Tissue Engineering

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I agree it takes long alex, but consider this: cancer has been around for ages, it's among the most deadly and well known diseases, people spend millions on research and there still is no fool proof cure for cancer. It's not uncommon for these things to take some time and especially getting your treatment FDA approved and being able to start human trials takes time.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


[Full quote removed - Please read the forum rules for posting]

I had alreay read the article of The Guardian and I agree with you with regards to Wake Forest's trials for full penile transplantation: it has nothing to do with tissue engineering (in fact Peyronie's disease and ED are both mentioned as exclusion criteria for recipients).

There seems to be nothing new on their site or in the newspapers concerning the subject of penile erectile tissue engineering; I have just found this link about a conference that was held in Boston in May 2017: https://www.urotoday.com/conference-highlights/95611-aua-2017-regenerative-medicine-where-do-we-stand.html

Anyway the information are, again, vague. I quote what's written: "With respect to genitourinary organs, they have reverse engineered a vagina, from a remnant vagina biopsy, and successfully implanted it into a patient with vaginal agenesis. In patients with contracted, noncompliant bladders (end stage bladders) they have implanted bladders that over time increased in compliance and capacity. This is proof of the recipient truly "accepting" these refurbished organs. Following this, they moved on to the more complex solid organs. Their team has successfully regenerated a penile implant in a rodent model with the ability to sustain erection and ejaculate. Based on these studies, they are planning preliminary human studies".

The fact is, however, that a lot of people here tried to contact them and lately (beginning from last year) they have always been responded that they were just about to begin; but when they were asked for more precise details, they didn't answer. So, plain and simple, I think that they'll actually begin very soon (maybe this year), but we'll never know for sure if nobody's willing to go there in person and talk face to face with someone who's involved in this project (one of these people could be Dr. Terlecki, since he was mentioned in the response they sent to me). We could keep sending tons and tons of e-mails, but if they simply don't answer we'll keep remaining in a limbo.

Damn, isn't there a single North Carolina's man who have Peyronies Disease (except for "rellisacct") and is interested in discovering what the hell is going on with this study? It looks like North Carolina's male inhabitants are immune to this disease.


As far as I'm aware we are still a long way from regenerating, growing or printing a penis outside of the body for transplantation. I did find a company called polarityte that claims to use the body's own cell to make a healing matrix which they fill into a tissue void. This uses the body as a bio reactor. I contacted them and they say that fascia is also in their pipeline. There skin results should be published first half of 2018.


No one is in need to have something done it's just about having a small piece of tunica replaced..
31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works



I'm not agree. In some cases patients need in both tunical and cavernous tissue replacement, especially when we talking about patients with ED.



I wrote again to WFIRM asking for more precise details with regards to their trials and here's what they answered: "We are hoping to begin recruiting for the engineered corporal tissue study in May.  The study will be for a corpora injury/deformity of 5 cm or less in length.  There are 2 surgical procedures (a biopsy and then the implant) about 3-5 weeks apart, and follow-up visits at 1 week, 3 weeks, 6 months, 9 months and 1 year post-implant.  When the engineered corpora is ready for implant we will have about 2 days to get the implant surgery scheduled. This is a phase 1 safety study.  we have not performed this surgery before".

They had to begin recruiting last year (and maybe even the previous one) and now they "hope" to commence in May; well, I hope even more than them that this will be the time (but I have to say that I still didn't find any new record on ClinicalTrials.gov).

Anyway I think this is a positive progress, since they described the procedure and an exclusion criteria (plaque of 5 cm or less in lenght)... It kinda makes me hope that they're getting serious and they'll finally begin before the end of this year.


Holy ****, so you're telling me WFIRM is going to do corporal replacements ?? That's insane. I think we're about 5 years,  10 tops from being able to replace a tunica or corpora
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.


Well, in 2016 they said they'd be able to replace whole penises in 5 years max, so let's just wait and see about that.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


Can they cure ED ? I think for ED it would need a complete replacement of the penis ( corpus cavernosum, tunica and the fascias)

Do you see this possible? What it would take? 10 years maybe?
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I might be super eligible for it as most of my problems come just from that fibrotic stitch. Probably the most eligible considering I'm not at risk of any flare up (don't have peyronie).
31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works


I hope that people with ED caused by fibrosis (mainly venous leakage) will be recruited, so we can know if these surgeries actually restore sexual function, a part from straightening the dick. And I think it will work like this, since they declared that they aim at solving selected cases of erectile dysfunction with tissue engineering.

Hopefully we won't have to wait for other 5 or 10 years; maybe it will take these many years (or more) for whole tunica and/or corpora replacement, but these trials deal with partial replacement and they've been planning on beginning for a very long time.

I'm no doctor, but I think that partial replacement of engineered tissue could solve ED without having a whole new tunica and/or corpora, if ED onset is due to scarring.


Today I received an update from Wake Forest

"Thank you for contacting use regarding lab-grown penile tissue.  We will be starting a clinical trial in the next few months for engineered corporal tissue mainly for men with Peyronie's Disease.  This is a phase 1 study for safety.  If the study goes well, we hope to be able to advance to a Phase 2 study, looking at incorporating more penile tissue and for other indications.

Mary-Clare Day

Mary-Clare Day, RN, BSN, CCRC
Research Nurse Manager"

P.S. @"rellisacct", where are you man?


Does anybody else received any information about upcoming clinical trials in Wake Forest?


Finally! It's the one people have been talking about since this thread had opened.
It looks like they are really moving forward.


Happy Phase 1 is beginning.

A little confused here... they constantly mention engineered corporal tissue. To me this means the spongey tissue, specifically the smooth muscle tissue, inside the corporas that relaxes to let blood in. There is no mention of engineered tunica nor replacement of pieces of the tunica by WF.

I get that replacement of corporal tissue can help ED, but what we really need is engineered tunica tissue in order to replace our plaques. Is WF not doing this yet?

I stand corrected... Brief Summary:
"The primary objective of this clinical trial is to evaluate the safety of autologous engineered corpora cavernosa + albuginea constructs for treatment of complex penile deformities. Autologous endothelial and smooth muscle cells obtained from enrolled subjects' corpora cavernosa biopsy sample, will be culture expanded in vitro and used to seed decellularized corpora cavernosa + albuginea obtained from cadaveric-donors to create autologous bioengineered corpora cavernosa/albuginea constructs for repair of damaged penile tissues."


So they take the tissue from a cadaver, strip it off all its cells, so what's left is the structure/empty scaffold. Then they add your cells to it and they multiply them. Then they replace. Makes sense now. I am happy to find that they are doing the Tunica Albuginea and not just cavernosa tissue.


It's a whole penis replacement bro. They take biopsy stem cells from the corpora , that's what they use to regrow the penis. Can you post a link stating phase 1 is starting? How do you know? I wonder if any forum members were able to volunteer
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.


Does anybody contacted with WF? Any news or updates about upcoming human clinical trials?


Im still interested in this. Any leads would be so appreciated


I actually went down there the last week and had a consultation with Terlecki who is the principal investigator of the trial. He got around the point, but basically we are not veterans injured so we are not considered as candidates  and don't know when we will ever be. He didn't give me any info about this. He just offered me the same treatments we all know they are knocking people's penis out around the world. He told me it would be helpful getting into this in first place but lately I was not considered qualified for it (via mail).

Think we should turn ourselves  to something else, even if this would be pretty much a cure to me.
31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works


Alex Samo you posted this..

"Thank you for contacting use regarding lab-grown penile tissue.  We will be starting a clinical trial in the next few months for engineered corporal tissue mainly for men with Peyronie's Disease.  This is a phase 1 study for safety.  If the study goes well, we hope to be able to advance to a Phase 2 study, looking at incorporating more penile tissue

...I think it's not true that's will be on veterans unless they wanna find veterans with peyronies..that answer is misleading unfortunately. Otherwise I wasn't told how things are going..
31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works


I didn't understand properly:
this studies which you all are talking about, the one which involves "veterans", aim to replace the penis TOTALLY (new penis from another guy) or only small parts of tissue?

I am not a doctor, but i can't understand why is so much complicated to grow with stem cells + 3D printer some little parts of tissue. For example, i have got some fibrosis in the TUNICA ALBUGINEA. Why should this be complicate to solve with actual technology?

I'ts only a matter of removing a small part of TA (some millimeters) and replace it. Am i missing something?
I read that there are many studies about growing parts of organs to replace only the 'bad parts' and not the entire organ, and they seem really promising. For some organs, it is still possible. So what's the matter with tissue engineering?

P.S. = Someone in this post said that, 10 years ago, we were "10 years from the target". Today i can't understand if we are near or not. What's the truth? Can someone REALLY well informed explain to me where we are now, please?
26 yo from Italy.
Peyronie's since abt 2014
Abt 20-25° bend, w/ a moderate twist to the left
ED for 4 years and getting worse
From pornstar-like to moderately depressed - still fighting for a solution.


so...join the army. Claim you hurt your pee pee there and get new pee pee.
Problem solved.


They can but they don't want to. That's the fact. The technology already exists but we are not allowed to get there. Waiting for this to wild open in any clinic will take years.

I think I explained myself. They are sponsored and funded by the difence so they are focusing on them rather than people with "real" diseases.
31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works


Small parts for veterans..I know it sounds strange but that's what I ve been told.
31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works


For what i remember, medical research through history has always gone through veteran studies... It's about standardization...
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Hi all, i have got a question. I read in this post many people talking about a "total penis replacement", but IMHO only some people suffering from Peyronies Disease really needs this. For many people, a little piece of tunica replacement would be enough, and this doesn't seem so hard to do. (i'm talking about the piece of tunica which is covered by fibrosis)
So i'm writing this post because i would like to hear the opinion of someone in the forum which is expert in this field and is following the progresses of Tissue Engineering; it would be fantastic if someone could explain to me why a little piece of tunica albuginea, grown on a scaffold and then transplanted on a patient, is so hard to do, and which results you would obtain with this procedure.

Thank you very much
26 yo from Italy.
Peyronie's since abt 2014
Abt 20-25° bend, w/ a moderate twist to the left
ED for 4 years and getting worse
From pornstar-like to moderately depressed - still fighting for a solution.


Quote from: Jack1909 on July 08, 2018, 07:39:59 AM
Alex Samo you posted this..

...I think it's not true that's will be on veterans unless they wanna find veterans with peyronies..that answer is misleading unfortunately. Otherwise I wasn't told how things are going..

Yes, I was told exactly this. She mentioned that this trials would be available for Peyronies Disease patients. I don't know if she was wrong or something. It was half-year ago. You can ask her: [email protected]

Quote from: Jack1909 on July 08, 2018, 12:03:20 PM
They can but they don't want to. That's the fact. The technology already exists but we are not allowed to get there. Waiting for this to wild open in any clinic will take years.

Skip the fact that this is not available for us yet, but "The technology already exists"? Are you sure about this part of your message?



29 year old. I was taking 400 Mg spironolactone to treat hair loss. Xanax withdrawal in combination with spironolactone shrunk my penis from 6" to 4".
I am seeking information about the sliding technique.


Finally! The trials begin this month and we will have primary study completion by Summer of next year. This site was updated January 2021 so it is accurate.
26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.


Finally some good news. I am doing PRP for now, keep fcking with viagra in my system as long as I can and hopefully will see this happening and get cured in my lifetime.
Age 26
Did jelqing, pumping & clamping from abt age 15 until 17. Never had any real issues, until it was too late.
I got a change of shape, sensation, and a loss of volume.
it continues progressing


26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.


31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works


Why just no pursuing the cadaveric tissue implanting, building up a penile tissue bank...nowadays would be feasible and it would not require immuno suppressants. I read some articles urging this thing to be set up..
31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works


You can't directly implant tissue from a dead body (cadaver). Your body will reject it without immunosuppression. You need to use it as a scaffold on top of which your cells grow and then implant. Hence the clinical trials.
26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.


That's not necessary true, not nowadays at least..I know the overall purpose of the trial (I think I'm the only one went down in Notth Carolina to speak with the guy leading the trials), but the point is we are 10 years away..
31 yrs old
Severe congenital curvature. 3 straightening surgeries
Big lump/stitch w/ left deviation after 2012 surgery
Severe ED after last one in 2014. Still crooked
Slightly improved w/ shockwave therapy
Looks like only one side of my penis works


10 years atleast ... lol
26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.

Fix This

This sounds very promising

Did they actually give a timescale when they were contacted ?

47 , penis trauma July 2018 leading to Peyronies. 30-40 degree dorsal curvature, narrowing after plaque. 

I'm attacking it though, and I will fix this!

VED, traction, DMSO, Ultrasound, Acupuncture, meds, herbs


I sincerely hope they are doing something. We all know this whole forum would come to a beautiful end if it worked, and the pain and suffering for us all, would be done.
Beautiful f*cking thought lol
But it's far away. No doubt.
I can promise you that I will finance the entire research one day if a beautiful soul does not do it before me. I hope one does.
30 degree dorsal curve, immobility and heavy loss of girth.
My body seems to get very inflamed when I masturbate too often or eat unhealthy.
Using antioxidants, Pentox and hirudoid cream, as well as manual traction, heat and Cialis.


Hey there!

Since this topic has been quite inactive for a while, I'd like to put my two cents in. This whole peyronie stuff is so devastating especially if you are in your early twenties...  :'(

I hope that I can one day help others and myself with tissue engineering (I started medical school in Germany 3 years ago and now have a great internship in this field), but for the meantime I contacted Wake Forest a few weeks ago and got this response:

"Thank you for your interest in our research at Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine. We are excited that after many years of research in our lab, and after rigorous review by FDA,  we will begin enrolling into 2 clinical trials – one for bioengineered urethra for males with urethra stricture, and for bioengineered corpora for males with a defect to corporal tissue.
These are both safety trials, and we hope once completed we will be able to advance our research in both areas, and one day be able to combine both technologies in the same surgery.  As safety studies, we do not guarantee any new function with the implanted tissue - our goal at this point is the implants' safety.
Both studies may begin recruiting in the Fall of 2022."

That means they didn't abandon this project and will continue to work on it! Will it be widely available in the next few years? - probably not. There are still important questions which will be crucial for a successful clinical application that I think we need answers to, like the following:

Let's say we were able to create a perfect replica of the native tunica albuginea and cavernosal tissue how would an erection be possible? There are tiny nerves that contact the endothelial cells via molecules to send signals to relax and allow more blood to flow in the penis, if we would insert such a transplant those peripheral nerve endings would be certainly missing... You could get erections via injections though or maybe molecule diffusion might be sufficient...
On the other hand there is also a possibility for your own nerves to grow into the new tissue, but that will probably also take some time on its own.
I researched this topic since there are a few reports about complete penis transplants and severed penises, they mentioned successful reattachment, but few described their functionality in detail. Were erections spontaneous? Etc.

I would genuinely like to get an answer to this question... but this just shows how difficult tissue engineering is overall...
Don't give up there is always some hope left, without questions there would be no answers to solve difficult problems.

Take care.

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Hey Student,

This is really exciting news! Glad they are finally moving on this. Regarding your comment on the nerves I find it hard to imagine they would touch the neurovascular bundle of the penis during the surgery. I think they would probably leave it intact just like IPP surgery.
33 years old, symptoms started early 20's but never really bothered me until the last two years
Trimix worked well but caused more scarring. 
Titan 24CM XL+ 1 CM RTE'S Dr. Hakky 4/4/23
Hyaluronic acid penis filler by Dr. Hakky June 2023