Another Implant Journey- Pre-op to Post-op - p-diddy

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Hey guys, thanks for the advice and reassurance.  I will definitely heed that advice!  And for what its worth, I actually have a couple of pics of my deflated state as of yesterday as well.  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


looking good.  It is nice to show the utter lack of any visible trauma to the penis less than a week out of surgery.  Your angle looks good for this point in the process.  Can you squeeze enough fluid out to make your penis look distorted like a squeezed toothpaste tube?  If not then a good portion of the issue is swelling around the cylinders.  I can lock open my deflate valve the squeeze my penis with both hands in multiple grips, including the portion that goes back into the body, even bending it double and squeezing and end up with a "collapsed penis" that looks much like a half full toothpaste tube that has flat areas, some ridges etc.  In my case, it does not stay that way long.  If I don't lock out the valve I will get some seepage of fluid backflowing and maybe even some natural expansion from blood flow that fills it back out within 30 minutes or so.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Yes I can squeeze it out in the tub where it looks dented and distorted but I do seem to get a little bit of refill with time.  How hard or much do you press the pump to lock it out.  When I do the lock out squeeze, I can feel just a bit of fluid go back into the penis so I have assumed this is enough to achieve lockout. As for the bending and folding thing it's still a bit sore to do that.  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


I agree,!  Bending it in half seemed forever away at your point.

How hard do you have to press and lock out the famously misnamed "One-Touch" you ask.  For me, the answer was harder than I could humanly squeeze for almost 3 months and I will put my grip strength up against almost anyone even near my age.  The Titan deflate button is so small and so slightly raised above its surrounding platform that the problem is not just the strength of the squeeze.  It is centering and focusing the squeeze on the button in such a way that the flesh of your finger does not bottom out on the surrounding platform before the button is sufficiently depressed.  I finally worked with depressing the button with the hard bonier side of the first knuckle of the index finger AND sometimes getting my other hand in there to try to increase the squeeze.  It is also key to hold it for at least a couple seconds, not just a quick squeeze.

There is no consensus on this.  I think Floppy had his locking out in a week or less.  Others never have and continue the one hand for the deflation button and the other to squeeze.  I was on a quest to master this since everything else had been achieved.  I saw it more as an absolute challenge than a necessity.  I actually pulled an eraser out of a new pencil to see if I could use it to more effectively center my force right on the button.  That was useless.  I then considered putting a sewing thimble on my index finger but never really tried that.  Finally, I used two hands and turned my finger so I could depress with the side of my first knuckle.  I wanted to go celebrate when I first got it.  I still do not find it really easy to do but I get it on the first try about 80% of the time.

One word of caution, I am not sure if you have yet experienced the pump getting away from your grip and shooting out like you were playing marbles.  It is not pleasant but in addition, I think and have read that it puts stress on the Titan's weak point, (the tubing).  This is actually more prone to happen to me trying to deflate than it is pumping because deflation takes a harder less controlled squeeze.  I always trail a finger down the opposite side to kind of trap the pump bulb and keep it from flying out of my hand.  It is good to hold the pump as steady as possible during pumping and deflating to reduce stress on the tubing, at least that is my theory based on what I have heard.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Just looking one wouldn't even suspect you had surgery!
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


There is always some irony and humor to be found in any situation. Today marks the one week milestone since my surgery. Generally when I'm in the tub soaking and inflating I have music streaming to pass the time. As I was pumping the implant up today, the song "Under Pressure" by Queen and David Bowie came on, appropriate. A couple of minutes later after I'm inflated I hear the line "Know it sounds funny but I just can't stand the pain" from the song "Easy Like Sunday Morning" by Lionel Ritchie. Finally after 20 minutes as I'm ready to hit the deflate button after max inflation the song "You Make a Grown Man Cry" by the Stones comes on! Felt like crying but I just had to laugh!
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.



Thank you for todays post, it made me laugh and I needed it. Its good to hear everything is going so well for you.

Moderator since 2015- Missouri- I work in the medical field and have strong knowledge of insurance and how to obtain coverage for medication and other treatments. Being a woman I do not have Peyronies but you can ask me anything. I am happy to help.


pdiddy, you made me laugh too. Awesome for only a week!! Apply some pressure in the perineal area, you can do that with the squeeze your dick or squeeze the valve hand by just cocking your hand a bit, and it will squeeze out more fluid for a better flaccid. Hit the pump bulb 1 time to lock it.  Over time your flaccid will really improve. 20 months and 25 days out today, I was impressed trying on new christmas underwear today at how really my flaccid now is. Laying down, my dick now lays down on my thigh or hangs down over my balls like a wet string. Cheers man. What a wonderful gift.  
Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders


@pdiddy: LOL hopefully i'll have that much fun inflating my toy  8)


Day 8- Observations at one week post op

Well I'm over a week past implantation now so I thought I would try to organize some thoughts and observations.  I started cycling in hot baths on day 4 and have done so twice per day since.  

SIZE:  This of course is always the biggest concern right?  I presently have post op measurements of 6 in length and 5 1/8 in girth.  This compares to 6.5 x 5 1/2 in pre-op.  The post op measurement is with no arousal, actually the opposite of arousal due to discomfort.  The pre-op best measurements were after VED manual pumping and masturbating to porn and measuring at peak.  This would not be a realistic assessment of my size during actual intercourse.  

SHAPE:  My erect penis is very straight and hard.  At present I haven't experienced it in an "aroused" state.  The erect penis is wider and flatter compared to pre-op.  I don't have the prominent urethral belly during erection.  This is either due to the spongiosum surrounding urethra not engorging or the urethra is being squeezed between the inflated cylinders.  Ideally, I'm hoping to get some blood flow/engorgement of the spongiosum and glans during sexual arousal later in the healing process.
The flaccid penis is more of a concern at this point.  It's at about 3:30 which I expect to change over time as previously discussed above.  I can definitely feel the folds inside the shaft and it hangs to the left from the base.  I can feel the tubing as it goes into the reservoir as I am very lean. It's almost as if the reservoir and tubing have kind of pushed the base of the penis to the right so it comes off my body at a weird angle.  I can feel a slight buldge at the reservoir and it is still tender.  When fully deflated the penis feels plastic and "squeaky" when I manipulate it.  Also, my urine stream is different, sometimes turbulent and weaker, like the cylinder folds are causing constrictions and irregularities inside the urethra.  
I am keeping the penis pointed up.  It naturally bends about 1/3 the way up from the base.  It wants to bend and hang left but I'm trying to keep it up.  
There is no bruising or visible swelling-  hard to believe I had surgery a week ago, one would never know aside from he stitches

PUMP:  The pump sits behind the testicles in the bottom of my scrotum.  I have a small, tight scrotum and the pump is larger than either testicle (thanks to testosterone therapy, plus I never really had big balls to start with). However, it is accessible without too much trouble.  The base of the pump sits kind of back towards perineum and it leans forward so that the stalk where the tubing and deflate button are a little more forward kind of under and between the testicles.  I can easily access the deflate button as it is more less to the front.  It's a little difficult getting my opposing finger on the depression opposite the deflate button as it pointing slightly backward and is in a little more tender area.  Aside from the soreness, inflating and deflating isn't too difficult and I expect with time the soreness will decrease, the pump with soften, hopefully my scrotum will be a bit more accommodating and it will just get easier over time.  
The deflate button to date pretty much requires me to compress it the whole time while I squeeze the shaft.  It hurts.  When I get a what I think is the best deflate I can, my penis looks deformed.  I hit the pump again to "reset" the valve.  It still seems like I get just a little fluid back in the penis afterward because its not as deformed.  I'm taking Alibabas advice and trying to squeeze the perineum area as well.  

PAIN:  I have not experienced what I would call severe pain during any part of this. No more than a 4 or 5 out of 10 at worse. It's just been a general sense of soreness, discomfort, pressure and awareness.  Days 5 and 6 were a bit more uncomfortable as I started getting more active.  I have still been resting most times and haven't been going out doing things.  The most severe pain is during cycling.  That can get up in the 8/10 range.  I have kept pain meds to a minimum, mostly relying on 600mg of Ibuprofen and 1000mg Tylenol a few times a day.  I have taken narcotics prior to getting into tub for cycling.  The shaft and tip of my penis and scrotum around pump are sore but only in that dull achy, annoying kind of way.  Today, day 8, is the least painful day so far.  

CYCLING: Twice per day.  40 minute baths.  I have been getting 30-32 pumps in max.  Hard to quantify because they have been partial pumps but this morning I was definitely able to get fuller squeezes per pump.  Pumping until I can't squeeze anymore.  During the last couple of minutes before deflate doing a couple of "top off" pumps to make sure I'm at max.  Pain tolerance is a limiting factor, feels like my dick is going to explode.  I have to keep telling myself this is only the first week.  I feel fortunate to be able to have started cycling so early.  Each day I will try to do a little more than the previous day.  

PSYCHOLOGY:  Basically how do I feel about everything emotionally?  I haven't had any outright, WTF have I done freak out moments but I definitely have those moments where I still can't believe I have done this and question whether is was the right decision.  When you first feel the penis deflated it is very apparent that things will never be the same again.  Initially it feels so artificial and strange.  Struggling though the pain of cycling is hard.  But when in inflated it is obvious that I will have a very functional and hard penis.  My wife has been incredibly supportive and positive with this.  I have maintained a positive and optimistic attitude.  My two biggest concerns are:

1.  Will my wife enjoy having sex with me and my new dick.  I just hope she isn't "disappointed" in it.  I love pleasing her more than anything.  I know its going to work for me, I just hope it works for her.  My own conclusion in this, thinking ahead, is that she loves me and not just my dick.  It's how confident I am about myself, and my abilities, that turn her on the most.  I can rock her world in so many ways, intercourse is the just the icing on the cake.  But I intend on icing that cake well!

2.  How this device interferes with daily activities, that is work and gym.  I thing I'll be ok at work.  May have to make some modifications on my sitting and positioning for a bit but not too worried there.  My biggest concern is the gym.  I am an avid Crossfitter which, if you know nothing about it, is one of the most intense workout programs on the planet.  So much of it involves core, squatting, hip drive etc.  I fear that I may not be able to do many of the movements necessary due mostly to the pump in the scrotum and the reservoir in the pubic area.  This would be the most devastating thing of all for me.  Regardless, I'm not even thinking of trying to work out for a minimum of 4 weeks, likely 6 weeks.  It's a tough call as to whether which is more important to me, sex or the gym.  They actually are the two pillars of my mental and physical self esteem.  

Looking forward, next milestones are continuing to cycle and improve pumping with hopefully a gradual decrease in pain.  Suture removal in one week, I'll do myself.  And then that magical day 21, will I be ready to attempt sex.  That's a whole two weeks away, eternity, but will be here in the blink of an eye, so I will just worry about tomorrow, one day at a time.  Overall, I'm very pleased to be where I am at only one week post-op!
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


Hey P-Diddy! Thank you for another very detailed update.

Size: I'd say you are not too far off from what i have seen on this board, and with a proper implant insertion. I take it that you are feeling your tips all the way up in the glans? I'd say that when you are cleared for intercourse and fully healed after three months, with no swealling of any kind is when you are going to haven exact idea. It would be nice to then take a picture, similar to the one where you are erect pre-fracture, that shows that slight bend underneath it and put it side by side with this new pic of you implanted, and inflated.

shape: I don't have much to add, except i am of the opinion of having your penis up too. It used to be a recommendation back a few years ago, from doctors to help with the erection angle, supposedly.  I found it interesting your remark on the folks affecting the urethra. I remember reading about some guys on FT saying that with a certain inflation level they would have trouble ejaculating, as if the implant was restricting the urethra. Could it affect it somehow? Makes me wonder too...

pump: you mention the penis looks deformed when you deflate to the max. I'd say that is normal, based on what i have read and seen on Merrix's Diary. You can definitely see an odd shaped curve, on his deflated penis on one of the pics. Compared to "my flaccid penis". But can you notice he has an implant, or some sort of device inside his penis? no.

2.  How this device interferes with daily activities, that is work and gym.  I thing I'll be ok at work.  May have to make some modifications on my sitting and positioning for a bit but not too worried there.  My biggest concern is the gym.  I am an avid Crossfitter which, if you know nothing about it, is one of the most intense workout programs on the planet.  So much of it involves core, squatting, hip drive etc.  I fear that I may not be able to do many of the movements necessary due mostly to the pump in the scrotum and the reservoir in the pubic area.  This would be the most devastating thing of all for me.  Regardless, I'm not even thinking of trying to work out for a minimum of 4 weeks, likely 6 weeks.  It's a tough call as to whether which is more important to me, sex or the gym.  They actually are the two pillars of my mental and physical self esteem.  

This part right here is the one that has gotten me the most curious about your journey. I don't do crossfit, even though i would like too, but i do bodybuilding. Deadlifts and squats aplenty, along with leg press. For this account, I remember reading merrix was an Avid gym goer too. He was also pretty lean like you. I am sure you will be able to find it in his diary, but i remember reading that he said it made no difference for him the implant. Hopefully you will be in the same boat. I add that there is definitely not that much data on young people, that lift heavy stuff, are physically in great shape, and on top of this exercise regularly. :fingerscrossed:


Great, well written report P-didy

While it might take a full 3 months for a few very specific moves, I am completely confident that your physical activity will not be compromised in the least.  Merrix does very heavy squats.  Others ride competitive trail bikes.  After 6 weeks, lunges and all other exercises were without any negative sensations EXCEPT for Bulgarian Split Squats.  The one leg forward put some strain on the reservoir area.  It was not pain but it was enough to tell me I was still healing.  It took 3 months to totally go away.  I only tested it from time to time.  I did not incorporate that move until it felt normal.

I think the totally deflated penis will always feel implanted but a little less so with time.  I often wake up too early.  I automatically put my hand on my penis when I wake up.  I will lay in bed for 30 minutes deciding if I can go back to sleep.  I often literally play with the cylinders, messaging and depressing the dog ears on the folds.  They are way more soft than 2 months ago.  They are also less "squeaky" but on some occasions I can manage to make them make a slight audible sound. I doubt another person could hear but my dog will cock her head lol.  -  I am utterly unconcerned with any of this.  As long as I look good flaccid and I am pretty much indistinguishable erect, I am very happy.

The folds altering urine stream is something I experienced and still do to a lesser degree.  It varies from no effect to moderate effect depending on the degree of deflation and how I packed my penis in my pants prior to urinating.  

I actually use two hands on the last few pumps to get maximum inflation.  Dr. Eid assured me I cannot over pump.  I no longer do daily cycling.  I can't see the point.  I never thought I would say this but I don't really care if my penis is a 1/4" longer.  Mentally, before surgery I wanted to break over 6 1/2" as some arbitrary length.  I was promised over 6 1/4".  I am at 7".  It was an obsession when I was using traction.  I surpassed my best hopes so I am good even though I am at least a full inch less than in my prime.  I would cycle daily if I thought I could get more girth but girth has been pretty static.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks for the feedback guys.  Very encouraging.  Pfract, yes I should have stated the cylinder tips extend well into the glans, there is no doubt Dr Eid got them placed in an ideal position. Probably less than a centimeter from the tip.  
Also, as far as being young and active, I feel like one of the few who have documented the journey.  Merrix journal was excellent on this and he does talk about working out etc.  Fortunately for him he was able to resume his normal activities with time.  TIME, that damn word, it keeps coming up.  If there is one universal piece of advice that is given to all the newbies from the veterans its, "give it time, it will get better". In a few months I hope to be one of those vets, dispensing the same advice to a guy like me :)
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


My project for the day is to go back and read through your journal as well.  I read it a while back but I think reading it now will be very helpful :)
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


I agree that it is MUCH easier to relate when you are living the experience ;)   I had to do the same with Merrix' journal after I had my implant.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Great post and entry for day 8.  Sounds like you're doing great and will improve w time.  For me, the scrotum pain when trying to inflate was the most uncomfortable but now after 3 months there is absolutely no pain w inflating.  It's Natural to worry about how our partners will react, but I suspect you're wife is going to be VERY pleased!  As far as your flaccid feeling normal that took some time for me.  It also helps to maintain a couple of pumps in the flaccid state...but I didn't dare this until after 3 months as I didn't want the encapsulation around the reservoir to be too small.  I just saw my doc this week and we discussing the coloplast is made of a medical grade plastic and sometimes squeaks as you mentioned.  I wonder if this decreases w time if the hydrophilic coating absorbs human tissue w time?  Thanks for the update!
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Quote from: TonySa on December 28, 2018, 03:21:01 PMIt also helps to maintain a couple of pumps in the flaccid state...but I didn't dare this until after 3 months as I didn't want the encapsulation around the reservoir to be too small.  I just saw my doc this week and we discussing the coloplast is made of a medical grade plastic and sometimes squeaks as you mentioned.  I wonder if this decreases w time if the hydrophilic coating absorbs human tissue w time?  Thanks for the update!

I agree with the "few pumps but waiting at least 3 months" to do that.  I follow Merrix's method.  I push the deflate button now and never squeeze my penis.  It goes down when it goes down as far as it wants to go down and I don't squeeze once to lock it out.  If I bend it down to my scrotum then hike up my tight briefs it actually lifts the base of my penis so there is no downward pressure on the crus.  It also deflates it.  In the event, it got a little too full, which it doesn't,  just give it a quick squeeze since it is not locked out.  I am very happy with all aspects of this.

I am very interested in this statement Tony " we discussing the Coloplast is made of a medical grade plastic and sometimes squeaks as you mentioned. "  Aren't they all made from medical grade plastic?  What is the alternative; recycled plastic, toy grade, food container grade ??  :)

It does become much more slippery along with becoming softer.  I can still get a little squeak out of mine when it is deflated if I try hard but I have to try.  Also, my Jack Russell Terrier likes it.  I just hope she doesn't decide to kill it and totally destroy it some night while I am sleeping like she does all her squeak and tug-toys.  :(    
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


I do a lot of rugged outdoor activities. Most my wife does not approve of, some my doctors cannot believe I am capable of, but my implant does not limit any of them. I do try to limit anything that can cause an accidental implant to my penis which you will be very aware of for a while. It still happens sometimes and is uncomfortable but then it always was.  It takes time but you will get where you want to be. I read your progress as outstanding. Cheers man, keep doing well.  
Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders


Hey p-didy! How are you coming along since last update?  


Pfract, thanks for asking, I was just getting around to it!  Hope everyone had a Happy New Year.  I managed to get out to a NYE party and had a good time at day 12 post op.  As of yesterday, I'm at 2 weeks post op.  I, with the help of my wife, removed the sutures yesterday with no trouble.  The healing is remarkable with no evidence of an incision.  I also finished the last dose of antibiotics thank goodness because they made me feel kind of nauseous.  I have been cycling twice daily in a hot bath since day four.  I usually take a 40 minute bath while ramping up the inflation to max over 20-25 minutes.  I am getting 30-35 pumps in.  As time goes on, with the initial 20-25 pumps I am getting fuller pumps.  The first ten squeezes kind of still burn but after that they don't.  The deflate is a little more difficult as I have to hold that button down and squeeze as much as I can but all in all not too bad.  I will say these two weeks while not a nightmare, have been pretty tough, definitely taken its toll on me.  
I do have some concerns at the two week point.  I actually texted Dr Eid this morning with some questions and concerns.  Haven't heard back yet but I'm sure I will soon.  

1.  The Pump:  it is still quite present and uncomfortable in my scrotum.  I think it is basically well positioned but I have a tight, small scrotum so there just isn't a lot of room in there.  The pump is the biggest thing in my scrotum.  It is positioned behind the testicles, slightly to the right and below to the extent that my sack allows.  It kind of sits at 45 degree angle with the pump posterior and lower and the stalk and deflate button angled up and forward more between the testicles.  The pump is concealed behind my testicles but is a very prominent hard ball that pushes toward my perineum and kind of chafes my scrotum between my legs.  The pump pushes my testicles forward which gives them more prominence.  I have a constant sort of low grade ache like I got kicked in the balls.  So, not sure where this is going.  I think I'd rather have one testicle and have the pump replace the second one.  I'm on testosterone therapy anyway so I don't really need them both!  Right now it feels kind of like I have a golf ball between my legs.

2. Dog ears and flaccid bend:  I have a significant flaccid bend to the left from the base and a lot of dog ear-ing at the base as it enters my body on the right side.  This seams to be causing the left bend.  My flaccid "hang" is approaching 4:00 with a good deflate but it really bends left.  When inflated it is very straight with no dog ears.  Will see what time does here.

3. Reservoir:  More prominent then I thought it would be.  Still kind of tender, can feel it and see it.  I am very lean.  Hoping there is still some inflammation and this will become less of an issue but I have a feeling that because of my body type this may be something I just have to put up with.  This bothers me mostly because one of my favorite lifts is the snatch which involves a barbell hitting in the pubic area.  I have a feeling I may never be able to snatch again.

4. Urination:  This has been kind of weird.  The implant has affected my urine stream.  It is weaker and erratic.  The sensation in my bladder telling me I need to urinate feels different, starting urination is harder.  I sense that the folds in the deflated implant are creating pressure points in my urethra and possible there is inflammation around the bladder and perhaps the prostate as well due to the procedure.  Hopefully will improve with time.  

5.  Psychologically:  still trying to wrap my head around the permanence of what I've done.  Of course I go through the second guessing but I must say my wife has been incredibly supportive and optimistic about it all which really helps.  

So these are my concerns.  I know it has only been two weeks!

On the flip side, I'm amazed at how well things healed with no bruising or visible swelling.  I am amazed that I was able to start cycling this thing at 4 days.  I am impressed with the quality and hardness of the erection.  There is no doubt that when everything is said and done, this thing is going to perform extremely well.
I was in the tub cycling the other day and my wife walked in and stood at the foot of the tub looking at me from that perspective.  Her first words were, "Wow, its looks so wide".  Like in a good way.  I've still yet to experience it or measure in any kind of aroused state so I don't know if there will be any additional engorgment of spongiosum around the urethra and glans.  I had that pre-op so hopefully will have some of that post op.  But one thing is for sure, my penis is definitely wider from side to side, measures almost 2 inches across.  I can just tell visually that that is different from before.  I'm hoping that my urethra will fill out the bottom a little more with arousal.    

I am trying to ween off of the hot baths.  I bought a small, soft electric heating pad that works really nicely to loosen things up.  This morning for the first time I cycled in bed using the heating pad, it worked really well.  My goal is when I start back to work next week, I will wake early, heat up in bed and inflate, then transition to my hot morning shower still inflated and then deflate in the shower and go about my day.  

I'll update once I hear back from Dr Eid as well.
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


Oh, and I meant to post this pic.  Sent it to my wife while cycling in bed this morning.  I call it "rise and shine"!  Standing up at 45 degrees lying on my back.  My pre-op would have been lying flat on my belly in this position.
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


P didy!  Thank you so much for that picture. I have been wondering for so long about this particular thing, of when somebody with an implant would be like when lying in bed. If it would lie back or stay at another angle.

I have more comments to make, regarding your items above but I can't write a full reply right now, at work. It seems like you are in the right direction! 👌


1.  The Pump:  it is still quite present and uncomfortable in my scrotum.  I think it is basically well positioned but I have a tight, small scrotum so there just isn't a lot of room in there.  The pump is the biggest thing in my scrotum.  It is positioned behind the testicles, slightly to the right and below to the extent that my sack allows.  It kind of sits at 45 degree angle with the pump posterior and lower and the stalk and deflate button angled up and forward more between the testicles.  The pump is concealed behind my testicles but is a very prominent hard ball that pushes toward my perineum and kind of chafes my scrotum between my legs.  The pump pushes my testicles forward which gives them more prominence.  I have a constant sort of low grade ache like I got kicked in the balls.  So, not sure where this is going.  I think I'd rather have one testicle and have the pump replace the second one.  I'm on testosterone therapy anyway so I don't really need them both!  Right now it feels kind of like I have a golf ball between my legs.

I was impressed that you are on testosterone therapy. Was it related to your penile fracture, or just because you had low T levels for some reason?

2. Dog ears and flaccid bend:  I have a significant flaccid bend to the left from the base and a lot of dog ear-ing at the base as it enters my body on the right side.  This seams to be causing the left bend.  My flaccid "hang" is approaching 4:00 with a good deflate but it really bends left.  When inflated it is very straight with no dog ears.  Will see what time does here.

If it has folds and dog ears when flaccid, and is dead straight while erect then, those are the signs of a perfectly sized implant! looks fairly consistent with all the positive outcomes i've read in the past.

3. Reservoir:  More prominent then I thought it would be.  Still kind of tender, can feel it and see it.  I am very lean.  Hoping there is still some inflammation and this will become less of an issue but I have a feeling that because of my body type this may be something I just have to put up with.  This bothers me mostly because one of my favorite lifts is the snatch which involves a barbell hitting in the pubic area.  I have a feeling I may never be able to snatch again.  

Here's something i hadn't actually thought about before , but for sure a reason to be concerned. I read somewhere, that whilst one could lead a normal life with an implant, a few minor situations should be avoided. Like icy-slippery surfaces, for the risk of falling on your waist or bottom and injuring the implant.

4. Urination:  This has been kind of weird.  The implant has affected my urine stream.  It is weaker and erratic.  The sensation in my bladder telling me I need to urinate feels different, starting urination is harder.  I sense that the folds in the deflated implant are creating pressure points in my urethra and possible there is inflammation around the bladder and perhaps the prostate as well due to the procedure.  Hopefully will improve with time.  

Could you try to inflate a couple of times, like 3-4 pumps to see if it makes any difference, certain inflation levels?

On the flip side, I'm amazed at how well things healed with no bruising or visible swelling.  I am amazed that I was able to start cycling this thing at 4 days.  I am impressed with the quality and hardness of the erection.  There is no doubt that when everything is said and done, this thing is going to perform extremely well. I was in the tub cycling the other day and my wife walked in and stood at the foot of the tub looking at me from that perspective.  Her first words were, "Wow, its looks so wide".  Like in a good way.  I've still yet to experience it or measure in any kind of aroused state so I don't know if there will be any additional engorgment of spongiosum around the urethra and glans.  I had that pre-op so hopefully will have some of that post op.  But one thing is for sure, my penis is definitely wider from side to side, measures almost 2 inches across.  I can just tell visually that that is different from before.

That is a reason to smile right there! ps: have you heard back from Dr. Eid?


I've been on testosterone replacement for about 3 years.  I was just feeling low energy and drive in many aspects, physically, sexually and mentally.  Since I was in my late 40's, I went to my doctor and talked about it and he recommended checking T levels.  I was at 205 which is pretty darn low.  So, I started doing injections and took care of that. It was a real game changer.  I definitely had some mild ED at the time and the Test and Viagra really helped.  Before the Peyronies Disease and injury I was quite the "stud", my wife and I were having amazing, next level kind of sex.  But life has a way of changing things.  

On other fronts, interestingly, the pump is not bothering me nearly as much. Overall comfort level is improving incrementally now at day 18.  It seems to be finding its place with time.  Hopefully a positive trend that will continue.

I haven't tried the semi inflate and urinate idea.  Not a bad idea though.  I'm able to urinate, its just different so I'll probably just give it time as that seems to be the remedy for most things.

I'm technically cleared to have sex at day 21 which is only 3 days from now... gulp!  Not sure about that yet.  Likely will wait until the upcoming weekend, so more likely will be day 24.  I don't feel the need to rush it.  Funny thing is that with all of the post op healing and such, I haven't felt horny.  I'll be very interested to see how the mental/physical connection works with the implant.  I'm not quite sure what "horny" feels like yet with my new device if that makes sense?

Also, interestingly, Dr Eid never got back to me.  

53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


P-Diddy, Good report, and photo.

Scrotum size is a little hard to compare but one of my concerns was a sense that I might but have a small scrotum so I even asked Dr. Eid about a smaller earlier generation pump.  Since I have good hand strength and dexterity I figured I could operate any pump.  He told me that was not an option.  While I had a few initial concerns about pump placement I am very happy

I have no doubt what horny feels like because I lived with it for enough years with ED.  Needless to say, you have to look at the first time as an experiment.  It will grow into more than that before it is over but especially any side movement such as a female shifting her butt over on the bed while you are inserted can be painful.  Straight in and out should work good in most any position though even on your first run.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks Hawk,
I remember you initially having some issues with the pump position but it kind of just settled in with time.  I think the same thing is going on with me.  It's consoling to have your experience before me.  So many similarities in our cases.  
I definitely don't expect much from sex early on, it will be just like you said, experimental and exploratory.  I am looking forward to it though and hopefully to it getting better and better with time.  From the early look of things, I should be able to penetrate a brick wall, so firmness should never be an issue again!  It's going to be more about getting comfortable working it and using it effectively in the most sensual way for the both of us.  The angles, positions and movement along with inflation levels will be the learning curve.  Should be a fun journey!  I like pics so I just might have to get one of the act for "documentation" purposes!  Unless of course that is forbidden on this site.  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


"penetrate a brick wall" LOL i laughed for a while at that. But honestly... that is one of the topics that i am most curious about. I read a lot about the hardness of the erection, and that most if not all say it is hard, or very hard, depending on the inflation level. And that leaves me wondering, how will it compare to my previous rock like, natural erection.

Also, you mention the pictures... I think if i understood right what you said, that Hawk and the staff in general do not want that sort of "graphic" material on the board, but you might clarify that out with him. One thing i would like to ask, since we are on the topic of discussing pictures is if you have any chance of taking a few pictures, right now, so you can compare later to them, of your current bulge while you are dressed up with few different pairs of clothes.

I have to say that is one of my biggest concerns as well. thinking if the bulge one currently has, will increase a lot to the point it's considered an erection of sorts or it's the same size as your current flaccid, assuming you deflate to the max.

I think it would be of great value, to put future implantees at ease.

1 photo from the front, with penis to the side you normally point, on normal, non flex jeans (levis 501/505and similar) and track pants
1 photo from the side, same setting as above.

I hope to hear back from you soon. thanks in advance


Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders


Day 19

Today was a milestone because it was my first day back to work.  I had a full schedule of patients and was on the go for 10 hours.  Surprisingly, I did very well, way better than I expected.  I was up and down a lot, sat for a few procedures that were 1-2 hours long.  The beauty is that I wear scrub pants which are perfect for concealment and comfort.  
I was mostly surprised at how little discomfort I had.  My biggest concern to date has been the pump but in the last few days that issue has greatly diminished and I was hardly aware of it at all today.  This is a huge relief!  I kept my unit pointed up.  I have these underwear from a company called King Style at  They have a sleeve that keeps the penis pointed up and a separate pouch for the scrotum so my junk was compact and contained.  No one could tell anything and I sat and walked comfortably all day.  
I started the morning by waking in bed about 45 min earlier than normal.  Grabbed my heating pad and put in on my crotch.  Pumped up in bed, 10 pumps waited for my snooze alarm then another 10 pumps, waited on snooze then got up and into the shower and pumped up 10+ more to max while showering.  Deflated then went about my normal business.  
It was great getting back to work to join the land of the living.  Once I got home I had dinner with the family then had a nice hot soak in the tub for 40 min and cycled again.  So, I think I'll make this my routine.
I'm two days out from the magical day 21.  I'm feeling better by the day but will likely wait until the weekend to christen this thing.  
As for issues:
1. Pump- improving by the day as far as comfort and position. My scrotum seems to have relaxed more probably as a result of decreasing inflammation.  I'm just not nearly as aware of it as I was.  I expect this to continue to improve.  I'm getting wall to wall pumps now for the first 20 and partials up to about 35.  The pain in the scrotum with pumping is definitely decreasing as well.  

2.  Flaccid-  still about the same.  3:30 to 4 with a left bend hang.  Seems like during the day it got a little stiffer and fuller.  I don't necessarily think this was an auto fill situation but more likely fluid collecting from being on my feet all day.  Up to this point I've spent most of my time on my back.  When I got into the hot bath and laid back it felt softer and more deflated.  Still working on improving my deflation technique.  

3.  Urination- still not normal but not as bad.  I've been drinking a ton of water to keep things moving down there.  

4.  Pain- in general and across the board has decreased significantly since the two week mark and suture removal.  I still take Motrin/Tylenol a couple of times a day but mostly just preventively.  I probably don't need it at all.  

And, Alibaba, thanks for the compliment!

Pfract, I will work on those pics for you.  FYI I went out to a NYE party wearing modern cut dress slacks and a tuxedo jacket.  I also went out the other night wearing Lucky brand jeans.  I keep my penis either up or to the natural left hang position.  Honestly, I could hardly tell and I doubt anyone else could.  I really don't think it shows up much as a big package.  You could view this as a positive or negative depending.  Overall, I don't think that is as big of an issue as most people think.  It's relatively easy to conceal and I'm less than three weeks out.  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.

Steve W

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the open, honest and very encouraging documentation of your journey. You make me think I can really do this, and ultimately regain a functioning penis! One personal downside, is that I have dealt (suffered) with Peyronie's for so many years, and lost so much length and girth, I'm fearful about what can realistically be regained. I've lost well over an inch in length, and almost an inch in girth as near as I can tell since I never achieve a full, hard erection anymore and haven't in a long time. However, in a few months I will have the insurance/copay crappola' resolved, and plan to move forward, and for that, I thank you. Would love to have Dr. Eid do the implant, but NY is too far, and too expensive right now, so I'm looking for a good Dr. closer to home. Again, thank you for your openness and willingness to share.
65, Albuquerque, NM. First onset 18 years ago. Original bend reach 90 degrees, now 60. Verapamil helped slightly, as did pumping early on. Now using traction and waiting for Medicare & my private insurance to cover an implant next year.


Thank you for that.  It's good to know that my journal is helping you and hopefully others as well.  I too was encouraged by other peoples journals like Merrix and Hawk's. Peyronies and ED can be soul crushing and is a lonely journey so it's good to be able to share with others who are also suffering.
I chose to act quickly in my situation largely because I did a ton of reading on this site and FT early on and came to the conclusion that 1. Things weren't likely going to improve with time, as in I suddenly will just wake up one day without Peyronies Disease or ED and 2. If I wait things will likely get worse as in loss and atrophy.  3.  I wasn't interested in injecting my dick with needles which just gave me a half ass dull aching erection or pumping my dick up like a balloon and tying a rubber band around it for a floppy, short lived, painful erection. 4.  I really like having good sex and I'm in the prime of my life so I'm going to go for it and enjoy it while I can.  

All that being said, the decision wasn't easy.  I spoke to and visited multiple urologists.  Made and cancelled more than one surgery appointment.  Sulked and second guessed myself.  Tried to convince myself that I can still have good sex without it.  I could get an erection but it was hit and miss, I would lose it and very often not be hard enough to penetrate, even with meds.  I just couldn't and wouldn't tolerate it.  There are no good alternatives really.  The implant is ultimately the best alternative, of course I'd rather have a healthy functioning penis, but I don't.  

So I chose to move forward and make the most of what I've got.  I picked the best doctor I could find and paid out of pocket.  My insurance wouldn't cover it and fortunately I could afford it.  

I hear your concerns about lost size.  I think you should VED consistently just to get anything you can out of it prior to surgery.  Get as stretched out and pliable as you can.  But in the end we've all kind of got what we've got.  If you pick a good doctor that aggressively sizes you and you stick to a good consistent post op cycling routine you may see some of that size loss regained over time.  But regardless, at a minimum you will have a hard functioning penis.  

It sounds like you have decided to move forward and I encourage you to do so if you are at that place where you are comfortable with the decision.  I realize Dr Eid may not be in the cards for you but I would encourage you to read as much as you can and find a good, experienced, higher volume penile implant specialist.  

I will continue to update my progress and I wish you well on your journey.  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


So, this morning I was up early doing my cycling/shower routine.  Afterwards I had a little extra time before I had to leave for work so I decided to see if I could provoke some sexual stimulation for the first time since implantation 21 days ago.  So I went into the bathroom and dialed up some porn.  I haven't even looked or thought about porn since the surgery.  I didn't pump up as my flaccid isn't exactly soft yet.  I started to masturbate and I was very surprised to see that I had some blood flow.  My glans enlarged and was warm and quite tumescent.  My shaft was definitely more firm.  It was like I had an "implant assisted erection".  The stimulation was very gentle but felt good and I orgasmed normally which was nice to see.  Anyway, just a quick update on that.  It will be interesting to see how things go when I inflate and have arousal with sex.  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


👌some great news! You are almost there man. Hang on


Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Day 23

Everything is continuing to progress well.  I did another test run this morning with masturbation and will be giving it a go with my wife this weekend for sure.  We have a couple of parties to go to so we'll be having a good time and the mood will definitely be right.  
In the session this morning, I was FULLY aroused and decided to pump up to near max to see how it felt with stimulation.  It felt really good with only minor discomfort.  The great news is that I measured a solid 6 5/8" length (16.8cm)  and 5 1/8 girth (13cm).  After ejaculating the size dropped back to 6 inches. As for length, this is as long as I have EVER measured with best erection or VED.  I'll definitely get some pics next time. The difference that arousal and glans engorgement makes is very significant.  I am so glad that I have that and was frankly kind of worried that I wouldn't. It creates a larger, fuller dick and makes it more comfortable because the cylinder tips can't be felt.  As for girth, it is measuring still a bit shy of where I was pre-op.  An interesting observation as I think back on things.  Prior to Peyronies and some of the shape changes that came with it, I always measured 5 inches in girth.  With the Peyronies Disease, my penis changed shape and kind of got this potbelly effect midshaft and then kind of constricted more towards the glans and I noticed that my girth in that midshaft area was actually more at 5.5 inches.  So I'm kind of thinking that this implant is straightening me out and making things more uniform and more like I used to be.  
That being said, looking at where I am right now, I would be completely happy with this and no more.  Any more future gains would be gravy.  It is an impressive, good sized, rock solid erection.  Better than any natural erection I ever had.  Yes Hawk, my wife better hang on!  And if she needs to hang anything on it she can do that to!

As for other issues:

1. Pump- quickly becoming a non-issue and almost approaching the point where I'll say the placement is nearly perfect.

2. Flaccid-  still not great but slowly improving.  While working it can be a bit of a bother trying to find the most comfortable spot but definitely manageable.  I has a definite left hang and twist.  My natural penis always had the same thing but it seems like the implant, at least for now, kind of exaggerates that.  I think with time as it softens its going to find a reasonable hang with a left bend and twist similar to what I used to have.  Dog ears and such are still present but only in flaccid.

3. Reservoir- present as before, can't say it is an issue though. Will be able to say more once I get back into gym

4. Urination- flow issues improving but the weird thing is that my sense of how it feels when I need to pee has changed.  My bladder feels different, I don't get the same sensation of needing to pee.  It's almost like there is some numbness or lack of normal feedback sensation from the bladder.  I don't know it this is caused by pressure or inflammation around the reservoir.  This is my biggest concern actually.  The other thing is that at night, I wake up numerous times feeling my PC muscle contracting, you know, that muscle you use when you try to cut off peeing.  I don't know if it the new way my body is trying to have nocturnal erections or what.  I'm going to ask Dr Eid about these things.  

5. Pain- minimal.  Minor irritation level.  I worked four 10+ hour days this week, busy schedule, full steam ahead.  I take two ibuprofen and two Tylenol once or twice per day, but really don't think I need it or if it even makes a difference.  Continuing to cycle twice per day with no problems.  Getting 20-25 good full pumps and partials up to 30-35.  Hurts like hell at that level with no arousal.  Deflation ok but still no "one touch" release success.

6.  Psychology-  feeling pretty good about everything at this point.  Obviously would still rather have a good functioning natural dick but I didn't and I don't.  I choose to dwell on the positives and can already anticipate the coming benefits.  I have an understanding and supportive wife, both of my young adult boys know about it.  I've been very transparent with them about it. Based on what I saw this morning I have a feeling that I have probably been "enhanced" and may have an unfair advantage!  My only downer is missing the gym which is a huge part of my life.  My fear is that I may be limited with some of the exercises I can do.  However, that is just another challenge to overcome, which I will.

Dr Eid rocks!  I think he hooked me up!

I'll update after the maiden voyage this weekend  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.



Day 25 Update

***Warning this post contains explicit language and graphic sexual descriptions

Houston we have lift off!  Last night, on the 24th day after surgery, my wife and I had sex.  

We went out to a friends birthday party and had a really fun night.  My wife got a bit tipsy and was definitely in the mood by the time we got home and I was certainly eager to finally give it a go.  

We didn't make a big deal about the implant.  I had a real sense of ease and confidence about it.  As my wife was getting ready for bed, I put on some music and got in bed and added about 15 pumps.  This gets me up but not really hard.  When she came to bed we started to make out with some nice passionate kissing and kissing her breasts, just taking my time, enjoying the moment.  She was really responsive and I could tell this was going to be good.  As I worked my way down her body I found her p~$$% to be very wet which really turns me on.  As I was working her with my tongue she was going crazy, almost to the point of orgasm but I stopped short of making her cum at that point because I wanted her to really want my cock when the time was right.  During this time going gown on her I was easily able to add some pumps, not sure of the count, probably around 25.  I felt like I was probably at about 80% of max but it was very comfortable as I had arousal at the same time.  

I had her on her back as I felt this was the safest way to start.  She was begging me to F~@< her and I knew that what I had was going to satisfy her.  I used a little lube just to make sure everything was comfortable because I'm still a little sore down there.  As I entered her, the first thing she said was "Oh my god you feel sooo good!"  And it felt so good for me despite the tenderness.  I took it kind of slow, really just focusing on finding what made her feel good.  We kissed passionately the whole time.  I whispered in her ear and said "just think baby I can F~@< you like this all night long, forever".  I pulled out and took my cock and smacked her clit with it and she squirted.  Of course, I wasn't worried about losing my erection!  While out I added a few more pumps and entered her again, this time deeper and a little more aggressively and she was howling and came over and over again.  I could tell that the hardness of my cock was hitting her in the right places and was really satisfying her in a way that I haven't been able to in a LONG time.  

I basically decided in my mind when I wanted to finish. I have some numbness on the bottom, lower half of my shaft but it didn't affect sensitivity during sex.  I'd say we went for about 15 minutes and I didn't want to overdo it as this was the first time.  So I found the right rhythm and as she continued to cum I let it go and had an amazing orgasm. It felt really good!  After finishing, I was still of course nice and erect but not as engorged.  I simply went to the bathroom to clean up as I would normally do and deflated with no problems.

None of this is an exaggeration.  For the first time experience with the implant, I would say this was quite a success.  Afterwards she was just going on and on about it.  She just kept saying how good it felt.  She said things like "it feels completely natural, I would have never known the difference", "you felt so hard", "I came at least 10 times" (she is multiorgasmic), " that implant was so worth it", "I want it again".  I said, not tonight because I don't want to overdo it. So she said, "then I want it again tomorrow!". We woke up this morning and the first thing she said was "last night was so good".  Obviously as a man, this was all music to my ears. My wife is not one to sugar coat so I know she meant it.  

Some other thoughts:

1. She had no awareness of me pumping up the implant as I did a little before and incorporated more during foreplay and during sex.  The pump is in a perfect position for me to easily reach down with my right hand.  It's kind of cool actually to have total control over the erection and having total confidence in the fact that its not going anywhere.  I could literally do anything I wanted.  

2. She didn't do any oral last night so no review on that just yet. The thing with oral is that a woman can't go down on you and get that feeling of you getting hard in her mouth.  But I could definitely see the scenario in my case since my wife is in the know, of her going down on me and I just incrementally pump it up as she is doing her thing.  This would be different in a singles relationship where the partner is not aware of the implant.  In my case I see no issues with incorporating the implant into all kinds of foreplay in fun and creative ways.  

3.  Hardness is more important than size- at least for my wife.  I'm not huge but adequate and slightly above average.  My wife loves a good hard cock first and foremost.  A large semi erect or soft penis doesn't compare to an average sized rock hard penis.  A hard cock is able to find the right spot and work on that spot until she cums.  An implanted penis has the advantage of not only getting super hard but it stays hard and allows one to really focus on what makes her feel good.  When I'm more healed, I can totally see her riding cowgirl and totally getting off as she rides me and controls where I hit her inside.  

4.  I was aware of the implant during sex but not to the point that it took away from the experience.  The most uncomfortable part for me was the reservoir.  When I went to full depth, I could feel the tubing from the reservoir as it projects out a bit and it was sore. The shaft and tip were a little tender but not bad.  I expect with time all of these things will improve.  

5.  I'm trying to find some negatives here so that I sound realistic but it's really hard.  Yes, it's still early in the healing process and things are tender and my flaccid has quite a ways to go.  The implant still doesn't feel like "part of me" yet, sbut as for the sex, it was the best sex we have had in a very long time and I was only cruising in maybe second gear.  I can only imagine what the future holds.

6. Confidence- I was confident before, during and after sex.  I am confident moving forward.  I haven't had this feeling in a long time.  My wife and I are both excited. The feeling of pleasing my wife and making her cum over and over again is priceless.  

This is my experience to date.  So far, as you can see from previous posts, my healing and progress have gone well.  I chose a great doctor, trusted him and followed his instructions.  I chose to have a positive attitude during this time.  I have had tempered expectations along the way and frankly expected things to be a lot worse.  I had limited expectations of what sex would be for the first time and it wildly exceeded my expectations.  I can only hope the trend continues.  I'm not trying to sell pie in the sky here, it's just been my honest experience so far.  There are so many negative stories on these sites so I hope that my story so far has provided some positive hope for others going through this.  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Bravo P-diddy!  I was looking forward to this milestone, more because I knew it would be one more thing we could both relate to than to find out how it went.  I knew how it would go.  ;)

Like you, I am not single but I am not convinced you could not pump up discreetly during oral sex.  Although my wife obviously knows I have an implant I have pumped up during oral sex. My wife asked me to do this and told me later it felt completely natural. Like you I started with a partial pump to remove any folds (dogears).  As I naturally squirmed and held the base of my penis I would just drop my hand to my scrotum and give a pump or two and a natural hunch at the same time.  

I really think any partner that was focused on their oral sex would not know if you were playing with yourself or pumping, ESPECIALLY if they did not even know there was any such a thing as an inflatable implant.  It would be the last thought on their mind.  In addition, placing your hand with your thumb at the base of your penis and your fingers over the pump side of your scrotum would protect against them stumbling across the pump which is the only giveaway of something unnatural.

Although there are married men whose spouses do NOT know they have an implant.  I am convinced I would never keep this from a partner for more than the very first satisfying encounter.  I see an implant as a plus to both the man and his partner.  I would confidently present it as a positive.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


This was very nice to read P-Diddy! so glad it was a very positive experience and that you will be having lots of fun in the near future!

Bubba dawg

5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

I am known to give out false information and post nonsense with little to no evidence to back up my claims.
I have ignored several warnings. Further reports to the moderators or Administrators and I will be banned.


Hey p diddy! I'm. Are you doing there? Still recovering well?  


A lot of mention of Merrix's thread here and comparing. I know many of us are in differing physical condition but age also factors in. Merrix was 42 compared to my being 57 my first implant. Age makes a difference for some of us too. One of the reasons I am an advocate of earlier intervention. Years of following threads, it just seems the young guys heal a lot faster and better outcomes. Looking good and I was very impressed with the lack of trauma a week after surgery in the pictures. Keep doing well.
Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders


Three month update:
I am at three months post op. I haven't updated in quite some time because I have had some issues and wanted to wait until 3 months to comment. After a great start post op, I started to develop some issues that caused me concern at about 6-8 weeks.
1. Pain- I am still experiencing pretty severe pain with inflation at max or even 80 percent, with masturbation and with sex. The pain is mostly in the tip and the perineal area. It makes sex unpleasant and I can't stand it for more than about 10 minutes due to the discomfort. Some days are better, some are worse but still having way more pain than I think I should.
2. Flaccid- I have a greater than 45 degree sharp left bend from the base with flaccid. My flaccid hang is about 4 o'clock. The hang is kind of a ski jump shape instead of straight. The only way my penis wants to hang is to the left. Any other position I have to force it to and it is uncomfortable. I have some very prominent and uncomfortable dog ears. There is some double tubing on the left base that seems to be tethered. With inflations, still bends to the left more than I'd like.
3. Reservoir- Pain around reservoir and in bladder, Can feel what I thought was the reservoir valve or tubing prominently in pubic area. Had a CT done- more about that later.
4. Size- length is good, close to pre-op, 6-6.5 inches, girth is less by about 1/2 inch. Was 5.5 now 5 inches.
5. Urination- my urine stream is erratic, it's thin or sprays a lot. Like the tips are impinging on the urethral opening.
5. Pump is good- no real issues.
6. Satisfaction- not happy with it.

My sense is that I am probably oversized. When I inflate, I can still feel dog ears or crinkles at 20+ pumps. At 20-ish pumps I can still feel the crinkles popping inside if I move my penis side to side. By the time I have all the irregularities out I'm approaching max pump and even at max I can feel some intentions. After 18- 20 pumps I'm not seeing any appreciable length changes, just the cylinders exerting more pressure inside but the cylinders aren't at full length. It seems to me that as long as the cylinders still have some length to gain, they aren't going to expand fully in girth- hence the loss of girth in my penis? I have been diligent about cycling, taking baths and really trying to be patient but the pain continues and overall satisfaction is poor.

So, I contacted Dr Eid and decided to visit him again last week for a follow up. We had a CT done prior. Basically the CT was normal, the reservoir was properly located behind the pubis and abdominal muscle. I was surprised at how large the reservoir is and how much it displaces the bladder which probably explains why I now get up to pee every night which I didn't do before. It probably explains why my bladder has had weird sensations as well.

He seems to think I am probably oversized a bit as this level of pain isn't normal. He sized me at 22cm with no rear tips. I looked at the report and he had me measured at 12 up and 10 down which seems like an odd ratio. He didn't like a couple of things about the outcome of the surgery. He didn't like the tubing on the left side because he can feel double tubing, he prefers to have just the tube running to the reservoir there and have the one to the cylinders running deeper. He also had to fold some additional tubing that goes into the base of the penis adjacent to the cylinders. Hard to explain but basically due to my anatomy the tubing was too long and created some excess.

He says he can go back in and leave the pump and reservoir undisturbed. Remove the cylinders and place a new 20 cm or 20 +1 cm RTE. Cut the excess tubing and reposition and tie into the existing pump and reservoir tubing. He feels like this will reduce the pain, probably won't significantly affect length and will help with the flaccid bend issues. That being said he wasn't exactly reassuring about anything which was disappointing. He is willing to forgo his surgical fee and can get Coloplast to give him a "freebie"

Needless to say, this is not the outcome I was looking for. My options are to give things more time to see if anything improves or have surgery in a couple of weeks from now. Part of me says to wait it out and see if things improve as it's only been 3 months. Even though, three months is supposed to be the magical time when the implant feels like its part of you and is normal. I'm definitely not there. I'm considering waiting until July to reassess but I also have a tentative revision surgery at the end of this month. I just need to let them know if I want to keep it.

Any other brothers been through any similar situation post op? Should I wait and see or just go for the revision? I fear making bad even worse but hope that round 2 will improve things. I'd rather not have surgery, although he said post op won't be nearly as bad due to no pump and reservoir work, but don't want to continue living with this and want to get on with my life.
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


P-diddy,  I'm sorry to hear how rough it's been.  If you're oversized one would hope any insurance would pay for the correction.  If private pay, I'd hope all costs would be covered as well by the doc.  That said, I know of no doc who would do that and Eid seems to do more than most by waiving the surgery fees and getting a free device for you.  I'm afraid with his maximum sizing this is probably a result...though I'd bet very rare (of course if you're the one-there's nothing rare about it).  I'm wondering if you might talk with him about trying one more approach first. Pfract just posted a Jan 2019 review which coupled twice daily pumping with VED.  This may stretch your penis just enough to accomodate the slight oversizing.  Here's the link w the protocol and dr Eid may want to modify it as well:
Of course it won't address the tubing issues-that would seem to require surgery.  I would trust him w the revision if it comes to that.  Again, sorry to hear this and please keep us posted.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Thanks Tony,

I actually asked him about VED but he was negative on it.  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


P-diddy I am so sorry you are having these issues.  This shows a couple things:
1: Dr. Eid is not infallible as he tries to get every possible bit of length.
2. He is upfront and owns his errors

I think I would try Tony's suggestion to at least see if I could avoid surgery and avoid a 3/8 inch reduction with an RTE.  You will be fine with a redo but if it is at all possible to stretch your penis to fit the implant rather than downsizing the implant AND going through surgery I would give it a try.  If however, the tubing situation is a significant concern then you will likely have some surgery anyway.

I have been thinking about you. Please keep us posted on your journey, decisions, and outcome.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hey P-Diddy! glad to have you back. I read your post thoroughly.

My sense is that I am probably oversized. When I inflate, I can still feel dog ears or crinkles at 20+ pumps. At 20-ish pumps I can still feel the crinkles popping inside if I move my penis side to side. By the time I have all the irregularities out I'm approaching max pump and even at max I can feel some intentions. After 18- 20 pumps I'm not seeing any appreciable length changes, just the cylinders exerting more pressure inside but the cylinders aren't at full length. It seems to me that as long as the cylinders still have some length to gain, they aren't going to expand fully in girth- hence the loss of girth in my penis? I have been diligent about cycling, taking baths and really trying to be patient but the pain continues and overall satisfaction is poor.  

i tend to agree with you here. I add that if you are still taking the hot baths, then trying to cycle to the max of what you can withstand and more would be a very good thing. Theoretically.

So, I contacted Dr Eid and decided to visit him again last week for a follow up. We had a CT done prior. Basically the CT was normal, the reservoir was properly located behind the pubis and abdominal muscle. I was surprised at how large the reservoir is and how much it displaces the bladder which probably explains why I now get up to pee every night which I didn't do before. It probably explains why my bladder has had weird sensations as well.

He seems to think I am probably oversized a bit as this level of pain isn't normal. He sized me at 22cm with no rear tips. I looked at the report and he had me measured at 12 up and 10 down which seems like an odd ratio. He didn't like a couple of things about the outcome of the surgery. He didn't like the tubing on the left side because he can feel double tubing, he prefers to have just the tube running to the reservoir there and have the one to the cylinders running deeper. He also had to fold some additional tubing that goes into the base of the penis adjacent to the cylinders. Hard to explain but basically due to my anatomy the tubing was too long and created some excess.  

He says he can go back in and leave the pump and reservoir undisturbed. Remove the cylinders and place a new 20 cm or 20 +1 cm RTE. Cut the excess tubing and reposition and tie into the existing pump and reservoir tubing. He feels like this will reduce the pain, probably won't significantly affect length and will help with the flaccid bend issues. That being said he wasn't exactly reassuring about anything which was disappointing. He is willing to forgo his surgical fee and can get Coloplast to give him a "freebie"

I find it encouraging based on everything i have read that your CT scan was good. You know that at least, those parts of the implant are in good working order and where they need to be. The ratio, does not seem odd to me, based as well on all the reports and accounts of recovery from implant surgery i've followed throughout the years. As for the tubing, i will refrain from commenting, for obvious reasons.

Based on everything i followed throughout the years and all the diaries i have read (and trust me when i say they were a lot) i have seem an odd case here and there that doesn't go as planned, even though you chose the one of, it not the best doctor out there for penile implant surgery. I remember a case, of a guy that went to Dr. Kramer, and had a very similar to yours. Initially the surgery went very well and he was pleased with the first weeks, but at the 4-5 month mark,he was still experiencing great pain while cycling and was offered similar options like you. Wait it out, or go for revision surgery to try to sort out the issue.

He eventually decided to wait it out a few more months, and take it from there, since he could have sex with a rigid erection even if for less time than before. Fact is, that we never heard from him again at FT so i only assume his outcome improved. Normally that's what happen with 90% of the guys there. Their surgery is successful so they leave and never come back to the board. i will send you a link to his FT diary very shortly.

So, in my opinion which is in line with the other guys? wait it out for as longs as you can and please try to use the VED for post op rehab. Even tho Dr. Eid advised against it. Think about it... he already said that if you were to go for revision, he would replace the implant, so even if you blow this one up, which is super unlikely to happen, you will get a new one. But honestly? considering you fractured your penis and had an urethral injury i'd say this is normal and with time and you enduring the pain it will stretch itself out.

How about you pop some advil or tylenol and try to have sex for longer than 10 minutes to see how that works out?