Your Penis on Sugar: Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie's, and Glucose

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Your Penis on Sugar: Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie's, and Glucose - by Neo
(google document with studies / explanation)

YouTube Video (summary or video version)

Three main topics in this document with studies below each.

Wnt genes (the pre-requisite to tgf-beta)
Mitochondrial bioenergetics (ROS, glucose, etc)

Note: this is a research journey I have been on for nearly two years now. Expect the document to expand or be completely altered in the coming months and years. It is a work in progress.


For anyone who's not convinced about the impact that glucose has on peyronies, watch the video and take the time to read some of the documents as well as drop questions on this thread
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.

Bubba dawg

I have avoided Sugar anything since my late teens because I lifted weights. I continued to avoid it out of habit after I quit lifting. I drink water or diet drinks. Maybe one time per week get a ice cream. Never more than 20 lbs over weight. 2 years prior to Peyrones, I was 50 lbs under weight. I still got classic Peyrones. Not injury Peyrones. I would like to find a reason for it too. Just can't connect sugar with it in my case.
Seems that many in here, who have classic Peyrones, are in their 50s
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
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Bubba dawg: it's not just sugar, it's glucose. Your body metabolizes carbohydrates by turning them into glucose in the body. It's why diabetics try to avoid bread. Eating bread and pasta can seriously spike blood sugar (blood glucose)
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.

Bubba dawg

Oh ok. Well I eat plenty of bread and pasta. Seems that many, non injury Peyrones, have a  50s age connection. Why this age? I have read where 40s through 60s are the common denominator in Peyrones. Why does it seem to be age related instead of what we eat? Or is it both?
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
I have ignored several warnings. Further reports to the moderators or Administrators and I will be banned.


alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


Glucose is from all carbohydrates. So I am suggesting we eat no bread, no pasta, no rice, no potatoes, just pure keto.

Werther, that is profound and a lead I will write down right now for later! Wonderful.

Whyisthishappening, HDAC is something I will go into later. Keto inhibits HDAC quite clearly, which is great for Peyronie's.
That paper may have some goodies in it. MMPs are interesting but still messy to me, and I'm trying to figure it out. Great lead though and I will check it out!


So can we say that men with peyronies are "glucose intolerant"? Sounds silly but sounds like it to me. Eating the glucose ramps up inflammation for us according to the science. Back when I was a HS athlete my injuries were always nagging, never healing properly. My legs were always sore as I wasn't recovering from workouts properly either. Hard to think that we could be intolerant to such a huge nutrient and food group.
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.


HDAC section added to my google document today.

It turns out that HDAC is also glucose driven and also a requirement for TGF-beta, like the Wnt pathway.

Patriot, it does indeed seem that way from the research. In my father too, this is absolutely the case.
Humans all take damage from glucose inside the mitochondria and it is proposed as one of the theories of aging (glycolysis). Some people's get heart disease, others cancer, others aging skin, other's Peyronie's.


what we have so far is wnt2,adenosine,HDAC2and7,HeatShockProtein,aquaporin,MMPs,TIMPs,IGF,TNF(downregulated),TGF,pentraxin,elastin antibodies,trace elements(cu,mn,zn),SMAD,VitD,Folate,and some other genes and proteins found in cadavid pub from 2015.We have to find their relations and some possible mechanisms i don't think its only one it is multifactorial.There is also the 2017 paulis pub but seems flaud(says upregulated TNFs which is not the case for us)but i believe his kind of approach as a representation of a mechanism is ok.
 whatever i mentioned above i can find pubs,but what i want to say in this post is that we have to look the whole picture and try to find connections ,which is beyond the scope of just one post .
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


  If you haven't got diabetes prediabetes and you have normal blood sugar, Can sugar and carbs still have a bad effect on peyronies? My plaque does seem to feel more inflamed and harder on certain days and softer on others.
AGE 59
Acute since  Dec 2017
VED, traction & supplements
Went from 30 degree curve to 80 during acute stage  stabilized since May 2019
Curvature calculated at 80 degrees by Dr Ralph from emailed photo.
Titan  22cm with 1cm RTE's Prof ralph Feb 2022


you can try something as a test.if you are not pain free when not in pain for some moments eat some junk food or pizza or something and if you feel pain after 20 or 40 min. that means that you are affected very easily by food.but if you do not feel pain that does not mean that you are not affected ,i believe healthy eating is very important for us we should never have insulin spikes.In the onset of my Peyronies Disease i was searching for a substance that could cure me,but what i should do was to listen other more experienced members and pay attention in the lifestyle changes a Peyronies Disease patient should do to stay as healthy as possible and try to do not aggravate Peyronies Disease even with food or alcohol or smoking.
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


Whyistbishapenning: good idea, but that test won't work for everyone. For neo it does, if he spikes glucose he will have pain. For me, not so easy. I can eat a bunch of sugar and not feel pain. However if I do decide to use my penis to have sex then the pain will be worse than if I was on keto. The same goes for my joints when I lift weights. On low/no carb diet I get no wrist or ankle pain from past injuries. On carbohydrates and glucose I do get pain during workouts. But for me I've noticed it has to be chronically eating bad. If I eat sugar one day I will be in no pain. But if I were to go back to eating how I used to, forget it .. lol. I do believe the carbs played a big role in getting peyronies for me and that I have overexpression of wnt gene. Some just have it to a worse degree, some more mild
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.


diehard thats why i  am on the diet i mentioned above ,do you believe we could test our wnt ?something else also the serotonin fibrosis nexus that a member posted  was mind blowing for me,and remember how many times stress and depression is mentioned for a lot of guys in this forum  
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


Philtered, yes, as my document describes. It isn't blood glucose per se but insulin, and how your mitochondria and cells are using carbs and fats.


Even though I do agree that high carb diet, excess sugar, insulin levels etc. may directly contribute to the overall inflammation levels of the body; I think this is a rather simplistic way to explain such complex disease such as Peyronie's with multiple genetic factors, presdisposition etc. at play

For example, my Peyronie's developed while in my mid 20s (Peyronie's confirmed by urologists). I was at my lowest bodyfat at that point in my life and in my best physical shape in terms of strength and weightlifting and broke personal records during the time I got my first symptoms. I was also mostly eating low carb diet with prolonged fasting periods (Intermittent fasting with +18 hours of daily fasts between meals)

High sugar levels/glucose impact on the nerves is a slow, gradual process similar to diabetic neropathy. My Peyronie's was extremely aggressive, came out of nowhere: I was in active phase maybe for a month of constant pain with painful erections: and then all the pain went away, but my penis was filled with scar tissue and extreme deformity (dorsal (upwards) curvature).
I have not had any pain whatsoever after that 1 month of constant agony, not during erections or flaccid; the deformity remains.

I don't see how my diet habits could have any way changed the outcome. Even If I would have started a 60 day fast the moment the pain started and ate zero carbs during that period I have my doubts that the outcome would have been any different. I am skeptical about this whole diet being a huge factor in Peyronie's disease especially if you have no abnormal insulin production otherwise. That being said, I still do intermittent fasting with prolonged fasting, sometimes up to 24hours between meals, but that is more of a preference rather than some high hope that it may cure me.
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Justmyfewcents; the idea is the WNT gene is what makes us predisposed to the condition . Even at low body fat it wouldn't matter. It's the process of burning glucose for energy and having higher blood sugar than normal. The truth is someone eating keto has lower blood glucose than a ripped body builder who didn't eat low carb.
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.


Holy f*** s***. I have really high prolactin and it cannot be a coincidence that the serotonin receptor antagonist terguride is used primarily for that and fibrotic disorders. I need to get my hands to it as soon as its approved.


It looks like terguride is already approved as a prolactin inhibitor.


I believe glutathione is a key element towards results in all this guys. It is all connected still and it must be treated from every angle, from basics to reach soul. I say humbly but decisively from the connection to all the forum testimonies, studies, general urological approaches and my personal experience, diagnosis and case.

I literally just got back home from London (can update it in another moment among other this) and told I have all the symptoms but no curve and I have no Peyronie's as such because there is no plaque nor venous leak (which is "old school" he said when I mentioned the vascular surgery). My nerves also have been damaged and he knew I was damaged and been injured but there were not tests for nerves, as an example.

Organically within the nutritional intake and how a natural male body must work there this is a key.
I cannot promise but I share my belief of a positive step and contribution. I am about to get another opinion from another specialist in France about my case but I keep adding steps.

For now at least I got a diagnostic and I am being treated. From being a "bull" 6 months ago as for prostate cancer surgery recovery from injuries aiming to gain back essential functionality such as morning erections. Might also try Shock-wave.

I recently, after a whole year of oxidative stress (PTS among many, many other), get infections and can barely contract any my muscles (including PVC), have any libido, etc.. Lots going on in my life, body and mind tbh but I do not want to get out of subject although I would love to share it.

From the propranolol intake and the WNT signaling receptors that have been misplaced I felt an enormous difference even to regulate my body temperatures or sleep. The drug goes away short term but the add up to all I got stayed.

I am on it as a main focus now and can post results.

Again, all this does not exclude anything, it is just my logical approach more a direct clear aim of improvement on top of the treatments (just got a VED), supplements (which I hope to stop because I am currently taking an insane amount of pills although seems vanilla as many are like grape extract or Vitamin E), Cialis, etc.

I really look forward NeoV to hear more and your results Hontas. Thanks a lot to all and best wishes!

Sharing a study I just found about this also:
Recent Pathophysiological Aspects of Peyronie's Disease: Role of Free Radicals, Rationale, and Therapeutic Implications for Antioxidant Treatment—Literature Review

Again, it is just my case and what I will do on myself. This does not exclude to anyone having concerns or symptoms to always go to a doctor above all.

For reference as it might help search it (it is not NAC):

Other names:
Gamma-Glutamylcysteinylglycine, Gamma-L-Glutamyl-L-Cysteinylglycine, Gamma-L-Glutamyl-L-Cystéinylglycine, Glutathion, Glutatión, L-Gamma-Glutamyl-L-Cysteinyl-Glycine, L-Gamma-Glutamyl-L-Cystéinyl-Glycine, L-Glutathion, L-Glutathione, GSH, N-(N-L-gamma-Glutamyl-L-cysteinyl)glycine

It is about natural balance and capacity.
23 yo. Sympt 6m ago. Diag, possible pre-/peyroines and v leak after injuries. Had 2US, MRI, +5 doc & 6 urolog, 1 and

ED, sensation & natural or night erect loss, wid&leng loss, hard flaccid, hourglas inde, scars/lumps, no curv
TBC France Androlo


@philtered. You "plaque" might be as mine. This andrologist I just saw (who is developing Erectile Dysfunction treatment through Botox toxins to help relax the muscles and perhaps avoid pd5 inhibitors, something mentioned in another post in the forum) said it is like a clog of blood. To not worry for that. I am sharing the knowledge but again, it is a possibility and it might be well linked to the "usual" inflammations from masturbation, etc.

From NeoV reply and to resume I think it could be an "unusual" way of your body to deal with those blood clogs or inflammations due to such factors.
23 yo. Sympt 6m ago. Diag, possible pre-/peyroines and v leak after injuries. Had 2US, MRI, +5 doc & 6 urolog, 1 and

ED, sensation & natural or night erect loss, wid&leng loss, hard flaccid, hourglas inde, scars/lumps, no curv
TBC France Androlo


batbat very interesting perspective to some atypical but not so uncommon Peyronies Disease symptoms please give some info,also about glutathione NAC should be helpful at least in theory i had for a while no improvements but only two cycles i lso have apublication about nac and DD but it was 6 months therapy
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


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