Has anyone heard of this?

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Has anyone heard of this? Assume is bunch of garbage.

45 y.o. Single. Onset of symptoms (pain-stinging like a wasp) @ 6/2018. No sudden injury. Curve developed slowly. 40 deg. dorsal. Hourglassing. Torsion to left flaccid. 4 rounds xiaflex. Restorex, DMSO+, heat, arginine, cialis, lipoic acid, vit. K2


PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Hey Guys.

Currently I am getting treatments at Morganstern. It is worthwhile for me to continue.

By next month it may be I can offer my experiences at the Morganstern Clinic. Just having more testosterone is a big deal. I have only been going there for injections.



So, it's a combination of shockwave, verapamil, and Xiaflex?

And also, "low intensity shockwave plus customized carboxy therapy injections along with electronic counter pulsation."

It's very unclear what this actually is to me.

pey ron

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So who can say what are the six macro nutrients essential to healing Peyronie's disease?


Hi Guys,

Currently I am receiving treatment at the Morganstern Clinic in Atlanta. What I can do is share my experience and results.

About 4 or 5 years ago I injured my penis resulting in a downward bend of 50 degrees mid shaft. Also I have a hourglass at the base of my penis.

I did get testosterone pellets in March. Also, I am taking 5mg taladafil ($75 for a 90 day supply from India). My erections are pretty good now. My sex drive has come back. Also, I am taking sublingual DHEA and pregnenolone.

I take a lot of supplements which may or may not be having an effect. It may be the sublingual NMN is having an effect. Also the maca.

With the new clinic marketing I can't say what a lot of details are. All I am doing is the penis injections. There are additional treatments which can compliment the injections but I suspect the injection treatments alone will work for me.

The first six treatments were verapamil injections followed by CO2. Since I travel from out of state I was going every two to four weeks. The hourglass had shown slight improvement as well as the bend. Also, I started using the ESL40 for traction (it may be this company is no longer in business though).

Now at the clinic they can include ozone along with the above injections. As soon as I was told this I wanted to try it as ozone can have profound effects on scar tissue.

Yesterday I had my third ozone treatment (3 in three days) with verapamil, then the ozone, followed by CO2. The bend mid shaft changed from a sharp bend to a downward curve. The ozone is injected into the scar tissue. The Nurse Practitioner said the ozone treatment is working (scar tissue breaking up) and my penis will straighten with additional treatments. After seeing the results after these three treatments I am relieved and happy as you may imagine.

Between now and when I go back next month for two treatments in two days I will continue to use the ESL40. If I get 3 to 4 hours five days a week I feel successful with the traction.

What I find is that the staff at the Morganstern Clinic is top notch, very professional. It took me calling for two months before I could schedule an appointment but I believe their communication has gotten better.

There is only one NP currently doing the ozone injections. This is a new treatment at the clinic. My experience is that she is extremely competent and great to work with. Keep in mind a woman has smaller hands so in general may more effectively palpate plaque / scar tissue. It is like this NP goes into a trance state to feel the scar tissue to know where to place the injections.

IMO the ozone is a game changer. Word at the clinic is guys are seeing results across the board. I will no longer have treatments (injections) without ozone.  


Newbern that is fascinating  :)
Ozone is known for stimulating the healing of damaged tissue, please update the forum once you have further treatments

Also see https://fitism.wordpress.com/2011/05/18/ozone-o3-treatments-kept-a-secret-from-americans/

Goods luck
Paul  :)
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.


I just want to rephrase my question as I can not seem to edit it.  On their website they say they test you for the 6 micro nutrients essential for healing Peyronies Disease.  What are those micro nutrients? Can anyone say?


No, because it's pseudo (fake) science.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


I'm considering doing this, going to Atlanta, whether it is fake or not. I have calcified plaque. Stands to reason I would have to soften the plaque in order to proceed to the next logical step of xiaflex. The only thing that would do that is shockwave, verapamil and all the other stuff. All the ozone, etc. is probably garbage, but I would put garlic around my neck if I thought it would work. I'm still doing VED and traction and trying to get my body used to increasing levels of Pentox and taking a bunch of other supplements.

But I am under no illusions that this will do anything. I know it all ends in an implant. And that anything is a waste of time and money. But I need to be able to tell my future self I did my best to fight it. But I know the fight itself is doomed to failure.  
45 y.o. Single. Onset of symptoms (pain-stinging like a wasp) @ 6/2018. No sudden injury. Curve developed slowly. 40 deg. dorsal. Hourglassing. Torsion to left flaccid. 4 rounds xiaflex. Restorex, DMSO+, heat, arginine, cialis, lipoic acid, vit. K2


It sounds like a quack website.  They might offer legitimate treats like Testosterone replacement or Verapamil but when you read stuff like the 6 micro-nutrients and
QuoteMen often waste their time focusing on treating their penis.  This patented, non-invasive macro treatment essentially revascularizes both the body and groin areas and actually heals the underlying penile tissue that supports healthy erections – freeing patients from a lifetime of dependency on drugs, pumps or injections – without surgery. This three-step process is unique, patented and at present – only available at Morganstern Medical in Atlanta, GA.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


In going to the Morganstern Clinic the only discussion concerning supplements I have had with a nurse practitioner is just about the basics. When I told them I take a good multi, Vit. D, magnesium and basic supplements that was good enough. If the body does not have the nutrients to repair the penis it may never happen. At the same time my wife and I eat organics as much as possible, exercise and stay fit.

The ozone is a game changer. After three treatments I see a difference. Here in the US ozone is not a common treatment. But it is in parts of Europe. If ozone was used as a common treatment for various maladies there would be fewer long term health issues, fewer doctors visits and prescription meds. I have been in medical sales for 30 years, so I see how the health system is about managing symptoms more so than healing the cause. It is a con and a national emergency. This is why I have to travel to Atlanta from out of state for treatment to get my penis straight; surgery is out of the question for me.

Xiaflex will not work for the downward bend my penis has. So ozone is an excellent treatment option. Plus it is a lot less expensive.

What I understand now is if I continue traction (ESL40 - very easy and effective) and the injections my penis will likely continue to straighten. The injections are verapamil, then CO2, followed by ozone. I won't do more than two days in a row.

At the Morganstern Clinic I am only getting injections. But they do offer shockwave and another option. This other option increases blood flow in the penis by simultaneously applying pressure to both arms and both legs. This increases blood pressure hence flow to many parts of the body including the penis. There are peer reviewed papers on this technique; this is not pseudoscience. If the indentation at the base of my penis does not heal with traction and injections I may try this.

I am looking forward to when these testosterone pellets have dissolved. My plan is to go down the herbal road which is so much more natural and healthy. What I am finding is that I have to try different herbs to see what works for me in balancing hormones. Right now my plan is to go with maca and tongkat ali; but it will likely change over time. Often herbs are just junk so finding high quality can be difficult. It is time consuming finding which herbs work for me as an individual. There is only one place to get high quality maca that I know of - The Maca Team. Tongkat Ali is from Barlowe's. But while I have these testosterone pellets in me it is difficult for my hormones to find a balance.  

In the US health system the docs don't understand herbs because they are taught about prescription meds instead; generally they are ignorant on this topic so their patients miss out. I choose to take responsibility for my health. But I will continue the taladafil. I may go down the DHEA rode as well.

As far as I can tell the Morganstern clinic is my best option and I am getting results. I did talk with Dr. Levine in Chicago; he said six months of traction and citrulline then call him back. But since I am having success in Atlanta I will continue the treatment there.

If I was not willing to take a chance for healing of my penis by driving down to Atlanta for injections then I would not be having the success that is occurring. Right now I do not know how much better I will get. But I suspect my penis will continue to straighten out.

The reason I am communicating my experiences is simply that I give a damn. I have gotten a lot out of reading these forums. If I can contribute I will.


Where I am living now, Ozone therapy is promoted like a miracle making stuff.
I would like to add myself to Goodluck question:
QuoteSo who can say what are the six macro nutrients essential to healing Peyronie's disease?
And what is the role of CO2?
I know have CO2 in my beer, fire extinguishers, coke and many other products. It is a gas, (same as Ozone that is O3 molecule instead of O2 oxygen) so what it will do in the penis? how it will help Peyronies?

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


This is interesting keep updating
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.


Hi James, I do not know what CO2 does. But I will ask. What I have been told is that the CO2 helps with indentation and  hourglass issues.

Ozone is better for bends. The only location the ozone is going is into the plaques causing the downwards bend.

It may be the downward bend and hourglass are related as they are so close. This is only a guess.

At full erection the downward bend on my penis is now about 10 degrees. This is an improvement from about 40 degrees.

My plan is to add systemic enzymes along with the traction and injections. I don't know if it will help as enzymes have done nothing in the past. But since the plaques are breaking up now I will take all the help I can get.

A big concern is normalizing hormones. Since I lost a testicle to cancer my body does not produce enough testosterone. I feel like I am fumbling my way along trying different herbs, DHEA and pregnenolone. I do not want any more testosterone pellets; but I thought I needed them for treatment and I am glad I tried the pellets.


I would travel about 1 mile for this if it were free but if it is effective where are the double-blind, randomized clinical trial for Peyronies Disease or any other illness?

Either the trials exist or they don't.  If they don't then how would the doctors offering it even know if it is effective?  ANSWER: They wouldn't
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Interested to know more details regarding ozone therapy for Peyronies.
Also interested to read some researches in the subject.

What I found by google:
CO2 & Ozone
Ozone Therapy, Ozone Saunas, Ozone Courses
Not much :(

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Ozone...no evidence I know if for peyronies.,,
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


I personally talked with the first author of this article:

He explained me that CO2 - carboxy therapy - helps Peyronie's because CO 2 acts as anti-oxidant. Indeed blood cells like CO2 and they are attracted by it. Accumulating CO 2 around the plaque causes blood cells to flow onto the plaque, they release the Oxygen they carry, they take the CO 2 and bring it to the lungs, where you finally expel it through your breading.

Within this process one creates 2 effects: 1. increase blood flow in the area where the plaque is, which enhances healing; 2. Increase oxygen within the plaque area which acts as anti-oxidant (again healing it).

This guy invented this method for Peyronie's. He said he was inspired by the use of CO 2 in aesthetic/plastic surgery to heal scars. The method is very experimental, no one else that I know is using this for Peyronie's. If you do please share.

39 yo. Peyronie's disease, first diagnosed around May 2021. Initial curvature around 55-60 degrees. Tried Xiaflex injections (10 in total) + RestoreX for over a year. Curvature has not changed. I got a new pump/indentation from using RestoreX