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Another topic Hijacked that had sat dormant for a year before this post.  -  These posts were split off from the topic they tried to hijack.

You know what, i am 29 years old in one of the best parts in my youth time surrounded with a lot of hot chicks, but this is hard on me


Quote from: popopo on December 07, 2017, 04:09:52 AM
True, so can other women. Difference is that they have lesbian non-penis orientated sex. But yeah like you said, we can still have unenjoyable boring sex like a middle-aged man. Or what I like to call it "foreplay". Maybe I'm weird for wanting to be a man and be able to "F~@<" as well.

I want to thank you for that laugh.  Do you think middle-aged men have some kind of boring sex?  I have had teen sex, 20's sex. 30's sex, 40's sex, 50's sex, and almost a decade of 60's sex and I suspect I would make you blush.  Since I can compare all of it I am qualified to say sex is better now than ever.  Not as frequent as in my teens when I went 35 days straight with sex at least once a day but frequent enough and way higher quality.  I give a far bigger premium to quality than quantity anyway.

With that out of the way, it is sad when guys are too wrapped up in their penis to not be able to work around a temporary setback because that is what it is, temporary.  At worst, in a couple more years, it will settle down, you will have a functional penis with Pentox, l-arginine, traction, VED, or an implant.  In the meantime focus on your seduction and intimacy skills and other endeavors like education and career.  When you look back you will see that the timing was in your favor.   Look back, sex is almost wasted on guys under 35 years old except to father children.   :)
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I never said middle aged men all have boring sex, which makes this crap even more frustrating knowing that ugly old men I see in the streets probably get more action then me, for example.. What do you want to hear from me other than "good for you" and "glad your sexlife is better than mine"? If this was a pissing contest, your 60 something year old ass beat mine. Unfortunately, there really is no winner here. Then again, it seems you have a wonderfull sex life and your case must not be that bad. So why are you here again, other than rubbing it into my face?

Oh, and I do focus on career and everything other than sex in life. Why? Cause sex is NOT an option for me. I got no temporary setback. I don't know what YOU are experiencing and appearantly you're fine, so why are you still here?? I wish this was temporary more than you could imagine. But it is not and I don't need another man who does struggle with "a temporary setback" to act like not being able to heal is on me, while I workout like an athlete, eat like an athlete and tried everythng IN MY POWER to treat my body right. Remember I got this at 17, I'm 24 now and still get worse over time.

Anyway, my rant here is done. But your attitude is exactly the reason I don't step under the shower in the gym and just avoid every exposure includng this forum most of the time. Bunch of useless been there done that advice, coupled by showboating how other men do fine.. ughhh
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help

Bubba dawg

Popopo you're just not willing to do what you have to do to have any kind of sex. I was scared to death of xiaflex injection but like you I could not have sex. I repeat. Not have sex! Over night my dick shortened and curved. The fix is not easy. Not painless. Not perfect. Not short term. But if you really want to have sex again you need to do what you have to do. Xiaflex helped me. Surgery helped others. Fasting helped some. I dont l know what you have access to or insurance.  But there are ways to treat this problem to where you can have sex again. Seriously women can only feel 3 inches deep. You dont have to be a 10 inch porn star to make a woman  satisfied. I dont think many men can cover come their fears to get the job done or dont have access to treatment. Hawk is trying to encourage you to do what you have to do. Not just sit around and bash treatment options. I am proof and Hawk is proof of 2 treatment success. I hope something works for you
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
I have ignored several warnings. Further reports to the moderators or Administrators and I will be banned.


A man doesn't need a penis at all to please a woman but that isn't popopo issue, it is that he himself can't be pleased in his current state and I get that but there are treatments that can be tried that work if don't properly and by too doctors and if all else fails or you simply don't want to try treatments there's the option of implant. Popopo is only 20 yrs old, he is not looking at the bigger picture, he is just thinking of sex. The bigger picture is a life with someone that may or may not include intercourse depending on the path you choose. A woman of substance isn't going to care if your penis works

Moderator since 2015- Missouri- I work in the medical field and have strong knowledge of insurance and how to obtain coverage for medication and other treatments. Being a woman I do not have Peyronies but you can ask me anything. I am happy to help.


Well... having had a varied sex life before my fracture, penis.... it's size and your stamina do make a big difference. I was in a 6 year long relationship before breaking up and going on a phase of fun and one night stands... and while you are right Stabler, (and i am able to see the bigger picture (no sex for 4 years and counting)) it does play a huge part. Not to mention that when you give a girl good sex.... she's going to want that frequently... That was my experience. It doesn't matter now. Nowadays i really miss hugging tight someone... kissing and making out for hours.... ???


I'm 24, don't know why some info of me has been added, cause some of it (including my age) isn't really correct. But like I said I do not "sit around and bash these wonderfull treatments that could fix me". I'm trying to tell you that, indeed, there is NOTHING that would make me happy unless I can have my original size back and nothing I tried OR ANYTHING THAT'S AVAILABLE FOR THAT MATTER can do that, period. And yes, it means I remain "unfixed/untreated", but stop blaming me as a person for something my body does to me.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


Moderator since 2015- Missouri- I work in the medical field and have strong knowledge of insurance and how to obtain coverage for medication and other treatments. Being a woman I do not have Peyronies but you can ask me anything. I am happy to help.


And if you really wanna know, I went to doctors (which I still feel is one of the most embarassing and to a degree traumatic events in my life cause I don't wanna show around my dick to some random old man, a nurse and another guy researching my penis, while I'm trying to get erect) and they either tell me I have a venous leak, some scarring or even that NOTHING IS WRONG and I just have "pelvic floor tension". Meanwhile, my bloodflow down there is getting worse and I havent seen my original size/shape since a couple years now and it gets more shrivled and lifeless as time goes by, no matter what I do. I'm not trying to be pessimistic, just being real here. Which is why I do anything to just forget about sex, but nobody is helping with that and telling me I don't want treatment enough is an insult.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


I know, but my signature has been added in the time I've been away from the forum, so no idea how it even got there.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help

Bubba dawg

I am a little above average average size. I have been with over 100 women in my lifetime of partying. A good bit of women do not like huge dicks. Do not like you to last too long. Do not have orgasms during sex. Most women do not have orgasms during intercourse . Many find big dicks painful. One woman told me she would not have sex with a big dick guy. She told one that he was not going to stick that thing in her. Too long sex can leave a woman dry. Let me tell you many women fake pleasure to please a man. I could not last long when I was young. I can last a lot longer now. My wife does not want me to last too long. One size does not fit all in the sex world either. Porn has ruined many relationships with fakery bs. Now we have unlimited access to porn. Making unrealistic expectations. Hard to go from jacking to porn to normal sex
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
I have ignored several warnings. Further reports to the moderators or Administrators and I will be banned.


Moderator since 2015- Missouri- I work in the medical field and have strong knowledge of insurance and how to obtain coverage for medication and other treatments. Being a woman I do not have Peyronies but you can ask me anything. I am happy to help.


I agree with all the things you said, yet there is a spectrum here. I mean.. if big dicks where so horrible, they wouldn't be so desireable to both men and women. I mean to say that the truth is somewhere in the middle obviously, but as a man who was born with a 7 inch dick, I can not psychologically deal with having a lifeless and shrivled thing between my legs. Call it vain, call it ignorant. I don't care.. whatever gives me back my original penis (bigger would be nice cause yes, I believe it makes sex easier) so I can finally have sex without any shame, doubt or possible emberassments. I hope one day that solution will come and until then I know all the roads to walk, but they're not for me.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


And I do use pentox for those that don't know and have been on them for years without any noticeable effect either good or bad. Having said all this, how can anyone argue that I should NOT focus on anything but fixing this issue FOR NOW. If there would be relief in any of the proposed treatments I'd do them all without a doubt. But knowing myself and my options I feel like continuing this path of ignorance, because as you might notice, thinking about my penis does nothing but make me angry again.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


So popopo, if I am doing the math- you have been dealing with Peyronies for 4 yrs give or take, if you have tried all the protocol treatments that are discussed in the forum and have had no success, have you considered an implant or are you against that?

Moderator since 2015- Missouri- I work in the medical field and have strong knowledge of insurance and how to obtain coverage for medication and other treatments. Being a woman I do not have Peyronies but you can ask me anything. I am happy to help.

Bubba dawg

Lack of confidence can cause ED. You're not happy with your dick right now. I am not thrilled with mine either. ED can be a mental thing sometimes. Has happened to me. Anxiety , worry, lack of confidence and unhappy with your penis can lead to ED. The mind penis disconnect. What we have is a libido killer . I dont care about showing my dick to medical pros who are interested and qualified to help me. Man or woman. I dont give a rat azz. I am not ashamed of anything. S*** happens. Things could be worse. We could have to wear diapers like some people do. Life has worse horrors. Medical professionals see a lot worse. Big dicks. Big breast. Most humans have neither. Many women have tiny or no breast. Many are ashamed by society.  Dont let society shame you popopo. F society lol.
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
I have ignored several warnings. Further reports to the moderators or Administrators and I will be banned.


Bubba Dawg: i do not mean to discredit you, but i can send a few PM's your way of amateur porn that will make you seriously question your views. Notice i did say "amateur" and not professional. Amateur porn can be real... as in people having real pleasure and filming their intercourse session. And whilst some things you said i agree somewhat, others i do not. And i can prove you wrong. Based on what i have experienced, and based on what i've seen and heard on real life. And again, i don't mean this in an offensive way. I really don't want you to get upset, but i can't go along and agree when i have seen those arguments repeated ad nauseam and i think they are lacking.  


Yup Pfract, I agree with you. Like a lot of things in life reality IS harsh, but people tend to "fantasise" around them with phrases like "beauty is on the inside" "money doesn't make you happy" or in this case "size doesn't matter". Just because those thoughts can be assuring and even healing psychologically don't make them right tho.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help

Bubba dawg

I have watched a lot of amature porn. There are nymphs.  You're not getting my point.  I am talking averages. There are exceptions. I have met and had sex with exceptions. Most women would not want to be in a porn movie. Amature or pro. But there are exception to that rule
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
I have ignored several warnings. Further reports to the moderators or Administrators and I will be banned.


I know about how stress kills libido and erections, but that's the "funny" thing. I can get erect as well as I could as a teen, it's just been getting smaller and more deformed over the years and even a rock hard morning glory ( something I do still get) isn't my original size/shape cause there must be some scar tissue build up in there. The absolute worst thing about it is the progression, cause at what point will I have to keep accepting that the next erection is smaller than the last one for years to come?? And I'm only 24!
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


Why are we even talking about what any woman wants, though? I never said I'm too repulsive to be with a woman, I just don't like my dick being lacking. It's about my flaw, not someone else's wants. Maybe I wanna be a pornstar? Don't mean anybody else's opinion is gonna change that. My point is that none of this crap matters if it means not having the choice to have a good dick like loads of very happy men.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help

Bubba dawg

What not try Xiaflex like I did? My penis went back to normal size. Just a kink toward the head. Probably need more injections to fix that. I got back my girth and length. Works best in the missionary position. I never thought it would get back to the back the way it was. Like yours it had bowed and shrunk. Xiaflex just softened most of the plaque. So it flexed back to normal
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
I have ignored several warnings. Further reports to the moderators or Administrators and I will be banned.


I think most of y'all get my point if they want to get me, just like I understand all the kind and more positive thoughts as well if I want to. But for me personally there is only light at the end of this tunnel if I get truly back to where I was or better. So for now I'm done. I'll check out of the forum again, follow the Atala study and wait.. call me crazy, but at least I'm not wasting time putting my dick in a tube daily for zero results and added pain, or worse, get my dick butchered by a surgeon who claims to be able to help me.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help

Bubba dawg

Xiaflex requires no tube. Injections take 5 minutes a shot. Exercises take 15 minutes a day. In 6 months you could have a normal penis. Beats a life time of what you got
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
I have ignored several warnings. Further reports to the moderators or Administrators and I will be banned.


If xiaflex was an option I'd have that suggested by an expert as well, but the expert didn't advise it to me, but you do. Same for an implant. I got adviced by an expert not to do it. Talking of experts, you must be one yourself! Seeing how appearantly you know me better than myself.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


Maybe you should seek a second opinion...
Moderator since 2015- Missouri- I work in the medical field and have strong knowledge of insurance and how to obtain coverage for medication and other treatments. Being a woman I do not have Peyronies but you can ask me anything. I am happy to help.


Popopo,  I hear you saying ---." maybe there are beautiful women with appealing personalities out there that would love an intimate sex life with me but I don't care because I don't like my dick and I am never going to be happy with my dick even if women are getting in line demanding it."

If that is the case then you have made up your mind to live dissatisfied because a component of your life is not perfect.  I am not sure if you would be this way with every aspect of your body.  For instance, if your dick was restored and you lost a limb, or your face had a burn scar, etc, etc.  How about if you looked physically fine but you stuttered or had very poor memory?

I once saw an immature man spend days putting up a picket fence one picket at a time.  Near the end, a couple things went wrong.  A couple pickets were bowed and the imperfection upset him.  Then he hit his finger with a hammer.  In a rage of upset, he tore down 2/3rd of the fence he had put up.  All because something was not perfect he destroyed that which was good, and great, and useful, and functional.  Life does not have to be perfect to be great.  In fact the very greatest lives I know anything about are full of imperfection.  Since there is NO doubt that there are men on this forum and all around the world that would love to possess your dick and since there are women all around the world that would be completely satisfied with your dick, the problem must not be your dick.  It must be your attitude or mental state that needs to be fixed.

That is not a put-down.  It is given in a hope that you will focus in on the real problem and fix those things and not just come back with another post about all of this solves nothing.   Best wishes.

PS:  The reason I am still here is because I founded and help run the forum.  I take care of a lot of administrator duties to keep it going.  I am here to try to help others find better solutions. I have had countless posts and PMs from individuals that found encouragement here when they were suicidal.  I find some satisfaction and meaning in that to offset other imperfect areas of my life.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


The way I see it is that we both agree I'm disatisfied about my life. You just assume my life would be better with a partner, and I know from experience that my anxiety gets worse with a partner cause it frustrates me even more. It's like owning a ferrari without having a drivers license so to speak. We both say the same thing, you just assume a partner will fill the void, while I personally believe that I will be fixed once my dick will be fixed. We can disagree on this topic all day long, but in the end I think I know better what I want then someone else does.

To make the image a little clearer: In a perfect world I would have multiple no strings attached sex partners that I could satisfy and NOT have to deal with the drama of a "real" relationsship. What you're suggesting is all the drama of a "real" relationsship, just without the satisfying sex.

Maybe it's age, maybe I'm vain, maybe I'm just a generally less loving person than you are, but I know for a guy like me the answer would be fixing my flaw rather than working around it.

And yes, if I was handicapped I'd feel the same way. I would do what I do now and that is enjoy the things I CAN, while waiting for a solution.

For example: If I was paralyzed, I'd probably do what I can, but why bother trying to walk?? Why would I try to walk when I can't walk? I'd much rather forget about walking, still be a little mad that I can't and check back in when some doctor will be able to make me walk so I can actually walk, instead of trying to walk day in and out while I already know I can not.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


Popopo, If you were responding to me you missed some of my point.  I do NOT think you would be happy if you had a partner.  You have made it clear your unhappiness is all about your mental attitude about the condition of your dick no matter if women love it or hate it.  I think that even with 10 casual sex partners that liked your dick you would still not like it.  It seems to be a case that visually you don't enjoy your penis even if several women did.

Since you penis would make many men thankful it proves that it is NOT your penis that is the problem.  It is your view and your attitude.  That needs fixed worse than your penis.  If your penis becomes perfet it will only mask a real problem that needs fixed.  Work on that, the real problem.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I really don't get you.

Problem: penis is scarred
Solution: recreate damaged penile tissue

Why am I psychologically f'd up to think this way?
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


And what do you mean "make many men thankfull?" You keep talking about me like you know me and my penis. I assume you mean well, but it doesn't make sense.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


I'm literally facepalming myself here for how ignorant some people are. "Even if you had 10 sex partners" you say. But that's not the case now is it? The reality is that I fail to perform with any partner, so how can you assume my state of mind in a position I have NEVER been in?? I'm insecure about my dick? Guess why..? Because that's the problem. I'm never insecure about my heigth for example cause I'm 6'4" and proud of it. So why would I focus on my dick so much.. maybe.. because that's the problem?
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


Quote from: Bubba dawg on December 20, 2018, 07:59:39 AM
...A good bit of women do not like huge dicks. Do not like you to last too long. Do not have orgasms during sex. Most women do not have orgasms during intercourse . Many find big dicks painful. One woman told me she would not have sex with a big dick guy...

Whatever you said, but the fact is: in modern society size of the penis is a part of modern culture. And it's obviously not a small or not even average size. If this is not important, why then so many people obsessed with the penis size and literally have a philosophy like: "go big or go home"? Jokes, insults, humiliation about small dicked mans from all over the the internet, on the TV. Having a small dick is literally a lifespan curse. It's a death sentence. And like in everything else, there's an exception like in the case that you described above in your post. But ask just one simple question to 1000 random mans and to 1000 random womens : what would they choose if they would be able to having a small dick or a big dick (question for mans)? And what is the preferable size of the penis for sexual partner: a small one or a big one? (question for womens)

How do you think, what would be poll results? Is there a little chance that more than 1% of mans would chose "having a small dick" rather than a "big one"? Same with womens: who would chose to have a small-dicked parther if they would be able to chose? And please, don't start this coping comments, like: "it's not about the size, it's about how you use it", or "women will prefer partner who cares about her, even if he have micropenis". Please stop it. We talking about to chose only between small or big size while 100% of other qualities are equal.


I tend to agree with Alex, but appearantly being unhappy with emasculation makes me mentally unstable so I'll be a happy butterfly and spread the word that size doesn't matter or insert your own cliche here.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help

Bubba dawg

I was wondering why your doctor didnt recommend xiaflex?. I was not acting as a doctor telling you that you should do it. Did you ask him why? Some doctors are not familiar with that drug. How about what Stabler suggested Surgery? You may not be able to waite around for a cure.  This  can be a progressive disease in that it can get worse. Even more painful.  People have been waiting for a cure for alzheimer's plaque. In the mean time they are dying in droves
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
I have ignored several warnings. Further reports to the moderators or Administrators and I will be banned.


My urologist said an implant would NOT prevent scarring and could make it worse. He even said that in some cases he implant sticks out of the penis because scarring continues. If an implant would help me I would've done it, but seems like I have no choice but to wait and it seems to be getting closer. I'd rather wait another 5 years for a real solution than spend money and get my dick butchered.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


I also don't have one affected area, my whole penis is inflammed. The scarring is more spread all over so there is not one area to inject the xiaflex in so to speak.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help

Bubba dawg

Quote removed by moderator

Yea it is a joke. But women dont generally pick lifetime mates based on their dick size. My brother for example does not have a big dick. We tag teamed a girl so I know lol He has a good personality and is attractive. Not even tall. Like a magnet for women all his life. I am saying there are plenty of women our there who dont care about dick size that will keep you busy. Why worry about the rest? Women have a lot of different reasons. Finances , looks , personality.... Look at all the failed relationships of big dick celebrities.
The real curse is most women lose interest in sex with anybody after 50 years of age.
You only have to find one woman out of millions. I passed up a lot of good ones that I wish I could have back. Looking for that perfect woman. Ya I fell for the society game too
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
I have ignored several warnings. Further reports to the moderators or Administrators and I will be banned.


People make jokes about dicks, yes. Even women do. My girlfriend once told me that after each time one of her friends had sex with someone, they'd share if the guys D was big or small or just regular. BUT, that her or none of her friends would ever stop seeing or having sex with a guy because of his penis size.

Women say they like this, this, and that. But in reality there are things that a woman is attracted to and they don't even know it. That's why ugly guys get beautiful girls. That's why men with little money still end up with gorgeous wives.  My girlfriend used to say she liked tall black men. She still does. But, She ended up with a 5'9 Mexican. I am neither tall or black, lol.  If everything was all about sex, she'd have left me already. She gets hit on daily by men as she is very beautiful with a curvy body. I'm over being judged and I'm over being insecure because now I know the truth. Women simply DO NOT CARE. Even if they say they do. It's a weird concept to grasp and sounds like mon sense but it's not. Now all I care about is having my health back. Not for women but for myself. When you understand this your confidence will come back as well as at least most of your happiness. I accept that I can't have sex for right now.
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.


To put it bluntly: women lust after alpha's, but want a beta to be around. Not trying to classify any of us in any particular category cause most likely you are somewhere inbetween, but it's true. All women biologically want the alpha male. What's considered "alpha" is debateable, but when it comes to sex you could say any feature that is an indicator of high testosterone is considered attractive. It's not that hard to understand, cause if you switch it around, we guys are attracted to features that are an indicator of high estrogen (so quite the opposite). This is why men generally are tall, have square jaws, big shoulders, small hips and of course male genetalia. These are features that only develop under the influence of testosterone. Women generally have wide hips, big breasts, smaller size, "cute" appearance, all features that develop under the influence of elevated estrogen. So what is an "alpha" male?? Someone who has these testosteronized features and then some. So yes, a BIG dick is alpha, being tall is alpha, having wide shoulders and a big jaw is "alpha" and just so happens to be what the mainstream percieves as attractive.

And then you ask.. "If this is true, then why would women date men who aren't considered alpha??" Simple.. They do NOT like the alpha personality. They want a fun, loving and caring partner where most alpha males are generally more dominant (there is a very strong connection between testosterone and domination), less likely to be faithfull (yes there are studies done that confirm that high testosterone males share the bed with more women in general) and beta males are better father figures generally speaking as well (studies confirm that small testicles make better fathers).

So in short.. you can find a woman to be your girlfriend no matter what, but to actually be DESIRED by women is a bit of a different story.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


This contradiction in my opinion comes from the fact that women are hardwired to both seek out the best genes for their offspring, but also need a stable household to survive and help take care of the offspring.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


Quote from: popopo on December 20, 2018, 11:17:17 AM
My urologist said an implant would NOT prevent scarring and could make it worse. He even said that in some cases he implant sticks out of the penis because scarring continues. If an implant would help me I would've done it,

This topic has turned into pure nonsense.  First off, your doctor is an idiot or at least gave you idiotic information.  The only implant that that comes through the penis is an out of date, obsolete mailable implant, not an inflatable implant put in by a good surgeon.  Maybe that is all you have to choose from in your country.  If so I would save for 2 or 4 or 6 years and go to a great high volume surgeon that knows how to do an implant.

But like everything else, I am sure I am stupid about this and you have 40 reasons this solution will not work.  It seems your mission in life is to construct 10 reasons why every solution will fail then dwell on the failure.  so I will not interfere with your mission.

To Alex, big dicks are not more recognized in modern culture.  Big dick and little dicks have been around since prehistoric times and if anything are less emphasized today.  If you searched you would know that there are polls on the size of pole men have, men want, women want in a 1-night stand, want on a mate, and more.  No poll ever suggested women want abnormally big dicks, quite to the contrary.  I would post the data for you but it would make no difference to men that want a reason for failure or a reason to be feel defeated.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


My mission in life right now is to get my dick AND LIFE back to where it was. Not inserting a plastic tube into what once was my penis, not to spend money on butchers and DEFINITELY not to justify myself to some stranger on the internet. But if you wanna win my man, you got it! I'll admit that I just talk myself into failure, nothing is actually wrong with me and you got the ABSOLUTE truth just to make you happy. I know I got problems, but GEEEZZZZ!
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


Quote from: popopo on December 20, 2018, 12:53:46 PM
My mission in life right now is to get my dick AND LIFE back to where it was.

This will not happen without treatment or implant and the longer you wait, the harder it will be to recover from the damage that is going on right now. This is fact.

Moderator since 2015- Missouri- I work in the medical field and have strong knowledge of insurance and how to obtain coverage for medication and other treatments. Being a woman I do not have Peyronies but you can ask me anything. I am happy to help.


I agree that this topic turned into BS real fast and you know why? All because you just HAD to point out to me how awesome your middle aged sexlife is and turn this crap around and act like I brought this "setback" on myself and because you are now "healed" it must be my own fault for not being as lucky as you. Incredible how someone with so much life experience can be so untactfull, stubborn and plain rude. Not gonna lie, I'm being rude too, but you just HAD to rub your sexlife in my face and tell me it's my own fault and that is disgusting.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


Are you sure Stabler? Cause in what universe does a surgical procedure LESSEN inflammation and scarring?
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


By a qualified experienced surgeon, this universe.

Moderator since 2015- Missouri- I work in the medical field and have strong knowledge of insurance and how to obtain coverage for medication and other treatments. Being a woman I do not have Peyronies but you can ask me anything. I am happy to help.


I even know some guys on here that got BUTCHERED by their "top class surgeon". So can I PLEASE just have a different opinion on this then you? I think it's ridiculous how you guys suggest to me to IGNORE my own doctors, try stuff that's been around for AGES and things I even tried already and then when I tell the truth (that it doesn't work) I get told that's it's my own inactivity that's the problem. And I know this shouldn't matter, but hearing this from an older man who's appearantly doing fine sexually and a woman who doesn't even own a penis to begin with is just... MIND BOGGLING.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help


Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.


And honestly, if you can help me I would appreciate it. But you guys aren't helping at all, rather you're rubbing into my face that some people are helped with these treatments and tell me I'm WRONG for not getting these treatments or not being helped with them.
Age: 25
Date of onset: 17
Symptoms: sharp pains, numbness, change in shape/size, hourglassing and discolaration from jelqing/VED usage as a teen. Diagnosed with a venous leak and possible scarring.
Treatments tried: cialis, pentox and VED didnt help