Fresh out of excision/grafting surgery

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   Hey all, had my surgery 12/18/18. Glad to report all is well with no pain. I cannot say how much I appreciate the surgical skills and bedside manner of Dr. Knoll. All the staff at Tristar Cenntinial Hospital in Nashville were professional and friendly.
   Dr. said the plaque was bigger than he expected so the graft is big. I was told to leave the bandage on as is until Saturday. This is to keep slight pressure on the tissues to help promote healing. Pretty much kept ice on it from the time I got to my hospital room until I got home and went to bed last night. I will continue to keep ice on it off and on to avoid any more swelling than
there already is, which is not much.
   I have to take an antibiotic for a week. No instructions on activity levels so I'm going to let pain be my guide for what I can and can't do.
   Pictures show it is straight, of course the real question is will it work. Unless something unexpected pops up I will have to wait 8 weeks to find out......
   I can keep this forum updated on progress if people are interested.
Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


Congrats 2OldFords and best wishes for a speedy recovery! Yes please keep us posted on your healing/recovery process.
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


   Just a quick update

   There is bruising now of the scrotum and above. No pain or real discomfort at this time.
I am still applying a cold compress for maybe 10-15 min every hr. or so. I don't have any swelling issues so that's working.  I'm going to continue to do this until I can remove the bandage tomorrow.
Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


Congratulations and best wishes for a great recovery.  Please make regular updates.  Far more read this forum than posts so you are helping thousands.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hope you recover well.  

I will be reading updates with interest, as I have booked in for my operation in March next year.  I could have gone for January, but don't feel stron eneoigh mentally at the moment.  So though I would delay a little to prepare myself.
49 yrs old, Married
Peyronie's started 2016
Upward curve of 100 degrees  
Incision/grafting surgery in 6/2019.  Resulted in loss of length of around 1.5 inches, residual curve of over 40 degrees, some ED
12/2019 had failed skin anchoring procedure


   An update,
  Today is day 5, yesterday I was able to remove the bandage from surgery "carefully" then took a hot shower. I'm a pretty active guy so I lightly dressed the sutures and below so there would be no snagging and a little protection for the grafted area.
  Still no real pain just the end is a little sore. I haven't tried getting an erection so that kind of pain/discomfort has not been experienced. I have no doubt it will work when the time comes so no hurry. I have not tried to wear blue jeans yet but I will be soon.
  This report may be boring to some but I am trying to describe my real life experience so someone on this forum can make better informed decisions on treatment for themselves.
Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


20, updates are much appreciated. Any chance you could add in your signature line some history such as cogenital vs peyronies and extent of curve for those just starting to read your posts?
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Thank you so much for posting. I am considering this surgery next year.  


   Just an update:
Yesterday was Christmas, 1 week after surgery. My grandson and I went to SMKW then to Bass Pro. on Christmas eve.  I drove about 2 hrs and walked around for 2 hrs. (first time wearing blue-jeans post surgery)
Worked in the garage with grandson riveting the sides back on my truck box. I would say moderate activity level with some straining. This started being uncomfortable and sure enough it was swollen.
Cold compresses a couple of times and things were about the same as the start of the day.
  Christmas, worked by myself in the garage on the truck box, cold compress again while waiting for all family to show up. Merry Christmas.......... Done with antibiotics. Bruising is fading away.
  I plan on welding up the front of the truck box today. By the way Willie had a light bandage around the stiches this whole time and probably will until the stiches are gone.

Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


Sounds like good progress. Please continue with your updates. Very helpful.
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


Bubba dawg

What did the doctors advise you to do? I dont think I would rush the recovery period. You're getting swelling from doing too much it seems. I would take it easy for a month at least
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
I have ignored several warnings. Further reports to the moderators or Administrators and I will be banned.


   Just an Update: Day 12 from surgery
  Let me try to answer the question of what graft material did they use? Not 100% positive but this Dr. used SIS for years, even wrote a paper about it. Initial apt when we talked this came up and he said XES?
  Bubbadawg thanks for your concern and advice. I know my activity is pushing "recovery" My wife basically told me the same thing. She said you always overdo it and there is some truth to that. My Dr. didn't give me any do's or don'ts except I have to it keep it in the head down position to keep the graft stretched. and no sex for 8 wks. He said I could go back to work in a couple of days.
  I haven't slowed down on activity and might even have stepped it up a notch. I haven't needed an ice pack for days and am going back to work tomorrow. I am still putting a light bandage around the suture line of stitches because without hair it is more comfortable.
  I wish I had more to report. I go back to the Dr. for a follow up on the 24th. I think he will prescribe Viagra and VED. Start the Viagra then and wait 8 wks from surgery to start VED. At least I think that is the plan.
 Have a Happy New Year!

Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


   Its been like 10 days since I updated.
Not a lot to report except willie is uncomfortable and very sore on the end. Stitches are still hanging in there. I did get a little relief soaking in a tub of hot water. I think it is being irritated walking etc at work. Just the friction from being in shorts head down make the tip very sensitive.
   I know its all a pain right now but it will get a lot better soon I'm sure. What real choice do you have but bear with it. I am looking forward to being able to perform again. Barring any complications it will be 8 months from can't to can.
Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


   It has been about 10 days since I updated last so here goes:
   I am still very sore especially around the head, the stitches from de-gloving have been driving me nuts so as fast as I could remove them I have. I think they are all out now. Here is a suggestion for Doctors. " Use suture that has some color!" I had a really hard time just seeing the stitches to remove them. They are supposed to dissolve but after about a month if they are still there
they need help to come out. I have been using info gained from crookedjohn's post surgery diary. The hot water soaks he mentioned help with the soreness and to soften the suture material.
   My follow-up with Dr. Knoll is next Thursday the 24th. I hope this is my last trip to Nashville.
Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


8 months or 8 weeks?  Thxs for the update!
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


   Tonysa, The 24th will be 5 weeks after surgery. Hopefully in 3 more weeks I can try it out!
Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


Hello 2Oldfords, I am looking at the surgery more seriously now because all other treatments failed can you please update me as much as possible, I'm sure you can relate to the fear I have.  I was told by Dr Valenzuela of NYC that the plaque is hardened and needs to be excised he (from what I read) is an amazing Peyronies surgeon but he did say there is no  guarantees  I am 54 years old and would love to get at least 10 more years of being natural before thinking about any prosthetic (which was also a choice). Please please keep me updated.
Thank you
55 yrs old. Diagnosed Peyronies Disease Dec 2017 battling with it a bit longer.  Failed xiaflex, Gainswave, PRP..   underwent Excision and grafting May 10th 2019 with Dr David Peters. StonyBrook NY..


   Sorry I haven't kept up with this forum for awhile. Kind of disappointed with my surgical outcome at this time and didn't really want to post negative stuff. I will keep it honest.
   My surgery was Dec 18 2018, The surgery went well and wasn't that painful. Recovery from surgery has not been ideal. I still have some tenderness from the de-gloving cut and at the same time some loss of feeling. I am still not able to perform intercourse....Viagra doesn't help as it just gives me a headache. It was supposed to make it rock hard. Fact is the end of my penis past the graft will not get hard enough to have intercourse. I have been using the VED.
  Thankfully my wife is pretty understanding and tries to keep me from being too depressed about the lack of function. She just says be patient its only been 3 months since surgery and others have said it has taken almost a year to be 95%. It is very hard to accept. Between the loss of length and function I have a hard time not regretting my decision to have the surgery.
   I wish I could report everything is great, I really wanted to be able to do that. I will report how recovery is going when more time has passed.
Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


Hey man. You are at the right place to get help with your ed. Have you tried other pills?

You can try Cialis daily 2/5mg, avanafil, and also use the ved in combination with a cock ring to help you get and stay hard. The Cialis is very well tolerated. Do you think you can get a prescription on that?  


I'd consider trying all the PDE5i, at full dose if necessary.  Even the low dose 50mg trazadone hawk recommends.  If no luck, maybe s phone consult w Dr Eid to see how long after surgery he recommends waiting until an implant is needed.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


2OldFords - what does Dr. Knoll say about your results thus far?
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


   First time I've been able to log in for awhile, password just stopped working.

  Things are better I think, I am able to get harder past the graft. My wife and I think the graft stopped blood flow to some degree. The graft is about 80% dissolved and I will try to perform soon. My wife has been down in her back for a couple of weeks so I haven't even attempted to have sex.
   I appreciate the suggestions you all have given. I really don't want to take anymore Viagra etc. I just want to be able to perform again natural. I don't think I would even consider more surgery for an implant at this time. Might change my mind if after a year I cannot perform. I haven't been in touch with Dr. Knoll since my follow up. At this point what can he do for me? I just need more time to heal.
   This forum is a life safer. I am so glad I joined. I hope others can use my experience to their advantage. I know I have received much help and support from the good people here. Keep it up until they find a cure........
Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


Well I tried and no success. I could at least penetrate with some lub but the lack of feeling and not really hard just doesn't get it. Its been 4 months since surgery, I'm not a patient man and this is not what I was lead to believe was going to happen. I know I don't heal as fast as I used to and my wife says be patient its not been that long. I get that but it still sucks........
Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


The key is to be patient!  You may feel numb for a few months after surgery.  When is your follow up appt?  
Age 37


    My follow up was 1/24/19. I'm just a little frustrated that I was under the impression I could resume sex 8 weeks after surgery. Not. I wish they would have just said it could take 6 months to a year. Maybe I would feel normal instead of like I'm screwed.
Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


Just my opinion, but 6-8 mos does not seem reasonable unless it's just time for the sensation/sensitivity to return.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


I feel for you.  It's only been close to 6 weeks for me and I'm missing intimacy greatly.  Hopefully I get the green light next week.  I too am numb still, but I look at it like it should help with my PE issues.  I wish you luck man
47 yrs old, 3 yrs diagnosed
Xiaflex w/original uro resulted in a fracture
Excision/grafting by Dr Faysal Yafi 3/26/19
Implanted by Dr Yafi 8/11/20, Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE


2OldFords - Regardless of your initial follow up, I still think it would be helpful to get Dr. Knoll's input at this point. Just a brief office visit to review the current situation may be helpful. He has been working on this affliction for a long time - I'm sure he has seen similar cases.
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


   I would like to thank all who have given replies, your compassion and caring is a great help.
I think it's time to make that appointment with Dr. Knoll and see if he can help in some way. Maybe its time to take a look at blood flow during chemically induced erection. As suggested possibly a change to Cialis from Viagra.
  I can still feel some of the graft material which may be limiting blood flow, at least I hope that is what is happening as time will dissolve that and maybe I can return to "normal". It makes me worry some that what I feel may be scar tissue given the nature of this disease. I would have to think long and hard before I would submit to more surgery.
  Like I said before thanks for you support.
Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


Sounds good 2OldFords. Let us know what Dr. Knoll says at the appointment.
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


    A little update, I have an appointment with Dr. Knoll on 6/24 and they are going to do the chemical injection for an erection with whatever they call the ultrasound on 6/4. I'm not looking forward to a chemically induced erection but if that is what it takes so be it. What would be nice is if the erection was so strong it broke loose whatever is keeping the end from getting stiff enough for sex! That would be amazing and would eliminate my fear of having to undergo more surgery.
   How many men have the excision/grafting without ED then after surgery develop just that and then have to have an implant? 2 out of 10? that's kind of what I understand. It would be cool to have a tally from this forum.
Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


Keep us all posted.  I'm 2 1/2 weeks post surgery and still have a ring around the base of my penis, which seems to hinder blood flow.

I appreciate that I'm still in early stage of recovery, but I see similarities, so have been following you posts with interest.

49 yrs old, Married
Peyronie's started 2016
Upward curve of 100 degrees  
Incision/grafting surgery in 6/2019.  Resulted in loss of length of around 1.5 inches, residual curve of over 40 degrees, some ED
12/2019 had failed skin anchoring procedure


   Well I had my appointment with Dr. Knoll today.
To say I'm disappointed would be an understatement. I am still trying to gather my thoughts after a 3 hour ride home. I thought about ending it. I thought about manning up and Just be happy because life could be much worse.
  Thank you Old Man for the advice: Keep a stiff upper lip.....I promise I will even with tears coming down. I'm pretty devastated.

  I may have to start a new thread? This one will be "just had implant surgery". Maybe, not sure if I want to keep up the good fight. Not sure I want this to have kicked my ass either.

  So, after the incision and grafting surgery and recovery I was wondering why I was starting to hourglass and the circumferential scar still bothered me along with the knots I could feel. Well it seems Peyronie's wasn't done with me. I've got all new plaque/scars whatever you want to call it. Dr. said he has seen this maybe 1%. Only option left is an implant.

   Not the end of the world but hard to take 6 months out of surgery. Right now some soul searching is needed. I feel like saying a few choice words but instead I'm going to go work in my garden.


Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


So sorry to hear.  This is my biggest fear 10 weeks post op.  Stay strong man.  If this happens to me I would seriously consider the implant, but that is your decision and yours alone.  That feeling of devastation is not fun.  I felt it when I ruptured from Xiaflex and went to surgery.  Maybe get another opinion?  I did that and led me to Dr Yafi.  Keep us updated man and never give up
47 yrs old, 3 yrs diagnosed
Xiaflex w/original uro resulted in a fracture
Excision/grafting by Dr Faysal Yafi 3/26/19
Implanted by Dr Yafi 8/11/20, Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE


So sorry to hear the news.  

3 1/2 weeks after my surgery and I still have the ring around the base of my penis, and like you this seems to hinder blood flow.  My semi erection looks more like twisted hazel than the old fella I remember.

I don't have my follow up appointment for a couple of weeks, but I with all the lump and bumps I was only thinking this morning, what if it is more plaque forming.

I hope you keep posting, or keep in touch.
49 yrs old, Married
Peyronie's started 2016
Upward curve of 100 degrees  
Incision/grafting surgery in 6/2019.  Resulted in loss of length of around 1.5 inches, residual curve of over 40 degrees, some ED
12/2019 had failed skin anchoring procedure


2Oldfords: it is without a shadow of doubt Very sad to read this. One can only imagine the dark place you must be in now. Please stay strong. Or try to. Take some time off the board.. Cry and mourn this if you will. But remember you are not alone on this. We understand your pain. And also...  the implant may not be as bad as it seems. But that conversation is not for now.

Hang in there man!!!! If you feel like reaching out via pm, please do.  


    I was pretty upset when I posted yesterday. After all the BS you have to go thru to get peyronies damage fixed, the hope that everything will be good after surgery. Then not even get to have normal sex one time before your told it was all in vain and now your worse off than when you started was a little much. Ok, that was then and this is a new day. I originally started this post to be a journal that might help others, it seems like it goes both ways and that's a good thing.
   Yesterday, after my exam they started the paperwork for insurance preapproval for an implant. admin said it may take 30 days maybe sooner since I just went thru something similar. Possibly have implant done in July, I asked how long is the approval good for? She said 30 days maybe 90. I kind of feel rushed and I question if they are in a hurry for my good or for a chance to make more money?
   I just read in this forum "Is your Dr. impartial" Mine made almost 700K in about 3 years? I know he is a high volume surgeon and I thought that is what you want as long as they do good work. If the work is top notch should one even care if they made 10x that amount? Maybe I'm a little skeptical/gun shy after my outcome. It makes me wonder if I had surgery too soon before the peyronie's was stable and that's why it came back with a vengeance. I asked the Dr. about it and was told "I would not have done surgery on you if I didn't think it was stable".
   What would you think?
Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


What doc are you considering for implant?
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


2Oldfords: there is your answer right there.  If you are heading for an implant, it's a whole different story and you have several members here that have been to a top notch doctors so you can read about their outcomes and make an informed decision.

I would definitely think 5 times, bare minimum before having my implant done by the same doctor that did my botched peyronies surgery. When you have an implant put in, it's no laughing matter and it must be done right at first try. Consequences of a botched first implant surgery are not pretty. Floppy head, curvature, possible pain... Oversizing of the device.... What do you think about Dr Kramer/eid/Karpman? Where's your location?  


2OldFords - Very sorry to hear of your negative result. I had the same thing happen and the disappointment is severe. I too went to a supposedly "top" surgeon (Franklin Kuehhas - all the way over to Europe) only to have the result go completely sideways. I too am in worse condition now than I was prior to the surgery.

I know Dr. Knoll has a good reputation but not sure about his 1% figure. I've read too many negative grafting surgery results to believe that. It sounds like your peyronies was still in the acute phase when the surgery was done. That is what I think happened with mine as well. Grafting is a more invasive procedure than plication as I understand it - and therefore more prone to triggering additional scarring.

The urologists tend to look at two main items to determine is the acute phase is over. They are 1) are you having pain? and 2) is your curvature changing or is it stable? But those are not precise metrics. Peyronies has a schedule of it's own sometimes that is outside of the urologist schedule. I sometimes think the Doctor's schedule is influenced by their desire to perform as many surgeries as possible. Surgery is where the money is (whether it includes an implant or not) and from what I understand surgeon performance and compensation is determined partially by their consistent surgical volume. That is probably why they seem to be in a hurry for you to have implant surgery.

I'm with Pfract on this one - I'd suggest taking your time and shopping around for your implant surgery options. This forum has excellent and detailed implant information which was spearheaded by Hawk's daily experience posts after his procedure.

Your question is correct - what is the rush? After a disappointing failure like this, it is time to quietly evaluate your options instead of hurrying into another procedure.
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


I'm not surprised by the awful outcome u had. I did a quick search and it does not seem that ur surgeon is fellowship trained in sexual medicine. I read about his md degree and urology residency but no info regarding his sexual medicine fellowship. Maybe this is the issue. It seems he is a general urologist and that's where the problem comes in. The truth hurts sometimes but this should never happen in a advanced country like USA where incompetent general urologists perform these sensitive microsurgery operations.

If u ask him why would u perform this surgery if u dont have the fellowship, he will probably tell u "I do this surgery On a regular basis" but we all know this does not work in medicine. In medicine there are no shortcuts. If a surgeon does not have the fellowship certificate, he should be forbidden to perform highly sensitive reconstructive penile surgeries to avoid the reduction of patient life quality

Everybody in urology knows this info, nothing is new  
Please go to PROFILE then FORUM PROFILE to replace this signature line text with your profile info such as age, date of onset, symptoms, treatments tried, etc


   Thanks to all who have replied to my posts. I have been reading a lot in this forum about implants and such last couple of days. I still have questions that I haven't found an answer to.
   At this time I will not say my incision and grafting surgery was botched. My outcome was not as expected to say the least. Peyronies disease did recur after surgery, so soon and quick I never had a clue the disease was the culprit for my lack of recovery. I do think Dr. Knoll did a good job of the surgery, I didn't have any issues of infection etc. Should he be held accountable for peyronies recurring? I would guess that is out of his control.
   Everyone's body reacts different. My body must be very sensitive to the whole underlying cause of this affliction. I have DC, Peyronies Disease and for the last 6 months have been having trouble with pain in the ball of my left foot. Ledderhose? It didn't start hurting until after I had the penile surgery. Go figure?
   I am still considering using Dr. Knoll for the implant if and when I do it. He has done over 7,000 implants. I am going to add his credintials  here.

Dr. Knoll received his medical degree from the University of Health Sciences, Chicago Medical School, North Chicago, Illinois. He completed an internship in general surgery and a residency in urology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

A frequent contributor to the medical press, Dr. Knoll has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles, abstracts and book chapters. He has delivered numerous lectures and operated both nationally and internationally.

Dr. Knoll has been a principle investigator in over 110 basic science and clinical trials of new devices and pharmacotherapies for various urological diseases including new devices and pharmocotherapies for the diagnosis and treatment of male erectile dysfunction, male and female urinary incontinence and benign prostatic hypertrophy.

Dr. Knoll is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a diplomat of the American Board of Urology. He is also a member of numerous international and national medical organizations, including the American Urological Association, the International Society of Impotence Research, and the Sexual Medicine of North America.
  Is there anything lacking? Also should I start a new thread? Possibly in implant section?
Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20



He may have done all those implants, but what about the results from his surgeries? have you talked to his patients? have you been following his work for an extensive period of time? Do you have an idea of his bedside manner and if he stands by his patients shall complicaions arise, such as an infection on the implant?

also, do you know if he cares as much as the quality of the erection you will be getting with the implant like other doctors? There are extremely important factors to consider here. Not saying your doctor is like Perito, but i do have to say that Dr. Paul Perito in Miami FL has been implanting volumes as well, and i wouldn't be near his operating table even if you payed me to. Just google his name.... I also add that i respect your opinion in what concerns, considering Dr Knoll to operate on you; it's something that is above all else your decision, if it comes to that. But i won't refrain from saying certain things that i think you should know.

have you been to Dr. Eid's website? check out Penile Implant Specialist - Dr. J. F. Eid, top New York Urologist

Has amazing information there on all things implant a future patient should know. Please take some time to read there as well.



   Pfract, thanks for the reply. I appreciate you being frank/honest.
  I will go to Dr Eids website and research the implant thing. If it makes a difference Dr. knoll has you stay overnight in the hospital. He could just send you home. I am going to contact his care team and ask a few questions there also.
  I have a lot of study to do on this before I subject myself to this. I thought I had done my homework before grafting to and I know how that worked out.
   Thanks again, this forum has helped me so much. I hope I can in some way pay it back.
Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


2OldFords - You've already contributed to the forum with this honest account of your experience with the grafting. Everyone who has spent time in this forum is fully aware that Peyronies surgical procedures do not always go according to plan. Whether the surgical result is positive or negative the content is always valuable and helps the other forum members.

Pfact did make one critical point to keep in mind. Just as grafting does not always get the desired result, neither does an implant (just read Alibaba's excellent account - he is on his second implant.) Also, be sure to read Hawk's "Considerations in Choosing an Implant Surgeon" under the highlights of the penile implant board. Helpful decision making information.

That said, I still think Dr. Knoll is a good surgeon and would probably perform a fine implant. It just makes sense to look around when making such an important decision. You may still choose Knoll but at least you'll know what other options are available. Please keep us posted.

Pfact - I would not go within a mile of Perito either. Talk about buyer beware. He seems to be in it strictly for the money. Patient welfare be damned.
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


   Frank55, Thanks for the input. I have been to Dr. Kramer and Eid websites the big difference I see at this time is it looks like they prefer coloplast Titan IPP over AMS 700 LGX which is what Dr. Knoll seems to use. I have tried to contact his care team person and see if he will use a coloplast Titan as it seems by the literature it is better for one that has Peyronies not just ED.
   I think I have read everything on this forum about implants but I will continue to see if I can glean some more info.
  I will continue to post my experience bad or good if that is ok. Men who come to this site like me are looking for info. Like me I hope what they read is honest and unbiased and I try to do the same.
   My big question now is if peyronies makes you have the hourglass that constricts blood flow what needs to happen in surgery to overcome this? One Dr. not well liked on this forum says a scratch procedure? What happens if peyronies is activated by the implant surgery like it was for me with the grafting? Is the implant not affected?
Age - 65
Peyronies of unknown length of time
70 Deg curve 10-11 o'clock
first 2 uro's offer for xiaflex and referral
incision/grafting 12/18/18, Implant 9/11/20


I have nothing against dr.knoll. but based on my personal experience and after reading multiple stories on this forum, complications usually arise from surgeons whose practice is broad that includes multiple organs apart from the penis. U should be super careful my friend. My peyronie started after botched congenital curvature repair operation by a general urologist. I then went to kuehhas and he was able to make my penis straight. I'm almost 2 year post operation nd my penis is fully straight like an arrow. But the initial surgery is still hunting me. Severe narrowing and thinning on upper left side of the penis. So I have peyronie related to girth discrepancy. Hence the penis is straight but blood filling and draining is uneven. Non curvature peyronie deformity such as size loss and and  thinning r very hard to treat. Constant VED and cialis therapy is required to maintain a good sexual life.

Anyhow given the complexity of ur situation, u want someone that operates on the penis every single day to maximize ur result. Ur in the USA. And u can find these ppl. For example irvine medical center in orange county is one of the best urological facilities on the planet. They literally have a surgeon for every organ. So one that only operates on the kidney and one only on the prostate etc... I hope u get the idea. They do this in order to maximize patient result and decrease complications. Think about it. If ur for 10-20 years just operating on one organ, u will eventually fully understand the anatomy, structure, how to eliminate complications etc....

If I were u I would think twice before proceeding, nd by the way this facility is where faysal yafi and joel gelman work. Top surgeons according to some stories I read

All the best  
Please go to PROFILE then FORUM PROFILE to replace this signature line text with your profile info such as age, date of onset, symptoms, treatments tried, etc


Yes I highly recommend Dr Yafi.  Every office visit I've had with him he has had surgeons from other countries with him.  One from Canada, one from Brazil....showing them what I'm dealing with.  He definitely knows his stuff and nothing I've experienced has surprised him.  He has an answer for every question I've asked, which puts me at ease.  Not only that, he comforts me when I get worried about something.  "Relax and let things heal"
47 yrs old, 3 yrs diagnosed
Xiaflex w/original uro resulted in a fracture
Excision/grafting by Dr Faysal Yafi 3/26/19
Implanted by Dr Yafi 8/11/20, Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE


It took me going to two other urologists, and while one of the two was very personable, Dr Wachs, it was obvious his expertise was the prostate.  He had seen peyronie's and treated it but all of his accolades were on the prostate.  He was who recommended dr Yafi, saying he was who I needed to see.  I appreciated that honesty, and if I can steer someone directly to Dr Yafi so they don't have to trial and error their way through this condition I feel I can help someone  
47 yrs old, 3 yrs diagnosed
Xiaflex w/original uro resulted in a fracture
Excision/grafting by Dr Faysal Yafi 3/26/19
Implanted by Dr Yafi 8/11/20, Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE