Anyone with poor-fitting bike seats think it might be the cause?

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I've read that even with perfect use, a bike seat can dramatically reduce blood flow to the penis. With a poor-fitting one, I imagine it does much worse. Could this be the cause of the inflammation? I rode with poor-fitting seats for years, and then suddenly, at 26, got Peyronie's.


Well... i am not sure about peyronies. But one of the things that riding the bike too much causes is ED. Heres a video on it.

I did see dr. Goldstein back in 2016.



It is very costly. There is also a lot of criteria you have to meet. You can schedule a courtesy 10 minute call with him. There's also more info on the YouTube channel and his website. Medical papers as well on pubmed


I assume this is one of those lovely things that medical insurance won't cover as well, right?


I had a few bike accidents that certainly may have been related to my Peyronie's disease. I would not be surprised if bad seats could make it much worse.


Yes, you are correct. Everything out of pocket. It's in the US.


I discovered that the blood flow and morning erections increase immensely when I do not ride my bike for 2-3 days. It is amazing! My penis feels great again. Of course I still have my plaques and curve and narrowing and hourglassing but it does not feel inflamed at the moment. Could this be it? I don't trust this yet. But for now it seems to be a good thing.

Anyone else having similar experiences?

I remember now that I had a bike crash 6 months before I first noticed my peyronie symptoms....
31 yrs old; in a supportiv relationship
first symptoms and diagnosed in february 2018
severe progression since spring 2020
several plaque/indentations and currently 40° up curve


There are even research papers about it....

How come no one is talking about it??

Bike riding might have caused my peyronies / penile fibrosis !!!
31 yrs old; in a supportiv relationship
first symptoms and diagnosed in february 2018
severe progression since spring 2020
several plaque/indentations and currently 40° up curve


Pauli. I don't understand. Are you saying that bike seats cause Peyronies? Because the link doesn't say anything about it.

It was a very known cause of ED and low quality erections w/ fertility problems cycling too much. There's videos about it.


There is no research that says it causes peyronies, but it says it decreases bloodflow and therefore can cause fibrosis, which is peyronies... just another word for it. There is a urologist in Germany that did some research on this topic but nothing big. His name is dr. Sommer and he claims bike riding can cause penile fibrosis, which is usually noticed as erectil dysfunction.

I had a trauma to my pelvic floor 6 months before my first peyronies symptoms showed. I never put this in a connection, but now it seems clear to me. My peyronies got worse in a phase when I was cycling to work everyday for 1 hour (total 2 hours). And it has been stable in times of no cycling. I am not saying everyone's peyronies is caused by it, but I am saying it might be one reason for bad blood flow and penile fibrosis. And maybe there are also genetic factors since not everyone got this, but there needs to be an explanation why in some cases it just continues
To get worse......
31 yrs old; in a supportiv relationship
first symptoms and diagnosed in february 2018
severe progression since spring 2020
several plaque/indentations and currently 40° up curve


31 yrs old; in a supportiv relationship
first symptoms and diagnosed in february 2018
severe progression since spring 2020
several plaque/indentations and currently 40° up curve


I don't know if it causes peyronie's disease but it can definitely cause erectile dysfunction, as it did in my case.
27 year old.

Had multiple penile fractures.

Tried Verapamil injections, Pentoxifylline, Tadalafil, Vitamin E, heat therapy, Castor oil, L-Citrulline, Shilajit, Shatavari, Gotu Kola, Velvet beans.

Lost more than 6 inches.