Essential & vegetal oils 2.0

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Hello guys,

Even if this is not a best-seller on the forum, I stubbornly continue my experimentations with vegetal and essential oils^^!

I think I ended up finding a good mix that:
- Totally suppresses pain in flaccid state;
- Reduces 80% of hard flaccids throughout the day;
- Might help softening the plaque (mine have softened a great lot, but it can be due to other factors so I'm not actually claiming anything).

So, the ingredients and their properties (thoroughly tested and approved by myself) are the following:
- Tanacetum annuum EO (suppresses hard flaccid, greatly reduces pain, greatly promotes blood flow): 7ml
- Eucalyptus citriodora EO (greatly reduces pain): 7ml
- Chamaemelum nobile EO (greatly reduces pain): 3ml
- Combava EO (reduces pain): 3ml
- Frankincense EO (reduces pain and hard flaccid, promotes blood flow): 5ml
- Myrrh EO (reduces pain and hard flaccid, promotes blood flow): 5ml
- Curcuma EO (full of potent antioxidants that might be very beneficial, but that is just a guess): 5ml
- Roseship VO (promotes good collagen and greatly enhance EO's penetrating properties): 20ml

--> So, basically you pour all these oils in a 100ml glass opaque bottle with a pipette, shake it, and keep it in a cool and shady place. You apply 10 to 15 drops on your junk, massage it 30 seconds, then add a good amount of one of these vegetals oil (I personnally use a different one for each day or session) and massage again for 1 minute or more:
- Emu VO (skin repairing, supposed penetrating properties);
- Castor VO (skin repairing, supposed penetrating properties, antioxydant, instantly but not permanently suppresses hard flaccid);
- Olive VO (skin repairing, antioxydant);
- Wheat germ VO (supposed to contain a huge amount of antioxydants);
- Greapefruit seed VO (skin repairing, antioxydant);
- Arnica VO (skin repairing AND efficient anti-inflammatory + painkiller);
- Calophyllium brasiliense VO (skin repairing, promotes blood flow, anti-inflammatory, protects blood vessels).

--> Apply this two (morning and night) to three times a day, allowing the mixture to dry a little for 5 minutes without touching/putting clothes on, and HF + pain while flaccid will almost certainly be gone. As I said, this mixture might also have helped soften my plaques (that would not be illogical), but that I don't know and won't claim; anyway, I definitly think you should try it :-)!!

Last section: a few studies that guided and support my experimentations (I only indicate those in English, although I have found a lot more in French):
- Tanacetum annuum's chamazulene is a strong antioxydant and radical scavenger :
- Roseship oil enhances the penetration of other active substances, in particular those contained in EO:
- Frankincense and myrrh EO combined have strong anti-inflammatory properties:!po=72.0588

And that's it! I don't think I'll change my mix now, but if I happen to stumble on something new, I'll keep you up to date :-).

All the best!

TL;DR: A synergy of essential and vegetal oils, applied 3 times a day, suppresses hard flaccid and pain in flaccid state, and might help softening plaques; if you lack time/money/energy, you can just combine tanacetum annuum + eucalyptus citriodora + Emu oil to get 70% of the effect.
- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


Great post Gabriel!!!!
Which effects are you noticing in terms of EQ?
26 yo from Italy.
Peyronie's since abt 2014
Abt 20-25° bend, w/ a moderate twist to the left
ED for 4 years and getting worse
From pornstar-like to moderately depressed - still fighting for a solution.


Thanks Hope!!

Well, about EQ it's very tricky for me to judge the efficiency of this or that apart from Cialis. I had indeed suffered from psychological (and maybe a little physical) ED for years before Peyronies Disease; then ED worsened (no night erections anymore, etc.), and 4 months later pain started and Peyronies Disease was diagnosed. Then, in a few months, Cialis and nofap gave me back night erections and even strong (albeit still painful) erections during sex. But I really don't know how it would go without Cialis, and I don't intend to experiment a stop, as this is one of the first-class daily oral treatment we should take  ;D.

That said, I definitly assume as logical that at the very least tanacetum annuum (and probably others) could reinforce erections for at least a little time after it has been applied: the "blood flow promoting" properties of this oil are not usurpated, as instantly visible when you apply it. But I won't risk any assertions or dubious scientific reasoning ^^!!
- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)

pey ron

are you sure none of these are estrogenic/anti-androgenic?
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That's a very good question Pey Ron; I asked myself the same thing at the beginning. So I did deeper researches, and asked my uros about the feature of these oils:

- Tanacetum annuum: cortison-like
- Frankincense: cortison-like
- Curcuma: neurotoxic
- Emu: maybe anti-DHT-like

--> All my uros told me there was no problem applying this to your junk. What actually still bothers me, is the helichrysum question: this EO is said and proven to have huge benefits on skin regeneration, but greatly promotes collagen production (great research, but in French: ; I also read here someone who mentioned a 2001 study I cannot find; see: Fasting / Healthy eating - Peyronies Society Forums).

So I'm still hesitating wheter incorporating to my mix or not... I think I'll go for it. What do you think guys ?
- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


Great list of EO and VO's Gabriel. I use Young Living essential oils for over 8 years and highly recommend them.(not cheap but one of purest organic oils out there) The only oil I started using for massage and masturbation is Castor Oil, but now that I've read more on EO's, I will try some along with a VED I am purchasing soon.

Thank you for posting your recipes.


Hey Prodigy,

Thanks a lot for your post and your advice!!

Castor oil is indeed one of my favourites, absolutely perfect for masturbation (not too often!), ointment, and lubrification of the VED!

Since I'm here, a little update on my situation: pain in erection is still decreasing, with ups and downs, but globally decreasing all the same. I can't tell what how EO, PRP and chance are respectively involved, but I hope things are going to improve so I'm FINALLY out of this acute phase.

Also, my starting of daily potassium bicarbonate coincided with a "down" in pain and general inflammation perception... Anyone had any experience with this substance??
- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


Quote from: Gabriel on August 28, 2018, 07:53:17 AM
Also, my starting of daily potassium bicarbonate coincided with a "down" in pain and general inflammation perception... Anyone had any experience with this substance??

Is this for blood pressure control?, and doesn't it have laxative effects?

I use Sodium Bicarbonate with Apple Cider Vinegar = Sodium Acetate, makes my digestion terrific and seems to give mild pain relief all over  :), I think it helps rid bacterial infections, say SIBO for example.

An interesting take on Sodium is in the below link from which I have quoted this;

One way of looking at those facts is to see that a lack of sodium slows metabolism, lowers carbon dioxide production, and creates inflammation, stress and degeneration. Rephrasing it, sodium stimulates energy metabolism, increases carbon dioxide production, and protects against inflammation and other maladaptive stress reactions.

Salt, energy, metabolic rate, and longevity
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.


Hey Paolo!

Well, actually I'm taking potassium bicarbonate because:
1) I noticed that my pain/inflammation perception was quite down when I drank a lot of bicarbonated mineral water during the day (but concomitance is not causality, and I don't want to end up like the guy who claimed to have cured his Peyronies Disease with mineral water^^... Remember??);
2) So I made some research, and stumbled on these threads (,5071.0.html ; Baking Soda Study - Peyronies Society Forums) with this pertaining study about baking soda;
3) I made some more research about sodium and potassium bicarbonate, and went for potassium as it was said to help with other things that are relevant for me (reduces muscular cramps, enhances weight lifting...).

--> So far, I must say that the concomitance between taking potassium bicarb / maintaining pain on a low level continues. Still, it does not mean that potassium bicarb cures the pain, but I do intend to pursue the experiment for a few weeks (although I'm receiving another PRP/HA shot this afternoon, so it will be hard to attribute some progress to this or that during at least 2 weeks); and I do think some more folks who are in pain should give bicarbs a shot!

Anyway, thanks a lot for your advice and tips Paolo, very relevant as always! I didn't even know about SIBO, and it's true that I do have a quite lame transit for years now... I may try your SB + ACV mix in a little time! And, based on your article, do you advocate sodium bicarbonate more than potassium bicarbonate???

EDIT: sorry I forgot: yes, PB does have a laxative effect if taken on a emptyish stomach; if taken while eating, there's no problem!
- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


Quote from: Gabriel on August 30, 2018, 06:29:09 AM
Hey Paolo!
Anyway, thanks a lot for your advice and tips Paolo, very relevant as always! I didn't even know about SIBO, and it's true that I do have a quite lame transit for years now... I may try your SB + ACV mix in a little time! And, based on your article, do you advocate sodium bicarbonate more than potassium bicarbonate???

Hi Gabriel, no not really advocating SB over PB per se, just interested in reactions of PB that's all.

Of course anyone considering sodium Bicarbonate should consider purchasing a cheap digital blood pressure arm monitor for reading systolic and diastolic pressure, this is generally a good idea anyway so you know what is 'your' normal BP  :)

For anyone concerned about intestinal health then I can recommend enteric coated Oregano oil capsules, one with each meal, very few 'bad' bacteria can live with this in circulation, I use NOW Foods OO as it contains 55% Carvacrol (the magic ingredient), Oregano oil is a fantastic antioxidant by the way  :)

Below are some interesting articles on Oregano oil precifically;
Carvacrol has antimicrobial activity against 25 different periodontopathic bacteria and strains.

Because of its huge anti-bacterial effects I presume at some point I will need to cycle Carvacrol (good idea for most supplements)  :-\

Please update us in a Month or so how you feel supplementing PB is going, thanks.
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.


Wow, very interesting study and facts about oregano! Thanks, Paolo!!

Being half-Italian, I already consume oregano on a weekly basis (love it); but maybe it could be worth increasing the quantity and going for the oil form... But the thing is, I seem to sometimes have strange reactions to so-called good natural products; for instance, I love garlic, and I often put some in my dishes, but 70% of the time I can't properly digest it and end up burping and farting all afternoon or night  ::)... So I guess it's all about personal gut flora?!!

Anyway, yep I'll keep you updated about PB, and might even create a proper topic about it in a few weeks :-)

PS: For some reason, didn't put my mixture yesterday night before going out... CLEARLY saw and felt the difference in terms of inflammation feeling, soreness and hard flaccid!!!
- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


Quote from: Gabriel on August 30, 2018, 06:29:09 AM
Hey Paolo!
Anyway, thanks a lot for your advice and tips Paolo, very relevant as always! I didn't even know about SIBO, and it's true that I do have a quite lame transit for years now... I may try your SB + ACV mix in a little time! And, based on your article, do you advocate sodium bicarbonate more than potassium bicarbonate???

EDIT: sorry I forgot: yes, PB does have a laxative effect if taken on a emptyish stomach; if taken while eating, there's no problem!

Hey Gabriel, I've just started using Coriander (Cilantro) seeds as they are a source of Sodium and Potassium, per 100g that is 35mg Sodium vs 1267mg Potassium, wow  :)
I use a pestle and mortar to grind the seeds, I didn't realise what a powerhouse they are and very nice tasting. They are also very high fibre, the insoluble type so that could work out good for your 'slow' transit.
Paul  :)
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.


Hey Paolo!

Thanks a lot for your post!! Actually, I already eat a LOT of coriander, I LOVE it!! But it's true I only eat leaves and not seeds... Maybe I should try eat!

Besides, I think I actually managed to improve, or even heal, my ancient transit issues (it was actually too fast, sorry I've not been clear). I cut off refined sugars, dairy, ready-to-eat dishes, caffeine and nicotine, followed a LCHF diet, and kept to a minimum level carbs & huge-quantities meal (I love to eat, and have a quite fast metabolism, so I'm kean on having food orgies). I also added chia seeds to most of my meals (excellent for Omega-3, protein and transit regulation), and eat a lot of veggies and fruits.

So far, it seems I have the best intestinal health I ever experienced in my life (I actually didn't think this was the normality). I can feel it's still fragile though, and a tiny deviation (a little alcohol, chocolate cake, etc.) can set me back... But I guess I found my equilibrium (would just like to lose these 2 last kg so I can narcissistically see my abs, but it seems my body found its sweet sport and does not want to lose weight anymore)!
- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


Where did u buy your Tanacetum annuum it expensive everywhere I looked


Hey badknot,

Yes, tanacetum annuum is expansive, anywhere you buy it (I bought it along with the others EO/VO on a famous specialized French website)... BUT it's definitively worth it. I tend to think that, if money is really a problem, you may skip on chamaemelum nobile EO, but you actually can't on tanacetum, which plays a great role in my synergy.

About that, a little update: I've been using my mixture since 2-3 months, and I can confirm I do see a great difference between the days/times I apply it and the day/times I don't (pain and inflammation feeling, penis shape, hard flaccid, confort, sensitivity, etc.). More generally, scar seems to still be softening and deformity seems to stop worsening, but about that I can't judge what belongs to my mixture and what belongs to my monthly PRP shots; I do think my mixture is doing some long-term good though (just a gut feeling).

- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


Would you say that of all of these oils, if I had to pick one to help with hard flaccid, castor oil is the way to go? I want to combine them all but I would literally need to buy about 20 different essential/vegetable oils lol.
Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)


Hey JS,

Yes, the protocol is quite messy actually, but once you've got all the stuff and took the habit, you find it almost handy^^!!

Anyway, no, castor oil alone doesn't do much but pleasingly softening your skin. If you want to get a good part of the benefits of the whole mixture without buying everything, just go for tanacetum annuum + eucalyptus citriodora + emu/castor oil.

This, applied 2 to 3 times per day, should already help a lot with HF!
- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


Thanks a lot Gabriel, I'm going to start with that mixture and then begin slowly adding on until I reach what you yourself apply.
Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)

pey ron

I am surprised no-one is looking into the strong antifibrotic effects of calendula...
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Hey Pey Ron,

Thanks a lot for your suggestion! I never knew about calendula; actually I did'nt know anything about EO prior to Peyronie's!

I just made a few researches about it :
- It does seem to be an efficient anti-inflammatory and anitoxydant:
- But it promotes granulation tissue, which does not seem that good for us (but I'm totally speculating here; the help of someone with medical culture would be appreciated):

--> So, what do you think guys? Would it be worth trying it?

- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


Broage oil is good for creating PGE-1
Maybe there is a cure, topical pge 1, who knows.
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Also evening primrose oil = more PGE-1, interestingly Semen contains a lot of PGE-1, only downside (I think) is PGE-1 has a 'very' short half-life  :-\
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

pey ron

Quote deleted by moderator.
Please read the forum rules.

all i know is that a friend faded a burn scar big time thanks to a folk recipe that included calendula flowers extract... seems like a miracle...
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No doubt Pey Ron, Calendula does seem to have amazing properties!

The thing is, I also came across a study which showed that calendula decreases nitric oxid... Something we don't want!!

But if someone is ready to test, please go ahead :)
- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.

pey ron

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There is NO way that rubbing oil on your penis is ever going to allow the oil to go through the skin, past blood vessels and capillaries, and into the tunica where the plaque is.  It is non-scientific mumbo-jumbo.  Even if you mixed it with DMSO it would not unless it had a molecular weight within a certain range.  Even if you injected it there is zero evidence that any kind of oil attacks or overcomes scar tissue (external on the Tunica).  

Either this does nothing or the messaging has some minimal effect.  If so, then you would be just as well off messaging butter, KY jelly, or water on your penis.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Water is right on!  Even diminishing a scar on the surface of the skin is only done by increasing moisture.  Medical studies show that Vaseline works as well as any medication or specially formulated cream.  Only product that has more success is silicon gel strips because they can hold the moisture tonthe skin for hours at a time.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Even studies with iontophoresis and Verapamil, with patients prior to surgery where the tunica tissue was tested that the product did not make it through to the tunica.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk, why do you recommend applying Voltaren gel to the penis topically if you claim Verapamil and oils do not penetrate the skin? Voltaren reduces my pain, how is that possible?

Also, Gabriel recommends oils for hard flaccid mainly, and includes links to studies showing increased skin permeability with certain oils. Are you saying you think this is all due to placebo? I have a hard time believing that.
Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)


Voltaren gels molecular weight must be such that it can permeate the it's used on many parts of the body for localized pain reduction.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Ahh ok I see, thanks for the answer!
Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)


My English is not so good so I tried "Essential oils" with Google Translate and they wrote that is some oils used in perfume (essences?)
I don't know if olive oil is essential oil, but if it is, it didn't helped me.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Hey guys!

Sorry if I've not made myself clear in this thread: I am not advocating at all that EO or VO pass the epidermic barrier, or act in such or such way at a chimical level. I'm just relating patient, empirical, objective and concrete experiences I've made with my junk and EO/VO. I'm not claiming anything nor disserting on theoretical stuff I'm not competent on, just telling you that I'm 100% positive that the combination of oils I listed above make my penis feel A LOT better in terms of flaccid pain and hard flaccid, with way more efficiency than just rubbing my sausage with olive oil or water.

How does it work, I don't know, and won't claim so; I can just recommend you give it a shot if you have the same pain/HF issues as me!
- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


I noticed some improvement in pain when I used organic coconut oil. I'm not sure if it was exclusively because of the oil or because of other things I was doing at the same time. I've also been using castor oil for a while but I haven't really noticed any significant improvements from using it.

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Just came across this post about Calendula:

Quote from: Gabriel on November 10, 2018, 01:27:24 PM

I just made a few researches about it :
- It does seem to be an efficient anti-inflammatory and anitoxydant:
- But it promotes granulation tissue, which does not seem that good for us (but I'm totally speculating here; the help of someone with medical culture would be appreciated):

--> So, what do you think guys? Would it be worth trying it?

I think the problem with our cases is that the usual body reactions are incomplete due to the location of the injury.
If the injury/inflammation was dealt with perfectly we would probably end up with tissue very similar to the original one and wouldn't have the bends etc.
QuoteGranulation is part of the natural process and calendula at the site of our peyronies might help..:
Granulation tissue is new connective tissue and microscopic blood vessels that form on the surfaces of a wound during the healing process.[1] Granulation tissue typically grows from the base of a wound and is able to fill wounds of almost any size. Examples of granulation tissue can be seen in pyogenic granulomas and pulp polyps. Its histological appearance is characterized by proliferation of fibroblasts and new thin-walled, delicate capillaries (angiogenesis), infiltrated inflammatory cells in a loose extracellular matrix.
We actually want that instead of the lifeless-masses/plaques. I'm thinking about including calendula in my DMSO regime(link in sig) to prmote such angiogenesis into the plaque.

If this is the same calendula we talk about here then it certainly is able to be transported by DMSO transdermally:

QuoteMolecular Weight:   

442.7 g/mol
Daily Transdermals and Traction/VED solved my Peyronies Disease,12587.0.html (DMSO+X)


Some time has passed and I am wondering how the OP has done with reducing placks, restoring size and shape etc.  Any progress you you like to report.  Or anyone who has tried his suggestions with Essential oils care to chime in with a report?

pey ron

@Hawk: essential oils are not oils. They are closer to paint thinners. They are closer to DMSO. They'll get in deep layers very aggressively.

Anybody's got anything to report regarding their experiences with calendula?
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Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Boswellia serrata Extracts: An In Vitro Study on Porcine Aortic Endothelial Cells
also note the potentially proliferative extracts
Essential Oils and Their Constituents as Anticancer Agents: A Mechanistic View
Boswellia sacra essential oil induces tumor cell-specific apoptosis and suppresses tumor aggressiveness in cultured human breast cancer cells
Anticancer Properties of Essential Oils and Other Natural Products
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


essential oils certainly very interesting. look up invasomes which incorporate terpenes to enhance transdermal vesicle efficiency.
Age 57, Onset 2010, 2" shortening, shrinking and angulation of glans, weaker erections, 30 degree bend. Mild pain few months, but far from worst symptom. Tried many ideas, not just from here, but not consistently. Moderate improvement, maybe 40%


is black castor oil more effective than normal castor oil?
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Idk between the colors but there's castor oil that is heated and one that is cold pressed. the cold pressed tends to be the higher quality one as more good ingredients stay.
I think the almost white one is the heated, it's sold here for drinking and getting stool loose(the shits ;D).
Daily Transdermals and Traction/VED solved my Peyronies Disease,12587.0.html (DMSO+X)


Quote from: melting on January 06, 2020, 05:50:14 AM

I'm thinking about including calendula in my DMSO regime(link in sig) to prmote such angiogenesis into the plaque.

Hey melting,

When you say you're thinking about adding it to your regime...are you still actively applying dmso mix to yourself due to peyronies? Or is this something you're doing after the fact?  I thought I read a post that said you no longer have scar tissue. But I could be wrong
32 yo. Unknown cause. 1st plaque proximal left base near pelvis 9/19. Expanded and shrunk after 8 mo by 50% (still working on it). Minor bend but malleable. 2nd small plaque 5/20 superficial distal right just under tip. Currently growing. No bend.


Thank you so much for sharing your detailed experiment with essential and vegetal oils! It's always great to hear about such in-depth, self-tested formulations. I appreciate the effort you've put into researching and mixing these oils to address your issues. It's fascinating to see how natural remedies can have such a positive impact on different conditions.

I'm curious about how the different vegetable oils you've mentioned—like Emu and Castor oils—affect the skin's healing and the absorption of the essential oils. Have you found that switching them up daily gives your skin a better chance to adapt, or do you feel like consistency with one oil might yield even better results over time? I also wonder if any of these oils could be helpful for other conditions related to skin repair and inflammation, not just for this particular use.

As for me, I sometimes rely on Cialis, and it works well for me. It's been helpful when needed, and I'm always open to exploring natural remedies like the ones you mentioned. Your experiment with essential oils is really inspiring, and I might look into incorporating them into my routine as well. Thanks again for sharing!
I order the highest quality Cialis from this pharmacy -, with always fast delivery.


Hello all, yes was lied to by 3 sequential visits with urologists, did ask the visit with the seasoned veteran do not lie to me, quote I can't treat this but my friend in Danville pa can with a injection. This is the lie how do I know at the time morning time brought a severely bent chubby, unination was little more then a drizzle. Stated searching 5 years after my heart valve replacement and retirement. We are all different, i will tell you my penis is back to very near normal, my problem after all the lies from professionals took me to google the search I hate and cannot ever trust..... one med I was on for my blood pressure was clogging up all the blood vessels in my penis.... Metoprolol twice a day. Went to family Dr. and asked or demanded to be removed from the metoprolol, gave me lisinopril 4 to 6 weeks and my penis has returned. Almost 100 % hope if you know there is nothing wrong with your search what you are ingesting especially if from a lying Dr. Currently have performed search side effects for lisinopril nothing serious like will cause penis to shrivel up... had to share my discovery as I started to search for all the wasted treatments for Peronis issues, i knew something was not right with my health and lies were the offered treatment, be well all
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I found this study: with antioxidant that make the plague desapear
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