Almost unable to get an erection.... and no idea why... venting off

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I don't know quite exactly where to start... no idea if i should be writing this.... but.... I am impressed at how calm i am right now, considering how much i panicked when i couldn't get an erection, when i woke up... and saw that hematoma 12hours after my fracture in 2014, and the same thing almost happened to me a while ago. Different circumstances.... but... unable to understand what just happened.

Normal day.... went about my routine, came home... hopped in the shower to masturbate and my penis felt different... softer.... i would take more time to get erect, after my fracture in 2014 but it was different this time around. Couldn't get fully erect (as in the 80% rigidity erection i have post fracture) and after a while i started loosing it to the point i was masturbating with just a chubby.... I almost panicked and i started to feel really anxious about what was going on but i managed to calm down... and kept trying to abstract my mind and think about things that excite me sexually.... i eventually managed to get a somewhat similar erection to what is my new normal.... but i felt that it was even weaker and about to fade away even faster. It was weird..... and sad... and frustrating, all at the same time.

I really have no idea what is happening. IF this is just stress, or if it is my condition aggravating itselt but i think i am going to try and book a doctors appointment real quick to try to have some support, whatever it may be.

I am clinging on to the fact that i was and am going to get an implant anyway, so it doesn't really mater if i have erections or not. But at the same time i know it does mater, because it helps a lot to keep penile size and if my condition just got worse, then i'll have to hop in on the VED daily and pray to god and all the saints that i can get a good erection so i don't fall into a depression pit...

I want to think it was nothing; but my penis has a slight dull ache right now, and that was just so odd. I've been having trouble ejaculating for 1.5 months now, and i don't know if it's related to this. (slight burning sensation at the urethra tip and very hard to ejaculate and orgasm. Also, no idea why?) Just so afraid i will fall into a depression pit and have a mental breakdown or something before i can have my implant in the time schedule i was planning on....

Made me think about all the diaries i read of men having prostate cancer and not being able to have any erection... i can't imagine the bad mental whole that must be... or can i? is this what's in store for me? even more problems? not even being able to masturbate with a lousy erection even after not having sex for 4 years and counting?

I never posted in this section before, if i remember right, but sometime it had to be. Fingers crossed it was nothing new and just a weird event.....  :'(

Bubba dawg

I wouldn't get upset about the ebb and flows of erections. There is also an ebb and flow of desire. Sounds like you suffer from a anxiety disorder. That in itself can cause erection problems. I have that problem too. Get anxious that I might not be able to get hard. Guess what? I cant get hard. But when I am relaxed and not worried the erections come easier. What you eat and drink can effect your erections. You say panic set in. That wouldnt have happened if you were not already having anxiety.  You just had a panic attack. Google that.   Just doesnt happen to women. I saw a video where a cop had a panic attack while on the job. S... happens!
Now if dont get erections long term then it is time to seek help.
I have back problems . I find I get morning erections more often after I have been to my monthly adjustment. Most of the time I have no back pain to let me know. Things just get out of alignment. I have found that my  lower back disk and spine effect my erections. Just from my personal experience. You might want to get your back checked out. Maybe get an aggressive massage .
Find a way to relax
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
I have ignored several warnings. Further reports to the moderators or Administrators and I will be banned.


Ebb? Anxiety disorder?  Did you read my signature? Do you know what it is?  

Bubba dawg

That was 4 years ago. What makes you think one time of not getting the erection you wanted is a reason to panic? Just asking
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
I have ignored several warnings. Further reports to the moderators or Administrators and I will be banned.


so guys... here i am again. What was bad gets even worse, and god forbid it keeps on going. I am having some real trouble achieving the erection i was used to post fracture... It goes soft even faster... i feel like i am stroking a wooden stick; not much pleasure and most of the time i am masturbating it only feels slightly pleasurable when i am soft and filling back up again. Anybody experienced anything similar?

I also have great trouble ejaculating. I feel something that resembles a blockage as the sperm is about to come out. Huge pressure on the inside of my penis and then i ejaculate somewhat. Very very difficult. I have no idea why. I pin point this on went i felt a slight pain on the side of the penis while masturbating... on November 2018....

I am going to see a doctor early Feb, and ask for a VED, or if he doesn't think i should get one i am going for the soma erect stf. I really feel that i need somebody to help me out use one, but i will try to use it myself now because i really need it till i get an implant.

Any support from guys having ED would be greatly appreciated.  


It sounds like you may have done some extra damage to your penis. Try not to panic (I know that may be hard) but I was in a similar position in regards to my ED and have managed to improve things significantly.

Firstly, do not masturbate with a half-erect (chubby) penis - this will only risk further damage. If your penis does not fully engorge try not to masturbate and give it time to recover for now.

Secondly, do you have a good urologist you can see ?

And what medications are you currently taking? At first I was unable to maintain or get an erection at all for weeks. Sometimes I could get an erection with stimulation but I would lose it seconds as the stimulation stopped. Once the doctor prescribed me a combination of pentox (3 times a day) and Cialis daily my ability to get and maintain erections is the same as it was pre-condition.

Try and stay calm, follow the usual regime, see a doc and only masturbate once a week with lube (very lightly to avoid further damage).

Your penis needs to heal and I think you will benefit from an ultrasound or MRI.

Keep us updated,
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Hey man. Thanks for replying. I am going to try to see a new doctor early feb. Already trying to see my current doctor in Canada, but I think her assistant is screwing me over and not forwarding my requests. If I can't get no reply this month from him, I am going to reach out to doctor eid by phone.  


Hey man. Number 1 thing is to leave it alone. I've had many times where I coudnnt get a good erection. The anxiety + inflammation + trying to get it erect instead of it naturally happening as it should will never end up well. It's harder to say than do but cut the porn and try to quit thinking about sex for a few weeks
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.


I agree with diehard, leave your penis alone. I used to constantly check erections and force myself to get erections by reading sex stories on reddit or seeing a lot of sex clips on NSFW subreddit, so f~@

I COMPLETELY REGRET not leaving it alone, even though there's no changes in my penis and everything is the same from July. I know that was stupid to not leave it alone. I'm leaving my penis alone until I get full confirmation from the peyroines specialist that it is not peyroines.

Age 25
Mid July 2018 - Assumed I had peyroines

March 2019 - Did an doppler ultrasound in flaccid state, no plaque or scar was found. Blood flow was normal

Turns out it's cogential.


34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Yes. Cialis daily 5mg. Going to ask the doctor for the VED on my initial appointment, first week of February. Haven't touched it since 2 days ago. It sucks. I have this paranoia I can't get hard no more. At this point I just want the VED and restorex to work so I keep my size till I am able to get an implant. :(


I am going to go to this clinic here in Canada, and see how it goes. He is not a peyronies specialist, but the assistant told me by phone they help out with the VED so that's worth a try. I am in a very dark place mentally right now... Despite doing everything I can so my condition doesn't worsen it feels I can't stop it.... I work as hard and as much as I can but the implant is still so far away... Both financially and Timewise.... :(really hope this doctor is able to help me out... I'm Paying 350$ out of pocket. I'll keep you guys posted on this

:edited for the link


Have you tried pentox? I noticed it was the combination of pentox and cialis daily which really improved my ED.  
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Practice, what do you expect from the doctor.  I realistically do not expect anything other than a PDE5 inhibitor.  What else can he do?

I feel like you know all of the ED solutions.  I don't want you to unrealistically raise expectations for this appointment.  Also, why is this costing you?  Are you going private?  If so, I would consider rethinking that.  You are likely to feel you wasted that money.

Just focus on the fact that you have a long term solution and look forward to that.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hey hawk. I basically just need to feel some support, from somebody in the medical community. I had his assistant telling me on the phone that they can order the VED from the clinic if the doctor sees it as necessary, and I purchase it through the Canadian health care system.

I don't have any expectations, in terms of solutions. I just want to have somebody I can go to quickly, for medical help and guidance with prescriptions or to help me out using the ved or traction device correctly if I need it.

I don't know if I told you, but I have been to Larry's doctor, the one that implanted him in Canada, it's 1.30hour away from me and although I was pleased with the initial consultation, and he said he was going to hook me up with a restorex, now apparently he changed his mind and told his assistant, to tell me that I can go online and buy a penimaster by myself, on their website. He was very surprised I knew about restorex, and even told me that he knows ''Dr landon trost very well''. And all of the sudden he goes and changes his mind? So yeah... I want to do Ved and traction next.

I'm furious and sad at the same time. Screw this BS


I am saddened that you have to go through this.  I am also concerned that you will spend money you are saving for an implant but I trust your judgement.  You can order traction and VED if you don't have them and get all the info right here that you need IF that saves money.  If the govt will buy you one that might be reason to go to the doctor.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: pfract on January 26, 2019, 12:16:52 AM
He was very surprised I knew about restorex, and even told me that he knows ''Dr landon trost very well''. And all of the sudden he goes and changes his mind? So yeah... I want to do Ved and traction next.

Am i going to get banned if i in some context would imply that i would have a lot of fun if these a$$hole doctors lost their penis forever, and sent to a war zone for the rest of their lives, since they try to torture us for 20 dollars more profit? I am not saying those things god forbid, i am just asking whether i would get banned or not if i say those things :)  


Man... It would definitely help them relate more if they also had Erectile Dysfunction or peyronies. But, you'd send them there you wouldn't have anybody to treat you.  Well... I am still having major issues dealing with the doctors assistant. She's definitely not relaying my concerns back to the doctor and I don't know exactly what to do. I called the hospital patient relations office, and I think I am going to file a complaint if this continues being this way.

It's bad enough my condition is worsening, let alone i can't even talk to the doctor properly.  


Hey again guys.  So... After a month and a half without masturbating at all, I decided to finally try before I see the doctor on next Monday. I was for 1 hour, trying to orgasm. The erection alternated between soft and somewhat hard and finally after one hour, I was able to ejaculate.

Which brings me to this post. I am concerned I may have my urethra damaged or narrowed after so much trauma to my penis. I could feel an immense pressure right before I was ejaculating.... Like somebody is covering the tip of a hose and the water doesn't go through.. Finally semen came out, but in spurts.... And not much. Not what is to be expected after almost two months without masturbating. crapping my pants that I may have a urethral stricture and may need dilation or surgery.... But who knows. Will talk to the doctor Monday.

Going to pray till then...  


Hey bro,

Try not to panic man, we are in this together. It could be that there's scar tissue or the bend in your penis inhibits the flow of sperm when ejaculating.

What did your doc say ?

Also, man try not to masturbate for an hour I know it's tempting to even check if your penis works but rubbing your dick for that long is not could for this condition.

Have you had ultrasound etc?

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


I will man,  next Monday. Doctor wants to inject to see bloodflow,  but I am terrified of it. I also thought about that too... Really not sure. I do have a big bump right underneath my penis, at the urethra area.  But the thing is that the semen doesn't even feel like its coming out you know? Like its blocked all the way at the back inside the body and then it comes out.

I am trying right now to masturbate, (stopped to check the board) and can barely get hard.  Like 70% rigidity max and then it goes soft. Feels super rubbery and not much pleasure when stroking, super gently. really unsure of what it could be.... But if it's an injury to the urethra it's not cool at all since that has to be sorted out first, before you have the implant.. :(


OK so.... After 1:34 hours masturbating I finally orgasmed...  This is becoming unbearable.... Almost constantly loosing the erection... Stroking to get her back... Till I could feel I was going to cum.. :/ fingers crossed I did not hurt my self in any way.... By the way... Thank you for your support jj21!


All good bro. Are yo having issues peeing ? If not, it may not be damage to the urethra. I had a little extra dribble after peeing which got a bit better with pentox (not sure why) I presume it was due to scar tissue or bending.

I also have the same issue as you where I can't really feel the semen coming out, sometimes I have a dry orgasm and it just starts to drip out later after orgasm... My uro did the tests and it seems to be the scar tissue/bend as well as the fact that a weak erection = weak ejaculation... So if we fix the erection/bend it should fix the ejaculation issues.

I also read stories on this forum of people who healed and their ejaculation issues became normal.

The Injection really isn't that bad, it's just like a litle pinch (very thin needle) and they will be able to determine whether there is a venous leak.

Also, keep in mind I had the exact same Erectile Dysfunction as you which I managed to recover from using a combination of Cialis daily AND Pentox (3 times a day) prior to that combination I could reach an 80% erection with constant stimulation however, as soon as the stimulation stopped my penis would just sort of deflate right infront of me within seconds. Now I can maintain an erection without stimulation and have sex multiple times a day (although I choose not to).

If I were you I would get the ultrasound and try Pentox, Cialis daily, traction and VED - these could help with your current condition and even if you're set on an implant you could recover some size with these methods.

Finally bro, try to stop masturbating for hours ( I know it's hard not to check but the more obsessed you are the more anxious you will be and it will not only leave you vulnerable to further damage but mentally drain you causing more ED issues). Try not to be obsessed with the condition just see it as something which can and will be healed. Remember theres people out there who have had their dick amputated and will never even be able to masturbate again. For us at worst with an implant or surgery we can still have a normal sex life and even then with the usual therapies and protocol we could recover.

I think you need to take some time to just breathe n relax and accept what's happened and what can be done about it. I think it will help mentally and that will help with your ED.
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


I do need a bit more force to urinate, since some time ago. But I can still see with an erection of sorts and both flaccid.

Curiously... I never had that you describe. All my orgasms always have semen coming. Yes...  I had an ultrasound before, I know. See my signature. Just that I am afraid having lumps or gaining curvature with it. As for the traction and ved I can't afford quite right now. I am already on Cialis daily.

I had to masturbate before my appointment to tell the doctor how I am doing, but I am going to stop again as I don't want to waste so much time masturbating and feeling sad. :(


Should be okay - people who develop peyronies from injections use it for ED multiple times. Just from 1 or 2 you should be completely fine.

How about Pentox? And the VED from s sex shop can still be effective - I have a $50 one from an adult store here in Australia.

I have seen some improvement in curvature lately I presume it's from Pentox and VED. I will be doing up a pic post to show this soon.

Let us nkow how the ultrasound goes bro.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Currently waiting at the hospital, at the radiology floor to have the ultrasound. I have no idea what's going to come out of there or if I am going to have an injection or not.  Hopefully the doctor is patient with me.

Wish me luck guys. (currently crapping my pants)


So I ended up not having an injection. Did have the ultrasound, and the doctor said there was no scar tissue. The ultrasound was done flaccid. He should be able to get me a restorex in two weeks time. Let's wait and see.


Same issue as me... I can feel like lumps, must be some fibrosis but ultrasound doesn't show it so they assume it's psychological. It's taken me almost two years to prove its not

Do you have any curvature ?

I have no curvature just flaccid shrinkage, bad ED and loss of sensation...

33yo, single
severe ed caused by injury to cs, soft glans, lack of sensation
penile implant: ams lgx 700


Hey Sonny. I'd say 20 degrees give or take 10, to the left and shortening. So, upwards and leftward a Lil bit. Fingers crossed an implant will sort all at once.