SW01 Implant Journal

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Well Thursday got here faster than I thought. I am now the proud owner of a titan. The process went really well I thought. Time will tell whether I should have waited to have a more higher volume implanter do it. My choice for my reasons. I went with a urology group in Cincinnati. Dr. Kevin Campbell. I do not know the outcome but will just post a bit of what my process was. I swear it could not have been easier.

I had it done in a cincy area hospital and stayed overnight. When I got checked in they started an iv and I spent the next 2 hours getting progressive levels of antibiotics. Surgery was at 1. The doc came in and examined me one last time. Stretched me out and told me I should expect that length when this is all settled. I asked him to do the best he could. They gave me a shot and I was out. I for one did want to be any part of awake for this.

Next thing I know I was in a hospital room. My wife had talked to the doc. My wife did not ask how long the tube was. He just told her it went great and I would not be disappointed with length. No abdominal incision after all. He was able to do it all scrotally. Also in the room I was still hooked up to iv antibiotics and would stay on them until discharged Friday morning.

Now for the important stuff. Took a look and was about 60 percent inflated as he told me I would be. First time in almost 3 years now I actually have laid my hands on a truly hard dickprobably due to swelling etc., but I do not care. It was straight and hard. I also had a lot of swelling in the fat pad and my balls evidently decided to move. No idea where they went.

Catheter sucks and I had a JP drain. Ended up not minding the drain when I saw that over the night the nurses emptied over 200 Cc of stuff that did not stay in my sack out of it.

Pain was really not bad. 4 or 5 but mainly just a dull ache. Thursday afternoon and evening started oral pain meds. Nurse asked if I would like some morphine to get a jump on the pain.

I said heck yeah. So oral pain meds, morphine, and antibiotics. For the most part the iv needle was about as aching in my arm as my balls were. Got up a couple times to walk the halls. Probably a couple hundred feet all total. I took last morphine booster at midnight. I was awake so skipped the oral pain meds. I did get those at 4. Pain obviously got better.

Day of surgery and I am not sure why, really not to bad pain, and I saw my glans and the snake bite holes looking up at me. Everything else was wrapped up.

Friday morning. Shooting for a 9 o clock morning departure. Pain was still not bad but nurses suggested I should take the oral meds. Got them at 8.30 along with rebandaging. Took bandages off, and looking pretty damn good. Swelling is mainly in the fat pad, which for me is a lot as I do not have much of one regularly. Removed catheter and drain. Other than a little pressure came right out. Catheter was easy just had to make sure the balloon bulb is deflated and it comes right out. Drain had one stitch holding it, so my wife cut that and it just pulled out. Put some neosporin on the snake bite and scrotal incision. My wife had to look to see where it was as it blended in she said with my sack.

At this time still have not seen hide nor hair of a ball. Not sure where they are. Hope they decide to come back home.

Now for the car ride home. Jeep wrangler Sahara is not one of the best cars to ride home from surgery in. Love my jeep but should have borrowed my dad's Pontiac. Rain snow, etc so a 2 hour drive ended up as 3. Got home unwrapped everything and saw my balls decided to come home with me after all.

Took a good look and things look pretty good. Pumped up good. Pretty sure I can feel the tips in my glans. That is where I am aching the most. Did not take any pain meds when I got home but did take one at 6 tonight.

Swelling in the fat pad is still pretty raised. My penis is actually notbruised yet. Nor is my sack. I have had toothaches that caused me more pain. Did not get anything about what size was put in with my discharge papers.

As far as care. Take 7 days of antibiotics. Percocets as needed. I can shower Sunday along with a recommended 2 hot baths a day. See the doc for a follow up in 2 weeks. Till then leave it alone as far as pumping. As pain allows become familiar with the pump in my scrotum. Ice 30 minutes on and then off 30 minutes at least for next 3 days.

Peeing is the hardest part for sure. I find I just lay on my side and use the portable urinal.

Waiting for the bottom to drop out and pain to take over. First day of rest of my life. But so far so good. Very positive and happy so far. Especially when I look down and feel a really hard one. Like the old days. My wife actually said it looks like it did years ago. I figure I will take it a day at a time. And today I am happy I had this done.  
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


You should have received an actual printout of the model size and a serial number of the unit.  It is for both warranty purposes and I guess in case of scans both medical and security scans.

At least I know Dr Eid and Kramer give these to patients unless some doctors keep all copies in your file, which would make no sense to me.

Did you get a rubber key-ring replica of the pump?
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Your doctor apparently put waterproofing on your scrotal incision if you can take hot soaks within a week.  It should be visible and obvious (like clear glue).  If so, the Neosporin cannot even get to the incision.

As well as you are doing at this point I don't think the pain will kick in.  I think a combination of your pain tolerance and your body's response will spare you.  Everyone is different and some men seem to avoid it.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Awesome news bro. Seems like you had less pain than me after the surgery was completed. And u didnt puke like i did several times. Weird how each doc does things differently. Like your catheter was removed quickly. Where as eid told me to leave mine in until sunday morning and not to move around as much as i can. I honestly forget the reasoning to why but i think it has to do with preventing swelling in the balls and what not. Also have u beem able to take a dump yet? You said u cant find your balls?? Mine are pretty large i believe so mine are hanging down. Also nice that u didnt experiecne any bladder spasms. They are like burning sensations of pee caused by the bubble when u move around to much with the catheter in.  
30 years old - single. Peyronies 7 years. VI with slight improvement. Not allowed xiaflex - not enough curve. Maintaining blood flow pressure is the problem.
Solution. 22 cm Titan march 7 Dr.Eid. time to go on a legendary F^@$!ng spree.


I will say that after the 48 hour mark, the pain started kicking in a bit more but still manageable. I try to limit the percocets to one every 6 to 8 hours. Right now it seems to be working. I am still not swollen except for the fat pad. Probably a good 2 inches out from where it normally is. Snakebites are pretty much unidentifiable. I can feel the tips in my glans and it is pretty good sized. Overall I figure the length looks pretty good.

Could not help myself and worked a fabric tape as close as I could the fat pad and am right at 5 inches. When the swelling goes down I should be close to my 6. I am going to call the doc Monday and have him email me the titan docs. Keychain I get at the follow up. He told me to keep it pointed up for next two weeks. I can find pump when soaking in the tub but no pressing. Anything. Incision is Glued together. Do have a small hole where drain came out so probably will not take a bath till it is totallycovered. Pretty close right now so I figure shower tomorrow and baths Monday or Tuesday. I will start cycling after the follow up in 11 days.

Oh I will say the doc gave me a couple jock straps which hurt to bad when I put them on. The hospital then gave me  a couple pair of white gauze type stretchy boxer briefs. They are amazing. Tight and nothing moves.. I just put a gauze pad on the glans and they work great. That is pretty much it for a dressing. Still no bruising at all. I figured it would show up but not so far.

My biggest issue is still peeing. Still having to lay on my side and use little Johnny.

Still happy. Dick looks good. Pain is manageable. I do drink some  metamucil in oj a couple times a day to stay regular. Plan on stopping any pain pills asap, but do not want to be totally miserable.

One more day. Still wish I had done this 2 years ago if I had had one of my first Urologists test for a leak back then I would have. I know I have a long way to go and a lot can still go wrong, but at least I feel like I am moving forward.

I know there are several who had this done this week. Just wish us all the best.
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


You will get to a point when you ask yourself why the hell did you make your body have to go through this but it will get better quick after that. Bag of frozen corn or peas often, and stay laid down as much as you can. The first day you think you feel fine to walk to the mailbox or through the grocery will swell things up and you will wish you'd waited a few days but lay back down and put the peas on it again. Cheers buddy.  
Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders


Good to hear bro. I too wish i got this done years ago. For me i had no idea it eas an option. I think one of the major issues is most urologists are crap at their jobs and dont really care about their patients. Its like take a ticket. Wait in line . 5 minute check up if youre lucky then next guy please. I think we all need to find away to spread the word out more about peyronies and implants and such. I for one think the word implant is a little scary for the younger guys and could get misinterpreted. I think something like an erection helper device or something like that would help more. Anyways keep us updated. Ill start cycling tonite or tmmrw and keep u updated. Cheers
30 years old - single. Peyronies 7 years. VI with slight improvement. Not allowed xiaflex - not enough curve. Maintaining blood flow pressure is the problem.
Solution. 22 cm Titan march 7 Dr.Eid. time to go on a legendary F^@$!ng spree.


I would definitely have had this done right after my fall if the first doc had done test for leaks and said I had no

Day 5 all is going well. Stopped any prescription pain pills Sunday night. No real issue with the pain. Uncomfortable but I have definitely had worse in the past.

I think swelling is going down in the shaft as well because I can push it down a little now. I can also feel the cylinders well up in the glans as well as down the sides and down into groin.

Being able to push it down finally this morning let me sit down to p. This means sitting down and leaning over horizontally I can push it down far enough to get the stream under the rim.

My wife saw this and bust out laughing. Me I saw no humor. She said just pay attention or I might end up hitting myself in the face if the stream gets above the rim. Oh well. It probably is funnier to her.

As a comment on travel. For me if I had done this and had to fly to have it done. This would have been the first day I would have felt comfortable getting on a plane. No real pain, walking good, can strap the erection to my belly without tip pain, and could p in a toilet.

Called doc to see about titan paperwork. Nurse said doc gives that along with keychain at 2 week check when I deflate and learn to inflate.

Keeping pump rolling and loose in my sack. Still cannot feel any buttons of any kind. Very little bruising. Fat pad is still swollen. I do not know tube length but can say I am 50 percent or so inflated and when standing pointing up at about 1 o clock. I can measure 5 inches from my swollen fat pad to the tip and just over 5 inch girth. I am definitely oval shaped but hope that rounds out with more pumping.

To be honest if I kept this length and girth I think me and the wife would be perfectly content. Wrapped her hand around it this morning and said it felt good. 3 more weeks for that but I and her are thinking about it. That is something that has not happened in a very long time. For the past few years it was always. Do you want to. Take your viagra. Is it working. Not so good, take another. Get a little hard, try to penetrate, and finish before it all went away.

If you want talk about spontanaity. I will put it like this. See wife in shower. See wife get out of shower and toweling off. Go over and run your hands over her body. You know she wants to and you know you can. No pills, no injections, no waiting, hell I think I could pump up some while keeping one hand on or in her body.

Still happy here and no wtf did I do so far. I just want my follow up appt to begin inflating and deflating this thing.
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


Good to hear from you and all sounds like a great report.  I was beginning to get anxious for you to check in.

Just a thought, I would avoid pushing it down as much as possible.  Especially with you partially pumped, you do NOT want to stretch the capsule in the crus where the cylinder extends into the body during healing.  That will make your erection point lower rather than upward in a more natural angle.  Keep it up as much as possible even if you have to piss in the tub.

Also just to prevent confusion when you post, the units in your penis are the "cylinders".  The "tubes" are the tubing that connects the pump to the reservoir and the cylinders.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


SW, sounds like you're recovering well. I don't have a Titan, but my wife complained about some renegade pee that missed the mark yesterday while sitting bm-ing.

I also like your use of paragraph breaks. Makes it easier for old farts like me to read it lol.

In a couple weeks you'll be driving your wife crazy trying to let the little guy play.
I can't get mine to go two days in-a-row, but we're old lol.
85 years old.
Implanted 01/22/19 by Dr Avila.
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc reservoir
Diagnosed with Gleason  6 prostate cancer.
Monitoring it for now.


One week after implant.  Still no pain issues. Swelling is pretty much gone. Cannot feel a tube anywhere. Really small incision which will definitely blend in with ridge on my scrotum. Have no idea where the reservoir is as I cannot feel a thing in my stomach different.

Things are looking pretty good. With swelling gone away I can tell I am pumped up about halfway.

Just waiting till the appt next Thursday. Doc office has reached to check on me. All I can say is I could not be happier and just looking forward to pumping this thing up and start cycling. Pump is sitting a little higher in the scrotum and crowding one of the regular tenants out. Stuck to nothing so all good there. The only bruise I have left is on the bottom of the scrotum.

All you guys who pumped up before now. Hats off to you. I am not sure I could do it. That pump is still a real sensitive part. I am sure it will settle over time.

The office did tell me to try not to worry about size right now. Still way to early. Just to heal right now till next week visit. So I put my tape away for now and will just figure next steps are to heal and pump and cross any other bridges in the weeks and months ago.

Main thing is at 1 week, I feel good, could easily travel. Still a bit of issue sitting with a partial erection pointing up and getting used to pump.

No wtf moment. Just wish I had done this sooner and not wasted last 2 years or so. Ed definitely affected my marriage. Lack of intimacy and my psychological distress did not help.  
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


Great informative report.  I can tell you, and I suspect you are already starting to realize, that as great as the sex is going to be, possibly the biggest difference the implant will have on your life is the change it makes in you when you are NOT using it.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Very interesting thought hawk!
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


I know I don't post as much as I used to. But I still keep up with the forum and reading all the posts. And it is stories like this that make it all worthwhile. I know surgery isn't for everyone, and I know many on here are struggling with complicated issues beyond just peyronies. But in this case.....   where Peyronies prevented a couple from engaging in intercourse for quite some time, and now looking forward to the next time when they can now.

SW01......    Very happy for you. My wife and I had the same experience.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Glad this is working out for you man. What I don't understand is how one can isolate from its partner because he Has ed. I mean... A person should be super confident that it would have support and understanding from the other side, considering that they are married or living together... I would get it if it was a girlfriend, or one night stand kind of relationship thing... And I don't mean this post in a bad way. Just struggling to make sense of these things I keep reading.

Hopefully you will be having a blast soon.  


To those that lament wasting 2 years, just keep saying, "man I am glad we did not waste 10 years".  My wife and I maintained a satisfying sex life but I felt like a mechanic with a toolbox full of VEDs, cockrings, different kinds of lubricants, toys, viagra, Trazadone, L-Arginine.  While sex was great at times it was not what it could have been and spontaneity was gone.

As Dr. Eid so aptly stated, "when a man has Erectile Dysfunction he does not just think about it during sex.  He thinks of it constantly.  It affects him 24/7".  I think this is very true.  no matter how subtle, it is always with you.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


10 days here. Man things are going well still. One small bruise is just about it. Can find pretty much everything on the pump. Csn reach all around it but not touching a thing. Just keeping the skin clear.

Having a 1 year birthday party here for my granddaughter. Bounce house and all. Mostly spending it in the master br with door blocked off. Nothing like having 40 or so people at the house with a protrusion sticking out of your pants. I can lean over wearing long sleeve shirt and baggy sweat pants and hide it ok my family are huggers and no way that is happening.

I swear I did not realize how much time I spent worrying about my ed. It pretty much permeated my thoughts. It will be nice not having to figure out when to get home to strap into traction for at least a few hours. Traveling in the mh we usually enjoyed evenings outside. Tough to do in traction. I stayed inside mostly. I was so worried about the peyronies stiffening back up. I always liked air travel but was not checking a traction or ved device. I actually feel more normal than in a long time.

Cannot wait to get this thing deflated though next week. To funny when you think about it. Wanted a hard erection for past several years. Now i have one and want it down

Hope everyone else who had surgery is doing well.  
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


I'm so glad to hear things continue to go well. I'm 10 days out, too. Other than the ugly longitudinal stitches on the lower side of my penis from the Peyronies' procedure, im doing ok.

Your life is definitely going to be normalized in the coming weeks and years. Congrats! Keep us posted on how things go with your doc visit.

52 years old
RP 2016
Peyronies 2017, 90+ degree upward curvature
AMS 700 CX Implant, March 2019

University Professor of European History.


Nice to hear bro. So far ive learned the pumping is like everything in life. The more u do it the better u get. Ive only pumped and deflated in hot baths so far. Learned that use the left hand firm for grip around top of pump/deflate area. You will lose grip here and there and the pump will fling and hit your balls and what not. Its not fun. It Will happen tho. Next ive learned my pumps have lowered by 10 the last 3 days. My pump strength is getting better and pump is breaking in. The pain in the penis when u pump as max as u can is the toughest part. And u always want to improve from session to session. So last half of pump sessions will hurt but i figure this is the most important part. Its like hitting the gym. Those last pumps where it hurts the most will get you better results. But let us know when u start. Oh and mt doc said to keep your dick pointing up for at least teo weeks post op
30 years old - single. Peyronies 7 years. VI with slight improvement. Not allowed xiaflex - not enough curve. Maintaining blood flow pressure is the problem.
Solution. 22 cm Titan march 7 Dr.Eid. time to go on a legendary F^@$!ng spree.


2 weeks today. Saw my doc for my follow up. Still amost no pain. Swelling is pretty much gone. A small bruise on my scrotum still. Doc deflated me some but not all the way, and that did cause me a bit of discomfort with him feeling around and pushing the deflate button. Feels better to get this down some.

Have 18 plus 1 titan. Tips are well up in the glans though so i am probably sized good. Will just have see how it equates to my 6 with cycling. I did measure last night and was at 5.5 not trying real hard. Still pretty soft and some ridges in the shaft so should have some length to go. After he deflated me i am noticing more ridges and folds in the cylinders.

My only issue and it is not a real big one is the pump is sitting a bit high and i am having a hard time getting to the deflate button. I was told to get in a hot tub a few times a day over the next couple of weeks and see about working pump down. To be honest the last bruise on my scrotum is right where that button should be so it was not comfortable when he deflated me. Not sure i would be able to stand it right now anyway doing it myself.

Deflated i look smaller for sure. I figure this is long haul and look forward to figuring this pump thing out to start cycling. I was told to let things heal before sex at 4 weeks. My only caveat was to go slow. Do not overpump at first until i am sure i can reach deflate button. Deflate button was a little sticky doc said but it will line itself out the more i use it.

No more doc appts for me. Just make sure to call if anything starts looking wrong or a fever shows up.

Still so happy. Glad i found a somewhat local doc who looks like knew his stuff. Great office staff and my night in hospital was exceptional. Also great staff there. All the nurses were familiar with the doc and implant procedure and took great care of me. He is a regular there for implant overnight stays. In the past 2 weeks had absolutely no issues so far. Pain meds for 2 days. Very little bruising. Still cannot find a tube anywhere and swelling is pretty much gone. One damn bruise is about it for me.

Still wearing it pointed straight up at my belly button and will for a while. He does want me to give myself another 2 weeks before working out other than walking.

Hope everyone is doing good. Still so happy i did this. No wtf moment at all so far and hope nothing derails it.
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


Are you actually cycling starting now?  If so, do like he said and make sure you can deflate but one you can, then I would make sure I stretch my penis soon with significant, uncomfortable inflation and stretch my reservoir capsule with total deflation.

Your pump is somewhat stationary so you can move the scrotum skin around greatly so you can pick the section of skin you squeeze on.  Dr. Eid was ADAMANT that I should NOT try to relocate the pump.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


You are correct. I was supposed to grab the skin and keep it pulled away from pump. I guess that gives it room to settle where it will. I just kind of rotate the skin around the pump to make sure it does not attach and the 2 boys and pump are all separate entities. Still have the right testicle a little sore and bruise on scrotum. And it sits right by that deflate button.  I do hope it settles lower though. Right now i almost feel like i have to be a contortionist to get my thumb up far enough in the perineum to reach button.

All going well otherwise and i am sure with cycling all will get better with the button. Still happy, content and looking forward to using it.

Just a thought, If i stayed this size at 5.5 and 5, this is not bad. Hard and usable is way better than soft useless dick. I figure i hope i got nowhere to go but up and out as healing process continues and cycling gets easier. Practice makes perfect.
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


I discussed this theory of the pump "attaching to the scrotum with Dr. Eid .  It is the only time I have ever heard Dr. Eid curse.  He said, "that is BS!  A pump will not attach to the scrotum.  The only way that can happens is if a patient has an infection and the only resolution is to remove the implant".
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Ok. Well things seemed to be going so good. Swelling is mostly gone in the scrotum but have some thickness in the area where the deflate button is. Also in moving the skin around the pump it feels like one part does not feely move. My last instructions were when i felt comfortable and can get to deflate button to press it and squeeze penis to fully deflate. The goal was to be able to do so within at least the next week. Then start cycling 2x day for at least 15 minutes. No other instructions just inflate as far as i can let it sit a few minutes then try some more then fully deflate after inflating as far as ican go.  Also my right testicle is still sitting right against the deflate valve and my testicle tubing appears to be right there as well of course in the way. Been doing the hot baths 2 to 3 times a day to soak the pump and scrotum hoping if it is swelling that will help.

I figured no worries, i can do this. Right now i still cannot push on the button hard enough to activate it without stopping due to the pain. Actually broke out pain meds after trying and breaking out in a cold sweat. Probably chat with doc tomorrow to see about his opinion. Hope it is still just some internal swelling still. No redness anywhere, no fever, scar looks good and only pain is when i push on tissue covering the valve.

Right at 18 days so maybe this is more normal than i should be getting all worried about. Otherwise i feel great. No pain. Pump is not bothering me. Can sit no problem.

I am inflated about 25 percent and will stay that way until i deflate it myself and get things rolling along.

Still have to give it to all of you who went to dr eid and was pumping after a few days. I figure i have a high pain tolerance but that deflate button is kicking my ass and glad i saved some pain pills. See what happens over the next few days.

Hope everyone else are still doing well.
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


Prob a good idea to take a pain pill to deflate as you do want time be fully deflated (except during twice daily inflation) so that the reservoir bladder isn't encapsulated to small resulting in auto inflation down the road.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


I agree with Tony on his point.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


My pump is located at the bottom and is slowly moving to the back of my balls. And the deflate button points to the left facing outside. Easy to find and never had pain from pressing it. I do get pain for a second when my dick deflates tho but thats from the swelling i assume and will go away. The pumping and deflating gets easier and u barely notice how much easier it gets over time. And my first week or so i was taking a pain killer and smoking a joint before every session. Helped a lot. Also listen to a podcast or something to take your mind off the pain while cycling
30 years old - single. Peyronies 7 years. VI with slight improvement. Not allowed xiaflex - not enough curve. Maintaining blood flow pressure is the problem.
Solution. 22 cm Titan march 7 Dr.Eid. time to go on a legendary F^@$!ng spree.


Day 24. Amazing how much difference a few days makes. Just unbelievable. Swelling is gone. Bruising is gone. Deflate button is accessible. Deflate and inflate is going smoothly even just standing in a hot shower.

I still have a slight curve but probably not greater than my natural one. I can actually look down at myself and not get a sick feeling wondering what happened to cause it to look like it did.

I have resized some before pictures i will post and take one of post surgery. The before will definitely show curve.

Still only measuring at 5.5 bpl and right at 5 girth. I am on testosterone and will be forever for whatever reason and am beginning to feel some interest down below. One nice thing is i can still move it myself and can feel my glans engorge when having thoughts about sex. Hope size on length ang girth get closer to my pre surgery stretch of 6.25 and 6. Time will tell. If not, i have a hard dick i can use for first time in years.

I am still a bit numb though. The skin also is still tight. I am circumsized but could always pull my foreskin up over the glans. Right now cannot get it even half to tip of glans. Any ideas on that.

Still happy. Tips are still in glans good. Just a thought on inflation protocol. Going home deflated would have been great. Being semi inflated for several weeks was a pain. We had a big birthday party for my grandaughters 1 year celebration. We had about 60 people here and i missed it. Pretty much have not left house for past three weeks. Just to aware of this protrusion sticking out of my pants.

The only issue with me would have been deflation and inflation the first 2 weeks. Scrotum was full of swollen tissue and bruised and could not really locate deflate button. Easy peasy now though. I think i would have preferred being deflated. I will definitely ask more questions next time. In the event of future revisions i hope life circumstances are different and will just take motor home to any location we want to go and spend a couple weeks recuperating on location. Happy with my choice and given my wifes circumstances would do it again. Glad to have a hard dick and not dealing with traction and ved for the next year until i could have gotten to eid or kramer.

Good luck to all of us out there. Wishing everyone the best. We are not out of the woods yet but every day that goes by i breath easier.

Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


These are two pictures of my curve and before hang length.
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


Congratulations on your recovery going so well!
Interesting observation that you've lost stretch of skin over glans, sane thing w me.  I suspect once gluing the skin back together after the degloving this is the result. Been thinking of trying to do some stretching to regain some sliding ability.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Here should be three more pictures showing a BPSFL day before surgery, the morning after surgery, and a couple of days after surgery.

Hope it gives someone at least an idea of how my Peyronies was and surgery progression.

All I have left is to cycle and get some more length and girth back.
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


Yep, I am hoping I get some skin flexibility back. I do feel my scrotum is a lot tighter than it was. Time will tell I guess. We can always just use more lube.  
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


Looks great.  That is a remarkable degree of deformity straightening.

Maybe you still have some swelling either in the penis or scrotum taking up some slack that accounts for the skin being tighter.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I also got my notes and the doc did nothing except put the implant in. Nothing else. He said it will straighten more over time.
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


Amazing that without any modelling it straightened itself out so much already. Will you do gentle modelling along with cycling too or your doctor did not give you instructions on that regard?  


The only instruction i was provided is cycle it a couple times a day. Over the next few months it should straighten out even more. I figure unless i have an issue i am done with the doc.

I am just glad not to have to look down and see that bad curve anymore.  
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


Your post-op photo looks to have more girth than your pre-op photo.  Do you know if that is true?
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Awesome SW01! Very happy for you...great results. Hoping for the same with my recent implant.
51 yrs old; diagnosed 3.5 yrs ago; 90 degree upward bend
But I had no ED
tried all pills, VED, traction, Xiaflex PRP, ESWT, H-100 & stem cells; IF diet. implant surgery with Dr. Eid 3/28/19
to correct deformity - 20 CM Titan 2cm RTE / 1 cm RTE


4 full weeks now. Things are actually going pretty well even with my sticky pump and having it turn around with the deflate button facing front.

I spent about 4 days or so days pumped up full and trying to deflate the wrong side. Detailed in sticky posts. Had to visit the doc who explained it happens sometimes and i will become more and more familiar with it. Getting more and more comfortable with the process.

At 4 weeks, i can fully pump up now and deflate. Tips are still good and the only floppy part of my glans is the very tip. My glans is still getting hard though so that will help. Fully pumped up i still have a very slight curve but nothing like before surgery. Tips are well into glans. When i pump up fully now though no real pain.

I pump till i cannot anymore, wait a bit and pump some more. I use 2 hands to force more in, still no real discomfort. Could be because i spent about a week fully pumped in agony till doc showed me where deflate button moved to. Did get a good measure at 5.75 and 5. Figure it can only get better especially if it continues to straighten. If not this is definitely usable and better thsn anything i have had in years.

No sex here due to my wifes issues, but we both are looking forward to the future. Will say i was able to take care of myself twice yesterday and no issues whatsoever. It is great to be at that stage. Felt a bit like old days for me.

Peed standing up today for first time while deflated, and no spraying. Looked normal felt normal.

Fully deflated i am at 4 o clock. So i can kind of keep it laying to the left of my scrotum down my sweat pants leg. Might try some jeans this weekend.

I will say it looks a little wierd deflated but hey nothing in life is perfect. Inflated looks and feels good so far. Hoping deflated gets better like it has for others.

Hope everyone is doing good and will keep my fingers crossed for all of us.
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


I would not wear it down if you are still at 4 o'clock.  You could lose some upward angle on your erection.  In fact, you are likely to and you probably would prefer it not pointing down when erect.

Also since you spent days pumped and was semi-pumped after surgery I would make certain I was totally deflated during the day and check again before bedtime to make sure you stretch the scar capsule for the reservoir.  If not, you could develop auto inflation issues.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Yep. Still keeping it pointed up. Like being partially inflated this is going to be more irritating todeal with than anything else. Moving around a lot is the issue. Starting to gear up for spring chores and mowing which will start in a week or 2.

Irritating to bend over and have it drop to pointing straight out. I did fold a real thick washrag up and put it between it and my boxers. Keeps it from moving so much but makes package look bigger. Ok for house but no public.

After inflating and deflating in the morning, i do put one pump in to keep from auto inflating so bad.
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


Day 31. This just keeps getting better and better. No sex yet but i am hoping maybe soon. Depends on my wife. She has real intense orgasms and is worried the space in her skull that was removed for surgery and replaced will cause an issue if she gets excited with the blood flow. She is thinking about it though seeing me in tub. She said i could just do me but i am not that kind of guy. She always got hers first then mine. I told her we have to take it slow anyway. At least it is in discussions. She did give it a feel and said it was damn hard like the old days. She always liked to straddle me and sit in my lap so i am hoping we can get back to that position one day. Been a long time.

Ok. Back to specifics. Pumping up it takes about 20 pumps to get pump to stop putting fluid in on the first round. Up from about 15 last week. 5 minutes later i can get anothe 5. 5 minutes or so another 5. I finish at about 35 good pumps. No more.

Still have just a slight curve and it is still uncomfortable when pumped but have really not been pumping all that long. Really not pumped steady until after day 26 and doc showed me where deflate button moved to. Took a day off due to being fully up for about 4 days. Started on day 28 2 times a day for about 45 minutes in tub.

Now pumping up in the morning while in bed for about 30 minutes, then hit shower and deflate when i get out. Then once more at night for another 30 minutes or so. Totally happy with size for now. I can pump to about a 3 o clock erection and get a bp measurement at just under 6 inches. Still at only 5 inch girth though. Hoping for future growth there still early though.

My issue right now is it does not know where it wants to lay. I can start out with it up in my boxers but if you move around any it moves to a hang down postion. When it does that i try to keep it it a kind of curled c or j like hawk mentioned. Since my curve is the other way that might help straighten me out some.

Still just a little achy and it helps to reposition it every so often. All in all though things are going pretty well. I have been able to take care of myself and have no issue with finishing. The erection is hard, points at about 2 o clock and curved just slightly toward my belly. I also had developed a slight twist before surgery. Still there slightly but not causing any issues that i can tell.

The only issue can say is when i am fully pumped up my foreskin still only comes up about halfway to top of the glans. In the past it always covered the top. Not sure why. Incision was only about 3/4 inch long in the scrotum so it should not effect that. Deflate button is still pointed somewhat straight out but appears to be angling slowly toward my right leg.

Still happy and sorry i did not do this after i fell and started having ed issues.
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


Thanks for sharing. It brings comfort knowing you are progressing. My question is why aren't you wearing a jock or tight briefs or tight brief/boxers to keep it in the up position. I know you are 30 days out.
I haven't had surgery yet, but soon. I have been trying to figure out what kind of underwater I will need to wear to keep it from moving around.
When I had my Nesbit surgery, I could not find anything soft enough to prevent irritation, then I found that as long as I kept it in one place using compression shorts that worked, but it was sometimes difficult to cover my bulge, but after a while I just thought what the hell.
How are you dealing with this?  
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


I do wear really tight boxer briefs. Nylon reeboks from sams do a good job. I even put a folded washrag on top to keep tighter against my skin. I tried the jock but when i move around i still tend to fall down and lay on top of my scrotum. So i am just trying to keep it up as much as i can. If it lays down i try to bend it up somewhere in the shaft and not at the bone. Usually ends up looking like a c.
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


Thanks for the update.
I am scheduled for a Titan Implant on 4/25/19 at Duke University Hospital in Raleigh NC.
I am hoping to do as well as you are doing.
Look forward to staying in touch and I will try to post some photos as I go along.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Week 5 down. Things are still going smoothly. Pumping up 2x day for about a half hour to an hour. Deflate button is getting easier to use along with the pump. No longer pump up in a tub or hot tub. Just pump up in the morning before i get up and at night watching tv. Still a bit achy when fully pumped though.

Still having issues with up or down. Start with it up, move around, falls down. I do have to squeeze my dick every couple hours just a lttle to get rid of any reinflation. I stopped sqeezing bulb after deflating to see if it auto inflates. It does a little but not bad at all. Mostly deflated but find if i am active some saline must get back into implant from reservoir.

Thought we might have sex tonight. It was looking good. Then got a call from a grandson that his gf broke up with him today. So he needed to get out of town and drove over tonight to stay for the weekend. Should have never given him that car.

Still happy. Length is good. Girth is still not close to normal. Hope that gets better. I was hoping for 6 and 6. Got my 6 long right now. Still just 5 girth though. When it hangs down it is between 4 and 5 o clock down my right pant leg.
Still a little numb in the lower part of shaft and around incision. Deflate button is shifting to right. No idea how i ever got confused on where it was. Easy to tell the difference now between sides. Of course i am playing with it more.

So damn content even if things never change from the way they are right now. Hard and looking forward to sex one day. My wife is coming around and if we had tonight she said just take it slow. As achy as i get pumped up slow would be only way to go. Maybe sunday when grandson heads home.
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


I am looking forward to the report of that first blast-off.  No matter how "achy" it might be I cannot imagine it won't be awesome.

You confirmed by your comments that you are getting your deflate button to lock in the deflate mode instead of having to hold it while you deflate.  That is good.  It took me months before mine would lock.  I was in a two-handed deflate mode forever.  Even now it takes a VERY conscious effort to lock open.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Looking good for you SW01! Nice to know.  8)


Well the grandson went home this afternoon. My son and his gf promptly showed up with the granddaughter and stayed awhile and said they would be back later to hot tub.

My wife and i decided it would give us a half hour or so to try this thing out. Half hour ended up being about an hour. Damn. It has been about 8 months for us. Right before she had her health issues. Started out pretty clinical. She just wanted me to see if it worked.

Have to say. Seeing a naked woman lying in bed made me instantly horny, especially since she appeared interested.  She wanted to feel the pump an see how it felt. It started at around 4.30 position. Did the initial pump up and told her it might take a couple additional pump ups after some time between. Went straight to the 1 o clock position.

Its been a while so we used plenty of lube on both of us. Nothing fancy this time. She was in missionary which was fine with me for now. Glans was as engorged as it ever was. It always was a good 2 inches long by itself and looked as big as it ever was. My actual shaft did not look as big as usual though. I had no problem finding entrance at all just laying down on top of her.Hard part was getting in since it had been awhile. . Have to say i was still a little achy but i aint saying anything. Worked glans around a while and felt the signs of her hips moving. What started as clinical is getting better. We are both getting wet. I pulled back out and i am generating plenty of my own juices as well as her.

A couple worries gone in a flash. Glans is back to normal size and i am leaking tons on my own. She is grabbing my ass and pulling me back in. I did pump up some more. She said it feels really good to make it as hard as i can. I pumped it up till no more pumps. Layed back down and the head slipped right in no issue. Had no issue burying straight to the bone. She told me to finish if i wanted. I can tell she is getting into it when her hips start pressing into mine. I did tell her no worry i might finish but would keep right on going. We started and stopped and after about 40 minutes or so i could not hold off anymore. First time in 8 months i aint rushing this.

Next worry gone. When i came it felt totally normal. As good as ever. I cannot say it felt any different really just normal which was always great. Let her know i was good and kept working on her. She was worried about blood vessels in her head and i admit i pulled her hair back to keep an eye on her scalp and veins from the brain surgery. No issues for her either. It took her about another 10 minutes but had a great orgasm herself.

Her words were it is as good as ever. Me, i have to say i am sore after we were done. I also had to get in a hot shower to relax my scrotum. I had a hard time finding that damn button again to deflate and really needed to pretty quickly.

Her thoughts were it felt great and we are going to enjoy this.

No more worrying about getting hard. No 30 or so degree curve. Glans works great. The only negative is i am a bit sore. She said it felt normal to her like the old days. I have not had a good hard dick in almost three years.

The only negative is i still point at 1 o clock pumped up and cannot really push it down so positions are limited right now. Looking forward to it being hard at 3 o clock for all kinds of other angles which we both enjoy.

Still happy, so is she and planning on using it all we can. Oh about time we finished, the driveway alert went off. My kid at least this time did not cock block me. We got done at least. Not hot tubbing with them though. Still protrude a bit much for mixed company in a swimsuit.

Damn wish i had done this 2.5 years ago.

Going good here. Hope everyone else is as well.

Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.