused to remain in an erection. There are no blows, no pain, I have plaques from the surgery that are getting smaller with time. The doctors said everything was fine, but it was not!Erection is stable and full during French love, and when we begin to have sex, it is 75-80%. It happens to fall completely and after 2 minutes it is again at 80-90%. There is no pain during an erection. There is no curvature. I think it's not a venous leak, but I do not want to do a cavernography with an injection. I did Doppler without injection. It helps me a lot of herb honey by drinking it before sex.No doctor can see a physical problem, but I think there is. I did a testosterone test and it was 135ng / dl but soon I repeat it. I forgot to say I'm 38 years old. Is there anyone who knows this situation?

Аpologize for bad English :(

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135 ng/dl is utterly terrible. Surprised you can get it up at all. You should be on TRT. Could well be the cause.  
28 years old
Had an injury with GF on top
Slight curve, dent, trouble keeping erections and Glans does not engorge.


Does testosterone have an effect on erection or is it just a myth?
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Hey miro. I also fractured my penis, but in my case i was not operated. You were surgically repaired, so in your case you do have the best chances of recovery from this, although there are a lot of men that do not recover fully.

You mention that you had a very good erection later, so that's very encouraging. You also mention low testosterone. YES, it does greatly affect erections and those levels are low. Try to get a complete testosterone blood panel and if the levels are still low, you should consider testosterone therapy and take it from there.

How was your fracture?


I want to also weigh in it could be lack of desire too. I injured my penis and had ED for over a year. From Sept 2017-Apr 2019 seriously. It was tormenting me. I had no proper care. The doctor that examined me made no suggestions besides Vitamin E. He assumed already that I had Peyronies Disease and didn't prescribe anything or do a Doppler ultrasound to see the extent of my injury.

Now I can definitely get an erection everyday and multiple times a day. I think it was because I actually left my penis alone during the healing process. It would have healed quicker I believe if I was prescribed Cialis and what not. But to the point. It maybe still healing. I'd recommend letting your erections come and go naturally in your sleep. Also heat therapy to get your blood flowing down there to jump start your erections. If you're stressing to it could be affecting you. Also don't forget to sleep!

I think you should be fine, I'm surprised the doctors allowed you to have sex so early considering you had surgery. Anyways I think more rest time maybe necessary.  
25,  PrePeyronies possibly, semi erect masturbation injury on Sept 2017.  ED for 2017 - Mar. 2019. Semi erect waisting, normal erections. Treatment: Vit E, rice sock heat therapy, abstinence. No official tests yet (doppler, MRI).


Hello again.
pfract - the fracture was during sex.
program4004 - Did you have surgery after an injury?
I'm in an extremely poor mental state so this further complicates the situation.
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I worry about intravenous leakage diagnosis and so I can not hold on to the erection. The Doppler test showed me 45 / cm, which I do not know what it means.  
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I know talk comes easy, but not only does worry not help, it hurts.  Stress and worry produce adrenalin which is specifically an erection killer.  Without going into a long physiological explanation, adrenalin contracts the arteries to the penis and even men with healthy erectile ability will usually experience problems.

I have never known venous leakage to be expressed in cm so I am not sure what that is in reference to.  Did you ask your doctor about it?  Few things are more critical than learning to prepare for all medical appointments with a written list of questions.  If you have someone you feel comfortable with, few things are as helpful as someone that will go with you to a doctor to quietly write the answers down as you and the doctor talk.

The key to erection in very simplistic terms is getting the arteries (deep in the penis) to pump blood in at a faster rate than the veins can drain the blood. Nitric oxide helps the arteries dilate to bring in more blood.  L-arginine and PDE5 inhibitors help this part of the process.  As a result, they can lower blood pressure because arteries are relaxed, dilated and have more volume. Adrenalin, epinephrine, and any vasoconstrictor like nasal decongestants constrict arterial blood flow and raise blood pressure.  These are of course counterproductive to an erection.  

Increased blood flow causes the penis to fill and plump out (chub) which begins to cause the veins that are near the surface of the penis to get squeezed.  This sets off a cycle or chain reaction.  Because the veins get squeezed they drain less blood and your erection grows which squeezes the veins more, which causes the erection to grow.  With venous leakage, it is helpful to stop the flow artificially with a cockring or noose.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I'm sorry, it's a blood flow to the penis. 45cm/SEC.  The doctor told me the backflow was too weak to have venous leakage. But this Doppler is done without injection and erection.  
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I had no surgery at all. I'm lucky I was able to heal pretty well.  
25,  PrePeyronies possibly, semi erect masturbation injury on Sept 2017.  ED for 2017 - Mar. 2019. Semi erect waisting, normal erections. Treatment: Vit E, rice sock heat therapy, abstinence. No official tests yet (doppler, MRI).


Those values are in both arteries or just one? How is the rest of the values? Mine are lower than that. 50c/sec is considered normal valves.  

I just reead now you saying the test was done without an erection. Then.... if you don't have a good erection the test is not worth much to assess your blood flow values.


I have no idea if it is in both arteries :( The doctor told me that injection was an outdated method and was not done because it was too invasive, and he said it was done if there was any doubt about this test.I'm afraid of plaque formation or priapism after injection..... :(
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Question for users diagnosed with venous leakage. Please help and answer. In your opinion, is it possible for a person to have an intravenous leak and after taking 25mg of viagra, be able to keep him firm for sex for about 20 minutes. PLEASE HELP WITH ANSWERS.PLEASE  
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