Another Implant Journey- Pre-op to Post-op - p-diddy

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Hi all,
This is my first post to this forum.  I started to show signs of Peyronie's Disease about a year and a half ago.  I lurked on this site for a while to research the problem and look for potential answers.  The Peyronies worsened my existing mild erectile dysfunction and created a very weak unpredictable, unstable erection with a hinge effect and about a 45 degree bend.  About 6 months ago while having sex with my wife I had an accident and bent my penis badly, due to a weak erection from the Peyronies Disease, and basically had a penile fracture along with a urethral tear. This resulted in a LOT of bleeding from my penis, think murder scene on the bed,  and every time I got something resembling an erection for next two days I bled out.  Had to wear Depends at night, no fun.  This was very traumatic for me and my wife.  Went to the ER when it happened and they looked at me like I was from Mars. Followed up with a urologist the next day and he said the I basically tore the urethra between it and the corpus spongiosum.  He said he could place a catheter for a couple of weeks or do nothing and see if it heals.  I opted for the second option and in a couple of days the bleeding stopped and hasn't recurred.  Needless to say, never want to go through that again.  After that trauma, my erectile dysfunction worsened both physically and mentally (due to fear) so I started to gravitate toward the idea of a penile implant, both to solve the erectile dysfunction problem, the Peyronies Disease condition and to ensure a safe, rigid erection that wouldn't result in another ER visit! Pills don't really help any more and I'm not interested in injections or VED as they don't really address the issue and if anything will make the Peyronies even worse over time.  At this point I haven't lost any significant length but I do have shape changes.  I'm not planning on waiting for the Peyronies to rob me of size while trying various remedies, none of which seem to prevent the inevitable conclusion.  I have been taking Pentoxyfilline, L-Arginine and Ubiquinone along with some traction and VED stretching in the meantime.  Not sure if any of those things have helped keep the condition at bay somewhat but I have decided to move ahead with the implant.  

After the trauma, I started to follow the FT forum to learn more about implants since at the time this site didn't really have an active implant forum.  I learned so much from posts by Merrix, Hawk, Alibaba and others.  I've read about the successes and horror stories.  While no outcome is certain and there are risks, the main thing I took from all of that was the choice of surgeon is probably the most important factor.  I've talked to numerous urologists, five to be exact and have met with Dr. Kramer and had a phone consultation with Dr. Eid.  In the end I have decided to proceed with Dr. Eid, out of pocket.  I have a pre-op appointment with him next week on Dec 18 and surgery scheduled for Dec 19th at 1:00 pm.  So Merry Christmas to me and hopefully I'll be stuffing my wife's stocking about 4 weeks later!

Hawk reached out to me after I posted about my case on FT to let me know that this site now has an active implant forum.  My goal is to contribute to this site by journalizing my experiences.  One of the things I have noticed about all of the journals to date is that no one really presents an accurate pre-op condition with actual photos.  As a guy who is researching and wondering if an implant is a good option, it would be nice to see actual before and afters with actual measurements.  As it stands, most guys claim they were a certain length before surgery and often complain of lost length after surgery.  Is their recollection of their pre-op size based on years ago before erectile dysfunction, or Peyronies Disease or prostatectomy took it's toll?  Or is it prior to surgery but based on a perception of their size with no actual measurements?  How did they measure their penis, was it accurate and repeatable from the same reference point?  How do we know it's true without pictures? The biggest concern from guys is size loss so I want to post clear pictures with measurements prior to my surgery and then follow up with progress pictures afterwards.  I am optimistic since I am in the good hands of Dr Eid that my outcome will be good and I want to be a resource for guys in the future to be able to make an informed decision.  Of course my case may not go as well as expected and that would be a source of information as well.  

I hope it's ok to post graphic pics on here, definitely NSFW.    As the date nears I'm definitely getting a bit anxious, second guessing whether this is the right decision, but I have to remember that I have done a ton of thinking and researching on this over the past year and came to this conclusion based on all that.  So, I'm not letting the last minute jitters deter me.  Any words of advice and/or encouragement are greatly appreciated!
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


Congratulations and thank you for a post that is memorable and a valuable contribution on several levels.  Forget the second-guessing.  When this is behind you will wonder why you did not do it a few months earlier but at least unlike me, you won't kick your dumb ass for wasting almost 15 years in trench warfare while you spent your time, your money, wasted intimacy, and loss of length.

There is no way to prove this but I can pretty much assure you that your preservation of size so far is a direct result of the Pentox, traction, and VED.  Very few experiences what you have and have no size loss to report.  On that note, what you have been through is without any doubt a classic case of what no man ever wants to experience.  That photos are a memorable education all by itself.  Honestly, when I first saw I thought it was a staged stock photo you copied to make a point.  

Your obsessive attitude about objective measurements that can be reliably repeated with the same results is EXACTLY correct.  Few things leave me more dismayed that to read someone posting, "I think I have gained some length" or "I seem to be losing girth".  If there is one thing a man on this forum needs to have, it is ACCURATE, OBJECTIVE, WRITTEN, measurements of length and girth of his penis. Your point about photo documentation is likewise a very solid point.  Again, congratulations on being the first to begin his journal with such documentation.

We are appreciative that you choose to help others while helping yourself and post your journal here on the forum.  I can assure you that it will never get buried 40 pages deep by repetitive posts.  While you are regularly posting it will obviously stay on the first page of the forum but when posts to your journal naturally slow, it will be made a sticky topic at the top of the board.  In time we will likely have a board just for journals.

PS: Be sure to show that photo to Dr. eid.  I am sure it will go into whatever he might have as a scrapbook.  It will seriously have the value of helping him remember you as an individual from all the patients he helps.  While he treats them all as friends, It can't hurt give him something that helps you to stand out in his memory.  That is in part why I talked him into lettling me take my phone into the OR so I could post awake during surgery. It also can't hurt to let him know your pre-op measurements are posted in photos on the forum :)

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



Thank you for coming to the forum to share your information with us. I have to tell you the trauma picture really made me take a step back. You and your wife must have been scared to death. I have seen many pictures here in the forum but none with that kind of shock value.

Your information will be very valuable to our members, it takes some a long time to decide to go with an implant so the more information we have the more we can help those that are undecided or afraid.

Please keep us updated and Merry Christmas to you and your wife!!  ;)


Moderator since 2015- Missouri- I work in the medical field and have strong knowledge of insurance and how to obtain coverage for medication and other treatments. Being a woman I do not have Peyronies but you can ask me anything. I am happy to help.


P-Diddy, are you doing a BPEL with a ruler or is that a carpenters tape measure?  Firmly bone pressed is the only way to get consistent objective measurements because the pelvic bone becomes a fixed reference point.

I also recommend a BPSFL as well.  That does not do a lot of good after implant but it should be very near your BPEL and one of the measurements Dr. Eid will make is BPSFL.

I recommend 3 erect girth measurements as well.  1 right behind the glans 2 mid shaft 3 base.  If Erectile Dysfunction hinders any of these use  the VED to get a maximum pump then slip the band/ring on, immediately remove the VED and measure.

PS: the pre Peyronies Disease photo looks like it could display a little bit of Peyronies Disease unless it is camera prospective.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Best wishes your in good hands with Dr.Eid.If your like Hawk or me you'll be using it in a month from today yes by January 15  The first few days are tough but once the bruising goes away about a week to 10 days It starts to get better fast at three weeks you'll be trying it out by a month it will be very comfortable. Seasons greetings you'll be getting some wood to put under the tree not a bad present.
Born 1952
RRP 6/1/18
Total ED since
Viagra stopped after RRP
Injections painful didn't work
10/26/18 Dr. Eid Titan 20+1


PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Thanks guys for the warm welcome and the words of encouragement, means a lot and definitely needed right now.  
Hawk, per your suggestions I am adding some additional pics for documentation.  All of the length measurements are indeed bone pressed using a wooden ruler.  I have added BPSFL and girth at base, mid shaft and below the glans.  My BPEL and BPSFL are identical at 6.5".  The girth at base is 5 7/8", midshaft 5 1/2" and glans 4 7/8".  Interesting that I loose an inch of girth from base to tip.  That has definitely become more pronounced with the Peyronies.  I will definitely share these pics with Dr Eid as well.
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


Hey p-diddy! Welcome!!I have seen your posts before on the other board, but i could not reply because i was banned from the board way back in 2017 over almost nothing.  It was a sad day. I have to say that i appreciate immensely your attitude towards your problem. I also want to say that i relate. Greatly. I also fractured my penis during intercourse in 2014. Definitely not as severe as yours, but i had no surgical repair so it has been going slowly downhill since that time. I too hope to join the implantee's in the mid future so i will be eagerly awaiting for your progress updates.

I have many questions, but I am so short on time so I will definitely come back later on and write a proper post. Just wanted to thank you for joining in, quickly before i pass out in bed. Oh, and another thing we have in common is going to the gym, and training heavy, at least judging by your physique and i can only wonder up to what degree or not does having this procedure changes your routines at the gym...

I apologize if my English is a bit off. bye for now, and please stay with us!


My guess is you will immediately end up with a little more girth and you are already clearly above average.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Pfract, yes I do work out.  I do Crossfit, which is super intense four days per week.  This includes a lot of heavy Olympic style barbell lifting as well as all kinds of other movements and cardiovascular activities.  The potential impact on my workout, believe it or not, is my biggest hesitation for even doing this. I expect 4-6 weeks off and then getting back into it carefully.  I think this is a big concern for some of the "younger" guys so I will journalize my experience regarding working out post op.  It will definitely set me back in the gym but will give me some refreshed goals to work on when I return.  I know this might sound crazy to some but working out is a huge part of my life, probably more so than sex.  However, I'm not alone.  I have a beautiful, sexy wife and sex is important to US and is vital to having a healthy relationship.  Psychologically however, I'm doing the procedure for me.  She will love me regardless, but in order to be the best man I can be for me and her, I need to do this.  As you all know, ED affects every aspect of your life.  She tells me to do it for me, not for her.  It's like when she had a boob job, I said honey I love you regardless but if it makes you feel better than go for it!  
And Hawk, I hope you are right about the increase in girth, that would be nice.  At least to have even girth throughout.  I'm honestly fine with my size, I'm going into this for the purpose of preservation of what I already have, and hopefully not losing anything with surgery, and to have a firm, rigid, safe erection. I have to admit, my wife and I used to have some porn level sex which is probably why I broke my dick in the first place!  I think the Titan will be a good choice;)
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.



Are you within driving distance of Dr. Eid or will you be staying in a hotel to recover for a few days?

In retrospect, this recovery is not bad BUT the first few days can throw you a curve as can the first several times you have to inflate.  I underestimated my first week.  I had read some guys that did not take a pain pill. ???  Laying flat all day the first few days was rough all by itself because it gave me a significant backache.  

Make sure your keyring model is with you in the tub for reference the first few times you inflate and deflate.  

When you start sitting, do yourself a huge favor and either have a cushion/pillow shaped like the letter "U" with a wide-open front or just get a bath towel, roll it up and arrange it like the letter "V".  The point of the "V" should be at your tailbone and each leg of the "V" under your hamstrings on each leg.  I am a little dull-witted and it took days of experimenting to conclude this was the best setup.  The worst was when I thought I would sit on a soft fluffy pillow.  As soon as my butt hit the pillow, the rest of the pillow poofed up on my scrotum, exactly what you do not want.  Your scrotum will clearly be the area of greatest discomfort.

Expect that your penis will seem somewhat inflated even when deflated in the beginning and when deflated you will be sticking out at a 4:00 O'clock angle.  As the swelling goes down and the cylinders soften all that takes care of itself.  It is natural to think there is no convenient or comfortable place to put your penis in the first few weeks.  Then you will realize it is day 21 and you can put it in your wife and all will be well. :)

In summary, I will tell you what I tell others.  Dr. Eid and time are going to fix you.  They are your best friends.  Dr. Eid is easy to like.  Time requires some patience in the first 3 weeks.  After that, it just starts to happen as you go about with your life.

I can't wait to hear your updates.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I live in Washington DC area, so NYC is technically driveable but we are flying up which takes about an hour.  My surgery is Wednesday and we are staying in the city until Saturday.  Given that time frame, will I go back to visit Dr Eids office for a post op or will he come by my hotel room?  Will he or a staff member activate me and show me how to work things before I leave?  
Regarding sitting, this is a concern because I am a dentist.  I sit during procedures in some rather awkward positions so this may be difficult for me.  I will likely have to use your suggested method for a while.  I did schedule the surgery over the holidays because I normally take some time off.  I'm taking 18 days off and will return to work Jan 7th.  Hopefully that gets me over the hump and I can get back to work reasonably well.  Of course taking all that time off, I will be busy as hell when I get back.  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


I am 4 hours from Eid so I road home straight from recovery before the spinal wore off.  He will certainly be up for coming to your hotel if needed.  I did the first inflation/deflation at home alone on day 3.  If he does it and then asks you to repeat it you will definitely want a pain pill in you before you go.  Not excruciating but two inflation cycles on your scrotum will not be fun.  He might inflate and have you deflate because obviously knowing how to deflate is critical.  Inflating is far easier.

If you are required to sit a lot I would shop on the internet to find a good pillow with an open front.  Many look like the letter "C" with little in the way of opening but if you look you can find one that is shaped more like a "U".  It will just be less explaining as to why you keep arranging a towel on your chair.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hey p-didy. Here are some of the questions I have been meaning to ask.

-did you knew about penile fractures before you had yours?
-did you deny having surgical repair, or it was not offered to you? normally with urethral injuries, doctors repair you right away, especially with blood coming out.
-are you afraid of having a urethral stricture?
-are you going to have a cysthoscopy done, to rule out urethral narrowing and fistulas? What did Dr Eidd say about it?
-did you have an ultrasound done after your injury? I am curious to know if you have an idea of your current blood flow values
-how do you cope mentally with the fear of refracturing it? Are you able to forget somehow, the moment where you felt the tear, and what came afterwards?

I hope I am not bothering you with so much questions, but I am hopeful you are able to reach back. Take care.  


Quote from: pfract on December 17, 2018, 11:52:06 PM
-are you going to have a cystoscopy done, to rule out urethral narrowing and fistulas? What did Dr Eidd say about it?

I can answer this part of the question.  Dr. Eid performs a cystoscopy on every patient prior to surgery to make sure he is not going to run into an unexpected issue in the OR inserting a catheter.  So my guess that is part of the line-up of tomorrows pre-surgical visit.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


My presurgical visit is today.  Dr Eid will do a cystoscopy and Doppler ultrasound to answer those questions.  Pfract, I do have concerns about the urethra injury as you mentioned. I'm glad that Dr Eid is doing these tests prior so I guess I will have a more thorough answer for you later today.
After my injury the urologist I saw didn't want to do anything and fortunately everything seemed to heal "fine". It was a very strange injury with an atypical presentation.  I had a severe traumatic bend during sex and it bled like a firehouse. It seemed that it tore the urethra but didn't exactly "fracture" the body of the penis. I had bruising but no swelling.  They did an ultrasound, not Doppler, at the time so didn't learn much from it. All they saw were plaques from the Peyronies.
And yes, it is still on my mind and my wife's mind and has definitely affected us both psychologically to the point that it is a real detriment to having sex.  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


Well, by this point P-Diddy most certainly has become a Bionic Brother and is a new Male 2.0 upgrade.  I trust that Dr. Eid has once more worked his magic and not it is mostly up to time to finish the process.  I am like an anxious parent waiting on a report.

Our thoughts are with you P-Diddy
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I am indeed bionic!  Just got back to my hotel room, ice and pain meds on board, lying flat on my back.  Everything went very well. As a matter of fact the entire experience with Dr Eid, his staff, the surgical team and facility has been perfect and flawless. My wife and I can't speak highly enough of Dr Eid. His demeanor, patience and willingness to listen is unparalleled.  A truly unique physician. So far so good but now the hard part begins.  I am so thankful to have a loving, supportive and caring wife to help me through this. I also really appreciate the support from my brothers.
I was implanted with a 22cm Titan, which of course means no RTEs. I am happy with that. I would say the worst part of all of this was the cystoscopy at the preop visit. They use lidocaine in the urethra but it was a very uncomfortable feeling.  Good news was there was no evident damage or scarring of the urethra. He then did the injection and measurements. Got a pretty crappy erection and the process reminded why I have no interest in injections.  His measurements came up about a half inch shorter than mine but under the circumstances that's kind of expected I think. He said I'll probably be a 21 but maybe he could fit a 22. Last thing I said to him in the OR was go for that straight 22 if you can but I trust you to know what's best.
The other thing was during the Doppler I had a very pronounced venous leak. Excellent blood flow in but not holding during diastole. He showed me the waveform and explained what it meant. Otherwise the canvernosum was clear.
I had the procedure done at the Midtown Surgical Center. Yesterday Dr Eid told me that sometimes there, depending on who is doing anesthesia that I may not get a spinal and would get general instead.  I wasn't too pleased with that so woke up at the crack of dawn and called over there and informed them that I wanted to be sure to have a spinal. I got the spinal and all went great. I didn't pull a "Hawk" and stay awake.  My propofol sedation was nice and I have no grogginess or hangover whatsoever. I'll be changing my name from p-diddy to P-Daddy soon!
So for now I'm just relaxing.  I'll keep you guys updated:)
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


This is great news. So glad to hear things went well and you are relaxing.

Keep us updated

Moderator since 2015- Missouri- I work in the medical field and have strong knowledge of insurance and how to obtain coverage for medication and other treatments. Being a woman I do not have Peyronies but you can ask me anything. I am happy to help.


So, since you are staying in Manhattan do you figure he will pull your catheter and inflate you before you come home or didn't you cover that yet?
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I'll remove the catheter myself Saturday morning before leaving.  I don't plan on seeing him again so will do the inflate/deflate at home myself.  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


You'll have no problem.  Just have the keyring model with you in the tub and be sure you have oriented with the layout and can feel the deflate button before inflating.  I will be interested to see if the "one touch" feature works for you or if you have to hold the button in while squeezing the penis in the first few weeks.  I would bet money on the latter.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I didn't pull a hawk! Haha so nice everything went well. Congratulations! Best of luck on the recovery man


P-Diddy do you know what determined that your surgery was at Midtown rather than at the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital?

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I think it depends on which day of the week. I guess on Wednesdays he operates at Midtown. It was a nice facility and people were very friendly and I was treated well.  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


Post op Day 1
It has been 24 hours since my surgery was completed. Not a whole lot to report. Bed rest flat on back, ice, pain meds on schedule, emptying catheter bag periodically.  Everything is wrapped up in the jock strap which is pretty comfortable. I haven't messed with anything down there and won't until I remove the catheter on day 3. I'm thinking it will be nice to have the catheter out.
Pain is manageable, about a 4 out of 10. The dilaudid definitely helps.  It is only really uncomfortable when I move or get up or cough. Keeping all those to a minimum although it does actually feel kind of good to stand up and walk a bit.
Been taking a laxative as well to hopefully stave off the constipation, no BM yet, kind of dreading that.
The Bentley hotel is great, we moved from our original room because they comped us an upgrade to a comer suite, thanks to my lovely wife working her magic.  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


DEFINITELY hit the stool softeners, and Milk of Magnesia.  I was on top of it before I even started the painkillers and still got constipation.  I knew from experience from a 30-day bout of kidney stones that painkillers do not agree with me.  There is nothing worse than being desperate and having to take an enema before you can pull the catheter because you don't want to deal with it after unbandaging.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Post op Day 2:
Slept quite well last night. No narcotics today with minimal pain. Just taking Tylenol and Motrin today.  I suspect this may change once I'm more active and start cycling. I was concerned about constipation from the narcs but that has proven not to be a problem. My bowels are actually moving a little too good this evening so I'm stopping the stool softeners. Everything is still bandaged up and haven't even looked down there yet.
Tomorrow morning will remove catheter before heading to airport to fly home.  Once at home will go for my first hot bath and start exploring.  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


Exciting stuff P-Diddy.  So far you are ahead of most of us in pain management so you are doing GREAT.  Hopefully, that holds through your travel home and beyond.

If you remove catheter tomorrow and fly home, you are going to be up a lot and not laying down any.  You might want to just enjoy the hot soak and not cycle until the next day.  It is no big deal.  You will know once you get home and in the tub. You are still cycling weeks and in some cases months ahead or patients with other doctors.  Do at least explore for the deflate button, however.

Just remember that the goal when lying in the tub is; to the degree possible, make your penis and scrotum the highest part of your body.  Of course, your face has to be out of the water or we will be burying a perfectly good implant :)   Also unless you have a huge tub your knees may be bent but do NOT sit up and elevate the trunk of your body.  It will cause your scrotum to swell.

I had a love/hate relationship with the hot baths.  The first one was awesome.  Then they start to sap you, especially in August.  I recommend a huge glass of ice water and some extra ice.  I would put a washcloth om my head and dribble ice water on it or even lay pieces of ice on it.  That and drinking ice water help off-set the hot soaks (2 or 3 a day) from wearing me down.

Also, I took a distraction.  For me, it was downloaded music and Bluetooth speaker to help pass the time.  Sometimes I would just say, I will stay inflated until one more song plays.  In the beginning that deflate button is more like an escape button and you literally count off the seconds until you can press it.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Day 3:
So Day 3 has passed and it was interesting. We flew home this morning with the catheter in.  I was doing ok with it so I figured I'd leave it in instead of dealing with it this morning as we were rushing out for an early flight.
After pulling the catheter at home, I unbandaged and did the big reveal. I was surprised to see that I had a pretty firm 3 o'clock erection. The shaft wider than the glans. Could feel some lumps and bumps from the cylinders. Scrotum tight with the pump behind the testicles. No significant bruising or visible swelling. Nice clean incision line with easily visible stitches for me to remove in two weeks. I could probably have sex with the thing as is but it is still bendable but very hard to point down from base. I'm peeing normally and can get the pee in the toilet however.
I took a shower to just clean up after 3 days. Shortly after, I took a hot bath for 40 minutes. I started to explore. Can easily feel the pump and can locate the deflate button which is kind of behind and between the testicles, but it's kind of up there a bit getting into uncomfortable territory when I started squeezing on it. I thought maybe there is some fluid in the cylinders so before pumping up maybe I can hit deflate and squeeze a little out. The hard part is getting my finger on the opposite side of the deflate button, it's super tender and afterwards made my scrotum feel like it was on fire. So, for today I figured I'd leave it at that. Made some progress getting the lay of the land down there.
After that experience I had some questions/concerns so I texted the good Dr Eid. Within 5 minutes I had a very nice and thorough reply. The "erection" is edema and swelling and he left the cylinders empty, I didn't have an auto inflation. It is normal for the pump to be hard as a rock right now. Just continue hot baths and master the deflate button before inflating.
I'm sure some of these things are familiar to the many brothers that have gone before me. My biggest concern is that my scrotum will loosen up and I have enough room in there as I have a small scrotum to begin with. I feels like the pump is almost in the perineal area. I don't have much hang down there. Hopefully I didn't bruise myself too badly to make it hard for me tomorrow.
Overall, managing pretty well considering. It's early in the game with a long way to go.
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


You are doing great.  Time WILL work the rest of the magic.  We all have that 3 o'clock semi erection worthy of intercourse. It is swelling around the cylinders not fluid in them.  It is amazing how we all read this stuff before surgery but it does not register until we live it.

My pump poked out to the front like a finger in my scrotum.  It was also high.  I asked if I could pull it down and got a firm "NO".  It settled exactly where I wanted it in time.

A scrotum on fire is the classic main discomfort.  When you feel it just know it is as it should be and all is well.

PS: You and I have the identical 22 cm Titan implant from the same surgeon.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks Hawk for the encouraging words.  Yes, I have read so many stories of guy's experiences and all of these things have been said but you're right, when it happens to you it's still a bit of a shock.  With my own patients in my profession I tell patients post surgically that it takes time to heal, just give it time, trust me.  Now I'm the patient, receiving the same advice... humbling.  This will make me a more empathetic and better doctor.  
Last night was first night at home and I slept for 11 hours!  
Oh and by the way, yes we have the same implant which is great for comparison purposes.  I know you have said it somewhere and we all have different internal/external ratios but what are your physical dimensions?
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


Quote from: p-diddy on December 23, 2018, 10:52:57 AM

Oh and by the way, yes we have the same implant which is great for comparison purposes.  I know you have said it somewhere and we all have different internal/external ratios but what are your physical dimensions?

After 4 months I am 7" BPEL and that is bone press very firmly.  3 weeks after surgery I was 6 1/4"  that was possibly affected by three things:
1. I could not press to bone quite as hard because of pain
2. I could not inflate quite as many pumps due to pain
3. I have regained some of 1 5/8" I lost

Dr. Eid promised me "6 1/4" or slightly more"  That is by his way of measuring which is less aggressive than my method.  I measure max pressure because that is the only way I know I am being consistant from time to time.

My girth 5 1/16 midshaft - 5 1/4" at base.  That is a 1/8" to 1/4" bigger than pre-op but it has not increased since week 2 or 3.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


He promised me 6 inches, but I'll say after that scope and then the injection, my dick was not in the mood for getting up so to speak.  I shared with him my photos and measurements and he took that into consideration as well.  Also, on the operating table under spinal he probably gets a really good max stretch.  I always consistently measured at 6.5 inches.  He originally said he was thinking 21cm but maybe could get a 22 in.  He said he was "happy" with the 22 at time of surgery.  I'm just hoping he didn't "oversize" me.  I trust his judgement when it comes to pushing the envelop though.  I remember in Merrix's journal how he talked a lot about that because Eid pushed the envelop with him on size, but it all worked out fine.  
Either way, it's cool to have you as a little mini-experiment/comparison to go by.  In my mind, the ideal outcome would be 6.5 x 5.5 in.  We shall see.  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


I never got erect from the injection until I was starting to leave the office.  When he measured me I was not half erect but he dis a stretched flaccid measurement as well which usually matches erect length.  I had to drive through Manhattan and for hours on the interstate with the biggest raging erection I had experienced in a decade and it lasted so long I called him because I was beginning to get concerned.  He suggested vigorous exercise but I was hesitant to pull over on the interstate and do side-straddle-hops on the shoulder of the highway with a raging erection. :)  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hey p-didy! Nice to hear you are recovering well. I am also wondering how are you and hawk going to be in terms of measurements, considering you have the same size implant, from the same doctor, like it was said here already. I don't mean in anyway to make you feel uncomfortable or push you towards this matter, but I have my fingers crossed you are willing to share some photos, here and there, of these early stages of recovery, until you start cycling and are cleared for intercourse.

It would be amazing, considering the data we have from several parts of your penis before surgery. Please keep us posted!


Day 4:
CYCLING SUCCESS!!!  In the hot bath tonight, I located the deflate button, pushed it with my right index finger and thumb opposing, squeezed my shaft and it deflated from where I was left post operatively.  Confident that I could deflate, I used a washcloth for grip, grabbed the bulb with my right thumb and index finger and pumped.  Got some good pumps, at least halfway, for 15-20 pumps until I had a nice straight erection with no folds or bumps.  Held it there for a few minutes, didn't really hurt, then deflated fully and pumped up again.  Did this a total of three times.  I definitely could have pumped some more but didn't want to push it the first time.  I just wanted to make sure I could do it without getting myself into any trouble.  
With that accomplished, tomorrow I will start to push the envelop a little more and hold it for longer.  Without getting too confident, I can say that was almost easy.  Way easier than I expected and my scrotum is a little sore but not on fire like yesterday.  I am excited and optimistic.  I can do this and its only going to get better!!  
I have followed doctors orders to the letter both pre and post op.  Also, I can't believe how little swelling I have and virtually no bruising.  It's incredible.  From what I have seen to this point Dr Eid is a true master.  Not just surgically but also in his patient management and relationship skills.  I feel truly fortunate.  
The only "negative' is the feel of the penis in the deflated state.  It has all kinds of kinks and such from the cylinders and it is "squeaky" feeling from the plastic in the cylinders.  I realize that will improve with time but just an observation.  
Also, there was definitely some fluid in those cylinders post op because I've got it much more deflated now.  
Pfract, my stated goal from the start was to document from pre op to post op and beyond.  I will start taking and posting pics tomorrow, along with measurements, now that I feel confident that I can cycle.  I will also try to write my posts in a more standardized format so it will be easy to follow progress.  
Looking forward to what tomorrow brings!
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


Congratulations, catheter out, cycling initiated.  I can tell you are ahead of me in this process.  I would say you are ahead of me, Merrix, And Floppy at this point in the process.  I had no bruising or swelling to speak of but I could have never pumped up twice in a session.  My scrotum was in enough distress I would pump a few pumps and rest a couple minutes then pump a few more times.

My only suggestion is to only pump once per session.  The main goal is a constant stretch on the scar capsul that will form on around the cylinders so pump up as tight as you can and hold for 20 minutes.  This will greatly help to ensure maximizing size.

Also when you deflate, deflate as much as possible to ensure the reservoir capsul does not scar in smaller that the resivoir capacity.

I am VERY interested in knowing if you can clearly continue to deflate after releasing the deflate button or if you have to continue to hold the deflate button down with one hand.while squeezing the penis with the other hand.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Advice taken.  I cycled a few times tonight to practice the feeling before I go pushing it.  Definitely going to be doing the max pump and hold method starting tomorrow.
As for deflate, I definitely got the cylinders pretty much depleted.  Especially compared to where it was.  
I held the button the whole time just because I didn't want to let go and have to do it again.  I will make a point to see if I can do the push and release method in the future.  
If I'm ahead of the game, then I have to give credit to you guys because I learned a lot from you:)
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


Thank you P-Diddy! indeed, one of the most important things as pointed out would be deflating as best as possible on these early stages. I remember reading upon a few guys back at FT where they could not get fully deflated later on, and always seemed to have fluid in.


One quick point about folded cylinders and total deflation.  In the early weeks, the Titan cylinders are especially unnatural in a totally deflated state.  Your penis can be made to look like a half-empty tube of toothpaste that has been squeezed in the middle.  You will likely feel uncomfortable corners at the folds or bends referred to as "dog ears".  This improves significantly in time because of 3 reasons.
1. As you gain some erect length you also gain corresponding deflated or flaccid length reducing the folds to some degree

2. The cylinders are hydrophilic and actually absorb fat which means they become softer and smoother feeling with time.

3. The capsule around them just toughens up

All of this is a gradual process that progresses slowly.  Number 2 probably progresses for several months, maybe a year or more.  

One of the best resources anywhere on the internet that anyone can read, especially if you are a patient of Dr. Eid with a Titan is Merrix's Journal posted above in the Penile Implant Boards Highlights.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


The importance of pumping to as much as you can stand twice a day is key. The first two weeks is when the pseudo capsule is formed. There are a lot of discussions on this subject on the boards. This scar tissue if left alone will reduce the room for the expansion of the cylinders resulting in less than optimal size this is true for the reservoir as well. The more you pump till it is hard as a rock the better even if the pain is to much to take for 20 minutes getting the stretch for ten minutes will be better than not going to max after a few days you will notice that you can get in more pumps and hold it longer. iI gets better each week by week three its almost painless and usable. The reservoir forms a capsule as well and if it stays full, empty cylinders it is much less likely to auto inflate.. After your fully deflated give the pump a quick squeeze to reset the check valve. This will keep the reservoir full and the cylinders empty when your not cycling after a week or two I tried to not reset the pump and most of the time I had a little back flow but now I don't bother to re set it most of the time. Some people say it makes the pump easier to pump the first pump I have not noticed that. My first pump is always stiff them easy after that.
Born 1952
RRP 6/1/18
Total ED since
Viagra stopped after RRP
Injections painful didn't work
10/26/18 Dr. Eid Titan 20+1


Post op Days 5 and 6,
Merry Christmas brothers.  Hopefully it was a wonderful time with family and significant others.  The last two days have been overall pretty good.  Pain has been mild to moderate but very manageable with Motrin/Tylenol.  I did take a narcotic before getting in bath tonight just because things are pretty tender in the scrotum with all the pumping going on.  This is my third day of cycling.  I have been taking 40 minute baths and keeping it pumped for 20-25 minutes. While inflated I work it from side to side and up and down to kind of stretch around the base.  I start with 5 pumps, wait a couple of minutes, add 10 more, wait a few then add 5 and then another 5.  So, I'm getting a total of 25 pumps.  These are partial pumps, not completely wall to wall but hopefully as things soften I'll be able to get more squeeze.  Maybe I could get more but I definitely feel the tension and discomfort so I think I'm accomplishing what I'm supposed to be doing at this point.  Plus, I was able to start cycling early so I've got a good jump on it.  Each day I'll just try to push a little more.  
As for measurements, I am exactly 6 inches BPEL as compared to 6.5 pre-op.  Dr Eid measured me at six with the injection and stretch.  I think there are a couple of reasons at this point.  First, there is ZERO arousal and no glans involvement.  I'm hoping that since I had glans engorgement pre-op that I will have at least some post surgically.  Also, not too sure about the bone press, still sore around the reservoir area so maybe not getting the same reference.  Girth I am at 5 1/8 inches mid shaft.  Pre-op I was at 5 1/2 inches.  Again, maybe related to lack of arousal, I don't know.  I know before, my urethra kind of "potbellied" underneath.  Now it doesn't so I lack some of the roundness and the penis is a bit wider and flatter.  So presently I'm about 1/2 inch short on length and 3/8 inch less on girth.  This is with no arousal and time will tell if that makes a difference or it things will change.  My erection angle is at about 2:30.  Pumped up it's definitely hard and straight though.  
So far the flaccid state is no fun.  Lots are folds, lumps and bumps.  I know you guys say with time that improves but it's hard to believe.  My "flaccid" hang is about 3:30.  I can push it down to 5:00 but it's kind of uncomfortable to do that.  I'm not sure which is the best way to pack it at this time, up, down or sideways.  
As for the deflate, I'm pretty much having to hold the button down the whole time.  Not too big a deal for me at this point.  I'm just glad I can get it to deflate.  I keep having this fear that I'm going be suddenly not be able to press the button and get stuck with a painful erection.  Fortunately, the pump has been pretty easy to operate, its just sore as hell down there right now.  Everyone says that gets better so I'll take your word for it.  
I've attached some photos of erection with some measurements.  The quality isn't great but it's really kind of hard getting these shots by myself soaking wet.  
Tomorrow will be one week, woo-hoo!! I just hope for a continued smooth recovery.  I'm still taking things very easy, no physical activity, just resting and lying down most of the time.  I've got the next two weeks off so I'm going to take it slow and focus on recovery.  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


Good report P-diddy.  I think part of your "loss of size" is that you are cautious about both shoving the ruler hard against the pubic bone and cautious about pumping until the pump ball does not want to collapse anymore.  Obviously, if you could squeeze another pump then you are not fully pumped by definition.  Sometimes it is best to save those last few pumps for late in the soak until you get to the point you can tolerate them sooner.  When I felt I was fetting to full inflation I would often try another pump or two right before I deflated just to see if there was more capacity there.

I am not sure why you are wiggling or wobbling your inflated penis side to side or up and down.  I would NOT do that, especially at this stage.  I think that I am correct in saying that will put stress on the crus.  You want that portion of the implant capsule to scar in very snugly.  Part of the implant that is back in that area is non-inflatable.  It is much like a fencepost in the ground.  If you go out and wobble that post before the earth compacts around it you will get minor play at the base.  The problem is, a little play at the base translates into significant wobble and instability further out at the top or the pole (or dick).  As Merrix chronicles at some length and what I find to be true is that as your deflated/flaccid angle drops, your erect angle drops correspondingly.  Ideally, you do not want an erection that is hard as a rock but points down to 4:00 O'clock.  I would wear my penis pointing up for the next few weeks OR if pointed down, point it out and down, not down at the base.  You want it to come straight out from the crus, then 1" from the body point down to the scrotum and maybe even bent back around the bottom of the scrotum like the letter "J".  I think it is imperative not to put any downward pressure on the crus at this point.

If you exit the body upward or straight out it does not matter what you do from that point.  I never wore my penis straight down until my implant.  I got the idea from Merrix.  If you come out, then down (hinging it 1/2" - 1" out from the body, then down, then pull up a tight brief or jock strap it does not tug down of the crus portion but it does form a hang to your penis and tends to help keep it deflated from the pressure.  It might be too early for this to be comfortable.  If so, wear it up.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


All good points and thank you. As for the moving the penis side to side, in the written post op pumping instructions he says to pump it till its hard as a marble and then rock the shaft side to side and up and down and then try to pump some more.  That's what I was referring to.  I can totally see where doing that could be moving the mailbox post around before the concrete sets so point well taken. Tomorrow I will pump until I can't get the pump to move anymore and see how that goes because I have yet to pump it to hard as a marble. That should be fun!
I guess my concern about wearing the penis up is that it might affect flaccid hang later. Right now it's hard to know because everything is still pretty stiff and sore.  
53 y.o, healthy, fit, married. 
Mild to mod ED starting 3 years ago,
Peyronies disease, penile trauma/fracture.
Implanted with Titan 22cm by Dr. Eid on 12/19/2018. 
Started cycling day 4.


Quote from: p-diddy on December 26, 2018, 12:23:57 AM
I guess my concern about wearing the penis up is that it might affect flaccid hang later. Right now it's hard to know because everything is still pretty stiff and sore.

This takes trust, but you could wear your penis up day and night for the next two years and your flaccid hang would be the same at the end of two years as it would be wearing it down.  That hang is a slow process of :
1. reduction of swelling - Even deflated your penis and surrounding tissue is full of fluid
2 - The softness of the cylinders - this is a slow breaking in of the natural rigidity that is broken in by maximum stretching inflating and the slow process of the fat permeating the hydrophilic coating.

which direction you wear your penis has NOTHING to do with the softness of the cylinders or the rate the cylinders soften.  Your cylinders are currently stiff with well-defined folding points that let it bend up or down at those folds.  It will take you 2 months to see the cylinders significantly soften and it will take a year at least before they reach their maximum.

(or as the moderator on another forum would explain,  (non-sensically) " you will have a perpetual hard-on because you have a Titan")   ;)
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thank you for posting these pictures p-diddy! Again, means a lot to me that you are sharing this and I am sure other members will appreciate it too. I will pretty much second what hawk said, and can't stress enough the part about pumping till max and holding on for as much as you can. Please follow hawk's advice on this. ✌


P-diddy,  I don't want to beat a dead horse as the expression goes, but my late Christmas post might not have been clear enough.  If you compare your current hang of 3:30 O'clock with the other journals, you will see you are where we all were.  None of us had to force our penis down (especially while pumped or partially pumped).  I am 4 1/2 months post-op.  I am very content with my deflated angle and cylinder softness even if it never improved from here but it will.  At your stage and even at 10 days post -op when I got my stitches out I thought I would never improve because it seemed stuck at that angle.  Have confidence time will fix everything and give you a perfect implant.

If you really want to bend it down then do so BUT out and then down so no downward pressure is on the crus.  Going out and down with tight briefs will give you a more natural looking hang for 30 minutes when you first take off your briefs because the cylinders are shaped to your scrotum.  It does nothing however in softening or permanently shaping the cylinders. Remember, there are only two ways to get a downward hang.   1. Is the combination of cylinders softening and all trace of swelling getting better.  It is hard to speed that up except with hot baths and maximum pumping.  2. Is loosening the capsule around the supporting, stabilizing crus.  That must be guarded against unless you want a downward pointing erection.

If you choose to wear your penis down, always check to make sure all the downward bend happens outside the body and the all pressure on the cylinders at the point of entry into the body is up and back.  I hope this makes sense.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums