Water fasting.

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Personally I think the only relevant criteria is days without calories, re fasting.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]

pey ron

@Christopher1: skin tags fall off?

I recently notices that two flat moles i have had since forever have faded or actually disappeared. Could it be because of the fasting? I actually loved those two moles, though :(

I wish some photodamage (can't remember the proper name for it, but it looks like freckles) I got on my shoulders would also disappear...
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pey ron

BTW, from Wikipedia, Angus Barbieri died at the young age of 51. Not very encouraging.
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This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Yes - I had 3 moles disappear. Takes a lot of time though. Also a couple of small liver spots.
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


Hello guys,

Sorry I've been totally away from the forum for professionnal and familial reasons!

Just a little update here before a big post about all this I'm going to make in the next weeks: I'm on day 2 of a 4 days dry fast (+ 1 snake juice day before), and will update the results. So far, and contrary to my previous snake juice fast, I litterally feel like crap XD. And yet I consider to be at least a semi-experienced faster (IF everyday for years, multiple 2-3 days water fasts, one 36h dry fast, one 10 days water fast)... But right now I really feel like a bag full of dead things, and don't know if I'll even be able to go out do the few stuff I have to do today (going to the post office, etc.). Christopher, man, do you consider this physical/mental immense weakness to be normal and not alarming?? (PS: guys, that said, I've spent dozens of hours of research on dry fast, so I know what I'm doing as possible as it is and won't push too far if I really don't feel it).

@Snaffu: I was totally delighted to read your results man, big congratulations to you. Hopefully you can put on some fat and renew the experiment towards a full healing. I wish so!

@iamnotiam: It's also very cool to see that you got some improvements via fasting. This accumulation of anecdotes is important to us, so we can encourage other folks to try this and report their improvements or lack thereof. Personnally, I would totally say that there is a link, yet mysterious, with Peyronies Disease and CPPS (like I've ended up believing that there is a link with Peyronies Disease and every weird symptoms in your body, especially in the pelvic/gastric area). I too am still struggling with CPPS, although I cured a great lot of it with cutting off coffee, masturbation and carbs (keto diet/IF). I highly suspect a muscular component, which would also explain why you can't ejaculate in the morning (smooth muscle around the bladder/prostate that does not contract/retract properly, especially after sleep time). I think Dr Berg has a few videos on that on Youtube; check "Berg bladder" or "berg prostate".

Cheers men,


PS: Did someone had any news from JS??? I haven't heard of him since centuries, and he doesn't answer to PM; I hope he's ok!!

- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


You need to build your way up to it. Start with 1 day.

You are not keto adapted.
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


Hey Christopher,

Haha yes I'm on keto since january, so I'm totally keto-adapted!

What I think explains I struggle so much compared to what it should be with regard to my experience, is that on day 1 (snake juice) and overall day 2 (dry), I did make a LOT of work, both physicial and intellectual, along very long days. It felt totally good on these days, but I think it prematurely crashed my level of electrolytes, whereas I should have gently stayed at home at least from the first dry day.

I thought last night would help a bit recover a little bodily function, but... no, I still feel like crap lol, not worse than yesterday though. I'm a little disappointed because I have not experienced the strange/cool symptoms I had from day  7 of my water fast, when I felt like tingling in my dick and saw my inflammation and pain totally plummet soon after. Maybe that will come today or tonight...

Anyway I plan on re-hydrating tomorrow morning and refeeding the day after tomorrow, which will make 3,5 days of dry fasting + 2 days of water/electrolytes fast. I would like to continue water fasting for more days, but I really can't with work and its social aspects I have to endure in the next weeks. I'll make you guys an update in a specific topic!

- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


I'd say listen to your body and adjust the fast to both how you feel and your lifestyle.

If your body cannot tolerate more days of fasting, then cut the fast. If a social or work function requires you to eat, just go with it. Don't make it so hard on yourself. Just play with it. I find myself switching back and forth from Snake Juice fasts to dry fasts and just doing what feels right. I like to challenge myself, but not to extremes.

At one point I was doing dry fasts with daily saunas. It felt pretty good, but for whatever reason on day 3 I could not go to sleep at night. No fatigue at all. It bothered me, so I rehydrated and ate. Slept well after. Don't do anything stupid and use common sense.
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


Hey Christopher,

Thanks for your advice: I totally agree with you, and think the same. I do tend to want to stick to my fasting plan no matter what, because it's been exactly two years since this pain/shrinking curse began, without any treatment really working whatsoever, apart from this 10 day water fast which temporarily erased my pain, and I desperately want to stop this crap ASAP... But you're right, and I told myself the same thing: I'm going to re-hydrate tomorrow morning and not wait 1 more day.

Fun fact I will develop in my future dry fast thread: taking long and cold showers help A GREAT LOT, like it litterally brings you back from the deads for 1-2 hours... I thought this "your body becomes a sponge on dry fast" was BS, but it does seem to be that way (like when I get out, I'm dry in two swift movements of towel, instead of having to rub myself as usual!).

Anyway, I'll keep you up to date guys.

- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


Yeah - so there are people that advocate avoiding all water contact, including brushing your teeth and showers etc.

I cannot do that with my job. Cannot really comment on that. I did do the dry fasts with the saunas. Not sure if it really did anything. Most of the best benefits I experienced - personally - have been from the longest fasts (whether they are with Snake Juice or dry).
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


Did 2 fasts now with a few weeks in between. Both only 48 hours. First one I did 24 hour dry, 24 hours water only. This seemed to work okay (if I remember correctly) with some ups and downs in energy. I just stopped it because I thought it was long for the first try. The one I finished now, I used snake juice for 48 hours. Somehow I was constantly hungry, also couldn't sleep well and had muscle spasms. My body did not like it generally. But food felt so good afterwards lol. I assume its normal, but Im not sure if snake juice was really helping compared to plain water.

Will report peyronies changes if any soon.
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From my experience, the more spasms and struggles you have with fasting or keto, the more you NEED to do it. That just shows how dependent your body was on glucose.


Probably true, have been eating more rice lately. Also maybe another mistake, I worked out earlier on the day I started fasting. I guess it made my body crave food even more.
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I actually sort of agree with NeoV on his last statement.

In the hospital we see something called diabetic ketoacidosis. Most physicians really worry about the anion gap that is created by the ketoacidosis. I don't at all. By putting diabetics on insulin drips, the anion gap closes and the ketoacidosis disappears. But inherently ketoacidosis isn't all that dangerous. The body can do quite well in an acidic environment as the kidneys adapt. Also - ketones can be therapeutic and have been correlated with fewer seizures in epileptics.

In diabetics, however, who are so incredibly insulin resistant, the burden of ketones makes the diabetic feel incredibly sick. Of course, the state of glucose toxicity and dehydration adds to this. But the real problem in DKA is the glucose toxicity, dehydration, and the decrease in total body potassium (which can kill you). Not the ketoacidosis, in my opinion.

Anyway - rant over. Point is - ketones can make you feel crappy  if you aren't used to them. Like in the case of poorly controlled diabetes.
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


Well, nutritional ketosis is very healthy and normal, ketoacidosis is very bad.  


Has anyone tried fasting to the degree of JS1991? It seems he's MIA, like everyone else who finds a therapy that works.

I'm at 1 year, four months now and I'm wondering if it's even worth bothering. I'd like to have some of my scars shrink like his did. I have a couple dents that are affecting my girth.  


@Christopher & NeoV - Thanks for the input, will think about it next time.
My stomach has been acting up after my re-feed, for the next time it probably makes sense to first eat very low-carb and increase fasting time over time and a better re-feed strategy. I think it is also possible I react badly to the stuff that goes into snake juice, not sure.

@ConcernedandWorried - I cannot answer your question, but I believe that if people would completely solve their issue, they would come back and say something about it. It is possible that it helps, but dry fasting for multiple days can be demand a lot from your organs.
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He did water fasting for 50 days on-and-off. Claimed it made one of his scars almost disappear.  


Has anyone tried fasting to the degree of JS1991?

Yes. Me - lol.
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


Hey guys,

Yes Johnny, re-feeding is very, very tricky, even more than we are usually told! After a lot of experiments (I did around seven 48h snake juice fasts, five 72h, three 5 days and one 10 days + one 3,5 days dry), I found that even if you're full keto like me, you do NOT want to consume fat the first day, and even the second one.

What works best for me is bone broth/miso soup --> blended zucchini --> well-cooked veggies --> lean protein --> fatty protein --> regular keto diet. The whole process can take 1 to 3 days depending on how long your fast was. But it's the only way you won't feel like total crap after breaking it ^^!!
- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


Any improvements in Peyronies Disease after your fasting sessions?
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


Nope, just a total but unfortunately temporary relief in pain/inflammation after my 10 days fast...
- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


For the record, my symptoms are less and curvature reduced after over two weeks OMAD (one meal a day meaning a daily 23 hour fast every day). This is coming off two years straight of regular keto, which DID help massively. But I am getting more results with daily fasting.

I think fasting with keto plus the physical therapies is truly miraculous when used together.


Hey neov i sent you pm can you answer please, thank you!
29 years old with injury induced Peyronies Disease - 7 years ago
Straight erections but easy to lose and hard to fill with soft glans
No morning erections
been depressed but not anymore
The biggest problem with my Peyronies Disease is loss of sexual desire.


Hey guys,

Just so you know: day 5 of an intended 15 days water fast: total disappearing of the pain and inflammation this morning  ;D ;D ;D... The human body is an absolutely fantastic thing. I wouldn't have believed it if it wasn't the second time I experienced that!!! I don't get overenthusiastic though, because as you know I already felt this relief (2 times in 2+ years, that's little...) and then the pain came back in a few days when I refed. I'll see if, this time, a "very long" 15 days fast (though most anecdotal evidence seem to relate to 21-30 days fast for curing hard conditions) might be enough to definitely kill the inflammation and really get me out of the acute phase.

Will keep you up to date ;-),

- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


Although I do not myself suffer from Peyronies Disease, this excellent thread has prompted me to register and write a comment. I must say that I am impressed by the generally very high level of discussion, civility, intellectual curiosity and, above all, the positive spirit and indeed pesonal heroism that can be found in this forum. All this is in evidence here, despite the pain and loss of confidence which this nasty disease confronts those who suffer from it with. Thus, I count myself extremely fortunate to have come across this forum and especially this thread, in which nobel prize winning research has been referenced, discussed and put to the test in practice.

As a sufferer of Lichen Sclerosus, I am curious to see whether fasting may have a positive impact in the longer run on the progression of the disease that I was - at long last - diagnosed with about 1.5 years ago. As Peyronies Disease (please correct me if I am wrong), LS is officially deemed incurable at this point in time, the causes are "not yet fully understood"; those affected are recommended to apply cortisone locally or undergo circumcision. In recent years, a few doctors have started working with and offering PRP treatments. Like the skeptics in this forum, I do not understand what makes it so difficult for those who market such services to go and talk to their succesful cases and present a series of convincing "before & after" photos. As a matter of fact, I have yet to see such a collection of photos, and until this happens, I tend to remain doubtful of this approach, especially since relatively frequent repetition is required, and there are question marks IMHO about nerve damage and micro scarring, as well as the odds of having to deal with an infection over the course of many years of a hypothetical PRP treatment "career".

Intuitively, I am tempted to say that even if this partiuclar aspect of my health will not benefit from fasting, I have very little doubt that my system as a whole will greatly profit from the experience that I understand was an everyday occurrence during the lives of our ancestors thousands and indeed tens of thousands of years ago. Our body is hardwired to go through periods of food shortage and indeed, as the research seems to point out, it requires such periods to function optimally. Though this may of course be a pure coincidence, when looking at photos of male LS sufferers online, it struck me that most seemed to have a nice layer of fat around their wasteline or lower digestive tract. This is also the reality in my case, even though most people would say I am very slim and tall and have nothing to worry about. As a matter of fact, there is a stubborn fat depot in my stomach and bowel area that tends to grow very fast if I do not strictly control my appetite and which concerns me beyond purely cosmetical considerations. My LS developed over many years during which my waistline reached a historic maximum also due to work-related stress. Though I never came across as fat, those who knew me must have been well aware that I could have shed well in excess of five kilos at that time.

Fat and especially belly fat is known to promote inflammatory conditions in the system as a whole, and though I understand that men above 35 years of age tend to have a harder time getting rid of it, I am now becoming much more self-critical in this regard than ever. I have noticed that my mouth and my bowels are communicating different messages: The former can never get enough, especially of pasta, bread and sugar (all of which I have cut out of my diet since about one year), the latter, meanwhile, signals that it is full most of the time. While I do not quite understand what this means, I hope that fasting can help me get a better sense of these perceptions. Speaking of fat and inflammation, a couple of days ago, I came across several website that look into a phenomenon dubbed NICO (acronym) by certain dental specialists - a condition whereby the jawbone locally degenerates into a less solid and fatty mass, which those who subscribe to this theory say acts as a(n often silent) potentially far-reaching source of inflammation in the body. I am planning to look into this later this year and see whether I, too, am affected by this.

Finally, as someone who is trying to take a radical 360 degree perspective in regard to the matter in hand, I have zoomed in on the subject of electrosmog and wondered whether there could be a (common) connection to the illnesses which we are suffering from. Like in other autoimmune diseases, oxidative stress seems to play in the etiology of LS. Electrosmog, including high-frequency electromagnetic radiation below the thermal threshold, has been shown to cause (increased levels of) oxidative cell stress, mutagenic changes and programmed cell death, among many other things, including high blood pressure and behavioural changes. Research into this field and the effects of radar dates at least as far back as the early 1960s and has been commissioned by the US military, NASA and the Soviets, inter alia. The claim frequently made by the industry that the effects of (non-thermal) high frequency electromagnetic radiation are "not understood" and that more research is needed, looks increasingly fragile in light of the considerable and growing body of data and literature that suggests otherwise.
Microwave radiation emitted by mobile phones, cell phone masts, wi-fi has literally exploded over the last 25 years or so. In places where we would have received readings as low as 0.05 volt or less per meter, it is now not uncommon to get readings ten or even a hundred times higher. In select neighbourhoods where previously only the air traffic control radar used to be the sole source of constant microwave radiation there are now dozens of sources impacting each inhabitant 24/7. In "A New Era of Chronic Disease in America and what's behind it" (2017), Prof. Richard Lear outlines how the indicence of dozens and especially 1) inflammatory, 2) auto-immune, 3) metabolic and 4) neurological diseases has ratcheted up in the US between 1990 and 2015. Electrosmog is one of the factors he considers as a possible if not likely external cause, alongside dietary variables (corn fructose syrup) and pesticides. The systemic factor within the body seems to be rather uncontroversial according to Lear and can be traced to the presence of a molecule named peroxynitride, which "operates at the heart of more than forty fast-growing chronic diseases and conditions in the US. This fast-acting anion creates more than 130 biochemical disruptions in vivo...".

To cut a long story short, for obvious reasons, I have switched off my wi-fi at home in favour of a cable connection and I am trying to keep my mobile phone in flight mode as often as possible or, when this is not feasible, place it in a reasonably safe distance.

To conclude, I hope this post will not be deleted or otherwise sanctioned because of its speculative digression into a different field of interest of mine in the last paragraph or due to the fact that I am not affected by Peyronies Disease.
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Hey guys,

Questionmark, that was hell of a message. At first, I thought "oh, this is way to long and probably boring, I don't have time", but, actually, this is fascinating and I think you're 100% right. I have much, much to say; little time this week, so I'll answer later, but welcome among us man!

I just wanted to do a very quick update on my 15 day water (+sodium/potassium/magnesium salts) fast:
- In general: no problem whatsoever, could have gone much longer if I hadn't so many professional and logistical obligations, fasting is definitly safe and easy with a keto background and a little research (and I was already lean when starting, around 13% BF).

- Day 1-3: surprinsingly tired, weak and depressed, whereas I usually function in a total normal manner and feel great during these firsts days (already made plenty of 3-days and 5-days fasts); I even thought to abandon the project. I can't exactly and scientifically explain this physical and psychological distress; I suspect the cheese-binging at the end of the holidays the week before, which was the only time in 6+ months I authorized myself cheese, which I absolutely love but wreaks havoc on my metabolism. Lost 2,5 kgs (!!!).

- Days 4-5: almost immediately better, literaly overnight. Woke up the morning, was expecting to be almost dying then, but felt actually fine, clear, energized, eficient and ready to go. Lost around 600g in two days.

- Days 5-6: inflammation and pain disappeared 90%-95%, overnight too. I think it was on the day 5 morning. Did exactly as it did for my previous 10-days fast (see upper in this thread). Firsts normal-feeling, painless, naturel, F^@$!ng not unbearable erection in 2+ years except from my previous long fast. Began to lose approx. 200-300g/day

- Days 6 - 15: nothing to report, feeling perfectly fine 80% of the time, with some 20% little physical and psychological downs that would not last more than 2 hours and were easily resolved by laying down and close the eyes. No hunger at all, no food fantasy. Some very funny random sharp and cramping pains in my stomach/gut (a sensitive area for me from years), day or night, that would pass very quick and let my belly feeling like brand new. Also some random evacuation of semi-liquid small stools, with the same positive feeling after; hard to explain, but funny and kinda satisfying; feeling like something necessary and salutary is happening. Penis still totally pain and inflammation-free. Skin absolutely amazing, like I've never seen before, even with 5 days fast. It was like I was 23-24 again (I'm 32); my small wrinkles around the eyes almost disappeared, my tone was like a baby's, pores very tight, etc. etc.

--> On the little down side: quite poor sleep (but always had issues, it was just a little worth and I compensated with naps), terrible boredom (you're able to work on the computer 4-6 hours a day, but don't expect to work out, do long walks, have a drink with anyone, let alone a dinner^^, or do any kind of mental or physical demanding activity); no progress in deformation, no filling of the hourglass whatsoever.

--> I'm now on day 2 of refeeding (very clean keto), making it VERY cautiously and progressively (plain liquid easy veggies, then lean liquid protein like fish soup, then solids, then finally fats), in order to try to avoid the inflammation come-back I had after my last long fast from binging on inflammatory food I didn't know to be so (nuts!! F^@$!ng nuts!!!). Inflammation still down, but I do feel it's not like the core problem has been sold: I can still feel the scar tissue pulling at the center of my penis, ready to hurt. Wait and see!!

Cheers guys,

- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


What's up boys, back from a long break. I have a ton of unread messages and I need to catch up on forum posts, but I just want to say I'm glad you guys hopped on the fasting train. It completely transformed my life! Will be responding to messages and posting all night.

I will say this: dry fasting is definitely more powerful, but you have to be very careful. For the record, my longest water fast was 18 days, and my longest dry fast was 9 days "hard" dry, meaning I also did not have water contact; no shower, no brushing teeth, no washing hands. Nothing. When I was done my inflamed gums were completely cured, and my hair was the softest it had ever been. I regained sensitivity in the head of my penis which was a symptom from hard flaccid as well. Speaking of hard flaccid, that is my #1 struggle at this point. I feel like I have such good control over my Peyronie's with fasting that I am focusing on decimating hard flaccid. It is very hard because my gains I make from fasting are reversed if I begin edging or have an orgasm after I dry fast. I actually smoked weed and edged during a dry fast once and it made my hard flaccid 10x worse. It's been like a roller coastser. That being said, my inflammation is PERMANENTLY (even after refeeding on a crap american diet for weeks straight) down 80%, I have no dents left, and the formerly rugged feeling scar tissue diffused throughout my penis is now smoothed out, for the most part. I've literally replaced scar tissue with healthy tissue, it's insane. I do still have scar tissue left though, but nothing else has healed me like fasting has. I feel like I've proved all of my theories correct over the last 6 months. The least progress I've made, personally, is in my hourglassing, although I've seen some small improvement there. I feel like it will take VED to fully rid myself of that and get back to pre-peyronie's status, but I want to completely rid myself of hard flaccid before I begin VED. Which, as I said, is my biggest struggle. I feel like an expert at fasting, so if anyone has any questions feel free to ask. Also, soft dry fasting is what I've been doing myself, since hard dry fasts are so hard to do.

Something important I think I should note: If you're fasting do not take Pentox or Cialis; you'll give yourself a stomach ulcer and possibly F~@< yourself up in other ways. Good luck everyone!

Oh yea, and shoutout to NeoV who just posted a video on fasting to his YouTube channel. I've been a huge fan of his since day one. I got the alert on my phone that he had posted the video, and that is what inspired me to come back and post. I'll be sticking around for the foreseeable future.

Edit: Also wanted to mention that the 4 herniated discs in my lower back no longer affect me AT ALL since dry fasting. It's f*cking amazing. My knees, shoulders and elbows have seen ridiculous improvement as well. And wanted to mention that during extended fasts you should be ABSTAINING and not using your penis, and this includes for the first 2 ish days after breaking fast.

Edit 2: Refeeding is a science and needs to be done properly. Refeeding syndrome can be deadly, specifically after a dry fast. I will note that I eat a crap american diet during my refeeds, for the most part. In terms of acidic environment created in the body during a dry fast, the last thing I put in my body before beginning a long dry fast is 1 tsp baking soda in water; when breaking it, I break with the same. You need to alkalize the body. The one time I didn't do this (after a 6 day hard dry fast) I had kidney pain. Dry fasting is very aggressive, you don't want to give yourself kidney stones. When you're water fasting and drinking snake juice I will literally refeed how I want. When breaking after a dry fast, after the baking soda/water, (which I drink very slowly over an hour or two), I progress to coconut water which is loaded with potassium. Then I move to fruit as my first solid food, then I move to lean protein, then lastly, carbs. Lastly, in my opinion, a 10-18 day hard dry fast might completely rid me of hard flaccid, and will definitely do the best healing to scar tissue. Duration of fast is key, specifically every day past day 3 is money in the bank. Which is why I'm shooting for 11 day soft dry as a test (hard dry is too difficult to do and lead a normal life; I need to shower and brush my teeth lol). You have to have the fat on your body in order to do it, which I do. As you've all seen, I have no problem pushing the limits and being the guinea pig/pioneering this sh*t, so not to worry, I will have reports to give next month.

Edit 3: also wanted to mention that I love the way I feel when fasting. I get a feeling of calm, along with an odd mental clarity that I enjoy. It's also kind of spiritual in a sense. On top of that, we get the effect of collaterally making ourselves healthier while trying to heal Peyronie's. I'm 100% content with fasting as my main tool to beat this disease. As Neo said in his recent video, we're getting at the root cause. That's why I do extended aggressive dry fasts; I want to knock this thing out as fast as possible.

A quick story as well: I once broke an 8 day soft dry fast way too quickly, and got to a point where everything I put in my body was coming straight back out as diarrhea. Diarrhea will quickly deplete you of electrolytes. And the more I tried to replenish, the faster it would come out. I ended up having to just settle feeling like crap and take baby sips over the course of 6-8 hours just to get what I could in my body. I've also had a situation where I drank too much coconut water and was experiencing mild hyperkalemia. The moral is, don't be dumb. If you do a dry fast, refeed properly. If water fasting with snake juice, it's not as important, as the body is used to electrolytes and this makes it way harder to go into refeeding syndrome.

Sorry for the unorganized post... I have a lot of info to get out and I'm editing it all in as I remember it. It's a bit disorganized, I know.
Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)


Adding a bit of magnesium to your snake juice - if water fasting - is also a nice idea. And cardioprotective.

Some small rocks of Epsom salts will do. To taste.
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


Hi everybody,

I start water fasting since 24h and I have some questions.
Usually, I talk with JS1991 in mp, but it's really difficult to join him. His inbox is always full. (JS, do you can send me your email adress please?)

Snake juice = I take 1 teaspoon baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon potassium chloride mixed per 1 liter of good water (not from the tap) and drink about two of them a day (2 liters mixed snake juice) every day while fasting.
1) I take snake juice just for the dry fasting or for the water fasting too?
2) Potassium chloride is just normal salt? If not, what I must to buy? Where? What texture: solid or liquid?
3) Why I can't masturbate me during fasting?
4) Others importants things I must to know to do safety fasting?
5) Do you are agree with that? : "autophagy may be helpful in the early acute phase of a fibrotic disease (by inihibiting fibrotic tissue from spreading further), but it may not help at all or it could even worsen the problem if it's already chronic".

Thank you!
28 years old
General fibrosis through much of my penis made worse by an injection.
My only treatments so far are Pentox 400mg for many months with no improvement.

My introduction:


I have interrupted approximately 36 hours of fasting.
I don't feel really good.
I read it's dangerous to do that, it's true?

I wanted to accostum my body. I do slowly and gradually before the REAL and LONG water fasting. It's just a preamble.
But I don't sure I do the good things.
I really feel bad.
28 years old
General fibrosis through much of my penis made worse by an injection.
My only treatments so far are Pentox 400mg for many months with no improvement.

My introduction:


Feel bad how? Describe it.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


I think it's ok now, but is dangerous to interrupt fasting before ketosis?

I don't sure I understand correctly this story of JS1991 (page 2):

So I made it 25 hours fasted and then I accidentally ate 2 of those little gummie snacks that come in the little fruit snack packs before I caught myself and literally spit it out. I'm extremely mad but it has to have been under 50 calories consumed. Can anyone with experience with any form of fasting tell me how big of a setback that was? I'm just going to continue the fast as if nothing happened, but I was expecting keto flu at exactly 30-36 hours so this throws my timing off a bit. At least it was just gelatin and a little bit of sugar; no carbs. It's crazy how second-nature it was for me to just pop 2 of those little things in my mouth. I'm going to have to be more careful going forward. Aside from that I felt absolutely fine the entire fast and I still feel great. I slept great and didn't have any issues with my ulcer as the cayenne pepper completely numbs the GI tract.

I want to take this moment to add a warning though: if you are eating at a caloric deficit, you can and will starve. This is possible because your body is still in a mode where it gets its nutrients from what you put in your stomach. Fasting only works if you allow your body to switch into fasted ketosis, and have enough fat on you to fuel the fast. This way, your body gets everything it needs from your fat (including nutrients). My accidental break of the fast was dangerous in that if I continue doing it, I will essentially be starving myself. So be careful! In fact, if you are going to fast, go watch all of the videos you need to from the Snake Diet channel so that you can do this safely. I also advise joining their facebook group and potentially getting a guide to help you through the process if you decide to go through with it. I probably will do that myself sooner or later. Also, before I forget, my mantra for this fasting regimen is LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! I will stop it immediately if I feel ill, refeed, then go back into the fast when I feel better.

Bubba, in my opinion fasting cleans your body up, it does not turn it upside down. There's a science behind it and it must be done right to avert issues but if done right it is the best healing you can get in my opinion. I completely understand your skepticism and I hope I can eventually help you understand how it works as time goes on. Given that you just had a lot of medical issues, I even feel as though fasting can really help you heal up, but also given those issues, it would be inadvisable to start fasting unless you know exactly what you were doing. Do what is right for you, but I ask you to keep an open mind my friend!

Edit: Tragedy averted! I got slight indigestion so I cut out the snake juice (contains baking soda which raises stomach PH levels) and gave my stomach a few hours to spit out some acid and digest the 2 gummy bears, then I reintroduced the snake juice and my stomach is back to normal now. Hopefully that only took a few hours off my fast before I hit ketosis, we'll see! Thank god I do intense research before trying anything.

Edit 2: I forgot to mention that I've been vaping a ton of weed via oil pens and dabs throughout the entire fast. Too much to be honest; this can be done, but it is not ideal. I just don't want to have to deal with the crankiness and lack of sleep that comes with marijuana withdrawal at the same time as keto flu, so I'm going wait until I'm adjusted before I quit. Your body cycles stuff out very quickly while in a fasted state, so it shouldn't last very long. I know that a lot of people read this thread, and some smoke weed (I get a lot of PMs), so this advice is for you!

Someone can explain to me please?
28 years old
General fibrosis through much of my penis made worse by an injection.
My only treatments so far are Pentox 400mg for many months with no improvement.

My introduction:


There's no harm in breaking a fast, in fact intermittent fasting (with water) can be quite healthy overall.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Ok thank you, i was not sure.

But can you do a little list of dangerous things I can't do during fasting please? For water (and also dry) fasting.  
28 years old
General fibrosis through much of my penis made worse by an injection.
My only treatments so far are Pentox 400mg for many months with no improvement.

My introduction:


My only warning is ALWAYS drink water...all medical research supports that and there's plenty out there on fasting and IF.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Snake juice is just for dry fasting or water fasting too?

But... snake juice contain water no? So, it's not dangerous if I drink just that, no?
28 years old
General fibrosis through much of my penis made worse by an injection.
My only treatments so far are Pentox 400mg for many months with no improvement.

My introduction:


I hope it includes enough water to stay hydrated, but just sounds like someone's fad.

There's a keto kamp website that offers free videos on keto and intermittent fasting.  I like that he references his sources for information.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


I'm very bad in English. I translate text with Google translate.
Videos are too difficult for me.

Maybe a member here could be my coach to help me to increase efficiency and safety, and ask to my question by email or facebook? It's more quick to get a answer.

You, TonySa (or Skunkworks or others members), do you have seen any improvement of your fibrosis with water fasting?
28 years old
General fibrosis through much of my penis made worse by an injection.
My only treatments so far are Pentox 400mg for many months with no improvement.

My introduction:


My issue is blood is not flowing into the penis and spongiousm with enough pressure so my penis is plump.  Mu penis is like a balloon with no air in it only the cover is there nothing inside.  I believe this starts at the perineum and behind the testicles and goes into to the penis shaft something is not putting the correct blood pressure in there to make it plump.  Do you think fasting can help this?  I just finished another 24 hours of dry fasting will do another day of dry fasting then try water only fast until 2/1/2020.  Basically the blood flow is not entering my penis shaft and spongiousm with enough pressure so penis is deflated and spongiousum is very soft when erect.  I think the area behind the testicles and maybe in perineum is where the issue starts from.  
42 male
main symptoms are hollow feeling shaft
scar tissue on corporas shown on ultrasound
Loss of girth, weak flaccid skin sensitive


Has anyone had any success with curing venous leakage from fasting?
42 male
main symptoms are hollow feeling shaft
scar tissue on corporas shown on ultrasound
Loss of girth, weak flaccid skin sensitive


Venous leakage is generally a result of some physical injury. I do not see how fasting could do anything to resolve this.  
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


AlterEgo I think getting your pelvic floor function checked out can help greatly with the problems you're describing. Blood flow issues can be one of many things but mine personally is pelvic floor dysfunction which doesn't allow proper blood flow to and from my penis due to heavy tension at a specific pelvic muscle which lies at the penis base. It's worth doing a consultation with a pelvic floor PT if only to rule that out.  
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I have problem with my pelvic floor too. It cause a hard flaccid.
Do you think fasting can help me with that too?
Do you think pelvic floor therapy can be dangerous? Sidfe effects?
Do you think the electrolyte water on sale in supermarket are good?
28 years old
General fibrosis through much of my penis made worse by an injection.
My only treatments so far are Pentox 400mg for many months with no improvement.

My introduction:


Pelvic floor therapy will definitely help and there's absolutely no side effects. You might feel a little worse after the initial session but it gets better from there. I'm starting yoga several days a week and working heavily on my breathing which I think is essential for getting rid of hard flaccid.

I'm regards to fasting I can only attest to intermittent fasting which I did for a few months. The pain definitely subsided a bit while doing IF, I'm considering starting it up again.  
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Quote from: Wethenorth on January 14, 2020, 10:42:27 PM
AlterEgo I think getting your pelvic floor function checked out can help greatly with the problems you're describing. Blood flow issues can be one of many things but mine personally is pelvic floor dysfunction which doesn't allow proper blood flow to and from my penis due to heavy tension at a specific pelvic muscle which lies at the penis base. It's worth doing a consultation with a pelvic floor PT if only to rule that out.

Thanks I have had pf therapy before because after a secondary injury my pelvic floor was so tight it would hurt so badly I could not site down to drive a car, my anus muscles would spasm for up to 8 hours, when defecating it would feel like defecating shards of glass, and would be bloody and so tight I one time had to manually help the poop out with my fingers (sorry if gross) it was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life by far and lasted about 1 year, and I have had broken bones and went through a glass window!  I figured fasting would help by destroying any damaged cells in the area and then upon re-eating healthy muscle and tissue cells would grow.  I will see a different pf specialist that is not attached to my hmo so maybe I will get better help.  I will discuss the issue of improper blood flow going in and leaving too quickly.  So you guys think the venous leak is from pelvic floor dysfunction especially what I went through before?  I will also do true shockwave therapy (not fake gainswave, gainsave is a sham).  To hopefully grow new blood vessels and that might help.  I want my deflated shaft plump again!  On a side note upon visit to my regular urologist, Upon MRI and a few different ultra sounds there is no indication of penile fracture or abnormalities of penile and perineum structures He said it would be about 2 years before shockwave is ready for a general treatment and it is very hopeful and encouraging treatment to treat ed and possible peyronies.  They are still working out how many shocks to give, at what power and intervals.  I trust his opinion and he regularly attends seminars with the great Dr. Tom Lue from UCSF who knows his stuff and is legit and on the conservative side.  So this is exciting the future of shockwave provides hope but now it is still in experimental phase.  With gratitude, thanks to all for your help and feedback.  I am fighting to get out of this hell just like the rest of you, I am unmarried without kids in my 40's' this took away 20 years of relationships and I want this to end I want a wife and family and shame-free sex!  Just confirming based on my symptoms the majority of you feel pelvic floor therapist would help diagnose venous leak issue?  
42 male
main symptoms are hollow feeling shaft
scar tissue on corporas shown on ultrasound
Loss of girth, weak flaccid skin sensitive


@Wethenorth : Thank you!

@AlterEgo : Be careful with shockwaves therapy. I read it create new little and superficial blood vessels, but can give you penile fibrosis. I don't do that for this reason. I don't want to make my case worst. But if you do that, give us news please.
28 years old
General fibrosis through much of my penis made worse by an injection.
My only treatments so far are Pentox 400mg for many months with no improvement.

My introduction:


Quote from: AlterEgo on January 16, 2020, 05:00:28 AM
Thanks I have had pf therapy before because after a secondary injury my pelvic floor was so tight it would hurt so badly I could not site down to drive a car, my anus muscles would spasm for up to 8 hours, when defecating it would feel like defecating shards of glass, and would be bloody and so tight I one time had to manually help the poop out with my fingers (sorry if gross) it was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life by far and lasted about 1 year, and I have had broken bones and went through a glass window!  I figured fasting would help by destroying any damaged cells in the area and then upon re-eating healthy muscle and tissue cells would grow.  I will see a different pf specialist that is not attached to my hmo so maybe I will get better help.  I will discuss the issue of improper blood flow going in and leaving too quickly.  So you guys think the venous leak is from pelvic floor dysfunction especially what I went through before?  I will also do true shockwave therapy (not fake gainswave, gainsave is a sham).  To hopefully grow new blood vessels and that might help.  I want my deflated shaft plump again!  On a side note upon visit to my regular urologist, Upon MRI and a few different ultra sounds there is no indication of penile fracture or abnormalities of penile and perineum structures He said it would be about 2 years before shockwave is ready for a general treatment and it is very hopeful and encouraging treatment to treat Erectile Dysfunction and possible peyronies.  They are still working out how many shocks to give, at what power and intervals.  I trust his opinion and he regularly attends seminars with the great Dr. Tom Lue from UCSF who knows his stuff and is legit and on the conservative side.  So this is exciting the future of shockwave provides hope but now it is still in experimental phase.  With gratitude, thanks to all for your help and feedback.  I am fighting to get out of this hell just like the rest of you, I am unmarried without kids in my 40's' this took away 20 years of relationships and I want this to end I want a wife and family and shame-free sex!  Just confirming based on my symptoms the majority of you feel pelvic floor therapist would help diagnose venous leak issue?
The penile fibrosis is caused if the shocks given are too high/powerful, so an aware doctor will know not to breach that threshold.  I have personally talked to Dr. who administers shockwaves about this subject.  
42 male
main symptoms are hollow feeling shaft
scar tissue on corporas shown on ultrasound
Loss of girth, weak flaccid skin sensitive


Hey everyone, started a water fast almost 24h ago, planning to have it last 72-120 hours depending on how I manage (it is my first fast of a long series).

Will not be taking any supplements in the meantime, apart from acetyl L carnitine as I would like to keep studying a couple hours per day and it helps with fasting induced fatigue and hunger (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4258024/)

Every day/other day I will try doing some light exercice (yoga, light running, a bit of calisthenics) and going to the sauna for improving blood flow down there + stretching pelvic area every morning and evening (happy baby pose...)

Combined with hyperthermia: several sessions of 30 minutes per day (for a total of up to 2 hours)

Hot shower with gentle unit stretching

No sex/masturbation

So far (not even 24 hours) I have noticed less pain, only felt it once when sitting down for 2 hours in a car.
Also had a very decent spontaneous erection which did not cause any discomfort, which had not happened in a while.

I'll keep updates once a day here, if anything interesting happens I will start a new thread.

Any comments/ideas ?
currently 20yo
curvature started after injury @16yo