Penile fracture made me suicidal, i seriously need help

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Active members on this forum probably noticed, I am incredibly obsessed with my penis lately. I am really sorry to post everyday about a new problem.

Today I finally got a diagnosis. Penile fracture. It was unnoticable because there was no typical eggplant syndrom or pain at the beggining. Just the cracking sound and slight uncomfortable feeling, that was all. When pain increased over time, I thought it might be peyronies dissease, but no, it was penile fracture. Urologist I saw today didnt say anything about the outcome of the treatment. He just gave me a painkiller and told me surgery is unnecessary. I am loosing my mind, criying like crazy, I just cant stop it. I am affraid to lose my sexual function at the age of 25. Untreated penile fracture is the worst. Thats what I concluded after hours and hours of article reading. What awaits me is a huge question mark. Right now, I am sitting on my bed, feeling the pain in my shrinked penis and thinking about my possible future. I downloaded many chat bots to talk to, I dont want to worry my loved ones, therefore I cant call and cry to them. And I have a new thought now: commiting suicide. Not because of my penis, because I just saw how weak I am. It was a fracture in my character, it just broke me. I dont have the power to fight. Tried calling a suicide line, turns out our government decided it is an unnecessary service.

I just need answers, or I need a very hard slap on my face. What is going to happen? Am I injured for life? I can feel the fracture after urologist examined it very harshly. Like he just awakened the fracture. I cant even go to toilet anymore, I cant look at it. When I touch my penis I get a twisting feeling.

Please tell me there is a way out of this. Please tell me there is still life even if I lose my sexual function. Please, those who experienced a fracture, tell me your succes stories. My last nervous breakdown was too strong, I thought about commiting suicide with overdosing myself with colchicum. Help me. I am not myself right now.  
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.



Nocekgari, that was just to break the mood and get your attention.  You are among friends.  You do have support.  You are young.  This is possibly your first real trial.  It is normal for you to feel as you do but you will come out of this.  As you do you will appreciate the positive things in life more and be stronger for the next challenge knowing that you made it through this one.  This is not the end of you,  This is the making of you.

The first thing you need to do is understand is that even in the worst situations, as long as no one cuts your penis off, (maybe even then) there is a way to fix it.  It might mean a lot of work, it might mean saving money, it might mean traveling to a great surgeon but there is always a way.  Next, you are not in one of the worst situations.  You are going to make it through this.

Be patient.  Try not to stress or obsess.  Just as important as working on this problem is spending time forgetting about this problem and losing yourself in other pursuits and other healthy pleasures.

Take care, my friend.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hey man! i had exactly what you had in 2014. A very minor penile fracture. I only felt a slight tear in the penis. I did not even loose my erection! i was able to have sex for like 30 minutes more... came home and masturbated after sex too. Just slightly unconfortable feeling. The next day i had hematoma on right side of penis, but no blood or bruising.

You need to give your penis full rest for 6/8 weeks. No masturbation or sexual activity, to let it heal. Start tomorrow.
You may not loose all your function. It maybe some, just a little bit or a lot. It depends on the fracture you had. If it's a minor fracture, you have better chances or recovery.

Depending on where the tear was, then you will have fibrosis which can lead to curvature, (the degree will depend) and you may or may not have size loss.

For now you have to calm down. It may not seem possible now, but with time it will be better. Trust me. I understand what you are going through exactly! IF you want i can tell you my story in detail, and explain exactly the consequences and the outcome i had.

You may be able to recover well, or have slight ED that you need low dose cialis but you will still get very hard. Don't loose hope for now!


Hawk and pfract, thank you both for your help. Last night was a mental torture but now I am better. I called the doctor, he assured me there will be no long term effects, he wants me to avoid forcing erections and try not to get hard. If bleeding starts he will perorm surgery only then. After 15 days he wants to see me again. He told me being able to get erections after the injury is a very positive sign. For the pain though, he was very clear rhere is not much to do since injury causes contractions in pelvic area. I can live with the pain. But even though I know he is one of the best specialists in my city, I find it hard to believe. Can a doctor hide the truth in order to keep his patient relaxed? Because I probably sounded very nervous on the phone.  
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.


Here's another slap.

Good lord man, I didn't start succeeding with women until late twenties and now I'm at my prime. I suspect my true prime will be 40, but probably even will gain a deeper understanding as I age until the day I die. You do not even need a penis to keep a hot and wonderful girl. You REFUSE to believes this, but it is true. If you do not believe me, I beg you to simply hold off on the suicide and simply wait a bit. The idea of "keeping" a girl around is very messed up to begin with and is based on a fundamental flaw in the way you are thinking about women.

I am working on a kind of guide on this subject matter, so hold on and give me your thoughts on it before you leave this world.  :P

I know that deformity and pain is hell.. it's like having a burnt tongue and never being able to enjoy coffee. Now, having said that, I have found many answers to this problem on a very deep level. Even if I had no penis, I would keep talking to girls and achieving amazing and meaningful things with them.

Slow down and let's take things slow, we are all here for you.


Thanks for the slap NeoV. Today I feel much better and I believe people don't commit suicide during a nervous breakdown. I even feel ashamed for being too dramatic yesterday. Although I can't say it is all better now. I still think about it all the time. I had to cancel my job interview, decided to rest for a week, because I noticed rest makes pain go away.

About the future, I am sure there are very confident guys out there who can "keep" a woman even without a penis. The thing is, I was always a very insecure guy. Also, this injury happened at the worst time possible. I just ended a long term relationship, just graduated and was trying to figure out what I want for a career it was a very critical turning point in my life and now I don't even think about those things. This fracture cost me a lot of time and energy.  
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.


That is one of the reasons I told you to work on it but DON'T dwell on it.  If anything this is a time to immerse yourself in work, education, or a hobby.

Also please know that confidence is NOT something you either have or don't have.  It is something you can change.  NO ONE would think of me as being shy or insecure,.  I can get up in front of hundreds of people and speak even if invited to do so on-the-spot with no preparation.  In my teens and early 20's I was shy and would not even look someone in the eye while shaking their hand.  It takes work and practice but you can go from insecure, to pretending you are confident, to changing who you really are and being very confident.

Unlike animals, it is the great thing about human beings is that we get to choose and to shape who we become.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I believe 1 year and a few months ago I had an undiagnosed fracture. Like you, I was miserable. I had crippling anxiety. I couldn't sleep. I kept forcing erections, jacking off to "check if it worked". I was a mess. If I had stayed calm, i probably would be in a better spot right now. The main thing is to avoid hurting it more for you. That means AVOIDING erections at all cost and focusing on other areas of life. And just resting. While you rest, watch movies, talk with friends, play video games if you can ignore the pain. Take painkillers (not a fan of medicine but anything to keep your mind off it. No erections for 6-8 weeks. Consider fasting to heal, and at the very least cut out all sugar and try to stay away from carbohydrates for the next 6-8 weeks. These are not good for healing.  
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.


I am sorry to hear that diehardpatriot. I assume you didn't get surgery either. How are you right now? Is your peyronies diessease related to the fracture? Can you get erections now?  
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.


I agree with no masturbation.  I am not sure I agree with no erections.  it is erections (daytime and night-time) that bring healing Oxygen to the tissue.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk, I guess that's right. But I seem to have ED now. I don't know if it is psychological or because of the injury itself. Before the diagnosis, when I thought I was fine, I could get erections easily with a bit of stimulation. I remember one of my erections was so hard, I told my partner "remember the injury I had? Well, it made my penis better." But even back in those days I lost my random erections. Morning erections seemed softer as well. Now though, I don't even get soft erections, but I know myself and I think it is mostly because of the horrible stress I have. Would you actually suggest trying to get an erection from time to time in order to support the circulation down there?  
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.



My story is everything I said above and then the Rest... I went to the hospital, and they said I was good. Just give it a couple of days rest. The truth was far from that. Even minor fractures, you have to let them heal. That means no intercourse or masturbation for 6 weeks.  Erections will happen overnight like normally, depending on the function you have left still.

The softer erections you are having now are because you had a fracture. Nothing to do with stress.  Read above as to what will happen to your erections overnight. Later on, after 6 weeks have passed that's when you will be seeing what was the damage done.  


I see pfract, but unfortunatelly I didn't know I fractured my penis for the past 6 weeks and I masturbated and had sex. Also I rode a bicycle almost every day. Wish I knew those actions were harmful. I hope I didn't damage my penis even worse.  
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.


Well. It still applies. Give it rest for the next 4 weeks at least. In the meantime, stay here and read about it.  


Yes. I'd slap you too. Please leave your PENIS BE! Trauma to any part of your body what does a doctor recommend? Leave it alone, don't test it, don't do anything that could cause more pain. My stupid self tested my penis way too damn much which I think slowed down the healing process greatly and may have even caused more damage.

You can read about my story in some of my posts. I had ED from Sept 2017 till April 2019. Seriously. I didn't see any change in my inflammatory state until I just left my penis alone and only applied heat to the area. My injury is still unknown because I haven't the means to get to a Peyronies specialist.  But I'm lucky to have no venous leak or any deformities except for a slight hourglass that goes away quickly from flaccid to erect. I have slight pain when flaccid and none erect.

But yeah. Lesson you should take from us all is to leave it be! Your penis will slowly recover, just apply heat and NOTHING more or take hot baths. Something along those lines. I'd say leave your penis alone for like 2 months or 3. Idk if you ever injured another body part before, but, usually injuries take months to heal up. The penis may take longer since it's flaccid state barely has blood flowing through it, which is why you wanna use heat before you go to bed. I'd also recommend sleeping commando to let the penis achieve nocturnal erections at full power.  
25,  PrePeyronies possibly, semi erect masturbation injury on Sept 2017.  ED for 2017 - Mar. 2019. Semi erect waisting, normal erections. Treatment: Vit E, rice sock heat therapy, abstinence. No official tests yet (doppler, MRI).


program4004, thanks for  making me laugh, I don't know why I laughed though, maybe the tone of your post...

I guess you no longer have Erectile Dysfunction, that is great news. Believe me,if I knew that I fractured my penis I would treat it like a newborn kitten. But no, I did the same as you and played with it. After the injury I didn't notice any hematoma but I just recently remembered there was an acne like bump. It occured the next day after the injury happened. It was probably the blood accumulated under the skin, I thought it was a coicidence.  It took 2-3 days to heal. Only if I knew...

It's amazing to see how mysterious our penises are. I broke 3 bones, had 3 plonidal sinus surgeries, even worst of them healed within 2 months without any compilcations. I never knew penis would take so much time to heal. We need more sciencetists on this.

Thanks for the advice by the way, applying heat sounds logical. I'll see my doctor two weeks later. I called him yesterday and he assured me there will be no irreversible damage. Even though I lost my trust, I guess I must take his word for that. My fracture wasn"t a big one, that I know. I might cause more damage to it in the past few weeks.  
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.


Lol nice. I was trying to sound concerned. Which I definitely am. Yes our penises are weird definitely. Man, I still remember the state of my penis before. It was mind numbing. Also I couldn't stop testing it. I became obsessive. I mean I am somewhat because I wanna find out what is causing the occasional semi erect hourglassing. But I'm glad I don't have ED at least. But yes, leave it be man. Only heat, sleep, increase vegetables in diet and eat as you normally do. Before you know it you'll feel better than you are rn.  
25,  PrePeyronies possibly, semi erect masturbation injury on Sept 2017.  ED for 2017 - Mar. 2019. Semi erect waisting, normal erections. Treatment: Vit E, rice sock heat therapy, abstinence. No official tests yet (doppler, MRI).


Hey man,  I had peyronies before the fracture. However now I. H.a.v.e an additional scar that causes me pain because I didn't Rest it.

Hawk: if he is a healthy young man, he should have enough blood flow during night time erections for healing . Day time erections only harmed me after my injury especially ant being longer than 5 minutes  
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.


Injury happened on 30th of May

Fracture diagnosed on July 12

I woke up with a very healthy looking rock solid erection on July 11

Had sex 3 times on June 13, 14 and 15. Two of them were okay, lost my erection during one of them.

I masturbated almost everyday between July 1st and July 8th, erections seemed okay, although penis got soft right after ejeculation.

Right now there is absouletly no erections, not even morning erections since the diagnosis.

Do you think it is psychological? Or can it be mild Erectile Dysfunction? I really would like to hear some opinions on this.

My urologist asked me if I had erections after the "cowgirl incident", he said if I could, fracture can heal over time and it is not a very serious one.
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.


Hey Nocekgari:

read above for the replies people gave you. All the answers to your questions are there.  


I read all of them pfract, thanks for all the replies, that last post was an update after my observetions.  
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.


An update

This morning I woke up with a morning wood. It was not very hard but it was OK. I couldn't look at it if there was anything unusual but I felt like my erect penis was leaning to the left a lot more than before. It was touching my left leg and when I tried to arrange it straight, my fractured area hurt like hell. So I stopped and went back to sleep. Later I called my uro, he wants me to send photos of my erect penis in order to see if the curve is serious. The problem is, I am completaly incapable of getting an erection under too much stress. It only happens when I sleep. Even thinking about having an erections makes my penis hide itself with more turtling. My only option is to wait for another morning wood and take photos of it. Despite all my problems it was nice to have an erection. Wish I could get them by watching some porn. Porn just makes me more anxious. Any suggestions to calm down and try getting an erection?
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.


Just keep letting the nocturnal ones happen. That's a good sign. That means blood is flowing. It will get stronger slowly. Since it hurts, do NOT engage in masturbation. It may take about 6 months for the pain to calm down okay. For me it took longer. So just be patient man. So far that sounds awesome.  
25,  PrePeyronies possibly, semi erect masturbation injury on Sept 2017.  ED for 2017 - Mar. 2019. Semi erect waisting, normal erections. Treatment: Vit E, rice sock heat therapy, abstinence. No official tests yet (doppler, MRI).


Thank you for your reply program4004. I tried getting an erection without any physical stimulation and I nearly succeded. But,I noticed my penis is now twisting when it is getting erect. It is not a peyronies dissease bend, but shaft starts twisting to the left. You know the central vein, I guess it is called dorsal vein, it is not on the center anymore, it is shifted to the left like the rest of the shaft. I noticed this twisting when it was flaccid, when I look at my penis from directly above, I can see it is turning. In semi erect state it was much more obvious and I just stopped trying to get an erection. What the hell is that twist thing now? Can penile fracture do that?  
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.


To me that sounds like a blood flow issue. So I'd recommend seeing if you can get a prescription for low dose Cialis to keep blood flowing to prevent any sort of fibrosis. The bloodflow issue sounds like inflammation related issue. If you can, I'd recommend getting a Doppler ultrasound because the properties of it can detect issues with bloodflow and where it stems from easily. MRI may not be necessary, but, it's also accurate. Just patience man, aggravating it will increase inflammation. Remember make a rice sock. The process is simple. Take a sock, put about a cup of rice in it. Warm it up in the microwave aside a cup of water for about a minute. If it's too hot let it cool slightly and place it on your penis. This can be done once about an hour a day. This will help force the penis to relax and let blood flow into it preventing fibrosis and in some cases reverse it.  
25,  PrePeyronies possibly, semi erect masturbation injury on Sept 2017.  ED for 2017 - Mar. 2019. Semi erect waisting, normal erections. Treatment: Vit E, rice sock heat therapy, abstinence. No official tests yet (doppler, MRI).


Latest update and thanks everyone who helped me and concerned for me

Today I visitied my uro again. No pain during examination. He literally asked me to masturbate today. He didn't feel anything on my shaft. At this point his only concern was possible curvature. Also he told me my testicals are very full and this may be the cause of contractions. So... I went back home, visited my favorite naughty site. There was nothing at the beggining. I felt very nervous. But later, a magical moment, I got an erection! After almost a month. My congenital curve was there, I didn't notice any increase in curve degree. My erection seemed shorter than before though. Also, fractured area was very numb. I had surgeries before and doctors removed some tissue from my butt during these operations. That area is numb, no feeling at all. Now the same thing is happening on my penis. But I don't really care at this moment. I'll tell my uro about it. I was supposed to take photos to show my urologist, but I feared that I might lose my erection if I get distracted. Ejeculation was a bit numb too. I hope these are temporary effects of the fracture, since it is still healing and I should keep getting my medications still. I am just very happy to see my penis is working again. My uro put an emphassis on possible peyronies dissease in the long term but he said it's really like a lottery. So, I guess I'll go with no-masturbation thing for a little more time. Psychological barrier is destroyed. Now I am ready to fight the next thing. I know I am not healed yet and there may be permanent damage. As long as it works, I am OK. I am okay with loosing an inch or two. I am Okay with slightly increased curve.

Again, thanks everyone. I'll keep reading and writing on this forum. This place is a safe haven for guys like me.
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.


diehardpatriot and Nocekgari

I can say that your experiences are so similar to mine, i might have had a minor fracture that went undiagnosed as i had swelling and bruising,also i think the fracture was really small and didn't affect my erectile capacity. However i had non stop peyronies since then, i never had fracture like symptoms after the first trauma or erectile dysfunction when i get fully aroused. But the fact is that probably that unhealed minor scar caused me to have peyronies due to loss of flexibility and a tendency to have fibrosis. I now have almost 0 erectile dysfunction corpora wise but new scars occur

I have read somewhere that in young people(<30) peyronies more often than not is trauma related and heals well but repeats itself for countless times so you get stuck in this cycle. It is really crap since you lose elasticity and get injured often. Hey at least i didn't lose any noticable erectile capacity(when it is healed) and size but the pain and continous acute phase sometimes makes you lose erection. Try colchicine, it helps while healing


Thanks for the reply Hontas. I am actually taking colchicine and so far it is a miracle. I also take vitamin E and Melox forte ( basically a painkiller but it helps spongy tissue to heal). On july 12 I had pain and it was bad. It was constant. I could feel the fracture underneath my skin. After just two weeks pain decreased significantly. I sent my erection photos to my uro, he told me my curve is not bad at all. I'll see him in a week again and I guess he'll tell me I am fine. Because I feel fine to be honest. Masturbated twice, fractured area hurt a little but I was very gentle. My uro recomended me to masturbate so it is justified too :) I even had a random erection today. First time after thr injury. But, my penis is still far from being OK. Hard flaccid remains, bumpy train rides hurts too and unfortunately I have to take the train everyday to go to work. I guess I finally made peace with the situation. Very unfornute accident happened and it damaged me, but I was lucky to have a small fracture. Medications I currently take supposed to prevent peyronies plaque development. There is still a long road ahead. I dont think I can have sex for a long time, mainly because I know I will focus on my injury rather than going with the flow.

How do you know you are getting mew scars? Can you feel them by touching even though there is no fibrosis? I guess you are right about getting stuck in a injury cycle. My uro told me to be very careful in the future and he recomended me to stick with the safest sex positions all the time. Wish I knew which one is the safest.  
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.


Well, i didnt get much help from any Uro s and wasnt gentle at all at first. So i had more scarring and pain. However after a while i realized even when i was VERY careful, new scarring occured. So fast forward to today and its worse. I suggest you join my topic that is about young people having peyronies, I am pretty sure you are not set to go because i started with only 5 degree minimal curve and after a few more bad incidents and urologists not being careful enough it became worse. Just join the topic and help us gather more sample size, risk factors, and genetic predisositions.  


Woke up with an intense pain last night. Like, I was being stabbed in my penis. It was flaccid. Pain lasted for 15 seconds. I literally crawld in my bed. I am going to see my doctor again today. This was very unplesant. Just when I thought it was getting better. I dont know if I did something wrong in my sleep. Pain decreased during the day but it continued. Very obvious hard flaccid and turtling too. Also, muscle spazms in my left leg and groin and contractions. That is just enough, it is a mental torture. Even if I healed a bit, whole proccess probably is garbage now.  
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.


How do you usually sleep? Also have you been going commando to let your penis breathe? I'd recommend sleeping on your back and commando to give your penis space to have proper erections, I wish I would have done it sooner lol. I hope the doctor finds out what's going on!  
25,  PrePeyronies possibly, semi erect masturbation injury on Sept 2017.  ED for 2017 - Mar. 2019. Semi erect waisting, normal erections. Treatment: Vit E, rice sock heat therapy, abstinence. No official tests yet (doppler, MRI).


Program4004,I sleep like an egyptian mummy.

Saw the doc again. My fracture is still there and he felt a hard bump. Erections and masturbations are forbidden. He thinks it may cause Erectile Dysfunction by bypassing a vain during healing proccess. Also he said it may curve once it is healed. So, not good news. I am devestated. He told me surgery is not possible because it is too late, it is already healing itself in a bad way.  
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.


25,  PrePeyronies possibly, semi erect masturbation injury on Sept 2017.  ED for 2017 - Mar. 2019. Semi erect waisting, normal erections. Treatment: Vit E, rice sock heat therapy, abstinence. No official tests yet (doppler, MRI).


Yeah come i suggest you should try experimental drugs as well as join in to help us maybe fund a research for this. Its not gonna get better. I have a fair amount of knowledge on what we can start the study on. Also if you try OD ing on Colchicine you will probably still survive and it would suck living like that. That or either you are going to have a very painful and almost radiation posioning like death so i suggest otherwise


25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.


Yeah the guy calls me weird because i tell him not to commit suicide with drugs. Honestly after that post, i couldn't care less about you. Have a go at it yourself and see you later in like a year.


Hontas, Well, I didn't understand your post,commicting suicide with colchine never crossed my mind so I could,'t get what you meant by that. Also, I picked the wrong word to express my confusion. Sorry about that. I appreciete your help. I thought you were suggesting me to drop colchine or I would experience radiation poisining like pain,or even death.

Edit: just remembered I actually said I consider OD'ing with colchine, then I heard it is the worst way to go. You probably  refered to that. Jesus, I've been really confused lately. Sorry again man.  
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.


Hontas: how can you say that he would probably survive colchicine, considering how toxic to the body it is and the warnings that come on the medicine information paper?  



a person can get like 15-20 tablets and still survive as some people really have good health in terms of renal and hepatic function and that most of the time decides whether you live or not. Its just more likely that before you take all the tablets you are going to suffer from extreme poisoning and probably survive it with bad complications since you are not an 80 year old man. Our bodies are not that fragile in terms of poisoning, its all about the dose and even in some people that dose can be 10 times higher than lethal dose and you can still live due to your bodily functions. But we are getting out of topic here, and i am just trying to tell that it is one of the worst ways to go and suicide should not be on a mentally healthy man's mind.


No problem. Colchicine is anti-mitotic and thats why it helps the disease stop from producing extreme amounts of fibroblasts. Also colchicine concentrations are almost 600 times higher in white blood cells than your serum concentrations so they actively stop inflammation by denying mitosis and function. It is really effective in that sense. The thing is if you increase the concentration your body stops mitosis and you can imagine the rest... I just gave it as an example as i think it would be similar to radiation poisoning if you tried to OD with it.


Honestly, suicidal thoughts comes and goes. A week ago I was OK. Now, I have to wait and "observe". I can't do neither of these things because I am afraid to look at my penis. That's where I am right now. I am a stranger to a part of mine. Even taking a shower or pissing brings tears to my eyes. My flaccid penis looks different. It looks normal for a penis, I mean if another person sees it he or she would think nothing is wrong with it. But I know ehat it used to look like and what it looks like now. It looks like it is bending upwards. Tip of my flaccid penis is pointing upwards. I feel it in my underwear. I have to adjust it to make it feel as it did before the injury. Now I have to wait 3 months (doc will see it every 20 days) and the outcome is uncertain. Doctor mentioned one of his patients who has similar symptoms to me. But he had extreme Erectile Dysfunction from the beginning. Finally doc offered him an implant since he had vascular leak and even injections didnt help him to get an erection. In my case, I was having very hard erections last week. I dont know if I will get a vascular leak at this point but hearing that poor man's story made me increadbly sad. Why would my doctor bring this thing up? Although he seems very sure that I won't get extreme Erectile Dysfunction like the other guy. Also, he told me he is feeling a hard thing. He claims it is the fracture itself. I asked him if the hard thing is a peyronies plaque and he said no. Yet, curvature is possible after scar heals. What to do with this information? It was just a damn cracking sound without any pain or bruising. And look where I am right now. They should teach these things in schools. If I knew I could get a fracture that easily I would happily stick with masturbation my whole life. Seriously. In 5 hours I have to wake up and go to work, but I dont want to. Because I have to shower in the morning and see my penis for 5 minutes. It's like, one day I woke up with some other guys penis and I have to live with that. My whole life is fractured after the incident. Colchicine, vitamin e and some painkiller called melox fort....I dont think they work. But I am really tired of seeing different doctors every 10 days. I spent all of my savings and taking money from my father. Can't even buy a flipping wardrobe for my new room. For what? For waiting? You know the joke about hell?  A man dies and goes to a place that looks quite decent. A demon approaches him and tells him he is dead and this is hell. Then, very hot women approaches him and starts flirting with the guy, kissing and teasing him. Guy looks surprised and asks to demon: "what is my punishment?" Demon smiles and points to the man's pants. "You will never get hard".

Well, this is my life now. It is hell and it is a joke. In my office I am the only guy. Surrounded with many beautiful young woman. Even older ladies  show some attention. I see some of them checking me out from time to time and I am sitting on my desk, avoiding eye contact. Trying not to get an erection. In the mean time, my mind is in a civil war. Sexual fantasies starts bombarding. I counter them with the least sexy thoughts available in my mind. Football, excel sheet in front of me, distance between the sun and earth and calculating how much time would it take to travel to sun with the speed of 100kmph...then I go back home at 8 pm and cry, call my father, make him worried as hell, then feel bad for doing that. Then, I start reading on this forum. And this will continue for another 3 months, but in the end I may have to get a surgery too! I have a  weak character and watching it get lower and lower every day. If, things turn out badly,  I dont think I will keep looking for trearment options and accept my fate as an asexual human being. Maybe even ask doctors to remove my desire at once. Or, well, an easier option,  buying a gun with the money I finally save since I stop paying for doctors and drugs, and pulling the trigger.  
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.


I'm wondering if Peyronies is genetic. Like none of my family members have it but I do after one traumatic incident. I have to. Like I get erections on and off. But it still feels somewhat uncomfortable. And I'm wondering if that is because I always tried testing my erections. I'm wondering if this is my life now. Like my penis flaccid always feels like it's trying to get hard if that makes sense. But it's flaccid and feels uncomfortable walking. Until I get medical care, but who knows when I can't see the extent of my damage. At least you have a doctor you can go to. The first one I went to was an a$$hole. He didn't wanna do a Doppler ultrasound 2 months into the injury, didn't wanna prescribe anything whatsoever. He just said wait and see. This was like 2 years ago. And just like you I feel the same way. I don't feel happy. I try but I just want my life to end. I wish I would have respected my penis and limited masturbation more and used lubrication. So many things you don't understand until it's too late. F~@< life.  
25,  PrePeyronies possibly, semi erect masturbation injury on Sept 2017.  ED for 2017 - Mar. 2019. Semi erect waisting, normal erections. Treatment: Vit E, rice sock heat therapy, abstinence. No official tests yet (doppler, MRI).



can you tell me what type of other disease's or minor health problems you have? Do you or your family have any cardiovascular problems? Do you have mild hypertension, or a recent Electrocardiograph? Also how old are you if i may ask?


I don't have any major health issues and no hypertension or anything. In fact more and more I look at it, for how bad I use to have it, it looks like it was completely related to trauma and nothing else.

Nobody in both sides of my family have this issue or had it. But remember Hontas, I don't have a proper diagnosis yet so cannot say if I even have Peyronies Disease. I think I'm a hypochondriac. My description shows my history. Also as I got older I realized what maybe use to get me going doesn't anymore. So yeah, I don't have ED or anything too bad as I thought. I'm dead serious. But for a long-time I had major ED. It's in my signature. I don't take any drugs at all to help with erections or anything. Also don't take any drugs in managing whatever I had.

I also never fractured anything, so that seems to be a major reason why I probably don't have any ED, but what I did do years ago definitely caused some major inflammation for it to last for more than a year. Only thing I've noticed is that I have more pelvic tension, so it feels like I'm always clenching, but, that maybe because I tried forcing erections back then when it was injured in order to get blood flowing to prevent loss of function. I didn't do heat therapy until start of 2019 which helped reduce pain for myself till I had none. I don't do traction because it's too risky and I don't wanna do that.

All I can say is at the time my issue was 100 percent related to acute injury nothing underlying.  
25,  PrePeyronies possibly, semi erect masturbation injury on Sept 2017.  ED for 2017 - Mar. 2019. Semi erect waisting, normal erections. Treatment: Vit E, rice sock heat therapy, abstinence. No official tests yet (doppler, MRI).


So it doesn't even bend, or?... If it bends its peyronies, especially if you have no ED but only a bend.  


No bending sir or hourglassing when fully erect. But I'm still monitoring cause of what happened with NeoV and others with a similar case. But he has an immediate  family history of it. Rn I'm still gonna make sure to diet and what not (not keto or anything) just calorie counting to lose excess weight which tbh probably made my wound healing a LOT slower than it needed to be.  
25,  PrePeyronies possibly, semi erect masturbation injury on Sept 2017.  ED for 2017 - Mar. 2019. Semi erect waisting, normal erections. Treatment: Vit E, rice sock heat therapy, abstinence. No official tests yet (doppler, MRI).


Nocekgari: nothing of what I told you, you listened to. Why?  


Pfract, I really appreciate your help. It's just, I am struggling so bad psychologicaly. I cry every single night. When I read your or anybody elses comments, I understand and believe them. But in hours,I get lost in my thoughts. I offended hontas yesterday because I forgot about what I said before, therefore didnt understand what he meant. You probably think I am not taking you guys' comments seriously. Your experiences and help is very valuable to me. I am just, mentally broken. Btw, I am resting my penis. Although I get erections during the day, when I see a woman in my office strech on her desk, or if one of them wear a mini skirt etc. (Weirdly I am increadbly into woman lately,in a pervetish way, I have very weird sexual dreams lately) Erections are not painful, but afterwards, pain begins. Lately I started feeling pain on my bladder. My doc suggested me to do a urine test. On tuesday, I'll piss in a cup, hand it to the specialist and eat my fingernails and wait for the results.  
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.


It does not mean you will loose erectile function completely. Right now, the best thing for you to do is to remain calm and try to cope. I have been through the same. The fact is nothing people tell you will help you out because you are in such a great distress.  


My gosh man, I'd give you a hug if I were there right now bro. I know how you feel right now. I cried for almost a month straight . I know the pain. You have to have faith man. The bad thing in life is that all things even good are only temporary. The good thing in like is that all things even bad are just temporary, remember that. In the end, there is always a solution, always. No matter what, you will be happy. But right now, it is crucial you take our advise so you don't make your situation worse. Do not erection check, do not let yourself even get aroused for at least 3 weeks. Do ALL you can to prevent worsening. I HIGHLY recommend that you fast or at the very least eat keto from now on until this passes. You want to minimize inflammation at all costs  
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.


diehardpatriot, thanks for your thoughtful words. If I could, I would hug every single poor soul who is suffering from fractures or peyronies. It's joke of a dissease really. Well, we do it via our keybords and that helps too.

I guess I'll be able to cope with it after some time. My doctor seems very confident about me not getting permanent damage. But all the stories I read and hear says otherwise. Even if I won't get peyronies or Erectile Dysfunction, my penis will never be like its pre fracture self. Yes, I know and I avoid any sexual stimulant even it makes me upset. Wish I knew I had a fracture in the first month, because I did every wrong thing I should've  avoid. Sex, masturbation( no lotion, sometimes vigorous), forcing erections etc... I am pretty sure I made my situation worse. I even consider suing my first uro eho told me there is absoulutely nothing wrong with me. He charged me 150 dollars, this is a huge amount for Turkey. Minimum wage here is around 380 dollars...

I guess there is always a way to get erections. Hawk once told me if your penis isn't chopped off, there is a way to fix it. This is a long and hard process (no pun intended) and it will happen. I am trying to live as a person who has no sexual desire at all. Even if this fracture heals, I will need to heal my mental state and it will probably take more time. Still, no matter how lonely you feel, there is always people who share your pain and understand you. Lets wait and see what is going to happen. This is the only thing to do after all.

Btw, urine test came out clean. One less thing to worry about.
25 year old with penile fracture. Fracture happened on May 30. No surgery, only conservative treatment. Uro thinks it was not a big one. No ED, no peyronies so far. Doctor says Peyronies Disease is possible. Constant penile pain, turtling, hard flaccid.