Numbness - possible causes?

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In the last few days I have been sensing sudden numbness in my penis, it also feels softer than usual. It is mostly at the shaft area, the glans seems to be normal. I am very confused, at first I thought it was healing because of the pain reduction, now I am thinking I have sensory loss. Sometimes during the day I feel the pain come back and go again. Haven't been able to determine why this happens. I am just concerned now that I am going to damage it further because I don't feel the pain as much.

Nothing special happened, I havent been erection checking for a while, but have pelvic floor tension + stress issues this last month because of increased discomfort. Only thing I have done is 1 minute icing when pain was being too annoying. I checked if I could get an erection today, and it was stronger than it was when I was having pain. I assume I stop myself mentally when I feel pain.

I read about numbness and I guess it is one of the following:

- blood flow being blocked off or leaked ( plaque? too much sitting ? )
- nerve being blocked by plaque
- nerve damage ( I really hope not for this one )
- pelvic floor tensioning causing this somehow

Doctors have been sending me away for Peyronies issues so far, but I am thinking of seeing a doctor this week anyways...
Anybody had the same experience? Did you get to know what happened? Did it go away by itself?

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You will likely get fewer responses here since this is the ED section of the forum.  Your post should probably be moved to the "Open Questions" in the Peyronies Disease section.

When you say numb, do you have a "pins and needles" tingling sensation like when your foot goes to sleep or do you just think it is less sensitive to touch?
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


You are right, I did not know where to post this, but its not the right place for sure. Could this get moved?

No pins and needles, but less sensitive to touch. It seems like it slightly changes throughout the day.
For example woke up this morning with morning wood, but almost felt like a 'phantom penis' when I touched it.
But a few hours later now it seems to be a more sensitive to touch again.

Also I cannot feel the pain in my dents anymore (which is nice to be honest). So it is confusing, I have bit of a hard time believing the inflammation has just gone from one day to the other.
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I wish I could address this but I personally never experienced loss of sensitivity.  While it is not common, others have reported it.

Is there ANY chance it is psychological from over-worrying?

Is the loss of sensitivity uniform over the entire penis or can you map out areas that are more affected (by lightly touching with a feather or soft item)?
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I have some numbness as well. The scar tissue mostly formed around the glans and I have what is described as "hourglassing" or "bottlenecking". It's not that I can't feel enough to still get an orgasm, but when penetrating it doesn't feel "right". I think most sensitivity is in the skin so you probably still have feeling down there, but if the shape has changed like it did with me, then it could feel very awkward like you're missing parts of your penis where the dents/hourglassing developed. I can't really explain why, but this has been my experience as well and it makes sense cause I mostly developed a dent right under the glans where I used to get most stimulation during penetration. Just my own experience. I wouldn't know what can reverse the numbness ther than getting used to your new shape so to speak.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


It seems anything is possible with this condition, but not sure over-worrying alone can lead to numbness (?)
I tried with some cold water, the glans seem mostly intact, the rest seems to be 70% (just guessing) of what it was.

Sounds about the same. I also have developed quite a large dent under the glans on the left side. It causes a curve to the left, but comes back to about 10 degrees in a good erection. I have not pursued intercourse since Peyronies happened and completely holding off from masturbation recently, so I cannot say what the impact has been there. Yeah, getting used to a new situation, seems to be an everyday part of this condition.
How long have you had this numbness? Maybe over time it will change?
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Just an update.

After about 10 days of fluctuating numbness, it no longer feels numb.
I also did not feel any pain when it was numb, which allowed me to relax.
I think this has helped with tension in my pelvic floor, so I have less hard flaccid issue as a positive side effect.
Erections seem slightly more full and straight compared to 2 weeks ago, but cant say for sure yet, will keep monitoring what happens next.
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