Replacing an Implant - What happens?

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This is purely for future knowledge (years in the future hopefully). I'm just wondering what it must be like to have an implant second time around. Knowing about the healing process, about the do's and dont's, about the pain and how best to manage it, is it much easier second time around? Does the original implant simply get taken out and the new one inserted straight into the exact same space meaning there's less tissue damage and trauma? Is the painful stretching that goes on less of an issue second time around?

Has anyone on this forum had the experience of replacement? If so, for what reason, how long did the first one last and was it easier second time around?

Very interested to know.


Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Alibaba, who has not been on for a while had a replacement from an AMS LGX to a Titan.  Dr. Eid says that usually it is easier on a patient than the original but a little more time consuming and challenging on the surgeon.  Statistics show that the chance of infection also rises with revisions.  That is probably due to the fact that the revision simply takes a little longer than the initial surgery.

Many revisions result in a larger implant but not always.  They also very seldom replace components such as just a pump.  That is especially true if the implant is 4 or more years old.  The thought is that since we are in here let's replace with all new components and not risk having another component fail because of age.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks, Pfract. Had I known the original topic was there I wouldn't have posted this one. As administrator, feel free to delete this topic to avoid duplication.  
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Not a problem by me. Only if hawk decides so. Hope it cleared your thoughts. That's a thing that concerns me when I am going for mine too... In the long run, considering I am 32


Here was my revision. You can see first hand what went on.    The revision for me was much easier than the initial implant.  The methodology is basically the same as the first but the body surrounds all foreign bodies with scar tissue. You can see in the video that a capsule has to be cut open to remove the pump. That is the scar tissue that grew around the pump. It grows fast. Within 3 weeks.    Other parts are similar encapsulated like the reservoir and cylinders. Most of the time, to replace the reservoir, an incision has to be made over it to cut it out. Often the old reservoir is abandoned in place, the tubing capped and a new reservoir is put in another place to avoid the extra surgical incision and to save another hour on the table. Once the capsule of each component is opened, the old part slides out easily and the new one can be placed back in unless corrections need to be made. I have searched hours for the studies that state infrapubic revisions are the most risky because the scar tissue tends to grow around the nerve to the penis and nerve damage is more likely to occur. The only reference to that I could find was in a journal that I had to pay $39 to copy the link or the article. Government studies have mentioned this issue and I have read it several times over the years.  I know there is a link to it in one of my FT discussions at some time but with 2000 posts and a few "missing" threads, I fail to sort it out. I have heard a few times of mixing components between the 2 brands. If I were to have another revision, I think I would still ask for another Titan but see if I could convince the doctor to use the Boston Scientific conceal reservoir.  I do not understand the cloverleaf design. Not fond of it. I am tender to the touch where it is located, and every P.E.T. scan shows considerable irritation around the reservoir thus my body does not like it either. I did not have THAT issue with the old conceal AMS.  Factory manuals state the reservoir does not need to be replaced if it has not failed and less than 5 years old.  In that case, the revision is very simple. Doctor Eid explained to me that the scar tissue sack from around the old pump gives tissue to help hold the new device in place and hide the tubing. That is something you do not have with a first implant. A very simple flop the old tissue over it and secure the loose end. In my opinion, you can have too much tissue down there and I mentioned to doctor Kramer that it appeared mine was very thick.  He told me they try not to cut it out because doing so makes more places you can bleed. Old blood in a warm environment is a good breeding ground for bacteria if you have any bacteria present. Once you have had an implant, even despite a very crappy install or inferior product, it is easy to see it's potential. I would get another in a minute, but unlike some, I am willing to accept a minor imperfection or 2 until it fails. I've had well over 20 surgeries w/o an infection, another again tomorrow, but I am not willing to roll the dice on an implant that works within acceptable parameters to get 100% absolute perfection which is not always guaranteed with these things.  
Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders


Thank you for your amazing input Ali. I have to add that you can use sci hub bypass the paywall on those medical papers so you don't go broke financially.  


Thank you pfract.  Hope you are getting along well buddy.   I believe a person should be paid for their work. I do not believe in people collecting up work of others, then selling it. I also believe anything used for educational purposes should be free to all else we will live in a society of idiots and those who have and those who have not until the information finally comes above ground and gets around. Penile prosthetic implants are a for profit enterprise so it is easy to see where some don't want anything negative to be seen. Look in the back of magazines or on the internet. There are companies that you can hire to bury stories, studies, tests, criminal records, bankruptcies , tickets, nudie pictures, school records, or whatever you don't want seen.  This was clearly a site where they gather works of others, set it up in a searchable format, then sell it. There are levels of such things that I say screw that, even when I am having a good year. This year isn't it farming wise, i tell you. The research is there, but it is buried. Even trying to narrow the search parameters, Google would come up with 3 million possibilities. Bing about 120,000 and Duckduckgo or whatever it is called about, 290,000 but hours a night looking for what I wanted never got me there.  Cheers.  
Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders